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Demonstration Teaching

Lesson Exemplar in Plate Tectonics

for Division Training on Pedagogical Retooling in Science cum PROJECT STAR
for the Junior High School Level
May 6-10, 2019

Grade Level Grade 8 Quarter School
Mogpog Central First Quarter
School Maniwaya National High School Division Marinduque
Learning Area Earth & Space Teaching Dates May 10, 2019
Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) Project Based Learning (PBL)


A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between faults and
B.Performance The learners shall be able make an emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit for
Standards use at home and in school
C. Learning Prepare a list of things to be included in an emergency kit for use at home and in
With LC Code school (S8ES-IIc-17)

D. Learning
Objectives Make an emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit for use at home and in school.
1. Teacher’s Guide
pages 88
2.Learner’s Materials 135-136
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional 1. MISOSA 6 Module 27: Effects of Earthquake
Materials from 2. MISOSA 6 Module 28: Earthquake Intensity and Magnitude
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Data gathered from barangay and school disaster coordinating council
Prepared power point presentation on the topic, projector, laptop sound system,
microphone, newspaper,
youtube link:
(Destruction cause by 1990 Luzon Earthquake)

IV.PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Materials

Class I have here the decoded terms. On your notebook
you are going to write the letter of the alphabet that
previous lesson or comes after each letter for you to find the hidden words.
presenting the new EZTKS
lesson Powerpoint presentation
It is a break in the earths crust.
A point directly above the focus
The point where the rocks first break
It is the shaking of the ground.

What can you say about these words that were formed?
Very Good! You still recall those concepts we studied
last time.

This time you are going to watch a video and afterwards

you will answer some questions related to the video

(Teacher will give the pre-viewing questions.)

Pre-viewing questions:
B.Establishing a 1. What can you say about the video? How did you feel
purpose for the Video clip
seeing those things?
Engage 2. How would you describe the earthquake?
3. How did you say so?

After the video, teacher will ask the re-viewing


Say: Basically the video shows the effect of earthquake

as well as how strong an earthquake is.

I have here some news clips from different newspaper.

Kindly examine the headline of the report then answer
the questions that follows. Newspapers

The Philippine star

Cebu Daily Inquirer
Manila Times dated
April 24, 2019

C. Presenting Newspaper link:

of the new lesson
Guide Questions:
1. What was the news all about?
2. How many were affected by the earthquake in
Luzon? How about in Cebu?
3. What was the intensity of the earthquake mentioned
in the news?
4. Looking at the headline, what does 7.2 earthquake
5. Based on the clip what damages are observable?
6. Let say for instance that your place struck by an
earthquake, what do you think is the best thing to do?
7. What preparation will you do to prevent loss of lives?

D. Activity 1: Lets Plan!

Discussing new 1. Make a simple sketch of your home and school.
concepts and Bond paper, manila paper,
2. Then make an emergency plan.
practicing new pencil, marker
skills #1 3. Indicate the entrance and exit, direction of the safest
Explore place particularly the open area.
Explain 4. Present your output in the class and explain the
importance of emergency plan?

E. Discussing new
concepts and Activity 2: Be prepared! Emergency kit
practicing new Teacher will distribute the activity sheet to each group. Activity sheet
skills #2 With the instructions written on the activity sheet, each
Explore group will do the activity.

F.Developing Let the students present their emergency kits in the class
mastery (leads to and explain why those items are included in the kit.
Formative Processing
Assessment) What are missing in your kit?
Explain Do you think you still need to include those missing
objects in the kit? Why or Why not?

G.Finding practical Ask who among the learners are 4P’s Recipient.
applications of
1. Did you and your parents were able to prepare the E-
concepts and skills
in daily living. Balde? What does E stand for?
Elaborate 2. What do you think is the reason why DSWD put all
those thing inside a balde?
generalizations and What are the things that you need to do/prepare for you
abstractions about to become safe from the occurrence of an earthquake?
the lesson

I. Evaluating The students will be given a time to evaluate their

learning Rubric
(Teacher and students will evaluate the emergency kit
using the attached rubric)
J.Additional 1. Complete the information needed in the PBL Activity
activities for sheet template.
application or
2. Students will be asked to complete the materials
Extend needed to have a complete set of kit for an emergency


.A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C.Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G.What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked and Edited by:


SST- III EPS-Science
Maniwaya National High School
Title of Activity Let’s Plan and Be Prepared!
Group Leader

Group Members

Other subject areas to be Araling Panlipunan, Health

included (if any)
Introduction (Brief Description of the Activity)

What are we going to do?

This include the timeline (already given), the flow of activity, the list of
topics for discussion, assignment of each member assigned in a specific
role, questions to be asked, list of persons to be contacted for the data
needed and coordination.
The Task
The class will be divided into two groups (depending on the number
of students needed) which will take on one of the roles listed below.
You and your teammates will work together to“Make an emergency
plan and Prepare an emergency kit for use at home and in school.
Role Name of Student Task
Group 1
Project Engineer
Barangay Captain
DRRM Coordinator

Role Name of Student Task

Group 2
Project Engineer
School DRRM
Clinic Teacher

Timeline of the Activity (This one is prepared for you as your guide)
10 mins Using the data gathered from your Barangay Chairman and Barangay
DRRM Coordinator make a simple sketch of your home and school,
then make an emergency plan. Indicate the entrance and exit,
direction of the safest place particularly the open area.
10 mins Present your output in the class and explain the importance of
emergency plan?
15 mins Using the materials that I told you to bring yesterday, select what are the
things you need in preparing an emergency kit for use at home and in
school. List them on a clean bond paper/manila paper.

10 mins Present their emergency kits in the class and explain why they think
those items must be included in the kit.

How will you be evaluated

The scoring rubric will be used in assessing your kit

Summary of Activity

Problem or Challenge
Action Taken and


Describe the

Resources Used

Reflection Methods
(how individual, team,
and/or whole class will
reflect during/at the end
of the activity)

Rubric for the Presentation

Criteria Descriptions Score

1 2 3 4
Emergency / None of the items A few of the At least 8 items At least 10 items are
survival Kit are necessary for items are are clearly clearly necessary for
survivalduring or clearly necessary for survival during or
after a disaster. necessary for survival during after a disaster.
survival during or after a
or after a disaster.
Labels and None of the items A few of the At least 8 of the At least 10 of the
Uses are labeled items are items are items are labeled
properly and labeled properly labeled properly and a
there is no and a reason properly and a reason for each item
reason for for each item is reason for each is included on a
including it in the included on a item is included separate sheet of
survival kit. separate sheet on a separate paper.
of paper. sheet of paper.
Neatness and The kit is not The kit is The kit is done The kit is neatly
Effort exerted organized. It somewhat well with some organized and
looks like the organized and organization labeled as
student threw it looks like the and labeling. It necessary. Much
minute together student run out appears the time and effort were
at the last minute of time or didn’t student worked put into creating this
without much take care of the hard on it. project.
care. product/project

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