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A Proposed Naturopathic Center in Manaoag, Pangasinan

(A Symbiosis of Natural Setting through Healing Architecture)

1.1 Rationale

We’ve been bombarded with so much technology that makes us like to be

unhealthy. We’ve been facing so many issues about health, drug addiction and

suicidal acts caused by depression that make’s one life vulnerable. With this, having a

control of mind and health is a must to have a healthy lifestyle and peaceful mindset

that could eliminate negativity and that could experience youthful in a place where it

could improve one’s mindset, body and also spirit. A place to improve health and

mind like a natural based setting with architecturally derived facilities.

1.2 Background of the Study

Being one of the most visited towns in the North, Manaoag also experiences

some of the issues regarding health and wellness like depression which normally

experience by most people, specifically, busy and hustle days from work, abusive to

health from unhealthy lifestyle and young ones who are lack in attention and who are

mostly exposed to games and gadgets, which they already forgot to play and

experience what the nature could bring them more, regards on their health and social

life outside their house.

And also, we’re being dependent already into technology in terms of our health care,

where we do not know that too much are also not good. Though technology brings a

lot of development, there are still who prefer natural rather than conventional


Furthermore, natural treatment is very fundamental to everyone ever since,

before technology evolved; natural treatment is already practice by our ancestors that

A Proposed Naturopathic Center in Manaoag, Pangasinan
(A Symbiosis of Natural Setting through Healing Architecture)

they believe nature itself is already full of curing agents that could help and cure

illnesses, not only to cure but also to restore and eliminate negativity of thoughts for a

sound body, mind and spirit.

In line with this, “Bulayan” is a Tagalog term which means a “place for

meditation”, where usually engaged in some activities to get rid of depression and

worries. And also, a place for serenity to encounter God and to experience the healing

of the nature with exquisite views that brings healthy vibes.

With this, a proposed Naturopathic Center will accommodate such facilities

within a nature-based setting that could help individuals to eliminate or lessen their

negative thoughts and make them feel rejuvenated and improves one’s health in a

peaceful and calm place with the use of natural healing method.

Wherein, “naturopathic or naturopathy” is a term which means healing

through natural medicine or treatment by the use of natural agents like air, water,

herbs and other nature elements accompanied with healthy lifestyle that could give

every patient a sound mind, body and soul.

In other definition, naturopathic medicine, also known as naturopathy is a type

of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) which appeals by others

especially to those who desired “holistic” approach for both prevention and treatment.

The term “Naturopathy’’ was derived from Latin word “natura” (means

birth) and Greek word “pathos” (means suffering) that suggest “natural healing”.

Before the word “Naturopathy” exists, it is believe that the ancient Greek,

Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine” and has been the first to practice the use of

natural medicine.

A Proposed Naturopathic Center in Manaoag, Pangasinan
(A Symbiosis of Natural Setting through Healing Architecture)

The practice of naturopathy is based on the belief of self healing process of

the body to heal its own negativity through vital energy or force guiding bodily

processes internally, which concerns primarily on alternative therapies and with the

use of natural methods, often avoiding the use of surgery and drugs. This type of

medicine aims to prevent illness through stress reduction and changes to lifestyle and


Therefore, to achieve overall health, a need of place to get away from stress

and negativity should be in balance with treating the body’s illnesses and impurities.

Since Manaoag is considered as Pilgrimage Capital of the North and also a place of

serenity, it is a nice thing to consider that it could be a place to add up something

connected with its value as a place in encountering God and the town also has a very

nice place and view with regards to nature. But, the proposed Naturopathic Center

will be accessible to all that may feel depression and that in need of tranquility and

nature view experience together with different activities and engagement with other


