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Chapter 4

Brain Teaser (pg. 81)

The elements in the Periodic Table of Elements are arranged in order of increasing proton number, from 1
to 118.

Test Yourself 4.1 (pg. 82)

1. (a) Antoine Lavoisier
(b) John Newlands
(c) Johann W. Dobereiner
2. Difference:
Dobereiner grouped three elements having the same average mass and named them triads. All three
elements in a triad were found to have the same chemical properties. His classification showed the
relationship between the chemical properties of elements with atomic mass.
Newlands arranged elements in order of increasing atomic mass. He arranged seven elements in a row
because he found that the chemical and physical properties of the first element repeats for every eighth
element. He names this arrangement as Octave Law.
Both relate atomic mass with chemical properties.

Test Yourself 4.2 (pg. 84)

1. Mg, Cu, F
2. (a); Group 1
(b) 2.4; Group 14
(c) 2.8.7; Group 17
(d) 2.8.8; Group 18

C Li

Carbon Lithium
2.4 2.1

Brain Teaser (pg. 85)

Density =
The size of atoms increases when going down Group 18. The increase in size increases the atomic mass.
When going down Group 18, the increase in atomic mass of the element is faster than the increase in
volume. Hence, the density of elements increases when going down Group 18.

Test Yourself 4.3 (pg. 87)

1. 2
2. Octet
3. The neon atom has a stable octet arrangement of electrons

4. The size of atoms increases when going down the group because the number of filled electron shells
increases. The melting point and boiling point of argon are higher than those of helium. The size of the
atom increases when going down the group because the number of filled electron shells increases /
atomic size of argon is larger compared to helium atom. The attraction force between argon atoms
are stronger compared to helium atoms. More heat energy is needed to overcome the attraction force
between argon atoms.

Experiment 4,1 (pg. 88 – 90)

1. (a) 2Li(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2LiOH(aq) + H2(g)
2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)
2K(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2KOH(aq) + H2(g)
(b) 4Li(s) + O2(g) → 2Li2O(s)
4Na(s) + O2(g) → 2Na2O(s)
4K(s) + O2(g) → 2K2O(s)
(c) 2Li(s) + Cl2(g) → 2LiCl(s)
2Na(s) + Cl2(g) → 2NaCl(s)
2K(s) + Cl2(g) → 2KCl(s)
2. With water, oxygen and chlorine: Li, Na, K

Test Yourself 4.4 (pg. 92)

1. Lithium and rubidium (any Group 1 element)
2. (a) • The melting point and boiling point of X are the highest, followed with Y and Z.
• The size of atom Z is the largest, followed with Y and X
(b) 4X(s) + O2(g) → 2X2O(s)
(c) Reactivity in increasing order: X, Y, Z
Metal Z is the most reactive, followed with metals Y and X. The reactivity of Group 1 metals
increases when going down the group because the size of atoms increases. Hence it is easier for the
atom to donate the valence electron that is further away from the nucleus.

Test Yourself 4.5 (pg. 96)

1. • The melting point and boiling point increases
• The colour becomes darker
• The density increases
2. The reactivity of Group 17 elements depends on the ability of the atom to receive an electron easily.
The size of the fluorine atom is smaller than the size of the iodine atom. Hence the nuclear attraction
towards electrons in the fluorine atom is stronger compared to iodine. Hence it is easier for fluorine to
receive an electron compared to iodine.
3. • Disinfectant contains iodine.
• Drinking water contains chlorine.
4. Astatine is rare radioactive element because it is chemically unstable. Astatine can be produced
form the radioactive decay of uranium, neptunium and plutonium. Hence, astatine is not used in the

Experiment 4.2 (pg. 97 – 98)

1. Basic oxide: Sodium oxide, Na2O, magnesium oxide, MgO
Amphoteric oxide: Aluminium oxide, Al2O3
Acidic oxide: Silicon(IV) oxide, SiO2, sulphur dioxide, SO2
2. MgO(s) + 2HNO3(aq) → Mg(NO3)2(aq) + H2O(l)

3. Al2O3(s) + 2NaOH(aq) → 2NaAlO2(aq) + H2O(l)
4. Element with basic oxide: Na and Mg
Element with acidic oxide: Si, P, S and Cl

Test Yourself 4.6 (pg. 100)

1. These elements have three electron shells. Sodium, Na (2.8.1), magnesium, Mg (2.8.2), aluminium, Al
(2.8.3), silicon, Si (2.8.4), phosphorus, P (2.8.5), sulphur, S (2.8.6), chlorine, Cl (2.8.7) and argon, Ar
2. Silicon has high melting point and boiling point. Chlorine has low melting point and boiling point.
(Student’s suitable answer)
3. (a) Chlorine, Cl has smaller atomic size than aluminium. This is because when going across Period 3
from left to right, the number of shells is the same but the number of protons in the atom increases.
This causes the nuclear attraction towards the electron to increase and causes the atomic radius to
decrease. Hence, the size of the atom decreases.
(b) Aluminium, Al
(c) Ne, C, Cl, Al, Na

Test Yourself 4.7 (pg. 104)

1. (a) Transition elements form coloured ions
(b) Have different oxidation numbers / form complex ions
2. Haber Process – iron filings / Contact Process – vanadium(V) oxide

Achievement Test 4 (pg. 106 – 107)

1. According to increase in proton number
2. (a) Group 17
(b) Period 3
3. Neon
4. This element is a shiny grey, soft metal. Group 1 elements react vigorously with oxygen, water and
chlorine gas.
5. Aluminium
6. (a) Electron arrangement of X = 2.2
Electron arrangement of Y = 2.8.7
(b) Chemical properties of X Chemical properties of Y
Forms basic oxide Forms acidic oxide
Reacts with oxygen to form metal oxide Reacts with metal to form metal halide
(c) • The reactivity of an element that is in the same group as Element X depends on the tendency of
the atom to lose two electrons
• When going down the group, the increasing size of the atom causes the distance between the
nucleus and the valence electrons to increase
• The nuclear attraction towards the valence electrons become weaker
• It is easier for the atom to lose electrons. Hence, the reactivity of the element increases when
going down the group.
• The reactivity of an element that is in the same group as Element Y depends on the tendency of
the atom to receive or pull one electron.
• When going down the group, the increasing size of the atom causes the distance between the
nucleus and the valence electrons to increase.
• The nuclear attraction towards the valence electrons become weaker
• It is harder for the atom to receive or attract electrons. Hence, the reactivity of the element
decreases when going down the group.

7. 2Na(s) + Cl2(g) → 2NaCl(s)
8. (a) Group 13
(b) Period 3
(c) G is a metal
9. (a) Metal: Na, Mg, Al
Metalloid: Si
Non-metal: P, S, Cl, Ar
(b) The atomic radius decreases from Na to Cl. This is because as the number of electrons increases,
the number of protons also increases. Hence the nuclear charge increases and its attraction towards
the electrons also increases causing the electronegativity to increase. Hence, the size of the atom
decreases as the atomic radius to decreases.
(c) Argon
(d) 2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)
10. (a) Green
(b) Brown

Enrichment corner (pg. 107)

1. Silicon is used in the manufacture of microchips because it is a half metal or known as metalloid. A
metalloid shows properties of a metal and non-metal as it is a weak electrical conductor with insulator
properties. Hence, silicon does not allow large current to pass through it compared to metals that will
cause the microchip to become hot and then burn. Metals such as lithium cannot be used because
lithium is a very reactive metal and is not suitable to make semiconductors that require a composition of
metal and non-metal.

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