A Modified Control Strategy For Parallel

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A modified control strategy for parallel hybrid electric

vehicles equipped with continuously variable transmission

Mojtaba Delkhosh
Ph.D student, school of mechanical engineering, Sharif University of technology,
Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-9567, Iran, m_delkhosh@mech.sharif.edu

Mahmoud Saadat Foumani*

Associate professor, school of mechanical engineering, Sharif University of
technology, Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-9567, Iran, m_saadat@sharif.ir
Corresponding author, Phone: +982166165534

Farjad Falahati
B.Sc student, school of mechanical engineering, Sharif University of technology,
Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-9567, Iran, falahati@mech.sharif.edu

This paper aims to establish a control strategy for parallel hybrid electric vehicles,
equipped with full-toroidal continuously variable transmission (CVT). First, the
advantages of CVT are elucidated. Afterwards, a modified control strategy on the base
of baseline static control strategy (BCS) is proposed. Employing this strategy, in some
moments the engine operates in its fuel-optimal point to decrease the vehicle fuel
consumption (FC). It is demonstrated that the modifications in BCS are applicable using
a CVT as the power train. In order to investigate the implemented modification, an
optimization on the proposed control strategy and BCS in SC03 driving cycle is
accomplished, and then, the optimized control strategies are compared. It will be
demonstrated that the proposed method is superior to BCS in terms of FC in SC03
driving cycle. Finally, in order to examine the generality of the comparison, the
optimized control strategies are compared in other driving cycles. It is revealed that the
optimized state of the proposed control strategy is advantageous in these cycles.
Key words
Hybrid vehicle, parallel hybrid, control strategy, continuously variable transmission,
driving cycle, fuel consumption

Nomenclature Spin slip coefficient in the input disk

A vehicle frontal area Spout slip coefficient in the output disk

bsfcopt engine optimum bsfc maximum torque of engine

c1 , c 2 constant values in PSO Tin1 TC input torque from ICE

CD aerodynamic drag coefficient Tin 2 TC input torque from MG

minimum power threshold when

FN normal force at the contact point tmin
rolling resistance coefficient of minimum power threshold when
fr toff
the vehicle SOC>LSOC
highest desired value of battery
HSOC Tout TC output torque

k constriction coefficient V i,t the particle velocity

m vehicle mass VL vehicle speed limit

M Sin spin moment on the input disk X i,t particle position at moment t

M Sout spin moment on the output disk X i,t+1 particle position at moment t+1

the teeth number of the gears in

n number of the rollers Z TC

nd speed ratio of final drive ω momentum factor in PSO

PE engine power rotational speed of CVT input disk

ωCVTout rotational speed of CVT output

PEmax maximum power of engine

rotational speed of the TC shaft

Pg,t the global best experience in1
connected to the ICE

rotational speed of the TC shaft
PGmax generator maximum power in 2
connected to the MG

Pi,t personal best experience of the

ωopt engine optimum rpm

Popt engine optimum power out rotational speed of the TC output

Preq required power ωSpin spin speed of input disk

r1,t , r2,t random numbers in PSO ωSpout spin speed of output disk

Rd wheel’s radius d efficiency of final drive

the distance between the

rin rotation axis of input disk and GB efficiency of GB
the contact point
the distance between the
rout rotation axis of output disk and ηrb regenerative braking efficiency
the contact point
SlipLoss power losses of CVT caused by
ηTC efficiency of torque coupler
slip motion
SpinLoss power losses of CVT caused by
 fuel density of fuel
spin motion

batteries as the power source in these

1. Introduction vehicles, researchers have been
investigating other methods. One of these
Subsequent to a decade of research and methods is to use electric motor and
development on optimization of vehicles, internal combustion engine (ICE) in the
researchers are now seeking new vehicle, simultaneously. These vehicles are
techniques to enhance the vehicles’ named as hybrid electric vehicles (HEV).
efficiency and diminish their fuel One of HEV’s main types is parallel one
consumption (FC). Employing an electric (PHEV), in which both motor and ICE
motor as the vehicle power generator, the connect to wheels directly, and the
vehicle emissions are reduced. However, required power is supplied using both [1].
due to insufficient developments of Due to the direct connection between the

