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Approach to a low TSH level: Patience is a virtue

Article  in  Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine · November 2010

DOI: 10.3949/ccjm.77a.10056 · Source: PubMed

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2 authors, including:

Christian Nasr
Cleveland Clinic


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CME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will follow up the finding of a low thyrotropin (TSH) level with appropriate
CREDIT diagnostic investigations


Endocrinology and Metabolism Institute, Endocrinology and Metabolism Institute,
Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Clinic

Approach to a low TSH level:

Patience is a virtue
A 34-year-old woman presents to the out-
patient endocrinology clinic 4 months
postpartum. She says that 2 months ago she
Confronted with a low serum level of thyrotropin (thy-
roid-stimulating hormone, TSH), physicians should not developed palpitations, heat intolerance, and
jump to the conclusion that it is due to a hyperthyroid difficulty sleeping. Her primary care physician
state, as other conditions and some drugs can be associ- diagnosed postpartum thyroiditis after labora-
tory evaluation revealed that her thyrotropin
ated with a TSH level that is slightly low (0.1–0.4 μIU/
(thyroid-stimulating hormone, TSH) level
mL) or frankly suppressed (< 0.1 μIU/mL). This review was low at 0.005 μIU/mL (reference range
discusses how to approach a low TSH, stressing the 0.4–5.5), and that her free thyroxine (T4) lev-
frequent need to reassess thyroid function before making el was elevated at 2.4 ng/dL (reference range
a diagnosis, the underlying processes and the drugs that 0.7–1.8). She was prescribed atenolol (Tenor-
can be responsible, and the degree of TSH suppression min) to treat the symptoms.
and its role in the evaluation. On follow-up testing 6 weeks later, her
TSH level had risen, but it was still low at
■ ■KEY POINTS 0.085 μIU/mL, and her free T4 level was now
low at 0.6 ng/dL. She was referred to an endo-
A low TSH value should always be followed up by crinologist for further management.
measuring the thyroid hormones, ie, thyroxine (T4) and How should this patient be further evalu-
triiodothyronine (T3). ated and managed?

Serum levels of free thyroid hormones should be used ■■ LOW TSH HAS MANY CAUSES
when interpreting an abnormal TSH level, especially in
the acute and inpatient settings. A low serum TSH level, ie, less than 0.4 μIU/
mL (μIU/mL = μU/mL = mIU/L = mU/L) can
A low TSH level is not always the result of suppression by result from a variety of conditions that must be
elevations in circulating thyroid hormones. included in the differential diagnosis—not just
overt or subclinical hyperthyroidism (FIGURE 1). In
diagnosing the correct cause, patience is a virtue.
A low TSH level in the setting of normal levels of free
thyroid hormones should always be reassessed in 4 to 6 Follow up the finding of a low TSH
weeks before making a diagnosis. by measuring free T4 and free T3
The finding of a low TSH level should always
Overt hyperthyroidism is usually associated with a be followed up by measuring the thyroid hor-
frankly suppressed TSH (< 0.1 μIU/mL). mones, ie, T4 and triiodothyronine (T3).
The levels of free T4 and free T3 should
be used, not total levels, when interpreting
an abnormal TSH value. This especially ap-
doi:10.3949/ccjm.77a.10056 plies in the acute and inpatient settings, in
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Approach to the finding of a low thyrotropin level

Low thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating hormone, or TSH)

Measure free thyroxine (T4) and free triiodothyronine (T3)

Low free T4, Central hypothyroidism a

low free T3 Severe euthyroid sick syndrome a,b
Disequilibrium state a,b

Low free T4, Exogenous T3 toxicosis (serum thyroglobulin low)

high free T3 Endogenous T3 toxicosis (serum thyroglobulin high) a

Normal free T4, Subclinical hyperthyroidism b

normal free T3 Exogenous thyroid hormone
Endogenous thyroid hormone
Mild toxic nodular goiter (single or multiple nodules)
Mild Graves disease
Normal variant
Euthyroid sick syndrome
Medication effects
Elevated human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

