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Outcomes-Based Syllabus in Science, Technology and Society
Page: Second Semester

Batangas Eastern Colleges, for the love of learning, strongly adheres to the belief that an education with solid basic foundation, centered on God for
family and community, is the key to individual success and global acceptance.

By purposefully aiming to be a premier institution of learning, Batangas Eastern Colleges becomes a blessing and an instrument in prospering the
lives of its stakeholders as they advance into committed servant leaders for the town of San Juan and the global community.

Batangas Eastern Colleges is greatly responsible in guiding and mentoring individuals by instilling life in education with compassionate heart and
devotion for excellence and service.

BEC Values
Servant leadership (Core Value)
Institutional Outcome
After successful completion of all academic requirements of the program, graduates of the Batangas Eastern Colleges (BEC) both of Bachelor of
Elementary Education and Bachelor of Secondary Education have the ability to practice the teaching profession and apply all the learnings anchored with
the institutions core value of Servant Leadership and philosophy which is “for the love of learning” so BEC will become a blessing and serve as an
instrument in prospering the lives of every individual both in local and global community.

Program Outcome…
Graduates of BSBA and BSA programs have the ability to:
a. Articulate and discuss the latest development in the field of business correspondences;
b. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
c. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
d. Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility; and
e. Preserve and promote Filipino historical and cultural heritage when it comes to business applicable in writing and oral communication

Course Name
Course Code
Course Credits
3 units
Course Description
The course deals with interactions between science and technology and social, cultural, political, and economic contexts that shape and
are shaped by them. (CMO No. 20, series of 2013)

This interdisciplinary course engages students to confront the realities brought about by science and technology in society. Such
realities pervade the personal, the public, and the global aspects of our living and are integral to human development. Scientific
knowledge and technological development happen in the context of society with all its socio-political, cultural, economic, and
philosophical underpinnings at play. This course seeks to instill reflective knowledge in the students that they are able to live the good
life and display ethical decision making in the face of scientific and technological advancement.

This course includes mandatory topics on climate change and environmental awareness.

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No. of Hours
54 hours


1. Articulate the impacts of science and technology on society, specifically Philippine society
2. Explainhowscienceandtechnologyaffectsocietyandtheenvironmentanditsroleinnation-building
3. Analyze the human condition in order to deeply reflect and express philosophical ramifications that are meaningful to the
student as a part of society
4. Defineanddemonstratetheimpactofsocialmediaonthestudents’lifeandPhilippinesocietyingeneral
Course Outcomes 1. ImbibetheimportanceofscienceandtechnologyinthepreservationoftheenvironmentandthedevelopmentoftheFilipino nation
2. Critiquehumanflourishingvis-à-vistheprogressofscienceandtechnologysuchthatthestudentmaybeabletodefinefor
himself/herself the meaning of the good life
3. Foster the value of a healthy lifestyle toward the holistic and sustainable development of society and the environment
1. Creativelypresenttheimportanceandcontributionsofscienceandtechnologytosociety
2. Examine shared concerns that make up the good life in order to come up with innovative and creative solutions to
contemporary issues guided by ethical standards
3. Illustrate how the social media and information age impact their lives and their understanding of climate change

Page 3 of 27

Course Content
Week 1-3 A. Historical antecedents in which social considerations changed the course of science and technology
Week 4 B. Intellectual revolutions that defined society
Week 5-6 C. Science and technology and nation building
Week 7-8 D. The Human Person flourishing in terms of science and technology
Week 9 E. The Good Life
Week 10 F. When technology and humanity cross
Week 11-12 G. Why the future does not need us
Week 13 H. The Information Age
Week 14-15 I. Biodiversity and healthy society
Week 16 J. The nano world
Week 17-18 K. Gene therapy, Culminating Activity
6 hours Allotted for the Prelim, Midterm, Semi-Finals and the Final Exams


Books, Journals and Articles

Anderson, Philip W. “More is Different—One More Time,” in More is Different: Fifty Years of Condensed Matter Physics, ed. N. Phuan Ong and
Ravin N. Bhatt, Princeton University Press, 2001. 

