CB3-EC-50-SP-005-A4 Rev.2 Foundation Spec

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Stow | cansemaraem | MEV? ar one ossuneaots | pacevorze FOUNDATION SPECIFICATION JASA KONSULTANS! FEED PIPANISASI CBulll(LOMANIS ~ TASIKMALAYA) DIREKTORAT PEMASARAN & NIAGA PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO) ISSUED FOR BID RtGnNA PERRO) PROVED Gens APPROVED WITIE COMMENT NOT APPROVED APROTED bl 2015 | ost 2015 | — ISSUED FOR BID RF K [03 Fab 2015 | ISSUED FOR APPROVAL rev. | DATE DESCRIPTION PREPARED | CHECKED | APPROVED | CLIENT Pees a fons FED pre CB mas Tata) REVISION HISTORICAL SHEET Description 155068 for Approval Issued for Bid Issued for Bid AF rercnann € a oss FEED Pens Loran Taskay) ‘TABLE OF CONTENT 4. GENERAL, sn 11 Scope. 4 412. References. 4 2, DEFINITIONS yen 6 3, SHALLOW FOUNDATION. i 34 General 6 32 Design 6 33. The Alowable Bearing Capacty 6 3.4, Soloction of tho chapo of Foundation 7 25 Stobitty Chock 4 26. Stress Calculation 13 87. Reinforcement Design. 15 38. Construction GROUTING PILE FOUNDATION. 54 Design 5.2. Stress Calculation 19 53. Allowable Verteal Pie Capacty 20 6. FOUNDATION FOR VIBRATING MACHINES. . se 6.1. Avoid Resonance. 22 6.2 Allowable Amplitude 22 6.3. Minimum Reinforcement for Black Type Foundation 23 64 Stabilly 23 To SETTLEMENT oeenensennninnan 23 7 Elaste Sotoment 23 7.2. Consaléation Setioment 2 Prem 2a onan FEED Pen Cl Lov —Taskr) 4. GENERAL, 4 12 Scope This document provides minimum requirements for foundation specication to be performed by CONTRACTOR during Engineering Detaled Design, Procurement, Construction and Installation for Pipanisasi CBI (Lomaris ~ Taskenalays), References 1.24 Related spacicstons “The folowing project specications and document prescribe items of related work 1+ CB3EC-50-SP-O0T-AS * CBSEC-50-SP-002-84 + CBS.EC-50.sP.002.04 41.22 Codes and Standards ‘Gil and Stucture General Spectcaton, Ste Preparation, Excavation & Backfling Spectieaion, Concrete Work Spesfieaion. 1) The folowing codes, standards and pubfcations wil be used for the purposes listed below. Wen an editon date isnot indicated for @ vode or standard, the latest edition and addendum ia force at ime of purchase shall apply. Material shall be as speciied or an equal approved by PERTAMINA. Modifications applicable to tis project are described below. 2) Indonesian Local Codes and Regulations: ‘SKBI-1.353.1987 PETG! 1983 ‘8N1 03-1726 sNios-1727 Ni 03-1729 SNi08-2847 sit PPIUG Peraturan Perencanaen Tahan Gempa untuk Rumeh ddan Gedung, + Peraturan Perencanaan Tahan Gempa untuk Gedung, Tota Cara Perencenaan Kelshenan Gempa untuk ‘Struktur Bangunan Gedung dan Non Gedung, 2012. Pedoman Perencansan Pembebenan untuk Rumeh an Gedung, 2002. Pedornan Perercanaan Bangunan Baja unuk Gedung, 2002, Tota Cara Perencanaan Struklur Baton unluk Bangunan Gedung, 2002. Standard Indust Indonesia, Peraturan Pembebanan Indonesia Untuk Gedung, 1988. 3) UBC (Unvorm Building Code), 1997 Eston or the latest 44) ACI (American Conerete Insitute) Aci 31802 ACI301-99 AcIsi5 ACISE2R Buiding Code Requirements for Stuctural Concrete, Standard Specieation for Structural Concrete for Buikings, ‘Standard Practice fr Detling Reinforced Concrete ‘Standard specification for curing concrete. 