Obese Japanese Patients With Stroke Have Higher Functional

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Obese Japanese Patients with Stroke Have Higher Functional

Recovery in Convalescent Rehabilitation Wards:

A Retrospective Cohort Study

Shinta Nishioka, RD,* Hidetaka Wakabayashi, MD,† Tomomi Yoshida, RD,‡

Natsumi Mori, RD,‡ Riko Watanabe, RD,‡ and Emi Nishioka, RD‡

Background: A protective effect of excessive body mass index (BMI) on mortality

or functional outcome in patients with stroke is not well established in the Asian
population. This study aimed to explore whether obese patients with stroke have
advantages for functional improvement in Japanese rehabilitation wards. Method:
This retrospective cohort study included consecutive patients with stroke admit-
ted and discharged from convalescent rehabilitation wards between 2011 and 2015.
Demographic data, BMI, Functional Independence Measure (FIM) score, and nu-
tritional status were analyzed. Participants were classified into 4 groups according
to BMI (underweight <18.5 kg/m2, standard 18.5-<23 kg/m2, overweight 23-
<27.5 kg/m2, obese ≥27.5 kg/m2). The primary outcome was the FIM gain, and
the secondary outcome was the FIM score at discharge. Multiple regression anal-
ysis was performed to analyze the relationship between BMI and functional recovery.
Results: In total, 897 participants (males 484, females 413; mean age 71.6 years)
were analyzed and classified as underweight (134), standard (432), overweight
(277), and obese (54). The median FIM gain and the FIM score at discharge were
30 and 114, respectively. The FIM gain in the obese group was significantly higher
than those in the other groups. Multiple regression analysis revealed that
obesity was independently correlated with the FIM gain, and those at discharge
after adjusting for confounders such as age, gender, and FIM score on admission.
Conclusions: Obese Japanese convalescent patients with stroke may have some
advantages for functional recovery in rehabilitation wards. Key Words: Obesity
paradox—stroke—convalescent rehabilitation wards—functional recovery—Functional
Independence Measure.
© 2015 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From the *Department of Clinical Nutrition and Food Services, Nagasaki Rehabilitation Hospital; †Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,
Yokohama City University Medical Center; and ‡Department of Clinical Services, Nagasaki Rehabilitation Hospital.
Received May 30, 2015; revision received August 8, 2015; accepted August 24, 2015.
Authors’ contributions: Shinta Nishioka: conception and design of the study, collection, analysis and interpretation of data, writing of the
paper, drafting of the manuscript, and approval of the final version of the manuscript. Hidetaka Wakabayashi: conception and design of the
study, analysis and interpretation of data, revision of the manuscript, and approval of the final version of the manuscript. Tomomi Yoshida,
Natsumi Mori, Riko Watanabe, and Emi Nishioka: conception and design of the study, collection of data, revision of the manuscript, and
approval of the final version of the manuscript.
Grant support: This study was not sponsored or funded by any industry, government, or institution.
Address correspondence to Shinta Nishioka, Department of Clinical Nutrition and Food Services, Nagasaki Rehabilitation Hospital, 4-11,
Gin-ya machi, Nagasaki 850-0854, Japan. E-mail: shintacks@yahoo.co.jp.
1052-3057/$ - see front matter
© 2015 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

26 Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol. 25, No. 1 (January), 2016: pp 26–33

