Learning Outcome2-3

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 Identification and Collection of the Right Kind of Raw Materials in Producing
 Concept of Fermentation
 Methods in preparing and harvesting various concoctions
 Storage Requirement During Fermentation Process
 Proper Harvesting of Fermented Materials

1. Raw materials are prepared in accordance with enterprise practice.
2. Fermentation period is set based on enterprise practice.
3. Various concoctions are fermented following to organic practices.
4. Concoctions are harvested based on fermentation period of the concoction.

The students/trainees must be provided with the following:

 tools:
- plastic pail with cover (3 L capacity)
- chopping board
- weighing scale, 2 kilo capacity
- plastic pail without cover
- strainer or nylon screen, fine mesh net
- storage container with cap (1.5 L capacity)
- stone (weight), 0.5 kg
- knife
- marker pen
- masking tape
- storage tool/cabinet
- scissors
- First Aid Kit
- wooden ladle
- wooden box or bamboo split-open or plastic tray
- waste can

 training equipment
- LCD projector with screen
- desktop computer or laptop
 facilities
- booth/temporary shed
- storage area

 Direct observation and oral questions
 Interview
 Written exam
Learning Experiences


Learning Activities Special Instructions

 Read information sheet no. 4.2-1 “ Read information sheet 4.2-1 then answer the
Self check 4.2-1 and compare answers with
the Answers Keys 4.1-1.

Answer self check 4.2-1

Compare answers with the Answer Key 4.2-1

Read information Sheet 4.2-2 Read information Sheet 4.2-2 then answer the
self check 4.2-2 and compare answers with the
Answer Key 4.2-2

answer the self check 4.2-2

compare answers with the Answer Key 4.2-2
Read information Sheet 4.2-3 Read information Sheet 4.1-3 then answers the
Self Check 4.2-3 and compare answers with the
answers the Self Check 4.2-3
Answer Key 4.2-3
compare answers with the Answer Key 4.2-3
Read information Sheet 4.2-4

Read information Sheet 4.1-4 then answer the Self

Self check 4.2-4 check 4.2-4 and compare answers with the Answer
key 4.2-4 then compare the performance on the
compare answers with the Answer key 4.2-4
Performance on the performance criteria
1. Performance task sheet 4.2 4 Checklist 4.124
performance on the Performance on the
performance criteria Checklist 4.2-4
2. Read information sheet 4.2-5 on “ principles Read information sheet 4.2-5 then answer the Self
of 5S and 3Rs” check 4.2-5 and compare answers with the
Answers key 4.2-5
3. answer the Self check 4.2-5
compare answers with the Answers key 4.2-5
Information Sheet 4.2-1

Identification and Collection of the Right Kind of Raw Materials in

Producing Concoction

Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to:
1. define raw Material
Raw materials (ingredients, processing aids, and packaging materials) are the foundation of
finished food products. As such, they must meet regulatory requirements (safe and legal for
your intended use) and your specifications (contribute to the functionality and quality of your
process and product).
Historically, research and development worked alone when selecting a new raw material.
But now a broad team of expertise is needed, due to increased access to unique and
complex materials, global sourcing, handling methods, customer locations, and regulations.
The team assesses if the material has limitations or may be too costly to handle, and
determines if additional measures are necessary to prevent potential safety issues for the
employees and product.

What are the limitations on the use of the raw material?

 No limits or qualifications, such as the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) listing

in the United States.
 Use has been limited to specific products.
 Limitations or ban on the use, such as genetically modified materials for organic
1. what is raw Material
enumerate the limitations on the use of the raw material?


1. Raw materials (ingredients, processing aids, and packaging materials) are the
foundation of finished food products. As such, they must meet regulatory
requirements (safe and legal for your intended use) and your specifications
(contribute to the functionality and quality of your process and product).
2. What are the limitations on the use of the raw material?
 No limits or qualifications, such as the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) listing
in the United States.
 Use has been limited to specific products.
 Limitations or ban on the use, such as genetically modified materials for organic
Information Sheet 4.2-2
Concept of Fermentation

Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to:
1. define fermentation
2. Enumerate Types of fermentation

Fermentation is a metabolic process that produces chemical changes in organic substrates through the
action of enzymes. In biochemistry, it is narrowly defined as the extraction of energy
from carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen. In the context of food production, it may more broadly
refer to any process in which the activity of microorganisms brings about a desirable change to a
foodstuff or beverage. The science of fermentation is known as zymology.

Types of fermentation

Overview of ethanol fermentation.

In ethanol fermentation, one glucose molecule is converted into two ethanol molecules
and two carbon dioxide molecules. It is used to make bread dough rise: the carbon
dioxide forms bubbles, expanding the dough into a foam. The ethanol is the
intoxicating agent in alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer and liquor. Fermentation
of feedstocks, including sugarcane, corn, and sugar beets, produces ethanol that is
added to gasoline. In some species of fish, including goldfish and carp, it provides
energy when oxygen is scarce (along with lactic acid fermentation)
The figure illustrates the process. Before fermentation, a glucose molecule breaks
down into two pyruvate molecules. The energy from this exothermic reaction is used
to bind inorganic phosphates to ATP and convert NAD+ to NADH. The pyruvates
break down into two acetaldehyde molecules and give off two carbon
dioxide molecules as a waste product. The acetaldehyde is reduced into ethanol using
the energy and hydrogen from NADH, and the NADH is oxidized into NAD+ so that
the cycle may repeat. The reaction is catalysed by the enzymes pyruvate
decarboxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase.[16]
Lactic acid
Homolactic fermentation (producing only lactic acid) is the simplest type of
fermentation. The pyruvate from glycolysis undergoes a simple redox reaction,
forming lactic acid. It is unique because it is one of the only respiration processes to
not produce a gas as a byproduct. Overall, one molecule of glucose (or any six-carbon
sugar) is converted to two molecules of lactic acid:
It occurs in the muscles of animals when they need energy faster than
the blood can supply oxygen. It also occurs in some kinds of bacteria (such
as lactobacilli) and some fungi. It is the type of bacteria that converts lactose into
lactic acid in yogurt, giving it its sour taste. These lactic acid bacteria can carry out
either homolactic fermentation, where the end-product is mostly lactic acid,
or Heterolactic fermentation, where some lactate is further metabolized and results
in ethanol and carbon dioxide[24] (via the phosphoketolase pathway), acetate, or
other metabolic products, e.g.:
If lactose is fermented (as in yogurts and cheeses), it is first converted into
glucose and galactose (both six-carbon sugars with the same atomic formula):
C12H22O11 + H2O → 2 C6H12O6
Heterolactic fermentation is in a sense intermediate between lactic acid
fermentation and other types, e.g. alcoholic fermentation (see below). The
reasons to go further and convert lactic acid into anything else are:

 The acidity of lactic acid impedes biological processes. This can be

beneficial to the fermenting organism as it drives out competitors that
are unadapted to the acidity. As a result, the food will have a longer shelf
life (part of the reason foods are purposely fermented in the first place);
however, beyond a certain point, the acidity starts affecting the organism
that produces it.
 The high concentration of lactic acid (the final product of fermentation)
drives the equilibrium backwards (Le Chatelier's principle), decreasing
the rate at which fermentation can occur and slowing down growth.
 Ethanol, into which lactic acid can be easily converted, is volatile and
will readily escape, allowing the reaction to proceed easily. CO2 is also
produced, but it is only weakly acidic and even more volatile than
 Acetic acid (another conversion product) is acidic and not as volatile as
ethanol; however, in the presence of limited oxygen, its creation from
lactic acid releases additional energy. It is a lighter molecule than lactic
acid, that forms fewer hydrogen bonds with its surroundings (due to
having fewer groups that can form such bonds), thus is more volatile and
will also allow the reaction to move forward more quickly.
 If propionic acid, butyric acid, and longer monocarboxylic acids are
produced (see mixed acid fermentation), the amount of acidity produced
per glucose consumed will decrease, as with ethanol, allowing faster
Hydrogen gas
Hydrogen gas is produced in many types of fermentation (mixed acid
fermentation, butyric
acid fermentation, caproate fermentation, butanol fermentation, glyoxylate f
ermentation) as a way to regenerate NAD+ from NADH. Electrons are
transferred to ferredoxin, which in turn is oxidized by hydrogenase,
producing H2.[16] Hydrogen gas is a substrate for methanogens and sulfate
reducers, which keep the concentration of hydrogen low and favor the
production of such an energy-rich compound,[26] but hydrogen gas at a fairly
high concentration can nevertheless be formed, as in flatus.
As an example of mixed acid fermentation, bacteria such as Clostridium
pasteurianum ferment glucose producing butyrate, acetate, carbon dioxide,
and hydrogen gas:[27] The reaction leading to acetate is:
C6H12O6 + 4 H2O → 2 CH3COO− + 2 HCO3− + 4 H+ + 4 H2
Glucose could theoretically be converted into just CO2 and H2, but the
global reaction releases little energy.

