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Finals (from step 42) is written with the expectation of those who played in version 0.5 and finish the
game ending there. For those who play from the beginning, as described at the end of the bonus
stage will meet before. Maybe someday I am tinkering passing, that it is focused entirely on those
who play from the beginning.

1) Start the game in his home. Go to the mother's room (where they give us a choice, how to act -
from him and many other such decisions depend our character (a good guy or asshole),

but I did not find anything, would he really influenced in this version, it is reasonable to always
choose "evil" options, they continue the scene, while the "good" their end). After that we go around
all the glowing objects and leave the house (in the room, you can choose the difficulty level QTE,
which must prozhimat in mind subordination of women);

2) We are calling on the card duel, our friend Eric. (Card Battle -. The basis of the local combat
system, fully replacing conventional battles Furthermore cards will be other mini-games, but the map
is dominated by rules similar to the rules of the card game of finalka Essence -.. Expose to others'
maps its so as to contact the number on your was above then you take someone else's card itself it
should think about how to lay out your card, because the enemy can do the same letter A -... it's kind
of a joker, ie beats any number will be other rules, as they become available, they are explained. in
the game) Back in his room, pick up a pack (in this case choose the difficulty of fighting) and Eric go

3) to provide to the school - to the left of her luminous object (money). When we go into the building
- a teacher requires a surrender charge on a tour, which we have forgotten. We go right to the
lockers, talking with Eric - he advises to go to the second floor and there to play for money with two
NPCs. In addition, go around the school for the sake of luminous objects, most of them - the money.
Sometimes (in other places) will fall maps and quest items,

4) refers charge the teacher to fall into a museum. In the upper left corner of the column with a red
ball - go to it, it is the passage to the basement. Here we search all go through a mini-game with the
pick, get a coveted ring and exit;

5) After the first test of strength in the teacher back home. When trying to get out, come to visit my
aunt and her son. We speak to the aunt, we go to the second floor - a boy asks sweets. From this
moment begins fripley;

6) To the left of the house pass to the side of the museum - where you can pick up the money. On
the left bottom of the passage to the school house. Before the passage is a grocery store - here is
what we want to buy candy. The neighboring building - the store, which will open on the plot. To the
right of them home with the image maps - here they can buy and sell;

7) right on top of our house takes place in several successive locations: the first is the home teacher,
we will need it later (on the fence between 3 and 4 home button - poke activated additional scene
about it a little later.); the second is a church, we need it right now; the third is a bank, the police and
cafes - we need them later (precisely in this location is on top of the machine with additional scenes
that we have activated near the teacher's home, you can go to right away, you can later in the
story.). So, we go to church. Before it is automatic with bonus scenes, a button from her in the
hospital. We go to church - Priest lost the keys to the two doors: the first we find the back of the
church, it is necessary to open the second door on the master key, which you can win one of the
NPCs on the pier in the center (where our house) locations. When both doors open - we get a scene;

8) right from the bottom of our home is the passage to the hospital. First, we go around the building
to the left - button on the fence of the bonus scene in front of the church. At the hospital, a nurse
will come across, after trying to go to her office and talking with a woman at the reception. To have
allowed the nurse, we have to get hurt;

9) Go to the pier - to the right of passage in the sewer; you can get there, if you walk along the edge
of the shore. Inside a lot of players in the different levels of the map, where the card can be not only
to win but also to lose, so save often. At the side is a chest - code 872. Inside the cool card. NPC near
the trunk will beat us if we win. With this, the wound and it is necessary to go to the nurse for a

10) Now, back home, we return nephew candy and play with him. After that, watch a scene with my
aunt. Then he went down, we watch a scene with his mother and try to get out of the house. When
we go to sleep;

11) wakes up at night, we go to the mother's room. The door is closed - Skeleton Key on the first
floor. Break open the door, look at a scene, go to sleep;

12) is sent to school to school, during recess, Eric tells us about the new girl that plays well in the
cards. It is on the second floor. After defeating it is necessary to beat two NPC near the entrance to
the bathroom, where she ran away and go after her - for a sketch;