Introduction improvement? What is the most beneficial BMI range for

ADL improvement? To answer these questions, we con-
Obesity is a well-known risk factor for stroke inci-
ducted a retrospective cohort study on patients with stroke
dence, and is generally defined as a body mass index
in convalescent rehabilitation wards that were covered
(BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or more in Western populations1 or
by public health insurance22 in Japan.
27.5 kg/m2 or greater in Asian populations.2 The rela-
tive risks for stroke incidence by obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2
and ≥27.5 kg/m2 for Asian and Western populations, re- Materials and Methods
spectively) and overweight (BMI 25-29.9 kg/m2 and 23-
27.4 kg/m2 for Asian and Western populations, respectively)
are 1.64 and 1.22, respectively, according to a large- The present study investigated 1281 consecutive sub-
scale meta-analysis.3 Obesity raises the risk for stroke via jects who were admitted and discharged from our
several pathways, including diabetes mellitus, hyperten- convalescent rehabilitation hospital for poststroke reha-
sion, atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, and obstructive sleep bilitation between June 2011 and March 2015. Exclusion
apnea.4 criteria included being transferred to an acute care hos-
Interestingly, patients with stroke who are obese or over- pital because of exacerbation of the clinical condition or
weight have a tendency toward better outcomes after surgical operation (such as recurrent stroke, severe pneu-
stroke. A prospective study showed that patients with monia, gastrointestinal bleeding, and gastrostomy), dying
stroke with BMI 25-29.9 kg/m2, 30-34.9 kg/m2, or 35 kg/m2 in our hospital, being transferred to another rehabilita-
or more had lower all-cause mortality than normal- tion hospital in accordance with the patients’ or their
weight patients.5 Other studies reported a protective effect family’s wishes, readmission to our hospital after finish-
of obesity for all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mor- ing treatment for their comorbidities (except after recurrent
tality in patients with stroke aged 80 years or older6 and stroke), and lack of recorded body weight. Subjects with
a good survival rate in obese patients with stroke re- missing covariate data were not excluded from the analysis.
gardless of age.7 The paradoxical effects of obesity are In Japan, patients with stroke who require intensive
also seen in Asian populations.8,9 This finding is called rehabilitation to improve ADLs and return to their own
the “obesity paradox” and has been reported in some other home are usually admitted to convalescent rehabilita-
chronic diseases, including chronic heart failure,10 chronic tion wards and were covered by public health insurance.22
kidney disease,11 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,12 These patients receive comprehensive rehabilitation support
and rheumatoid arthritis.13 from a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team including a
The existence of the obesity paradox in patients with rehabilitation doctor, nurse, physical therapist, occupa-
stroke is still controversial. Several studies on the rela- tional therapist, speech language therapist, registered
tionship between obesity and stroke outcome have reported dietitian, care worker, social worker, dental hygienist, and
the adverse effects of obesity/overweight on the surviv- pharmacist. All the participants in the present study
al rate14,15 or no correlation with BMI and stroke outcome.16 received intensive rehabilitation from a therapist for
A few studies have been published regarding the rela- approximately 3 hours/day between admission and
tionship between obesity and stroke rehabilitation outcome, discharge.
with some observational studies reporting that obese or Information regarding the participants’ characteristics
overweight patients with stroke have higher rates of re- including age, gender, primary diagnosis (cerebral in-
covery for activities of daily living (ADLs) after 30 months17 farction, intracranial hemorrhage, and subarachnoid
or 3 months18 from stroke onset, as well as at the end hemorrhage), length of hospital stay (LOS), days from
of the in-hospital rehabilitation period.19 Conversely, another stroke onset to admission to the rehabilitation hospital,
study indicated that obese patients with stroke with mod- and nutritional status using the Mini Nutritional Assess-
erate functional impairment have lower ADL improvement ment Short Form (MNA-SF)23 was collected via medical
than normal-weight patients,20 whereas another study re- records. Prestroke certification for public long-term care
ported that the initial neurological symptom is a more insurance (LTCI) was also investigated to assess the pa-
powerful predictor for functional recovery than BMI.21 tients’ prestroke functional dependence. LTCI is the only
However, whether obesity stroke inpatients have better public care insurance that provides various social care
recovery of ADLs during the convalescent stage in Asian services in Japan for people aged 65 years or older who
populations remain unclear. Only one study investi- are functionally dependent or those aged 40 years or older
gated the stroke recovery in Asian patients18 using the who suffer from diseases such as stroke.24
BMI ranges recommended for Asian populations. Addi- The BMI was defined as the weight in kilograms divided
tionally, no data exist regarding the relationship between by the square of the height in meters. In the present study,
in-hospital rehabilitation outcome and obesity in pa- the participants were classified into 4 groups following
tients with stroke in Asian populations. Do Japanese stroke the BMI categories for Asian populations recommended