ICE and the wheels, it is unlikely to run in efficiency region. They found that this
fuel-optimal rpm [2], [3]. The remedy for control strategy is superior to the control
this deficiency is to use a continuously strategy based on the engine operation in
variable transmission (CVT) as the power its optimal region. Dorri et al. [17]
train. Instead of 4 or 5 speed ratios, CVT introduced a control strategy on the base of
creates continuous speed ratio between the BCS for an HEV equipped with a CVT,
engine and the wheels. Therefore, in case and optimized it. Wu et al. [18] employed
of using CVT, engine revolution is the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm
approximately independent of the vehicle (PSO) to optimize the parameters of the
speed. Therefore, it is allowed to operate in BCS as well as the size of the HEV
its fuel-optimal rpm. Nowadays, the components in order to simultaneously
application of CVT in PHEVs is minimize FC, emissions and also total
extensively conventional [4], [5], [6], [7]. production cost. Long et al. [19]
One of the main concerns on the design implemented a similar study utilizing the
of HEV is the method of power BEES algorithm.
distribution between its power sources. Some studies have been undertaken on
The proper design of the HEV control the FC of the vehicles equipped with CVT.
strategy leads the engine to operate in its Pfiffner et al. [20] introduced a CVT
optimal region and results remarkable control algorithm to achieve the minimum
improvement in the vehicle FC and FC in transient conditions for the case of
emission [8]. One of the main strategies non-hybrid vehicles. Delkhosh et al. [21]
can be used to manage the power simulated a full-toroidal CVT and
distribution is baseline static control calculated its efficiency as a function of its
strategy (BCS) which is currently geometry and operating condition. They
employed in different HEVs such as embedded a fixed ratio mechanism
Toyota Prius [9] and Honda Insight [10]. between CVT and final drive and
In this strategy, some predefined rules are optimized the power train in order to
used to determine the near-optimal power minimize its FC in New European Driving
distribution. Also it attempts to maintain cycle (NEDC). Lee et al. [22] studied the
the battery energy level in the fuel economy of PHEV while using CVT
recommended range. and examined the vehicle FC in the Federal
Numerous studies have been Test Procedure (FTP).
implemented on the optimization of the The present study attempts to introduce
HEV control strategies. Montazeri et al. a control strategy for the PHEV outfitted
[11], [12] optimized PHEV using Genetic with CVT, and optimize it. This strategy is
Algorithm, while the optimization a modified version of BCS. This strategy
objective was to minimize FC and attempts to use the ICE in the point in
emissions. Schouten et al. [13] presented which its brake specific fuel consumption
fuzzy-logic-based energy management and (bsfc) is minimum. To compare this
power control strategy for PHEV, and strategy with BCS, first both control
optimized some of its parts. Further, Naim strategies are optimized and then
et al. [14] conducted these studies to compared. Hence, an optimization on the
minimize emissions. Moreover, Ahn et al. control parameters of the proposed method
[15] attempted to find the achievable set of and BCS will be conducted, while the
optimum operation candidates of the objective function is to minimize FC in a
hybrid electric vehicle by optimization of driving cycle. Finally, the optimized
power train. Kang et al. [16] developed a algorithms will be compared in some of
control strategy on the base of the power other driving cycles.
train losses. In this control strategy, speed
ratio of the power train was controlled to
operate the power train in the high 2. Method