13) Go back to the lesson after going home. Mother asks to buy the products. Most take the grocery,
but the wine was not there. We approach the NPC next to the store, which we have called, playing
off him and learn that the wine can be taken in the church. So we proceed and return home;

14) go to the bathroom to his mother, watching a scene, after we leave the house, talking to Eric. He
needs us to go home to the teacher, and changed his assessment. Her home - in the first location,
about which I have already mentioned in paragraph 7. The door is closed, playing off NPCs behind
the house and go to school. There's playing off the bully and get the key. Now back to the teacher,
rummage her house and the output is a scene;

15) returns home - a mother say that the dog was gone. We go to the police station, its location is
described in section 7. Go to the site, first reception, then the cabinet in the left corner. Back home,
sleep and go to school;

16) during changes in the hallway talking with a girl who sucked us after a loss. Then again, a lesson
and watch a scene. After school we go to the store next to the grocery, winning Man at the door to
get past the queue and go into the back room to the right,

17) Now we need a screwdriver, we go for her home (in our room). At the same time we are talking
with her mother about the payment of the Internet and take a receipt in her room. Go back to the
store, they wanted to fix it, after the clerk will flee into the garage. One of the buyers are winning
master key, go to the saleswoman for a sketch;

18) Now we have in the bank, pay online and to the police station for a dog. C is not the first
problem. When the police come out of the cabinet, it will be necessary to crack her PC (password
Femdom), turn off the camera and watch the video. After this scene,
19) to provide at home, on the internet order the sexy lingerie. Courier will wait outside, take the
order and go to the mother. After going to bed, watch a scene;

20) in the school as usual on the lesson. During recess we leave the schoolyard, talking with twins.
After we go to the redhead guy who is inferior and play cards. Again to the twins - watch scene;

21) Go back to the lesson, then the men's room on the first floor, then to the museum, where we
found the ring. We search all there, collect on the table and go home page. Watch a scene with her
sister, when we go to a computer and translate text;

22) Now you can click on the PC Massage, running nesyuzhetny bonus quest. We will transfer back
home to Eric. We leave, we see the glowing machine. There's a bonus scene (password 323). Go to
the top of the exit location, listen to the dialogue and return. In the right part of the location is the
library - we are there. In the upper right corner of the rope - rise, take a book. At the output of
playing with a librarian and get home, watch a scene;

23) Back down to the father asks for help at work. Go to the garage and carries us in his father's
office. It is necessary to collect the documents. After their surrender, we go to the house next door -
there lives my aunt. At the entrance to the nephew asks win the guy in the park (on the left of the
work of his father, upstairs - the transition is not illuminated). The park is next to the automatic
bonus a sketch - the button of it is in the previous location (Aunt and father) - on the left, at the
entrance to the parking lot. Winning, back to my aunt, change clothes, go to the swimming pool
upstairs and watch a scene. Once home to sleep;

24) In the morning, have breakfast with her mother, looking scene. Then at school, at recess, we will
have to climb onto the roof again to play with the girl that sucked after the defeat. On the third floor
there is a luminous machine - bonus scene. You can press the button in the upper left corner on the
second floor to watch it. After winning the guard, but the door to the roof is closed. Eric advises to
look for master key in lockers (on the ground floor). As a result, we get on the roof, play and watch a

25) Now you have to deal with the head teacher. We talk to her again, and then go up to the third
floor, in the classroom playing off all the crap in arm wrestling. Then we go down to the head
teacher, watch a scene, then talk again with the girl on the second floor and return to the classroom;

26) returns home and talk to my sister. She says that her mother in the store buying clothes. The
store is in the same location where the work of his father - to go through the school. Before entering
the glowing machine - a bonus scene, you can see if you click in the closed part of the store on the
second floor. We go inside, his mother on the second floor, in the locker room. We try to go for it -
you can not, we try to break the door in the closed part - does not work, so go, go around the house
and playing with the security guard,

