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How did a piece of opposition research, described by Paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC, and

on Campaign and the DNC, and communications of Trump’s team, both before and to accept the allegations made by Fusion GPS? And
EPOCH TIMES INVESTIGATION former FBI Director James Comey as both “salacious and produced by Fusion GPS—whose other clients include the after the elections. what did Obama obtain in monitoring the commu-

‘The Insurance Policy’

unverified,” become the driving force behind the allega- Russian government—the dossier appears to have been The unverified allegations in the dossier were also nications of Trump, the opponent of the candidate
tions that Trump colluded with Russian authorities? the basis for the FBI’s investigation on Donald Trump. actively spread to media organizations, both by Fusion he supported?
Research conducted by The Epoch Times, using pub- The FBI used the dossier, in part, to obtain a FISA GPS as well as other key players involved, to cast a shad- These matters are currently under investigation by
lic sources, shows a web of connections related to the warrant to spy on Trump’s team, according to na- ow over Trump’s run for president and his presidency. the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,
A MAP SHOWING THE CONNECTIONS RELATED TO THE TRUMP DOSSIER dossier reaching the highest levels of the FBI, CIA, and tional security reporter Sarah Carter. Two of Presi- Many questions are being raised by the connec- the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general, and
the Obama administration. dent Barack Obama’s top officials also surveilled the tions before us, such as, why was the FBI so willing possibly special counsel Robert Mueller.

Jeh Johnson
FBI Secretary of Homeland Security
Based on instructions from Obama, Johnson ordered a review of state
The FBI, under then-Director James Comey, conducted election systems.
both the investigation into Clinton’s sending of classified Actions taken by the DHS raised concerns among states of potential
materials using a private email server and the allegations federal overreach into their election systems. The decentralized nature of
that Trump colluded with Russia. America’s election systems acts as a safeguard against large-scale fraud.
More than 9,500 text messages obtained by the inspec- Two weeks before the end of Obama’s presidency, Johnson designated
tor general revealed a strong bias in favor of Clinton and the election infrastructure as “critical infrastructure,” overruling concerns
against Trump among some of the key people involved in about federal overreach.
TERRY McAULIFFE the investigations.
Governor of Virginia
McAuliffe is a close Clinton
ally who donated to the

HILLARY CLINTON wife of FBI Deputy Director

Democratic presidential candidate KEY President of the United States
During her 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary QUESTION Unverified claims that Trump colluded with the Russian authorities
Clinton controlled both her own campaign as well made their way to Obama through the CIA.
as the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The Obama used the claims to instruct Homeland Security Secretary
GEN. MIKE FLYNN LORETTA LYNCH Johnson to conduct an assessment of vulnerabilities of the
Clinton campaign had paid tens of millions of dollars Former national security adviser Attorney general
to the DNC, which was deeply in debt at the time, in JILL McCABE electoral system. Several states, however, opposed Johnson’s

exchange for full control, said Donna Brazile in a tell- Wife of Andrew McCabe A key question that remains is what Flynn was charged by special counsel Comey testified in June 2017 intervention, citing federal overreach.
all memoir published last year. Brazile was appointed McCabe received nearly ANDREW McCABE JAMES COMEY the exact relationship is between Robert Mueller for lying to the FBI on before the Senate Select Two of Obama’s top officials used their positions to request
as interim DNC chair in July 2016. FBI deputy director FBI Director FBI officials and Fusion GPS. Did the Dec. 1, 2017. The interview with Flynn Committee on Intelligence that “unmasking” requests on the communications of members of
$675,000 from groups connected
FBI have advance knowledge of the was overseen by FBI agent Strzok. Lynch had instructed him to Trump’s team, both before and after the election, which provided
to Virginia Gov. McAuliffe for her McCabe was involved in both the As director of the FBI, Comey
production of the dossier, and did it have refer to the Clinton investigation them and Obama with critical insight into Trump’s campaign as
campaign for a seat in the Virginia Clinton email investigation and the oversaw the investigations
any hand in ordering its production? as a “matter” rather than a well as the transition process after he was elected.
state Senate. She received the FBI’s investigation on Trump. into Hillary Clinton’s use of a

These questions could help explain criminal investigation. The White House also instructed key officials, such as Rice, to
payments after the FBI started its private email server and into the
why the FBI so willingly accepted the make public statements on the alleged Russian interference, thus
investigation on Hillary Clinton. allegations of collusion between
unverified allegations that it used to influencing public opinion.
the Trump campaign and Russia.
investigate Trump.



