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Compurers & Smucrurcr Vol. 56. No. 4. pp.

553-564, 1995
0045-7949(94)00558-3 Copyright 0 1995 Ekvier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0045.7949/95 s9.50 + 0.00



K. M. Abdallat and Wai-Fah Chen$

tSchoo1 of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, U.S.A.
SStructural Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
IN 47907. U.S.A.

(Received 8 February 1994)

Abstract-This paper expands the existing database of semi-rigid steel connections at Purdue University
by including additional test data on header-plate and seat-angle, and double-web and seat-angle
connections. The experimental moment rotation curves are also compared with several analytical models
describing these curves.

INTRODUCTION of 323 tests from 29 separate studies. Nethercot [lo]

examined and evaluated more than 800 individual
Most design engineers assume the behavior of their tests from open literature. Goverdhan [l l] collected a
building connections either as perfectly pinned or as total of 230 experimental moment-rotation curves
completely fixed elements. This simplification results and digitized them to form the database of con-
in an inaccurate prediction of frame behavior. Full nection behavior. Kishi and Chen [12, 131 extended
scale experiments are generally necessary to describe Goverdhan’s collection [l l] to a total of 303 tests and
the actual behavior of these connections. At the created a computerized data bank system together
University of Illinois, Young [l], and Wilson and with a modified exponential curve-fitting program.
Moore [2] performed the first experiment to assess The aim of this paper is to expand this database by
the rigidity of steel frame connections. Since then, adding additional 46 experimental test data of steel-
experimental testing has been continued. to-column connections that have been collected and
The recent AISC design code, referred to as the analyzed to date. The types of semi-rigid connections
load and resistance factor design (LRFD) specifica- collected are given in Table 1. For each experimental
tion [3], designates two types of construction in its datum, the moment-rotation characteristics, together
provisions: type FR (fully restrained) and type PR with all the parameters used in the prediction
(partially restrained). equations, are included.
The primary distortion of steel beam-to-column
connections is their rotational deformation, B,,
caused by the in-plane bending moment, M, (Fig. 1).
This connection deformation has a destabilizing
effect on frame stability, since it adds additional drift
to the frame and results in a decrease in the effec-
tive stiffness of the member to which the connec-
tions are attached. An increased frame drift will
intensify the P - A effect and hence the overall stab-
ility of the frame will be affected. Thus, the non-
linear characteristics of beam-to-column connections
play a very important role in the structural design.
Prior to 1950, most connection tests were focussed
on riveted joints (Batho and co-workers [&I, Young
and Dunbar [7] and Rathbun [8]). After 1950, high
strength bolts were used extensively in steel construc-
tion. A large number of tests have been made and
reported. Jones et al. [9] reviewed and collected a total Fig. I. Rotational deformation of connection.

554 K. M. Abdalla and Wai-Fah Chen

Table 1. Semi-rigid connection types (2.1) The power models proposed by Colson and
Number Type Louveau [26], Goldberg and Richard [27], Richard
1 Double-web angle and Abbott [28], has the form
2 Top-and-seat angle
Extended end plate
Flush end plate
~J!.g l
’ K, 1 - (M/M,l”’
5 Header plate
6 Header-plate and seat angle
7 Double-web and seat angle where Ki = initial stiffness, IU, = ultimate moment
capacity, n = shape parameter of M-6, curve.
(2.2) The Kishi and Chen [29,30] is a three-
MODELING OF CONNECTION parameter power model and has the form

There are several connection models reported in

open literature on moment-rotation curves. These
are ” = Ki[l - (M/M,)“]““’

(I) Linear model where Ki = initial connection stiffness, Mu = ultimate-

(1) The linear models were proposed by Batho
moment capacity, n = shape parameter of the M-0,
[4-61, Rathbun [8], Baker [14]. curve.
(2.3) Ang and Morris mode1 [31] uses a standard-
(2) The bi-linear models were proposed by
Melchers and Kaur [ 151, Romstad and Subramanian ized Ramberg-Osgood function of the form
[16], Lui and Chen[17].
(3) The piecewise linear models were proposed by
Razzaq [181.

(II) Polynomial model where (e,), > (KM), and n are parameters and K
Frye and Morris [19] used an odd-power poly- is standardization constant dependent on the
nomial to represent the moment-rotation curve as connection type and geometry.

