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Over the last several decades, advances

in environmental catalyst technologies
bave contributed significantly to reduc-
ing tailpipe emissions from combustion
DR. KLAUS HARTH engines. At present, a modern catalytic
is Vice President Environmental system is capable of converting more
Catalysis Research at the than 95 % of the carbon monoxide (CO),
BASF Corporation in Ludwigshafen
hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides
(NO~) and soot preseut in the exhaust
gas to carbon dioxide, water and nitro-
gen gas. While future environmental
reguIations will require further reduc-
tions of these harmful emissions, com-
bustion engine development is driven by
the need for higher fuel efficiency aod
less production of carbon dioxide. These
trends will demand further continuous
performance improvements of the cata-
lytic exhaust gas treatment system. In
this article, the development of catalytic
systems is explained by the example of
diesel passenger cars.


The primary function of the diesel oxida-
tion catalyst (DOC), ~, is to completely
oxidize hydrocarbons and carbon mon-
oxide in the exhaust gas to carbon diox-
ide and water. In specific applications,
the DOC is also expected to partially
convert nitrogen oxide (NO) to nitrogen
dioxide (NO~). A stable concentration of
NOx can be used to oxidize soot on a cat-
alytic soot filter (CSF) or to promote NO~

Complete oxidation of
HC, CO carbonmonoxide (CO) and
hydrocarbons (HC)
Stable NO; formation
Precious metal particles
(Pt or Pt-Pd) with
high thermal stability

only Fresh

800 °C

Diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC)


HC, CO Particulate matter (PM)

Trapped soot
Filtration of particulate matter particles~ -. Plu88ed
PM ..~:~’~’-_~ cells
Active or passive reseneration HC co,
NO, ,,~ Hz0
Complete oxidation of CO and HC o, ~ 0
Stable NO2 formation
System of DOC and CSF

conversion over the selective catalytic lnents. At that time, the volume of the can currently be found in heavy duty
reduction (SCR). DOC was comparable to the engine dis- diesel vehicles. The soot retained in pas-
The active components of a DOC coat- placement volume. Recently, filter ele- sive systems undergoes continuous oxi-
ing are small precious metal particles of ments (CSF) have been added to diesel dation by the NOa produced by the
Pt and Pd supported on high surface area vehicles to prevent soot-particles from upstream DOC. In addition, the filter
inorganic oxides (e.g. alumina). The Doe getting to the atmosphere, ~). In contrast itself may contain catalytic components.
washcoat may also contain components to flow-through substrates of conven- Common coatings comprise precious
like zeolites to better manage the conver- tional vehicle catalysts, the channels of a metals, which - in analogy to DOC -
sion of hydrocarbons during cold start. filter substrate are blocked at alternating ensure complete oxidation of CO and HC
In addition to the architecture of the ends. This forces the exhaust gas to flow as well as a stable formation of NO~.
washcoat, the size, composition and through the porous wall of the monolith. The two leading technologies for con-
matrix of the precious metal particles Soot particles are retained and accumu- trolling NO~ emissions are lean NO~ traps
play a crucial role in reliable DOC perfor- lated in the filter until a critical pressure (LNT} or selective catalytic reduction cat-
mance under real driving conditions. drop across the filter element triggers an alysts {SCR), O. Each uses a reducing
Utilizing the broad experience in cataly- active regeneration. Regeneration occurs agent for the conversion of NO~ to nitro-
sis and material science, BASF has devel- when extra fuel is combusted over the gen gas. The LNT uses partially corn-
oped a broad portfolio of high perfor- DOC and the resultant heat ignites of soot busted diesel fuel and the SCR uses
mance DOCs for different applications. in the filter. This extra fuel is injected ammonia as the reducing agent. Ammo-
These DOCs can be further tailored to either into the combustion chamber or nia is usually produced by the decompo-
specific customer applications. directly into the exhaust gas upstream of sition of urea on board the vehicle. Incor-
Early emission regulations for light the DOC. poration of these NO., abatement compo-
duty diesel vehicles could be met with a In addition to this active regeneration nents into the exhaust gas treatment
single DOC plus engine control adjust- principle, passive regeneration systems system adds significant vohune and corn-


"-Reduction of NO, by ammonia (NH~):

NO + NO.~ + 2NH~ -) 2N~ + 3H~O
Ammonia produced by on-board
hydrolysis of urea

: Metal-zeolites (e.g. Cu-chabazite)

with high activity and stability System of DOC, CSF and SCR
~) DeNO~ performance and dependence of backpressure
on filter-polosity and SCR material loading [] 220 °C [] 300 °C [] Back-lxessure


