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National Capital Region

Schools Division Office

Caloocan City
Globalizing Filipino Skills and Competencies


S.Y. 2019- 2020

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Grade & Section: ______________________ Score: ____________________


Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Next to each item number are four
bubbles labelled A, B, C, and D. you will have to select one answer out of the choices given for each item and fill in the corresponding
alpha bubble.
1. It includes all the solid part / land masses of the Earth. 1.
a. atmosphere b. biosphere c. lithosphere d. hydrosphere
2. It is the thinnest layer of the lithosphere, includes the rocks on the top of the mantle and the 2.
a. crust b. mantle c. inner core d. outer core
3. Layer of the lithosphere which is made up of liquid nickel and iron. 3.
a. crust b. mantle c. inner core d. outer core
4. Layer of the lithosphere lying under the crust. 4.
a. crust b. mantle c. inner core d. outer core
5. Layer of the lithosphere which is made up of solid nickel and iron. It is the center of the Earth. 5.
a. crust b. mantle c. inner core d. outer core
6. The Vibration, trembling and shaking of Earth due to rapid release of energy. 6.
a. earthquakes b. faults c. magnitude d. plate
7. It is a break in the Earth’s crust, and along the break which movement has occurred. 7.
a. earthquakes b. faults c. magnitude d. plate
8. It is the Rigid section of the lithosphere that moves as a unit 8.
a. earthquakes b. faults c. magnitude d. plate
9. A number that shows the power of an earthquake. 9.
a. earthquakes b. faults c. magnitude d. intensity
10. The point on the earth's surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake. 10.
a. epicenter b. faults c. magnitude d. focus
11. When plates are moving away from each other, it results to? 11.
a. earthquakes b. tsunami c. typhoon d. explosion
12. Scientists believed that this layer is responsible for Earth’s magnetic field. 12.
a. asthenosphere b. atmosphere c. core d. crust
13. Which of these is FALSE about lithospheric plates:
a. have the same thickness everywhere c. thickest in the mountain regions
b. include the crust and upper mantle d. vary in thickness
14. You are an oceanographer and want to map the ocean floor on the east coast of the 14.
Philippines. As you do your study, you notice that there is a portion in the ocean floor which is
relatively much deeper than the rest. What most likely is that deeper part
a. oceanic ridge b. crust c. trench d. rift valley
15. What are the two type of crust? 15.
a. thick and thin c. ocean and basin
b. continental and oceanic d. lower and upper
16. The order of the layers from the inside of the Earth outward is: 16.
a. inner core, outer core, mantle, crust c. inner core, outer core, crust, mantle
b. outer core, inner core, mantle, crust d. mantle, inner core, outer core, crust
17. Which of the following best describes how heat travels through the Earth’s layers? 17.
a. heat from radiation in the core passes through convection currents in the mantle
b. heat from convection currents in the core passes through radiation in the
c. heat from the core passes through conduction to the mantle
d. heat from the mantle passes to the core and to the lithosphere
18. The intensity of a wave produce by an earthquake is measured by a device called __________. 18.
a. anemometer b. barometer c. seismograph d. thermometer
19. To locate the epicenter of an earthquake, a seismologist must determine all of the 19.
following EXCEPT:
a. the velocity of both P waves and S waves
b. tsunami made by earthquake
c. the difference in travel times between P waves and S waves
d. the distance from the epicenter to at least three different seismological stations
20. All of the following are true of tsunami EXCEPT: 20.
a. it can help fisherman’s to catch more fish
b. caused by undersea earthquakes.
c. often responsible for the destruction of ships at sea.
d. often form waves more than 100 feet high.
21. A type of boundary where plates move away from each other is called: __________ 21.
a. convergent b. divergent c. transform d. reverse
22. A boundary where plates move towards from each other is called: __________ 22.
a. convergent b. divergent c. transform d. reverse
23. How does the plates move at a transform boundary? 23.
a. they move toward each other c. they move past each other
b. they move away from each other d. they do not move
24. Volcanologists: volcanic eruption as semiologist: ___________ 24.
a. typhoon b. LPA c. ITCZ d. earthquake
25. It is a type of fault which the hanging-wall block moves up and over the foot-wall block. The 25.
crust is being compressed.
a. normal b. strike slip c. epicenter d. reverse
26. Kind of fault which the hanging-wall block moves down with respect to the foot-wall block. The 26.
crust is being pulled apart.
a. normal b. strike slip c. epicenter d. reverse
27. Kind of fault which the rocks are sliding past each other horizontally, with a little to no vertical 27.
