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Materials Science and Technology

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Effect of hardness of martensite and ferrite on

void formation in dual phase steel

M. Azuma, S. Goutianos, N. Hansen, G. Winther & X. Huang

To cite this article: M. Azuma, S. Goutianos, N. Hansen, G. Winther & X. Huang (2012) Effect
of hardness of martensite and ferrite on void formation in dual phase steel, Materials Science
and Technology, 28:9-10, 1092-1100, DOI: 10.1179/1743284712Y.0000000006

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Effect of hardness of martensite and ferrite on
void formation in dual phase steel
M. Azuma1,2, S. Goutianos2, N. Hansen3, G. Winther3 and X. Huang*3
The influence of the hardness of martensite and ferrite phases in dual phase steel on void
formation has been investigated by in situ tensile loading in a scanning electron microscope.
Microstructural observations have shown that most voids form in martensite by evolving four
steps: plastic deformation of martensite, crack initiation at the martensite/ferrite interface, crack
propagation leading to fracture of martensite particles and void formation by separation of particle
fragments. It has been identified that the hardness effect is associated with the following aspects:
strain partitioning between martensite and ferrite, strain localisation and critical strain required for
void formation. Reducing the hardness difference between martensite and ferrite phases by
tempering has been shown to be an effective approach to retard the void formation in martensite
and thereby is expected to improve the formability.
Keywords: Dual phase steel, Morphology, Tempering, Hardness, Void formation, Strain partitioning

This paper is part of a special issue on ‘Hardness across the multi-scales of structure and loading rate’

Introduction fraction, shape and size of martensite, and as a change of

such parameters might affect void formation, the effect of
High strength steels are widely used as structural materials the hardness of martensite is still ambiguous.
in buildings, ships and automobiles for economical, Tempering treatments are also suggested as a method to
environmental and safety reasons. In particular, low alloy improve the formability, counterbalanced by a reduction
dual phase steels, which consist of a soft ferrite matrix and of ultimate tensile strength.24–29 Fang et al., Samuel,
hard martensite particles, are of great importance in order Joarder et al. and Hasegawa et al. reported that softening
to save fuel and to improve crashworthiness when used in of martensite through tempering increases the elongation/
automobiles. This is because dual phase steels have a wide hole expansion ratio. In particular, local elongation,
ultimate tensile strength range from 440 to 1470 MPa and which is defined as an elongation from the onset of
also have an excellent combination of strength and necking to fracture, is significantly improved by the
elongation.1–7 As the martensite particles contribute to treatments.24–27 However, in these studies, void formation
the strength and the ferrite phase ensures good elongation, behaviour in dual phase steels was not explored in such
it follows that the grain size of ferrite and the volume detail even if void formation leads to fracture of the
fraction of martensite are important parameters. It is specimens. Tomota et al. and Jardim et al. suggested that
reported that although dual phase steels have good softening of martensite assists plastic deformation of
uniform elongation, improved formability is required for martensite and therefore retards void formation in dual
complex components. As it is well known that void phase steels.28,29 However, criteria for void formation and
formation is a precursor to fracture,3,8–23 there is an how the hardness of martensite affects void formation are
incentive to control the void formation in dual phase steel. still ambiguous and need investigation.
Therefore, control of the hardness of the constituents is of In the present study, the effect of martensite hardness
great importance as they interact during loading, which is on void formation in dual phase steel is explored by in
an underlying cause for void formation and fracture. situ tensile tests in a scanning electron microscope
Mazinani and Poole suggested the softening of martensite (SEM), where the structural evolution can be followed
through intercritical annealing at high temperature, where as a function of applied stress and strain. The observa-
the carbon content in austenite is low and can soften tions have pointed to criteria for void formation affected
martensite and improve the true fracture strain.3 by martensite hardness, which is discussed with a view
However, as intercritical annealing affects the volume on the formability of steel.

