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Von Koch’s Snowflake: Perimeter and Applications

A Mathematical Investigation on the Patterns of Von Koch's Snowflakes

Submitted by:

Grade 11 – A

Submitted to:


Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches SL B Teacher, Cohort 10

There is no clear definition of Mathematics, but one commonly accepted claim is “Mathematics is

the study of patterns”. Such patterns are interesting in the sense that they follow certain trends that were

previously unknown. The fact that new patterns are constantly being introduced and described provides

endless possibilities in terms of what mathematicians can achieve. Likewise, these patterns are not always

limited to theoretical calculations on paper; in some cases, these patterns describe and relate to naturally

occurring phenomena or the world in general. One popular example of a pattern is the Fibonacci

sequence. It generally goes as 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34… The pattern follows a general rule of adding the two

previous terms to get the current term. Although this pattern may seem irrelevant, it actually has

significance in the real world. For example, the number of petals a flower has sometimes follows the

Fibonacci numbers. Knowing this, it is interesting how other patterns and trends in mathematics are

deduced, calculated, and (possibly) applied in a real life situation. Similar to the Fibonacci sequence,

“Von Koch’s Snowflake” is specific pattern with possible applications. As such, this investigation will

aim to explore the ways in which “Von Koch’s Snowflake” behaves, how it can be generalized / solved

for, and finally, possible relationships of the pattern to the world.


The pattern of “Van Koch’s Snowflake” begins with an equilateral triangle. Then, each of the

three equal sides is divided into three equal parts. After, another equilateral triangle is drawn on the

middle area. Finally, the lines that fall within the first triangle are erased. The basic model and first six

iterations of the triangle snowflake is seen below.

From observation, the amount of sides starts at three and increases by four times the previous

iteration. By counting the sides manually, the pattern shows the first iteration starting at three sides, then

12 sides, then 48 sides, and so on. The first triangle originally has three sides, which are all split into two

more with the addition of a new triangle. Likewise, the new triangle introduces another three corners that

all have two sides as well. Knowing this, from iteration one to two, sides increase from three to 12. This

pattern generally follows in the next iterations, but some of the corners end up within the figure and

therefore are not included in the count.


Knowing the nature of the pattern, deriving an equation for the perimeter is possible. Yet to do so,

there are some other values necessary. First, the number of sides per iteration is needed in order to find

the perimeter. Consequently, the length of such side must be calculated as well. By getting these values,

perimeter is simply calculated by number of sides multiplied to the length of each side. (Further evidence

& explanation below)


Figure 2

As previously mentioned, the number of sides per iteration follows a specific pattern. For

determining the number of sides, let the number of sides be equal to Un, where n is the iteration number.

The pattern goes 3, 12, 48, 192, … As seen, there is a common ratio multiplied to each previous term to

get the current term. Given previous knowledge on common ratios and sequences, a geometric sequence

equation can be used to define the pattern.

The number of sides can be inputted into the geometric equation.

U1 is equal to three, as the first iteration has three sides. r is equal to 4 as the next iteration has four times

the previous term. As such, the general geometric term is seen below.

Given the property of the pattern being a transformation of the previous iteration, a recursive

sequence can be used as well.


Number of Sides using geometric sequence

Using the sequence, the number of sides for any iteration can be solved. For example, solving for

the amount of sides for the fourth iteration. The first term U1 = 3, ratio = 4, n-1 = 4-1 = 3

The geometric equation is equal to the 4th value in the sequence,

192 = 192, making the equation valid. After getting the equation, to find the number of sides for the first

five iterations is to simply plug in the term number into the equation. (Note: Although the recursive

sequence is functional, it will be harder to generalize when combining with the length of each side)


After finding the number of sides, the only thing needed to solve for perimeter left is the length of

each side. From observation, the length of the side is always equal because the triangle is equilateral. Yet,

the length of the sides change per iteration as well. From the description, each side is split into three equal

parts after each iteration, thereby making the length of a side one-third the length of the side of the

previous iteration. Similar to the previous derivation, this pattern follows a geometric series as well. The

length of a side follows a common ratio of one-third the previous length. Since U1 = 1 unit, there is no

need to express it in the equation. As such, the equation follows:


Length of a side using geometric sequence

Calculating for the length of a side for the 4th iteration.

Similar to solving for the number of sides, to get the length of the side for an iteration, simply substitute

the term number into the equation. The length of a side in the 4th iteration is 1/27.


The perimeter of the snowflake can be derived by multiplying the number of sides by the length of a side.

In this case, that would be the same as multiplying both geometric equations together.

The expression can then be further simplified. Both 4^n-1 and ⅓^n-1 have the same exponent and

therefore can be expressed together.

Since 4 and 3 both have similar exponents, the exponents can be factored out and expressed

outside a parenthesis. Given the law of exponents, like exponents can be factored out, resulting in a

simplified equation below. Again, this is the geometric sequence for the perimeter of an iteration of Von

Koch’s Snowflake Triangle, assuming that the length of one side is equal to one unit.

Knowing the properties of geometric sequences, the perimeter of the Von Koch’s Snowflake can

be said to be infinite. Geometric sequences with | ratios | > 1 are described as infinite, therefore the

perimeter is technically infinitely increasing.

