Soil Scie

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1. Soil particles larger than 2mm in size.

a. Rockiness c. Stones
b. Sand d. Gravelly
2. Soil component with extreme small size and large surface area, capable of absorbing cations
and water.
a. Quarts c. Colloid
b. Feldspar d. Carbonates
3. The original source of most organic matter in soil is
a. Rocks
b. Bodies of dead animals and insects
c. Soil inhibiting microorganism
d. Plant residues
4. A civil engineer is a:
a. Pedologist
b. Petrologist
c. Edaphologist
d. Anthropologist
5. The study of rock is:
a. Petrologist
b. Hydrologist
c. Rockology
d. Mineralogy
6. The parent material corresponds to horizon:
a. D c. ABCD
b. AB d. C
7. The true soil corresponds to horizon:
a. AB
b. C
8. Parent material deposited in lakes is:
a. Marine
b. Tuff
c. Lacustrine
d. Alluvium
9. A soil horizon is defined as:
a. The slope of the surface relative to the horizontal
b. A soil layer that differs in recognizable properties from other layers immediately above or
c. The depth of finely divided soil mineral matter over bedrock
d. Any of the above
10. Soils consist of four major components: mineral materials, organic matter, water and air.
Which of the following is correct?
a. OM is 25%, Minerals is 25%, Air is 5%, Water is 45%
b. OM is 45%, Minerals is 5%, Air is25 5%, Water is 25%
c. OM is 5%, Minerals is 45%, Air is25%, Water is 25%
d. None of the above
11. The following are important functions of the soil in ecosystem EXCEPT,
a. Provides habitat for the soil organism
b. Supports the growth of plants
c. Controls the fate of water in the hydrologic cycle
d. None of the above
12. The most ideal soil structure is,
a. Prismatic
b. Granular
c. platy
d. Blocky
13. A soil dominated by this soil particle
has low water holding capacity.
a. Sand
b. Silt
c. Clay
d. All of the above
14. Ion that causes dispersion in soils.
a. Na c. Ca
b. Mg d. Mn
15. The dark color of igneous rocks is usually caused by:
a. Calcite c. Feldspar
b. Quarts d. Ferromagnesian minerals
16. Of the following minerals, the one that expands on wetting is:
a. Montmorillonite c. Illite
b. Kaolinite d. Muscovite
17. During the dry season plant roots are naturally supplied with water through
a. Capillarity c. Leaching
b. Percolation d. Infiltration
18. At the same level of OM which will have the highest water holding capacity?
a. Loamy sand c. Clay
b. Clay loam d. Sandy loam
19. The first stage in soil erosion
a. Deposition c. Soil particle detachment
b. Entrapment d. Water infiltration
20. It is the most extensively weathered of all the soil orders
a. Vertisols c. Alfosols
b. Ultisols d. Oxisols
21. Increased bulk density is not favorable in practical agriculture. Which of the following may
lead to reduced bulk density.
a. Heavy foot traffic
b. Addition of organic matter in large amounts
c. Compaction caused by the weight of the overlying layers
d. Less aggregation and root penetration
22. Describes the darkness or lightness of color
a. Hue c. Value
b. Ultra d. Spectrum
23. The lower limit of the available water
a. Available water c. Field capacity
b. Permanent wilting point d. Hydroscopic coefficient
24. A 1:1 mineral that low CEC and low water holding capacity
a. Kaolinite c. Vermiculite
b. Illite d. Humus
25. A 2:1 layer silicate that is non-expanding
a. Illite c. Chlorite
b. Montmorillonite d. Kaolinite
26. Refers to the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the soil.
a. Soil colloids c. Soil solution
b. Soil pH d. Soil texture
27. Rocks that are formed from deposition and cementation of weathered products.
a. Sedimentary c. Metamorphic
b. Igneous
28. It is usually defined as the mass of a unit volume of soil solids not including pore space and
frequently expressed as grams per cubic centimeter.
a. Particle density c. Both a and b
b. Bulk density d. None of the above
29. The reason micronutrient cations such as copper, zinc and iron are frequently supplied plants
in the form of sprays is because
a. Spraying gives better control over toxic effects from micronutrients
b. These element are not efficiently taken up from the soil solution by roots
c. These elements are volatile
d. These elements are readily fixed in unavailable forms in soils
30. If neutral salts were leached from a sodic soil, its PH would probably
a. Increase c. Remain the same
b. Decrease d. Zero
31. If a crop residue contains 60% organic carbon and 5% total nitrogen, its C/N ratio is
a. 10:1 c. 12:1
b. 15:1 d. 20