Nippon Steel Corporation, 6-1, Marunouchi 2-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo Experimental
100-8071, Japan
Materials Research Division, Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Materials
Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde DK-4000, Denmark
Danish–Chinese Center for Nanometals, Materials Research Division, An alloy was melted as a 20 kg ingot in a vacuum
Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of furnace. The chemical composition is listed in Table 1.
Denmark, Roskilde DK-4000, Denmark Carbon is one of the most important alloying elements
*Corresponding author, email when producing dual phase steels, as it affects not only

ß 2012 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 17 October 2011; accepted 9 January 2012
1092 DOI 10.1179/1743284712Y.0000000006 Materials Science and Technology 2012 VOL 28 NO 9–10
Azuma et al. Effect of hardness on void formation in dual phase steel

the volume fraction of martensite but also the hardness related to the tensile properties and strain distribution in
of martensite. Dual phase steels of 590 MPa grade have the ferrite grains and the strain partitioning between
,0?1 wt-%C and from 10 to 20 vol.-% martensite,8–11 martensite and ferrite during deformation. In order to
and in the present steel, 0?1 wt-% carbon addition distinguish ferrite grains from martensite particles,
produced ,20 vol.-% martensite. Manganese was added hardness tests were carried out after polishing and
to retard pearlite transformation during cooling, since, etching by nital. In the nanohardness test, the penetra-
in steel without Mn, pearlite transformation occurs very tion depth was 50 nm, and an indenter with Berkovich
rapidly and most austenites transform to pearlites. geometry was used. The indent size by nanohardness test
Sulphur and oxygen often exist as sulphides and oxides was much smaller than the grain/particle size. In the
in steels, and they have a negative effect on the Vickers tests, the load was 10 gf, and the loading time
mechanical properties because of void formation at was 10 s. The indent size in the Vickers hardness test was
inclusions.21,30–32 Then, an electrolytic iron, with a relatively large, and only the hardness of large grains
sulphur content of ,0?001 wt-%, was used to remove and large particles was measured. In addition, the
the influence of sulphides and oxides. The ingot was average hardness of the specimen was measured by
annealed to 1200uC for 1 h in an argon atmosphere, hot loading of 1 kgf, and the values for 10 areas were
rolled from 45 to 3 mm thickness, cooled slowly from averaged.
a hot rolling finishing temperature of 950–650uC to
promote ferrite formation, then water cooling to In situ tensile testing
ambient temperature and transformation of austenite Tensile tests and three point bending tests were carried
into martensite. Samples have been tempered from 300 out in SEM. For in situ tensile testing, 0?1562?8630 mm
to 600uC as such a treatment may change the hardness specimens were machined, and a hole with a diameter of
of martensite without affecting the volume fraction and 1 mm was made in the centre of the specimen. All
size of ferrite and martensite.29 A short holding time specimens were polished and etched before deformation.
of 100 s has been applied to prevent carbides from The sample was clamped at both ends and stretched
coarsening as void formation can be enhanced by under displacement control in a screw driven load cell,
decohesion at the interface between ferrite and large which was installed inside the microscope. The specimen
particle and also by coarsening of such large particles.32 was strained gradually, and the surface structure was
characterised during loading. During the test, a number
Initial microstructure of parameters were determined, as they can underpin an
The initial microstructures were observed in an SEM analysis of nucleation and growth of voids: size of voids
after polishing and etching by nital (96%C2H5OHz and nucleation density and length and area fraction of
4%HNO3), which allows improved identification of voids. These parameters have been related to a strain
martensite particles. Five areas were observed at a parameter, which is defined in the following section. For
magnification of 62000. However, the microstructure more details, see Ref. 33.
at the centre of the specimen was not examined to avoid
the effect of Mn segregation. The grain size was measured
Strain parameters
in the transverse direction and in the direction normal to During in situ testing, a local strain at the bottom of one
the rolling direction by a linear intercept method, and the hole eh is estimated based on measurement of gauge
average value was defined as the grain size. The aspect length at the bottom.33 The strain in the tensile direction
ratio of the martensite particles was determined as the is defined as a local strain during in situ testing as the
length in the transverse direction divided by the length in deformation localises at the edge of the hole. A gauge at
the normal direction. The volume fraction of each phase this position was defined based on SEM observations. At
was measured by a point counting method. first, a 100 mm gauge was defined by SEM observation, in
which the distance was estimated based on the visible
Mechanical testing microstructure. The length change of the gauge was
Tensile testing directly followed during the in situ tests. If the gauge
length is too small, few grains exist in the gauge, and a
Flat dog bone specimens of dimensions 36356180 mm
strain does not represent an average value of the specimen
were deformed in tension. The gauge length was 50 mm,
because each grain has a different strain due to different
and the gauge width was 25 mm. The tensile direction
crystal orientations and distribution of martensite parti-
was parallel to the transverse direction of the rolled
cles. On the other hand, since deformation concentrates
sheet. The following parameters have been determined:
at the bottom of the hole, a large gauge length might lead
yield stress (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS), uni-
to an underestimation of the strain. In addition, strains in
form elongation and total elongation.
martensite eM and ferrite eF are also important para-
Hardness testing meters to underpin an effect during straining of the
The initial microstructure was characterised by nanoin- hardness of the two phases.34–36 The changes in these
dentation (Hysitron, TriboIndenter TI-950) and by parameters were followed during the initial test by
Vickers hardness test (a Struers DuraScan 70 hardness). measuring the length changes of martensite particles
In particular, the hardness of martensite and ferrite in and ferrite grains. Two hundred grains/particles were
the specimens before deformation was measured and measured, and average values are given as eM and eF. An
additional and important parameter is the local strain in
Table 1 Chemical composition/wt-% the necked region of a martensite particle eL, which is
located at a concave part of the particle, which may be
C Si Mn P S N O present before straining or it may form during straining.
During in situ testing, the strains in the necked region of
0.099 0.01 1.63 ,0.001 0.0007 0.0008 ,0.0010 martensite particles were measured directly, and a strain

