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A Reflection Paper in the movie "El Presidente"

The movie was a true-to-life story about General Emilio Aguinaldo, which is the first
president of our country, Philippines. The movie "El Presidente" taught me many life lessons I
know I would hardly acquire. It is indeed a great mind-opener especially to students like myself.
It made me reflect on so many things unexpectedly.

The movie taught me how to appreciate my life. I've seen how bad it would be if I waste
my life to something not worthy of it. Just like Emilio Aguinaldo, he faced so many battles just to
save we Filipinos and also for our country because we are colonized by the Spanish and
Americans but Emilio Aguinaldo showed what real warrior or hero is, he didn't let us to put us
with the battle and make us a slave in our country. He did not give up rather, he helped us and
change for the better to save our country. And because of his efforts, as I student I realized
everything and were able to be enlightened. We became determined to change ourselves and
be better persons not just for ourselves, but for other as well.

Also I learned to appreciate good things, just like his sacrifices in life to save our country
more than the bad ones. During the battles between Spanish-and-Filipinos and Americans-and-
Filipinos I've seen many Filipinos are have a strong determination to save from the battles.

Another learning is never give up because there are people who believes that we are
capable of doing something. I really admired how Emilio Aguinaldo believed in his self-
determination as how other gaive up on them. And also I noticed Andres Bonifacio has essential
role in the movie, he is warrior also and fighting for the freedom hoping for the independence
in our country. During the election, there's a person in the movie is not favor for Andres
Bonifacio to become a Interior Minister because, based on the election, being a Interior
Minister should be highly educated and expert in the law. Andres Bonifacio isn't suited for the
position. My opinion and question are, would you rather have a stupid person with good
intention instead of smart person with bad intention? So for me, Andres Bonifacio is suited in
the said position because first of all they're agreed to respect and accept whatever the result is
and he was a good intention to our country, he is not our enemy, he is also a savior and fighting
for the freedom of our country.

These were just some of the important points I acquired in the movie. But above al, the
movie made me learned that everyone can be a warrior and savior of life's challenges.

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