In this section, the model of PHEV is 2.2. Control strategy of PHEV
introduced. Hence, the considered power
train is introduced and then the proposed The strategy of power distribution
control strategy of PHEV is described. between PHEV power sources has a major
Afterwards, the simulation models of its role on the energy consumption of these
prominent elements are presented. Finally, vehicles. In this section it is attempted to
the method of energy consumption establish a control strategy for PHEV
calculation is presented. equipped with CVT. The architecture of
considered PHEV is displayed in Figure 2.
This vehicle is composed of Fuel tank,
2.1. CVT power train ICE, power trains (Gearbox (GB), CVT),
battery (Batt), electric motor/generator
As stated above, employing CVT as the (MG), torque coupler (TC) and clutch
PHEV power train can eliminate its main (CL). In addition, PHEV includes a control
weakness, which is ICE operation in the unit which determines the manner of
non-optimal area. Despite the low elements in different driving conditions.
efficiency of CVT transmission compared The proposed control strategy needs
to the conventional one, it has several some inputs and outputs. According to the
desirable advantages. A certain advantage Figure 2, the inputs of the proposed control
of CVT is that it allows the engine to unit are the battery state of charge (battery
operate at its fuel-optimal rotational speed energy normalized with respect to its
[23]. The control strategy of CVT’s speed maximum energy, SOC), the velocity,
ratio is on the base of giving this acceleration and required power of the
advantage. In order to determine the vehicle, and CVT efficiency achieved from
control algorithm of CVT’s speed ratio and its model. The control unit has some
the vehicle FC, the experimental data of precalculated parameters which are the
the vehicle ICE is necessary. Figure 1 engine bsfc data, the efficiency map of MG
shows the bsfc contours of the considered and some scalar parameters that will be
vehicle’s ICE. These data are presented by introduced in the following. The control
the ICE manufacturer. unit determines that which part of the
As displayed in the figure, for any value demanded power must be provided by each
of the ICE power, there is a specific of the ICE and MG. Also it determines the
rotational speed in which bsfc is minimal. rotational speed of the ICE, the battery
These points are on the “Optimum Curve”. mode (charge/discharge) and the CVT
There is a point on this curve that has speed ratio.
minimal bsfc called “bsfc-optimal Point”. The proposed control strategy is a
In this point, the ICE revolution (ωopt), modified version of BCS method. In the
power (Popt) and bsfc (bsfcopt) are BCS method, the engine is the primary
3000rpm, 36kW and 256.8 g/kWh, source of power, and the electric motor is
respectively. In the control strategy of the secondary power generator. It attempts
CVT as the non-hybrid vehicles’ power to reduce the vehicle FC regardless of its
train, by considering the required power of emissions [19]. This method is thoroughly
the engine, ωopt can be determined, and explained in [11] and [24]. Similar to the
with regard to the vehicle speed, speed BCS, the proposed strategy includes some
ratio of CVT is obtainable. predefined rules used to manage the power
The method of FC calculation for the distribution in the HEV. These rules are
vehicle equipped with CVT is explained in described below:
[21]. The considered vehicle and engine 1. If the battery SOC is more than its
characteristics which are necessary to highest desired value (HSOC), then the
calculate FC, are shown in Table 1. battery and electric motor will supply this
power, and the engine will be turned off.

