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This assignment is made to fulfill the task of Classroom Management

Created by :

Afifah Nurfitrianingsih (40114002)



Bumiayu 2016
A. Building knowledge of the field
1. Greeting
Example : good morning, afternoon, how are you ?
pray before start study today.
2. Asking students their past experience
What did you do last night?
3. Drilling with question and answer
4. Evaluating students ability (orally)
5. Giving students some written question on slide and answer orally.

B. Modelling of text
1. Students are given a narrative text
2. Working in groups consist of four students each will be given a different text.
3. Teacher asks each students in group to focus on the verbs used in the text-
individual accountability.
4. Group discuss the consensus of each text
5. Students change their texts, and use a team interview
6. Teacher guide the groups to perform better, find the students with most

C. Joint construction of the field

1. Some students are asked to contribute one verbs in past form and teacher
writes them in the whaiteboard.
2. Together with class, teacher tries to construct a text based on the chosen
3. If done, let the students know the sections of the text as well as its genre.
4. For further activity, use placemat. Each group has one placemat.
5. Teacher delivers new different texts foe each group (if it is possible) students
are to fill the blank space in a placemat.
6. If done, the words on the placemat is used to construct brand new text created
by the group member.
7. Teacher walking around to find stuck.
8. When done, all group submit their text to revise, all member of group must
listen to the comment the teacher share on their text.
9. When all text are revised, one representative of group retell the content of
their text, the other members of group listen well.(GAME)
10. The group catches the content, re-paraphrase it in Indonesia languange.
11. The level of accuracy is scored by the original group.
12. For evaluation, do written exercise.

D. Independent construction of the text

1. At home, students write their own text.
2. closing


Definition of narrative
Is writing that tells a story. The story can be imaginary or based on a real incident.

Communicative purpose/ Social function

• To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways.
Narrative deals with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some
kinds, which in turn finds a resolution.
• To entertain to the readers.

Types of Narrative text

• Fairy story
• Mystery
• Science fiction
• Romance
• Horror
• Folklore
• Legend
• Fable
• Myth

The Organization of a Narrative text

A narrative text can have as many paragraphs as you want. However, it has mainly 3
parts, which are the orientation, complication, and resolution.
• Orientation (Present the setting of your story and introduce the character involved.
• Complication (The story continuous here, which is the body. Usually, there will be an
event or a sequence of event or complication that lead the character into a complication
(some form of conflict that disrupt the normal event). Tension starts to build up to a
climax and this draws anticipation in the reader.
• Resolution (The story starts to get resolved and everything usually comes to a happy
end. Sometimes, there may be a surprising twist of event that the readers hardly expect,
while at other time, the resolution is left for the reader to decide.

The Functions of Narrative Text Are:

• Make others enjoy, imagine everything that we told and follow the chronological of
the story.
• Educate/give information, give the composer reflection about his experience and
improve the reader imagination.

Grammatical Features Related of Narrative Text.

• Action verb
• Adjective
• Connectors to do with time and sequence
• Pronouns
• Punctuation
• Simple past tense
• Adverbs
• Compound and complex sentence

Narrative text

The Legend of Minos, King of Crete

Once upon a time there lived a very famous king. He had a monster which was half bull
and half man. He ordered Daedalus, a craftsman from Athens, to build a labyrinth in
order to house the monster. When Daedolus finished his work, he wanted to leave Crete.
But the king would not let him go.
Daedalus escaped through the air by using wings fixed to his body with wax. He also
made wings for his son, Icarus and made him fly behind himself. But the son was so
glad and excited that he soon went too high. As he flew nearer to the Sun, it got warmer
and warmer until at last the wax melted and his body fell down into the sea near Troy.
The sea is now called the Icarian Sea.

The Simple Past Tense
Rumus : S + Verb 2 (past) + Object or adverb/adjective/noun (Rumus verbal)
S + Was/were + Object or adverb/adjective/noun (Rumus nominal)

The simple past tense digunakan untuk:

a. Menerangkan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sudah terjadi di masa lalu dan suda
selesai pada suatu titk waktu.
Contoh: She visited me last month (verbal)
S V2 O time signal

She was angry with me yesterday (Nominal)

( dia telah marah kepadaku kemarin)
b. Menerangkan perbuatan yang terjadi mungkin berulang di masa lalu.
Contoh: His mother wrote to him everyday
(Ibunya menulis surat untuk dia setiap hari dulu ( sekarang tidak

I often sent him letter last year. (saya sering mengirim surat
Tahun lalu) (sekarang tidak lagi)

Time Signal
• Yesterday : kemarin
• Last year : tahun lalu
• Last : yang lalu
• Just now : baru saja
• Two days ago : 2 hari yang lalu

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