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University of Engineering and

Technology Peshawar Jalozai Campus



DR Nadeem Khan
University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai


July 13, 2019 1

University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai

Quadcopter is an assistive device which has a high demand
in the industrial & surveillance sector. As the technology has matured and
become more mainstream, a number of practical and very interesting uses
of Quadcopter technology have emerged . The present work includes the
design and development of the Quadcopter using Arduino UNO. This
system will be controlled by a remote system or a transmitter by sitting
inside our home, office, or any place within its transmitter range. This
concept will thus facilitate the surveillance activities. The quadcopter is
useful for in many situations. From the scope of the quadcopter, it’s used
for aerial photography, security and rescue, industrial inspection and
much more. The result of this project will help people in natural calamities
by reaching the dense areas where humans cannot reach immediately.
Practically, quadcopter is being used for object detection through image
processing in border security of the nation.

Hardware description
The quadcopter use an Arduino microcontroller Arduino
UNO as the core controller and is designed and developed to achieve the
real time operating system. This system uses one receiver Hardware is
programmed in C language. The controller board and ESC’s work together.
FCB gives the command to ESCs which is further connected to BLDC
(Brushless Motor DC) motors for the rotation.

Working principle
Quadcopter system works on the principle of air lifting
phenomena with high pressure. The propellers force the air in downward
with high pressure due to which an uplift force is created and as a result
action reaction law is applied on the whole system. When this uplift force
dominates the earth’s gravitational force, the whole system start flying in
the air. But there is a problem with the rotation of propellers. If we rotate

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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai
the propellers in clock wise direction then due to this rotation, a torque
will be applied over the whole system in one direction .And similarly if we
rotate the propellers in anti-clock wise direction then also a torque will be
produced over the whole system and the whole system will start rotating
anticlockwise. To overcome this problem we rotate two propellers in
clockwise direction and remaining two propellers in anticlockwise
direction. This phenomena produces torque in opposite direction and they
get balanced and the system remains stable while flying.
Two basic phenomena are used for movement of
quadcopter, thrust and torque. Quadcopter uses its four propellers
attached to motors which creates thrust and help quadcopter to elevate
high. Motion of quadcopter are defined based on the input values (x, y, z,
θ, ɸ, ψ) given to it. Out of four motor attached with propellers, two motors
rotate in clockwise (CW) direction while other two in counter clockwise
(CCW) direction. Motion of quadcopter is thus controlled mainly by three
movements. These movements are classified as

1.Yaw Rotation (ψ)

Yaw is defined as movement of quadcopter either to left or

right and it is controlled by throttle stick of transmitter. Yaw decides the
direction of quadcopter.
2.Pitch Rotation (θ)
Pitch is defined as the whole movement of quadcopter
either in forward direction or in backward direction. It’s also controlled by
throttle of receiver. Moving the throttle in forward direction moves
quadcopter in forward direction while moving throttle backward moves
quadcopter in backward direction

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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai

3.Roll Rotation (ɸ)

The movement about the longitudinal axis of quadcopter
is known as roll motion. Left or right motion of throttle stick is followed
by quadcopter, it moves in towards right when throttle move to right and
moves to left when throttle stick moves in left direction. This parameter
thus makes quadcopter to fly in left or right direction.

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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai

Design and Methodology

The methodology adopted
in designing Arduino based quadcopter is
shown in fig.3.

1.Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno is an open
source physical computing platform used
for building digital devices and interactive
objects that can sense and control objects
in physical world. It’s a micro controller,
based on AT mega 328P which consist of 14
digital input/output pins (out of which 6 pin
are used as PWM output), 6 analog inputs, a
USB connector,16 MHz quartz crystal,
power jack, an ICSP header and a reset
button. Arduino board consist of
everything needed to work with
microcontroller. Arduino IDE
(Integrated Development Environment)
is use to upload programs to the
Arduino boards and further these
programmed boards can be used to
perform intended tasks.

Technical specification
• Microcontroller: Microchip ATmega328P
• Operating Voltage: 5 Volts
• Input Voltage: 7 to 20 Volts
• Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
• Analog Input Pins: 6
• DC Current per I/O Pin: 20 mA

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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai
• DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
• Length: 68.6 mm
• Width: 53.4 mm
• Weight: 25 g

2.ESC’s (Electronic speed controller)

Four 30A ESCs (electronic speed
controllers) are used in proposed Quadcopter. It convert
the PWM signal received from flight controller or radio
receiver and then drives the brush less motor by
providing required electrical power. Thus ESC is an
electric circuit that control the speed and direction of
electric motor by varying the magnetic forces created
by the windings and magnets within the motor.

5.Transmitter and Receiver

Radio transmitter uses radio signal to
remotely control quadcopter in wireless way, the
commands given by transmitter are received by a
radio receiver connected to Arduino UNO. The no of
channels in transmitter determine how many actions
of aircraft can be controlled by pilot. Minimum of four
channels are needed to control a quadcopter (which
includes pitch. Roll, throttle, yaw).The stick control on
radios transmitter is known as gimbal. RC receiver
used operates on 2.4GHz of radio frequency (unless
you do not have any specific need for a different
6.Lipo Battery :
Li-Po (Lithium Polymer battery) is a
rechargeable battery of lithium ion technology. They
provide higher specific energy and are being used
where weight is a critical factor. It also provide high
voltage and long run time as they hold huge power in

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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai
small package and have high discharge rates required to meet the need
of powering quadcopters.
7. Frame
The custom quadcopter frame is used as
it is best suited for the propellers and payloads which has
to be lifted along quadcopter. Quadcopter requires a
light as well as rigid frame to host a LIPO battery, 4 BLDC
motors, 4 ESCs & a controller. Frame is made up of FLY
Wood and uses common nuts and bolts to hold the
frame together.