8) ASTM (American Socity for Testing and Materials) ASTM AS ‘Standard Speciation for Structural Steet ee = ho orn FED pr C2 ural) ASTMASS: Standard Specifeation for Ppe, Stoel Black and Hot Dippad, Zine-Coated Welded and Seamless ASTATES: ‘Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire, Fabric, rai fr Concrete Reinforcoment ASTM A325; Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel and Heat “Treated Joints ASTMAGIS: Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Bilet- Stoel Bars for Conerete Reinforcement ASTMC150 ‘Standard specication for Potand cement ASTMC-53-03 Standard specication for Concrete Aggregate ASTM AALS Standard specifation fer steel sheet zinc-costed (Gatvasized) ASTMASS, Standard specication for general requirements for ‘loo sheet zine costed (Gahanized) ASTMDI785-04a_: Standard specification for poly (vinyl chords) (PVC) Plastic pipe, schedules 40, 80 and 120, 6) AISC (American natu of Steo! Construction) |AISC 8th Eultion +: Manual of Stool Construction, Alowable Stross Design 7) AWS (American Welding Society) AWS-D 1.4 + Structural Welding Cade - Stee! AWS, 1998 Edition 8) API (American Petroleum Institute) STD 65098, Welded Stoo! Tanks fo Ol storage, 10h ection ST 686-98 Recommended Practices for Machinery Installation ‘Chapter 5 Mounting Plate Grouting 18) ANSUASCE 7-02: Minimum Design Loads fe Building and Other Structure 10)NFPA (National Fire Protection Associaton) NFPA~ 101 ‘Saloty to Life from Fr in Buléngs & Structures +1)AASHTO (American Associaton of State Highway and Trafic Ofcials) [AASHTO GDPS-s-92:Guides for Design of Pavement Structures 42)JIS (Japanese Industral Standard) stot Rolled Ste! for General Structure est Steel Bars fr Reinforcement stat Hot Dip Galvanized Stip Co's (Galvanized Iron) er186 ‘Sols of High Strength Hexagon Bol, Hexagon Nut and plain washers fr Friction Grp Joints 1180 Hexagon Hesd Bolts and Hexagon Head Screws za2tt Covered Electrodes for Mild Steet kera Unplasticizes poy (ve chiorde) (PVC-U) pipes 12)OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act) 27 rams € eto ean Rea ae eT cena ‘COMPANY PT. PERTAMINA (Persero), the owner of the FEED Pipanisasi CB-Il(Lomanis ~Tasiknelays), eC PT. Eraenersi Konstruksinde, appointed company by Pertamina fo execute and to complete overall works for Engineering Consultant services for FEED Pipaisasi CB- Ii (Lomanis ~Tassmalaya) ‘CONTRACTOR £AllContractors tobe appointed by Pertamina “Tied Party Inspector 8 third party inspecior to be appointed by Pertamina to Inspect ine works oF Contractor. ste the rightofavay and places provided by the COMPANY were the constuction works are to be executed and any ther places as may be specically designated in the (Contract a forming part ofthe Ste. Issuer the person / party who develop and release the document ‘and correspondence. Project Documents ‘All documents which are prepared, revsed, and Issued for’ accolerating the project execution, such as ‘correspondence, drawings, specications, requisitions, purchase orders, and Vendor Prins, otc 3. SHALLOW FOUNDATION 341 General |Al_materials and works for foundation shall be in accordance with document “Concrete ‘Werk Specification” document No: CB3-EC-80-SP.003-A4 32. Design 4), Design shal be bated on recommended allowable loadings and predicted settlements ‘88 developed by the Geotechnical Report. ). In computing stability ratio, the weight of soll and pavement lying directly above any Individual footing may be taken info account. Stabity rao i defined as stabilizing ‘moment givided by overturning moment and shall be as specified In document No: (CB3-EC-50-SP-001-Aé “ivi and Stucture General Specifcator’ ©). Concrete strength shal be as speci in document No: CBS-EC-50-SP.001-A4 "Chl ‘and Siructure General Specification’, unless other speciied or caled for on the ‘rawing <6). Foundation for heavy vibratory equipment including, but not limited to, reciprocating ‘and centrifugal compressors, and large pumps, shall be investigated for response {o ‘he imposed cycic loadings and unbalanced force and moments. The design shall be ‘considered as speciid in section 6.0 Foundation for Vibrating Mactines.. 