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Filing # 100120521 E-Filed 12/11/2019 08: INTHE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA Case. No. 50-2006-CR-009454-A -vs- Jeffrey Epstein Defendant(s) MOTION FOR AN ORDER UNSEALING GRAND JURY TESTIMONY COMES NOW the State of Florida, by and through its undersigned AssistaitStats Attomey, and pursuant to Florida Statuie 905.27 (1), moves this court to enter én ordeF” authorizing the unsealing of grand jury testimony. ‘The State further requests 1 rt to enter an order authorizing FDLE Agent Troy K. Cope, Members of thesRDLE Office of Executive Investigations Public Corruption Unit, State Attomey Brace Colforyand his assigned assistants to obtain recordings ofthe entire grand jury in the above captiongdmnatter from the Palm Beach Clerk of Court and authorize the transcription of same” Tis motion refers specifically to the Palm Beach County Grand Jury proceedings nol ‘Hdictment dated July 19, 2006 of Jefitey Epstein for Felony Solicitation of Prostit Je ‘As grounds in support ofthis motion, the Siig Sits the following: 1, 905.27(1) Florida Statutes ou the disclosure of the testimony ofa witness examined before the grand jury OkOfBer evidence received by it, 2. An exception to the neta ke disclosure exists when disclosure is required for the furthering of justice. sa70K9 Florida Statutes (2019). 3. On August 6, 2049, Ron DeSantis, Governor of the State of Florida, authorized the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to initiate a preliminary inquiry beyond the work: of Jeffrey Epstein and into other irregularities surrounding the prior Stato investigatien and the utimeteplen agreement. See Exhibit A, Executive Order Number 15 peétor Troy K. Cope and the Office of Executive Investigations Public Corruption ‘has been essigned to spearhead the investigation on behalf of the Florida ‘Department of Law Enforcement. 5. ‘The aforementioned exeoutive order assigned Bruce H. Colton, State Attomey for the Nineteenth Judicial Cirouit of Florida, to assist inthe investigation, prosecution and all allegations related to Jeffrey Epstein and his assigned work release program and other innegularties. FILED: PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL, SHARON R. BOCK, CLERK, 12/11/2019 08:54:32 AM STATE OF FLORIDA OFFICE OF THE. GOVERNOR EXECUTIVE ORDER, NUMBER 19-183 Exhibit A - WHEREAS, in 2008, Jeftey Epstein pled guilty to procuring nzeon under 18 for rostinton end felony solicitation of prostitution in Palm. Beach County, louise aid federal investigations, and.was later place on work seeds anid WHEREAS, the Site Atsiney Oftice for Patt Bea aes nse relsted tthe sate favestigalion concerning Jey Bost concérning Jefley Epstein and bas = abstr it tv ultimate plea agreement; nd : ss, he Honorable BRUCE H. COLTON, State Attorney forthe Winstechth bil of Florida, los deed! to aceept an exceultive assignment for any proceedings ‘rom the Departnient of Law Enforcement investigation and ingity inthis matter, WHEREAS, for god and sufficient reason, the Governor has determined itis in. the best interests of the State of Florida and of the ends of justice that the Honorable BRUCE H, ‘The petiod of Executive ‘ssn sll ber ooo (1) joa tw xl incaing q ‘August 6, 2026. icine sng ad aad bare chu Great Sed. of the Siate.of Flop to be affixed this 6 “odst bd 9-6, Gad IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, STATE OF FLORIDA Case No, 50-2006-CE-009454-A -VS- Jeffrey Epstein Defiendant(s) ORDER ON BRUCE POLTON’S MOTION TO UNSEAL GRAND JURY ZRSTINONY ‘THIS CAUSE coming on to be heard on the State's Motion and the che otherwise fully advised in the premises, its hereby; la 6 ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the State's Motion is hereby = ___ dey of Judge Jefitey D. Gillen ce: M, Levering Evans}issistant State Attomey, SA 19eService@sa019.0rg Jack A. Goldberger, Defense Attomey, jgoldberger@newpa.com, smahoney@agwpa.com Attomey Robert D. Cfitton, retit@lawele.com. Sharon R, Bott, Clerk and Comptrolier of Palm Beach County, 205 N Dixie Hwy, West Palm Besclig L' 33401 Attomigy, Spencer T. Kuvia, slavin@800goldiaw.com Attortiey Bradley J. Edwards, brad@eplle.com Attomey Jefftey M. Herman, jherman@)hermanlaw.com ‘Theddore J. Leopold, tleopold@cobenmilstein.com A.H,, oo Vietim’s Services, 19" Circuit State Attorney's Office, 411 § 2" St, Fort Pieroc, FL 34950 AD.,, c/o Vietim’s Services, 19" Circuit State Attorney’s Office, 411 $ 2 St, Fort Pierce, FL, 34950 S.G,, cfo Victim's Services, 19" Circuit State Attomey’s Office, 411 8 2% St, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Gregory Parkinson, 7022 Venetian Way, West Palm Beach, FL 33406

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