8. Propellers
Used CW and CCW 4 pieces of black propellers
as per the requirements. Size of propellers varies with its
applications like smaller propellers (under 8 inch) are used for

9.IMU(internal Measurement Unit):

For a drone to fly perfectly, the IMU, gyro
stabilization and flight controller technology is essential. Drones
today use three and six axis gyro stabilization technology to
provide navigational information to the flight controller, which
make drones easier and safer to fly
Principle of IMU:
Working Principle. When the gyroscope is
applied with external torques or rotations about the given axis,
the orientation can be measured by a precession phenomenon. When an
object rotating about an axis is applied with external torque along a
direction perpendicular to the rotational axis, the precession occurs.

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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai



Given circuit diagram shows the system diagram comprising of

Arduino UNO development board consisting of Arduino UNO as
the main brain of the quadcopter. The other interfaces to it are
gyroscope, four BLDC (Brushless DC) motors connected through
corresponding Electronic speed controller (ESC), LiPo (Lithium
Polymer) battery which is 2200mah.

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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai
Out of four BLDC motors two motors facing each other are
connected in such a manner that they will rotate CW (Clockwise)
while the rest of two facing each other will rotate CCW (Counter
Clockwise). Thus, this the basic arrangements on the Quad
copter frame.
Other than that four 30 Amp ESC are used which transmit power
to motors and controls the speed.
The four brushless motors are 1400kv each.
IMU is also used which helps in balancing during motion.

Arrangement of motors

1) Motor 1 is attached to pin 6

2) Motor 2 is attached to pin 10
3) Motor 3 is attached to pin 9
4) Motor 4 is attached to pin 3.

This shows library of

arduino code file

Reciever and transmater ports at A0 and A1.

Shows library of motors M1,M2,M3,M4 respectively

These are the initial values

at which the the four motors
starts respectively

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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai

It shows the section that

motor1 is attached to
pin 6,motor2 to pin 10
,motor 3 to pin 9
,motor4 to pin3

This shows the incrementation and

defference btw the values of each

July 13, 2019 10

University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai

CAD Model
Our CAD Model is consist of 6 parts and and one combine assembly.
These parts are design and animated by SolidWorks software.
All these parts are design by custom made templates. The
custom templates is in SI units (Millimeter,Gram,Second).
The frame is three main frame one base and four
support which hold the main frame and base. The base is designed and
fixed in such away that it maintain the balance of quadcopter.
This quadcopter is run by four brushless motors and each
brushless motors have 1 propeller. These motors are fixed on each four
arms of main frame.

Physical Parts and its features

❖ Wooden Board
❖ Carriage bolts (4 large size and 16 small size) and Hex Machine Nuts (12 large and 16

Why this material is selected:-

❖ It is light in weight.
❖ Carriage bolts and hex machine nuts are used for structure support.
❖ it is easy to cut and easy to balance by extruding material through cutting.
❖ Available easily in market.
❖ Economical cheap
❖ Can be repair
❖ Can be modified

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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai
WOODEN 40*40 300 2
BOLTS AND 6 inch and its 100 4
NUTS nuts
BOLTS AND 9/16 inch and its 150 16
NUTS nuts

❖ Some of its parts are download from internet. And some parts are
designed by self.
❖ The total frame is designed with the help of geometrical balancing
analysis by SolidWorks.
❖ The total designed and animation took about 3 weeks.


1. Propellers
2. Brushless Motors
3. Main Frame with supports
4. Base
5. Arduino UNO CAD MODEL

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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai


2.Brushless Motors

3.Main Frame with supports

4. Base

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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai



Final Assembly

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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai

Problem occur during Testing

The following types of problems occur in our project

IMU Calibration
Arms also play a vital role in the fight against vibrations, which can cause a
number of different issues. Flight controllers, with their sensitive barometers and
gyroscopes, do not generally react well to incessant shaking. Jostle them too much
through a poor setup and you could see erratic behavior, sometimes bad enough to
cause crashes.
If the arms you're using have too much flex, they can reverberate and
create harmonics that are transferred across the multi-rotor. On the other hand,
arms that are too stiff directly pass on vibrations without any dampening, resulting
in the same problems. There is a fine balance to be found.
Just as important as good electronics, multi-rotors depend on sturdy,
lightweight hulls for mounting components. There are countless frame designs of
varying shapes, dimensions, and materials. Stiffer frames confer better flight
characteristics, since less warping and bending can occur. If a frame is too brittle,
though, your inevitable crashes will result in more frequent repair sessions. Frames
need to be both strong and stiff, whilst being light enough to hop around in the sky
with ease.

Calibrating a drone or a controller is the process of setting or correcting errors
which caused inaccurate sensor measurements. It check adjust or determine by
comparison with a standard model and to make corrections accurately.
The problems that we faces was calibration of our brushless motors. For the first
time when we try our test the motors didn’t starts it the same time. The motors start
one by one.
The second problem was to run it smoothly it the same speed. Which took our
lot of time.
The 3rd problem was calibration of IMU. Which was seems too easy but when we
try it the motors calibration got mixed up. Some motors runs slow an some were runs

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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai

material quantity cost
Frame 1 750
Lipo 1 3900
Brushless 4 3000
Propellers 4 400
Escs 4 2600
Arduino 1 800
Imu 1 160

Transmitter 1 4500

Male- 3 500
Battery 1 1500
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University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Jalozai

Nuts and 8 200

Transport 3490
Total 21600

2. Kamran From UET Peshawar, Mechatronic
department Peshawar
3. Jan Sher lab engineer in UET Peshawar, Mechatronic

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