Balakrishnan, Janaki and B V Sreekantan, eds. Nature’s Longest Threads: New Frontiers in the Mathematics and Physics of Information in
Biology, World Scientific, 2014.
Caoli, Olivia. “A History of Science and Technology of the Philippines,” in Analysis of Conditions for National Scientific and Technological Self-
Reliance: The Philippine Situation, Quezon City: University of the Philippines, 1986.
Dayrit, Fabian. “Sustainable Development: An Evolving Paradigm for the 21 Century,” in Stellar Origins, Human Ways: Readings in Science,
Technology, and Society, ed. Ma. Assunta Cuyegkeng, Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2011. 

Page 4 of 27
Ecker, David J. Germ Catcher, Scientific American, 2014. 

Floridi, Luciano. The Fourth Revolution: How the Infosphere is Reshaping Human Reality, Oxford University Press, 2014. 

Feynman, Richard. “The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: What Is and What should be the role of scientific culture in modern 
 society” in The
Best Short Works of Richard Feynman, pp. 97–115, Perseus Books,1999. 

Gripaldo, Rolando. “The Concepts of the Public Good: A View from the Filipino Philosopher” in The Making of a Filipino 
 Philosopher and
Other Essays, pp. 82-100, National Bookstore, 2009. 

Heidegger, Martin. The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays, HarperCollins, 1982. 

Hickel, Jason. “Forget ‘developing’ poor countries, it’s time to ‘de-develop’ rich countries,” The Guardian. 

Lehrer, Jonah. How We Decide, Mariner Books, 2010. 

Maboloc, Christopher Ryan. “Eudaimonia and Human Flourishing” in Ethics and Human Dignity, 15-23, Rex Bookstore, 2010. 

McNamara, Daniel J. in “A Return to the Beginning,” in Stellar Origins, Human Ways: Readings in Science, Technology, and 
 Society, ed. Ma.
Assunta Cuyegkeng, Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2011. 

Rodriguez, Socorro M. “Philippine Science and Technology: Economic, Political and Social Events Shaping Their Development,” 

Von Baeyer, Hans Christian, Information: The New Language of Science, Harvard University Press, 2005.
Website, Videos and Film Clips
Dayrit, Fabian M. Ppt: Can we build a culture of science through nanotechnology? (2013) 

Film: Akiro Kurosawa’s Dreams “Village of the Watermills” -all-of-us-scientific-revolution 

http://hti.osu.ed/scientific revolution/lesson plans 
 countries-sdgs, stm, The ethical dilemmas of robotics 

Page 5 of 27
http://www/ google making us stupid/306868/, Is Google Making Us Stupid? 2008. 
 Nicholas Carr, Why The Future Doesn’t Need Us (2000) – Bill Joy, Chief Scientist and 
Executive Officer of Sun Microsystems 

Movie: “A I” Isaac Asimov, “I Robot 

Movie Clip (youtube): The Magician’s Twin: CS Lewis and the case against Scientism 

Martin Heidegger, The Question Concerning Technology 

UNEP, That Sugar Film (2015) (documentary) Ppt: towards a green economy: pathways to sustainable development and poverty 

Video: Stephen Colbert’s interview with Neil Tyson 

Youtube: World’s Greatest Inventions (3 minutes) 

Youtube: Science Friction: Stem Cell Research 

TED Talk: Juan Enriquez on “The Next Specieis of Human” 

TEDTalk: Julian Assange on “Why the World Needs Wikileaks” 

TED Talk: Ray Kurzwell on “How Technology Will Transform Us” 

TEDTalk: Susan Lim on “Transplant Cells Not Organs” 

