Walk Two Moons Notebook

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Writers are avid readers.

Writing is a vocation just like any other that requires those of us

who are brave enough to live the life of a writer to keep up with trends in literature and
analyze the techniques of other writers, so that we can incorporate them into our own
work. Just as a doctor might read medical journals to learn from his peers and keep up on
what his peers in the profession are doing, writers have to keep up on other writers for the
same reasons. Oftentimes students will ask me why we’re covering a certain topic stating
that it should be covered in social studies, science or reading. My answer is always the
same – writing has no boundaries. The reality is that everything is intertwined and
related. There aren’t any strict lines of where one discipline begins and another one ends.
Life isn’t boxed up into neat little 45 minute courses that we use in school, in attempts to
prepare you for the world. With that said, I would like you to approach the reading of this
novel as a writer who is looking for new ideas- tools to use in your own writing.

Walk Two Moons

Match the following vocabulary words with their meanings. After you have read the text,
review again and see if you are still confident in your answers.

Peculiar to pause momentarily

Filly all powerful
Ornery the end
Parched a crazy person
Omnipotent to like or be partial to
Alpha to put together
Omega to hold oneself to a standard they can be proud of
Lunatic unstable/shaky
Trait to temporarily stop or hold in midair
Defensive unpleasant
Fond a characteristic passed down through genes
Tottery the beginning
Assemble protective against a real or imagined threat
Dignified extremely dry
Suspend odd, uncommon

Notes for Chapters 1, 2, & 3

Notes should include parts that stood out to you, parts you can relate to, questions you
have. Notes do not have to be in complete sentences.

Summary for Chapters 1, 2, & 3

Summary should have complete sentences and describe the main points in each chapter.

Questions for Reflection

Answers should be meaningful and justified in depth and written in complete sentences.

The book begins with the quote, “Don’t judge a man until you have walked two moons in
his moccasins.” What do you think this quote means? Explain in detail a situation that
you have experienced, that applies to this situation.

Salmanca uses many metaphors to tell her story. Choose one metaphor and explain what
it means to you. Provide examples from your own life to support your answer.

Salmanca’s story begins with her moving to a new state. How do you think she felt as a
newcomer? Have you ever been in a situation where you were the newcomer? How did
you feel? Are your feelings the same or different from the way Salmanca feels?

Chapters 4, 5, 6, & 7

Discuss the following vocabulary words with a partner. Write what you think the
meanings are beside the word. Once you come across the words in the following
chapters, analyze their context and check to see if the meaning is the same as what you
thought prior to your reading. If it is different, make the necessary changes. If you are not
sure, check your definition in the dictionary.


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