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Gillian Justice

Madeline Meyers
Sara Beckman
English 3H, Block 4

Should Euthanasia Remain Illegal?

The cessation of life is not a matter one human should decide for another. When someone
is born, they are endowed with an unalienable right to life that, under no circumstances other
than self-defense, should be assisted in being taken away. Euthanasia, the assisted killing of a
person suffering from an incurable or painful disease, is illegal in most states as it should be
throughout the world. Euthanasia is unethical and can be abused in ways that take advantage of
vulnerable individuals.
In Greek, the word Euthanasia means good death, yet it is merely homicide. Homicide is
defined as the killing of another individual. Even when the intention is to ease pain, this act of
assisted suicide still results in the death of a human being. The Fourteenth Amendment in the
Constitution states, “...that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Our country, along with many others, was founded on the principle that everyone was born with
the natural right to life. Euthanasia takes away this very right. Although some argue that
Euthansia preserves one’s dignity, it is quite the contrary, as euthanasia takes one's dignity away
from them because it makes it seem as if their illness defines their value and worth. Martin
Luther King’s grandmother once taught him an important message when stating, “Martin, don't
let anybody ever tell you you're not a Somebody”. Just like Martin’s grandmother stated,
everybody, no matter how they act, look, or feel, is somebody. To support this argument further,
Dr. Sulmolsy, professor at the University of Chigaco states that, “Assisted suicide and euthanasia
require us to accept that it is morally permissible to act with the specific intention-in-acting of
making a somebody into a nobody.” Euthanasia is not only immoral, but it can also be abused.
The act Euthanasia can be used to exploit vulnerable people. In locations that Euthanasia
is legal, it is easily used in cases where it is not necessary. In an article called, Arguments
Against Euthanasia, it states, “For example, in Belgium deaf twins were euthanized at their
request because they became blind.” This should not be an option for those who are not happy
with their current lives, as it not only aids in but also normalizes suicide. Euthanasia should not
be the solution to problems that other people can and are forced to function with. Additionally,
Euthanasia takes advantage of disabled and older patients by placing pressure on them to end
their life early. Arguments Against Euthanasia explains this by stating, “Patients who are ill or
dependent often feel worthless and a burden to their family and loved ones. The growing number
of cases of abuse or neglect of the elderly or those with disabilities illustrates that this is a major
issue to consider.” With the legalization of this form of murder, patients who identify with
Arguments Against Euthanasia description can resort to being euthanized to ease the burden they
feel they have placed on their loved ones. To eliminate this option, euthanasia should remain or
become illegal globally. It is completely unethical and should not be used to take advantage of
people’s vulnerabilities.
As shown, Euthanasia is immoral and can easily be used to exploit, which calls for its
illegalization everywhere. Euthanasia takes away the unalienable rights a person is born with
whos violation should not even be considered. It should be outlawed everywhere because it is
unethical easily abused to take advantage of vulnerable individuals.

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