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Modernity and ‘post-mobile’ India


Father’s Name:
Contact Address:
Permanent Address:
Educational Qualification:
Membership of clubs/societies/groups:


Note: Please tick mark the appropriate response to each of the following questions.
1. For how many years heave you been using a cell phone?
a. Below 2 years b. 2-4 years
c. 4-6 years d. Above 6 years
2. State the ownership of your mobile set:
a. Personal b. Official
3. If personal, was it
a. Purchased b. Gifted
4. Which of the following is your service provider:
a. MTNL b. Idea
c. Airtel d. Reliance
e. Hutch f. Tata Indicom
g. Garud h. Any other
5. On what basis do you recharge it:
a. Prepaid b. Postpaid
6. What is your average monthly bill?
a. Below Rs. 350 b. Rs. 350 – Rs. 500 c. Rs. 500 – Rs. 1000
d. Rs. 1000 – Rs. 3000 e. Rs. 3000 – Rs. 5000 f. Rs. 5000 – Rs. 7000
7. If you are a pre-paid user, how many times on an average do you recharge your phone in month?
a. once b. Twice c. Thrice d. More than thrice


8. (a) Rank in the order of priority the social groups you communicate with over your cell phone either
through call or SMS. (Mark 1 for the highest preference and 7 for the lowest):
S. No. Social Groups Rank
1. Family members
2. Friends
3. Colleagues / classmates
4. Media houses
5. Govt. Organizations
6. Business Organizations
7. Others (please specify)

(b) Rank in order of priority the family members you communicate with over your celllphone.

S. No. Relative Name & Age OccupationPlace of Residence Caste Rank

Uncle(s) 1.
Aunt(s) 1.
Brother(s) 1.
Sister(s) 1.
Daughter(s) 1.
Son(s) 1.
(c) Rank in order of priority the ex-friends you presently communicate with

Male Friends Age Occupation Residence Caste


Female Friends Age Occupation Residence Caste


(d) Rank in order of priority the ex-colleagues & classmates you communicate with

Male Age Occupation Place of Residence Caste


Female Age Occupation Place of Residence Caste

(e) Rank in order of priority the present friends you communicate with
Male Age Occupation Residence Caste

Female Age Occupation Residence Caste


(f) Rank in order of priority the present colleagues & classmates (present) you communicate with
Male Age Occupation Place of Residence Caste

Female Age Occupation Place of Residence Caste

9. Rank in order of preference the purposes for which you use your cellphone

S. Purpose Family Friends Colleagues Business Govt. Media Others

No. Members Classmates Org. Org. House
1 To chit chat
2 To keep in touch
3 To talk about work
4 To seek advice/discuss problems
5 To get/give news
6 To invite
7 To wish on festivals/occasion
8 For making programme
9 To share secrets
10 For casual relationship
11 For long term relationship
12 For making new friend/contacts

(a) To communicate with family members

S. No. Purpose Rank

1 To chit chat
2 To keep in touch
3 To talk about work
4 To seek advice/discuss problems
5 To get/give news
6 To invite
7 To wish on festivals/occasion
8 For making programme

(b) To communicate with friends.

S. No. Purpose Rank
1 To chit chat
2 To keep in touch
3 To talk about work
4 To seek advice/discuss problems
5 To get/give news
6 To invite
7 To wish on festivals/occasion
8 For making programme
9 To share secrets
10 For casual relationship
11 For long term relationship
12 For making new friend/contacts

(c) To communicate with colleagues / classmates

S. No. Purpose Rank
1 To chit chat
2 To keep in touch
3 To talk about work
4 To seek advice/discuss problems
5 To get/give news
6 To invite
7 To wish on festivals/occasion
8 To share secrets
9 To make friends
10 To share works related secrets
11 To lobby / make groups
12 To get information / help for
13 Career advancement
14 To coordinate work relate activities

(d) To communicate with Business Org.

S. No. Purpose Rank
1 To get & give orders
2 To seek information about new business
3 To seek / give clarifications / instructions
4 To discuss money transactions.
5 For employment purposes
6 To seek career advancement
7 To keep in touch with the imp executive

(e) To communicate with Govt. Org.

S. No. Purpose Rank
1 To get assistance in critical circumstances
2 For lodging complaints
3 For grievances redressals
4 For employment purposes
5 To seek information about various schemes
6 To follow up pending cases

(f) To communicate with Media Organization

S. No. Purpose Rank
1 For participating in Media programmes
2 For winning prizes in media contest
3 For communicating problems and seeking their solutions
4 To get news on the cellphone

(g) Miscellaneous
S. No. Purpose Rank
1 To play games
2 To get information about city life
3 To click photographs
4 To listen to FM
5 To watch TV
6 To use it as a status symbol
7 To get alarms and reminders
8 To use it as a watch
9 To use it as a calculator
10 To use it a Tel Diary

10. Rank in order of preference the way you keep in touch with people:

S. No. Options Rank

1 By only receiving calls on your cell
2 By giving missed calls
3 By making calls
4 By SMS or MMS

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