Most industrial fermentation uses batch or fed-batch procedures, although continuous
fermentation can be more economical if various challenges, particularly the difficulty
of maintaining sterility, can be met.
In a batch process, all the ingredients are combined and the reactions proceed without
any further input. Batch fermentation has been used for millennia to make bread and
alcoholic beverages, and it is still a common method, especially when the process is
not well understood. However, it can be expensive because the fermentor must be
sterilized using high pressure steam between batches. Strictly speaking, there is often
addition of small quantities of chemicals to control the pH or suppress foaming.
Batch fermentation goes through a series of phases. There is a lag phase in which cells
adjust to their environment; then a phase in which exponential growth occurs. Once
many of the nutrients have been consumed, the growth slows and becomes non-
exponential, but production of secondary metabolites (including commercially
important antibiotics and enzymes) accelerates. This continues through a stationary
phase after most of the nutrients have been consumed, and then the cells die.
Fed-batch fermentation is a variation of batch fermentation where some of the
ingredients are added during the fermentation. This allows greater control over the
stages of the process. In particular, production of secondary metabolites can be
increased by adding a limited quantity of nutrients during the non-exponential growth
phase. Fed-batch operations are often sandwiched between batch operations.
The high cost of sterilizing the fermentor between batches can be avoided using
various open fermentation approaches that are able to resist contamination. One is to
use a naturally evolved mixed culture. This is particularly favored in wastewater
treatment, since mixed populations can adapt to a wide variety of
wastes. Thermophilic bacteria can produce lactic acid at temperatures of around 50
degrees Celsius, sufficient to discourage microbial contamination; and ethanol has
been produced at a temperature of 70 °C. This is just below its boiling point (78 °C),
making it easy to extract. Halophilic bacteria can produce bioplastics in hypersaline
conditions. Solid-state fermentation adds a small amount of water to a solid substrate;
it is widely used in the food industry to produce flavors, enzymes and organic acids.
In continuous fermentation, substrates are added and final products removed
continuously.] here are three varieties: chemostats, which hold nutrient levels
constant; turbidostats, which keep cell mass constant; and plug flow reactors in which
the culture medium flows steadily through a tube while the cells are recycled from the
outlet to the inlet If the process works well, there is a steady flow of feed and effluent
and the costs of repeatedly setting up a batch are avoided. Also, it can prolong the
exponential growth phase and avoid byproducts that inhibit the reactions by
continuously removing them. However, it is difficult to maintain a steady state and
avoid contamination, and the design tends to be complex. Typically the fermentor
must run for over 500 hours to be more economical than batch processors
1. define fermentation
2. Enumerate Types of fermentation

1. Fermentation is a metabolic process that produces chemical changes in

organic substrates through the action of enzymes. In biochemistry, it is narrowly defined as the
extraction of energy from carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen. In the context of food
production, it may more broadly refer to any process in which the activity
of microorganisms brings about a desirable change to a foodstuff or beverage. The science of
fermentation is known as zymology.

2. Types of fermentation
Information Sheet 4.2-3
Methods in preparing and harvesting various concoctions

Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to:
1. Define concoction
2. Identify various of concoction

The insurmountable rising cost of inorganic fertilizers is inevitably uncontrollable
in the coming production years. Looking into this perspective the farmers has to
look for an alternative measures to sustain his farming business profitability.
This material discusses steps on the preparation, the materials needed, the
applications and benefits of the different bio-organic inputs. It is hope that this
material will provide the needed knowhow on bio-organic inputs that would
eventually help farmers improve their farming.

What is Concoction?
Extracts of juices from the different materials containing nutrients that aid to the
growth of animals and plants. It passes a fermentation process (non-disturb).

indigenous Microorganism (IMO)

1. Revive soil nutrients. It speeds growth pf plants

2. Speed up composting works like “vaccinating” against sickness, illness and weeds.
3. These are present in the soil but has deteriorated due to many factors

How to Make the IMO Concoction

1. Put cooked/ steamed rice in a wooden box or perforated plastic tray that is 8½” x
11” x 3” or a length of a
bamboo pole open or split open on one side. Make sure there is enough moisture in the
box. Fill half of the
container. Do not compress.
2. Cover the box, tray or bamboo with a clean sheet of paper and tie with a string.
Label day made and harvesting day.

3. Cover and wrap with plastic to keep out rainwater, protect from wild rats or small
rodents that may come
and take it.

4. Collect from forest floors, leaf molds, bamboo forest, rice paddy or coconut husk
5. Remove after 3 days (in cold area you need five days to do the process) white molds
will form on top of the rice disregard black molds.

6. Place in a plastic container/ jar the moldy rice and mix with 1 kilo of molasses or
crude sugar.

7. Cover the jar with a clean sheet of paper and tie with a string. Place in a cool and
shaded place. After 7 days this will yield a mud like juice.

How to Use the IMO Concoction

1. Mix 2 tablespoons of the juice to 1 liter of water

2. Spray on soil and plants

Making of the IMO 5 Procedure:

1. IMO 1. Place cooked rice in a bamboo stump (split open) or plastic container and
cover with clean sheet of paper and place underneath bamboo plants or pile of rice
straw. Leave it for three days (hot season)
or five days (rainy season). After three to five days Mycelium of fungi (white molds)
appears on the top of the rice.
2. IMO2. Add rice molds then mixed Muscovado or mollasses (ratio 1:1) to the
IMO1. Place in a plastic container and cover with a clean sheet of paper. Ferment for
seven days.
3. IMO 3. After seven days, harvest the one liter of liquid and add 10 liters of water
(ratio 1:1000) and pour the solution to 100 kilo of rice bran (D1) and mix thoroughly,
cover the mixture and leave for three days. Temperature will reach 36-40 degrees
Celsius and molds will appear on top. Mixing the IMO3, cover the mixture and leave
for three days. On the fourth day,
4. IMO 4. Mix 100 kilo of clean soil thoroughly and cover. Soil must be from the field
not just from anywhere. Farm soil has many organisms and soil from the field has its
own native microbes and the field becomes a village of microbes. Leave for one day
or overnight.
5. IMO 5. Mix IMO 4 to 200 kilo of chicken manure. Make the pile height at three
feet high to start microbial working. Cover with plastic or jute sacks and leave for
seven days.

Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN)

1. Natural Pest repellant. It is use throughout the early, vegetative and change over and
fruiting stages.
2. Is a very important input in natural farming
3. To develop the immune system of your plant and animals
8 kilo crushed ginger for plants/garlic for animals
2 kilo muscovado sugar
10 liters of gin or liquor 30-40 proof
Use ceramic or glass jar
1. Divide container into three parts. Mix ginger /garlic and muscovado sugar together
preferably by hand and put inside jar cover and sealed ferment for seven days.