Materials Science and Technology 2012 VOL 28 NO 9–10 1093

Azuma et al. Effect of hardness on void formation in dual phase steel

in the necked region of the particles just before crack/void

formation is defined as a critical strain for void formation
in the martensite phase.

Results and discussion

Mechanical properties and microstructures
The tempering treatment significantly increases the
uniform elongation; however, the increase is counter-
balanced by a reduction in the ultimate tensile strength
and the hardness. Owing to the introduction of a yield
point phenomenon, the YS increased as a result of
tempering (see Table 2). Table 2 also shows the ratios:
YS/HV and UTS/HV and in accordance with Ref. 37.
The ratio of UTS/HV can, with good accuracy, be
estimated to ,0?3. However, this simple factor cannot
be used to estimate the yield stress based on hardness
measurements (see Table 2). During tensile testing and
hardness indentation, ferrite and martensite show
different deformation behaviours. Just after yielding in
a tensile test, it has been observed38,39 that martensite
deform elastically, whereas at higher stains (2–6%), also
the martensite particles deform plastically. However,
exposed to the relatively high strain in a hardness test,
both phases deform plastically.
The initial microstructures before deformation are
shown in Fig. 1 for non-tempered and tempered speci-
mens. The microstructures consisted of a ferrite matrix
(F) and martensite particles (M). After tempering, the
martensite phase appears bright due to carbide pre-
cipitation. No pearlite or bainite was observed. The
tempering treatments did not affect the volume fraction,
grain size and shape of ferrite and martensite. The
volume fraction of martensite was 21% in Table 3. The
initial microstructures were free from voids and cracks.
Note that the shape of the two phases is different.
Ferrite grains nucleated at triple junctions, and the grain
boundaries of austenite during cooling have the shape of
a polygon. Martensite particles were, on the other hand,
transformed from the remaining austenite, and they are
less regular in shape and have concave and convex
profiles, and some particles were elongated in the
transverse direction. The aspect ratio of particles was
a without tempering; b tempered at 300uC; c tempered
,2?1, and the size of martensite particles varied from ,1 at 500uC
to over 20 mm. 1 Initial microstructure of dual phase steel showing
Tempering treatments, however, affected the hardness equiaxed ferrite grains (F) and martensite particles (M)
of martensite and ferrite, as shown in Fig. 2. The data at with concave and convex profiles (marked by arrows):
25uC are for the specimen before tempering treatments. rolling direction (RD) is marked
The microhardness test shows that tempering mainly
softened martensite, but martensite was still harder than strength of the specimen. According to Pickering,36 the
ferrite (Fig. 2a). Figure 2b shows that the difference of causes are a reduction in solute solution hardening due
the hardness between martensite and ferrite depended on to carbide precipitation and a reduction in the disloca-
the tempering temperature. It is expected that softening tion density induced by martensitic transformation. In
of martensite leads to a reduction in ultimate tensile the present study, cementite precipitation in ferrite and

