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INFORMATION sriceoecomecrout ——a eer eee sUncnion COURT Sea ioameer arama {65P-1 0260570 NCPD-19-6190 | CSP Westar District Major Grime Squad Nooo Titi, allegation and Counts TROCONIE cbt, ©- Fomington ier rat ‘eters Grossing, Farmington 08032 eorariors | Pigundeigedroeciing, oo Spor — eat) se Saord o Sharer a EST aaa ‘ConsPinacy To Conn MURDER are ar a TTT Now canaan —_[osaaot9 Sec State en NA or eT ro eS TT Na a are eT Ti sevcieranettoresdtonatcomnt [16 [202 [ne ‘Court Action SSR PLES” ‘on om jean er Gite oeweee per aes re a rr 1 2 ay 3 er ae Boge aoc ee eee acre rae Sas pam Rae rer eee ee od _ fwia few twie Lwie —— SE rem INFORMATION SuaTE oF comecrcur Ta ben neat "SUPERIOR COURT “Rieter rad = (€SP-19.00250870 / NCPD-19.6190 |CSP Western District Major Crime Squad 630 ‘Arrest Warrant ESEP 9, [State of Connecticut vs, TROCONIS, Michelle, C. “To: Ary Prope Oficr ofthe State ofGannecent ‘By Auhoriy ofthe State of Connecticut, you are hereby commande to atest the body of the wihi-named accused. (> al that arpy) 1D A Accused is ordered to be brought before a clerk or asitant clerk ofthe Superior Cour. DB. Accused isnt ented otal FA, B or both ate checkec bow, you shal without undue dela bing the arested person bor the clerk ‘or assistant clerk of the Stperor Court forthe geographical area where the oflense i aloged to have been ‘commited, orf the cles ofies is nat apen toa community correctional center hin #3 geographical ‘area ortho nearest communty correctional coer rno such conter eit inthe geographical are, oro ‘he Correctional Istation asthe cate may be erepan £2,000 000. (Two illein bullae) a= Scteangemetsara condtions oleae: } (21 E Conditions of lease not cetermined by cout. orn cont | Yee Paice | 6.2020) Hea Sao ate Return On Aros lara -07- 2020, Sree [state of Connecticut oe Tape Se in name aan aa ae Than anthers, by reo he wit areola Gonplai and waran Tarenad ttre inte oni of i cred an tave ti accused hare cour wearin, hebnt a-)obell #870 CagecreuiT Stoke freee, Wertetns Difercr Meee Gime ae = Agnes wane spcaTion Sa ners stare or comsereut sce paises ge Ove tte CSP in nie pos |<3F Wet Dt ior can ed es enone Clement a Troconacaa mince pee ees Application For Arrest Warrant To: A sdge ofthe Superior Court “The undersigned hereby applies for awarrat forthe arrest ofthe above-named accused onthe basis ofthe facts setfoth nthe: [3] Afdaut Below. APidants) tached 116 leo a Com at ‘Affidavit a ‘The undersigned aan, being dly sworn, deposes and sys 4. AFFIANT: That your affint, Detective John Kimball, a member of the Connecticut State Police with twenty-six years cof aw enforcement experience. Your affant hasbeen assigned as detective with the Wester Distt Major Crime ‘Squad (WOMCS) Toop G offie for more than ten years and has, a all pertinent times mentioned herein, been acting in his offical capacty as a member of aid department. The flowing facts and crcumstances ar stated from personal knowledge, observation, and investigation as well as fom infrmaionceceived frm brother and ster offices acing in thet offical pact, 2. PRESENTATION: Due tothe comex, Interwoven, non-linear nature ofthe facts and ckeumstances ofthis ase this fav includes Paragraph Headings [i BOLD tet] and some facts ince source cations [in brackets 3. INITIAL MISSING PERSON REPORT: That on Friday May 24, 2019, 2 6:59PM, the New Canaan Police Department (wcP0) received the initia report ofa Missing Person Kent as Jennifer Farber Dulos of 69 Welles Lane, New Canaan, Cr referred to inthis affidavit a "“arife” ora "Vieti.) NCP officers responded