(V) ExponentiaI model

0, = c, (KM)’ + c, (KM)3 + c, (&X)5,
This model gives a good curve-fitting with test
curves up to and including the strain-hardening
where K = standardization parameter, C, = curve range.
fitting constant. The M-0, characteristics are well (1) Chen and Lui multi-parameter mode1 has the
represented in this model. However, in some cases, form
the negative stiffness resulting from this model is
unacceptable [20,21].

(III) Cubic B spline model

This mode1 can fit test data well. However, a large
number of data are required in the curve-fitting where M,, = starting value of connection moment,
process [22-241. R, = strain hardening stiffness, a = scaling factor,
C, = curve fitting constant.
(2), Kishi and Chen extends the Chen-Lui mode1 to
(IV) Power model
accommodate the linear parts as
(1) The power model proposed by Batho and
Lash (51and Krishnamurthy et al. [25] has the follow-
ing expression: M=M~+~lCj[l -eXp( -$>I

0, = aMb

where the two parameters a and b are used to fit the

curve, subjected to the condition where Dk = constant parameter for the linear func-
tion, er = starting rotations of linear components,
H[0] = Heaviside step function

b > 1. H[B]= 1 8 >o,

Semi-rigid steel connections 555

Table 2. Authors and number of connection tests

Connection type Authors Number of tests
Double-web angle Davison et al. 1341
Top-and-seat cleat Davison et al. i34]
Davison et al. [34]
Extended end plate Zandonini and Zanon [35]
Moore and P. A. Sims [36]
Flush end plate Davison et al. [34]
Phillips and Packet [37]
Header plate Aggarwal[38,39]
Davison et al. [34]
Header plate and seat angle Aggarwal [38, 391
Double-web angle Davison et al. 1341
Seat angle _ Aggarwa1[38,39] _ 9

C,, D, = curve-fitting constants column flange, as shown in Fig. 2. The earliest tests
on double web-angle connections were conducted by
Rathbun [8], using rivets as fasteners. Nowadays,
H[tq=O e <o.
high strength bolts are used [33].

(3) Yee and Melchers’[32] four-parameter expo- 2. Top-and-seat-angle connection

nential model has the form The AISC specification describes the top-and-seat-
angle connections as (a) the seat angle transfers only
wi-~,-tCB) +K e
vertical reaction and should not give significant
M=M, 1 -exp - P ’ restraining moment at the end of the beam; (b) the
top angle is merely used for lateral stability and is
not considered to carry any gravity loads. A typical
where Mp = plastic moment capacity, K, = initial top-and-seat-angle connection is shown in Fig. 3.
elastic stiffness, Kp = strain hardening stiffness,
C = constant controlling slope of curve. 3. Extended-end-plate connection
The end plate connections are welded to the beam
COLLECTED DATA end along both flanges and web in the fabricator’s
shop and bolted to the column in the field. This
The present literature survey encompasses exper- type of connection is classified into two types as
imental data from 1986 until 1990 on bolted and extended end-plate connections, either on the ten-
welded connections, as summarized in Table 1. sion side only or on both tension and compression
References and the number of experimental curves sides, as shown in Fig. 4.
of each type are listed in Table 2.
4. Flush-end-plate connection
1. Double -web -angle connections
These are the most commonly used joints in roof
These connections are formed by two angles con- details. Connection stiffness and moment capacity
nected to the beam web and then connected to the were found to depend primarily upon the end plate




Fig. 2. Typical double web angle connection.

556 K. M. Abdalla and Wai-Fah Chen


0 0

0 0
1 I

Fig. 3. Typical top-and-seat angle connection.

thickness, the distance from the beam tension flange 5. Header-plate connection
to the first row of bolts and the gage of the end-
plate column flange bolts. A typical flush end-plate A header plate connection consists of an end plate,
connection is shown in Fig. 5. whose length is less than the depth of the beam,

End Plate

0 0

0 0

(a) 0 0

0 0


0 0

0 0

lb) 0 0

0 0

0 0

Fig. 4. Typical end plate connection. (a) Extended on tension side. (b) Extended on compression side.
Semi-rigid steel connections 557

n connections are similar to those of double web angle

u Endplate

d =I

6. Header -plate and seat -angle connection

:... f 0 0
Beam This type of connection consists of plate welded to
Column the beam web and bolted to the column flange and
seat-angle welded or bolted to the beam flange and
0 bolted to the beam. A typical header plate and seat-
angle connection is shown in Fig. 7. The seat angle
t 2
- - is used to transfer vertical loads. For that reason it
was considered as header plate connection.

