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Arambula & Castellanos 1

Evelyn Arambula and Andres Castellanos

Mrs. Storer

English 3 Honors, Block 5

October 2, 2019

A Frank Analysis


Scene 1

The room is filled with posters regarding grammar and random quotes. In the back, there are

many quotes from various works of classic literature. The year is 2019 and Andy Morrison is in

his junior year at Olympian High School. He is a straight-A student and one of the most

influential and social students at his school. One day, he arrives at his fourth block English class

with Ms. Wellington, a woman in her mid-60s who has lost all enthusiasm in her career path. He

finds the classroom filled with students, including his best friend Emilio.

Andy and Emilio walk into the classroom through a door stage right.

Andy: Arriving to class, being greeted by everyone and smiling at everyone. Wow, another day

another smile! Hey, Emilio, how’s your week been? I heard about all the news that came up, how

you’ve been benched this whole season, you’re failing P.E. and have gotten 3 detentions. Don’t

worry, everything’s going to be alright! Just remember, everything will be fine!

Emilio: Sighs and looks down at his desk. Thanks, dude. To be honest, I am kind of jealous of all

of your handsomeness, and it’s having some kind of mental toll on me these past few months.

I’ve got to say, you don’t only have the looks, but you always have the wisdom needed. I don't
Arambula & Castellanos 2

know man it just seems like you have it all together, you know? Small smile. Anyways thanks for

being such a great friend who’s always there for me.

Andy: Well, you know what they say, with great mind comes great handsomeness. Jokingly

punches Emilio. Emilio blushes. Either way, I have great news for you! I just found out that I

have one of the highest GPAS in Olympian history! Emilio goes to congratulate him but is cut

off by the entrance of Ms. Wellington. She gives Emilio a disapproving look because not only is

he failing her class, but he has been caught talking...AGAIN. Emilio is embarrassed.

Ms. Wellington: Walking to the front of the class. Alright class quiet down. She takes some time

to calm the students because they are too noisy. Today I have a surprise for you. Since we have

finally finished reading Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” Mrs. Wellington has a tear run down her

cheeks as she is reminded of how powerful women are in this modern-day society. I have decided

to assign an AWP.

The class boos in unison and Ms. Wellington is irritated. She cannot stand how they treat her but

decides to put on a fake smile. Oh, come on! It’s not that bad! But I should remind you guys that

for this junior year you will need six quotes, three body paragraphs, five paragraphs in total and

you are expected to meet the P.h.D. level criteria which I have graciously put on Schoology.

Mrs. Wellington continues smiling and winks to hide the fact she expects them to fail.

Emilio: Turns in his seat to face Andy. Can you believe this Andy? She’s really assigning us a

whole paper already! What the hell is she on? Throws his hands up in exasperation because he

cannot deal with more stress.

Andy: Nonchalantly. Ehh I’m not worried about it, to be honest. Last year I hardly tried in Ms.

Jones’ class and I still ended up with an A. I’m probably gonna put it off until the night before

it’s honestly no biggie.

Arambula & Castellanos 3

Emilio: Sighs in exasperation. Wow it must be nice to be smart; I can’t relate. I’ve never been

naturally good at things like this.

Andy: Trying to encourage his friend. Yeah that sucks but hey good luck on your paper!

Emilio: Thanks, you too.

Scene 2

It is after school and Andy walks to Ms. Wellington’s room to ask a couple of clarifying

questions regarding the AWP. The room is dark with all the shades drawn down. Ms. Wellington

sits at her desk listening to a feminist podcast. Andy glances around the room as he walks in to

make sure no one is there. He clutches his book closer to him as he approaches her desk.

Andy: Stuttering. Uh- h-hey Ms. Wellington. I want-wanted to see if I could ask you some

questions about the upcoming AWP. If that’s ok with you of course. I wouldn't want to be a


Ms. Wellington: Pauses her podcast. Of course! I don’t see why not. What do you want to


Andy: Gaining confidence he starts to articulate his words better. I’m worried about the new

format; I was glancing over it during study hall and it seems like a lot.

Ms. Wellington: Bothered by Andy’s complaints. Well, it is. You’re a junior now Andy, school

gets difficult this year. This year actually matters, this is what colleges are going to see.

Andy: Frightened by Ms. Wellington words and harsh tone, Andy takes a few steps back. No,

yeah of course, sorry to be so bothersome. I’ll be heading out now. Andy rushes out of the room.

Ms. Wellington: Rolls eyes, puts her earphones back in, and continues listening to her podcast.

What a weirdo!
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Scene 1

Ms. Wellington checked Andy’s AWP and gave him some feedback, she advised him to

strengthen his analysis and interpret. Andy did not know what to do and in panic decided to

restart his essay.