tothe 69 Wells Lane residence where they leated suspected blood evidence ona Range Rover parked in the center garage bay. Jennifer was not located Inside the residence, NCPO Investigation Onvson Oe. Thomas Patten responded tothe scene and located ational evidence inactive of crime scene. NCPD contacted the Connectct state Police fr assistance and detectives from the \WDMCS Trop G office and the Crime Van rezponded tothe scene, 4, INITIAL MISSING PERSON CASE: The New Canaan Police Department initiated a Missing Person Investigation which determined the following: + Teresidence at 69 Welles Lane incuded a three-bay garage, the center bay of which contained a 2014 Range Rover (NY Plate: EMIB328);the left (north) and rght (south) bays were empty. While searching and processing the garage, members ofthe WOMICS Crime Van identified multiple aeas within the garage which presumptively tepae$ 102, Mn) ia we | eet date ae I Mise Te oegong Appian for nares waa an fh) aac wi opto, hang been sabia to and Conadered by the undersigned the uidersiged fds fom sau affdavts) that ere i prabable cause to belave that Snoffense has been commited and iat te accused commited I and, hat probable cause exe forthe ISevance of a waran foro rest othe above arms accused. Se Safed) DE ee fon, dah Bat ARREST WARRANT APPLICATION as eeeiee ‘SUPERIOR COURT SAE a es garry aaa Tia ToT reer TROCONI, Michelle, C. Famingon ‘Stamford actin OF ‘Affidavit - Continued ‘270e oor noth (left) ofthe Range Rover. Spttr stains are blodstains resulting from airborne blood drops Created when an external ‘ore i applied ould blood. Detectives alo noted ination that the scene had been altered by an attempt to clean 1 eects determined a 2017 Chevrolet Suburban (CT Plate: 165099) ester to Jennifer Duls was ising from the residential garage. This vehicle was found by NCPO abandoned at approximately 700 PN on Lapham Road adjacent tothe southwest portion of Waveny Parkin New Canaan. The vile was unoccupied ts running lights were on, ands traremison wa lt in reverse. Jenifer was not found inside the vehicle or inthe ‘surounding area. investiors found staln spatter onthe passenger site ofthe vehicle. 5. FORENSIC RESULTS FROM CRIME SCENE EVIDENCE: Evidence recovered fromthe cme scene (69 Welles Lane, New ‘Canaan CT) was submited to the Cepartment of Emergency Services & Public Protection (DESPP Dvsin of Scientific ‘Serves Forensic Laboratory for arly. The table below st a portion ofthe results leaned fom evidence submited. ait an Rover hod ‘A Nath ernfer babe Ls ler Ol gee odes and over Bunge DNA Math enter Das ‘eles tane eer Dus arg ove isa ts and Rovere Tender | DNA tho eer Ou ‘eles Lane enero arg ove lode amor chen suet | Mire of ner an ousDWA | Wels ne, Ne Coan CT ode sn sak aint dor Poste for So of ernie Duls | 6 Wai ae Naw avn CT Seating nid robfpte muioon dsr |ONA aha Fotis Due Wes ne New ran CT Tale sin gre Sor A teh fer Oo 5 ees Lae New oan CT 6, FOTISDULOS & ASSOCIATES: Cetecthes have Hentied the folowing persons as central to this investigation: ‘+ Fotis Duos - Fotis Duos was the estranged husband of ener Duos (referenced inthis afdavit 2 “Dulos) ul reside at Jefersr Crossing I Ferogton, CT. Dules owned and operated a construction company named "The Fore Group, i" ut of an offie at hs reskence.Duls and the iim were mated in 2006 3nd together they have five chien, 1+ Michelle €.Trocons - Mickle Troconis was the (elerenced inthis affideitas “Troeon ielfiend of Dulos who resided with hi onffersn Crossing ‘Pawel Gumlenny - Pawel Cumlenny was fultine employee of Fore Group and he worked dosey with Duos pgs 2103 pe ot fo oY