27) He will give the keys to his office on the first floor, where we take the master key, back to the
parking lot and get into closed part of the window. Do not forget to press the button and go to the
mother, looking scene. Then go out and watch the bonus. Now you can go down to Eric;

28) Go to a friend, play with him, and then to the bathroom, talk to his mother. What answer Eric - it
does not matter, we run to the hospital. At the reception we are asked to find the card 2 patients,
one in the hospital, the second next to the hospital, on the street. After that, we go to the nurse,
watch a scene and go home to sleep;
29) That bitch stole our ring! You can go to the sister's room, look at her sleeping, but after running
into the store and thief to break in through the window. We search all break open the machine and
leave. After talking to police and repairing windows back home and go to her sister, to help her with
rags. She asks to go to the clothing store (where his mother bought a dress) and buy her shoes;

30) in the shop come to the twins, after hiding in the dressing room. However, the situation is not so
bad - playing off one of the sisters, we come out of the store through the window and wait near the
entrance. The twins will be waiting for us in the park (from 23), but is going back home to her sister.
How to give shoes - go out and leave the police to the thief,

31) So huge is her house! Break open the garage on the left, we get through the window into the
courtyard and run past the guards. Thief on the second floor. The door is locked, master key in an
adjoining room on the same floor. Go, play cards and watch the scene. Then we go back home and
talk to my sister, and then run into the park to the twins, have fun and go back to his sister;

32) together go to the party, through the location to the police station. Please go to the cafe, there
are 2 machine with bonus scenes, obtained with the help of cards wins. After a pass to the next
location, in the park next to the automatic bonus scene (for its activation should be in the same park
in the center click on the damn light, and then play cards). Finally, we go around the large building on
the left lane and get to the party;

33) in the garden next to the automatic bonus scenes, a button in a building on the ground floor, in
the bathroom. Sister went to the second floor, we need to get a pass. The owner of the house (in a
frock coat and top hat) suggests that one is his son, in the garden. We beat it all, with a pass go
upstairs and watch a scene, then find ourselves at home;

34) Please go to my sister, and deal with it after we get down to the mother. It is necessary to divert
his father - go to the garage and the car breaks down, then at home in the closet take a hammer and
break it even stronger. We speak with his father, then have fun with his mother and go to bed;

35) good, however, the dream we dream. Sorry, short. We wake up and go to my mother, to fix the
riser. Then we fill up and down, cuddle after talking with his mother and forced her to forget what he
saw. We rise to the sister, a little have fun and go to the garage to his father;

36) Father asks to buy spare parts, go to the location to the left of the clothing store. Before cinema
another machine with a bonus scene, we get through the card game. We go to the service center,
there is another machine with a bonus scene (again, a card game). Double-talk with the girl on the
right, she asks to help other employees of the service center. Putting the tire and remove the debris,
we hand over the job to those who gave them and return to the girl, play cards and get the damn
battery. We return with him to his father;

37) We go to the mother and then have fun with it. After that we have the multiple objectives. Let's
start with the thief, we made a slave. We go into her shop, break out the doors and talk. Cool news -
soon we will have a second ring, to control members of their gender. Let's go back to the slave after a
while we go to Eric,

38) He is not happy with what we did with his mother and locked the house. Come to my house, take
in their parents' room and the master key again to Eric - to break the door. Plays with his cards, then
we go to his mother's friend and arrange a happy life;

39) returns home, having fun with his mother in the bathroom (in this update scenes with his mother
just dofiga). We leave the house just below and left of the point of light - come to it, it is an invitation
to the wedding. We go to church, trying to come to our Priest, but the guys in the queue do not wish
us to pass (even play do not want to!). We speak to them a second time, they agree to play, if you'll
bring a couple of bottles of beer. The first take home in the refrigerator, and then inviting his mother
and go to the grocery store for the second bottle. Having both, we return to church, playing off both
guys and get a long-awaited scene. (Please note, we can now return to the Priest at any time and
make her or push the legs, or do blowjob);