2. After seven days add 10 liters of gin. Cover and sealed. Decant liquid after ten days.
First extraction is good for animal. Second extraction is good for plants. Just add gin
same amount taken from the first extraction. You may add fresh or dry chili,
neem fruit, curry fruit, makabuhay, marigold for stronger potency and repeat same
process the third time. And continue to ferment for ten days.
3. Together with other mixtures spray on plants every week when they weaken or start
to flower.

How to use the OHN Concoction

1. Mix the following: 2 tablespoons of OHN to 1 liter of water

2. Add to the IMO and FPJ mixture and spray together on the leaves and soil every
Natural Attractant for Flying Insects and Butterflies
For elimination of flying insects

1. 1 gallon of coconut vinegar or coconut wine (tuba) and add ½ kilo of crude sugar
before boiling. Cool and add 1/3 liter of FPJ concentrate.
2. Put some of the mixture in containers and hang on fruit-bearing trees.

HAVE A DRINK, GET DRUNK, FALL AND DIE! Dead insect cannot multiply!
3. Put some of the mixture and hang on vegetable trellises.

4. Put some of the mixture in a container and place near vegetable plots.
Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS)

It converts waste into organic matter and basic minerals. LABS thrive and feed on the
ammonia released in the decomposition normally associated with the foul odor.


1. First rice wash, about 7 inches in depth even in large container is good for aeration
in the liquid.

2. Cover with clean sheet of paper and put container in shaded area for seven days.
3. After seven days it will develop sour smell and will form three layer:
1) floating compound – rice bran
2) clear – LAS
3) starch
Extract the clear (middle) layer only using siphon
4. Secondary culture: Mix 1 part clear liquid (LAS) to 10 part of fresh milk. Put rice
bran evenly on top of the milk to keep it in anaerobic stage. Do not stir.

5. In 5 to 7 days, carbohydrate, protein and fat will float leaving yellow liquid (serum)
or whey which contains lactic acid bacteria. Extract only the yellow liquid and add
crude sugar for preservation or same amount of LAS.
Keep in clean cool dry place. Process should take place in even temperature

6. Mix 2 tablespoons of LABS to 1 liter of water. Improve growth rate on plants and
improve digestive on animals. Prevent disease development and epidemics. Prevent
foul odor. Cheese filtrate can be used as fertilizer with IMO5. There is no waste in
Natural Farming. Keep the solution out of direct sunlight
Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ)

• There are a lot of enzymes in leaves

• Enhances plant growth
• For greener leaves – Photosynthesis

1. Use any green colored leaves such as kangkong, kamote, kalabasa, alugbati tops,
bamboo shoots and other fast growing plants can also be used. Fresh, juicy, succulent
leaves are best. Some suggestions are Banana Stem, Water Spinach, Bamboo Shoots,
Green grasses, Bamboo leaves, and Duck Weed or azola. Cut young banana trunk
(cardava). Collect before sunrise. Avoid collecting after excessive rain. Quickly snap
the growing points of the plants. Baby fruits can be used to promote growth.
2. Chop 2 kilo plants and mix 1 kilo of crude sugar in a large basin. Place in a clay jar
or plastic container

3. Put a rock on top for the ¾ of the contents to settle at the bottom.
4. Wait for five hours and remove the rock and cover the jar with a clean sheet of
paper and tie with a string. Put the jar/plastic container in a cool and shaded place.
Fermentation will be complete in seven days.

This will yield 2 ½ liters of juice when the banana trunk is used. Filter to separate


• DO NOT wash the material.

• Seal the container with clean sheet of paper at room temperature. Avoid direct
sunlight. Solution is ready in seven days. Strain and transfer in a clean container.
• Drain the liquid and place in plastic or glass bottles (always leave about 1/3 of bottle
empty so IMO to breathe). IMPORTANT: Do not tighten bottle lid for 2 weeks to
allow gasses to escape and avoid a sticky explosion!
• Note: Wait till the tiny bubbles disappear then close the container tightly. if you
observe undissolved sugar at the bottom means the fermentation did not take place.
Extend for another day and add a little water to
Application of FPJ:

Apply using 2 tablespoon of FPJ / 10 liters water.

Apply directly to the leaves of plants when sun is not hot. Before sunrise or two hours
before sunset.
Plant material can be used as animal feed or compost. FPJ should have a pleasant
smell and sweet, tangy taste. Keeps for about one year.

Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ)

• To sweeten the fruit (Potassium)

• It increases plant nutrition through leaves and roots with potassium factor

1. Prepare 1 kilo sweet fruits to 1 kilo brown sugar you may use molasses. Suggested
materials include banana, papaya, pineapple, mango, jack fruit, star fruit, guava,
pumpkin, etc (citrus fruits is not recommended). Matured squash can also be used.
Recommended “best” mixture is banana 3 kg, papaya 3 kg, and pumpkin 3 kg. Rule of
thumb-fermented fruit juice from tomatoes fed to tomatoes is just like feeding breast
milk to the baby!
2. Ratio 1:1 Put 1 kilo sweet fruit inside the clay jar /plastic container & add 1 kilo of
crude sugar. Best time to prepare in the evening to prevent flying insect.
3. Cover with a clean sheet of paper and tie with a string and put a date. Place in a cool
and shaded place. Ferment for 7 days.
4. This will make approximately 1 ½ liters of juice. Drain the liquid and place in
plastic bottles (always leave about 1/3 of bottle empty so IMOs can breathe).

Points to Remember:

Chlorophyll in leaves does not dissolve in oil or water. It can dissolve only with very
weak alcohol. There are lot of enzymes in leaves, when enzymes are mixed with
brown sugar or molasses they ferment through osmosis pressure and in the process we
get the liquid or juice. Small fruits fermented in brown sugar are used to promote
growth. Get the little fruits and fed back to the tree to make fruits grow a lot larger.
You can also used the flowers or blooms of acacia and flowers that bee loves. It helps
digestion of animal and plant nutrients. It resists plant diseases and protects plant
nutrients. It resists plants and protects plants from insects. It speeds harvesting. It is
plant hormones. Spray to leaves and soil.
How to Use the FFJ Concoction

For Plants:

Apply using 2 tbsp of FFJ / 10 liters of water.

Apply directly to leaves of plants when sun is not out. Add to the IMO and FPJ
mixture and spray together to the leaves and soil of fruit bearing trees or during
vegetative and reproductive stages.

For Animals:

Mix 2 tablespoons of the juice to 1 liter of water. This is also good for human

Do not tighten bottle lid for 2 weeks following bottling to allow gasses to escape and
avoid a sticky explosion! Solid material can be used as animal feed or compost. FFJ
should have a pleasant smell and sweet, tangy taste. Keeps for about a year.
Use FFJ to reduce latrine smell. Use 3 spoons / 10 liters while cleaning. Pour 2-4
spoons directly down toilet to help septic system.
Fish Amino Acid (FAA)
Make nitrate from fish it contains abundant amount of nutrients and various types of
amino acid.

1. Put whole fish or bones, gills and guts, scales, tails etc. Washed, crushed live snail
or kuhol (eggs can also be used) place in a plastic container. Pestle or crush materials
Don’t use hands. Add the same amount of molasses or Muscovado sugar. Mix sugar in
¾ container with fish ingredients then remaining molasses. Prepare at night to prevent
flies from breeding.

2. Cover and keep in a cool place or shaded area. Drain to extract liquid after 10 to 15
days. Transfer liquid into a clean plastic bottles Wait till tiny bubbles disappear before
sealing the cover before storing. Always leave about ¾ of bottle empty so IMO can

Apply using 2 tbsp / 1 liters of water. Apply directly to the soil or to the ground, not to
the leaves. Keep concoction from direct sunlight. Store in dry cool place.