Fig. 5. Typical flush end plate connection. 7. Double-web and seat-angle connection
This type of connection is not commonly used,
and not much test data are available to describe their
welded to the beam and bolted to the column, also general behavior. A typical connection of this type
it may be welded after coping the beam web. A is shown in Fig. 8. The seat angle is used here to
header plate connection used to transfer the reaction transfer vertical load only and the connection was
of the beam to the column. The behaviors of these considered as a double-web angle connection.



d Plate -

\ Beam

0 0
b Column
.-.- End Plate -
0 0

h \
Fig. 6. Typical header plate connection. (a) Before coping the beam web. (b) After coping the beam web.
K. M. Abdalla and Wai-Fah Chen


Header Plate

Seat Angle

Fig. 7. Typical header plate and seat-angle connection.

Column _Z

Beam _
r I

Seat Angle -

- -
Fig. 8. Typical double and seat-angle connection.

EXPANDED DATABANK collected, analyzed. assessed and implemented into

the databank computer program. To this end, these
In order to expand the existing databank at Purdue data were added to the main program using a
University, additional experimental data have been special format. To plot the experimental curve and its

Table 3. Numbers 1-6 and 9-10, header plate connections. nos 7-8 header plate and seat angle connections
No. Authors Test no. Beams Columns fp(in) n(m) @(in) db
I Davison et al. [34] JT/14 WlO x 4 x 15 W6x6x 16 10.4331 2.9920 0.4724 Ml6
2 Aggarwal[38, 391 MI w 8X4X17 WSx8x31 5.9055 3.9370 0.6299 M20
3 M2 W8x4x17 W8x8x31 5.9055 3.9370 0.6299 M20
4 M3 w 8X4X17 W8x8x31 5.9055 3.9370 0.4724 M20
5 M4 wsx4x17 W8x8x31 5.9055 3.9370 0.4124 M20
6 M4 RELOA W8x4x17 W8x8x31 5.9055 3.9370 0.4724 M20
7 M5 w 8X4X17 W8x8x31 5.9055 3.9370 0.6299 -
8 M6 W 8~4x17 W8xSx31 5.9055 3.9370 0.6299 Ml6
9 M7 W 8x5:~ W8x8x31 5.9055 3.9370 0.6299 M20
10 M8 W 8x5;~ W8x8x31 5.9055 3.9370 0.4724 M20
Semi-rigid steel connections 559

COluam t ” . x . x 31 ,..C.sl.T,I -- - -
L” i”‘X.Xl, ___ owr.1s. kol..
P1.L. rhickm... t 5.51 x ,.‘7,3 x 6 3lat.ri.1 I 0.0.31
Fy . 36.00 ksi
?I%. -- kmi

lwor p.rut.r.

It . 1.0.71. cc - 1.57.8’ P I ,.,565’ cc I 1.57‘5.

IC I 1.6‘7,. 6 - ,.9,70. IP I 5.505S0 t.~ I 0.6195.
rbrn O.,,.“
n-,x I

No -IIt n0t.t.lc.a
,k-in, ,mdiul.)
x 1,moo
1 0.0 0.00
1 36.. 1.0‘
3 51.. 1.0.
‘ 7,.6 1.3,
5 51.5 520
6 110.3 7.,7
, 117.7 7.17
6 1‘7.1 16.39
9 166.P I‘.55
10 163.5 15.55
11 170.7 16.75
1, 135.‘ 13.66
1, 157.‘ 07.01
1‘ ,,5.6 31.1,
15 le.., ,,.66
16 3U.6 36.37
17 331.0 ,5.‘6
I6 356.7 ‘5.7,
Your&t-r0c.ric.n prmiietiom .qu.tioa. , 1 I x l,lDOO r.l,im. 1

Fry. uld Morri. pdynain.1 rpd.1 I 1 - mm c Ai x 1 r*Bm l..Pi x 10*wi )

* . ,.,,mm- 6 I 5.,05506m C I 0.6,5500- ” I 0.,,5‘00-
A1 I 5.160000 A, . 6.100000 a, I ,.‘ODOOO I I 0.660965
*I . 1 P, . 3 P, I 5 Cal - -I 0, = -7 a, - -10