33. The Allowable Bearing Capacity 2 ren _ skort PD Pps CP anak) ‘The general equations forcalulating ultmate bearing capacity developed by Torzaghi Continuous Footing (width B) gut ssosye Ne+yDrNe +1082 0.57BNy Circular Footing (rads R) Gut 13 NeeyDINg0.3/RN, Square Footing (wich 8) ut #1. Ne+yDINg+0.47BN Where; gut = Utimate bearing capacity, kglon? © = Cohesion of Sol glam? No, Ng, Ny = Terzaghi bearing capacity factors Y Effective unit weight of sol, kg/cm? oF Deep of footing, or cistance from ground surface to base of foting, cm 8 ‘With of square footing, om R Radius of creuar footing, om 3.3.1 Boating capacity using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) by Meyechot ca NB we sin cy =N(HuByI2 Bate Where: a = Aowable bearing pressure for AHo = 25 mm, kp? N = SPT Blow count 8 Width of square fecting, em 3.82 Bearing capacity using the Core Penetration Test (CPT) by Meyerhot a = aio Where: « = Alowable bearing pressure for Ho = 26 mem, Kalen? « CCone bearing pressure 34 Selecton ofthe shape of Foundation 3.4.1 General 1), The shape of foundation shallbe as simple as possible. However, I shall rot be uneconomical design 2), As a rue, the center of gravity ofthe foundation and the contr of a ple group shall align withthe center of th loads inthe permenent condition 8). The foundation stall be strong enough and stable fo support all the loading of Upper structures or equipment in each condition respectively, based on the basic strength, bearing capaciy and stability factr. 3.42 Dimension 4), Pedestal 2), External dimensions of the base plate pls 100 mm, to be increased in ‘units of 50 ram (See Fig.-1) »). Conter to center sistance ofthe outermost anchor bolis plus 10 tes of ‘anchor bolt dlameter, io be nereased in units o 60 men (see Fig-2) AF vera : = 235 oat FED pars CB anes ©) When the anchor boxes are used, outermost dimension ofthe boxes plus 200 mm (see Fig) €), 250 mm minimum for pipe sleeper and 180 mm for miscellaneous sleeper. Fig=3 2), Helght of Pedestal (Hp) 8), Tota height of pedestal is dstance from the elevation of underside of base plate of stuctures colume oF equipment othe elevation of op of footing “Sate ROSE ar eee €& 29 onan FED Farin CE ara —Tashsto) »), Botiom elevation of base plate shal be indcated in equipment or structure drawings. ©). Top elevaton of footing shall be decides according to sol cover. 3). Footing 48), Thickness of foundation ab (F) ‘The minimum thickness of foundation siab shall be the largest of the folowing = Minimum slab thickness Spread Foundation ‘200 mm (150 mm for miscellaneous foundation) 1h One.furh the length of the cantiover portion, ta be rounded aff tounis of 50 mm, + Pile Foundation ‘2. 400 mm forfree ple head . 450 mm for xed ple esd One-third the lonth of the cantlever portion, to be rounded off ‘ns of 50 mm, = AS eu, the upper surface of the footing slab shall not be tapered. }. Plano dimension = The shape of focting in plan shal be usually coresponded tothe shape cof pedestal according tothe stably ofthe foundation. ~ When the soll pressure or pile reaction force exceeds the allowable Dealing capacity as the rest of the slabilly check ofthe foundation, foundation shape shall be increased in an increment of 50 mm unt stable = The plane dimension of the slab shall be in Increased In one side oF itecton due the spacing init of the ether side or diracton, as much 25 the eccentricity of the loading could be minimized up to zero in permanent condition. 