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Subhash fucking hot neighbour

Mrs Sarkar

Dear friends, I am Subhash, 26 year

old fun loving man from Kolkata.
Last year, I went to neighbouring
town to spend my Christmas
vacation with my friend cum cousin
sister. Both of us are very friendly
and luckily my Jamai babu is also
very sporting and we get along quite
well. He works with a public sector
company there.
The evening I reached there, I met
their neighbour Mr Sarkar and his
hot wife. She was wearing knee
length sleeveless frock and quite
stylishly carried her leather jacket in
her arms. Mrs. Sarkar, I would say
possessed everything a man would
ask for and needless to say I was
completely infatuated by her
charms. I was introduced by my
cousin and soon we all went to their
There my jamai babu asked for
drinks and Mrs. Sarkar (in bangla)
asked her husband to be in limits.
Gradually, I also started chatting
with her. I boasted that I never get
drunk, no matter how much I drink.
To this Mr. Sarkar also boasted and
jokingly I said that I am still better.
I, next day admitted to my cousin
that Mrs. Sarkar is a bombshell and I
am deeply infatuated. She laughed
and said you say the same for every
second girl you meet and let me tell
you she is married. I jokingly said so
what, thats better you know and
laughed and said kaam mera naam
tera. She laughed and said subhash,
you are so mean.