Besides the Clinton campaign and PETER STRZOK LISA PAGE Text messages sent between Strzok
An undisclosed amount of money— Just like the Clinton campaign, the
the DNC, there might have been and Page, obtained by the Department JAMES CLAPPER SAMANTHA POWER SUSAN RICE
potentially millions—was paid by the DNC sent an undisclosed amount of Deputy assistant director, FBI FBI lawyer
other groups paying money to Fusion of Justice inspector general, showed a Former director of national intelligence US ambassador to the UN National security adviser
Clinton campaign to Fusion GPS. money, potentially millions, to Fusion Counterintelligence Division Page worked directly for FBI
GPS related to the dossier. Obama’s potential plot against Trump. Clapper oversaw the production Power made dozens, if not hundreds, Rice made multiple “unmasking”
The money was sent through law GPS through law firm Perkins Coie. Strzok oversaw both the Deputy Director McCabe.
campaign Obama for America made In one message, they described a of a joint intelligence report into of unmasking requests for the requests for the identities of members
firm Perkins Coie and mislabeled in The payments were mislabeled in investigation into Hillary Text messages sent between
$972,000 in payments to Perkins Coie meeting they had in McCabe’s office, alleged Russian interference identities of members of Trump’s of Trump’s team in intelligence reports.
FEC filings to avoid detection. FEC filings to avoid detection. Clinton’s transmission of her and Strzok reveal her
between April 2016 and August 2017, in which they discussed an “insurance in the election. Clapper later team collected in intercepted The surveillance of the communications
classified information using a bias in favor of Clinton and
although it is unclear whether these policy” in case Trump was elected testified before Congress that communications. She later testified of members of Trump’s team took place
private email server and the disdain for Trump.
payments were related to Fusion GPS. president. the investigation had found no before Congress that not all of the before and after the elections. The House
FBI’s investigation on Trump.
evidence of collusion between unmasking requests made in her intelligence committee is investigating
the Trump campaign and Russia. name were directed by her. what the surveillance was used for.

