Socratic Circle Reflection 1

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Evelyn Arambula

English 3H Block 5
Socratic Circle Reflection
Reflection on Performance
For the inner circle I was a part of, we discussed the first set of questions that were
based on Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway. We discussed all three questions,
the conversation naturally flowed into them so that really worked out. The question we spent the
most time on was the third one which was “Has a decision been made at the end?” Here the
main point that was being made was that the girl had decided to go on with the abortion, and the
biggest piece of evidence we had for this was the last line where the girl says she feels fine. We
believed her to be lying and we referenced the handout we had received the class before that
was about the biggest lies a woman tells. From here, Maximo brought up the question of
whether or not the man and the woman would stay together, because we had previously
decided that the female was not on board with her decision. Maximo believed that they would
break up because clearly, she was unhappy, whereas I believed she would just let herself stay
trapped in that loveless relationship. I think it was good that my group followed the natural flow
of the conversation and brought up other questions that weren’t planned. And even amongst
differing opinions, we remained respectful. As well, I think Mary did a great job of welcoming
everyone into the conversation and keeping the conversation going. I remember Wentao kept
on getting cut off and letting people go instead so Mary invited him to say his point which was
really nice of her. Overall, I think all the groups did a good job of staying respectful and kind to
each other, especially when someone would bring up a contradicting point. This positive
environment definitely made it easier for people to join the conversation which was an
improvement from the last Socratic seminar.

During this discussion, I brought up the argument that she was not content with her
decision to keep the baby because she kept on telling the man to shut up and that she’s fine,
which every woman knows is code for I’m not fine and I’m actually very upset but its a battle I
know I’m going to lose so I won’t bother. Additionally, I went against Maximo’s belief that they
would split up because I think that during that time it was more socially acceptable to be stuck in
a loveless relationship then it was to be a single woman. Especially since the woman decided to
go through with the abortion which she clearly did not want to do, but really only did it for him,
which means she was willing to suffer to save their relationship. I think I brought up good points
in the discussion, plus I was ready with my quotes to prove my argument/ justify my reasoning. I
think I definitely explained my point better which is something I struggle with in my day to day
life so I’m glad it improved in the Socratic. One thing I want to improve though is the fact that I
tend to lose my train of thought in the middle of a sentence so I have to pause and figure it out
as everyone waits for me. Also, I speak very fast, it has always been a problem for me and I’ve
been trying to slow down my words my whole life. My brain just goes to fast for my mouth to
keep up and that’s why I’ll sometimes stutter when I talk and it sucks because then I get
flustered. Its been getting better, but still, my goal is to make it through one Socratic seminar
without stumbling over my own words.
Reflection on Content
Imaginary Thesis: Through the woman’s word choice and subconscious actions, it is evident
that she decides to go through with the abortion she has been dreading.
Essay Description: This would be a short essay with only two body paragraphs. The first body
paragraph would talk about her word choice. The two quotes I would choose would be the one
where she tells the man to shut up and the last line where she says she’s fine. My interpretation
of the shut up line is that she has made up her mind but its a decision she doesn’t want to make
and if the man keeps on talking about it it just makes her decision harder to follow through with.
Its like when you’re going through a lot and people keep asking you if you’re ok and you’re not
but you’re barely holding it together but if they keep asking you’ll just burst out into tears. The
second quote she’s lying about being fine which shows it was a tough decision for her to make
and I can reference earlier quotes in the story that show that she wants to keep the baby. Then
the second body paragraph would talk about her subconscious actions. I noticed while reading
this that she’s doing all these nervous ticks and I only noticed them because I’ll do them too. For
example, she’ll avoid eye contact and look out the window, or play/fiddle with something with
her hands. My conclusion would reconnect these two parts and I would probably extend it to
connect with the older view that women were expected to be submissive and that’s why she
went through with it or something along those lines.
Connection: This theme of women going along with what that man wants has been pretty
common throughout history. Thankfully, I have been born in a generation where we see women
being given more rights and no longer having to deal with these sexist beliefs. Things still aren’t
perfect and there’s definitely room for improvement (*cough*the wage gap*cough*), but they are
certainly better then what she had to deal with. Had she been living now, she probably would’ve
been able to have the strength to go with what she wanted to do (keep the baby) and not feel
forced to conform to what the man wanted her to do. I know of many women who have gotten
pregnant and have decided to keep the baby and raise the child on her own and they’re thriving.
It is more commonplace now and no longer looked down upon.

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