2. If the vehicle speed is lower than the rule is different from BCS rules. According
speed limit (VL), or the required power to this rule, the strategy attempts to use the
(Preq) is lower than a percent (toff) of the ICE in its bsfc-optimal point (see Figure 1)
engine maximum power (PEmax), and SOC to decrease the vehicle FC in the driving
is more than the lowest desired SOC cycle. Operating in the bsfc-optimal point
(LSOC), then the battery and electric motor may increase its FC (which is directly
will provide the requested power and the related to PE×bsfc). However, since the
engine will be turned off. ICE operates in its efficient point and the
3. If Preq is lower than a percent (tmin) of extra power can be used to charge the
PEmax and SOC<LSOC, then PE=tminPEmax, battery, the overall FC (considering energy
and the additional power will be used to saved in the battery) over the driving cycle
charge the battery by means of MG. may decrease.
4. If Preq is more than tminPEmax or The second advantage of the proposed
toffPEmax and SOC<HSOC, the ICE will strategy is its lower parameters compared
operate in “bsfc-optimal Point”, and the to the BCS. In the BCS, if the Preq is more
supplementary power will be used to than tminPEmax or toffPEmax and SOC<HSOC,
charge the battery. In cases that Preq is the operating point of the ICE is
more than Popt and SOC>LSOC, the engine determined using some additional
will operate in bsfc-optimal point and the parameters, which need to be optimized to
battery and MG must provide the rest of reach an optimum strategy. In the proposed
Preq. In these cases, if the MG limits the strategy, these parameters have been
value of power flow through the battery, it eliminated and the ICE is set to operate in
will be disengaged. Otherwise, the ICE a specific point, which simplifies the
will not necessarily operate in its bsfc- control strategy.
optimal point. The schematic of control strategy is
5. In the braking mode, the battery will illustrated in Figure 3. In this figure, the
be charged by regenerative brake, until second, third and fourth rules of the
SOC=HSOC. proposed method are presented. The other
6. When the vehicle is standstill, the rules are clear and do not need to be
ICE and MG are turned off. displayed in the figure.
In all rules (except 4), the transferred In the application of conventional
power is constrained by the MG maximum transmissions, engine revolution is
power. During the battery charging, if the proportional to the vehicle speed, and for a
transmitted power to the battery is more specific value of vehicle speed, engine rpm
than the maximum power of the generator is definite according to the transmission
(PGmax), it will be equal to PGmax, and the speed ratio. This rpm is not necessarily the
engine must provide sum of PGmax and Preq same ωopt (bsfc-optimal point (see Figure
( PE  PG max  Preq ). Similarly, in discharge 1)). Increasing the number of speed ratios
mode, the MG and engine supply the in the conventional transmission leads to
needed power ( PE  Preq  PM max ) where an escalation in the achievable values of
engine rpm for a specific value of the
PMmax is the motor maximum power. In
vehicle speed, and the possibility of
these cases, the engine operates on the
operating on the bsfc-optimal point
optimum curve (see Figure 1), and the
enhances. If the transmission has infinite
engine rpm will be achieved for the
number of speed ratios, ωopt will be
specified value of the engine power.
attainable for any value of vehicle speed.
Knowing the value of the engine
CVT gives this advantage. Therefore, as
revolution and the vehicle speed, the speed
demonstrated in Figure 3, in any time of
ratio of the power train can be obtained.
driving cycle and for any value of the
As mentioned earlier, the proposed
vehicle speed, engine revolution can differ
control strategy is a modified version of
and move toward the bsfc-optimal point.
BCS. In the presented method, the fourth