1.3 Review of Related Literature

1.3.1 Local Literature

We’re already in the digital age and scientists never stop to mesmerize

us with the latest medical advancements. Though, with technological

breakthroughs and mostly use of conventional, others still opt and seek

alternative healing centers, even some of them can afford to consult private

doctors. Wherein, “naturopathy or naturopathic medicine” is gaining more

A Proposed Naturopathic Center in Manaoag, Pangasinan
(A Symbiosis of Natural Setting through Healing Architecture)

attention now which some people affirm the effectiveness of this healing

method. This type of healing method is a medical system that believes in the

healing power of nature. (Dela Cruz, 2011)

Furthermore, according to Philippines’ first naturopathic doctor and

cancer, nutrition and health advocate Tam Mateo (2011), states that our body

has natural healing abilities and to fill up those deficiencies, alternative

healing centers offers nutritional therapy and naturopathic therapy as well.

In addition, according to Asian Doctor who practices holistic healing,

Dr. Rounville N. Bardonado (2011), natural healing means the healer is nature

and every individual is the architecture of their own body which God given to

us perfectly, which has already self-preservation mechanism to fight diseases.

Moreover, scientists have proven that majority of the ailments start in

the mind and the healing of the physical body must include the healing of the

mind and spirit. Healing of emotions, together with a change of lifestyle,

results in almost miraculous healing. (Orosa, 2013)

Based from the articles above, even we’re in the technological

advancement of treating lifestyle illnesses, still natural healing methods are

being sought and opt by others. Naturopathic healing is on the trend despite of

these modern days that most of us depend on “conventional medicines” that

leads to drug dependent. Though, with this Naturopathic Center that advocates

and promotes natural healing that address healthy and organic way of living

through a natural setting and environment which is very essential.

A Proposed Naturopathic Center in Manaoag, Pangasinan
(A Symbiosis of Natural Setting through Healing Architecture)

1.3.2 Foreign Literature

“The best six doctors anywhere and no one can deny it are sunshine,

water, rest, air, exercise and diet”. - (Wayne Fields, 1998)

Nature provides everything we needed, from shelter, clothes, foods,

medicines and even emotional concerns. Nature brings comfort and provide

cure to everyone if and only if we are aware of what nature could do to our


According to Florence Williams (2017), enough experience to natural

environment is not that exercise, without realizing how they can restore one’s

life and make everyone healthier, more creative, more empathetic and more

apt to engage with the world and with each other. Therefore, nature turns out

good for civilization.

Cited from the study undertaken by Adam Gregory Zetterquist entitled

“Healing Environments: Elements of Retreat” (2009), humans are naturally

connected to nature that gives harmonious effect on an individual’s aspects,

either physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being that makes one

self’s in balance with the environment.

Health was described by World Health Organization or the WHO

(1998), as the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being as not

merely the absence of disease and infirmity.

The healing power of nature is essential for self-organizing and

healing process of the living systems which maintains, establishes and restores

health. (Byrne, 2005)

A Proposed Naturopathic Center in Manaoag, Pangasinan
(A Symbiosis of Natural Setting through Healing Architecture)

In connection with this, a book written by Carol Veniola (1988), as

restated, that healing environments specifically do two things, basically

connect us on dynamic, positive forces and increase one’s ability to respond to

negative forces that may encounter. Additionally, a healing environment

promotes and brings well-being and tranquility.

As a cited from the study of Aan Abraham Chacko (2012), defines

“naturopathy” as therapeutic systems that administered natural agents,

wherein the main idea or core of this medical method is through natural


Furthermore, the idea conceptualization of the researcher is based from

the cited articles and related study regarding Naturopathic Center that will

serve as a reference on how the environment can provide a healing center.

And to connect every individual into nature that gives a healthier and active

mind, soul and body by distinguishing further elements to supplement the idea

and needed facilities for the proposed Naturopathic Center.

1.4 Statement of the Problem

The study aims to propose a Naturopathic Center in Manaoag, Pangasinan and

will seek answer for the following specific problems:

(i) What is the present condition of healing center for holistic healing

in terms of;

a. treatment offers;

b. facilities;

c. location?