New York-based law firm Perkins Coie
paid Fusion GPS millions on behalf of RUSSIA Fusion GPS produced the dossier on Trump using Former FBI director, special counsel
the Clinton campaign and DNC for its almost exclusively Kremlin-linked sources. The Mueller served as FBI director from 2001 to 2013. He was
work on the Trump dossier. company was also hired by the Russian government appointed as special counsel to investigate alleged Russian NSA TRUMP TEAM
for lobbying work against the Magnitsky Act. interference in the 2016 elections by Deputy Attorney The NSA, which intercepts and Trump’s campaign team as well as his
General Rod Rosenstein in May 2017. stores nearly all communications of transition team, including possibly Trump
Mueller fired FBI agent Strzok after his anti-Trump bias was every American, received multiple himself, had their communications
Russian lawyer revealed in text messages obtained by the inspector general. “unmasking” requests from top Obama monitored by the Obama administration.
McCain had the Trump
According to a complaint to the DOJ, filed under the Foreign Agents officials for the identities of members of The access by Obama officials to
dossier delivered to him by
Registration Act on July 15, 2016, Veselnitskaya was hired by Trump’s campaign and transition team. sensitive campaign deliberations, as well as
his associate Kramer. McCain
Russian-owned Prevezon Holdings Ltd.—the same Russian entity the forming of Trump’s new government, is
then delivered the report to
Fusion GPS worked for—to lobby against the Magnitsky Act. currently under investigation by the House
then-FBI Director Comey.
Veselnitskaya was the lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. intelligence committee.
in a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower. Court documents and
emails reviewed by Fox News showed that she met with Fusion GPS
co-founder Simpson on the same day, before and after the meeting
with Trump Jr.
RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT Former British spy Steele met with The CIA prepared a confidential intelligence report for Obama on the
UK intelligence services to provide allegations of Russian interference. JOHN BRENNAN
Russian-owned Prevezon Holdings hired Simpson, as well as Russian them with the Trump dossier. Former CIA Director John Brennan has publicly said that the spy agency did CIA director
lawyer Veselnitskaya, to lobby on its behalf against the Magnitsky DAVID KRAMER CNN reported on April 13, 2017, not rely on the Trump dossier for its claims. However, many of the claims in its Brennan provided Obama with the HARRY REID
Act, according to a FARA complaint filed at the DOJ. Associate of Sen. John McCain that British as well as European report closely resemble those made in the dossier. Senate minority leader (D-Nev.)
unverified claims that Trump colluded
GLENN SIMPSON PETER FRITSCH Kramer, a former State intelligence agencies had passed The wife of Fusion GPS co-founder Simpson, Mary Jacoby, wrote on with Russian authorities. After having been briefed by Brennan, Reid
Co-founder Co-founder Department employee who on intercepted communications of Facebook that the CIA had “hopped to and immediately worked to verify [the He set up a task force including CIA, sent a letter to Comey, calling on him to
KREMLIN SOURCES now serves as a senior fellow members of Trump’s team to their dossier],” Tablet magazine reported based on screenshots of the posts. FBI, and NSA agents that continued take action. Reid’s letter was published on
Fusion GPS was co-founded by journalists Glenn at The McCain Institute, trav- counterparts in the United States. The CIA, under the so-called “Five Eyes” intelligence sharing agreement to feed information to Obama, The his website, resulting in numerous media
The Trump dossier relies almost exclusively on Kremlin-linked
Simpson and Peter Fritsch in 2011. The company is eled to London in November with the UK, would have had access to UK intelligence. However, it is unclear Washington Post reported. reports on the claims. While Reid did not
sources. These include a senior Kremlin official, a senior official
responsible for producing the Trump dossier. 2016 to meet with former how reliable the information was, as Steele was also feeding information to Brennan also briefed top congressional make reference to the Trump dossier in the
in the Russian Foreign Ministry, and a former top-level Russian
British spy Steele and request British intelligence agents. leaders on the unverified claims. letter, the claims closely resembled those
intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin.
a copy of the Trump dossier. The NSA was reluctant to consider the CIA’s conclusion with high made in the dossier.
confidence, given the fact that it relied in part on intelligence from another
country, The Washington Post reported.

Media organizations played a crucial role in spreading the unverified
allegations found in the Trump dossier.
T RUM P Court documents from the UK, where Steele and his company are


currently being sued for libel by a Russian businessman mentioned in
the report, revealed that Steele had briefed reporters of The New York
Former British spy, founding director Hired by Fusion GPS, wife Associate deputy attorney Times, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, CNN, and Yahoo News.
Steele talked to FBI
of Orbis Business Intelligence of DOJ official Bruce Ohr general, director of the Fusion GPS also directly paid journalists who reported on topics
agents as early as July
Organized Crime Drug related to alleged Russian interference in the elections, court
Steele was hired by Fusion GPS to work
on a series of memos that became known
Ohr was hired to work on
the Trump dossier. She
Enforcement Task Forces
2016 about the contents
of the dossier.
documents filed by the House intelligence committee show.
Other key players, such as Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager
collectively as the Trump dossier. It is unclear, had previously worked Ohr, husband of Nellie Ohr, was
demoted in December 2017 after Robby Mook and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D–Nev.), also
however, how much of the work was done by as a researcher for the
it was revealed he had met in helped drive the media coverage with public statements.
Steele, and how much by others, including CIA’s Open Source Works
secret with Fusion GPS co-founder BuzzFeed News published the Trump dossier in full in January 2017.
Nellie Ohr. Steele was likely chosen by Fusion project.
GPS for his known ties to FBI agents and the Simpson, as well as Steele, during
intelligence community. the campaign.

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