inpatients with obesity have an advantage for ADL by the World Health Organization 2 (<18.5 kg/m 2
[underweight group], 18.5-<23 kg/m [standard group], showed differences by chi-square test were examined by
23-<27.5 kg/m2 [overweight group], and ≥27.5 kg/m2 [obese residual analysis. A multiple regression analysis was used
group]). The participants’ height and body weight were to elucidate whether BMI independently affects the FIM
measured by a nurse, care worker, or a registered dieti- gain and the FIM score at discharge. A P value less than
tian on admission. .05 was considered statistically significant.
The present study was conducted in accordance with
the Declaration of Helsinki. The Ethics Committee of the
Nagasaki Rehabilitation Hospital approved the present
study and exempted us from obtaining informed consent Of the 1281 participants, 254 were excluded because
from the participants because the study analyzed only they transferred to other hospitals (acute care/rehabilitation)
anonymous retrospective data. or died in our hospital, 127 were excluded because of
readmission, and three were excluded because their weight
Main Outcome Measurement was not recorded. The proportion of underweight pa-
tients in the excluded participants was significantly higher
This study used the Functional Independence Measure than those in the included participants, whereas the pro-
(FIM) gain as the main outcome measurement. The FIM portion of overweight and obese patients in the excluded
is a reliable, validated indicator of ADLs25,26 that has 13 participants was significantly lower than those in the in-
items regarding motor function and 5 items regarding cluded participants. A total of 897 participants (484 males,
cognitive function. Each item is given 1-7 points, from 413 females) with a mean age of 71.6 ± 13.3 years were
“total assistance” to “complete independence.” The FIM investigated in the present study. Five hundred ninety
score was assessed by the multidisciplinary team on ad- patients suffered from cerebral infarction (66%), 247 from
mission and at discharge. The primary outcome was the intracranial hemorrhage (28%), and 60 from subarach-
FIM gain, which was calculated as changes in the FIM noid hemorrhage (7%). Sixty-eight participants had missing
score between admission and discharge, and the second- data regarding prestroke certification for LTCI. There were
ary outcome was the FIM score at discharge. no missing data for any other covariates.
Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics of the
Sample Size Calculation study participants. According to the BMI on admission,
The study size was calculated using Power and 134 were classified as the underweight group, 432 as the
Sample Size Calculation software version 3.0 (William D. standard group, 277 as the overweight group, and 54 as
Dupont and Walton D. Plummer, Vanderbilt University the obese group. Age, gender, LOS, stroke subtype,
School of Medicine, Nashville, TN) (available from prestroke certification for LTCI, and nutritional status were
http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/twiki/bin/view/Main/ significantly different among the 4 groups. According to
PowerSampleSize). A previous study in Japan found a multiple comparison tests, the underweight group was
mean FIM gain in rehabilitative stroke patients of older than the other groups, while those in the stan-
19.7 ± 18.5.22 We inferred that there was an overall increase dard group were older than those in the obese groups.
of 5 in the FIM gain from underweight to obese. To detect The LOS of the underweight group was significantly longer
a mean difference of 5 in the FIM gain (with a standard than those of the standard and overweight groups. Total,
deviation of 18.5) among the 4 groups when the ratio is motor, and cognitive FIM score on admission were sig-
1:1, 216 patients would be required in each group for a nificantly lower in the underweight group than those in
power (1 – β) of .8 and an α of .05. Thus, we included the other 3 groups as shown by the Dunn test.
approximately 4 years of data in the present study to ensure Table 2 shows the differences between each BMI group
enough patients for sufficient statistical power. in the ADLs and discharge outcomes. Total, motor, and
cognitive FIM score at discharge were significantly lower
in the underweight group than in the other BMI catego-
Statistical Analysis
ries as shown by the Dunn test. Meanwhile, the FIM gain
Statistical analysis was performed using the IBM Sta- and the FIM efficiency were significantly higher in the
tistical Package for the Social Sciences version 21 software obese group as compared with those in the other groups
(IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY). Parametric data were by multiple comparison. According to residual analysis,
reported as the mean ± standard deviation, while non- the home discharge rate in the underweight group was
parametric data were expressed as the median and significantly lower than those in the other groups, while
interquartile range. One-way analysis of variance, chi- the rate of discharging to long-term care facilities was
square, and Kruskal–Wallis tests were used to analyze significantly higher in the underweight group.
the differences among the 4 groups. After performing 1-way Age, gender, LOS, days from stroke onset to admis-
analysis of variance and the Kruskal–Wallis test, the sion to rehabilitation hospital, stroke subtype, FIM score
Dunnett test and the Dunn test for multiple compari- on admission (motor and cognitive), presence of prestroke
sons were performed, respectively. Nominal data that certification for LTCI, nutritional status, and BMI
Table 1. Characteristics of the 897 patients with stroke admitted to convalescent rehabilitation wards

