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1. What does HUAC stand for?

2 pts
House Un-American Activities Committee

2. "Even one communist in the State Department is still one communist ​too many​?" 2 pts

3. Who was Joseph McCarthy? 2 pts

A senator who advocated for communist investigation.

4. What does "blacklisted" mean? 2 pts

A measure that ensured nobody would hire those suspected of communist beliefs
ever again.

5. What are three similarities between 1950s America and 1690s Salem? 2 pts
Suspects were expected to name others.
Fear of a perceived threat
Loyalty checks

6. What was the punishment of Miller? 2 pts

Was refused a US Passport, sentenced to thirty days in prison, blacklisted, and
had to pay a 500 dollar fine.

7. In Act II of The Crucible, Reverend Hale reiterates his belief in the goodness of the
system multiple times, saying, for instance, to Francis Nurse, "Let you rest upon the
justice of the court; the court will send her home. I know it" (71). How does Hale's belief
in the court and its fairness represent our modern world? ​Write a SHORT ANSWER
RESPONSE (5-7 sentences: direct answer thesis, fact, explain, explain, conclusion). 5

Reverend Hale’s belief in the court is reflective of us putting the judicial system
above all. Once built to ensure a fair and just trial, the system of justice has now been
violated, becoming a whirlwind of exceptions and technicalities. Lawyers are no longer
motivated by the sense of justice, but by money. This is especially prevalent today with
the Trump impeachment hearings, where both sides are held against a system
developed before people started brushing their teeth. It’s truly a sad state of affairs that
people can get away with heinous crimes because somebody can bend systems to their

8. In the introductory pages of The Crucible, Arthur Miller says, "When one rises above the
individual villainy displayed, one can only pity them all, just as we shall be pitied
someday" (7). This statement seems to speak to Miller's motivation for writing the play.
What could be his purpose? ​Write a SHORT ANSWER RESPONSE​ (5-7 sentences:
direct answer thesis, fact, explain, explain, conclusion). 5 pts
Arthur Miller probably wrote the play to express the hypocrisy of the world around him.
Though America may have said they rose above such predicaments as witch hunts, he showed
us how we really hadn’t changed. How, even now, we stand a victim of fear and judgement. I’m
guessing he hoped it would inspire change in the eyes of the American people. Nothing radical
ended up happening, of course, but as time goes on it’ll continue to hold us accountable to our
actions despite our seemingly endless advancements.

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