Thus, the fourth rule of proposed strategy performances. These criteria are illustrated
is possible only through application of in Table 2 [27]. It is demonstrated that the
CVT. vehicle satisfies PNGV criteria.
The selected MG for meeting these
criteria is an asynchronous induction
2.3. Models of PHEV Main motor. Its maximum power is 23 kW.
Components Figure 4 shows the variations of torque and
efficiency contours of the MG against its
In this section, models of PHEV revolution [28]. The selected motor is used
elements except the engine described in the as a generator through braking, which
preceding section are presented. charges the battery. In our model, braking
The considered CVT for PHEV is a energy is recovered from the front wheels.
full-toroidal CVT. It has been Hence, in order to prevent instability of the
comprehensively introduced and simulated vehicle, 60% of braking energy is
in [25] and [26], and its efficiency has been regained, and the rest of the required
calculated. As demonstrated in [25], the braking energy is provided by friction-
efficiency of full-toroidal CVT is a based brakes ( ηrb =0.6) [17]. It is notable
function of its speed ratio, input torque,
rotational speed of the disks and also the that the percentage of braking force which
oil operating conditions (i.e. temperature should be provided by the front brake
and pressure). These inputs are determined depends the deceleration value [29].
in each moment of driving cycle according However, as mentioned, the percentage
to the engine torque and revolution. The considered in this paper is a rough
relations required to calculate the estimate. It is because that considering the
efficiency of this transmission are front brake force as a function of the
presented below: deceleration value is not the aim of this
paper. Moreover, since the proposed
strategy and BCS have similar rules for the
SpinLoss=( M Sin ωSpin +M Sout ωSpout )n (1) braking mode, this simplification doesn’t
SlipLoss= impact the result of the comparison
(2) implemented between the proposed
( μin Spin rinωCVTin +μout Spout rout ωCVTout )nFN
strategy and the BCS.
Input Power-SpinLoss-SlipLoss The efficiency of other parts of PHEV
CVT = (3)
Input Power is presented in Table 3. Based on small
The values of the normal force, spin variations in the efficiency of mated gears
moments, rin and rout , and also rotational due to variation of their speeds and input
torques, we assume that their efficiency is
speeds ( ωCVTin , ωCVTout , ωSpin , ωSpout ) are fixed [30].
determined regarding the CVT input torque The torque coupler employed in this
and speed and also its speed ratio (which study is a conventional TC. This
determines the orientation of the roller). component collects the torques of the ICE
On the other hand, the values of the and MG and delivers to the final drive to
traction coefficients depend the viscosity propel the vehicle. In addition, while the
of oil, which is a function of the oil provided torque by the ICE is more than
pressure and temperature [21]. the required value, the additional torque is
Electric motor is another key element transmitted through TC to the MG in order
of the HEVs. The selected electric motor to charge the battery. Also, during the
with the aid of the engine should satisfy braking, the TC transmits the braking
“Partnership for a New Generation of torque to the MG to charge the battery. The
Vehicles (PNGV)” criteria in order to structure of this component is shown in
ensure that the vehicle hybridization does Figure 5. The relations among the TC
not sacrifice the vehicle dynamic elements are presented below:

converges during these cycles SOC
Z2 Z variation will have smaller impact on the
in1  TCout , in 2  3 TCout (4) vehicle energy consumption. It is revealed
Z1 Z4
that FC of the vehicle converges in 10
Z Z 
Tout  Tin1 2 TC  Tin 2 3 TC (5) cycles. Therefore, it is calculated during 15
Z1 Z4 cycles to ensure the accuracy of energy
consumption. It is worth mentioning that
In Equation (5),  means the power the employed approach is one of the
flow direction of the MG. If the battery is methods employed to eliminate the effect
in the charge mode (negative MG torque) of electric energy consumption on the
  1, while   1 through discharging overall energy consumption [32].
(positive MG torque).
The selected battery is a Lithium-Ion
Polymer rechargeable battery. Its capacity, 3. Optimization
nominal voltage, internal impedance and
number of modules are 10.05Ah, 14.8V, To make a precise comparison between
15mΩ and 20, respectively. Its maximum the proposed method and BCS, and
allowable current in the charge and determining the optimum values of the
discharge modes are 10.05A and 120A, control parameters, an optimization is
respectively. Since internal impedance of implemented on them. Afterwards the
the selected battery varies slightly with optimized control strategies will be
SOC, its losses are approximately fixed. compared.
The average efficiency of the battery is In the present study, PSO is used to
0.98 considering its voltage and current optimize the control strategies. This
curves during charge and discharge. method is used widely in various fields
because of its high rate of convergence
[33]. In this method, initial values of
2.4. Energy Consumption versus fuel optimization parameters are selected
consumption randomly. Each set of solution is
considered as a particle which has specific
In the HEVs, energy flows to wheels velocity and position. At each iteration of
through engine and electric motor. the optimization process, according to
Therefore, energy is consumed by both of Equations (6) and (7), its velocity and
these power sources. The equivalent FC of position are updated considering its best
the PHEV can be calculated [31]. previous experience and the best
However, for a long run, the difference experience of other particles [34].
between the final and initial SOC (ΔSOC)
has a negligible effect on the total energy Vi,t+1=k ωVi,t +c1r1,t  Pi,t -X i,t +c2r2,t  Pg,t -X i,t  (6)
consumption compared to the vehicle FC.
Therefore, the vehicle FC is considered as X i,t+1 =X i,t +V i,t+1 (7)
the criteria for comparing the mentioned
control strategies. In order to decrease the The process of updating the velocity
effect of ΔSOC on the vehicle energy and position of each particle continues
consumption, the vehicle is considered in until the best value of objective function
some numbers of the considered drive converges and the best solution is found.
cycle until the value of FC converges. In In the present study, the vehicle motion
this state, ΔSOC must be divided by the is considered in SC03 driving cycle. The
number of cycles to find its average in reason behind considering this cycle is
each cycle. If a large number of cycles are that, the vehicle experiences high
considered, the average of ΔSOC in each accelerations, and therefore, a need for
cycle will be a low value. If the FC high power. Consequently, the vehicle