Underweight Standard Overweight Obese

Characteristics Overall (<18.5 kg/m2) (18.5-<23 kg/m2) (23-<27.5 kg/m2) (≥27.5 kg/m2) P value

Age, years
Mean ± SD 71.6 ± 13.3 77.5 ± 13.3§ 71.9 ± 12.6‖ 69.7 ± 13.1 64.9 ± 14.7 <.001*
Gender, n (%) <.001†
Male 484 (54.0) 44 (32.8)** 242 (56.0) 172 (62.1) 26 (48.1)
Female 413 (46.0) 90 (67.2)** 190 (44.0) 105 (37.9) 28 (51.9)
LOS .004‡
Median (25th-75th percentiles) 122 (72.5-166) 141 (96.5-173)¶ 121 (76-163) 114 (60.5-165) 124.5 (68-150)
Days from stroke onset to admission .072‡
Median (25th-75th percentiles) 21 (17-31) 23 (18-32) 22 (17-32) 20 (15-29) 21 (17-27)
Stroke subtype, n (%) .038†
Cerebral infarction 590 (65.8) 77(57.5) 288 (66.7) 189 (68.2) 36 (66.7)
Intracerebral hemorrhage 247 (27.5) 40 (29.9) 114 (26.4) 77 (27.8) 16 (29.6)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 60 (6.7) 17(12.7)†† 30 (6.9) 11 (4.0) 2 (3.7)
Prestroke certification for LTCI, n (%) <.001†
Yes 235 (26.2) 58 (43.2)‡‡ 109 (25.2) 59 (21.3) 9 (16.7)
No 570 (63.5) 64 (47.8)‡‡ 283 (65.5) 183 (66.1) 40 (74.1)
Under examination 24 (2.7) 5 (3.7) 12 (2.8) 7 (2.5) 0 (0)
Uncertain 68 (7.6) 7 (5.2) 28 (6.5) 28 (10.1) 5 (9.3)
FIM on admission, points
Median (25th-75th percentiles)
Total FIM 74 (46-94) 54.5 (30.8-78.3)# 74 (48-95.8) 80 (51-98.5) 78.5 (58-92.3) <.001‡
Motor FIM 50 (28-67) 35 (18-56)# 51 (30-68) 55 (31.5-71) 49.5 (35.8-61) <.001‡
Cognitive FIM 24 (15-30) 18 (11-25)# 23 (15-30) 26 (16-31) 27.5 (22-31) <.001‡
Median (25th-75th percentiles) 21.7 (19.8-24.1) 17.2 (15.9-17.9)# 20.9 (19.9-21.8)# 24.4 (23.7-25.8)# 29.0 (28.2-30.7)# <.001‡
Nutritional status, n (%)§§ <.001†
Malnourished 556 (62.0) 128 (95.5)‡‡ 291 (67.4)‡‡ 115 (41.5) 22 (40.7)
At risk of malnutrition 329 (36.7) 6 (4.5)‡‡ 141 (32.6)‡‡ 150 (54.2) 32 (59.3)
Normal 12 (1.3) 0 (0) 0 (0) 12 (4.3) 0 (0)

Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; BMI, body mass index; FIM, Functional Independence Measure; LOS, length of hospital stay; LTCI, long-term care insurance; SD, standard deviation.
*One-way ANOVA.
†Chi-square test.
‡Kruskal–Wallis test.
§Significantly different from other groups according to the Dunnett test.
‖Significantly different from the obese group according to the Dunnett test.
¶Significantly different from standard and overweight groups according to the Dunn test.
#Significantly different from other groups according to the Dunn test.
**Significantly different from standard and overweight groups according to the residual test.
††Significantly different from overweight groups according to the residual test.
‡‡Significantly different from other groups according to the residual test.
§§Assessed by Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form (malnourished: 0-7 points, at risk of malnutrition: 8-11 points, normal: 12-14 points).

Table 2. Kruskal–Wallis test and chi-square test of differences among different BMI groups

Underweight Standard Overweight Obese

Variables Overall (<18.5 kg/m2) (18.5–<23 kg/m2) (23–<27.5 kg/m2) (≥27.5 kg/m2) P value

FIM at discharge, points

Median (25th-75th percentiles)
Total FIM 114 (87-123) 94 (65.8-114)‡ 114 (87.3-122) 118 (96-124) 119.5 (109-124) <.001*
Motor FIM 84 (63-89) 69 (43-85)‡ 84 (64-89) 87 (70.5.-90) 87 (77.8-89) <.001*
Cognitive FIM 31 (23-34) 25 (18-31)‡ 30 (23-34)§ 32 (25-35) 34 (30.8-35) <.001*
FIM gain
Median (25th-75th percentiles) 30 (17-42) 30 (17.5-44) 29 (17.3-39) 29 (15-42.5) 37.5 (27.8-46)‖ .015*
FIM efficiency
Median (25th-75th percentiles) .27 (.17-.38) .24 (.15-.34) .26 (.17-.38) .27 (.19-.39) .34 (.25-.44)¶ .001*
Discharge outcome, n (%) <.001†
Home 738 (82.3) 90 (67.2)# 355 (82.2) 243 (87.7) 50 (92.6)
Long-term care facility 129 (14.4) 37 (27.6)# 61 (14.1) 27 (9.7) 4 (7.4)
Geriatric health services facility 19 (2.1) 3 (2.2) 10 (2.3) 6 (2.2) 0
Long-term care hospital 11 (1.2) 4 (3.0) 6 (1.4) 1 (.4) 0