Calcium Phosphate Ca-P (Animal Bone)

Induced flowering, prevent overgrowth. For older plants, it Increase calcium factor on
roots and leaves. Calcium Phosphate (Ca-P) is the product which according to the
plants’ lifecycle and can be fast-effective. Ca-P is applied when the plants are about to
flower. Feed to animals during pregnancy or breeding time at 200 times dilution.
Spray when first flowers come out. Ex. tomato plant, cucumber, eggplant etc.
1. Boil or broil 2 kilos of animal bones to separate meat and fat until remaining meat
to the bone is charcoal black scrape charred meat and let it cool. Do not burn the bone.
Ratio 1:10
2. Place bone in a plastic container and pour 5 gallons of pure coconut or sugarcane
vinegar. Cover for 30 days.
Filter and used. Keep air tight container.
Calcium (Eggshell and Shells)
Strengthen Flowers. Contributes to better utilization of carbohydrates and protein. It is
also a major element in forming a cell membrane and enables smooth cell division
make fruit hard and sweet. Spray CA on the leaves after the fruits has become large.
They prevent overgrowth and get a sweet hard fruit. Add seawater, calcium phosphate
or OHN for better taste and aroma of the fruits. It is applied when nitrogen is big. It is
the most important ingredients for flowering.

1. Wash and crushed eggshell and take the inside filament or film. Pan fry 2 kilos
eggshell until brown, set aside and cool. Vinegar first, then pour slowly the eggshell.
2. Wait till the tiny bubbles disappear and stop. Use exact container. Cover and
ferment for 20 days. Filter and use keep in airtight container.
Seed and Seedling Treatment and Revitalization
To assure good plant growth seed must be genetically healthy and free from weeds
1. In 3 liters of water mix 2 tablespoons of coconut vinegar (to break up the thick
cotyledon), 2 tablespoons of
FPJ (to make plant powerful and vigorous) and 2 tablespoons of OHN (tolerable to
diseases and good root development) Place seeds in a net bag or wire basket. Soak
seeds for 4 to 8 hours. Soak seeds for 4 to 8 hours.
The slower the seeds germinate the longer they should be soaked. Plant immediately
before they dry.

2. Before transplanting seedlings do not water for 2 days. In 3 liters of water mix 2
tablespoons of coconut wine, 2 tablespoons of FPJ and 2 tablespoons of OHN. Put in a
container and soak the seedlings for 15 seconds. Immediately transplant the seedlings.
The seeds will develop thick cotyledons making it immune to worms. They
will also have good root development making them tolerable to diseases. Sprinkle the
remaining mixture on plants after they are transplanted.

Points to remember:
For one sacks of rice seeds (45/50 kilo) soak for 16hrs water in running water or
change water every three hours suggested time (5am-3hrs/8am-6hrs/11am-9hrs/2pm-
12hrs/5pm-15hrs/ 8pm soak to solutions for 8 hours. Prepared 32 liters of water,
300ml OHN, 300 ml FPJ (riceplant), 300 ml coconut vinegar. 15 ml = 2 tbsp (used tin
can of sardine for measurement). Incubate for 24 hours before sowing.

Transplanting of Rice:
Soak rice seedling for 15 seconds, do not allow to dry. Sow immediately. Apply the
remaining liquid treatment to soil after transplanting.

Duration of Treatment Applied to type of Seeds:

Soaking time/day
Half hour – 1 day (ex: mongo)
One hour – 2 days (ex. corn)
Two hours – 1 week
Four hours – 2 weeks
Six hour – 3 weeks
8 hours – one day – 1 month such as hardwood)
Fast germinating (rensonii) 6 hours
Intermediate (indigofera) 8 hours
Slow germinating (flamengia) 24 hours

1. Define concoction
2. Match column A and B

1. FFJ ( Fermented Fruit Juice)

2. CaPO4 ( Calcium Phosphate)
3. OHN ( Oriental Herbal Nutrients)

4. LABS ( Lactic Bacteria Serum)

5. FAA ( Fish Amino Acid)
Concoction is Extracts of juices from the different materials containing nutrients
that aid to the growth of animals and plants. It passes a fermentation process
Job Sheet 4.2-4
Performance Objective: Given the Organic Agriculture Production of
farm inputs operation in PROCESSING of CONCOCTIONS AND
EXTRACTS, conduct of operation accordance with the Good Manufacturing

Supplies/Materials : Hard copy of the procedure in preparing the

various concoctions, CBLM, Record Book, Bond Paper and Ball pen.

Equipment : raw materials, knife, chopping board, manila paper,

rubber, galloon, pentil pen, pitcher.

1. Read the information sheet for the clarifications.
2. Refer to the trainer if encounter difficulties and more clarifications.
3. Submit yourself for the written exam

Assessment Method:
Written exam
Actual Demonstration
Information Sheet 4.2-4
Storage Requirement During Fermentation Process

Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to:
1. Define Fermentation

pickling is the process of preserving or extending the lifespan of food by
either anaerobic fermentation in brine or immersion in vinegar. In East
Asia, vinaigrette (vegetable oil and vinegar) is also used as a pickling medium. The
pickling procedure typically affects the food's texture, taste and flavor. The resulting
food is called a pickle, or, to prevent ambiguity, prefaced with pickled. Foods that are
pickled include vegetables, fruits, meats, fish, dairy and eggs.
A distinguishing characteristic is a pH of 4.6 or lower,which is sufficient to kill most
bacteria. Pickling can preserve perishable foods for months. Antimicrobial herbs and
spices, such as mustard seed, garlic, cinnamon or cloves, are often added. If the food
contains sufficient moisture, a pickling brine may be produced simply by adding dry
salt. For example, sauerkraut and Korean kimchi are produced by salting
the vegetables to draw out excess water. Natural fermentation at room temperature,
by lactic acid bacteria, produces the required acidity. Other pickles are made by
placing vegetables in vinegar. Like the canning process, pickling (which includes
fermentation) does not require that the food be completely sterile before it is sealed.
The acidity or salinity of the solution, the temperature of fermentation, and the
exclusion of oxygen determine which microorganisms dominate, and determine the
flavor of the end product.
Fermentation in food processing: the conversion of carbohydrates into alcohols and
carbon dioxide or organic acids by yeast, bacteria or a combination of both.

Concoctions Bottle Cap Shaking Sugar Shelf life

Imo/labs Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose week month (about until it starts to
20% of the smell bad.
volume of the
FPJ Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose and week month (about until it starts to
loosen it even 20% of the smell bad.
more after 2 volume of the
weeks solution
FFJ Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose and week month (about until it starts to
loosen it even 20% of the smell bad.
more after 2 volume of the
weeks solution
FAA Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose week month (about until it starts to
20% of the smell bad.
volume of the
CALPHOS Leave the cap Do not shake Do not add 6-12 months
loose for the 1st sugar to the
2 weeks. At this solution
time tighten the
cap for 20
minutes and the
re-open. If gas
escapes the
bottle upon
reopening, leave
it loose, if not,
tighten the cap
OHN Leave the cap Do not shake Do not add 6-12 months
loose for the 1st sugar to the
2 weeks. At this solution
time tighten the
cap for 20
minutes and the
re-open. If gas
escapes the
bottle upon
reopening, leave
it loose, if not,
tighten the cap
3CS Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose and week month (about until it starts to
loosen it even 20% of the smell bad.
more after 2 volume of the
weeks solution
1. Define fermentation
Fermentation in food processing: the conversion of carbohydrates into alcohols and
carbon dioxide or organic acids by yeast, bacteria or a combination of both.
Information Sheet 4.2-5
Proper Harvesting of Fermented Materials

Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to:
1. Enumerate the proper harvest of fermented

Harvesting The consumer can define quality in produce as the composite of characteristics
that differentiates individual items within a commodity and have a significant influence in
determining the level of acceptance.