Number and Length of Sides & Perimeter per Iteration Number

Iteration (number) # of sides length of sides Perimeter

1 3 1 3

2 12 1/3 4

3 48 1/9 16/3 or 5.33

4 192 1/27 64 / 9 or 7.11

5 768 1/81 256 / 27 or 9.48

Figure 3

As seen in the figure above, the patterns present in Von Koch’s Snowflake are evident. The

number of sides is multiplied by 4 in every next iteration, length of side is divided by 3 for every next

iteration, and perimeter strictly increases by being multiplied by 4/3 for every next iteration. It is also

clear that the difference between the iteration’s perimeters increases as well, as 4/3 multiplied to a larger

number will yield larger values. Based on the values calculated, the pattern should continue for all
following iterations and should not be expected to change. Theoretically, the pattern is infinitely

geometric, thereby making the perimeter infinitely increasing as well. As such, iterations after the fifth

should not differ in terms of the pattern and the equation used to calculate for perimeter.


Although seemingly different, the square variation of the Van Koch’s Snowflake is actually

extremely similar to the original triangle one. The difference is mostly in the starting amount of sides, and

the consequent ratio increase in amount of sides. Here, instead of an equilateral square, the starting figure

is an equilateral square.

By counting the sides, the pattern goes 4, 20, 100, … Like the previous pattern, the square has a

common ratio for an increasing amount of sides. In this case, it is five instead of four. For every next

iteration, the number of sides increases by five times the previous amount of sides. The derivation of the

geometric equation is similar to the previous one, this time replacing U1 with 4 and the ratio with 5;


Calculation for the amount of sides for the fourth iteration

Yet, the length of each side remains the same as the previous curve. Each side starts at 1 unit, and each

additional square is a third of the original length - the same as the triangle. Therefore, they have the same

sequence for the length of sides. (Sample calculations same as before)


Finding the perimeter follows the exact steps as the previous ones, amount of sides x length of sides

Again, the terms with like exponents can be grouped together.

Then, the exponent can be factored out, leading to the simplified equation.

Given the geometric sequences, the patterns for all iterations can be found.

Iteration (number) # of sides length of sides Perimeter

1 4 1 4

2 20 1/3 20/3 or 6.66

3 100 1/9 100/9 or 11.11

4 500 1/27 500/27 or 18.52

5 2500 1/81 2500/81 or 30.87

In essence, the patterns in the square curve follow the same patterns as in the previous one (just

with different values). This time, the number of sides is multiplied by 5 in succeeding iterations, length of

sides divided by 3 like previously, and perimeter multiplied by 5/3 in succeeding iterations. Likewise, it is

also an infinite geometric sequence and any iterations after the 5th should follow the same pattern.


After determining the pattern and generalizing a formula for the perimeter, it is necessary to relate

such to the real world. Van Koch’s Snowflake / Curve seems very theoretical and unrelatable, but there

are some surprising uses. Mathematics is not only limited to the theoretical / imagined world; there is

significance in applying these patterns in order to understand and describe the things present in the world.

One relatable real life situation / concept is the ​Coastline Paradox​. This is an observation that a coastline

does not have an exact measurement and is dependent on the measuring tool. A measuring stick that has

smaller increments will ultimately increase the length of the perimeter. This is highly relatable to the

concept of fractals and Van Koch’s Snowflake. In essence, the paradox follows the pattern in the sense

that a higher iteration, which indicates smaller sides (or smaller measurements), will lead to a higher

perimeter than a larger side. Knowing the infinite nature of fractals, the coastline observation was labelled

a “paradox”, knowing that the measurements will infinitely increase.


Overall, the investigation was able to meet the aims and goals set. The aims generally included a

complete understanding of the curve and possible applications. I was able to observe and define the

pattern in Van Koch’s Snowflake and make specific equations. My previous knowledge on (geometric)

patterns allowed me to appreciate the complexity and value of the investigation. By the end, I had

working formulas that allowed me to calculate the perimeter for any iteration of the snowflake. The two

equations that I derived satisfied the goal of understanding the fractals / curve. Yet, I believe that the

investigation is significant given the fact that such patterns were able to be related to the world around

me. Surely, mathematics does not always describe something quantifiable or tangible. Yet, there are many

instances wherein mathematics has led to deeper understanding. Through the application of Von Koch’s

curve and fractals, I was able to further understand the complexity of something as simple as

measurement. Although Van Koch’s curve is arguably invented / imaginary, it clearly still holds some

realistic value. I acknowledge that the fractals are not easily observable in an everyday context, but that

doesn’t discount the fact that it does explain some phenomena. Mathematics as a study of patterns is

debatably a process of describing the world for some, which brings about new insights. Patterns as a

whole act as a mean for people to observe the world and further understand it. In regards to whether

fractals are invented or discovered, I feel like it is a mix of both. A theoretical idea may be presented and

considered, which then would be invented. Yet, if such idea is able to describe something, then it is also

possibly discovered. Like said earlier, the coastline paradox is easily described / explained through the use

of fractals.

Buchanan, M. (February 2014) Pattern Power. Retrieved on September 24, 2019 from

DataGenetics (n.d.) Koch Snowflake. Retrieved on September 25, 2019 from

Giamo, C. (October 7, 2016) Why It’s Impossible to Know a Coastline’s True Length. Retrieved on

September 25, 2019 from


September 25, 2019 from ​

Weisstein, Eric W. (n.d.) Coastline Paradox. Retrieved on September 25, 2019 from

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