hybridization exerts remarkable effects in The optimized methods are compared in
this cycle. the other driving cycles to ascertain if the
As discussed, the objective function of proposed method is better than BCS in the
the optimization is the vehicle FC other driving patterns.
calculated in the end of 15 cycles of SC03. Table 6 shows the values of FC in FTP,
The optimization parameters are the same US06 and Urban Dynamometer drive
parameters of control strategy. These cycles for the application of the optimized
parameters and their ranges are presented BCS and the proposed method.
in Table 4. As stated by the battery According to the table, in all of the
manufacturer, its reasonable SOC range is considered drive cycles, the optimized
 0.2  0.8  . The allowable ranges of LSOC form of the proposed method is superior to
the optimized BCS in terms of FC.
and H SOC is determined regarding this
Therefore, it seems that the achieved
fact. optimized parameters as well as the
The optimization problem can be optimized objective for the proposed
formulated as follows: method are not highly sensitive to the type
of drive cycle.
Minimize FC
Where X   LSOC ,H SOC ,toff ,tmin ,VL 
4. Conclusion
The optimization program was run
In this paper, a strategy was established
several times with random initial values of
based on BCS to control the power transfer
optimization parameters. It is demonstrated
in PHEV. The selected vehicle was
that for different initial values of
employing a full-toroidal CVT as the
optimization parameters, the optimum FC
power train, and its efficiency was
is the same. Figure 6 shows the variations
considered in the control strategy using the
of objective function through several times
model presented in Ref. [25]. A modified
of optimization runs for both presented
version of BCS was introduced. This
strategy attempted to use the ICE in its
According to the figure, the objective
bsfc-optimal point to decrease the overall
function convergences during 10 iterations.
FC in driving cycle and also simplify the
In addition, it is revealed that initial values
BCS. It was demonstrated that, the added
of optimization parameters do not impact
rule is applicable in case of using a CVT as
on the optimum objective function.
the vehicle power train. The control
Table 5 presents the optimum values of
parameters of the proposed control strategy
the optimization parameters and objective
and BCS were optimized using PSO, while
function for control patterns.
the objective was to minimize the vehicle
With respect to Figure 6 and Table 5,
FC in SC03 driving cycle. It was found
optimized form of the proposed method is
that the vehicle FC for the application of
superior to the optimized BCS in terms of
the optimized form of the proposed control
FC. Through application of the proposed
strategy is 16% lower than its value for the
method, FC is about 16% lower, compared
application of the optimized BCS, and
to the application of BCS method. Thus,
therefore, modification of BCS in
modifying BCS according to the
accordance with the mentioned strategy is
mentioned rules in “Control strategy of
beneficial. Moreover, the optimized
PHEV” section is beneficial.
control strategies were compared in the
Figure 7 shows the variation of FC for
other drive cycles, and it was revealed that
both control strategies with respect to
the proposed method results lower FC
number of drive cycle. As can be seen,
compared to the case of BCS method.
after 10 cycles FC converges.

