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Lampiran 1

KSK7034/P (1/4)

Service Level Agreement for Network Service

1. Introduction and Model of Operation

Communication Technologies (ComTech) is the network service provider for the NC
State University community. These services include connectivity and switching as well
as advanced network systems and management functions. Operationally, ComTech
designs, implements, and maintains NCSU data communication networks.
This document outlines the network services offered by ComTech on behalf of the NC
State University community. Further, this document specifies ComTech service level
commitments as applied to network performance and support for all Network and
OIT Desktop and Application Support customers.

1) Data Networking
The NC State University network (NCState.Net) provides for computer
communications between campus endsystems. Additionally, NCState.Net
provides gateway access to campus resources from remote sites and provides
Internet and advanced research network access.

Figure 1. Data Network Model

ComTech installs and manages campus network devices including desktop

switches, building aggregation switches, server aggregation switches, backbone
switches, and gateways.

2) About this Document

This agreement is intended to document procedures for support of campus data
networking services, and to get service level expectations for these services. This
document is reviewed annually and approved by the Associate Vice Chancellor
for Finance and Information Systems and the Vice Provost for Information

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KSK7034/P (1/4)

2. Network Services
ComTech provides campus data network services to college, departmental, and
central administration IT groups – these IT groups serve as the customers of record. The
ComTech data service provides for network connectivity from the desktop switch or
server aggregation switch. Inside wiring between the endsystem and the ComTech
electronics is installed and maintained by the installation and maintenance group
within ComTech. ComTech network connectivity includes:
• Switched Ethernet LAN access
• Campus data transport including
o IP bearer service
o IP multicast
• Remote access through public network infrastructure (e.g., T1, DS3, Broadband
Cable, DSL)
• Internet gateway service
o Commodity Internet
o Advanced research networks (e.g., vBNS, Abilene)
• Address registration and name services
• Firewall Services
• Wireless Service

1) Switched Ethernet LAN Access

• Ethernet LAN access is offered in all campus buildings that are connected
to the campus fiber backbone and wired according to the campus
standard wiring plan. LAN access provides for physical connectivity of
endsystems to the campus data network via standard Ethernet (10 Mbps),
Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps), and Gigabit Ethernet (1000 Mbps) network
switches (where endsystems include desktop systems, servers, printers, and
the like).

2) Campus Data Transport

• The NCState.Net backbone provides a logical overlay network in support
of the open Internet Protocole (IP) version-4 bearer service.

3) Remote Access
• ComTech provides for remote access to campus resources through public
network gateways. Remote access services include remote dial facilities
(i.e., ISDN BRI) and point-to-point provider-based facilities including DS1
and DS3 clear channel connections, broadband cable and DSL.
ComTech works with public network providers to implement and maintain
network connections between off-campus NCSU facilities and the
NCState.Net backbone. The public network service provider is responsible
for the leased line between the remote site and the NCSU campus proper.
ComTech provides and supports the network electronics and addressing
on both the NCSU campus and remote sides of the leased line

4) Internet Gateway
• ComTech maintains an external gateway connection to the commodity
Internet and advanced research networks via the North Carolina
Research and Education Network (NCREN) and the North Carolina
Networking Initiative (NCNI) GigaPop.

5) Host Registration and Naming

• ComTech administers domain name servers in support of IP host address to
name resolution. These servers support unity database information, off
campus resolution requests and campus resolution requests.

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• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) provides an automated

mechanism for assigning IP host addresses. ComTech supports static DHCP
assignment for any endsystem attached to the NCState.Net backbone.
LAN Administrators must first register the endsystem address for DHCP hosts.
All residence hall hosts receive IP addresses dynamically using ComTech-
supported DHCP

6) Firewall Services
ComTech offers redundant managed firewall services to isolate and protect
critical network hosts to the campus community. Please call the Network
Operations Center ( NOC ) at 513-9675 to set up an appointment to discuss your
firewall needs.

7) Wireless Service
Wireless access is offered in various locations across campus. The ComTech
wireless network implementation is part of a campus-wide Nomad Computing
Environment. The Nomad Computing Environment uses Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to provide ubiquitous and seamless mobile
computing resources. The NC State wireless network infrastructure allows portable
computing devices with wireless network interfaces to connect to the NC State
network using IEEE 802.11a (some classrooms only), b and g compliant

8) Conditions and Expectations

• ComTech provides the services mentioned here with service level
guarantees described in the remaining sections of this document. We are
able to provide service level guarantees within NCState.Net supported
infrastructure. ComTech does not guarantee support or service level for
the following:
o Legacy equipment and technologies – ThinNet (Ethernet 10base2)
o Internet access beyond the NCSU gateway
o Internet performance
o Any network device not maintained solely by ComTech

3. Network Performance
Network performance is specified in terms of reliability and responsiveness. Network
reliability is measured in terms of network availability or uptime. Network
responsiveness is measured in terms of response time and throughput.

