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NCEA Level 1 Chemistry (90933) 2014 — page 1 of 5

Assessment Schedule – 2014

Chemistry: Demonstrate understanding of aspects of selected elements (90933)
Evidence Statement

Q Evidence Achievement Achievement with Achievement

Merit with Excellence

 Correct electron

 Correct ion  Links group  Links group
configurations. number (for number to
(Brackets with each) to number number of
charge are not of electrons lost valence
required.) or gained to electrons lost or
become stable. gained to form
OR an ion and
 Identifies for Links the become stable
(c) Atoms gain or lose electrons to achieve full
either atom that formation of AND includes
valence / outer shells and become more
it will lose / each ion to the the resulting
stable. Magnesium has 2 valence / outer shell
gain electrons number of charge.
electrons, so loses two electrons to form the
to become more valence
Mg2+ ion. Chlorine has 7 valence electrons, so
stable / form an electrons lost or
gains one electron to form the Cl- ion.
ion. gained and
includes the

(d) Magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid  States an  Elaborates on  Elaborates on

vigorously to form a salt and hydrogen gas. observation of the reactions of the reactions of
The magnesium reacts and disappears into magnesium or both Mg and both Mg and Cu
solution; the solution warms up and there is copper in acid. Cu in acid with in acid with
fizzing due to production of hydrogen gas. reference to the reference to the
Magnesium is high up on the activity series difference in difference in
(above H), so will easily react. reactivity reactivity
relative to
Copper is low on the activity series and there  Writes an hydrogen AND
 Identifies
is no visible reaction in the acid because it is unbalanced the correct
hydrogen gas
below hydrogen on the activity series so equation. balanced
forming, or
cannot react to produce a salt and hydrogen equation.
writes a word
equation. (States are not
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
required in
Accept: balanced symbol
Mg(s) + 2H+ (aq) → Mg2+ (aq) + H2(g) reactions.)

NØ N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8

No response 1a 2a 3a 4a 2m 3m 2e with minor 2e

or no relevant error /
evidence omission
NCEA Level 1 Chemistry (90933) 2014 — page 2 of 5

TWO Graphite Diamond Graphene  Correctly names

(a) all three
(b)(i) Diamond allotropes.
• Is a very hard solid with a high melting
point due to a 3-D tetrahedral arrangement  Describes a  Links ONE  Evaluates a
of carbon atoms covalently bonded to each physical property relevant physical named use of
other. Used as an abrasive, often in cutting. OR aspect of property with an diamond in
• Is an excellent conductor of heat and a very bonding for aspect of bonding terms of the
poor conductor of electricity, both due to diamond. to a named use structure and
the strong covalent bonds between the for diamond. bonding, and
atoms, so there are no charged particles free  Names a use for TWO physical
to move. It is used in computers to conduct diamond. properties of
heat away from heat-sensitive components. diamond.
• Is hard, has high lustre / is shiny and
disperses / reflects light well so is used as a
gemstone in jewellery. Hardness makes it
robust in jewellery. Lustre quality is due to
the strong covalent bonds of diamond. The
faces / planes on a diamond contribute to
its lustre*. (*This is beyond the scope of the
standard but if the use is stated, the property
must be relevant.)
• Is a soft, slippery solid with a high melting
 Describes a  Links ONE  Evaluates a
(ii) point. The sheets of graphite can move over
physical property relevant physical named use of
each other due to weak forces holding the
OR aspect of property with an graphite in
sheets together. These are easily broken.
bonding for aspect of bonding terms of the
Graphite can be used in pencils and as a dry
graphite. to a named use structure and
lubricant, eg for locks, moving parts of
for graphite. bonding, and
electric motors, dynamos, and drawers.
TWO physical
• Conducts electricity as a solid because the
 Names a use for properties of
carbon atoms bond to only 3 other carbon
graphite. graphite.
atoms, which allows for a delocalised
valence electron that is able to carry charge.
Can be used as a material in batteries, as
• Is a strong solid substance due to the sheets
of graphite, which are carbon atoms that
are covalently bonded to each other. Used
in fishing rods, bike frames, golf clubs.

• Oxygen, O2 and ozone, O3.

(c)(i) • O2 and O3 are both colourless gases (allow  Identifies  Links ONE  Compares and
(ii) O3 pale blue) and are small molecules. both allotropes. property and use contrasts
• Oxygen is needed to support combustion for oxygen or properties and
and life, ozone is considered a pollutant at ozone. gives a use for
 A similarity in
low levels in the atmosphere. both oxygen and
properties is (May not have
• Ozone can be used as a disinfectant to ozone.
described. compared and
sterilise or destroy bacteria. contrasted.)
 O2 and O3 are both oxidants / reactive but  A difference in
O3 is more reactive so can be used as a use is described.
disinfectant whereas O2 is required by most
living things to survive.
 Accept any appropriate use.