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Mojtaba Delkhosh received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from
Sharif University of Technology in 2009 and 2011, respectively. Presently, he is Ph.D. student
of Applied Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. His fields
of interests are hybrid vehicles and their control strategies, vehicle dynamics, machine design,
vibration analysis, power transmission systems and optimization algorithms.
Mahmoud Saadat Foumani received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, I.R. Iran, in 2002. He was a Faculty member at
Semnan University from 2002 to 2006 and is now a faculty member of Sharif University of
Technology, Mechanical Engineering Department. He teaches courses at the ‘Applied Design
group’ at undergraduate and graduate levels. His teaching focuses on mechanical Engineering
design, vehicle dynamics, chassis design and advanced mathematics.
Farjad Falahati is B.Sc. student of Applied Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of
Technology, Tehran, Iran. His fields of interest are vehicle dynamics and control strategies of
hybrid vehicles.

Figure 1. The brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) contours of the vehicle’s engine

Figure 2. The architecture of PHEV and diagram of the control unit’s input and output

Figure 3. The schematic of control strategy

Figure 4. The variations of efficiency and torque of the motor/generator with respect to its rpm [28]

Figure 5. Structure of the employed torque coupler

Figure 6. The variations of objective function for both of the mentioned methods during optimization process

Figure 7. The variations of FC during driving cycles for both of considered control strategies

Table 1. The considered vehicle characteristics

Table 2. PNGV criteria for passenger cars and the achieved values by the vehicle

Table 3. The efficiency of other parts of PHEV [30]

Table 4. The optimization parameters and their range

Table 5. The optimum value of the optimization parameters and objective function for control patterns

Table 6. FC comparison between optimized methods in different driving cycles


50 bsfc-optimal Point 265

Optimum Curve

Power (kW)
265 275
20 265 320
370 500
290 320 425
370 425 500
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Speed (rpm)
Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3


400 0.7


-200 0.85
-400 0.65

0 100 200 300 400 500
Figure 4

Figure 5

Proposed Method
Objective Function (Fuel Consumption (L/100km))

BCS Method



2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Figure 6

6 7

5.95 6.95

FC (Proposed Control Strategy (L/100km))

FC (BCS Control Strategy (L/100km))

5.9 6.9

5.85 6.85

5.8 6.8

5.75 6.75

5.7 6.7

5.65 6.65
BCS Method
Proposed Method
5.6 6.6
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Number of Drive Cycles
Figure 7

Table 7
Parameter Value Parameter Value
fr 0.013 m 1510 kg
CD 0.355 Rd 0.279 m
A 2.09 m 2
d 90%
nd 3.895  fuel 720 kg/m3
58kW at 126Nm at
PE max TE max
5500rpm 3600rpm

Table 8
PNGV Criteria Achieved Value
Gradeability ≥88.5km/h at 6.5% grade for 20 min 88.5km/h at 20% grade for 20 min
8.3 sec
0-97km/h :≤12 sec

Acceleration time for 0-137km/h: ≤23.4 sec 18.8 sec

64-97km/h: ≤5.3 sec

4.9 sec
Maximum speed ≥137 km/h 189km/h
Maximum acceleration ≥0.5 g 0.6g
Distance in 5 sec ≥42.7m 72m

Table 9
PHEV Element Value
ηrb 0.6
GB 0.9
ηTC 0.95

Table 10
Optimization Parameter Range
LSOC  0.2  0.55 
H SOC  0.55  0.8 
t off  0.01  0.6 
tmin  0.01  0.6 
VL (m / s)  2  12 
Table 11
Proposed Method BCS Method
LSOC 0.47 0.4
H SOC 0.66 0.69
toff 0.3 0.12
t min 0.3 0.05
V L (m/ s) 5.5 10.7
FC (L/100km) 5.81 6.92

Table 12
BCS Proposed Difference
Method Method Percent
FTP 6.55 5.55 15%
US06 7.2 6 17%
6.6 5.5 17%


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