Normal free T4, Euthyroid sick syndrome

low free T3 Medication effects

Normal free T4, Toxic nodular goiter (negative for thyroid receptor antibody [TRAB],
high free T3 no ophthalmopathy)
Early Graves disease (usually positive for TRAB, possible ophthalmopathy)
Natural thyroid preparations

High free T4, Order High Toxic nodular goiter (negative for TRAB, no ophthalmopathy) a
normal or iodine 123 uptake Graves disease (usually positive for TRAB, possible ophthalmopathy) a
high free T3 uptake Elevated hCG (rarely) a
Low Thyroiditis a,b
uptake Ectopic hyperthyroidism a
Exogenous T4-T3 therapy
Struma ovarii (very rare)
Large deposits of functioning thyroid cancer metastases (very rare)
Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism (Jod-Basedow effect)
Refer to an endocrinologist if suspected; b Repeat tests for TSH, free T4, and free T3 in 6–8 weeks. See text for details

which many patients are malnourished and pregnant or taking an estrogen-containing
consequently have low serum levels of thy- contraceptive, the total T4 and T3 levels may
roid-binding globulin and albumin. In this be high, secondary to an increase in thyroid-
situation, total T4 and T3 levels may be low binding globulin synthesis, but the free T4 and
and not accurately represent a patient’s true free T3 are normal (in the absence of a patho-
thyroid status. Likewise, in women who are logic process).

Natural history of thyroid function tests in patients with thyroiditis

Disequilibrium state

T4 and T3

Normal range


Baseline Hyperthyroid phase Hypothyroid phase Recovery

euthyroidism (weeks to months) (weeks to months)

Disequilibrium state = the period during the hypothyroid phase of thyroiditis in which the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level
transiently remains low or inappropriately normal in the setting of low levels of free thyroid hormones; T4 = thyroxine;
T3 = triiodothyronine

