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Author: Halski Villafuerte

Property of VOX INC. OED TEAM

Quiz 3 Score: 10/10

According to the module, the amount of research in 2006 funded by private industries

Select one:
a. Nothing happened
b. Is the same as it was in 1965
c. Increased
d. Decreased
Answer: Increased (sure)

The following is seen crucial for any research organization except for

Select one:
a. Openness to debate and criticism
b. Having hospitality toward novelty
c. Having the right private funding for researches
d. Having time for ideas to grow to maturity
Answer: Having the right private funding for researches (sure)

It is also given in the module that scientist should have set both of its internal and external
responsibilities. How is internal responsibilities defined?

Select one:
a. The role of a scientist to take into account the health of his body
b. It's a responsibility of the scientist to everything outside of his or her own
c. It is the role of the of the scientist to stick to the standards of the scientific community
d. Refers to the role of the scientist or researcher to the scientific community but also to the
community outside of the laboratory.
Answer: It is the role of the scientist to stick to the standards of the scientific community (sure)
Bayh-Dole act which is passed in 1980, is the

Select one:
a. Act granting universities and their professors automatic rights to own and commercialize
federally funded research
b. The role of the government to address the issue between the environment and different
c. law which states that the government has no right to own any research conducted by the
university researchers when it is privately funded
d. Law passed that protects the environment from harmful activities of private corporations
Answer: Act granting universities and their professors automatic rights to own and commercialize
federally funded research (sure)

Which of the following is not a benefit of tape recording?

Select one:
a. In note taking there is an increased risk of the researcher being more subjective
b. The capability to review the data gathered
c. Less distraction in the observation
d. Writing down the observations is not largely the job of the researcher
Answer: Writing down the observations is not largely the job of the researcher (sure)

According to Steven Nissen, a cardiologist in Cleveland Clinic, pharmaceutical industry's has

a growing influence over what?

Select one:
a. Medical research
b. Biological science
c. Medical schools
d. Environmental Research
Answer: Medical research (sure)

Which of the following is not a bias in data analysis?

Select one:
a. Manipulation of Data
b. Interpretation of Data
c. Elimination of Data
d. Fabrication of Data
Answer: Interpretation of Data (sure)

It is a form of bias that occurs when the study is supported by the company that wouldhelp
the interest of the same company but instead of conducting a correct form of experiment
the conclusion of the study was changed or manipulated.

Select one:
a. Selection Bias wrong
b. Funding Bias
c. Survivor Bias
d. Volunteer Bias
Answer: Funding Bias (sure

It is any trend or deviation from the truth in data collection, data analysis, interpretation,
and publication which can cause false conclusions.

Select one:
a. Data collection
b. Bias
c. Potential Conflict of interests
d. Data Interpretation
Answer: Bias (sure)

Volunteer bias is

Select one:
a. When the conclusion of the research is changed just to be centered in the interest of the
company supporting it. wrong
b. When the people who are part of the study are those only interested to be part of the
study and would have a big difference to those who don't
c. Wrongly classifying a sample as part of the study when it shouldn't be. wrong
d. Filtering the sample in the population to make sure that some part of the population will
not be represented
Answer: When the people who are part of the study are those only interested to be part of the study
and would have a big difference to those who don't (sure)

Transparency and objectivity of researchers can be affected by personal or financial

interests. Directly or indirectly. Research can be directly affected by the interests of the
person conducting it if the person has a direct benefit from a company such as stock
ownership, grants, and patents. And indirectly if
Select one:
a. If the product will provide some benefits to the expert/researcher.
b. If the research is funded just heighten the demand of a certain product
c. The person will be given recognition, paid expert testimony, and support from sponsored
organizations of the company
d. If the person was employed before by the company who funds the research
Answer: The person will be given recognition, paid expert testimony, and support from sponsored
organizations of the company (sure)

What is external responsibilities of a researcher?

Select one:
a. Refers to the role of the scientist or researcher not only to the scientific community but
also to the community outside of the laboratory.
b. It is the role of the of the scientist to stick to the standards of the scientific community
c. It's a responsibility of the scientist to everything outside of his or her own
d. The role of a scientist to take into account the health of his body
Answer: Refers to the role of the scientist or researcher not only to the scientific community but also to
the community outside of the laboratory. (sure)

According to the survey conducted by the Union of the Concerned Scientists in 2005 half
the scientists at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agreed that

Select one:
a. Private corporations did affect the withdrawal or reversal of scientific research conclusions
b. Corporate funding is crucial for the research community
c. Privately funded researches are easily accessed by other researchers
d. That private funding have sped up the sharing of research results between different
Answer: Private corporations did affect the withdrawal or reversal of scientific research conclusions

To ensure that a sample is representative of the population, sampling should be or is

preferred to be

Select one:
a. Random
b. The one you're familiar with in a population wrong
c. At best condition wrong
d. Critically analyzed wrong

Reporting non-existing data, eliminating data, and using inappropriate statistical tests are all
part of what?

Select one:
a. Bias in Data Interpretation wrong
b. Publication Bias wrong
c. Bias in Data analysis
d. Bias in Data Collection
Answer: Bias in Data analysis (sure)

It is a kind of bias which occurs when something is poorly defined, no gold standard for
diagnosis of the disease, or when a disease might not be easily detectable for example a

Select one:
a. Selection Bias
b. Misclassification Bias
c. Admission Bias
d. Survivor Bias
Answer: Misclassification Bias (sure)

According to the reading material that if deviation is still present the author should:

Select one:
a. Confess it in their articles by declaring the known limitations of their work
b. They should change the topic of their research
c. Repeat the whole study until it has zero errors
d. They should change the data and manipulate it to correct the errors
Answer: Confess it in their articles by declaring the known limitations of their work (sure)

Having only research with positive result and not accepting of those with negative results
would be a form of what bias?

Select one:
a. Bias in Data analysis
b. Publication Bias
c. Bias in Data Collection
d. Bias in Data Interpretation wrong
Answer: Publication Bias (sure)

Overall the module talks about

Select one:
a. The lack of budget and support to the scientific community
b. The problem faced by the scientific research community in response to the conflict of
interest with different privately owned corporations funding researches.
c. The increase of demand for government funded researches
d. The importance of research to the people and the industry funding it
Answer: The problem face by the scientific research community in response to the conflict of interest
with different privately owned corporations funding researches. (sure)

Admission bias is

Select one:
a. When a subject is falsely classified as something else. wrong
b. When the sample of the population being observed died
c. When the population studied does not reflect the general population
d. When not every subject is given the equal opportunity to be included in the study wrong
Answer: When the population studied does not reflect the general population (sure)

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