Table 2 Tensile properties of dual phase steel*

YS/MPa UTS/MPa U-El/% T-El/% HV/GPa

Before tempering 361(0.170){ 683(0.322){ 10.4 19.1 2.12

Tempered at 300uC 395(0.214){ 576(0.311){ 12.3 27.2 1.85
Tempered at 400uC 407(0.229){ 530(0.298){ 13.0 30.3 1.78
Tempered at 500uC 407(0.250){ 504(0.309){ 14.1 34.6 1.63
Tempered at 600uC 406(0.265){ 486(0.318){ 14.7 36.2 1.53
*YS: 0?2% flow stress or upper yield stress, UTS: ultimate tensile strength, U-El: uniform elongation, HV: average hardness of the
specimens (load51 kgf).
{Ratio of YS/HV or UTS/HV.

1094 Materials Science and Technology 2012 VOL 28 NO 9–10

Azuma et al. Effect of hardness on void formation in dual phase steel

martensite was observed, and as the martensite phase

had more excess carbon, it softened more than ferrite.
However, the indent in the Vickers hardness test was so
large that only the microhardness of larger martensite
particles and ferrite grains was measured as shown in
Fig. 3a and b. On the other hand, Fig. 3c shows that the
indents by the nanohardness test, which were marked in
the figure, are much smaller than the size of martensite
and ferrite as the penetration depth is only 50 nm. It
appears clearly that the nanohardness test is more
suitable to measure the hardness of small particles and
also of microstructures, where the particles and grains
are elongated and very thin. In addition, as strain often
localises in the ferrite grains and martensite particles,
nanoindentation is more suitable to estimate the strain
distribution around martensite particles in dual phase
steel. However, the initial microstructures were char-
acterised by Vickers hardness test, and as the nanohard-
ness test was very sensitive to the surface roughness of
the specimen, the difference between the two hardness
values is large (see Fig. 4) as the cementite precipitation
roughened the surface. In addition, the martensite
particles subdivided by blocks and packets with diffe-
rent crystallographic orientations may show different
hardness values contributing to the observed spread.
Figure 4 shows in accordance with another work40 that
the nanohardness is significantly larger than the Vickers
hardness. However, the ratio is near 2, which gives
confidence to both types of measurements. In another
study,40 it has been suggested that the nanohardness
a microhardness by Vickers hardness tests; b difference
depended on the size of the indent. In the present study, of hardness between martensite and ferrite phases
it is found that the hardness increases with a decrease in 2 Effect of tempering treatments on microhardness of mar-
indent size. tensite and ferrite in dual phase steel: load was 10 gf to
measure hardness of martensite and ferrite phases
Void formation behaviour during in situ
observation perpendicular to the tensile direction, but decohesion
Cracks and voids were observed before and after at the ferrite/martensite interface or at the ferrite/ferrite
tempering at different sites in the martensite phase, in grain boundary was not observed. In the present work,
the ferrite phase and at inclusions. At a given strain, the this type of voids is called ‘a void in the ferrite’. To
majority of voids formed in martensite. Figure 5 shows estimate the effect of tempering treatments on void
typical void formation behaviour in martensite. Before formation more quantitatively, the void number density
deformation, martensite and ferrite did not contain was followed during in situ tests. Voids formed over a
cracks and voids in Fig. 5a. At a strain of 0?067, a void large area of 25 000 mm2 were counted, and the void
formed in a martensite particle due to crack formation number density was analysed with respect to the
in the particle and did not propagate into ferrite grains, martensite and ferrite phases. As shown in Fig. 6, the
and necking was observed at another particle (Fig. 5b). void number density in both phases increased with
Figure 5c shows that further strain led to void formation strain. It is apparent that the majority of voids formed in
at the necked region of martensite (necking1), and the martensite and tempering treatments retarded void
separation of the particle fragments led to void between formation in both martensite and ferrite and thereby
broken martensite particles, and the void grew in the improved the formability. In particular, as more voids
tensile direction. Plastic deformation (necking 2) appeared in the specimens after necking, it appears that
occurred in another concave part of the martensite the effect of tempering on post-necking elongation is
particle. In the present work, this type of void is called ‘a relatively large. A more detailed analysis of void
void in the martensite’. In the tempered specimens, most formation behaviour in martensite was reported in a
voids also formed in martensite due to crack formation previous work.33 In commercial dual phase steels, which
in martensite. On the other hand, few voids formed at consist of smaller ferrite grains and martensite particles,
the martensite/ferrite interface on the ferrite side. The plastic deformation of martensite particles and crack
voids predominantly formed at the interface faced formation in martensite were observed.35,36,40 It appears