1) Reliability
• ComTech implements advanced network architectures according to industry
standards. Generally speaking, network availability is directly related to the
amount of redundancy in the system. This redundancy is realized in duplicated
network links and equipment. ComTech includes the following in the NCState.Net
backbone architecture to increase availability and minimize downtime.
o Redundant backbone switching equipment
o Redundant links in the backbone
o Alternate paths in the backbone
o Dual power sources in the backbone (e.g., campus power and diesel
o Onsite spares for all equipement used int he campus infrastructure
o Maintenance contracts on network equipment
o Redundant Internet Gateways
o Alternate Internet gateway paths
o UPS’s in all campus telecommunications closets

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KSK7034/P (1/4)

• ComTech monitors the availability of all backbone interfaces (i.e., buildings).

ComTech agrees to provide an end-to-end data service that provides annual
availability of 99.5% (less than 43.8 hours of downtime).
• Network availability measurements will be compiled using a combination of
remedy system and network management system reporting functions

2) Network Responsiveness
• The NCState.Net backbone is based on a non-blocking architecture with links
sized to minimize delay and maximize throughput at peak load. ComTech
continuously monitors network performance and applies equipment and link
upgrades to maintain optimal delay and throughput characteristics. ComTech
monitors the performance of:
o Backbone switches
o Internet gateways
o Remote gateways
o Building backbone links
o Backbone links (between backbone switches)
• ComTech agrees to provide non-blocking (i.e., line-rate transport free from
network congestion) backbone network performance.

4. Network Support
• ComTech provides support for all services listed in section 2. ComTech relies on
departmental LAN administrators to support local connectivity issues – that is, the
interface between the user system and the desktop switching equipment. College
and departmental primary LAN administrators will be full or part time “permanent
year round” employees of North Carolina State University. There should be at least
one alternate LAN administrator meeting the above criteria to fill in for the primary in
the event the primary is not available. Part time “temporary” personnel including
students may be used to assist in the administration of LAN’s.
• LAN Administrator responsibilities include:
• Requesting data patching via the E-form located at
a. ComTech will do data patching of the closet end for all types of cable.
b. Three working days is a normal turnaround time for routine acitvations. Most
are done within a day. Normal activations are 8 hours to 3 days.
c. Two closet patching cables are located in each closet for emergency
activations where ComTech’s normal turnaround isn’t soon enough.
d. If an emergency cable isu sed from the closet, the LAN administrator must
submit a request via the E-form by the next working day to ComTech to have
the temporary cable removed and the permanent cable installed.
e. If an emergency activation (requested within 8 hours) must be performed by
ComTech, then a charge of time and 1/2 tech labor charges will be billed.
Please call the Network Operations at 513-9675 or e-
mail for current rates.
• Insuring hosts connecting to LAN are configured properly so as not to interfere with
existing network services.
• Registering end systems in the host registration database.
• Level 1 support – that is, initial investigation of user problems; determine whether
problem is user error, application/PC malfunction, or apparent network problem.
• Reporting network problems to ComTech as appropriate
• Assist ComTech in determining additional network needs
• Reporting conditions that could impact network services within the LAN

1) Network Trouble
• ComTech employs a 24-hour a day, 7 day per week, 365 per year pager
rotation schedule – that is, ComTech staff responds to network outages at any

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KSK7034/P (1/4)

time without exception. Problems shall always be reported by opening a

Remedy call and assigning it to ComTech or by sending Email
to Email to this address automatically opens a
Remedy call.) In addition, urgent problems may be reported by phoning the
network manager or the network operations desk directly (see appendix A).
Trouble reports shall be reported by LAN administrators and shall include at
minimum the following information:
o Contact information
o Description of problem
o Location of problem – campus, building, floor, room
o Relevant network addresses (i.e., IP and MAC addresses)
• A ComTech staff member will acknowledge a problem reported via the
remedy system (or trouble alias) within two hours of its posting – by contacting
the reporting LAN administrator. A ComTech staff member will acknowledge a
page from the network manager or the operations desk within 30 minutes of
receipt. ComTech will respond with problem resolution using the Remedy
system and assign calls back to the customer for closure of the original call.
• ComTech continuously monitors the campus network for outages, sub-optimal
performance, and service degradation. Upon detection of a network outage,
ComTech will alert customers via a Network Activity Alert Email message.
Periodic updates will be issued as new information is available. A final Network
Activity Alert will be sent when service has been restored. If the outage affects
critical devices or services, then emergency contact procedures will be
enacted. ComTech archives backbone equipment logs and Network Activity
Alert messages for future review and problem determination.

2) Network Abuse
o Network abuse is use of the network by an endsystem that either interferes
with normal network operation or is otherwise in violation of NCSU network
acceptable use policy (AUP). Violations of the AUP include network denial
of service (DOS) attacks, unauthorized port scanning, and attempts to
gain unauthorized access to network hosts (This is not an exhaustive list).
Reports of network abuse should be sent to Abuse
reports should contain contact information, the IP or endsystem address
of the offending host, and a log showing evidence of the reported abuse.
o Upon notification of abuse, ComTech will apply a network filter for the
reported host, acknowledge the complaint, and notify the LAN
administrator of the offending host. The LAN administrator is responsible for
correcting the host and requesting that the filter be disabled.
o ComTech maintains network configurations in accordance with industry-
defined “best practices.” Specifically, ComTech configurations include
safe-guards against the use of the NC State network as an amplification
site for denial of service (DOS) attacks.