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; FIM, the Functional Independence Measure.
*Kruskal–Wallis test.
†Chi-square test.
‡Significantly different from other groups according to the Dunn test.
§Significantly different from the obese group according to the Dunn test.
‖Significantly different from standard and overweight groups according to the Dunn test.
¶Significantly different from underweight and standard groups according to the Dunn test.
#Significantly different from other groups according to the residual analysis.

Table 3. Multiple regression analysis of FIM gain

Unstandardized coefficient

Standard 95% confidence Standardized

Variables β error interval of β coefficient P value

LOS .070 .017 .037 .103 .182 <.001

Female −4.607 1.192 −6.947 −2.267 −.118 <.001
Motor FIM on admission −.293 .039 −.370 −.217 −.344 <.001
Prestroke certification for LTCI −5.463 1.486 −8.381 −2.546 −.124 <.001
Obesity 5.581 2.419 .834 10.328 .068 .021
Age −.153 .051 −.253 −.052 −.104 .003
Days from stroke onset to admission −.128 .046 −.218 −.039 −.086 .005
Constant 58.774 5.844 47.303 70.245 <.001

Abbreviations: FIM, Functional Independence Measure; LOS, length of hospital stay; LTCI, long-term care insurance.

categories were included in a multiple regression anal- age − .125 × days from stroke onset to admission + 56.647,
ysis of FIM gain and FIM score at discharge. No R2 = .663, P < .001] (Table 4).
multicollinearity was observed between the variables.
Obesity was independently associated with FIM gain in
addition to LOS, female gender, motor FIM, certifica-
tion for LTCI, age, and days from stroke onset to admission Two clinical observations were made in the present study.
[FIM gain = .070 × LOS + 5.581 × obesity (BMI ≥27.5 kg/ First, obesity offers an advantage for ADL improve-
m 2 = 1, <27.5 kg/m 2 = 0) − 4.607 × gender (male = 1, ment in Japanese patients with stroke during in-hospital
female = 2) − .293 × motor FIM on admission – 5.463 × pres- rehabilitation. Second, the most beneficial BMI range for
ence of prestroke certification for LTCI (yes = 1, ADL improvement of Japanese patients with stroke in
no = 0) − .153 × age − .128 × days from stroke onset to ad- convalescent rehabilitation wards is 27.5 kg/m2 or higher.
mission + 58.774, R2 = .233, P < .001] (Table 3). Obesity has an advantage for the recovery of ADLs in
Obesity was also independently associated with FIM Japanese patients with stroke during in-hospital rehabil-
score at discharge in addition to motor FIM, cognitive itation. The present study indicates that being obese is
FIM, certification for LTCI, LOS, female gender, age, and positively correlated with the FIM gain and the FIM score
days from stroke onset to admission [FIM at dis- at discharge from rehabilitation wards even after adjust-
charge = .668 × motor FIM on admission + 1.149 × cognitive ing for confounders. These results suggest the presence
FIM on admission + .071 × LOS + 5.159 × obesity (BMI of the obesity paradox in relation to functional recovery
≥27.5 kg/m 2 = 1, <27.5 kg/m 2 = 0) − 5.420 × presence of patients with stroke in convalescent rehabilitation wards
of prestroke certification for LTCI (yes = 1, in Japan. A recent prospective cohort study in China in-
no = 0) − 4.682 × gender (male = 1, female = 2) − .144 × dicated that overweight was an independent explanatory

Table 4. Multiple regression analysis of total FIM at discharge

Unstandardized coefficient

Standard 95% confidence Standardized

Variables β error interval of β coefficient P value

Motor FIM on admission .668 .046 .577 .758 .520 <.001

Cognitive FIM on admission 1.149 .097 .958 1.339 .351 <.001
Prestroke certification for LTCI −5.420 1.486 −8.337 −2.503 −.081 <.001
Female −4.682 1.193 −7.023 −2.340 −.080 <.001
LOS .071 .017 .038 .104 .123 <.001
Obesity 5.159 2.435 .379 9.938 .042 .034
Age −.144 .052 −.245 −.042 −.065 .006
Days from stroke onset to admission −.125 .046 −.215 −.036 −.056 .006
Constant 56.647 6.038 44.796 68.497 <.001