Grading System : Written Output/s (WO) - 20%

Performance Test (PT) - 30%
Major Exam (ME) - 40%
Attendance/Behavior - 10%

Total - 100%

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Classroom Policy : As agreed upon by the students and teachers guided by The Student Manual, each student is required to:
1. attend the class regularly and punctually.
2. actively participate in the class and other related activities.
3. submit the course requirements efficiently.
4. conduct community and school environmental project

Alignment of Course Outcomes with Summative Assessment Tasks

Course Objectives Summative Assessment Task Details

1. Discuss the interactions between S&T and  Classroom interaction about the The learners will be asked to give their opinion on
society throughout history. interactions between Science, Technology how science, technology and the society affects
and our Society. one another. They will also be asked to give
example situations that shows these interactions.

2. Discuss how scientific and technological  Infographics about scientific and The learners will make an infographic that depicts
developments affect society and the technological developments in the Ancient, the developments in science and technology in our
environment. Middle Age and Modern Ages. history and how these developments changed our
society. Their infographics will be displayed in the
classroom so everyone can see these

Page 7 of 27
3. Identify the paradigm shifts in history.  Group presentation about the Intellectual
revolutions that defined society. The learners will be grouped and will be tasked to
4. Articulate ways by which society is report the following intellectual or scientific
transformed by science and technology. revolution: a. Copernican; b. Darwinian; c.
Freudian; d. Information; e. Meso-American; f.
Asian; g. Middle East; and h. African.
5. Discuss the role of Science and Technology  Group presentation about the status of
in Philippine nation building. science and technology in different sectors In this activity the learners will prepare a
of the Philippine society and its role to presentation about the status of science and
6. Evaluate government policies pertaining to nation building through Round robin. technology in different sectors of the Philippine
science and technology in terms of their society and its role to nation building then will
contributions to nation building. form a new group consisting of members from
 Written assessment about major each master group then they will report their
7. Identify actual science and technology development programs and personalities in presentation to this group.
policies of the government and appraise their S&T in the Philippines
impact on the development of the Filipino
nation. The learner’s evaluate their knowledge and
 Preliminary Examination understanding on the major development
programs and personalities in Science and
 Write an article review Technology in the Philippines
8. Analyze the human condition in order to
deeply reflect and express philosophical
ramifications that are meaningful to the
student as a part of society. The learner’s will critique the following articles
The Question Concerning Technology by Martin
Heidegger and A Return to the Beginning by
 Group Presentation on how technology Daniel J. McNamara, SJ, in Stellar Origins,
9. Critique human flourishing vis-à- vis the reveals nature and the human person’s role Human Ways (2011) to deeply reflect and express
progress of science and technology so that the in it philosophical ramifications that are meaningful to
student can define for himself/herself the the student as a part of society.
meaning of the good life. The learner’s will present their analysis on the
movies or video clips assigned to their groups that
 Case Study: Production and Consumption
10. Examine shared concerns that make up the reveals nature and the human person’s role in it.
of sugars

Page 8 of 27
good life in order to come up with innovative,
creative solutions to contemporary issues
guided by ethical standards. In groups the learner’s will make a case study
about the history and process of the production
and consumption of sugars in the Philippines and
 Write a movie review the world.
11. Examine human rights in order to uphold
such rights in technological ethical dilemmas.
 Group Presentation on local government
12. Find and examine local government policies that protect the well- being of the In this tasks, the learners will make a review of
policies that protect the well- being of the person in the face of new technologies. the movie “A I” a 2001 American science fiction
person in the face of new technologies. drama film directed by Steven Spielberg.
In groups, each will make a research a local policy
 Midterm Examination of the government related to the following: a.
social media; b. online banking; c. property rights;
d. electronic products; and e. privacy and security
13. Link learned concepts to the development  Written Assessment on the information age
of the information age and its impact on (Gutenberg to Social media); Biodiversity
society and the Healthy Society; and Genetically
Modified Organisms: Science, Health, and
14. Illustrate how the social media and the Politics The learner’s evaluate their knowledge and
information age have impacted our lives. understanding on information age (Gutenberg to
Social media); Biodiversity and the Healthy
15. Determine the interrelatedness of society, Society; and Genetically Modified Organisms:
environment, and health. Science, Health, and Politics