FIGURE 2 Use free T4

However, depending on the analytical FIGURE 1 outlines how to interpret a low and free T3
method, even measurements of the free hor- TSH level and formulate the appropriate diag-
mones may be affected by the protein changes nosis and plan. In this process, it is crucial to levels,
that occur during severe illness or pregnancy. consider the patient’s history, to note signs or not total
Also, some drugs can affect free hormone symptoms of thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism
levels by displacing the hormones from their or hypothyroidism), and to ask about medi-
levels, when
binding proteins. cation exposure. Furthermore, repeating the evaluating
Most commercial laboratories estimate the thyroid function tests (and reviewing previous a low TSH
levels of free thyroid hormones by indirect values) to observe the trend is consistently in-
methods. Short of measuring the free thyroid valuable when deriving a diagnosis.
hormones directly using equilibrium dialysis
and ultrafiltration (the gold standard), no test ■■ Low TSH, LOW FREE T4, LOW FREE T3
or assay is 100% accurate. Even the determi-
nation of free hormone levels can be flawed The history of present illness (especially if the
if the assay is unreliable. Some clinicians still illness is prolonged and critical), a review of
prefer the free thyroid index (FTI) and T3 or previous thyroid function tests, and, some-
T4 resin uptake to assess free T4, and the total times, a complete evaluation of the remaining
T3 to assess T3 status. hypothalamic-pituitary axes are crucial in cor-
The degree of TSH suppression should also rectly interpreting this combination of thyroid
be taken into account. A frankly suppressed function tests. Clinical judgment is required,
TSH level (< 0.1 μIU/mL) would favor overt and referral to an endocrinologist is warrant-
thyrotoxicosis in the correct clinical context ed. The diagnostic possibilities are:
(ie, if the levels of free T4, free T3, or both Central hypothyroidism. A low TSH
were normal or high). level is not always due to suppression caused
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by high thyroid hormone levels, other condi- the patient should be referred to an endocri-
tions, or medications. If thyroid hormone lev- nologist for further evaluation.
els are low, a low TSH value can be the result
of a central process (hypothalamic or pituitary ■■ LOW TSH, NORMAL FREE T4,
or both). NORMAL FREE T3
Severe euthyroid sick syndrome (also
called “nonthyroidal illness” or “low T3 syn- Subclinical hyperthyroidism
drome”). In this condition, the free T3 level Subclinical hyperthyroidism is defined as low
is usually low, and in severe cases the free T4 TSH, normal free T4, and normal free T3 lev-
level can also be low.1,2 els. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as
Disequilibrium state, which is seen in the fatigue, insomnia, weight loss, palpitations,
hypothyroid phase of resolving thyroiditis (FIG- tremor, or heat intolerance generally play a
URE 2). This will be discussed later, in the sec- role in whether therapy is considered, but not
tion on thyroiditis. in making the diagnosis of subclinical hyper-
thyroidism. To make the correct diagnosis, it
■■ LOW TSH, LOW FREE T4, HIGH FREE T3 is crucial to confirm that this pattern of test
results persists by repeating these tests over
T3 toxicosis from an exogenous source the next few months.
The combination of low TSH, low free T4, Exogenous thyrotoxicosis, by far the most
and elevated free T3 concentrations is consis- common form of subclinical thyrotoxicosis,
tent with ingestion of supratherapeutic doses results from taking levothyroxine (T4) or lio-
of exogenous T3, ie, liothyronine (Cytomel). thyronine (T3), or both, either in uninten-
Rarely is T3 therapy used alone to treat tional supratherapeutic doses in patients with
hypothyroidism. An exception is in patients hypothyroidism or in intentionally high doses
who undergo thyroid hormone withdrawal in to suppress TSH in patients with a history of
anticipation of radioactive iodine treatment differentiated thyroid cancer.
after having undergone total thyroidectomy Endogenous thyrotoxicosis. Subclinical
Consequences for differentiated thyroid cancer. hyperthyroidism from an endogenous cause is
of subclinical T3 therapy, when used, is often given in the result of an underlying pathophysiologic
combination with T4 therapy, either levothy- process, the same processes responsible for
hyperthyroid- roxine (Synthroid and others) or as part of overt states of hyperthyroidism (eg, Graves
ism: atrial a T4-T3 natural thyroid preparation derived disease, toxic nodular thyroid disease) (see the
from porcine thyroid tissue (Armour Thyroid, discussion of overt hyperthyroidism in a later
fibrillation, Nature-Throid). Natural thyroid preparations section).
bone loss may contain large amounts of T3, and when The course of endogenous subclinical hy-
they are given in supratherapeutic doses, they perthyroidism depends on the underlying cause
can cause a similar profile (low TSH, low free and on the level of TSH suppression.3–5 Sub-
T4, and elevated free T3). However, the free clinical hyperthyroidism secondary to a multi-
T4 level is usually in the normal range because nodular goiter is estimated to progress to overt
the preparations also contain T4. hyperthyroidism in about 5% of patients per
year,6 but in patients with nodular thyroid dis-
T3 toxicosis from an endogenous source ease and TSH levels of 0.1 μIU/mL or lower,
Sometimes the thyroid gland produces dispro- one study reported progression to overt hyper-
portionately large amounts of T3, usually from thyroidism in approximately 10% of patients
an autonomous nodule. Although the free T4 per year.3
level may be low in this situation, it is usually The risk of subclinical Graves disease pro-
in the normal range. gressing to overt hyperthyroidism has been
Serum thyroglobulin can be assayed to help difficult to estimate, given the relapsing and
determine whether the source of excess T3 is remitting nature of the disease. Rosario3,4 re-
exogenous (in which case the thyroglobulin ported that subclinical Graves disease pro-
level is low) or endogenous (in which case the gressed to overt hyperthyroidism in 2 years in
thyroglobulin is elevated). If it is endogenous, 6 (40%) of 15 patients who had TSH levels

