Question 6 STA2

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Question 6: Discuss the credibility of the interpretations and conclusions of Question 4.

there anything we should be concerned about? Explain.
As regards to our conclusion of question 4, it is possible to conclude that the interpretations and
conclusions are reliable because all of decisions are made from the results of R output. After
performing the test, we can see in the output, p-value of interaction between Gender and Seat is
0.0339, smaller than the level of significance (0.05) then we have enough evidence to state that
the Ho1 can be rejected. Therefore, it can be interpreted that the interaction between Gender and
Seat is significant. Furthermore, type I error can occur in this case when Ho1 is actually true but
stated to be false. However, with the level of significance of 0.05, a quite small value, type I
cannot be excluded entirely, it is still reduced.
Two-way ANOVA has multitudinous advantages such as understanding data, investigating
interaction between several factors, however we should concern and pay attention to some issues
as followed .
First of all, two-way ANOVA requires equal population variances which leads to the statement
that the standard population of populations should be the same to each other. The greater the
difference between them, the greater probability that the conclusion is inaccurate. In regard to R
output, we can check whether those standard deviations are really equal or not. We take the
largest value of standard deviation divided by the smallest one, the outcome is about 1.3066,
which is lower than 2. From this calculation, we can be sure about the equality of standard
Secondly, the two-way ANOVA assumes that the data in groups are normal distribution while
the data may not perfectly satisfy this requirement. As described in the above question, the box
plot shows that the samples were not really normally distributed because in some groups, there
are still some outliers. In addition, the Q-Q plot did provide the result which is quite similar.
Looking at the graph of Q-Q plot we can see all points fall relatively on the straight line,
excepting some points which are outliers. Furthermore, the Q-Q plot is considered to be more
reliable and accurate, then we choose to base on that plots to interpret the results. If we can
increase the sample size, there will be greater consistency in both graph. Moreover, at the step of
checking assumption, we consider the sample size is large enough, thus the outcome is still
In conclusion, at the first step we state that we are 95% confident about our result of the test
despite the difficulty to analyze ANOVA and the above factors can lead to inaccurate outcome.

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