16. Discuss the ethics and implications of

GMOs and potential future impacts.  Classroom interaction about Nanoethics:
The ethical and Social Implications of
17. Discuss the major impacts (both potential
and realized} of nanotechnology on society The learners will be asked to give their opinion on
the impacts of nanotechnology to society,

Page 9 of 27
18. Analyze the issue through the conceptual  Write an article review environmemt and health.
STS lenses

19. Critique the issue on its costs and benefits

to society. The learner’s will critique the article “Nanoethics:
The ethical and Social Implications of
Nanotechnology” (Patrick Lin and Fritz Allhoff,
Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
 Article: “Environmental Impacts of
Nanotechnology and Its Products” (Zhang et. Al
Proceedings of the 2011 Midwest Section
Conference of the American Society for
 Group Presentation about the application
20. Describe gene therapy and its various of gene therapy and its implications. Engineering Education, 2011) 


21. Assess the issue’s potential benefits and In groups the learner’s will report their research
detriments to global health  Written Assessment about the causes and on the application of gene therapy such as stem
impacts of climate change cells and transplant cells and its implication to
health, biodiversity and the society.
22. Identify the causes of climate change  Group Presentation about the various
impacts of climate change including The learner’s evaluate their knowledge and
economic, geopolitical, biological, understanding on Climate Change and the Energy
23. Assess the various impacts of climate meteorological, etc. Crisis. 

change including economic, geopolitical,
In groups the learner’s will report their research
biological, meteorological, etc.
on Alternative Energy Resources (e.g. O-tech
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion).
 Final Project: Making a Stand:
24. Apply STS concepts to the issue of climate #SaveMotherEarth
A Social Media Movement or challenge where
students will take pictures of the ways we can help
25. Research, present, and make a stand on
decrease the effect of climate change and post it
S&T issues that currently affect Philippine  Final Examination on their social media account together with a short

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Society message about climate change awareness.


Curriculum Instructional
Learning Outcomes Topic/Content BEC Values Tasks/Output Reference
Delivery Materials

 Discuss the 1.Historical Lecture and Philosophy of

interactions antecedents in Respect Discussion: Reflection Paper Science
between S&T which social The learner’s Computer/Laptop Accuracy (Encyclopedia)
and society considerations Humility will read the articles (Grasp of readings) Scientific Progress,
throughout changed the course provided by the Television – 30% Scientific
history; of science and Commitment teacher which are Argument (Depth of Revolutions 

 Discuss how technology about the interaction Power Point Analysis) – 30%
Floridi, Luciano.
scientific and a. In the Obedience of science, Presentation Clarity – 20%
2014. The Fourth
technological World: technology and the Presentation – 20%
Revolution, Oxford
developments Ancient, Servant Leadership society. It will be Copy of Articles
affect society Middle and discussed in class University Press 

Page 11 of 27
and the Modern and learners will be Caoli. History of
environment; and Ages 
 asked to give their Graded Recitation Science and
 Identify the opinion on how Technology of the
b. In the
paradigm shifts science, technology (20 points) Philippines. 

in history and the society

 Video: Stephen
affects one another.
Colbert’s interview
They will also be
with Neil Tyson
asked to give Rubric for Youtube: World’s
example situations Infographics Greatest Inventions
that shows these Content – 50%
interactions. Focus – 20% (3 minutes) 