6). Embedded depth (Ed) and earth cover on footing slab (Ec) “The embedded depth of foundation shall be the largest of the folowing dimensions: ~The minimum embeded depth (Ed) Spreadfoundatin =: 300m Piefoundatin ©: = S0.om = Theminimum earth cover (Ee) Earth cover above the footing slab shall be kept so that no Underground facitise such as eable tench, eewer pipe, fre-water Ino, tc. are interupted. Minimum overburden on anticipated, ctherwise 30 AF remenn = 2s an Fe Pr CH (an — Tecan) 4). AS a ule, minimum clearance of foundation and underground buried pes is a fellows: Spread Founcation, a $ 45° Piled Foundation, as 60° 4), Grade Beam 5, 6. 1). When te boams are connected, studies shall be commenced on condition that the minimum depth (D) widths (B) ofthe te beams are 360 mm and 260 mm, respectively '). The relationship betwoen grado beam and pedestal shall be as shown below. (in pian view), ae ‘Anchor Bolt and Base Plate 8). The positon, number, size, type and projection length of anchor bolt and dimension of base plate’ shall be recuived from upper structure or vordors drawing equpment AS a mule, anchor bolts shall be embeded within the height of the pedestals. However, anchor bolts for large equipment may penetrate ito featings. ‘Combined Foundation acer \When athe following conditions are salsted, the assumptions of a rigid slab ‘ad pedestal foundation are established, Therefore, combined foundation shall be studied as a one-piece foundation. 4). The slab thickness in the cantlever porton exceeds one-fourth of the length ofthe projection. 1). The thickness of the slab surrounded by four small pedestals exceeds ‘one-cighth ofthe inside distance between the pedastals, 35. Stability Check 2 onan PED Fann Laan — Task) The thickness ofthe sib between two small pedestals exceeds one-sixth tne inside cstance between the pedestas. ‘The overall length ofthe foundation slab does rot exceed 15 times the Sab thekness, When these conditions are not satised, one of the follwing methods shal be taken: Combined foundations shall be divided into proper sections ang local stesses shall be studied with respect to a section which shows the most severest ocal tess. ‘The design as an elastic slab shall be cated out using the computer program. The selection of methed (1) or (2) shall be done by key person accoreing othe constton in case by case bass, Every foundation of structures or equipment shall be designed for stably safety 25.1 Overursing Vorication for stability against overturning dus to horizontal force shall be mak Using flowing formula Me (We + wy Li Mot Top Nw + (Vop + Va)" ‘The safely factor Permanent Conditon = 20 “Temporary Condition = 1.5 ihre; Me Mot We we resistant moment, kN fvertuming moment, kN weight of equipment, KN eight of foundation including overburden sol weight, kN breadth of base, m horizontal permanent force, KN hotizonta fore, kN ‘moment dus to eocenti load a op surface of pedestal, KN m ‘mamant dua to horizontal force at op eurface of pada Depth of Foundation, m kN oe = 2 fanstn FD Prin Cl (Lents) 352 Siding {In principl, only ction force between soll and concrete shall be considered a resistant against siding “The safety factor Permanent Condition = 20 Temporary Condition = 1.5, Passive sol pressure wil nat he considered, uniass deep foundaton is placed v hotzontal force, KN ve fricHon force, KN " friction coetcient = 0.4 353 Soll Pressure Maximum sol pressure Mot = Mop + Nw # (Vop + Ww) xH Woo = Weewr Doe CSTE EP ISAT Panam aa Preemasnn eee eee ———— tet " @, ©) ue xn = 3° LI*(@5~oNLN) max 