Careful and correct harvest techniques are essential in ensuring the quality of harvested
produce and preventing rejections at the pack house.

Importance of Proper Harvesting

Harvesting Keep tools and equipment clean and well-maintained.

1. wear PPE
2. Prepare the tools or material to be used in harvesting
3. Clean the Materials to be used in Harvesting
4. Harvest the fermented concoction to the clean area
5. To ensure the quality of the produce
1. Enumerate the Importance of Proper Harvesting

Importance of Proper Harvesting

Harvesting Keep tools and equipment clean and well-maintained.

1. wear PPE
2. Prepare the tools or material to be used in harvesting
3. Clean the Materials to be used in Harvesting
4. Harvest the fermented concoction to the clean area
5. To ensure the quality of the produce
Task Sheet 4.2-4
Title: Process concoctions and extracts
 Performance Objective: Given the Organic Agriculture Production of
farm inputs operation in Process concoctions and extracts you should be
able to Identification and Collection of the Right Kind of Raw Materials in
Producing Concoction nd Concept of Fermentation

Supplies/Materials :
Hard copy of the procedure in preparing the various concoctions, CBLM, Record
Book, Bond Paper and Ball pen.

Equipment :

1. Define what is raw Material
2. Identification and Collection of the Right Kind of Raw Materials in Producing
3. Read the information sheet for the clarifications.
4. Refer to the trainer if encounter difficulties and more clarifications.
5. Submit yourself for the written exam.

Assessment Method:
1. Written exam
2. Actual Demonstration
Information Sheet 4.2-6

Fermentation Process

Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to:
1. Identify the different types of fermentation

fermentation is “breaking down into simpler components”. Fermentation makes the foods easier to
digest and the nutrients easier to assimilate. In effect, much of the work of digestion is done for you.
Since it doesn’t use heat, fermentation also retains enzymes, vitamins, and other nutrients that are
usually destroyed by food processing.

Fermentation: Three Main Different Types

There are three basic forms of fermentation:

1. Lactic acid fermentation; when yeasts and bacteria convert starches or sugars into lactic acid
in foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, yoghurt and sourdough bread.

2. Ethyl alcohol fermentation; where the pyruvate molecules in starches or sugars are broken down
by yeasts into alcohol and carbon dioxide molecules to produce wine and beer.

3. Acetic acid fermentation of starches or sugars from grains or fruit into sour tasting vinegar and
condiments. This is the difference, for example, between apple cider vinegar and apple cider.


 Importance of Tagging
 Sanitizing concoctions
 Packages concoctions
 Productions of concoctions
 Recording of Bottled Concoctions
 Importance of proper storage
o Shelf life
o Effects of storage temperature to concoctions
1. Concoctions are contained in sanitized bottles and containers.
2. Packaged concoctions are labeled and tagged in accordance with enterprise
3. Packaged concoctions are stored in appropriate place and temperature following
organic practices.
4. Production of concoctions are recorded using enterprise procedures.


The students/trainees must be provided with the following:

 Tools and materials:

- marker pen
- masking tape
- record book
- plastic bottles with re-sealable caps

 Written examination
 Demonstration

Learning Experiences


Learning Activities Special Instructions

 Read information sheet no. Read information sheet 4.3-1 then answer the
4.31“Importance of Tagging Self check 4.3-1 and compare answers with
the Answers Keys 4.3-1.

Answer self check 4

Compare answers with the Answer Key 4.3-1

 Read information Sheet 4.3-2 Read information Sheet 4.1-2 then answer the
Sanitizing concoctions self check 4.3-2 and compare answers with the
Answer Key 4.3-2

1. answer the self check 4.3-2

compare answers with the Answer Key 4.3-2
2. Read information Sheet 4.3-3 Read information Sheet 4.1-3 then answers the
Self Check 4.3-3 and compare answers with the
“Packages concoctions
Answer Key 4.3-3

3. answers the Self Check 4.3-3

compare answers with the Answer Key 4.3-3
4. Read information Sheet 4.3-4
 “Productions of concoctions

Read information Sheet 4.3-4 then answer the Self

5. Self check 4.3-4 check 4.4-4 and compare answers with the Answer
key 4.3-4 then compare the performance on the
compare answers with the Answer key 4.43-4
Performance on the performance criteria
6. Performance task sheet 4.134 Checklist 4.3-4
performance on the Performance on the
performance criteria Checklist 4.3-4
 Read information sheet 4.-35 Read information sheet 4.3-5 then answer the Self
Recording of Bottled Concoctions check 4.35 and compare answers with the Answers
key 4.3-5
7. answer the Self check 4.3 -5
compare answers with the Answers key 4.1-5
 Read information sheet 4.-3 6 Read information sheet 4.3-6 then answer the Self
Importance of proper storage check 4.3.5 and compare answers with the
o Shelf life Answers key 4.3-6
o Effects of storage temperature
to concoctions

8. answer the Self check 4.3 -6

Information Sheet 4.3-1
Importance of Tagging

Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to:
1. define tag
2. explain why use of tag

tags are labels without adhesive. They’re attached by other means, such as tying or hanging.
Sometimes an adhesive just won’t work for a specific application.

Why Use Tags?

The use of tags is optional. Depending on your theme, tags may or may not display beside the
products in your shop. Whether visible or hidden, tags can still be used in your admin section to help
you sift through multiple products. Here are some common reasons for using tags:

Describe Special markers and identifiers placed on products can help your customers
products, find what they are looking for. For example, if you sell movie posters, you can
features, or tag your products with identifiers such as 1950s, saucer invasion, red
variables scare, etc. More specific than Product Categories, tags provide deeper layers
of information.

Organize your Whether you use tags on the customer-facing site or in your admin
products Dashboard, tags can help you keep track of how your products relate to each
other within your general brand.

Search Engine Popular search engines can use tags to get information about your store.
Optimization This can help your shop rise higher in search engine results.


1. define tag
2. why use tag?
tags are labels without adhesive. They’re attached by other means, such as tying or hanging.
Sometimes an adhesive just won’t work for a specific application.
Why Use Tags?

The use of tags is optional. Depending on your theme, tags may or may not display beside the
products in your shop. Whether visible or hidden, tags can still be used in your admin section to help
you sift through multiple products. Here are some common reasons for using tags:

Describe Special markers and identifiers placed on products can help your customers
products, find what they are looking for. For example, if you sell movie posters, you can
features, or tag your products with identifiers such as 1950s, saucer invasion, red
variables scare, etc. More specific than Product Categories, tags provide deeper layers
of information.

Organize your Whether you use tags on the customer-facing site or in your admin
products Dashboard, tags can help you keep track of how your products relate to each
other within your general brand.

Search Engine Popular search engines can use tags to get information about your store.
Optimization This can help your shop rise higher in search engine results.
Information Sheet 4.3-2
Sanitizing concoctions

Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to:
1. Enumerate the things to avoid Contamination.

Using good sanitation practices during production, harvesting, and
packaging can help reduce the risk of microbial contamination of fresh produce.
Soil, fertilizers, harvesting equipment, water, workers, or animals such as
livestock, pets, and pests can be sources of harmful microorganisms that cause
foodborne illness. Surfaces that come in contact with produce must be washed,
rinsed, and sanitized regularly. Employees need to understand and use
appropriate food handling practices. Food Contact Surfaces

Cross Contamination is the physical movement or transfer of harmful bacteria

from one person, object or
place to another. Preventing contamination is a key factor to prevent
contamination in organic concoctions.

Definition of Terms

Cleaning -Cleaning of food contact surfaces means removing soil and residues.
This involves a three-step process of rinsing away surface debris, washing and
scrubbing with soap or detergent, followed by rinsing with clean potable water.
Rinsing surfaces thoroughly is important so that any detergent residue is
Sanitizing Sanitizing is the process of treating a food contact surface with a
sanitizing solution that will kill most microorganisms or reduce them to a non-
harmful level. For sanitizers to be effective, surfaces must first be cleaned,
because soil and soap residues can make the sanitizing solution less effective.