Visual Appeal – Philippine Great
Infographic 20% Inventions 

The learners will Mechanics – 10%
Paul Anderson
make an infographic
article: “More is
that depicts the
developments in Different” 
science and 

technology in our
history and how
these developments
changed our 

society. Their
infographics will be m/what-is-a-
displayed in the paradigm 

classroom so
everyone can see
these developments.
nd-the-story-of -all-

Kuhn , Structure of

Page 12 of 27

2. Intellectual Lecture and Reflection Paper

 Articulate ways revolutions that Respect Discussion: Accuracy
by which society defined society The learners will (Grasp of readings) http://www.flowofh
is transformed by a. Copernican Humility read the articles Computer/Laptop – 30%
science and b. Darwinian provided by the Argument (Depth of 

technology. c. Freudian Obedience teacher about Television Analysis) – 30%
d. Information 
 intellectual Clarity – 20%
Commitment revolutions that Power Point Presentation – 20%
e. Meso-American enlightenment 

shaped history and Presentation

 Servant Leadership the society. The http://hti.osu.ed/scie
f. Asian teacher will discuss Graded Recitation ntific
g. Middle East the importance of revolution/lessonpla
h. African these scientific (20 points) ns 

presentation on the
Group Presentation
Presentation Content – 30%
The learners will be Creativity – 20% 
 scholars and great
grouped and will be Presentation – 30% works. 

tasked to report the Learning Impact –
following 20%
intellectual or
a. Copernican;
b. Darwinian;
c. Freudian;
d. Information;
e. Meso-American;

Page 13 of 27
f. Asian;
g. Middle East; and
h. African.

 Discuss the role 3. Science and Lecture and Reflection Paper

of Science and Technology and Respect Discussion: Accuracy Government
Technology in Nation Building The learners will Computer/Laptop (Grasp of readings) Documents: 1.
Philippine a. The Philippine Humility learn about the – 30% NEDA. National
nation building; Government S&T status of science Television Argument (Depth of Development
Agenda Obedience and technology in Analysis) – 30% Agenda; Regional
 Evaluate b. Major different sectors of Power Point Clarity – 20% Agenda
government development Commitment the Philippine Presentation Presentation – 20% Filipino Great Men
policies programs and society and its role and Women
pertaining to personalities in Servant Leadership to nation building Great Filipino
science and S&T in the through Round Graded Recitation Inventions
technology in Philippines robin.
terms of their c. Science (20 points)
contributions to Education in the
nation building; Philippines Group
and d. Selected Presentation
 Identify actual indigenous Group Content – 30%
science and science and Presentation Creativity – 20%
technology technologies In this activity the Presentation – 30%
policies of the learners will prepare Learning Impact –
government and a presentation about 20%
appraise their the status of science
impact on the and technology in Written
development of different sectors of assessment about
the Filipino the Philippine major development
nation society and its role programs and

 to nation building personalities in
then will form a S&T in the
new group Philippines

Page 14 of 27
consisting of
members from each
master group then
they will report
their presentation to
this group.

 Analyze the 4. The Human Love Lecture and Article Review

human Person flourishing Discussion: Accuracy The Question
condition in in terms of science Respect The learners will Computer/Laptop (Grasp of readings) Concerning
order to deeply and technology read the articles – 30% Technology by
reflect and Honesty provided by the Television Argument (Depth of Martin Heidegger
express teacher. The teacher Analysis) – 30%
philosophical 5. Technology as a Obedience will discuss how the Power Point Clarity – 20% A Return to the
ramifications Way of Revealing nature of science Presentation Presentation – 20% Beginning by
that are Commitment and technology Daniel J.
meaningful to changes our society McNamara, SJ, in
the student as a Servant Leadership and issues that are Graded Recitation Stellar Origins,
part of society. brought by these Human Ways
changes. (20 points) (2011)

Article Review
The learner’s will
critique the
following articles
The Question
Technology by
Martin Heidegger
and A Return to the
Beginning by
Daniel J.

Page 15 of 27
McNamara, SJ, in
Stellar Origins,
Human Ways
(2011) to deeply
reflect and express
ramifications that
are meaningful to
the student as a part
of society.