lower than 0.1 μIU/mL, but in no patients common in the general population, and often
who had TSH levels of 0.1 to 0.4 μIU/mL. no test results from before the onset of a criti-
These patients were younger than 65 years. In cal illness are available to help the clinician
a group age 60 and older with endogenous sub- separate overt thyroid disease from euthyroid
clinical hyperthyroidism and a TSH level be- sick syndrome. Furthermore, patients are of-
tween 0.1 and 0.4 μIU/mL, Rosario4 reported ten unable to provide a history (or to relate
that progression to overt hyperthyroidism was their symptoms) of overt thyroid disease, mak-
uncommon, occurring in about 1% of patients ing abnormal thyroid function tests difficult
per year. to interpret in the hospital. When previous
Thus, periodic reassessment of thyroid values are available, they can be invaluable in
function tests in patients with subclinical hy- correctly interpreting new abnormal results.
perthyroidism is crucial in monitoring for dis- Thyroid function test values in euthyroid
ease progression, especially in those with frank- sick syndrome can vary depending on the se-
ly suppressed TSH values (< 0.1 μIU/mL). verity of illness. A low free T3, a normal free
Adverse outcomes associated with subclin- T4, and a low-normal TSH are the most com-
ical hyperthyroidism are mainly cardiac ar- mon abnormalities seen in euthyroid sick
rhythmias (atrial fibrillation) and accelerated syndrome. The free T3 level is low because
loss of bone mineral density. of decreased peripheral conversion of T4 to
Cooper7 notes that definitive treatment T3 during critical illness. However, euthyroid
(radioactive iodine ablation, antithyroid sick syndrome can present with a spectrum of
drugs, or surgery) “seems reasonable” for older abnormal thyroid function tests, further com-
patients (age > 60 years) with a TSH level plicating interpretation and diagnosis. Serum
lower than 0.1 μIU/mL and for certain pa- TSH levels have been reported to be normal
tients with TSH levels of 0.1 to 0.4 who are in about 50%, low in 30%, and high in 12% of
at high risk, eg, those with a history of heart patients with nonthyroidal illness.8 However,
disease, osteoporosis, or symptoms of hyper- marked suppression of serum TSH (< 0.1 μIU/
thyroidism. mL) was observed only in about 7% of pa-
tients, mainly in those whose clinical picture Previous test
Normal variant was confounded by medications (dopamine or results can be
The normal range for TSH, as for other sub- corticosteroids, or both) that have indepen-
stances, is defined as the mean value in the dent TSH-lowering effects (see below).8 invaluable
general population plus or minus 2 standard when
deviations. This range includes 95% of the Drugs that suppress TSH
population, so that 2.5% of people have a Many drugs used in the hospital and intensive
level higher than this range, and 2.5% have a care unit can alter thyroid function tests inde- new abnormal
level lower than this range. pendently of systemic illness, further compli- results
But some people with lower levels of TSH, cating the clinical picture.
especially in the range of 0.1 to 0.4 μIU/mL (3 Glucocorticoids, in high doses, have been
standard deviations below the mean) are actu- shown to transiently suppress serum TSH.9,10
ally euthyroid. These people have historically Octreotide (Sandostatin) and other so-
been classified as having subclinical hyperthy- matostatin analogues also transiently suppress
roidism, as there is no means of differentiating TSH.11–14 However, these drugs (and gluco-
these “normal” euthyroid people from people corticoids) do not appear to result in central
with asymptomatic subclinical hyperthyroid- hypothyroidism.10,15–17
ism. They need to be followed, since they may Dopamine, given in pharmacologic doses
have true subclinical hyperthyroidism that for a prolonged time, has been shown to re-
may manifest symptomatically in the future, duce the serum TSH level in both critically ill
possibly warranting treatment. and normal healthy people.18
Dobutamine (Dobutrex) in pharmacologic
Euthyroid sick syndrome doses has been likewise shown to lower TSH
Euthyroid sick syndrome is common during levels, although the serum TSH level was not-
critical illness. However, thyroid disease is ed to remain within the normal range in those