40) Time to go home, out on a date with her sister. Take it to the group and go to the cinema (the
location described in paragraph 36). Inside another machine with a bonus scene (get playing cards).
We buy tickets and go up to the second floor. Together with her sister go to the right hall and watch
a scene. When she goes home, and it's time for our slave, to receive a second ring;

41) is lifted in the forest top, we drag away logs, blocking the way into the cave and go inside. We go
into the caves of the distance, tyknuvshis a statue along the way. We reach the end, look a little
scene and find ourselves at home;

42) go up to my room and watch another scene. In the morning we go down, we communicate with
everybody and go to school in their class. On the change of the climb to the roof, passing despite 3
new bonus scenes (2 on the second floor, one on the third, everything - gaming machines);

43) on the roof of another bonus scene, right at the entrance. The teacher just right, come and enjoy,
then go back to the classroom;

44) Now, along with her sister go to the park. Here there is another bonus scene, after watching sit
down on a bench and look ... no, alas, we interrupted. We return home;

45) is lifted into the room to his sister, a choice of 3 action - choose any, then it will be possible to
repeat any number of times. As played enough, we go to the search for the mother, in the location
where the work of his father and the house of my aunt,

46) Before the house is our aunt's nephew, talking with him, and together we go to a card shop in the
main location. We play twice, then again home to the aunt - our mother there;

47) After troynichka go to the town hall, it is in the location of the right, where there was a party of
paragraph 32. In front of one, inside the building are two bonus scenes. To exit, you have to talk to all
NPCs inside - there is clearly some kind of quest, rather stub, unfinished. We are waiting for the

48) returns home to talk with his mother and stores - is final. We begin to wash the dishes - and
there is no turning back. To interrupt and our choice depends on the ending time of our scene - try,
of course, both.




Go to the church, the path to it is by taking the top right route. Enter into the church and talk to the
Nun by the locked door, then exit the church and go to the garden above it, there will be a key
located by a statue. Go back to the church and talk to the Nun again, you will need a lock-pick now.
Go to the main map area and head for the docks at the south part, there will be a man standing still
on one of the piers, card battle him for a lock pick. Get the pick and then head back to the church and
unlock the door, get the scene.


Go to the hospital, the path to it is by taking the bottom right route, enter the building and head
towards the right side of it to trigger the encounter with the nurse, after the scene talk to
receptionist, then go back to the main area and enter the cave located at the bottom of the map (see

Enter the area and defeat the old man blocking the way, there are three people here you can farm
for cards they vary in difficulty (easy, normal, hard), go to the right side this area where the chest is
and talk to the man in the corner, beat him and then get beat up, go to the hospital and talk with the
desk lady again and then go see the nurse, get the nurse scene.



Wake up in the middle of the night and try to enter the mothers room, go down and get the key from
the room below the kitchen, go back to her room and get the scene.


Wake up go to school and take your seat, during the break head upstairs and talk to the girl beside
the two students in front of the washroom, beat her and then beat the other two in a card battle,
enter the washroom and get the scene.


Go back home after school and get a shopping list from the mother, go to the store and buy the
items, battle the guy beside the store for a hint on where to get champagne, then go to the church
and go up to the altar and get the champagne, go home and trigger a scene before you get cock
blocked by the faggot “friend”.


Go to the teachers house, its the first house you see when you take the upper right route to get to
the church, she’s not there, but talk to the guy in her backyard and beat him in cards, he’ll tell you to
find her son. Go to the school and in front of the entrance there should be two people talking, beat
the bully in cards and the son will drop a key before running away. Take the key and go back to the
Teachers house and change the grades on the table, exit and run into the teacher and get the scene.


Go home and find out that the dog has escaped, go to the police station, to get there you have to go
right of the church area, talk to the guy at the front desk and then try to enter the room, some asshat
you beat won’t let you go until you beat his asshat ass again, beat the asshole and then enter the
room and talk to the policewoman. Go home talk to the mom and then go to sleep.