 Critique human 6. Human Love Lecture and Reflection paper

flourishing vis- Flourishing Discussion: Accuracy MovieClip(YouTub
à-vis the Respect The learners will Computer/Laptop (Grasp of readings) e):TheMagician’sT
progress of read the articles – 30% win: CS Lewis and
science and Honesty provided by the Television Argument (Depth of the case against
technology so teacher. The teacher Analysis) – 30% Scientism 

that the student Obedience will discuss how Power Point Clarity – 20%
Film: Akiro
can define technology reveals Presentation Presentation – 20%
Kurosawa’s Dreams
himself/herself Commitment nature and the
“Village of the
the meaning of human person’s role
the good life. Servant Leadership in it Graded Recitation Watermills” 

Forget ‘developing’
Group (20 points) rich countries, it’s
Presentation time to ‘de-develop’
The learner’s will Group rich countries. By
present their Presentation Jason Hickel
analysis on the Content – 30% http://www.theguar
movies or video Creativity – 20%
clips assigned to Presentation – 30% development-
their groups that Learning Impact – professionals-
reveals nature and 20% network/2015/sep/2

Page 16 of 27
the human person’s 3/developing-poor-
role in it. countries-de-
Development: An
Evolving Paradigm
for the 21st Century
by Fabian Dayrit in
Stellar Origins,
Human Ways

 Examine shared 7. The Good Life Love Lecture and Movie Review
concerns that Discussion: Accuracy MovieClip(YouTub
make up the Respect The learners will Computer/Laptop (Grasp of readings) e):TheMagician’sT
good life in read the articles – 30% win: CS Lewis and
order to come Humility provided by the Television Argument (Depth of the case against
up with teacher. The teacher Analysis) – 30% Scientism 

innovative, Honesty will discuss how Power Point Clarity – 20%
Film: Akiro
creative technology reveals Presentation Presentation – 20%
Kurosawa’s Dreams
solutions to Obedience nature and the
“Village of the
contemporary human person’s role
issues guided by Commitment in it Graded Recitation Watermills” 

ethical Forget ‘developing’
standards. Servant Leadership Case Study (20 points) rich countries, it’s
In groups the time to ‘de-develop’
learner’s will make Case Study rich countries. By
a case study about Content – 30% Jason Hickel
the history and Creativity – 20% http://www.theguar
process of the Presentation – 30%
production and Learning Impact – development-

Page 17 of 27
consumption of 20% professionals-
sugars in the network/2015/sep/2
Philippines and the 3/developing-poor-
world. countries-de-
Development: An
Evolving Paradigm
for the 21st Century
by Fabian Dayrit in
Stellar Origins,
Human Ways

 Examine human 8. When Love Lecture and Article Review The ethical
rights in order to Technology and Discussion: Accuracy dilemmas of
uphold such Humanity Cross Respect The learners will Computer/Laptop (Grasp of readings) robotics
rights in read the articles – 30%
technological Humility provided by the Television Argument (Depth of k/2/hi/technology/6
ethical teacher. The teacher Analysis) – 30% 4323 07, stm 

dilemmas. Honesty will discuss how Power Point Clarity – 20%
human rights and Presentation Presentation – 20%
Is Google Making
Obedience some ethical
Us Stupid? 2008.
Nicholas Carr
Commitment concerning the Graded Recitation
advancement of
Servant Leadership science and (20 points)
chive /2008/07/Is
google making us
Article Review stupid/306868/? 

The learner’s will

Page 18 of 27
critique the
following articles
the ethical
dilemmas of
robotics and Is
Google Making Us
Stupid? 2008
Nicholas Carr..