It’s the night before the essay is due, Andy has not been able to work on it much since he

has been so busy trying to keep up with school, sports, and other extracurriculars. An empty

coffee pot and two granola bar wrappers sit on top of the mess that is his desk. The only light in

his room come from a small desk lamp and the glow of his computer screen, this hides the even

bigger mess that is his room. Andy munches on another granola bar as he anxiously paces the


Andy: Pacing back and forth in his room. I can’t believe this! It’s almost 10 and I have to submit

this essay to by midnight. I'm still missing a body paragraph and a conclusion. I’m

so screwed! Exasperated Andy throws himself on his bed and ends up falling fast asleep. An hour

passes. Andy jolts awake. Oh my God! I can’t believe I just fell asleep! Frantically searches for

his phone on his unmade bed. Dear God, what time is it?!

AWP: From the corner of his room, smoking a cigar and with a flask filled with a questionable

mixture of alcohol. It’s 11 P.M., you fell asleep for an hour.

The AWP is a tall man with dark features. He wears a badly made Pinterest-inspired piece of

paper costume. He has a know it all attitude which is complemented by a cocky grin he wears at

all times.

Andy: Scared and surprised. What? Who said that?

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AWP: Chuckles as he walks into the dim light. Me duh.

Andy: What? Who are you? What are you? How’d you get in? Is this a robbery?

AWP: Lighthearted yet meancingly. Why it’s me! Your AWP! You mean you couldn’t

recognize me? How rude of you.

Andy: Snarky. Sorry, I guess I just expected you to wear a better outfit.

AWP: Angry at Andy’s comment. So, you think you’re pretty funny huh? Let’s see where all of

that humor gets you in life, because unsurprisingly it hasn't gotten you far in your paper.

Andy: Concerned as to how he knows that, Andy starts to stutter. Wh-what are you talking

about? How do you know that?

AWP: Arrogant chuckle. I’m literally your AWP. Wow and you think you’re smart. Makes

“smh” sound. Yeah, right.

Andy: Shifts uncomfortably. Hey! I am smart, I’m top of my class and have been for the last 2


AWP: Snarky, giving Andy major side-eye. Hmmm, that won’t last.

Andy: Fear starts to grow in him. What do you mean “that won’t last?”

AWP: Starts circling Andy like a shark about to attack, increasing Andy’s fear and the tension

in the room. Oh! Did you really think I didn’t know about how your grades have started to slip?

How you weren’t able to study for your biology test because you were too busy catching up on

the French homework you couldn’t do because of your football practice?

Andy: With pain in his voice. Its been a tough transition, his voice breaks give me a break.

AWP: Tauntingly. Accept it, you’re falling behind Morrison and there’s nothing you can do

about it. Soon enough Gabriella or Jackson are going to take your #1 GPA spot and it looks like

Coach is looking to start some freshman instead of you this year. Pats his head. Oh, Andy! Look
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at the disappointment you’ve become, your parents must be so ashamed. Stops circling Andy.

Wait, I almost forgot you haven’t told them any of this… Or have you?

Andy: Quietly, defeated. No... I haven't. He turns around and sniffles in an attempt to hide his

now watery eyes.

AWP: Hmm, that’s what I thought. You can’t keep this act up. Your classmates are already

starting to see through your disguise. The room goes dead silent. Why can’t you? Andy looks at

the ground. Well, I’ve done my job here Laughs as he walks away. Good luck finishing your

paper… Glances at watch. You have roughly 20 minutes to finish it. Turns around. By the

way… Begins doing air quotes to mock Andy. “Webster’s dictionary defines…” is the absolute

worst way to start a paper. Talk about a snooze fest. AWP fakes a yawn and walks out. The door

shuts behind him.

Andy quietly sits down on his bed and silently begins to cry as all of the AWP’s words hit home.

The AWP’s words twirl around in his head as he stands up, walks to his desk, and closes his

computer; it is 11:53. Andy lays on the floor surrounded by the mess that is his room and cries

himself to sleep next to his AWP corrections.

Scene 2

It’s the day his AWP is due and Andy walks into Ms. Wellington’s room. The shades are open,

but no light enters as it is a gloomy day. The class is filled with its usual chatter. Ms. Wellington

sits at her desk with headphones in her ears with the sound blasting so she can become deaf and

avoid listening to her students. As Andy walks in the classroom looks up to see him and slowly

quiets down. Andy puts on his hood, puts his earphones in and begins blasting music as he

throws himself into his seat.

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Ms. Wellington: Faking optimism, but utterly failing. Hello class settle down, I’ve been

scrolling through, and even glancing at some of your essays and while I’m not

impressed, they are better than I was anticipating… Disappointed because in reality, she wanted

them to fail. She walks over to Andy’s desk. Hey Andy, I didn’t receive a submission from you,

were there any issues with Turnitin? Or…

Andy: Fakes a cough. No, umm, I just didn’t turn anything in.