NØ N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8

No response or no 2a 3/4a 5a 6a 1m 2m 2e 3e
relevant evidence
NCEA Level 1 Chemistry (90933) 2014 — page 3 of 5

(a) Ammonia is collected via downward  Identifies  Links density of
displacement of air because ammonia is less ammonia as ammonia to
dense than air, so the upside down tube will being less dense method of
hold the ammonia while air is pushed out. than air. collection (air

(b) Ca(OH)2 + 2NH4Cl → 2NH3 + CaCl2 + 2H2O  Writes the  All formulae  One balanced
formulae of all correct for one equation.
reactants for equation
ONE equation
or correct word

(c)(i) The litmus paper changes from red to blue (or  Litmus change  Explains
blue litmus paper remains blue). correct. ammonia needs
to react with the
(ii) Litmus paper needs to be damp, so that the  Identifies water before it
ammonia gas will react with the water, so it ammonia as can change the
can change the colour of the indicator. being soluble in indicator
water. colour.

(d)(i) Ammonia is highly soluble in water, so if an  Links the  Explains

 Identifies
upside down tube of ammonia is placed into a solubility of alkalinity,
ammonia as
beaker of water, the ammonia gas quickly ammonia to the density and
forming an
dissolves and this causes the water to rise up water rising in solubility
into the test tube. the tube. properties of
(ii) When ammonia dissolves in water, the ammonia by
solution becomes alkaline because OH– ions linking them
are formed. (Check for overlap with answer  Links OH– ions back to the tests
for c). to the formation and their
of alkaline observations.
NH3(g) + H2O()  NH4OH(aq) solution.
(States are not
required in
NH3(g) + H2O()  NH4+(aq) + OH–(aq) balanced

NØ N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8

No response 1a 2a 3/4a 5a 3m 4m 2e with minor 2e

or no relevant error /
evidence omission
NCEA Level 1 Chemistry (90933) 2014 — page 4 of 5

(a) (i) Aluminium is a low density metal with a high  States aluminium  Links the reacting  Evaluates at
strength to mass ratio. As the can is reacts with of aluminium least ONE
lightweight, it can be carried around by the oxygen. with oxygen to its physical and
average person, even when filled with fluid, use as a soft drink ONE chemical
with relative ease / transported in bulk more can. property of
easily. aluminium with
Aluminium is malleable so is easily shaped  States a relevant  Links a physical respect to its
into a soft drink can. physical property property of use.
of aluminium for aluminium to its
Aluminium has high chemical reactivity but it
this use. use as a soft drink
forms an oxide coating on it that prevents
further reaction, so does not react with the
chemicals in the soft drink.

(ii) Any named metal with a relevant chemical  Names an  Links a physical
OR physical property that makes it appropriate OR chemical
unsuitable. metal. property of a
Eg: specific, named
• Lead is too dense, so the cans would be too  States a relevant metal to its
heavy to carry around easily or transport in property of the inability to be a
bulk. It is also reactive, and would slowly named metal. soft drink can.
react with the acid soft drink.
• Group 1 and 2 metals are too reactive with
acid in soft drink.
• Gold, although unreactive, is too dense, so
the cans would be too heavy to carry
around easily or transport in bulk.
• Iron will react with the acid in the soft

(b)  Names a relevant  Links a property  Links a

Aluminium is very low density, so good for
property of an of aluminium or property of
reducing mass of aircraft, but it is quite soft
alloy OR an alloy to the aluminium or
and easily broken. Alloying it with another
aluminium metal purpose of an alloy to the
metal will make it harder because the atoms
for this use. aircraft purpose of
of the two different metals will be a different
manufacture. aircraft
size; so the metal becomes less malleable and
OR manufacture.
harder as well, as the particles will not be
Explains why AND
able to easily slide over each other, and
alloys are Explains why
therefore more durable for the purpose of
stronger than alloys are
individual metals. stronger than
A labelled diagram would be suitable as part
of the answer.

NØ N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8

No response 1a 2a 3a 4a 2m 3m 2e with minor 2e

or no relevant error /
evidence omission
NCEA Level 1 Chemistry (90933) 2014 — page 5 of 5

Cut Scores

Achievement with with
Not Achieved Achievement
Merit Excellen

Score range 0 – 11 12 – 18 19 – 25 26 – 32

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