 Evaluate 9. Why does the Love Lecture and Movie review

contemporary future not need us? Discussion: Accuracy Why The Future
human Respect The learners will Computer/Laptop (Grasp of readings) Doesn’t Need Us
experience in read the articles – 30% (2000) – Bill Joy,
order to Humility provided by the Television Argument (Depth of Chief Scientist and
strengthen and teacher. The teacher Analysis) – 30% Corporate
enlighten the Honesty will discuss on local Power Point Clarity – 20% Executive Officer of
human person government policies Presentation Presentation – 20% Sun Microsystems
functioning in Obedience that protect the
society. well- being of the
Commitment person in the face of Graded Recitation no/documents 

new technologies.
Movie: “A
Servant Leadership (20 points)
Group I”
 Isaac Asimov,
Presentation Group “I Robot” 

In groups, each will Presentation
make a research a Content – 30%
local policy of the Creativity – 20%
government related Presentation – 30%
to the following: a. Learning Impact –
social media; b. 20%
online banking; c.
property rights; d.
electronic products;

Page 19 of 27
and e. privacy and

Movie Review
In this tasks, the
learners will make a
review of the movie
“A I” a 2001
American science
fiction drama film
directed by Steven

 Linked learned 10. The Information Love Lecture and Activity Report Book:“AlanTuring:
concepts to the Age (Gutenberg to Discussion: Content – 30% TheEnigma”(Andre
development of Social Media) Respect The learners will Computer/Laptop Creativity – 20% w Hodges and
the information read the articles Presentation – 30% Douglas Hofstadter)
age and its Humility provided by the Television Learning Impact – 

impact on teacher. The teacher 20%
society; and Honesty will discuss how Power Point
 Illustrate hpw human rights and Presentation Graded Recitation
rld Needs
the social media Obedience some ethical
Wikileaks” Nature’s
and the dilemmas (20 points)
Longest Threads by
information age Commitment concerning the
have impacted advancement of Written Assessment
our lives Servant Leadership science and on Information Age 
 Balakrishnan and
technology. B V Sreekantan
Activity Report ahLehrer 

1. A day without
2. Timing your

Page 20 of 27
 (Hans Christian
3. Technology and
the Past von Baeyer) 


Political and Social
Events Shaping
Their Development
(Socorro M.
Rodriguez, 1996) 

Germ Catcher
(David J. Ecker,
American, 2014) 

Physics of the
Future: How
science will shape
human destiny and
our daily lives by
the year 2100
(Michio Kaku,
Doubleday, 2011)

 Determine the 11. Biodiversity and Love Lecture and Life and
interrelatedness The Health Society Discussion: Graded Recitation Biodiversity
of society, Respect The learners will Computer/Laptop -Debate ppt.
 Evolution and
environment 12. Genetically read the articles

Page 21 of 27
and health; and Modified Humility provided by the Television (50 points) Ecoscience-
 Discuss the Organisms; Science, teacher. The teacher Biodiversity: an
ethics and Health and Politics Honesty will discuss how Power Point Written Assessment overview
implications of science and Presentation on Genetically
GMOs and Obedience technology has a Modified Article:“Thepolitics
potential future big impact on the Organisms ofgoldenRice”
impacts. Commitment health society. (Dubock, Adrian
GM Crops & Food.
Servant Leadership Debate Jul- Sep2014, Vol5
The class will be Issue 3 p 210-222
divided into two 13p.) 

groups and each
member of the
Article: “Ethics in
group will make a
Research with
statement that will
support the stand of
Populations and
their house as pros
and cons.
Countries: The
Golden Rice Case.”
(Duguet, Anne
Marie et. al.,
Journal of
International Law
and Commercial
Summer 2013, Vol.
38 Issue 4, p979-
1013, 35p) Agro-
ecology: What it is
and what it has to
offer? Is this the
future of farming?

