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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Cagayan
Municipality of Baggao
BARANGAY _____________________


Series of 2019



WHEREAS, under the Local Government code of 1991 provides that local
government units shall, within their jurisdiction, promote health and safety,
improve public morals, maintain peace and order, and preserve the comfort
and convenience of their inhabitants, among other equally significant

WHEREAS, drug related incidents have been constantly present in our

country and resulted in multiple crime incidents. Despite the efforts of the
PNP and other law enforcement agencies of the government, their lingering
presence threatens the peace and order in communities nationwide;

WHEREAS, DILG Memorandum Circular No.2015-63, dated June 16,2015

was issued to emphasize to local authorities especially barangay officials
their principal responsibilities in support of overall government efforts to
maintain peace and order particularly to curb illegal drugs and other

WHEREAS, the establishment of the Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse

Council(BADAC) in Barangay ___________________, Baggao, Cagayan is
imperative in order to provide a venue for an orderly, planned and well-
managed campaign against all forms of illegal drugs and other substances;

NOW THEREFORE, I _______________________, Punong Barangay, of

Barangay ___________________________, by virtue of the powers vested in me
by law, do hereby order:

Section 1. A.COMPOSITION. The Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council

(BADAC) shall be composed of the following,

Chairperson : ______________________________
Punong Barangay

Vice-Chairperson : ______________________________
Barangay Kagawad/Committee Chair
On Peace and Order
Members : _____________________________
SK Chairman
School Principal/TIC
Executive Officer/Chief Tanod

1|BADAC EO No. _______, Series of 2019

Representative of a Faith-Based Org.
NGO/Civil Society Representative
Adviser: ______________________________
City/Municipal Chief of Police or

B. FUNCTION. The functions of the Barangay Anti- Drug Abuse Council

(BADAC) shall cover the following:
1. Conduct regular meetings at least once a month and call for especial
meetings whenever necessary;
2. Plan, strategize, implement and evaluate programs and projects on
drug abuse prevention in the barangay;
3. Organize the BADAC Auxiliary Team to compose an ideal number of
25 members per 2,000 population of the barangay representing
streets, puroks, subdivisions or sitios;
4. Orient the BADAC Auxiliary Team of their roles and functions and in
formulating plan of action to address the problem;
5. Equip Barangay Tanods and BADAC Auxiliary Team on their roles and
functions in the campaign against street-level illegal drug trade
through seminars or trainings;
6. Coordinate and collaborate with other institutions implementing
programs and projects on drug abuse prevention at the barangay
7. Continuously gather and update data on all drug related incidents
and its effects on the peace and order situation in the barangay
including listing of suspected drug users and pushers;
8. Submit a monthly report to the Municipal Anti-Drug Abuse Council
copy furnished the DILG Municipal Field Office.
9. Refer suspected drug users to the MADAC and other institutions for
corresponding counseling and /or rehabilitation;
10. Conduct an Information, Education Campaign (IEC) on illegal
drug demand reduction;
11. Monitor disposition and progress of drug related cases filed; and
12. Perform other related functions.

SECTION 2. BADAC Committees

A. Committee and Operations
a. Composition
Chairman : ______________________________
Sangguniang Barangay Member
Member: ______________________________
Chief Tanod

BADAC Auxiliary team (ideally 25 members per 2000 population)

b. Roles and Responsibilities

 Prepare and maintain a confidential list of suspected users,
pusher, financiers and/or protectors of illegal drug trade found in

2|BADAC EO No. _______, Series of 2019

the LGU’s area of jurisdiction to be submitted to the Municipal
Anti-Drug Abuse Council copy furnished the PNP Anti-illegal
Drugs Special Operations Task Force (AIDSOTF),and
 Establish rehabilitation/referral desks and process applications
for rehabilitations of drug defendant.

 Identification of drug affected house clusters,work places,streets,
puroks and sitios where manufacture, delivery, sale, or use of
illegal drugs are being conducted and to report the same
immediately to the PNP or the Philippine Drug Enforcement
 Conduct administrative searches of suspected drug
 Conduct briefings, meetings prior to the launching of operations
to ensure positive results and safety of the operating teams and
the community.

During Operations
 Ensure safety of the community and regularity of the operations;
 Any elected barangay official present during the operation to
witness the inventory of seized drugs/paraphernalia;
 Extend such other necessary assistance to the PDEA and PNP
authorities in its operation against illegal drugs including but not
limited to the preservation of evidence and protection of
witnesses and suspects against unlawful acts.

Post Operation
 The elected barangay official present during the operations shall
execute an affidavit and act as witness in court hearing in the
prosecution of drug cases.
 Submit reports of drug-clearing operations conducted, if any, to
the Municipal Anti-Drug Abuse Council copy furnished the DILG
Municipal field Office.
 For operations conducted/initiated by the PDEA?PNP an elected
barangay official should be involved immediately after the raid
and be present to stand as witness during the committee of

B. Committee on Advocacy
a. Composition
Chairman : ______________________________
Sangguniang Barangay
Members : ______________________________
SK Chairman

School Principal or Representative

3|BADAC EO No. _______, Series of 2019

Representative of a Non-Government
Org./NGO Civil Society
Representative of Faith-Based Org
b. Roles and Responsibilities
 Coordinate and collaborate with other institutions in the barangay if
any. The Eye in the Barangay in implementing programs and projects
on anti-illegal drug abuse;
 Conduct consultative meetings with organizations in the barangay to
get their commitment to assist in curbing the drugs menace in the
 Strengthen the family by promoting values, parental care, and
guidance that will prevent children from attempting to and/or use of
prohibited drugs;
 Strengthen the linkages of the Barangay Officials with the community
higher LGU’s local police and PDEA on anti-illegal drug campaign;
 Conduct necessary seminars for the community on the dangers of
illegal drugs in coordination with the PNP;
 Empower the community in reporting drug-related cases through an
 Identify and implement sustainable livelihood projects as a
reintegration program to former drug pushers and drug addicts.

Section 3. FUNDING. Funds for the projects and programs or activities of the
council shall be charged against the 5% fund intended for illegal drugs
subject to the existing rules and regulations.

Section 4. REPEALING CLAUSE. All orders and issuances that are

inconsistent with this order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 5. EFFECTIVITY. This order shall take effect immediately.

Done this ______ day of _____________________________ 2019 at Barangay

_________________, Baggao, Cagayan.

Punong Barangay

Date: _______________________

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