Abbreviations: FIM, Functional Independence Measure; LOS, length of hospital stay; LTCI, long-term care insurance.
factor for better functional outcome 3 months after a outcome for patients with stroke, because skeletal muscle
stroke.18 Additionally, a German cohort study showed that mass plays a key role in physical function. Patients with
overweight, obese, and severely obese patients tend to stroke usually experience muscle loss caused by dener-
have better survival and rate of functional independence.17 vation, disuse atrophy, remodeling, and spasticity,29 which
The findings from these studies may be supported by may occur even in obese patients. Furthermore, obese pa-
our results. Conversely, a retrospective study in a reha- tients with sarcopenia had lower instrumental ADLs than
bilitation unit showed that obese patients with stroke have those without sarcopenia.30 Therefore, maintaining muscle
no advantages for FIM gain.20 These inconsistencies may mass and reducing fat mass via rehabilitation and nu-
be explained by the number of participants. Relatively tritional support may be important for patients with
few participants (<100) were included in the above ret- stroke.31 According to the guidelines for secondary pre-
rospective study, while the current study investigated vention of stroke from the American Heart Association
approximately 900 participants. The reasons for why obese and the American Stroke Association,4 it is uncertain
patients have advantages for functional recovery remain whether obese patients should reduce their weight as the
unknown, but may partially be explained by a protec- evidence is weak. To answer these questions, further re-
tive effect of obesity for the initial neurological severity.21 search on the correlation between body composition and
The most beneficial BMI range for ADL improvement functional outcome is needed.
in Japanese patients with stroke in convalescent rehabil- The current study has several limitations. First, the
itation wards is 27.5 kg/m2 or higher. Previous studies retrospective study design means that we cannot render
on BMI and functional outcome used different BMI a cause–effect relationship between BMI and ADL im-
ranges.17-21 Although obesity is usually defined as a BMI provement. Second, there are no data for neurological
of 30 kg/m2 or more, different BMI categories have been severity at the time of stroke onset, which may be a
recommended for Asian people by the World Health Or- confounder for the primary outcome. A previous study
ganization because of the health risks associated with reported that there was positive relationship between
obesity.2 One Chinese study using BMI ranges for Asian the initial stroke severity and the FIM score on admission.32
populations suggested that overweight (BMI 23-27.4 kg/m2) Thus, multiple regression analysis with the FIM score
patients have significantly better functional outcomes, on admission was conducted in the present study. Third,
whereas obese (27.5-32.5 kg/m 2 ) or severely obese patients with milder and more severe stroke who did
(≥32.5 kg/m2) patients showed better functional recov- not adapt for convalescent rehabilitation were not in-
ery, but this finding was not statistically significant.18 The cluded because the current study was performed in the
differences between the published literature and our study convalescent rehabilitation ward. They may be dis-
may be explained by differences in the timing of mea- charged from acute care hospitals to their own homes
suring BMI, functional outcome instruments, statistical or may die.
analysis, and sample size. According to a previous study, In conclusion, we found 2 clinical observations. First,
stroke survivors usually lose approximately 3 kg (equiv- obesity offers an advantage for ADL improvement in Asian
alent to a BMI loss of 1.3 kg/m2) in acute care hospitals.27 patients with stroke during in-hospital rehabilitation.
Furthermore, weight loss in stroke survivors correlates Second, the most beneficial BMI range for ADL improve-
with lower functional recovery, even in those that are over- ment in Asian patients with stroke in convalescent
weight (BMI 25-29.9 kg/m2) or obese (≥30 kg/m2).28 In fact, rehabilitation wards is 27.5 kg/m2 or higher. These find-
about 40% of the obese participants in the present study ings are useful additions to the literature on weight
were defined as malnourished according to MNA-SF that management of obese patients with stroke in rehabilita-
includes a weight loss component. Therefore, it is pos- tion settings. As 40% of the obese patients with stroke
sible that the ADL improvement in obese patients who in the present study were malnourished, further study
experienced unintentional weight loss was less than is needed to clarify whether obese patients with stroke
expected. should lose weight for functional improvement in reha-
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the FIM gain and FIM score at discharge of the under-
weight patients. More underweight participants existed References
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