Things to do avoid.
1. Wash hands and surfaces often. Harmful bacteria can spread throughout the
area and get onto cutting boards.
2. Always put clear plastic cellophane on top of the table before making
3. Always use proper PPE in making concoction.
4. Always cover your mouth with a mouth shield.
5. Make sure you put on your plastic gloves before cutting anything.
6. Make sure there is no flies around the area. Get rid of them in case they are
7. When preparing for IMO, make sure the bamboo trough is not contaminated.
8. Wash hands with soap before handling anything.
9. Wash cutting boards, knife, and any tools with soap. Sanitation using alcohol or
chlorine can prevent
bacterial contamination.
1. Enumerate the things to avoid Contamination.(1-9)

1. Wash hands and surfaces often. Harmful bacteria can spread throughout the
area and get onto cutting boards.
2. Always put clear plastic cellophane on top of the table before making
3. Always use proper PPE in making concoction.
4. Always cover your mouth with a mouth shield.
5. Make sure you put on your plastic gloves before cutting anything.
6. Make sure there is no flies around the area. Get rid of them in case they are
7. When preparing for IMO, make sure the bamboo trough is not contaminated.
8. Wash hands with soap before handling anything.
9. Wash cutting boards, knife, and any tools with soap. Sanitation using alcohol or
chlorine can prevent
bacterial contamination.
Information Sheet 4.3-3
Packages concoctions

Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to:
 Identify and classify The Packaging OF Concoctions

Packaging is required to keep a product and its components and accessories

secure from the beginning of the production process to the time when it reaches
the end user. Such containment ensures that the product reaches the consumer
in a usable condition. It also ensures that the product itself and other products,
people and the environment are safeguarded from any adverse effects of product
loss. These effects may be caused not only by the spilling or dispersal of the
product itself but also by the egress of moisture, pressure, heat and cold from the

TYPES OF Packaging in Concoctions:

Date of Preparation – it is a date in which the concoctions is being prepared.
Date of Harvest – It is the date wherein the concoctions is expected to be
Name of Concoctions – this is date in the label upon fermentation to determined
what type of concoction is fermented
MATCH COLUMN A AND B write the letter only.
1. Name of Concoctions a. It is the date wherein the
concoctions is expected to be
2. Date of Preparation b. this is date in the label upon
fermentation to determined
what type of concoction is

3. Date of Harvest c. it is a date in which the

concoctions is being
1. b
2. c
3. a
Information Sheet 4.3.3
Productions of concoctions

Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to:
1. Prepare the various concoctions

Extracts of juices from the different materials containing nutrients that aid to the
growth of animals and plants. It passes a fermentation process (non-disturb).



1.Place about 500 ml 1st rice wash (kinilis) in a plastic container.

2.Cover with clean paper, tie with string and label

3.Place in a cool dark place.

4.After 5-7 days, when the bran has risen, take about 100 ml of clear water.

Fig. 1
5.Place 100 ml rice water in a plastic container and add 1 L fresh milk.
6.Label container and put back in the cool dark place

Fig. 2

7. After 3-5 days, if the whey (yellow liquid) has separated from the while curdled
portion, decant and use the whey only.

Fig. 3
8. Add molasses or brown sugar in a 1:1 ratio to preserve the LABS for a longer
9.Place in a proper container and label accordingly.
10.Use with other concoctions, 2 tb/liter of water.
11.Appply early morning or late afternoon.

Fig. 4

Converts waste into organic matter and basic minerals.

Thrive and feed on the ammonia released in the decomposition normally

associated with the foul odor.

Defenses against viruses and fungi.

Indigenous Micro Organisms (IMO1
Revive soil nutrients. It speeds growth of plants
hasten decomposition works like “vaccinating”
against plants diseases and is used in treatment
applied to the soil in order to improve it’s fertility
and health. Creates compounds like enzymes
and lactic acid that suppress various diseases.

Put cooked/ steamed rice in a

wooden box or perforated
plastic tray that is 8 ½ “ x 11” 2.
Cover the box, tray or
x 3” or a length of a bamboo bamboo with a clean
pole open or split open on one sheet of paper is used
side. Make sure there is enough
to allow air to pass
moisture in the box. Fill half of
through and tie with a
the container with rice. Do not
string. Label day
compress. Without sufficient
made and harvesting
Cover and wrap with
supply of air, anaerobic bacteria
will not thrive. day.
plastic to keep out
rainwater, protect from
wild rats or small
rodents that may
come and take it.

Remove after 3 days (in cold

area you need five days to
3. the do the process) white
molds will form on top of the
rice disregard black molds.


Bury in an area
where IMO’s
HOW TO USE abound. Collect
THE from forest floors or
site where many

Place in a plastic
container/ jar the
moldy rice and mix
with 1 kilo of molasses
or crude sugar. This
mixture is called IMO2

Cover the jar with a

6. clean sheet of paper
and tie with a string.
Place in a cool and
shaded place. After 7
days this will yield a
mud like juice. Strain
the liquid do not closed
the cap. Wait till tiny
7. bubbles disappear from
the bottom.

Fermented Fruit Juice FFJ

- To sweeten the fruit (Potassium)
- It increases plant nutrition through
leaves and roots with potassium factor

Ratio 1:1 Put 1 kilo

sweet fruit inside the
clay jar /plastic
Prepare 1 kilo sweet fruits to 1 container & add 1
kilo brown sugar you may use kilo of crude sugar.
molasses. Suggested materials Best time to prepare
include banana, papaya, in the evening to
pineapple, mango, jack fruit, star prevent flying insect.
fruit, guava, pumpkin, etc (citrus
a fruit is not recommended).
Matured squash can also be Cover with a clean
used. Recommended “best” sheet of paper and
mixture is banana 3 kg, papaya 3 tie with a string and
kg, and pumpkin 3 kg. Rule of put a date. Place in a
thumb-fermented fruit juice from cool and shaded
tomatoes fed to tomatoes is just place. Ferment for 7
This will make
HOW TO USE THE approximately 1 ½
liters of juice. Drain
For Plants:
the liquid and place
Apply using 2 tbsp of FFJ / in plastic bottles
10 liters of water. Apply (always leave about
directly to leaves of plants 1/3 of bottle empty
when sun is not out. Add to so IMOs can
the IMO and FPJ mixture
and spray together to the
leaves and soil of fruit
bearing trees or during
vegetative and reproductive
For Animals:
Points to Remember:
Mix 2 tablespoons of the
juice to 1 liter of water. This Chlorophyll in leaves does not dissolve in oil
is also good for human or water. It can dissolve only with very weak
consumption. alcohol. There are lot of enzymes in leaves,
when enzymes are mixed with brown sugar
IMPORTANT: Do not tighten or molasses they ferment through osmosis
bottle lid for 2 weeks
pressure and in the process we get the
following bottling to allow liquid or juice. Small fruits fermented in
gasses to escape and avoid a brown sugar are used to promote growth.
sticky explosion! Solid Get the little fruits and fed back to the tree
material can be used as to make fruits grow a lot larger. You can
animal feed or compost. FFJ
also used the flowers or blooms of acacia
should have a pleasant smell
and flowers that bee loves.
and sweet, tangy taste.
Keeps for about a year. It helps digestion of animal and plant
nutrients. It resists plant diseases and
Other: Use FFJ to reduce protects plant nutrients. It resists plants
latrine smell. Use 3 spoons and protects plants from insects. It speeds
/ 10 liters while cleaning.
harvesting. It is plant hormones. Spray to
Pour 2-4 spoons directly leaves and soil.
down toilet to help septic
Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ)
- There are a lot of enzymes in leaves
- Enhances plant growth
- For greener leaves - Photosynthesis


