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Republic of the Philippines

National Capital Region



S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: ___________________ Section: __________________Date: _____ Score: ____/____

Directions: Read and understand each item carefully and shade the letter of the correct answer. STRICTLY

1. Why is research important to life?

a. Research has the improve standard of living
b. Research assesses individuals or groups plan of actions as basis for accurate inventions and decisions
in life.
c. Research helps us to explore our history
d. All of the above.

2. Which of the following describes a qualitative research?

a. It examines the context or situation of an individual’s life.
b. It explores a phenomenon to better understand it.
c. It requires non-numerical data.
d. All of the above.

3. Which is the correct process of conducting a research?

I – Reviewing Related Literature
II – Designing Research
III – Collecting and Analyzing Data
IV – Formulating Hypothesis
V – Defining Problem
VI – Reporting Results
a. I – II – III – IV – V – VI c. V – I – IV – II – III – VI
b. V – IV – I – II – III – VI d. IV – V – III – I – II – VI

For numbers 4 - 10, choose from the options below.

A. If the two statements are both correct

B. If the first statement is correct while the second one is not
C. If the second statement is correct while the first one is not
D. If the two statements are both incorrect

4. I - The research participants must be fully informed about the nature of research, its purposes and
potential risk and benefits.
II – Research must do good and no harm to study participants.

5. I - The rights of the study participants must be well protected and respected.
II – Researcher is free to decide whether to acknowledge or not original work.
6. I – Research must give correct or accurate data.
II – Good research topic is one that .is tested over time.

7. I – Research doesn’t improve your reading and writing skills.

II – Research teaches you to work systematically.

8. I – Qualitative research happens in an artificial setting.

II – Qualitative is instrumental for both positive and negative societal changes.

9. I – Conducting qualitative research is time-consuming.

II – Qualitative research promotes a full understanding of human behavior.

10. I – In qualitative research, the validity or reliability is difficult to know.

II – Qualitative research involves several processes, which results greatly depend on the researcher’s
views or interpretations.

For numbers 11 - 20, identify the type of research applicable for each question/topic/situation. Choose
from the options below.

A. Qualitative Research
B. Quantitative Research

11. What is the degree of satisfaction of students towards the Practical Research subject?
12. What are the political influences of “Uga” Festival of Brgy. Dumolog?
13. Is there a significant difference in the strand preference of students when grouped according to gender?
14. What are the feelings of super typhoon “Yolanda” survivors before, during and after the phenomenon?
15. What is the academic performance of students in Science?
16. Statistical analysis
17. Narrative report
18. Observation
19. Confirmatory
20. Randomized sampling

For numbers 21 – 25, identify the type of qualitative research best suited for the following topics.
A. Ethnography
B. Phenomenology
C. Historical
D. Case Study
E. Grounded Theory

21. Parents’ Views About the K – 12 Curriculum

22. The Lone Grade VI Speed Reader of UST High School
23. The Muslim Wedding Rites
24. The Rise and Fall of the Twenty-Year Reign of Former Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos
25. Spiderman: The Very First Film in the 21st Century

26. Researchers who focus on the study of culture take which type of qualitative research?
a. Grounded theory c. Phenomenology
b. Case study d. Ethnography
27. In which type of qualitative research do the researchers intend to generate a theory that is based on data
systematically gathered and analyzed?
a. Phenomenology c. historical
b. grounded theory d. case study

28. Researchers study just one individual, classroom, school, or program in which type of qualitative research?
a. case study c. ethnography
b. historical d. phenomenology

29. Researchers who study various reactions to or perceptions of a particular phenomenon take which type of
qualitative research?
a. Grounded c. historical
b. Phenomenology d. case study

30. "Students taught first aid by programmed instruction will achieve at a higher level than those taught first aid
by the traditional method." The independent variable in this hypothesis is:
a. Students c. level of achievement
b. programmed instruction d. method of instruction

31. In the example in question 30, the dependent variable is:

a. Students c. level of achievement
b. programmed instruction d. method of instruction

For numbers 32 – 35. Shade A if the statement is TRUE, B if otherwise.

32. Qualitative researchers generally formulate a hypothesis beforehand and then seek to test it.
33. An important check on the validity and reliability of the researcher's interpretations in qualitative research is
to compare one informant's description of something with another informant's description of the same thing.
34. In formulating the title, all the variables must be identified and included.
35. Significance of the study includes the beneficiaries and the benefits that they can derive from the results of
the study.

36. Which of the following is NOT a general feature that characterizes most qualitative research?
a. Inflexible design c. Naturalistic inquiry
b. Holistic perspective d. Personal contact and insight

37. Sherri is planning a qualitative study regarding intermediate mathematics classrooms. Which of the
following is most likely primary source data for her study?
a. Standardized test scores.
b. Instructional materials published by a textbook company.
c. Observations of an intermediate class using manipulatives.
d. A large-scale teacher survey that addresses how teachers use manipulatives.

38. What kind of research topic should be avoided?

a. Vague subject c. too broad subject
b. Highly technical subject d. all of the above

39. Which should NOT be considered in choosing a topic for research?

a. Personal resources c. relevance of the topic
b. Interest of the research jury d. availability of information

40. For all paraphrased and summarized content, the citation must include
a. author(s)' last name(s) and the page or paragraph number
b. the date of publication and page or paragraph number
c. author(s)' last name(s) and the date of publication
d. title of the document and the author(s)' last name(s)

41. Which of the following should NOT be included in the background of the study?
a. Reason why the study is conducted c. discussion about the study variables
b. Statement of the problem d. theory to support the study

42. What initiates the process of research?

a. Problem c. significance of the study
b. Hypothesis d. literature

43. Which part of the research reveals the objectives of the study?
a. Definition of Terms c. Significance of the Study
b. Statement of the Problem d. Delimitation of the Study

44. Which states the how the term is determined in the study?
a. Conceptual definition c. Operational Definition
b. Delimitation d. Problem

45. It is one which is taken from books or studies that were tested and proven so many times over a long period
of time.
a. Theories c. Scope
b. Synthesis d. Review of Related Literature and Studies

46. It is a narration of the salient points of the significant studies related to the variable being reviewed.
a. Synthesis c. Summary
b. Concise d. Capsule

47. It sets the boundaries of the study or scope?

a. Statement of the problem c. Review of Related Literature
b. Delimitation of the Study d. Significance of the Study

48. Which of the following does not apply to qualitative research?

a. Data are often words and pictures b. Uses the inductive scientific method
c. Ends with a statistical report d. Involves direct and personal contact with participants

49. Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 major approaches to qualitative research.
a. Ethnography c. Phenomenology
b. Case study d. Experimental

50. Qualitative data generally can include:

a. Only written material that respondents provide in response to open-ended items.
b. Any sort of data that can be summarized with numbers.
c. Text, pictures, videos, sound recordings.
d. Survey and questionnaire data.

1. Create a tabulation of the comparison between qualitative and quantitative research (5 pts.)

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