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who had a normal TSH value at baseline.19 ■■ Low TSH, Normal free T4, Low Free T3
Amiodarone. Although most patients Euthyroid sick syndrome and/or medica-
who take amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) tion effect. When the TSH level is low sec-
remain euthyroid, the drug can cause hy- ondary to euthyroid sick syndrome or a drug,
pothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Initially, or both, the free T3 level is usually found to
amiodarone usually causes a decrease in T3 via be also low, which may be solely related to a
inhibition of 5´-deiodinase, with a transient component of euthyroid sick syndrome or sec-
reciprocal increase in TSH.20 ondary to the drugs themselves, as drugs such
When amiodarone induces thyrotoxicosis, as corticosteroids and amiodarone inhibit the
the condition can be subclinical, manifested conversion of T4 to T3.
by a low TSH in the setting of normal levels of
thyroid hormones, or as overt thyrotoxicosis ■■ LOW TSH, NORMAL FREE T4, HIGH FREE T3
with a low TSH and elevated levels of thyroid
hormones. See further discussion below on Toxic nodular goiter vs early Graves disease
amiodarone’s effects on thyroid function. If the free T3 is elevated and the TSH is low
Patients taking drugs that lower TSH are (suppressed), even in the absence of symp-
often critically ill and may also have a compo- toms, a diagnosis of subclinical hyperthyroid-
nent of euthyroid sick syndrome, resulting in ism would be inappropriate, because by defi-
a mixed picture. nition the free T4 and free T3 levels must be
normal for a diagnosis of subclinical hyperthy-
Elevated human chorionic gonadotropin roidism. The diagnostic possibilities are toxic
The alpha subunit of human chorionic go- nodular goiter and early Graves disease.
nadotropin (hCG) is homologous to the The combination of high T3, suppressed
alpha subunit of TSH. Thus, hCG in high TSH, and normal T4 is usually associated with
concentrations has mild thyroid-stimulating toxic nodular goiter, whereas T3 and T4 are
activity. typically both elevated in Graves disease (al-
The serum hCG concentration is highest though T3 is usually more elevated than T4).24
If excess T3 is in the first trimester of pregnancy and hCG’s The patient should undergo iodine 123 nu-
exogenous, thyroid-stimulating activity can suppress the clear imaging (“iodine uptake and scan”). Dif-
serum TSH level, but in most cases the TSH fuse uptake of iodine 123 supports the diagnosis
thyroglobulin level remains within the “normal range” of of Graves disease; patchy and nodular areas of
is low; pregnancy.21,22 The hCG levels observed dur- increased iodine 123 uptake support the diag-
ing the first trimester of pregnancy are usually nosis of a toxic nodular goiter (FIGURE 3).
if endogenous, associated with a low TSH and normal free The patient should also be tested for TSH
thyroglobulin thyroid hormone levels. In pregnant women receptor antibodies (TRAB), both stimulat-
is elevated who are not on T4 therapy for hypothyroid- ing and blocking, which are very specific for
ism, a persistently suppressed TSH (< 0.1 μIU/ Graves disease.
mL) after the first trimester or elevations of
the free thyroid hormones at any point during Natural thyroid preparations
pregnancy suggest that the suppressed TSH is Natural thyroid preparations, which can con-
secondary to autonomous thyroid function, as tain large amounts of T3, can also yield the
seen in Graves disease and toxic nodular goi- combination of normal free T4 and high free
ters, warranting further investigation. Iodine T3. Since these preparations contain both T4
radioisotope imaging studies are forbidden and T3, they usually result in low TSH, normal
during pregnancy. free T4, and elevated free T3 levels when given
If the hCG concentration is markedly in supratherapeutic doses. However, if these
elevated and for a prolonged time, as in hy- preparations are consumed in large enough
peremesis gravidarum and gestational tropho- quantities, both the free T4 and free T3 can
blastic disease (hydatidiform mole, a benign be elevated. This is in contrast to suprathera-
condition, and choriocarcinoma, a malignant peutic monotherapy with T3 (liothyronine),
condition), overt hyperthyroidism can devel- which usually results in low TSH, low free T4,
op, with elevated free T4 and free T3.21,23 and high free T3.