Use any green colored 3 4

leaves such as kangkong,
kamote, kalabasa,
alugbati tops, bamboo
shoots and other fast
growing plants can also be 2. Chop 2 kilo plants and mix 1 kilo of
used. Fresh, juicy, crude sugar in a large basin. Place in a
succulent leaves are best. clay jar or plastic container 3. Put a
Some suggestions are rock on top for the ¾ of the contents to
Banana Stem, Water settle at the bottom. 4. Wait for five
Spinach, Bamboo Shoots, hours and remove the rock and cover
the jar with a clean sheet of paper and
Green grasses, Bamboo
tie with a string. Put the jar/plastic
leaves, and Duck Weed or container in a cool and shaded place.
azola. Cut young banana Fermentation will be complete in seven
trunk (cardava) Collect to fifteen days.
before sunrise. Avoid
collecting after excessive
rain. Quickly snap the
growing points of the
plants. Baby fruits can be
used to promote growth.
This will yield 2 ½ liters of
juice when the banana
trunk is used. Filter to
separate sludge.
Point to Remember
Do Not wash the material.
Application: 1:500 / 1:1000
Seal the container with clean
sheet of paper at room Apply using 2 tablespoon of
temperature. Avoid direct FPJ / 1 liters water.
sunlight. Solution is ready in -Apply directly to the leaves of
seven days. Strain and transfer plants when sun is not hot.
in a clean container. Before sunrise or two hours
Drain the liquid and place in before sunset.
plastic or glass bottles (always -Plant material can be used as
leave about 1/3 of bottle empty animal feed or compost. FPJ
so IMO to breathe). IMPORTANT: should have a pleasant smell
Do not tighten bottle lid for 2 and sweet, tangy taste. Keeps
weeks to allow gasses to escape for about one year.
and avoid a sticky explosion! -Rule of thumb, plant extract
(FPJ) of corn plant or rice plant
Note: Wait till the tiny bubbles is fed to rice and corn is just
disappear then close the like feeding breast milk to a
container tightly. if you observe baby.
un dissolved sugar at the
bottom means the fermentation
did not take place. Extend for
another day and add a little
water to reactivate.
Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN)
- Natural pesticide and insect repellant. It is
use throughout the early, vegetative and
change over and fruiting stages.
- Is a very important input in natural farming
- To develop the immune system of your
plant and animals

Divide container
into three parts. Mix
ginger /garlic and
muscovado sugar
Ingredients: together preferably
by hand and put
8 kilo crushed ginger 2 inside jar cover and
for plants/garlic for
sealed ferment for
animals seven days.
2 kilo muscovado
10 liters of gin or
liquor 30-40 proof.
Use ceramic or glass
jar or non-porous
container. 2/3

After seven days add
10 liters of gin. Cover
and sealed. Decant
liquid after ten days. Together with other
First extraction is good mixtures spray on
for animal. Second plants every week
extraction is good for when they weaken
plants. Just add gin
or start to flower.
same amount taken
from the first
extraction. You may
add fresh or dry chili,
neem fruit, curry fruit,
makabuhay, marigold
for stronger potency
and repeat same
process the third time.
And continue to
ferment for ten days.


1. Mix the following
- 2 tablespoons of OHN to 1
liter of water
2. Add to the IMO and FPJ
mixture and spray together on
the leaves and soil every week
Fish Amino Acid (FAA)

Fish amino acids are a good source of nitrogen for crop plants and may be used to
supplement compost and manures in coastal regions which have a good supply of
inexpensive fish byproducts. Some local government units (LGUs) such as
Bayawan City in Negros Oriental is collecting fish trashes from the market for free
and process this into FAA.

Materials (FAA)

 Uncooked fish trash such as gills and intestines.

 Raw sugar or molasses

Procedure (FAA)

 1. Mix equal parts fish trash and brown sugar or molasses. Lactic acid
bacteria serum (LABS) may be added to minimize the foul smell.
 2. Place in earthen jar or any convenient container, cover with paper and
allow the fish juice to extract and fermentation to occur for 14 days.
 3. Filter out the solids and retain the liquid fish amino acids.
 4. Store in glass or plastic bottles. Do not completely close the cap on the
 5. Shake the solution weekly and add sugar to it every month (20% of the
volume) as is done for IMO.

Application method (FAA)

Use 1-2 tbsp/L water and apply as soil drench or foliar spray weekly or depending
on the vigor of the plants. High dosage can have adverse effects on plants.

Calcium Carbonate (Caco3) Preparation from Egg Shells

The main ingredient in eggshells is calcium carbonate. The shell itself is about
95% CaCO3 (which is also the main ingredient in sea shells) (Powrie, 1972). The
remaining mass is composed largely of phosphorus and magnesium, and trace
amounts of sodium, potassium, zinc, manganese, iron, copper and others, 27 in

The CaCO3 is not in soluble form. To convert it into soluble form heat or acid
treatment is needed. The common method in KNF is the combination of the two
agents, heating and use of natural vinegars.

Materials (CaCO3)

 Egg shells or sea shells including snail shells.

 Natural vinegar (made from coconut sap, sugar cane, pineapple or banana).

Procedure (CaCO3)
 1. Burn or roast the shells in open fire or over a hot tin sheet until the color
changes from brownish to black in color.
 2. Grind or pound the shells to a powder consistency.
 3. Place in a suitable jar or plastic container.
 4. Add 5-10 parts natural vinegar. Shake to produce bubbles indicating a
good reaction between the shell and the vinegar. The bubbles are due to
CO2 being released.
 5. Cover with paper and store in a cool dry place. The concoction may be
shaken from time to time to speed up the reaction.
 6. The water soluble calcium is ready in 7-14 days when there is no more
 7. Filter the preparation and put it in a new container (a glass jar).
 8. CaCO 3 has a long shelf life and can be stored for up to a year. Do not
shake or add sugar to the CaCO 3 solution during storage.

Application method (CaCO 3)

Use 1-2 tablespoon per liter as foliar spray or soil drench specially at the start of
flowering to improve fruit set and fruit quality.

Kuhol Amino Acid (KAA)


 1 kg kuhol
 1 kg molasses
 Plastic
 Pail
 Manila
 Paper
 String

1. Mash very well 1 kg kuhol (and eggs if available) and mix with 1 kg
2. Place the mixture inside a plastic pail, cover with manila paper and tie with
3. Label accordingly. Place the pail in a dry cool place.
4. Ferment for 14 days.

How to Use Fish Amino Acid (FAA)/(KAA)

• Kuhol Amino Acid (KAA)

• Mix 2 Tb FAA/KAA to 1 L un chlorinated water

• Use early morning or late afternoon

What Fish Amino Acid (FAA) and Kuhol Amino Acid (KAA)

 Good source of Nitrogen

 Foliar fertilizer

 Root hormone

 Food for microorganism

Sea Weed Extract

1. Cut up 2 kgs sea weeds, add 2kg molasses and place in a plastic pail. Add 1
liter of un chlorinated water. Cover with cloth and tie with elastic band.
2. Label accordingly & ferment for 30 days. In the meanwhile, check every so
often and stir the mixture as this tends to expand.
3. Filter and place in containers, properly labeled.
 Powerful source of growth hormones
 Enhances growth of the plants
 Source of nitrogen
How to Use
1. Use 1-2 Tb sea weed extract per liter of water.
2. Early morning or late afternoon