doz — Th foot [ARREST WARRANT APPLICATION ‘Danese neo STATE OF CONNECTICUT arte SUPERIOR COURT SEEEES. wa sea fect Sia haul TE es TROCONIS, Michelle, . Farmington ‘Stamford mms os Affidavit - Continued dally a2 Project Manager fr Fore Group. Gumianny regularly operated 2 Toyota Tacoma ‘Kent Mawhinney -Kent Mawhinney is practicing attorney and personal rend of Dues. + Andreas Toutlards -Chtdhood fend of Dulos who Ives in Greece, 7. VEMICLES: Detectives checked the COLLECT system to locate vehicles registered to the Fore Group Inc. -the company ‘owned and operate by Fats Dulas - and fr other vehicles asociated with his employees, The resus ofthese searches Include the following vehicles: +2015 chevrolet Suburban (Cr Plate: 8745CC) -A back Chevrolet Suburban regtered tothe Foe Group and ‘regularly operate by Dulos ‘+ 2014 cep Cherokee (CT Plats: AK25899) -A white Jeep Cherokee Laredo regltered to the Fore Group and ‘operate by Duos, Trocons, and Gurmenny. ‘+2018 Ford F150 SVT Raptor [CT Pate: 910YFC) - high-performance pickup truck black in color, registered to Fore Group and commonly operated by Duls, ‘+ 2001 Toyota Tacoma (T Plate: 6617CN) -A red Toyota Tacoma pickup tuck reglstered to Gumienny' wife, Barbara Gumienny. Accord to Gumienay, hs wife normally drove her own vehi and he used the Toyota ‘Tacoma fr transportation toand fom the Farmington area in connection this employment by Fats Dus” company. During Gumiennys work week, he indicated he was usually provided a Foe Group vehicle to operate 2. INITIAL CONTACT WITH FOTIS DULOS: On 05/25/19 at approximately 2:47 PM, Dulos entered the lobby ofthe New (Canaan Police Department and was met by Of. Patten and CSP Detective Christopher Allegro neary thee hour after he intl expected arval. When asked about his attorney, Duls indicated the lawyer, acob Petranker, was cusde taking ‘onthe phone. Dulos asked investigators if there was any news on his wife's dsappearance and was told detectives were Seeking his help in finding er. Oe Patten told Duos that he would be entering a secure area ofthe acity and asked if he had any weapons or contraband. 3s Duos began pling items from hs Gthing pockets, almost immediately he began ating his own pockets and muttering, "Whereis my phone?” At approximately ths time, Pyetranker entered the lobby and announced to police that Dulos would be providing no interview and that he and Dulos woud be leaving. Detectives were surprised to ear that Oulos was not going to help inthe search for Jennifer, and they began to look for clarification {rom Dulos and Pyetranker. As this decssion was aking place, Pyetranker handed ulos the cellphone he was caving. Detective Alero apoke upto ak Duis, “s thet your phone?” and Dus responded affarntivey- Detective Alleg {asked to see the phone, and Dules havded aver the phone with no apparent hesitation. Observing the phone was locked witha fourigt passcode, Detective slegro asked forthe unlock code, Dulos provided the code a “0-040-0" and Detective Alero unlocked the phone. he placed the phone into Airplane Mode - 2 setting which removes the caliphone from the network thus preventing the data onthe phone from being remotely erased -Pyetranke asked Detective Alagro what he was doing. Detective Allegro responded that he was securing the callulr phone and the daa it vtopae 36103 pape Ama) woyfre Defer Laysell #677. a a a ape t Lb from Ae § 2020 [ARREST WARRANT APPLICATION Benen neon STATE OF CONNECTICUT genie ‘SUPERIOR COURT SSE eases on oN Farmington Stamford ecto ot Affidavit - Continued Contains because of his belie that th phone contained evidence related