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This lesson is specific to going to the mall and buying some clothes. Rather,
I realize the many people who live in Korea (or tourists coming to Korea)
will need to face the challenge of buying something from somebody.
Regardless of the country you are in, trying to communicate exactly what
you want when purchasing something in a foreign country is always

Below is a list of vocabulary you may find useful when purchasing

something in Korea.


가게 = store
시장 = market
백화점 = department store
전통시장 = traditional market
슈퍼 = supermarket
편의점 = convenience store
책 = book
서점 = bookstore
돈 = money
현금 = cash
신용 카드 = credit card
체크 카드 = debit card
적립카드 = point card
할인 = discount
할인카드 = discount card
값 = price
반값 = half price
가격 = price
가격표 = price tag
옷 = clothes
바지 = pants
셔츠 = shirt
신발 = shoes
양말 = socks
모자 = hat
기념품 = souvenirs
중고 = used
중고품 = a used item (second hand goods)
보증서 = warranty
고객(님) = customer
점원 = worker at a store
세금 = tax
쿠폰 = coupon
유통기한 = expiration date
영수증 = receipt
영업시간 = open hours

사다 = to buy
팔다 = to sell
되팔다 = to resell
내다 = to pay
계산하다 = to pay for
환불하다 = to refund
비교하다 = to compare
장을 보다 = to do the groceries
적립하다 = to save/accumulate (things like points)
입다 = to wear
입어보다 = to try something on
수선하다 = to hem/fix clothes
열다 = to open
닫다 = to close

비싸다 = expensive
싸다 = cheap
저렴하다 = inexpensive
크다 = big
작다 = small
많다 = a lot
가능하다 = possible

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