3) Requesting New Services

o Customers may request new services and service upgrades at any time
by sending Email to indicating the requested
services, contact information, and a desired completion date. In general,
requests are processed on a first-come-first-served basis. ComTech
maintains a small inventory of commodity equipment (generally desktop
switching gear) to meet normal workflow requirements. In general,
equipment requests will require that ComTech order equipment and
supplies before scheduling installation.
o A ComTech staff member will acknowledge a service request within 48
hours of its posting to the remedy system (or support Email alias).
ComTech will complete service requests on a first -come-first-served basis.

Lampiran 1
KSK7034/P (1/4)

4) Registering IP Host Addresses and Names

o LAN Administrators may register end systems by either sending a request
via e-mail to or request training to use the IP
registration management client. After being certified by ComTech staff,
LAN administrators will be granted access to add, change, and delete
host information for zones (subnets) assigned to their department or
o DNS updates are executed during normal business hours only at 7 am, 10
am, 1 pm, and 4 PM DHCP updates are executed hourly 7 am – 8 PM,

5) Network Maintenance
o The NC State University network is dynamic in nature, changing every day.
On a daily basis nodes are added to the network, customers (and their
subnets) move, and equipment is upgraded. While this change is a
requirement, we plan, announce, and execute network maintenance to
affect as few customers as possible and with minimal downtime. We
categorize network changes as follows:
1) Installation: customer initiated for adds, moves, and changes
2) Maintenance: ComTech initiated for bug fixes, feature
enhancements, maintaining network homogeneity
3) Emergency: ComTech initiated for fixing network problems that
involve serious network performance and/or availability
degradation The regularly scheduled maintenance period for
campus network services is 12 am to 6 am, and all maintenance is
coordinated with impacted customers prior to initiation. No
maintenance affecting these services will be conducted without
prior coordination with impacted customers. Routine
maintenance will be announced at least 72 hours in advance.
o All network maintenance will be announced via E-mail and will include
the action, the reason for action, the planned start, the projected
completion time, and affected customers. Network maintenance alerts
are mailed to netadm and netinfo lists (These lists include LAN
administrators and other Faculty/Staff/Students whom wish to be notified
of planned maintenance). Network systems will become available with
greater or equal service within the time window defined in the
maintenance announcement.

6) Customer Satisfaction
o Customers dissatisfied with their level of service should immediately report
any issues to the network manager and schedule a face-to-face
meeting. Issues unresolved with the network operations manager should
be escalated as necessary.
o Customer feedback will ensure that we continue to deliver services
required by our customers and at a level expected by our customers. The
ComTech Director hosts periodic (at least semi-annually) update
meetings to inform customers of network architecture plans and
developments – these meetings also serve as a forum for customer

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KSK7034/P (1/4)

5. Monitoring and Reporting Functions

In order to measure conformance with the service levels defined in this document,
we rely on several tools – namely, the Remedy system, off the shelf network
management systems, and ComTech-developed web-based tools. The Remedy
system is to be used by LAN administrators and ComTech staff to track and
document network troubles. Remedy reporting functions may be used to generate
reports that indicate persistent problem areas in the network itself or network service
processes. Network management tools are generally used by ComTech staff to
monitor network availability and performance. ComTech has deployed a number of
off-the-shelf network management tools to expedite problem isolation and resolution.
Finally, ComTech provides tools through the ComTech web space that serve as the
customer window into the network – existing tools include:

1. – monitors all backbone connections for

interface operational status and logs apparent network outages; updated every 2
2. – provides network throughput and latency baseline graphs
between campus hub (MDF) locations; updated every 5 minutes.
In addition to these ComTech links, the following pages provide indications of Internet
gateway performance (ComTech does not provide any service level guarantees for
Internet access).

1. – MRTG statistics for all NCREN sites and Internet provider interfaces.
2. – response-time measurements to roughly 100 university sites around
the country (from ComTech backbone)
Several additional tools are under development including:

• HP Openview web-based monitoring solution – This gives customer help desks a real-
time view of network status through a Java-enabled graphical interface. Ultimately
this tool will replace the existing text-based network monitor page.
• User Customizable ComTech portal – This allows customers to customize their view of
the network by configuring a portal URL.

6. Appendix A – Contact Information and Approvals

To report a network down emergency or network outage, a LAN Administrator may
call the Network Operations Center (NOC) during normal business hours of 7:15am –
6:00pm, Monday – Friday. After normal business hours, a LAN Administrator may call
ITD Operations and the ITD operators will page the ComTech on-call staff member.
The on-call staff member will involve other staff as necessary.

Contact E-mail Telephone

ComTech Network Operations Center 513-9675

ITD Operations 515-5500

Greg Sparks, Director 515-0105

Greg James, Network Manager 515-0122

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