I acted as if I am a philospher and

said if you consume few glasses
from a ocean nothing happens to it
and she is a ocean to me. We were
joking like this when Mrs. Sarkar
came, this time wearing a jeans and
heard us laughing. When she
inquired about the joke my cousin
looked at me and asked should I tell
her. I bowed my head and said
My cousin laughed and called me
behaya (means person with no
shame) and told jokingly to Mrs.
Sarkar that I say that I appreciate
her beauty and had I met her before
marriage I would have proposed.
She also laughed and said Subhash ,
I am sure you will get better girls
than me. I again bowed my head
and said bowdi, but I don't want a
better girl.
Both the ladies laughed and I kept
on flirting with her. I showered
compliments after compliments till
she blushed and said its enough. The
result of afternoon happening was
visible and she behaved quite
friendly with me when we again
went to club(it is the only place to go
). Apparently she must have told Mr.
Sarkar about my witty nature and
even my bad jokes drew lot of
appreciation from all of them.
I persuaded my cousin to allow me
to take a chance with Mrs. Sarkar.
She got irritated and said subhash,
don't do anything that will ruin our
relationship. I promised her that and
went to Mrs Sarkar home. She
welcomed me and I again started to
compliment her. This time, after a
while she hit me hard with her
words. Mrs. Sarkar said Subhash,
why are you doing all this.
I said I have developed a liking for
you. She then asked for what. I
paused and said I know what you
want from me and I don't blame you
for that because everybody wants
this and think that I am a whore.
She then hissed now if I wear a
frock, or a mini skirt does that make
me a whore. I quickly interrupted I
don't think so bowdi.
The discussion continued and she
banged me and my guts then said
o.k, then I would allow you to do
anything you wish with me but in
presence of my husband. My jaw
dropped and as a face saving
gesture I said bowdi, I did'nt want to
hurt you and deeply regret to have
offended you with my compliments.
I sighed and said do you do this to
every man who dares to compliment
She laughed and said no, its just
that Ruchi ( my cousin) is a very
good friend of mine and she asked
me to teach you a lesson and to
bring you back to senses'. I cursed
Ruchi and heaving a sigh of relief
said by god, I felt as if I am blott to
mankind and laughed.
She served me tea and I
shamelessly again fiddled into
troubled waters saying atleast, I am
not going with empty hands, you
have permitted me to do anything
with you in presence of Joydeep
da(her husband). She took this
lightly and laughed and said o.k, I
will. I said not fair bowdi, odds are
so high, almost cent percent.
She had a hearty laugh and said
thats why the reward is as per your
wish. I came back only when Ruchi
called me for lunch. It was a gone
case and I had no hope of laying her
till opportunity presented on 31 dec.
Actually, we all were in club and
were having gala time. My cousin
wanted to return back and I wanted
to stay in club for some more time.
Joydeep da offered to drop me which
I agreed. We stayed back upto 12
and shook hands with Mrs. Sarkar in
Joydeep's presence. On our drive
back, I said that after so many years
I am sober because neither Joydeep
nor Jamai babu gave me company.
Joydeep said he has a bottle and we
can have some more back at home.
Mrs. Sarkar protested to which I said
now common bowdi, even if we get
drunk it will at home only.
On reaching their house, we started.
In absence of Mrs. Sarkar I provoked
Joydeep to prove that he is a better
boozer than me and by the time she
changed and returned back to living
room, Joydeep had gulped down 3
pegs and the fourth was in his
hands. After about half hour I felt his
eyes wavering and subtly provoked
him by saying so is that all.
He finished his fourth and amidst
protests of Mrs. Sarkar, he
incoherently said you don't
understand, it is my prestige now
and drank another peg. I kept quiet
as Joydeep was very incoherent and
to please him I loose you win and
stood up.
He tried to stand but failed. I
grabbed him and said allow me to
take you to bedroom. I somewhat
dragged him and put him on bed. He
almost immediately blanked out. I
shook him to check but he was
snoring. Mrs. Sarkar was at other
side of bed staring at me intently.
I returned her gaze and she asked
you did it intentionally. I walked
towards her and said you called for it
bowdi, not my fault. She was
annoyed and said thats not fair. I
had reached her, held her waist from
over her nightie and pulled her
towards me and said did'nt you
hear, everything is fair in love and
She did'nt try to push me as I bent
my neck and was inches away from
her lips when she said but it is
cheating. I brushed my lips over her
and whispered cheating or no
cheating, but you are worth to die
for and kissed her lips. She jerked
her head sideways and said am I so
desirable to you. My hands now held
her ass and squeezed it gently and I
replied, you sure are.
This time, I waited for few moments
and then licked her lips and in return
she thrusting her tongue out said
then go ahead and make it
pleasurable journey for me and let
me live my fantasy of being fucked
with husband one one side. Our
tongues met and we sucked each
others tongue for quite some time.
Just then my mobile rang. It was
from Ruchi who asked me when I
will be back.
I asked her about jamai babu and
she said he is sleeping and she is
waiting for me. I told her to keep
back door open and to go to sleep as
I am with her friend and switched off
my mobile. We were standing and as
I kissed her she started to undress
me. She expertly removed my
jacket, shirt and made my top half
She then pushed me on bed and
unbuttoned her nightie but did'nt
remove it. Her boobs were partially
visible to me as she one by one
removed my dress and made me
nude. By the time she was removing
my jockey, I had a hard on. She
lovingly stroked it two three times
and came on top of me and
whispered into my ears so here is
your reward, get it.
My hands cupped her boobs and
gently played with her nipples as she
rubbed her pussy over my hard
pennis. I felt her velvety pussy as
she kept on rubbing it. Then she
thrust her boobs in front of my face
and just as I tried to lick it she
withdrew and said what do you
want, ummmm. I whispered I want
to suck your nipples'. She increased
the pace of her rubbing and said
then beg.
I begged and she gave me one of
her nipples. She allowed me to suck
for a while, then she came beside
me and whispered subhash, make
me beg for it, make me so hot
ummmmm subhashhhhhh ( I was
sucking her nipples and fingering her
) oooohhh dear, I have been
fantacising about thisssss,
aaaahhhhh, don't biteeee meeeee
loveeee ummmm me.
She had beautiful curves and had
almost right amount of flab around
crucial areas like navel, waist which
made her all the more sexy and I
was sucking her navel taking a bit of
flab between my teeths and eating
Mrs. Sarkar, kept on pushing my
head gently guiding me to the place
where she wanted to be eaten. She
had cleanshaved pussy and I licked
her. She whimpered and said
oooohhhhhh don't do ittt I will go
mad but acted contrarily by
thrusting her pelvic into my face. I
sucked her pussy with my hands
playing with her ass and nipples.
She kept on moaning and whenever
there was silence Joydeep's steady
snoring could be heard. She took my
hands from over her nipples and
started sucking my fingers and
licked my palm.
She then stopped me and said she
wants to have orgasm the natural
way, she asked me to enter her. She
was wet down there and I lay beside
her and said first lick my pennis. She
rode me and started licking my tool
while I fingered her furiously. She
was oozing out juices and wanted a
thick pennis and finger did'nt suffice
her needs.
She reversed her position and licked
my nipples and said pls subhash do
it. I came on top of her and did what
was required. Gently at first, angling
my pennis to provide maximum
rubbing with her internal walls. Soon
she started demanding subhash, fast
ummmmm fast ufffff I am
cumminggggg aaaaahhhhh and her
whole body tensed up and I
increased me pace and we came
almost simultaneously.
After that I again fucked her doggy
style and in wee hours returned back
to my cousin's place. I stayed there
for another two days, and fucked her
at my cousin's place. My cousin
did'nt object and said it was case of
two consenting adults. I hope you
liked it.

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