Table 3 Volume fraction and grain size of dual phase steel studied

Volume fraction Grain size/mm

Ferrite Martensite Ferrite Martensite Aspect ratio of martensite particles

0.79 0.21 7.3 3.5 2.1

Materials Science and Technology 2012 VOL 28 NO 9–10 1095

Azuma et al. Effect of hardness on void formation in dual phase steel

4 Relationship between nano- and microhardness

that the same void formation mechanism dominates in

commercial steels. In addition, slip bands were often
observed at the necked region before and after void
formation. In previous works, similar findings were

In situ tensile tests have revealed that most voids formed
in martensite due to (i) plastic deformation of martensite
particles, (ii) crack formation in the particles, (iii) crack
propagation in the particles and (iv) separation of the
particle fragments. The tests have also shown that
softening of martensite through tempering treatments
retards void (crack) formation in dual phase steel and
thereby improves the formability. As plastic deforma-
tion of the martensite particles preceded void formation
in martensite, plastic deformation of martensite has an
important role to play in void formation in martensite.
In this section, the effect of softening of martensite on
the deformation behaviour of martensite and ferrite is
Strain distribution in martensite and ferrite
During the processing of dual phase steel, a difference in
thermal contraction between the two phases and the
transformation from austenite to martensite can lead to
a build-up of internal stresses. Such stresses can be
relaxed by the formation and motion of dislocations,
which will be stored in the structure. During plastic
deformation of dual phase steel, the largest stresses are
expected at the interface between ferrite and martensite,
and their magnitude will depend on the hardness
difference between the two phases. A high hardness
difference will create a large stress, which means that a
tempering treatment reducing the difference (Fig. 2) will
reduce the stress at the martensite particle interface. In
general, this stress can be relaxed by generation and
motion of dislocations, but relaxation can also take
place by interfacial decohesion and crack formation in
martensite or ferrite.
Dislocations are generated and stored in the structure
3 Shape of indent after the hardness tests: a SEM image both during the processing of dual phase steel and
of an indent in the martensite phase and b SEM image during plastic deformation. These dislocations can be
of an indent in the ferrite phase by the Vickers hard- classified41 as (i) statistically stored dislocations with a
ness tests, and c Scanning probe microscopy image of density that is proportional to the applied stress and
indents by the nanohardness test. In the Vickers hard- inversely proportional to the slip length and (ii)
ness test the load was 10gf and in the nanohardness geometrically necessary dislocations caused by a local
test penetration depth was 50nm. The indents are non-uniform strain at a hard phase. The density of these
marked in the figure and the indent sizes in the nano- dislocations is proportional to the strain and increases
hardness test are much smaller than the particle/grain with an increasing volume concentration and a decreas-
size ing size of the hard phase. However, the density of