-D.,,6,566,X+O, 0.*05,5,‘6~.0‘ -0.,51‘55‘,x*05 0.715,‘666X+05 -6.,6,,697,1+05 0.,151,717lI+05

(W = -

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.,5‘05+0,

36.6 30.6 35.6 a.1 0.,6,,,+0,
55.6 55.6 56.6 “.I 0.,6551.0,
73.6 65.7 ,5., 66.9 O.llOll.O,
,I.5 I,,., m.5 106.1 6.5,67~+01
1m.3 I“.1 I,,.. 1‘0.‘ 6.7,66X+0‘
,I,., ,“.I 111.6 1‘6.‘ 0.73651.0
167.1 167.0 I“.? 1’16.5 6.766,l.61
I65.r 16’7.6 177.6 103.0 0.1,,PI.O,
16, .5 151.6 I.‘.5 106.5 0.1,56*.0,
010.7 105.1 ,15., a5.5 O.707,,*01
015.‘ ,,‘.I 1m.3 111.0 0.6‘131rOl
37.01 057.4 x26.6 156.0 ,,‘.I O.‘666k+OI
31.1, P’15.6 ,,,.5 ,6,.7 n5.5 0.6,,65*0,
33.66 PM., ,,6., 196.0 ,,6.6 O.,,O‘5+Ol
36.3, 311.6 1‘0.9 ,,‘.‘ 31’1.1 0.6,,15+01
39.“ 331.0 1‘6.0 315.‘ I,,., 0.5,10*+0,
‘5.7, 356.7 157.1 ,5X., x3*., 6.‘1,6~+01

Fig. 9(a, b). Caption overleaf:

560 K. M. Abdalla and Wai-Fah Chen



400 -




Moment 2oo







Fig. 9. (a) Connection information out of database by using the SCDB program. (b) Connection
information out of database by using the SCDB program. (c) Comparison among prediction equations
and experimental test data.


400 ?++
350 i

300 i
Moment Kip. in Flush End Plate

& Bottom Flange Con.

Rotation Radians I 1000

Fig. 10(a). Caption opposite.

Semi-rigid steel connections 561

(b) cl Double Web Cleat

A Tob & Bottom Flange Con.
. Bottom and Double Web Cleat
. Flush End Plate
+ Extended End Plate

Moment Kip . in

Rotation Radians / 1000

w 0
Double Web Cleat
Tob & Bottom Flange Con.
. Bottom and Double Web Cleat
. Flush End Plate
L Extended End Plate

Moment Kip . in

20 30 40 50 60 70
Rotation Radians / 1000

Fig. lO(b, c). Cupriun on p. 563.

562 K. M. Abdalla and Wai-Fah Chen

.& Header 12mm
,*.” x Header 16mm
*..” . Header Coping 12 nun
q Header Coping 16 mm
* Header S.A.Ten. 12 mm
+ Header S.A. Corn, 16 mm

0 15 30 45 60 15 90 105 120 135 150

Rotation ( x/1000 Radian )

(4 6+-
A Header 12mm
..*.” .* x Header 16mm
*. .
. Header Coping 12 mm
q Header Coping 16 mm
* Header S.A.Ten. 12 mm
+ Header S.A. Corn, 16 mm

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 10s 120 135 150

Rotation ( XI1000 Radian )

Fig. IO(d, e). Caption opposire.

Semi-rigid steel connections 563






0 8.5 17 25.5 34 42.5 51 59.5 68 76.5 85

Rotations ( X / 1000 Radians)

Fig. 10. (a) Comparison of results from experimental test data. (b) Comparison among results from
prediction polynomial equation. (c) Comparison among results from exponential prediction equation. (d)
Comparison among experimental test data. S. A. Ten. = seat angle at tension side. (e) Comparison among
exponential models for header plate. (f) Comparison among experimental test data and prediction
equations for reloading case.

prediction curves, a subroutine was also provided. ing the SCDB program at Purdue University. The
Figure 9 is a sample output obtained by SCDB SCDB program is now available in the 1994 book
program. Figure IO(a)-(e) compare some exper- edited by Chen and Toma [41].
imental test data with the exponential equation.
Figure 10(f) shows the case of reloading. Acknowledgement-The first author gratefully thanks the
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, for its
financial support.

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