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Smoking should be banned in public places

As a popular saying goes by, smoking is dangerous to your

health. But why does it seem that many people are still smoking?
Smoking is the inhalation of gases and hydrocarbon vapors
generated by slowly burning tobacco in cigarettes. The chemicals
in cigarettes and tobacco smoke make smoking harmful.
Cigarette contains over 4,000 different chemicals, at least 50 are
known to be carcinogens and many are poisonous. So I believe
that smoking should be banned in public places in the Philippines
due to the negative effects and disease it causes to the smokers
and non – smokers and also the harmful things it does to the
Many people smoke because smoking makes them relax
lessen stress, and improve concentration. People would smoke
before exams or during office breaks. It helps them cope up with
different situation and gives them confidence. Some people do it
when they feel bored. Smoking gives people a feeling of
satisfaction and relief that people find it hard to give up.
Many teenagers start smoking due to peer pressure. They
feel the need to do that in order to be cool or feel more mature
because smoking is part of socializing as well. Many people who
smoke do it as a way to interact with friends at parties. For some
it is a perfect combination to liquors and beers during a night out
or bonding session.
However, despite the positive sensation associated with
smoking, the arguments against it are strong. Smoking is proven
to be harmful to health; many diseases are associated with it.
Anyone with a smoking habit has a higher percentage of having
lung and other types of cancer. Smoking also can damage fertility
and impotence to some men. The World Health Organization
(WHO) has estimated that tobacco consumption kills 10 Filipinos
every hour, due to the disease brought on by cigarette smoking.
Non – smokers are also exposed to the harmful effect of smoking
because second hand smoke is as bad as the active smoke,
World Health Organization warns that second-hand smoke
causes hundreds of thousands of deaths to non-smokers due to
the same smoking-related diseases.
Cigarettes have a huge contribution to environmental
problems of our country. Smoking pollutes the air and causes a
lot of litter. Because of lack of discipline, people usually throw
their used cigarettes everywhere, in the streets, out of their car
window etc. It will also damage the quality of water and
contaminate it. Marine ecosystem can also be harmed, for some
cigarettes butts are found in the fish’s stomachs.
Because smoking does not only bought harm to humans but
also to the environment and animals, smoking should be banned
in the Philippines.

Topic: Smoking should be banned in the Philippines

Thesis Statement: All cigarette smoking in public places should be banned

because of the adverse effects of “passive smoking” on non-smokers

PRO 1: Helps relax the user.

PRO2: Will give a “cool appeal” among the peers.

CON 1: Cigarettes contains harmful substance that will cause disease

CON 2: Cause harm to the environment

Medical studies have shown that smoking not only leads to health problems
for the smoker, but also for people close by. As a result of this, many
believe that smoking should not be allowed in public places. Although there
are arguments on both sides, I strongly agree that a ban is the most
appropriate course of action.
Opponents of such a ban argue against it for several reasons. Firstly, they
say that passive smokers make the choice to breathe in other people’s
smoke by going to places where it is allowed. If they would prefer not to
smoke passively, then they do not need to visit places where smoking is
permitted. In addition, they believe a ban would possibly drive many bars
and pubs out of business as smokers would not go there anymore. They
also argue it is a matter of freedom of choice. Smoking is not against the
law, so individuals should have the freedom to smoke where they wish.
However, there are more convincing arguments in favor of a ban. First and
foremost, it has been proven that tobacco consists of carcinogenic
compounds which cause serious harm to a person’s health, not only the
smoker. Anyone around them can develop cancers of the lungs, mouth and
throat, and other sites in the body. It is simply not fair to impose this upon
another person. It is also the case that people’s health is more important
than businesses. In any case, pubs and restaurants could adapt to a ban
by, for example, allowing smoking areas.
In conclusion, it is clear that it should be made illegal to smoke in public
places. This would improve the health of thousands of people, and that is
most definitely a positive development.
Smoking: Good or Bad ?

Nowadays, many people smoke every time and everywhere, thus they
obtain many negative effects on their life. On the other hand, smoking
brings many positive impacts to the state and society. In this essay, I will
discuss advantages and disadvantages of smoking, and I will explain my
opinion about both of these things.

There are two main dangers for people who do smoke. The first problem
that should be noted is smoking cigarette can cause diseases such as
cancer, heart attack, pregnancy disorders, asthma, and others. Because
they smoke, in this world many people have passed away. In Indonesia,
every day many smokers are seeking treatment at the hospital to treat
heart attack. As is commonly understood, the disease is not specific only
for smokers but also for the people who stay around the smokers when
they smoke cigarette.

Also, another danger is that people who smoke are including human
wasteful because every day they Another case is people who smoke are
including human wasteful because every time they spend a lot of money
only to smoke. In Indonesia, every day smokers spend more than hundreds
of millions money to buy cigarette. It is obvious when looking at this
example that smoking brings dangers to human life, and It is clearly that
smoking can cause many problems.

However, many people believe that cigarette has many benefits for human
life. The first benefit is it supports much money to the government from
taxes. Because many people smoke it, the government will earn a lot of
money. For example, in Indonesia every year the state obtains trillions of
money from cigarette tax. When looking at this example, there is no doubt
that the administration earns much money from cigarette. Besides this,
many people work at cigarette company. For instance, in Indonesia around
thousands of people work in various tobacco companies. They obtain a big
salary from the company so that they can live happily. Moreover,
businessmen acquire much money from cigarette when they export it to

This brings us to the conclusion that both of these have benefits for
humans. However, I strongly believe that the dangers of smoking are
crueler than the benefits of smoking. Therefore, I advise people to stop

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