1096 Materials Science and Technology 2012 VOL 28 NO 9–10

Azuma et al. Effect of hardness on void formation in dual phase steel

a in martensite; b in ferrite
6 Influence of tempering treatments on void number den-
sity in dual phase steel during in situ tensile test

structure in the form of isolated dislocations and as cells

and subgrains, which are rotated with respect to each
a initial microstructure without cracks or voids; b neck-
other. A measurement of the lattice rotation by electron
ing of martensite particle and void formation in marten-
site particle (eh50?067); c necking, formation and growth backscatter diffraction (EBSD) (or TEM) may therefore
of voids (eh50?200) show not only the magnitude of the local stress and
5 In situ observation of void formation in martensite in strain but also how it is distributed near the martensite
dual phase steel during tensile test particles and near the grain boundaries in ferrite.
The strain distribution around martensite particles and
in ferrite grains has been estimated by EBSD in the
geometrically necessary dislocations also depends on the undeformed state and after tensile straining to a strain of
particle shape, whether it is equiaxed, plate-like or 0?05, also including specimens that have been tempered at
needle shaped (Ashby). This effect of shape has, for 300 and 500uC. Contour maps in Fig. 7 show deviation of
example, been shown42 in an Al-Sic composite, where the Euler angle at each point from the average value in
the hard SiC particles are elongated and dislocations each ferrite grain. Martensite appears as black and is
have been observed by TEM along the particles but neglected; the yellow colour indicates small deviations;
most intense at the ends. The present study42 also shows the blue colour indicates larger deviations; and the green
a fall-off in dislocation density with an increasing colour indicates large deviations above 7u. Figure 7a–c
distance from the particles. Finally, a non-uniform shows that deviations present after processing are small
strain may also characterise the region near the grain and tend to be localised near the martensite/ferrite
boundaries in the ferrite phase as the slip pattern may interface, but this localisation is not pronounced, showing
depend on the crystallographic orientation of neigh- a fairly uniform and rather small dislocation density. In
bouring grains. In this case, a non-uniform strain may the deformed state, the strain distribution shown in
be accommodated by the formation and motion of Fig. 7d–f is in general support of the general expectation
geometrically necessary dislocations with a density that, that the strain and stress are localised at the matrix ferrite
at small strains, is proportional to the strain and interface and that it is reduced by tempering. However,
increases inversely proportional with the grain size. the particle shape also significantly affects the strain
The dislocation formed during processing and plastic distribution as strain localisation is observed at the
deformation may partly be annealed out by dynamic concave part and near the end of the martensite particles.
recovery or climb, but a certain fraction is stored in the It is also seen that this type of strain localisation is

Materials Science and Technology 2012 VOL 28 NO 9–10 1097

Azuma et al. Effect of hardness on void formation in dual phase steel

7 Strain distribution, which is represented by deviation of Euler angle at each point from average vale, in ferrite at strain
of 0?05: initial microstructures a without tempering, b tempered at 300uC and c 500uC and deformed microstructure d
without tempering treatments, e tempered at 300 and 500uC. In contour maps, black regions are martensite and yellow,
blue and green regions are ferrite. In yellow regions, deviation was 0u; in blue region, deviation is larger, and in green
regions, deviation is over 7u