A Proposed Naturopathic Center in Manaoag, Pangasinan
(A Symbiosis of Natural Setting through Healing Architecture)

ii) Can Organic Architecture be a style for a Naturopathic Center in

Manaoag, Pangasinan?

1.5 Goals and Objectives

1.5.1 Goals

The goal of this study is to plan and design Naturopathic Center, a healing

environment that could help individual to have peaceful mind set, healthy lifestyle

and God-centered living.

1.5.2 Objectives

(i) To develop a holistic healing environment with the help of architecture

linked with nature;

(ii) To design structures and facilities that blend with the natural setting;

(iii) To provide another place of tranquility other than the Minor Basilica of

Our Lady of Manaoag.

A Proposed Naturopathic Center in Manaoag, Pangasinan
(A Symbiosis of Natural Setting through Healing Architecture)

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study will be significant to the following sectors:

To the End Users

The conceptualized idea of this research for the Naturopathic Center

will generally give the users a healing environment that will satisfy their

lifestyle and well-being in architecturally-driven spaces into a natural-based


To the Municipality and People of Manaoag

The completion and success of this study will give the municipality

and its people another place for tranquility other than the Minor Basilica of

Our Lady of Manaoag and will promote another tourist destination.

Furthermore, it will give an identity for being a natural healing center which

has architecturally driven spaces for the town of Manaoag.

To the Future Researchers

The conceptualized idea for the Naturopathic Center will give a new

knowledge and will serve as useful reference to other researchers that would

take any related study precisely in the field of architecture and other related


A Proposed Naturopathic Center in Manaoag, Pangasinan
(A Symbiosis of Natural Setting through Healing Architecture)

1.7 Scope and Limitation

The scope of the study contains the analysis of the site features and develops

them into a Naturopathic Center with the aid of architecture. The analysis will include

rigid data gatherings, case studies, assessment of the site situation relative to the study

and architectural translations based on the gathered information and conducted

studies but limited to some factors like cost analysis and detailed structural design

concerns. Design considerations will be evaluated to conform and to respond to the

present scenarios of the environment of the site where it will be situated.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Biorenosance - type of treatment that focuses on harmonizing body cells.

Bulayan - from Tagalog term “bulay-bulay” which means meditation or place for


Chiropractic - mode of health care that emphasizes treatment, diagnostic and

prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the

spinal chord.

Craniosacral Therapy - lessen many painful medical conditions by realigning and

rebalancing body and mind.

Etiomedecine - type of natural treatment or an energy treatment, which addresses the

causes of disease to find blockages and restore the natural energy flow, guided by the

pulse of the client.

Healing Environment - define as a healthy place for healing process.

A Proposed Naturopathic Center in Manaoag, Pangasinan
(A Symbiosis of Natural Setting through Healing Architecture)

Healing Space - pertains to a treatment area.

Homeopathy - an alternative medical system that is based from “Laws of Similars”.

Hydrotherapy - type of natural treatment that uses water as element for treating

different condition like arthritis.

Jacuzzi - a circular bath having a fitted device that makes the water move around.

Nature - natural built environment where living and non-living things exist.

Naturopathy - a natural way to prevent and cure the root of the illnessess by proper

lifestyle, natural medication and God-centered living. Also means, natural and

holistic approach cure.

Physiotherapy - treatment for joints pain, muscles, ligaments, tendons, posture,

headaches and other physical imbalances.

Sound Healing - type of therapy also known as “sound bed”, primarily uses music

table where the client lies, having string instrument like veena or harp-like instrument

below to be played by an expert therapist.

Tranquility - in other words, peacefulness or calmness.

Vegan - a person who practice engaged in a plant-based diet and refrain from using or

eating animal products, dairy and all related food.

A Proposed Naturopathic Center in Manaoag, Pangasinan
(A Symbiosis of Natural Setting through Healing Architecture)


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