Go to school and during the break talk to the schoolgirl in the hallway, after the lesson use the ring
on you teacher at the behest of your cockblock douche buddy, get the scene. Go home after and talk
to the mom and get the internet bill from the house, then head to the bank, it’s located in the same
area as the police station.


After paying the bill go to the police station and talk to the the police woman in the room, after she
leaves look around for a password for the computer (it’s “Femdom”, case sensitive, also press esc if
you make a mistake), turn off cameras then get the scene when she comes back.

Shop Assistant

There is a new card shop located by the food store, beat the man blocking the door in a card battle to
get in, once inside go past the desk and continue right to get to the room with the assistant, talk to
her and then head to your home to your room to get a screwdriver, go back to the store and play the
mini-game or not and talk to her. When she run away and locks the door, try to open it and check the
room for stuff to help, then go back to the store area and talk to the girl in the top left, beat her in
cards for her hair clip and then pick the lock and talk to the Assistant to get the scene.


Go home and go to your room and get on the computer, go to internet and order lingerie for the
mother, then go outside and talk to the courier and get the clothes, go back in and talk to the mother
and use the ring on her, then go to sleep, the mother will come in and then the scene will start.


Wake up go to school, during the break go outside and try to talk to the girls on the left, after being
rebuffed go talk to the dude walking in the garden directly below them, beat him in cards and then
he will split them up, talk to the one standing alone and use the ring and then get the scene.


Go back to class and talk to the asshole friend, go to the washroom and interact with the mirror, then
go to the museum, the route is the top left in the main area. Go back to the secret area you got the
ring from and get all the scraps and assemble them on the table using the optional mini-game or
skipping it. Go back home and get the scene with the sister.

(Don’t forget that you can sprint by using shift, it’ll be a lot faster)

Helping your dad at his work. Go with him at his office, pick up all the documents (the lock pick
needed for one document can be found in the bathroom at the bottom right of the map)

When you’re finished to your aunt’s house, speak with your cousin, win his card back to the redhead
boy in the park. Go back to your aunt’s house, get changed and then go to the back yard and speak to


Go to sleep,


when you wake up you beat your dad at cards and go to your mom


Go to school, the schoolgirl want to play cards with you again. Go upstairs, beat the janitor to make
him take a break. The door is locked, go talk to eric in the classroom, and go check the girl lockers to
find a hairclip. Beat the girl on the roof


Talk to the headmistress. The teacher’s class is upstairs. Beat all the students at armwrestling then go
back to the headmistress.

Go back to the girl. Go back to class. Go at your house, speak with your sister. Then you have the
choice to go at Eric’s house first or at the shop.

I chose to go to Eric’s house first. Beat him at cards, go to the bathroom. Tell him that you don’t want
to use the ring on his mother. Then go to the hospital. Pick up the patient cards on a room at the
bottom left of the hospital. And the other one outside at the right of the hospital building.

Go back inside


Get out by the window (strengh mini game)

Then go to the clothing shop. Check out everything then go outside and talk to the guard in the
parking lot (beat him in cards) go inside and go check the door that’s in front of you when you walk in
take some picks and go back in the parking lot and pick the window.

DAY 6:

You get your ring taken by the girl who faked obeying you. Then you go after her to the shop that she
was in and break the glass (strength mini game). Look everywhere, you’ll find nothing. Then you need
to break into her car (strength mini game) you’ll find money. Then you just need to leave the store
and the police woman will stop you and she’ll eventually help you but you need to fix the window.
You can play a mini game or skip it. Go home.

Speak with your sister. Go to the clothing store (school>clothing store to the far left) go inside it and
talk to the twins. Hide in the middle dressing room. The twin will talk to you and play you cards ( you
have to beat her). Go outside.

Go back to your sister. Check who rang the door bell. You’ll go to the ring thiefs house and go left to
the garages (strength mini game), once you’re in the garage use the right window sneak through the
yard then sneak through the house up to the 2nd floor and try opening her door at the end of the
hallway (locked) look for a pick (in the right room from the entrace that’s without a guard). Talk to
her and you’ll play her cards. (SCENE) She’ll take you home.