Page 22 of 27

 Discuss the 13. The Nano Love Lecture and Article Review TEDTalk: Ray
major impacts World Discussion: Accuracy
Respect The learners will Computer/Laptop (Grasp of readings) Kurzwell on “How
(both potential
and realized) of read the articles – 30% Technology Will
nanotechnology; Humility provided by the Television Argument (Depth of Transform Us” 

 Analyze the teacher. The Analysis) – 30%
issue through Honesty learners will be Power Point Clarity – 20% Article:
the conceptual asked to give their Presentation Presentation – 20%
“Nanoethics: The
STS lenses; and Obedience opinion on the
 Critique the impacts of Graded Recitation ethical and Social
issue on its cost Commitment nanotechnology to Implications of
and benefits to society, (20 points) Nanotechnology”
society. Servant Leadership environmemt and
health. Written Assessment (Patrick Lin and
on nanotechnology Fritz Allhoff,
Article Review Hoboken, New
The leaners will
write a critique Jersey: John Wiley
paper or a review of and Sons, Inc.
the article 2007) 
Impacts of
and Its Products”
(Zhang et. Al
Proceedings of the
2011 Midwest

Page 23 of 27
Section Conference
of the American
Society for
Education, 2011) 

Ppt: Can we build a

culture of science
By Fabian M.
Dayrit (2013) 

 Describe gene 14. Gene therapy Love Lecture and Youtube:Science

therapy and its (stem cells) Discussion: Graded Recitation
Respect The learners will Computer/Laptop Friction:Ste
various forms;
and read the articles (20 points) mCell
 Assess the Humility provided by the Television Research 

issue’s potential teacher. The Written Assessment
and benefits to Honesty teacher will discuss Power Point on gene therapy
about the Presentation TEDTalk:SusanL
detriments to
global health. Obedience application of gene Group imon“Trans
therapy and its Presentation plantCells
Commitment implications. Content – 30%
Not Organs”
Creativity – 20%
Servant Leadership Group Presentation – 30% 

In groups the Learning Impact – TEDTalk:JuanEn
learner’s will report

Page 24 of 27
their research on the 20% riquezon“the
application of gene
therapy such as Next
stem cells and Species of
transplant cells and Human” 

its implication to
health, biodiversity
and the society.

 Identify the 15. Climate Change Love Lecture and YouTube: or Book
causes of and the Energy Discussion: Graded Recitation
Crisis Respect The learners will Computer/Laptop “An inconvenient
climate change;
 Assess the read the articles (20 points) Truth: The
various impacts 16. Environmental Humility provided by the Television Planetary
of climate Awareness teacher. The Written Assessment
Emergency of
change Honesty teacher will discuss Power Point about the causes
including 17. Alternative about climate Presentation and impacts of Global Warming
economic, Energy Resources Obedience change and its climate change and What we can
geopolitical, impacts to society.
Do About It” (Al
biological, Commitment Group
meteorological, Group Presentation Gore) 

etc; and Servant Leadership Presentation Content – 30%
 Apply STS In groups the Creativity – 20% Book: “The Future:
concepts to the learner’s will report Presentation – 30% Six Drivers of
issue of climate their research on
Alternative Energy Learning Impact – Global Change” (Al
Resources (e.g. O- 20% Gore)
tech Ocean Thermal
Energy Report: “ Changing
the Atmosphere:
Anthropology and

Page 25 of 27
Climate Change”

by Loren Legarda

Article: “ The
Tragedy of the
Commons” by
Garrett Hardin 

thunderstorms that
strike at night”

r, Donovan,
02747529. Jun2008,
Vol. 29, Issue 6) 

 Research, Culminating Love Final Project:

Page 26 of 27
present, and Activity and Final Making a Stand: Final Exam
make a stand Exam Respect #SaveMotherEarth
on S&T issues
Content and
that currently Humility A Social Media
affect Movement or Relevance 30%
Philippine Honesty challenge where
Society students will take
Obedience pictures of the ways
we can help
Commitment decrease the effect
of climate change
Servant Leadership and post it on their
social media
account together
with a short
message about
climate change

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by: Approved by:

Instructor Assistant Dean, College of Business Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date Signed: ____________ Date Signed: _________ Date Signed: ________

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