32. The most abundant elements in the earths crust are

a. C,H,O,N,P c. Fe, Al, Mn, N, P
b. O,Si, Al,Fe,Ca d. N,P,K,Ca,Mg
33. Plant wilting commences when:
a. Water starts flowing from roots back into the soil
b. Water flow into the roots stops
c. Soil is at field capacity
d. Water flow into roots drops below transpirational loss
34. Maximum daily variation in temperature at the surface of the ground normally occurs where:
a. Both the soil and air above are dry
b. Both the soil and air above are moist
c. the soil is dry but the air above is moist
d. soil is wet
35. the cation exchange capacity of a soil is a measure of
a. the negative charge of the soil neutralized by easily replaceable cations
b. the speed with which ions added to the soil solution become absorbed on soil particle
c. the force of bonding between the soil and exchangeable cations
d. acidity
36. the removal of excess water from a water logged soil depends on
a. the force of gravity c. temperature
b. atmospheric pressure d. a difference in soil suction
37. the capability of the soil being molded by hands is
a. tilth c. stickiness
b. plasticity d. cracking
38. Aside from carbon and hydrogen, the other macro element constituent of organic compound
in the plant is
a. Nitrogen c. Potassium
b. Phosphorus d. Oxygen
39. Micropores mostly filled with water and has a diameter size of
a. >0.06 c. >0.006
b.. >0.6 d. >0.0006
40. Conversion of organic N into the inorganic form
a. Ammonifacation c. Acidification
b. Nitrification d. Mineralization
41. The application of materials, either organic or inorganic, to the soil or to the plants so thst the
supply of one or more of the essential nutrients will be increased for plant utilization and
a. Fertilization c. Farming
b. Mineralization d. Organization
42. A soil condition usually associated with a salinity problem is
a. Level topography c. Fine texture
b. Soil acidity d. Poor internal drainage
43. The soil order of organic soil
a. Entisols c. Mollisols
b. Histosols d. Andisols
44. Under upland condition, this is the most preferred source of N because it leaves less acidity.
a. Ammonium nitrate c. Urea
b. Ammonium sulfate d. Potassium nitrate
45. The moisture content of an air dry soil is known as
a. Field capacity c. Hydroscopic coefficient
b. Permanent wilting point d. Saturation point
46. Soil density and porosities are affected by soil texture and soil structure. Which of the
following statement is true?
a. Soil compaction increases bulk density
b. Porosity increases with increasing bulk density
c. Soil aggregation increases bulk density
d. Density is equal to soil porosity
47. Bacteria belong to this factor of soil formation
a. Climate c. Parent material
b. Relief d. Living organism
48. Microorganisms that are most active b. Anaerobes
in the decay of organic substance in c. Aerobes
soils. d. Autotrophs
a. Phototrophs
49. Soil acidity is one of the most extensive soil problems in crop production. To alleviate soil
acidity, which among these soil amendments is applied
a. Lime c. Urea
b. Sulfur d. Organic fertilizer
50. Which of the following statement is correct?
I.The value of particle density tends to increase when there is a large amount of heavy
minerals in the soil.
II. The Particle density tends to decrease when there is an increase in organic matter
III. Particle density is not affected by size of the particle or the changes in pore space.