Go and meet the twins in the park. Card the guy standing in the way. Talk with Twins (SCENE)

Go back to your sister in the house. Speak with the guy next to the stairs, then speak with the guy
with the top hat. Once he tells you to go talk to his son you’ll play 3 card matches (in 2 of them you
can lose cards so be careful) after winning all 3 you get the special ticket. Talk to your sister once
you’re up stairs (SCENE).
Talk to your sister. Talk to your mom. Talk to your dad twice, then go to the garage and break
something from the car (strength mini game). Then go back in and take a hammer from the cupboard
and go back in the garage again and break something else on the car (strength mini game). Then talk
to dad again and then mom after you talk to the dad. (SCENE)

Sleep. Go to your mom. (SCENE)


Go downstairs and after your sis kisses your cheek talk to the mom. Talk to the dad in the garage. Go
to where your dad has sent you (school area>clothes area>all the way to the left in the area after the
clothes area) go inside the car service then talk to the first person twice then to the other two next to
her. They’ll give you some tasks to complete (they’re easy and they’re done all inside the car service)
after you do the tasks talk to the two mechanics that gave you those tasks and then talk to the girl
that you first talked to when you came in and you’ll play her cards. (HINT: all her cards are left A top
1 right 3 and bottom 2) After you beat her go back to your dad. Go back in the house and talk to your
mom (SCENE).

Go to your slave. The door will be locked try opening it until you get a strength mini game. Once
you’re inside go to the right and break that door too (strength mini game).

After you go out check on your friend Eric. After you talk to him go back home and talk to your sister
after you’re done go in your parents bedroom and take a paperclip from your moms bed desk and go
back to Eric. After you enter talk to him and you’ll play him cards (you can lose a card be careful).
After beating him go talk to his mom then back to him. After all of that is done go back home and talk
to your mom in the bathroom.

After you’re done with your mom go outside and there should be a marker next to the sewer, go to
it. After going on it go to the church. Talk to the two guys in the top right corner, they’ll ask for beer
go home and get a beer from the fridge then talk to your mom and go to the store and then back to
the church, talk to the two guys at the same spot from before and play them in cards then talk to the
nun (SCENE) after you’re done with her go back inside and there will be two more scenes with her.

Go home and talk to your sis, take her to the cinema (school area>clothes area> cinema area) go
inside and buy two tickets in the top left corner and go inside the cinema, the entrance is to the far
right up the stairs. After that go to the screeing room and “watch” the movie (SCENE).

Then leave and go to your slaves shop, she’ll take you to a forrest and there is a cave up the stairs
and then just keep going up, move the trunk (strength mini game) and go inside the cave, start
moving through the passages untill you see a statue of some robbed guy and after that keep moving
through the passages until you run into a log just like before the entrance of the cave, you find the
ring and go back home, talk to your sis (SCENE).


Go downstairs, talk to the dad, then talk to the mom then talk to the sister, after you’re done go to
school and go to class. The teacher is on the roof you’ll need to do the strength mini game for the
door to the roof. Talk to the tacher. (SCENE) then go back to class.

After the class finishes you meet up with your sister in front of the school and you go to the park,
then the schoolgirl interrupts you two and you use the ring and then you two go home. You can go
do stuff with your sis or go to the aunts house. If you choose the sister there will be a SCENE and if
you go to aunts house you’ll have to take your cousin Ryan to the card store next to your slaves shop.
Go inside the card shop and you’ll have to card battle the salesman and after that your cousin. After
you finish that he tells you that your mom is in the aunts house (SCENE).

Head home and your slave will be in front of your house she’ll tell you to go to the city hall (east
beyond the church and the police station once you’re in the area where the party was just go straight
ahead the same road). Once you hyponotize the 4 chairman you gotta look for them.

After that go home and talk to your mom. (If you use the ring you get the Milf Control Ending (you do
stuff with both your sister and mom) if you don’t do anything then you get the Sister Ending (you do
stuff with your sister only))

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