3rd Quarter ENG7 2019

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Name: _____________________________________________
Grade & Section:____________________

A. Direction: Find out the meaning of the underlined words by answering the questions after the sentences.
1. The Filipinos ran towards the forest with two Japanese soldiers in pursuit. Which of the following words has the same
meaning with the underlined word?
a. chase b. detection c. recreation d. search
2. The warden keeps the place safe from any Japanese soldiers. Which of the words DOES NOT have the same meaning
with the underlined word?
a. assassin b. custodian c. guardian d. keeper
3. While guarding the whole area, the soldiers take catnaps to rest their tired eyes. What is classification of the underlined
a. action word b. describing word c. naming word d. replacing word
4. One of the soldiers was very frail for he did not eat for a long time. What is the classification of the underlined word?
a. action word b. describing word c. naming word d. replacing word
5. The operator used the switchboard to monitor the movement of the Japanese soldiers. Which of the following words is a
part of the underlined word?
a. buttons b. panel c. screen d. switches

B. Direction: Complete the table below with appropriate form of a verb.

Base Form Past Form Past Participle
6. pay paid
7. keep kept
8. drink drank
9. sing sung
10. bring brought
11. choose chosen
12. write wrote
13. sleep slept
14. fly flown
15. put put


A. Direction: Change each verb inside the parenthesis into SIMPLE PAST FORM.
Example: I (buy) a new house. - Ans. I bought a new house.

16. The horse (drink) a bucket of water.

17. I (send) the package to my brother last week.
18. My grandfather (teach) American history for over thirty years.
19. Caterpillars (become) butterflies after going through the pupal stage.
20. Shereen (tear) the ad for baby-sitters off the board.

B. Direction: Change each verb inside the parenthesis into PAST PERFECT TENSE
Example: I (follow) him. - Ans. I had followed him.

21. Harry (save) a hundred dollars for a new bike.

22. The chef (decorate) the wedding cake earlier in the day.
23. I (want) a camera of my own for a long time.
24. Jerry (check) his spelling twice.
25. You (mention) your fabulous aunt Harriet many times.

C. Direction: Choose the connector that will complete each sentence.

26. Filipinos _____ Americans both suffered a lot of damages and lives lost during the war.
a. as early as b. as good as c. as soon as d. as well as
27. The radio broadcasted the stories of heroism _______ the Japanese soldiers forbade them to do it.
a. although b. because c. since d. while
28. Many Americans fought bravely in their fighter planes _____ some of the Filipinos fought the enemy through their own
a. because b. if c. since d. while
29. The radio kept on informing the people about the war _____ they need to find shelter for their own protection.
a. although b. because c. unless d. until
30. It would have been more progressive _____ the Japanese soldiers left our country early.
a. first b. if c. primarily d. unless


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