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Anne Joy L.

Jamisola April 12, 2019

RESM 615 Statistics Final Exam

Instruction: Read the following background carefully and answer all the research
questions that follow. All the questions must be answered individually in this sheet and
submitted through Moodle in the relevant drop box under Final Exam together with the
syntaxes of the analyses produced from the SPSS. Each question carries equal weight.


The school board of the Amazing Grace High School located in Cavite, Philippines, is

considering to introduce the sciences, technology, engineering, & mathematics (STEM)

strand as one of the major strands upon the request of the parents. This is because this

strand (STEM) would prepare their children graduating from grade 12 to pursue science

related undergraduate degree programs. The parents are concerned that if STEM strand

is not introduced, their children interested in sciences may lose the opportunities for

their future careers. On the other hand, the school board is concerned that if the STEM

strand is not introduced, they may lose students who may decide to transfer to other

schools to take STEM related subjects. This may lower the school enrolment and

consequently negatively impact the school financially.

However, the school board would like to make informed decision on such

strategic issues that also require a huge capital outlay. As a result, the board

commissioned a survey among the school constituency comprising of the different

demographic profiles that included gender (sex), different ethnic backgrounds (race),

and different socio-economic status (ses). In addition, the data was collected from both

public and private schools (schtyp) that had different academic programs (programs).

The school administrators had hypothesized that among other factors

mathematics (math), reading (read), writing (write) and self-esteem measured by

(global) are the key factors that influence student’s performance in sciences (science).

Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies Final Exam

Anne Joy L. Jamisola April 12, 2019
RESM 615 Statistics Final Exam

As one of the teachers sponsored for upgrading, having taken the RESM 615 Statistics

course at AIIAS, you have been tasked by the school administrators to analyse and

interpret the data collected from the survey to enable the board make an informed

decision. The data has been cleaned and entered into SPPS and is uploaded in your

RESM 615 Statistics Moodle class as HSB_Screening Data.sav file under the exam

section ready for your analysis. The board is seeking answers to the following research


Research Questions

1. What are the characteristics of the demographic profile of the respondents?

2. Is there any significant difference in the type of school (schtyp) and the academic

program (program) in relation to the science performance (science)?

3. Is there any relationship among the self-esteem variables (social, emotional,

family, & global) and science performance (science)?

4. Is there a predictive model of science performance (science)?


1. Formulate the relevant null hypotheses for each of the research questions 2-4.

2. Analyze and interpret the data.

3. Provide your conclusion and recommendation based on the result.

Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies Final Exam

Anne Joy L. Jamisola April 12, 2019
RESM 615 Statistics Final Exam

Demographic characteristics
1. What are the characteristics of the demographic profile of the respondents?
Table 1 show that there were approximately 66 male, (45.8%) and 78
female, (54.2%) with the total number of 144 respondents. The students came
from different Ethnic backgrounds: a) Hispanic, 15 (10.4%), b) Asian, 9 (6.3%),
c) African-American, 7 (9%), and d) White, 113 (78.5%). Along with different
socio-economic status, low (24 0r 16.7%), middle (73 or 50.7%), and high (47
or 32.6%.

Significant Difference

2. Is there any significant difference in the type of school and the academic program in

relation to the science performance?

Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between public and private schools in

terms of the science performance of the students.

Table 2 shows that the academic program has no significant difference with the
type of school (F (2, 83 ) = 2.737, p = .062). students’ performance in science
also shows that there is no significant difference with the type of school (F
(29,83)= .906, p = .240). the interaction of academic program and science has
also no significant diffrerence (F( 29, 83) = .887, p= .237).

Because there were no significant differences among the variables, academic
program and Science performance has nothing to do with the type of school.

Significant Relationship
3.Is there significant relationship among the self-esteem variables and Science
Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship among the self-esteem variable and
Science performance.

Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies Final Exam

Anne Joy L. Jamisola April 12, 2019
RESM 615 Statistics Final Exam

The result on Table 3 shows the following that are significantly

associated at 0.05 level of significance: social and emotional, social and global,
social and sciences, emotional and family, emotional and global, emotional and
sciences, family and global, family and sciences and global and sciences.

Predictive Model
4. Is there a predictive model of science performance?
Ho: There is no significant prediction on the science performance of private and public
students by their self- esteem variables(social, emotional, family, and global)

Table 1

Descriptive Statistics
Count Column N %
Gender Male 66 45.8%
Female 78 54.2%
Ethnic background hispanic 15 10.4%
asian 9 6.3%
african-amer 7 4.9%
white 113 78.5%
Socio-economic status low 24 16.7%
middle 73 50.7%
high 47 32.6%
Type of school public 117 81.3%
private 27 18.8%
Academic program General 45 31.3%
Academic 49 34.0%
Professional 50 34.7%

Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies Final Exam

Anne Joy L. Jamisola April 12, 2019
RESM 615 Statistics Final Exam

Table 2

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Sciences
Type III Sum of Partial Eta
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Squared
Corrected Model 8.59a 60 .146 .919 .631 .399
Intercept 96.481 1 96.481 607.648 .000 .880
Program .869 1 .435 2.737 .071 .062
Sciences 4.173 2 .144 .906 .606 .240
program * sciences 4.085 2 .141 .887 .632 .237
Error 13.179 138 .159
Total 225.000 144
Corrected Total 21.938 143
a. R Squared = .399(Adjusted R Squared = -.035)

Table 3
Sciences social emotional family global
Pearson Correlation Sciences 1.000 .288 .419 .418 .552
social .288 1.000 .264 .148 .626
emotional .419 .264 1.000 .220 .702
family .418 .148 .220 1.000 .728
global .552 .626 .702 .728 1.000
Sig. (1-tailed) Sciences . .000 .000 .000 .000
social .000 . .001 .039 .000
emotional .000 .001 . .004 .000
family .000 .039 .004 . .000
global .000 .000 .000 .000 .
N Sciences 144 144 144 144 144
social 144 144 144 144 144
emotional 144 144 144 144 144
family 144 144 144 144 144
global 144 144 144 144 144

Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies Final Exam

Anne Joy L. Jamisola April 12, 2019
RESM 615 Statistics Final Exam

Table 4

Model Summaryb
Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of the R Square
Model R R Square Square Estimate Change F Change df1
1 .557a .310 .295 8.394 .304 62.104 1
a. Predictors: (Constant), global
b. Dependent Variable: Sciences

Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies Final Exam

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