Graves disease Toxic nodular goiter

FIGURE 3. Left, an iodine 123 scan from a patient with Graves disease. Note the diffuse
homogenous uptake of the thyroid gland. Right, an iodine 123 scan from a patient with a
toxic multinodular goiter. Note the nodular areas of increased intensity with suppression
(low uptake) of the surrounding thyroid tissue.

■■ LOW TSH, HIGH FREE T4, becomes saturated with “cold” (nonradiola-
NORMAL OR HIGH FREE T3 beled) iodine from the contrast medium and
cannot take up more iodine (radiolabeled) for
If the free T4 level is high, the free T3 level is the radionuclide scan. For this reason, iodine
usually high as well. Patients should undergo 123 imaging should not be performed for 6 to
iodine 123 nuclear imaging. 8 weeks after an exogenous load of iodine. In
this circumstance, the history and physical
If iodine 123 uptake is high examination, as well as laboratory testing (for
Graves disease vs toxic nodular goiter. If TRAB), must be relied on to make the correct
iodine 123 uptake is high, a low (suppressed) diagnosis.
TSH level, in conjunction with elevations of Elevated human chorionic gonadotropin. Periodically
the free thyroid hormones, is consistent with Iodine 123 nuclear imaging studies are forbid- reassess the
overt hyperthyroidism secondary to autono- den during pregnancy. Therefore, all women
mous (TSH-independent) thyroid function. of childbearing age should have a pregnancy thyroid function
Graves patients usually test positive for test before undergoing radioisotope imaging. tests in patients
TRAB, and they may have related ophthal- If thyrotoxicosis from hCG is suspected (eg,
mopathy, whereas patients with toxic nodular in cases of hydatidiform mole or choriocarci-
with subclinical
goiter are TRAB-negative and do not have noma), ultrasonography of the uterus should hyperthyroidism
Graves ophthalmopathy.24–27 be done to rule out a viable pregnancy before
Patients with either Graves disease or pursuing radioisotope imaging.
toxic nodular goiter have increased iodine Treatment options for the usual causes
123 uptake; however, the pattern of uptake in of hyperthyroidism (toxic nodular goiter or
Graves disease is diffuse, whereas it is patchy Graves disease) include radioactive iodine
or nodular when toxic nodular goiter is the ablation (unless the patient was exposed to
underlying etiology (FIGURE 3).24,27 Complicat- a recent cold iodine load), antithyroid drugs
ing matters, the pattern of uptake in Graves (methimazole or propylthiouracil), or surgi-
disease may be patchy if the patient has been cal resection (partial or complete thyroidec-
pretreated with antithyroid drugs such as pro- tomy).27
pylthiouracil or methimazole (Tapazole). Patients with overt hyperthyroidism
Review of the patient’s history is impor- should be referred to an endocrinologist for a
tant, as a recent iodine load (eg, intravenous thorough evaluation and discussion of the di-
contrast medium that contains iodine) can agnosis and the treatments that are available.
transiently worsen thyrotoxicosis while caus- Beta-blockers can be used to ameliorate the
ing the iodine 123 uptake to be low. The symptoms of thyrotoxicosis such as palpita-
reason for the low uptake is that the gland tions, anxiety, and tremor.
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If iodine 123 uptake is low lithium therapy).28 Other forms of thyroiditis,