a. normal b. strike slip c. epicenter d. reverse
28. Place directly above focus on Earth's surface is known as ________. 28.
a. aftershock b. released energy c. epicenter d. focus
29. Magnitude of earthquake indicates amount of _________. 29.
a. aftershock b. released energy c. epicenter d. focus
30. Point at which earthquake takes place is known as ________. 30
a. aftershock b. released energy c. epicenter d. focus
31. Which statements below best explains Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift? 31
a. Volcanic activity slowly reshapes the continents throughout the earth’s geologic
b. The continents shift locations as a result of major catastrophe like meteorite
impacts and earthquakes.
c. The continents rapidly change places from one hemisphere to another when
Earth’s magnetic field reverses.
d. The continents were once part of the same landmass and have drifted very slowly
to their current positions.
32. When two continental plates collide, edges of the continents are pushed upward to 32.
a. a. rift valley b. continental mountain range c. trench d. volcano
33. Which clue is used to show that the continents used to fit together in a super 33.
continent millions of years ago?
a. GPS c. fossils and rocks record
b. gravitational changes d. magnetic poles shifting
34. Which of the following seismic wave causes real damage during earthquakes? 34.
a. P waves b. Love waves c. Rayleigh waves d. S wave
35. The San Andres fault is the result of the Pacific Plate sliding with __________. 35.
a. Austria b. South America c. Asia d. Africa
36. Which of the following is Not a geological process that occurs along convergent boundaries? 36.
a. earthquake b. tornado c. valley d. volcanoes
37. Earthquake epicenters are identified through . 37.
a. Richter Scaling b. Seismographic Method c. Triangulation Method d. waves
38. This wave moves up and down and side-to-side. The second wave you feel in an 38.
a. P waves b. Love waves c. Rayleigh waves d. S wave
39. These are push and pull waves that expand in the direction the waves travel; has 39.
the greatest velocity of all earthquake waves. The first wave to be recorded by the
record station.
a. P waves b. Love waves c. Rayleigh waves d. S wave
40. Tsunamis are big waves that are caused by: 40.
a. Strong winds b. land breeze c. Cyclones d. underwater earthquake or
volcanic volcanic eruption
41. The movement of the lithospheric plate is facilitated by a soft, weak & plastic layer. Which of the 41.
ff. layers is described in the statement?
a. a. asthenosphere b. atmosphere c. lithosphere d. crust
42. What is the most abundant element in the Earth’s Crust 42.
a. carbon b. iron c. silicon d. oxygen
43. In a hot spot, Volcano A is on the top of the mantle plume, Volcano B is 20 km farther from A 43.
while Volcano C is the farthest. What is true about the age of the Volcanoes?
a. Volcano A is older than C c. Volcano B is the youngest
b. Volcano B is the oldest C d. Volcano B is younger than C
44. When two tectonic plates collide, the oceanic crust usually sub- ducts beneath the continental 44.
crust because it is : ____________
a. denser than the continental crust c. thicker than the continental crust
b. less dense than the continental crust d. thinner than the continental crust
45. This explains the concept of earthquake, where rocks bend until the strength of the 45.
rock is exceeded and rupture occurs.
a. Sea-floor Spreading c. Plate Tectonics
b. Elastic Rebound d. Continental Drift
46. The Earth is estimated to be around 4.6 billion years old, this data was based from: 46.
a. the presence of heat in the earth’s core c. rock and fossils record
b. record of earthquake on Earth d. the amount of gases in the atmosphere
47. When Earth’s crust bends, forces act towards each other, this phenomenon may 47.
result to:
a. earthquake b. folding c. tsunami d. faulting
48. If all the inner layers of the Earth are firm solid, what could have happened to 48.
a. it remained as a supercontinent
b. it would have become as it is today
c. it would have slowly disappeared in the ocean
d. it would have stretched and covered the whole world
49. When a volcanic eruption spews gases and ash into the air, which two spheres are 49.
a. hydrosphere and geosphere c. geosphere and atmosphere
b. biosphere and geosphere c. biosphere and atmosphere
50. In 1912, Alfred Wegener proposed a theory that the Earth is once a single 50.
landmass. What is the name of the Mesozoic supercontinent that consisted of all
the present continents
a. Pangaea b. Elastic Rebound c. Plate Tectonics d. Continental Drift

Prepared by: Al john C. Carranza

G. 10 Science Teacher

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. A
11. A
12. C
13. A
14. C
15. B
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. B
22. A
23. C
24. D
25. D
26. A
27. B
28. C
29. B
30. C
31. D
32. B
33. C
34. A
35. B
36. B
37. C
38. D
39. A
40. D
41. A
42. B
43. D
44. A
45. C
46. C
47. B
48. B
49. C
50. D

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