reduced by tempering. Finally, it can be observed that implies that the shape of the martensite particles is one of
green regions were often aligned across some ferrite the most important factors affecting void formation in
grains and martensite particles in the 30–60u direction dual phase steels. As strain is also observed to be localised
from the tensile direction. The strain distribution was at the tip of the martensite particles, void formation at
observed in more detail, and Fig. 8 exemplifies typical such positions must also be expected.
misorientation change at the martensite/ferrite interface The present study illustrated the use of EBSD as a
in the marked area in Fig. 7d. Accumulated misorienta- powerful technique to estimate the local deformation
tion profiles were measured at the concave interface (C-F/ behaviour in dual phase steel. However, one limitation is
M) and the flat interface (F-F/M) between martensite and that a poor image quality makes it difficult to analyse
ferrite, and the ferrite/ferrite grain boundary (F/F). the magnitude and distribution of the strain near the
Figure 8a is an inverse pole figure, and Fig. 8b is a band concave part of the martensite particles due to a very
contrast map (an image quality map). In the map, high dislocation density. This may also be an inherent
martensite is dark due to a large dislocation density. difficulty when replacing EBSD with TEM. This means
Figure 8c shows the accumulated misorientation profiles that nanoindentation has a potential as a complemen-
along each line in Fig. 8a. The misorientation increased at tary technique to further elucidate strain and stress
the interface between martensite and ferrite. In particular, distribution in dual phase steel. Figure 8 illustrates in
the change at the concave interface (8u/1 mm) was larger non-tempered dual phase steel that the accumulated
than the flat interface of the martensite particle (2?7u/ misorientation is much more pronounced at the concave
1 mm). On the other hand, the misorientation changed part of martensite than at the flat part. It also shows that
less at the ferrite/ferrite grain boundary (,1u/1 mm). As this effect appears to extend 2–3 mm from the particle
dislocations lead to lattice rotation, Fig. 8 shows that a interface. Note also that there is a relatively small build-
large number of dislocations are present at the concave up of accumulated misorientation near the ferrite
interface, and consequently, a high stress might lead to boundaries.
local plastic deformation at the concave part of marten- It appears that the effect of tempering (Fig. 9) is to
site. As shown in Fig. 5, slip band formation around the make martensite more deformable and ferrite less
concave part of the martensite particles and necking of deformable due to a different stress and strain partition-
the martensite particles supplement that deformation is ing between the two phases. This effect of softening of
localised at this part of the martensite particles. It is reinforcements leads to more deformation in the reinfor-
apparent that the strain localisation at the concave part of cements but less deformation in a matrix in dual phase
martensite accelerated void formation in martensite. This steels and a ferrite–pearlite steel.34,35,43,44 Tasan et al.43

1098 Materials Science and Technology 2012 VOL 28 NO 9–10

Azuma et al. Effect of hardness on void formation in dual phase steel

9 Strain partitioning between martensite and ferrite during

in situ tensile tests: softening of martensite through tem-
pering treatments results in large strain in martensite and
reduced strain in ferrite

Gurland34 and Shen et al.35 have also suggested that the

martensite particles in tempered dual phase steels are
deformed more than in quenched dual phase steels.

Effect of tempering on criteria for void formation

Tempering treatments affected not only strain partition-
ing but also a criterion for void formation in martensite,
as further straining of martensite led to void formation
in tempered martensite. Melander and Steninger and
Gladman et al. suggested that critical strain or stress is
required for void formation.45,46 In the present study,
the local strain at the concave part of martensite was
defined as a critical strain for void formation in
martensite when a void formed in martensite. The local
strains at the necked region of ,20 particles when voids
formed were measured. Figure 10 shows that the critical
strain for void formation in martensite depends on the
hardness of martensite. It is also found that the critical
strain is independent of volume fraction, shape and
particle size of martensite. In the specimen without
tempering treatments, the critical strain was ,0?27, but
it was improved to 0?84 after tempering at 300uC.
Increasing of the critical strain for void formation also
attributes to retardation of void formation in martensite
and thereby improves the formability.

In dual phase steel, the influence of softening of
martensite through tempering treatments at 300–600uC
on void formation in martensite and ferrite has been
8 Electron backscatter diffraction maps of dual phase steel
without tempering after tensile deformation to strain of
0?05: a inverse pole figure and b band contrast map of
martensite containing concave parts and ferrite grains
and c accumulated misorientation profiles from concave
interface between ferrite and martensite (C-F/M), flat inter-
face between ferrite and martensite (F-F/M) and ferrite/fer-
rite grain boundary (F/F) to another interface. In band
contrast map, dark contrast is related to martensite and
due to large dislocation density. Tensile direction is hori-
zontal. Step size is 50 nm

have shown that pearlite in ferrite–pearlite steel is

deformed more than martensite in dual phase steel as
pearlite colonies are relatively soft compared with
martensite particles. In addition, they observed crack 10 Influence of martensite hardness on critical strain for
formation in martensite but did not observe void crack formation in martensite: data before tempering
formation in ferrite. Ghadbeigi et al.,44 Su and are shown at 25uC

Materials Science and Technology 2012 VOL 28 NO 9–10 1099

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