tothe disappearance of Jenifer Dulos. He further indicated tata Search & Seizure Warrant (SSW) would be sought to authorize a search ofthe cellphone fr such evidence. Dulos responded by seying nothing. NCPO suveilance video documented the transaction and showed Dulos appearing agitated and confused. Pyetranker asserted that police had no “grounds” to sez the celle because they had “no warrant.” Detectives acknowledge that a SW would be sought and tat the cliphone would not be searched Unt awful SSW ha been sued. “her ations were restieted tothe securing ofthe celphone and the praventon of potential destruction of evidence cortained within the phone, Pyetranker responded by saying he needed a moment with his lent, and both men walked out of the NCPO lobby ‘9, SEARCH WARRANT FOR DULOS' PRIMARY CELLPHONE (860-878-8625): On 05/25/18 -the same day Duos cellphone was seized at approximately 2:47 PM - detectives presented an affidavit n Stamford Superior Court outlining facts known 435 of 2:47 PM that date. Upon review, the court sued a Search & Seizure Warrant a 8:50 PM fr Duos handset seized ‘ater that date, [AS investigation progressed, a second celular handset with separate celular number was sized fom Dulos. For clarity, the lst four digits of Dulos' cellphones are referenced -in this case “8625.] 410, INTIAL HARTFORD INFORMATION: On 05/26/19 2 forensic examination of Duos [8625 cellphone provided Information that Oulos handset was the aea of Albany Avenue in Hartford during the seven olock hour of 05/24/18. 11, ALBANY AVENUE VIDEO CANVASS: Starting on 05/27/19 WOMIS detectives began to canvass the area of Fairmont Street, Green tret and Albany Avenue nthe city of Harford which resulted inthe development of footage showing 2 large, dark colored pickup truck consttent withthe 2014 Ford Raptr replstered to Fore Group traveling in the area on (05/24/19 a approximately 740. 12, HARTFORD - C4 SURVEILLANCE MIDEO: On 05/30/13 WOMCS detectives contacted the Hartford Police Department Special Operations Group, Capital Gt Command Center (C4) and requested their assistance in determining Dules' ‘2atties nthe area of Albany Avenue. Clocateda male wearing a light-colored shit, dark pans, an ball ap - his individual was subsequent identified a Duos. He was abserved oper rg, black-colored pickup truck which was late identified asa 2014 Ford F150 7 Raptor pickup truck (CT Plate: SLOYFC) registered to The Fore Group ne. A female passenger in the Ford Raptor was shown on surveillance and subsequently identified as Dulosirien, Michelle Trocons. C4 mapped out Dulos' movement as he deposited multiple lack colored plastic garbage bags into several trash aceptacls during the evening of 05/24/18. The mapping included the following polts ‘+ 731-26 pm - black Ford Repr enter the area of Albany Avenue covered by Hatord Police survelance cameras rom the wes. ‘+ 782.01 PM -A Ford Raptors shown traveling eastbound along Albany Avenue + 732:07 PM -A Ford Raptor tus tpn 41039 page Aco) ht fram Albany Avenue onto southbound Milford Steet. As the vehicle Seemann meine STATE OF CONNECTICUT eee SUPERIOR COURT SEE ase nee = eas a TROCONIS, Michell, c. rmington Stamford mamict_ 04 ‘Affidavit - Continued asses through the camera's fed of view, several plastic bags canbe sen inthe rear bed of the pickup, At this point the tuck raves toush a potion of ety streets not covered by suveilance cameras for approximately even minutes. + 739:13 PM - A Ford Raptor emerges onto Albany Avenue and turns ght to travel eastbound again. At river’ seat, grabs a black phstic bag and places it nto trash receptacle on the