Pathfinder Tarot

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Pathfinder Tarot:

Major Arcana: Classes:

0, The Fool: ​Bard, Skald

I, The Magician: ​Wizard, Arcanist

II, The High Priestess: ​Cleric

III, The Empress: ​Druid, Hunter

IV, The Emperor: ​Fighter, Cavalier

V, The Hierophant: ​Paladin, Warpriest

VI, The Lovers: ​Rogue, Swashbuckler

VII, The Chariot: ​Monk, Brawler

VIII, Strength: ​Barbarian, Bloodrager

IX, The Hermit: ​Sorcerer, Medium

X, Wheel of Fortune: ​Alchemist, Kineticist

XI, Justice: ​Inquisitor

XII, The Hanged Man: ​Vigilante, Investigator

XIII, Death: ​Magus

XIV, Temperance: ​Oracle

XV, The Devil: ​Occultist

XVI, The Tower: ​Gunslinger

XVII, The Star: ​Summoner

XVIII, The Moon: ​Witch, Psychic

XIX, The Sun:​ Mesmerist

XX, Judgement: ​Shaman, Spiritualist

XXI, The World: ​Ranger, Slayer

Minor Arcana: Roles/Abilities:

Wands: ​Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom

- Fire, Peasantry, Creativity, Will

Coins: ​Strength, Stamina, Charisma

- Earth, Merchants, Body, Possessions

Cups: ​Dexterity, Wisdom, Charisma

- Water, Clergy, Emotion, Love

Swords: ​Dexterity, Stamina, Intelligence

- Air, Nobility, Military, Reason

● Wands: ​Birth, Commencement, Creativity, Inventiveness, New beginnings /
Delays, Lack of motivation, Weighed down
● Coins: ​Manifestation, Financial opportunity, prosperity / Lost opportunity, lack of
planning and foresight
● Cups: ​Abundance, Creativity, Intense relationship, Satisfaction, Success /
Blocked or repressed emotion
● Swords: ​Raw power, victory, break-throughs, mental clarity / Confusion, chaos,
lack of clarity

● Wands: ​Natural-born leader, Vision, Entrepreneur, Honor / Impulsiveness,
Haste, Ruthless, High expectations
● Coins: ​Security, Control, Power, Discipline, Abundance / Authoritative,
Domineering, Controlling
● Cups: ​Emotional balance and control, Generosity / Emotional Manipulation,
Moodiness, Volatility
● Swords: ​Clear thinking, Intellectual power, Authority, Truth / Manipulative,
Tyrannical, Abusive

● Wands: ​Exuberance, Warmth, Vibrancy, Determination / Shrinking violent,
Aggressive, Demanding
● Coins: ​Practical, Homely, Motherly, Down-to-earth, Security / Imbalance in work
vs family commitments
● Cups: ​Emotional security, Calm, Intuitive, Compassionate / Emotional insecurity,
● Swords: ​Quick thinker, organised, perceptive, independent / Overly-emotional,
bitchy, cold-hearted

● Wands: ​Energy, Passions, Lust, Action, Adventure, Impulsiveness / Haste,
Scattered energy, Delays, Frustration
● Coins: ​Efficiency, Routine, Conservatism, Methodical / Laziness, Boredom,
Feeling stuck
● Cups: ​Romance, Charm, Knight in shining armor, Imagination / Unrealistic,
jealousy, moodiness
● Swords: ​Opinionated, Hasty, Action-oriented, Communicative / Scattered
thought, Disregard for consequences

● Wands: ​Enthusiasm, Exploration, Discovery, Free spirit / Setbacks to new ideas,
Pessimism, Lack of direction
● Coins: ​Manifestation, Financial Opportunity, New job / Lack of progress and
planning, Short-term focus
● Cups: ​A messenger, Creative beginnings, Synchronicity / Emotional immaturity,
Creative block
● Swords: ​Talkative, Curious, Mentally restless, Energetic / All talk and no action,
Haste, Undelivered promises

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