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School Municipali
Region Division School ID District Leg District Level
Name ty K G1 G2 G3 G4

Kinder Classroom

With buildable No. of Classes with

Need Need
space (input 1 No Classroom after Need
Good Need Major Minor Ongoing For Good Minor
or 0) Total Cl Makeshift utilizing all existing Actual Condition Major
Condition Repair Repair Condemnation/R Repair
(1+2+3+4) Structure facilities whether Shortage
(1) (2) (4) eplacement (1) Repair(2)
(3) (3)

No. of
G7-G12 Classrooms Classes Science Laboratory
with No
For For
Condemnati Makeshift Actual No. utilizing Need Major Need Minor Repair Ongoing
Total Cl all Actual Good Condition Repair Total Cl Condemna Makeshift
on/ tion/
(1+2+3+4) Replacemen Structure of Classes facilities
existing Shortage (1) (3) (1+2+3+4) Replacem Structure
(2) (4)
t ent

Home Economics Building Industrial Arts Building

For For
Need Minor Ongoing Total No. of Condemna Makeshift Need Major Need Minor Repair Ongoing Total No. Condemna Makeshift
Actual Good Condition Repair
Repair Units tion/ of Units tion/
(4) (1+2+3+4) Replacem Structure Shortage (1) (3)
(3) (2) (4) (1+2+3+4) Replacem Structure
ent ent

Gabaldon Building Techvoc Bldg Incomplete Bui

For For
Need Minor Ongoing Total No. of Condemna Good Need Major Need Minor Condemna Makeshift Actual Complete
Ongoing Total No. of Units
Repair Units tion/ Condition Repair Repair tion/
(4) (4) (1+2+3+4) Structure Shortage d
(3) (1+2+3+4) Replacem (1) (2) (3) Replacem
ent ent
Canteen Toilet Facilities

For Need
Need Total No.
Good Need Major Need Minor Ongoing Total No. Condemnati Minor Ongoing
Makeshift Actual Good Condition Major of Toilet
Condition Repair Repair of Units on/ Repair
Structure Shortage (1) Repair Seats
(1) (2) (3) (4) (1+2+3+4) Replacemen (4)
(2) (1+2+3+4)
t (3)

Drainage System (1 or
Existing School Fence (1 or 0) Other Existing Facilities (1 or 0) 0)

Semi With No
Permanent Covered Entrace Playgorun Existing Existing
(Made of No Fence Stage Pathways Flagpole Oval Quadrangle
(Concrete) Gym Gates ds Drainage Drainage
Indegenous System System

Programmed with NYS and on-going Status (BEFF 2014 to

Total Requirements (CL) Total Inventory (CL) Programmed Construction (Other Sources)

G7-G12 Total Kinder G1-G6 G7-G12 Total Kinder G1-G6 G7-G12 Total Kinder G1-G6 G7-G12

Total Needs (CL) Multigrad Madrasah SPED Class (# of

e class (# (# of REMARKS
Kinder G1-G6 G7-G12 Total of classes) classes)

Site Ownership
G5 G6 SPED NG G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 SPED NG Document

G1-G6 Classrooms G7-G12 Classrooms

No. of Classes with

For Need
No Classroom after Need
Ongoing Condemna Actual Good Minor
Total Cl Makeshift utilizing all existing Actual Major Ongoing
tion/ No. of facilities whether Shortage Conditio Repair
(1+2+3+4) Replacem Structure Classes (1) Repair(2) (4)
(4) n
ent (3)

Computer/ICT Laboratory Home Economics Building

Need For
Good Minor Ongoing Condemna Makeshi Actual Good
Actual Condition Major Total No. of Units Need Major
Repair tion/ ft Condition
Shortage (1) Repair(2) (1+2+3+4) Shortage Repair (2)
(4) Replacem Structure (1)
(3) ent

Administrative Building Gabaldon Building

Need For
Good Minor Ongoing Condemna Makeshi Actual Good
Actual Condition Major Total No. of Units Need Major
Repair tion/ ft Condition
Shortage (1) Repair(2) (1+2+3+4) Replacem Structure Shortage (1) Repair (2)
(3) ent

Incomplete Buildings Library

Need For
For Date of Good Minor Ongoing Total No. Condem Makeshift Actual
Completi Abandon Condition Repair Repair of Units nation/ Structure Shortage
on ment (1) (2) (1+2+3+4) Replace
(3) ment
Handwashing Facilities

For Total No. For

Condem Makeshift Actual Good Ongoing of Condemna Makeshift
nation/ Structure Shortage Condition Repair Need Minor Repair
Major Faucets tion/ Actual Shortage
Replace (1) (4) (1+2+3+4 Replacem Structure
ment ) ent

Slope Protection (1 or
Electricity (1 or 0) Water Source Total Requirements (CL)

Needs No need Local

With Without Shallow
Slope for Slope Water Deepwell Spring Others Kinder G1-G6
Electrcity Electricity Protection Protection District Well

Other Sources) Proposed BEFF (NEW CONSTRUCTION) Proposed BEFF (REPAIR)

Total Kinder G1-G6 G7-G12 Total Kinder G1-G6 G7-G12 Total

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