6O 150

4O 100

2O 5O

Filter porosity 57 % Filter porosity 63 % Filter porosity 63 %
Reference SCR loading SCR Ioeading + 15 % SCR loading + 30 %

plexity to the emission control system. in the aged state, SCR-active materials tional increase in NO., conversion under
For light duty diesel applications the with very high intrinsic activity are the chosen stationary conditions.
SCR catalyst consists of a Cu or Fe con- required. At the same time it is desirable The filtration efficiency was also eval-
taining zeolite. Typical zeolites are Fe- to accommodate the highest possible uated. Because of the close-coupled
beta and Cu-chabazite. Cu-chabazite amount of these active compositions in design of the system, there was no sig-
exhibits an excellent low temperature the pores of the filter substrate. However, nificant adverse effect observed with the
activity, a broad temperature window of here limits are set by the maximum pres- SCRoF. Even with the higher porosity of
activity and superior high temperature sure loss, a filter component may have. the filter, the soot-mass regulation (4.5
stability. In addition, an a]nmonia oxida- On the other hand, filters with low mg/km in the Euro cycle) and the limit
tion catalyst may be used downstream of porosity are preferred for the safe control for the soot particle nnmber (6*10n/kin
the SCR to prevent ammonia slip. Systems of all particulate matter emissions and in the Euro cycle) could be met.
of this type are already in use for heavy the compliance of small so-called soot An important method for evaluation of
duty applications. They require sophisti- mass limits. catalyst systems remains the transient
cated control of timing of CSF regenera- Therefore SCRoF applications require evaluation on the vehicle. Several tran-
tion cycles and an active urea dosing filter substrates with tailor-made porosi- sient cycles were studied for SCRoF. The
strategy. For light duty applications, sys- ties which overcome this confiict. In performance in the European Driving
tems with smaller volume requirements addition to the filter porosity, the cata- Cycle (NEDC), the U.S. light duty cycle
and less complexity are highly desired. lytic material and the coating process are (FTP72 and US06), and other cycles (e.g.
of critical importance. For use as an inte- WLTP) was evaluated. It turns out that
grated system, such as a close coupled the exact system design is an important
position, the dosage and the thernaolysis element for performance optimization. It
The increasing complexity of catalytic of urea and the regeneration concept is important that a high-performance
systems for vehicles with diesel engines must also be addressed. DOC has a very fast light-off and ensures
is a driving force to develop smart and ~ shows the possibilities that open up complete oxidation of CO and HC as well
less complex systems for the future. the use of filters with optimized porosity. as stable oxidation of NO. In addition,
Here, the trade-off between complexity Shown are the measured NO~ conversion because of the extremely close-coupled
and cost reduction on one side and the levels in stationary engine tests for cata- location of the DOC, it has to be ther-
requirements to meet current and future lysts with different porosity and active mally stable. The DOC developed by
emission regulations on the other side mass loading. This evaluation was carried BASF met the limit for CO (500 mg/km
must be balanced. out at BASF’s engine laboratory in Hano- in the Euro cycle) after aging for 16 h at
A possible approach to simplification ver. A filter substrate with a medium 800 °C. A significant improvement was
is to integrate CSF and SCR function in porosity of 57 % and a standard SCR cata- achieved for the NO oxidation behavior
one component and place the active lyst loading served as reference. The use as well. The deterioration of the NO oxi-
mass of the SCR catalyst on the filter of filters with bigher porosity (63 %) leads dation could be significantly reduced.
substrate of the CSF. This integrated cat- to a lower initial back-pressure and ena- The Euro 6 limit values for NO~
alyst is in the following called SCR on bles to increase the SCR loading by 15 %. (80 mg/km in the Euro driving cycle)
Filter or just SCRoF. For such an SCRoF This results in an increase of at least 10 can be met with a SCRoF system on a
component there are complex require- % points versus the reference. A further vehicle even under difficult testing con-
ments. To achieve on the one hand a increase of SCR catalyst mass on the high ditions, ~}. In this example, the average
high NO.~ conversion level, particularly porosity filter does not lead to an addi- NO to NO2 ratio was 25 % (as opposed to
MTZ 0912012 Volume 73 5

CSF Urea .... Raw emissions


Euro 6 m t .... ,’°"" ~---~~ :DOCFSCRoF

~.j"~’-~ "~~ " ,’ , ~ ! ,’ ! I ’ ; 1~ DOC and SCRoF system can meet Euro 6 NO~ limit
200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time [$]

the optimum of about 50 %), This con- This additional SCR increased NOx con- CONCLUSION
straint was deliberately chosen to push version to more than 90 %.
the boundaries of the system and also to BASF has developed a new smart cata-
differentiate the ability of next genera- lyst technology based on the broad
tion DOC to work with SCRoF catalysts. know-how in catalysis and materials
Only an optimized DOC and an opti- An important and crucial development research. This new compact system com-
mized SCRoF were abIe to meet these goal for SCRoF catalyst systems is the prising an SCRoF is able to meet strin-
limits. With this optimized system, a sig- durability, O. The U.S. test cycle (FTP72) gent emission requirements.
nificant improvement was observed was chosen. Similar results were
compared to the classical system com- obtained under steady state and in other
posed of DOC, CSF and SCR. transient cycles (e.g. NEDC). In this test,
The new generation DOC and SCRoF the components were loaded with soot
catalyst system was also evaluated on the and regenerated under engine condi-
U.S. cycle. The NOx conversion observed tions. This process was repeated more
was > 85 % and the requirements of Tier2 than 220 times to mimic realistic end-of-
Bin5 were met. Additional performance life conditions for the catalysts. Over an
improvement can be achieved when a equivalent mileage of 180,000 km, no
small SCR catalytic converter is used significant deterioration of the NO~ con-
under tile floor (downstream of tile version was observed, This result clearly
SCRoF). The catalyst volume of this SCR underlines the robustness of the SCRoF
part was 50 % of the SCRoF component. system developed by BASR



Fresh = 0 km 50.000 km 90.000 km 140.000 km 180.000 km

!~ DOC and SCRoF thermal durability

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