2 P oemax = age —a UPL 38 Stese Caleulaion In this stress calculation, factor load shall be used: 8). Bening Moment “The crtcal section for design of base shall be taken as the face of the pedestal (aa ‘section fr botom bars or b-b section for top bars). The bending moment caused by all te loads on the area ABCD (or EFGH) shall be considered forthe design bencing moment ata or bb section. “The bending moment of base ars obtained as @ cantilever beam. The cial section for least lateral dimension of pedestal, m At = otal area of reinforcement in gross area of sation, mn? Ab = total area of anchor bots, i? Iy(bolt) = eld tress of anchor bats, kgm? Fy eld sess af eanforcement, kale? 2). Footing and Grade Beam al Miu ratio of einoreement 141 prin = 4L Where: P = aloof tension reinforcement Fy Yield stoss of reinforcement, kalo? Perens = Seer ete Maxima ao of inforement Maximum ratio of reinforcement for footing and grade beam accordance ‘ith ACI 318 sub chapter 10.3.3 to be appl, 3.7.3. Shear Reinforcement 41), Pedestal and Grade Beam ‘The shear force shall be resisted by the concrete shear strength and tes or ‘strrups. And shear reinforcament shal be designed in aezordarce with ACI 318. When minimum shear reinforcement is required, the minimum sheer reinforcement shall be caleulated as flows: In the cage where minimum shear reinforcement ie nol required, ties or ‘slrrups shall be provided with diameter 10 (lain ba). 2). Footing “The punching shear stress from a pile andlor pedestal and shear stoss from pile or sol contact pressure shal be resisted by concrete shear strength In ‘accordance wih ACI 318, ‘Seaton design of foundation slabs shal be conducted based on their design stressed. When the cross section is nat safe for the following cantons, the {085 sections shal be increased in an increment of 60 mm Unt unl kis sate 3.7.4 Spacing Limit fr Reinforcement 1). Geer Spacing of Longitudinal reinforcement 9), Pedestal Minimum clear spacing botweon parallel bare in ayer + S>2dbor2 50mm which s greater Minimum clear spacing between outer layer and inner layer: + $225mm ). Grade beam and foting Misimum clear spacing between parallel bars in ayer: + $> 2d or2 80 mm which s greater Minimum clear spacing between outer ayer and inner layer: + $225mm (as per7.6.2in ACI 318) Maximam clear spacing for primary flexural reinforcement (applied to footing only ee ER am £ 3 ost FD per CP rs Tass) + $<3Dor< 450 mm whichis smaller where; ‘db = nominal diameter of bar, mm =Focting thickness, mm 2). Spacing (pitch) of Lateral Reinforcement 2). Pedestal “The plch of ties shall not exceed : 18 db, 48 dt, DI or 200 mm whichis smallest (as per ACI 318), ), Grade Beam ‘The pitch situps shal not exceed d2 (a per were; <= nominal diameter of longitudinal bar, men «t= nominal dlameter of te bar, mm I = east dimension of pedestal, = effective depth of rade beam, m “The first tes of tirups shal be located at the sie of fecting or not mere than 25 mm above the top of footing respectively. 3). Embecties Length of Reinforcement 'As aula, no hook shal be installed for main reinforcements. However, hooks ‘shall be provided ony when the embedment length snot sucent. The dela fof hooks and required embedded length shall be indicated In design drawings ‘only when hooks are required, 4). Minimum Concrete Cover ‘Minimum concrete cover for reinforcement shall be as specified in document No: CB3-EC-50-SP-003-A4 "Concrete Work Specification’ 38 Construction «All foundations shall be placed on undisturbed sol. Where excavations are made too

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