a. I &II is correct c. I, II, III is correct

b. III is wrong d. I, II, III is wrong
51. The conversion of ammonium (NH4) into organic N.
a. Fixation c. Mineralization
b. Immobilization d. Nitrification
52. Decomposers which works both under aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
a. Actinomycetes c. Algae
b. Fungi d. Bacteria
53. Hydroxyl ion concentrations are greatest in a soil solution with a pH value of
a. 0.1 c. 5.0
b. 4.0 d. 6.5
54. The number and activity of bacteria in the soil are affected by
a. pH c. Moisture
b. Oxygen supply d. All of the above
55. An example of physical weathering process is
a. Oxidation c. Hydration
b. Solution d. Exfoliation
56. Which of the following is NOT an element of climate
a. Precipitation c. Relief
b. Temperature d. Sunshine
57. Accumulation of sodium ions
a. Solodization c. Laterization
b. Alkalinization d. Silication
58. Mineral horizon of maximum eluviation
a. A c. B
b. E d. C
59. A measure of degree of compaction of the soil and an indicator of porosity
a. Particle density c. Bulk density
b. Porosity d. Soil texture
60. All pore spaces are completely filled with water
a. Maximum water holding capacity c. Available water
b. Field capacity d. Gravitational water
61. Computed by getting the difference between Field Capacity and Permanent wilting point
a. Hygroscopic coefficient c. Gravitational water
b. Available water d. Water at saturation
62. A fertile soil is not necessarily a productive soil.
a. True c. Maybe
b. False
63. The movement of ions from a zone of high concentration to a zone of low concentration
a. Mass flow c. Diffusion
b. Contact exchange d. Interception
64. This macronutrient is a component of amino acids such as methionine, cystein and cystine and
is usually deficient in waterlogged soils.
a. Sulfur c. Calcium
b. Magnesium d. Zinc
65. The capacity of the soil to supply nutrient elements in right amount and correct proportion
a. Rate of reproduction c. Availability
b. Soil productivity d. Soil fertilizer
66. The enzyme responsible in nitrogen fixation
a. Catalase c. Carboxylase
b. Nitrogenase d. Nitrate reductase
67. The process of classifying soil types and other properties in a given area
a. Soil map c. Soil survey
b. Soil science d. Soil classification
68. Which of the following is true
a. Dark or black color indicates high organic matter
b. Dark or black color indicates that the soil is at oxidized state
c. Dark or black color indicate that the soil is high in oxides and iron
d. All of the above
69. A relatively stable property of the soil
a. Soil structure c. Soil profile
b. Soil texture d. Soil separate
70. Size of clay particle in the soil
a. <0.002 mm c. 0.2-0.02
b. 0.02-0.002mm d. >2 mm
71. The ion that causes flocculation in the soil
a. Na c. Ca
b. Mg d. S
72. Deficiency of these elements causes chlorosis.
a. N and K
b. N and S
c. Ca and P
d. Cl and S
73. Which of the following Is NOT a characteristic of clay separates?
a. Poor aeration and drainage
b. High water holding capacity
c. Low total porosity
d. High nutrient capacity
74. The fresh weight of a soil is 40g. After oven drying, it is now 32g. What is the moisture content
by mass of the soil?
a. 14.6% c. 33.5%
b. 22.1% d. 25%
75. Soils with high CEC have
a. High buffering capacity c. Low buffering capacity
b. No buffering capacity d. None of the above
76. The moisture content of an air dry soil is known as
a. Macropores c. Endospores
b. Micropores d. Mesopres
77. The pore space meant to drain excess moisture
a. Macropores c. Endospores
b. Micropores d. Mesopres
78. Red color indicate the predominance of
a. Reduce iron c. Organic matter
b. Salts d. Iron oxides
79. Movement of water in the soil is always from
a. Higher to lower soil moisture tension
b. Lower to higher moisture content
c. Higher to lower soil moisture content
d. Higher to lower total potential energy
80. Microorganisms which do not require oxygen are called
a. Anaerobes c. Microaerophillic
b. Aerobes d. Obligate aerobes
81. it is related to the integrated effect of rainfall, run-off, and infiltration on soil loss.
a. Crop management factor c. Soil erodibility factor
b. Rainfall intensity d. Slope factor
82. The spattering of small particles caused by the impact of raindrops on very wet soils
a. Gully erosion c. Inter rill erosion
b. Splash erosion d. Sheet erosion
83. A cabbage plant needs 4 bags N per hectare, how many kilograms of 21-0-0 needed to satisfy
the requirement?
a. 9523.8 c. 19.528
b. 952.38 d. 95.238
84. A 200 kg 16-20-0 can supply how many kg of P2 O5?
a. 20 c. 40
b. 32 d. 60
85. A qualitative way of assessing soil fertility
a. Soil testing c. Laboratory soil testing
b. Fertilizer field trial d. None of the above
86. This symbol is used to indicate the presence of highly decomposed organic matter in O
a. e c. b
b. i d. a
87. Process by which sediments settles out under the action of gravity
a. Entrainment c. Detachment
b. Deposition d. Dispersion
88. These are microorganism that can grow at high temperatures 45⁰C and 75 ⁰C.
a. Thermophiles c. Pedophiles
b. Mesophiles d. Psycrophiles
89. What soil order predominates in the Philippines?
a. Histosols c. Vertisols
b. Ultisols d. Entisols
90. The loss of nitrogen to the atmosphere in the form of ammonia.
a. Denitrification c. Nitrification
b. Volatilization d. Ammonification
91. Which of the following is not a soil forming factor?
a. Topography c. Climate
b. Time d. Soil color
92. The most detailed category of soil taxonomy
a. Soil series c. Sub order
b. Great group d. Soil family
93. The most efficient organic matter decomposers under acidic soil conditions are the
a. Fungi c. Actinomycetes
b. Bacteria d. Protozoa
94. The element that most often limits the rate of plant residue decay in soil
a. Carbon c. Phosphorus
b. Oxygen d. Nitrogen
95. Product of denitrification
a. NO3 c. NH4
b. N2 d. N2O
96. Bacteria belonging to this genus are non symbiotic nitrogen fixers
a. Nitrosomonas c. Azotobacter
b. Aerobacter d. Aerobacter
97. Government agency in charge of the survey and classification of soils in the Philippines.
b. BPI d. DPWH
98. Soils with no diagnostic horizons
a. Oxisols c. Vertisols
b. Entisols d. Inceptisols
99. Binding of an organic compound and a metal ion.
a. Chelation c. Coordination
b. Oxidation d. Complexation
100. The mineral supplying P is:
a. Talc
b. Pyrite
c. Apatite
d. Feldspar

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