Ms. Wellington: Genuinely concerned because this was very unlike Andy. Now, why would you

do that?

Andy: His voice catches in his throat as he remembers the AWP’s words. I didn’t have anything

to turn in Ms…

Ms. Wellington: Suspecting something’s up. Talk to me after class today or else it will be a

zero. Do you understand?

Andy: Quietly. Yes ma’am.

Ms. Wellington nods and walks away; Andy pulls his hoodie down further and slides down his



Scene 1

Andy remains seated as his classmates shuffle out of the classroom and into the hallway. A slight

sprinkling starts outside, and Andy focuses on that instead of facing his classmates. Ms.

Wellington pulls up a desk in front of Andy’s and sits on top of it with her notebook and a pen on

her lap.
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Ms. Wellington: Taps on Andy’s desk to grab his attention, she looks him in the eyes. Spill.

Andy: Breaks down. I just can’t do it anymore. I can’t keep up with all this. If it’s not football,

it’s school, and if it’s not school then its ASB. Sobs harder. I just can’t do this anymore! I’m

such a failure Ms. Wellington! My parents are the only reason I even joined all these stupid

extracurriculars and sports and honors class because… Deepens his voice to mock his dad,

begins doing air quotes. “Well your brother got into Harvard; therefore, we expect nothing less

from you as well.” I don’t even want to go to Harvard! Takes a few deep breaths and collects

himself. I just don’t want to let my parent’s down, but I can’t do this anymore. I’m losing my

damn mind! I haven’t had any me time in three years. I don’t even know what I like to do

anymore. I don’t know who I am.

Ms. Wellington: Taken aback by his outburst. Woah… Listen, Andy, you’re not a failure and I

know to you that may sound like a lie, but I’m here to tell you that you’re not. Taps him on the

back to console him. If you’re feeling overwhelmed there’s no shame in dropping something,

whether it be a sport or one of your extracurriculars. That way you don’t lose your mind. And

hey, I’m going to give you an extension on your paper you’ve clearly been going through

something. However, in exchange for the extension, I want you to go out and do something YOU

points to him like doing.

Andy: Slightly relieved. Thank you, Ms. Wellington.

Ms. Wellington: Have it on my desk by Thursday morning and you can earn up to a B+. Don’t

hesitate to stop by for extra help, I’m here today and Wednesday before and after school.

Andy: Stands up to leave. Yes, of course!

The rain stops and the clouds part as Andy exits the room, Ms. Wellington smiles to herself as

she silently rearranges her desk.

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Scene 2

Andy’s room is still a mess, there are clothes and papers strewn everywhere. Moonlight enters

from his open window and a slight breeze blows around a few papers he has on the floor. Andy is

typing up a storm on his laptop, he feels inspired after his conversation with Ms. Wellington. The

AWP appears out of thin air and starts approaching Andy.

AWP: Taps Andy’s shoulder, Andy turns around. Jokingly. Miss me?

Andy: Annoyed. Leave me alone I’m busy.

AWP: Tautingly. “LeAvE mE aLonE I’M bUsY” Busy doing what? Failing? laughs

Andy: Anxiously. No.

AWP: Haha sureeeeeee. Mockingly, skipping around the room Look at me I’m Andy and I’m

pretending I know what I’m doing to hide my crippling anxiety and fear of being a failure la de


Andy: Yells and slams his laptop shut. I’ve had it with you! You have no right to come into my

house, into my room and invade my mind with everything I’ve worked hard to keep hidden! Do

you think I haven’t told myself these things before and spent restless nights thinking about it? I

have… many times. But not anymore, so get out of my house NOW! Angrily gestures out the


AWP defeated and taken aback, silently fades away

Andy goes to his desk, finishes typing something, and closes his laptop. As Andy heads to bed, he

takes a step back as if rethinking something, he then turns around and starts cleaning up his

mess, it is 11:53 pm)

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Years have passed, and Andy is now an important figure in modern-day society. His

contributions to solving world hunger have helped him obtain a nomination for the Noble Peace

Prize. He has spent his time traveling the world and giving back to those in need. In one of his

many memoirs, he explains this story and how even though his end grade was not perfect, it

greatly changed his perspective on life. It taught him that there is more to life than constantly

worrying about achieving perfection because then you just end up losing yourself. Andy says

that failure, which used to be his greatest fear, is what has taken him the furthest in life because

he was able to grow from it. Moreover, he acknowledged how academic intelligence will only

take you so far in life, the rest comes naturally as you go out and explore the world.

~curtain falls~

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