A low (suppressed) TSH level, in conjunction which may or may not be painful, include
with elevations of the free thyroid hormones those induced by amiodarone, radiation, or
and low uptake of iodine 123, is consistent trauma.
with overt hyperthyroidism secondary to: Regardless of the cause, watchful waiting
• Thyroiditis is warranted while monitoring thyroid func-
• Ectopic hyperthyroidism due to T4-T3 thera- tion tests to ensure that recovery takes place.28
py, struma ovarii (very rare), or large depos- Beta-blockers are often used to decrease symp-
its of functioning thyroid cancer metastases toms during the transient hyperthyroid state
(very rare) observed early in the course of thyroiditis.
• Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism (Jod-Base- Ectopic hyperthyroidism. Ingestion of ex-
dow effect) ogenous T4, T3, or both can suppress thyroid
• Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis.27,28 function. This can occur with supratherapeu-
Thyroiditis, ie, destruction or inflamma- tic T4 and T3 (usually for hypothyroidism)
tion of thyroid tissue with subsequent release and also factitiously or in patients abusing the
of preformed thyroid hormones into the cir- drugs to lose weight. A useful way to differ-
culation, results in thyrotoxicosis. The sever- entiate exogenous from endogenous causes of
ity and duration of thyrotoxicosis depends not thyrotoxicosis is to measure serum thyroglobu-
only on the size of the injured thyroid gland lin, which would be decreased in the former
and the store of preformed thyroid hormones, and elevated in the latter.
but also on the extent and duration of the thy- Ectopic production of T4 and T3 can oc-
roid destruction and injury. cur, albeit rarely, as in cases of struma ovarii or
Subacute thyroiditis usually lasts several in patients with large deposits of functioning
weeks to a few months, and typically follows thyroid cancer metastases.29–31 Struma ovarii
a pattern of: is a very rare ovarian teratoma (accounting
• Transient hyperthyroidism due to release for 1% of all ovarian tumors), and even when
of thyroid hormone stores present it does not usually result in thyrotoxi-
Patients with • A brief period of euthyroidism cosis.29,30 However, the diagnosis should be
toxic nodular • Hypothyroidism, as the store of preformed considered in the appropriate clinical context,
thyroid hormone is exhausted and thyroid ie, in the setting of thyrotoxicosis and a pelvic
goiter are inflammation and destruction subside, and mass; radioiodine uptake would be elevated in
TRAB-negative then the pelvis in those cases.
• Recovery (usually, unless the thyroid is Likewise, thyrotoxicosis secondary to func-
and do not have not capable of recovery), during which the tioning thyroid cancer metastases is also rare
ophthalmopathy TSH level rises in response to low levels of but should be considered in the right clinical
thyroid hormones in the circulation, and context (iodine-avid tissue throughout the
the recovering thyroid begins to resume body noted on radioiodine whole-body imag-
thyroid hormone synthesis.28 ing).
There is a brief period during the hypo- Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism develops
thyroid phase of thyroiditis during which the in patients with underlying thyroid disease
TSH level remains low (or inappropriately (toxic nodular goiter or Graves disease) and
normal), even though the free thyroid hor- is caused by an exacerbation of autonomous
mone levels are also low; this period is com- (TSH-independent) thyroid function by an
monly called the “disequilibrium state” (FIGURE iodine load (eg, intravenous contrast medium
2). This state is due to the slow recovery of the that contains iodine, or amiodarone therapy
pituitary thyrotrophs as they escape tonic sup- [see below]).
pression by excess thyroid hormones. Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis. In
The classic entity of de Quervain thyroid- various reports, the incidence of amiodarone-
itis (subacute granulomatous thyroiditis) is induced thyrotoxicosis ranged from 1% to
painful, whereas other forms are painless (eg, 23%.32 There are two types.
autoimmune lymphocytic thyroiditis, post- Type 1 is a form of iodine-induced hy-
partum, or related to cytokine [interferon] or perthyroidism. It can occur in patients with

autonomous thyroid function when they are ■■ CASE CONCLUDED

exposed to amiodarone, which contains 37%
iodine by weight. Our patient’s thyroid function tests were re-
Type 2 occurs in patients with no un- peated at the time of her endocrinology con-
derlying thyroid disease and is probably a sult, 2 weeks after she was noted to have a low
consequence of a drug-induced destructive TSH in the setting of low free T4, which sug-
thyroiditis. Mixed or indeterminate forms of gested central hypothyroidism. Her TSH level
amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis encom- was now 3.5 μIU/mL, and her free T4 level was
passing several features of both type 1 and type 0.8. Thus, her low TSH in the setting of the
2 may also be observed.20 low free T4 noted 2 weeks earlier reflected a
The treatment varies by type: antithyroid disequilibrium state, which occurs during the
drugs (thionamides) in type 1 and corticoste- hypothyroid phase of thyroiditis (FIGURE 2).
roids in type 2.20 It can be difficult to discern Repeated measurements of her thyroid
between the two entities, and combination function tests verified complete recovery and
therapy with antithyroid drugs and predni- resolution of her thyroiditis. No levothyroxine
sone may be needed. One of the drugs is then therapy was required, and no further investiga-
withdrawn, and the effect on the levels of free tion was performed. ■
thyroid hormones is monitored. This helps
determine which drug is working, pointing to Acknowledgments: We thank Nada Johnson from the
Department of Endocrinology, Cleveland Clinic, for her skillful
the correct diagnosis and treatment. help with the preparation of the figures.

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