sidewalk. The camera angle shows the rear bed ofthe trick snow largely empty of bags. ‘+ 7-407 eM A Ford Raptor continues eastbound on Albany Avenve unlit reaches Centr Street, where the Arver conduct a U-Turn to travel westbound again along Albany Avenue. As the tuck asses the camera, the ‘rear bed ofthe truck seen‘ hold only one lack paste bag. ‘+ 7:81:24 PM -2 Ford Raptors shown from behind traveling westbound on Albany Avenue and stopping at Green Street, The male emerges from the drive’ seat, retrieves te lat garbage bag wile standing to the rear ofthe ‘ruck, and elscards the bag tothe trashcan ‘+ 7:50:95 PM -A Ford Raptor aves westbound along towards Albany Avenue unl passes out of the area of -urvellnce coverage st approximately 750 PM, 13, ADDITIONAL C# VIDEO: C video showed Dulos remove what appeared tobe a large, rgd object fom the ea of the Ford Raptor and lean it up against ating. The abject was consistent withthe appearance of a WeatherTech brand ear cargo ner determined 1 be ming from Jennifer's 2017 Chevrolet Suburban. C video also showed an unidentified _etson removing what appeared tobe a ight-olored piece of material containing a lage bleod-he stan. This tem appeared consistent with one of twosmall camping pillows which Jennifer's nanny, Lauren Almelda reported were ‘missing fom the garage storage shelres a the 69 Welles Lane crime scene, Investigator subsequently Kentiied and Interviewed the homeless male who old investigators he had seen what he described as a "body plow" but he had not taken the tem, 14, RECOVERY OF EVIDENCE FROM ALBANY AVENUE: Detectives checked trash receptacles shown on survelance and recovered garbage bags consistent withthe black garbage bags shown on CA vdeo, what appeared tobe cut cating and Lndergarments with a blood-ke substance (BLS), lst zip tes containing BLS, other items and household goods (eg bichen sponge) with blood stains and other household trash items. Numerous items recovered from trash receptacles corresponding to dump lecations shown on C4 video were submited to the Department of Emergency Serves and Public Protection (DESP},Dhision of Forensic Science Laboratory located a 278 Colony Street in Meriden CC. (Reforto table on non pose) Crap 39 et robs litemeara set | G7 -0F 2: i blow [ARREST WARRANT APPLICATION ce oe comamcrcar earth ‘SUPERIOR COURT “Affidavit - Continued Tce isso pape towel | DAW oe us [ek reenge ‘A acho Pots ous (tz) ik ay gn A Math ener Duos (te nerd Vie io aS A Hath fe Ds Ti RA Hatch nile Oaos ‘ea on wast) ia st Jeni Dder_——_—Guhge Bg Asn 0. eee hear one th ood). nA Match nif Odos (ane es HA stern be ‘Sandro Bard bowel —[ A Math nifD Ta Paseo gs tape opt DNA Mateo Both niu & ara og -Aby he re St | baa nae eens [if pasic ag cape [ DHA Hater nie ag = Te it of bl ag hcg — [Wien Figen of fotos | rage alam, ren 3 Ti} To Backoetegtage bo eth Abaya ‘Snotonne ie wenvedicow | Rated gsr cf fats Duor Stemsndtachope tached oue_| Lt dle gupta ston Swain Baga nat oA ach nil als ‘eine sainen pono UA st enter ules Saabig em hg HK en le [Saigon tre Hae tns [Onto ine Dubs ‘belie arom eterarofson- OA atch oni ules amoge st az Satug fst alee ape | OAR ac ni alr Garage Ba Ayhe TSran Saige opiate | BHA Ic ener Dy ‘Gang B-Ab ve een poten Daath Fai Duos BA Nstehto hele oes 15. RECOVERY OF ALTERED LICENSE PLATES: A srvelance viéeo also showed Duos placing large, whte-coared tem Into a storm drain a the intersection of Albany Avenue and Adams Street. Detectives and Metropolitan Dstt. CCommittion personnel esponded theltersection and acessed the drain. Alarge,white-

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