Self check 4.2-

Multiple Choice Question
Instruction: Read the question carefully and select the best answer. Write only the letter at the space
_____1. What do you call those bio-organic inputs these micro-organisms are found in environment?
a. FPJ c. FFJ
b. IMO d. KAA
_____2. These are juices product from selected plants parts.
a. IMO c. LABS
b. FFJ d. FAA
_____3. It is the bio-organic inputs that came from the sprouts and baby fruits with high hormone
concentration full grown fruits, flower abundant in honey and any plant with strong vigor.
a. FPJ d. Calphos
b. FFJ e. None of the above
_____4. Which of the following bio-organic inputs that utilizes from the fish gills, small fishes and even whole
body parts of fish____?
a. LABS c. Calphos
b. OHN d. None of the above
_____5. It converts waste into organic matter and basic minerals.
a. LABS c. OHN
b. FAA d. IMO
_____6. Bio-organic inputs that are good source of nitrogen crop plants.
a. IMO c. FFJ
b. FAA d. None of the above
_____7. It contains plants growth hormone and micronutrients that stimulate the growth of beneficial
a. NIA c. FFJ
b. LABS d. FPJ
_____8. What do you mean by LABS?
a. Lactic Acid Serum
b. Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum
c. Lactic Amino Bacteria Serum
d. None of the above
_____9. How do you call the bio-organic inputs that are nitrogen fixing?
a. NIA c. LABS
b. FFJ d. FAA
_____10. Which of the following bio-organic inputs that can reduce flowering, prevent overgrowth, increase
calcium factor in roots?
a. NIA
b. OHN
c. Calphos

Answer Key

Page |1
Multiple Choice Question

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. C

Page |2
Information Sheet 4.3.5
Recording of Bottled Concoctions

Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to:
1. Define record

Record keeping is important because you cannot keep everything in your head.
People are forgetful by nature.

What is record?
A written proof of what happened, what is happening, or what is anticipated to

- It provides information on production output.

- Helps the farmer to understand how well his production
programme is performing.
- It is necessary for assessing the farm business plans
prepared previously.
- It can be used to compare the performance of one farm with
another farm.

Page |3

1. Define record
2. Enumerate the Production Record

Page |4

What is record?
A written proof of what happened, what is happening, or what is anticipated to

- It provides information on production output.

- Helps the farmer to understand how well his production
programme is performing.
- It is necessary for assessing the farm business plans
prepared previously.
- It can be used to compare the performance of one farm with
another farm.

Page |5
Information Sheet 4.3.6

Importance of proper storage

o Shelf life
o Effects of storage temperature to concoctions

Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to:


proper storage techniques will not only aid in retaining freshness, but can also
eliminate wastefulness, reduce the risk of contamination and unnecessary

Before you can think about how to properly store your food, it is vital to ascertain
that is in good condition. This is especially true, if you intend on storing foods for
a long period of time. Packaging can be a great help in maintaining quality and
freshness. Purchase canned or vacuum sealed goods when you can. For meats
such as beef, chicken, seafood, turkey, poultry and game, use or freeze it before
the specified date on the packaging.

Instruction for storing and preserving the Concoctions. Store in dry cool place

Concoctions Bottle Cap Shaking Sugar Shelf life

Imo/labs Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose week month (about until it starts to
20% of the smell bad.
volume of the
FPJ Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose and week month (about until it starts to
loosen it even 20% of the smell bad.
more after 2 volume of the
weeks solution
FFJ Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose and week month (about until it starts to
loosen it even 20% of the smell bad.

Page |6
more after 2 volume of the
weeks solution
FAA Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose week month (about until it starts to
20% of the smell bad.
volume of the
CALPHOS Leave the cap Do not shake Do not add 6-12 months
loose for the 1st sugar to the
2 weeks. At this solution
time tighten the
cap for 20
minutes and the
re-open. If gas
escapes the
bottle upon
reopening, leave
it loose, if not,
tighten the cap
OHN Leave the cap Do not shake Do not add 6-12 months
loose for the 1st sugar to the
2 weeks. At this solution
time tighten the
cap for 20
minutes and the
re-open. If gas
escapes the
bottle upon
reopening, leave
it loose, if not,
tighten the cap
3CS Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose and week month (about until it starts to
loosen it even 20% of the smell bad.
more after 2 volume of the
weeks solution

Page |7

Concoctions Bottle Cap Shaking Sugar Shelf life

? Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose week month (about until it starts to
20% of the smell bad.
volume of the
? Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose and week month (about until it starts to
loosen it even 20% of the smell bad.
more after 2 volume of the
weeks solution
? Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose and week month (about until it starts to
loosen it even 20% of the smell bad.
more after 2 volume of the
weeks solution
? Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose week month (about until it starts to
20% of the smell bad.
volume of the
? Leave the cap Do not shake Do not add 6-12 months
loose for the 1st sugar to the
2 weeks. At this solution
time tighten the
cap for 20
minutes and the
re-open. If gas
escapes the
bottle upon
reopening, leave
it loose, if not,
tighten the cap
? Leave the cap Do not shake Do not add 6-12 months
loose for the 1st sugar to the
2 weeks. At this solution
time tighten the
cap for 20
minutes and the
re-open. If gas
escapes the
bottle upon
reopening, leave

Page |8
it loose, if not,
tighten the cap
? Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose and week month (about until it starts to
loosen it even 20% of the smell bad.
more after 2 volume of the
weeks solution


Concoctions Bottle Cap Shaking Sugar Shelf life
Imo/labs Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose week month (about until it starts to
20% of the smell bad.
volume of the
FPJ Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose and week month (about until it starts to
loosen it even 20% of the smell bad.
more after 2 volume of the
weeks solution
FFJ Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose and week month (about until it starts to
loosen it even 20% of the smell bad.
more after 2 volume of the
weeks solution
FAA Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose week month (about until it starts to
20% of the smell bad.
volume of the
CALPHOS Leave the cap Do not shake Do not add 6-12 months
loose for the 1st sugar to the
2 weeks. At this solution
time tighten the
cap for 20
minutes and the
re-open. If gas
escapes the
bottle upon
reopening, leave
it loose, if not,
tighten the cap
OHN Leave the cap Do not shake Do not add 6-12 months
loose for the 1st sugar to the
2 weeks. At this solution
time tighten the

Page |9
cap for 20
minutes and the
re-open. If gas
escapes the
bottle upon
reopening, leave
it loose, if not,
tighten the cap
3CS Keep the cap Shake once a Add sugar every 6 months, or
loose and week month (about until it starts to
loosen it even 20% of the smell bad.
more after 2 volume of the
weeks solution

P a g e | 10
Task Sheet 4.2-4
 Performance Objective: Given the Organic Agriculture Production of
farm inputs operation in PACKAGE CONCOCTIONS AND EXTRACTS you
should be able to enumerate sanitizing concoction and what is the
importance of tagging
Supplies/Materials :
Hard copy of the procedure in preparing the various concoctions, CBLM, Record
Book, Bond Paper and Ball pen.

Equipment :

1. enumerate sanitizing concoction
2. what is the importance of tagging
3. Read the information sheet for the clarifications.
4. Refer to the trainer if encounter difficulties and more clarifications.
5. Submit yourself for the written exam.

Assessment Method:
3. Written exam
4. Actual Demonstration

P a g e | 11
Performance Criteria Checklist 4.1-4

Did you….
1. Did you wear appropriate personal protective equipment x
before performing the activity?
2. Did you prepare the materials of preparing for the x
3. Did you enumerate the avoidance of sanitizing in x
4. Did you read information Sheet 4.3.1-1 for clarification? x
5. Did you submit yourself for written examinations? x

P a g e | 12
Job Sheet 4.3-4
Performance Objective: Given the Organic Agriculture Production of
farm inputs operation in Packaging Concoctions And Extracts you should be
able to Package Concoctions And Extracts, conduct of operation accordance with
the Good Manufacturing Practices.

Supplies/Materials : Hard copy of the procedure in preparing the

various concoctions, CBLM, Record Book, Bond Paper and Ball pen.

Equipment :

4. Read the information sheet for the clarifications.
5. Refer to the trainer if encounter difficulties and more clarifications.
6. Submit yourself for the written exam

Assessment Method:
Written exam
Actual Demonstration

P a g e | 13

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