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Assignment No.

Semester: Fall 2019
CS408 – Human Computer Interaction

Question No. 1:
Analyze the following scenario and write down seven stages of action for given particular scenario
for solution.
Scenario is:
Suppose I want to go to market, but the tyre of my car got punctured. Now I have to repair
You are required to write the seven stages of Gulf of Execution and Evaluation to solve the
Human computer interaction and user experience design.
One of the topics he covers in his book is a model/framework of how people act when they’re
interacting in the world to reach their larger goals. This model is called the seven stages of
action (or Norman’s Action Cycle)

The model belongs to one of the most famous Interaction theories that have been used to model
user behavior, evaluation, and to set up policies like to create user-friendly interfaces. The model
can be divided into an execution phase and a phase of the evaluation.

Scenario is:
Suppose I want to go to market, but the tyre of my car got punctured. Now I have to repair
It starts with the execution part
1. Specifying/forming a goal about something that you want to accomplish (My goal is going to
market across the street but car tyre in punctured so I find first tyre shop )
2. Forming an intention to act (I form the intention of crossing the street to reach the tyre
puncture shop)
3. Selecting an action or a sequence of actions that will lead you to your set goal (I select the
action to press the key to start the car and crosswalk signal for crossing the street )
4. Execution of the action(s) (I actually do press the key to start the car and with the help to other
to crosswalk signal by physical action and I do cross the street).

After the execution part, the evaluation part begins:

1. Perception the state of the world/system (I Perceive that I’m now across the street to reach the
2. Interpretation of this perception based on your expectations (I interpret this perception and
help of other to find it)
3. Evaluating the outcome: Is the evaluation successful the problem is solved , goal reached and
now go to the market .

Question No. 2

Consider a scenario; you are an HCI specialist in a renowned software house. Here your task is to check
out design principles for two given websites.


You are required to explain four Design principles according to the given websites.
Design Principles
There is no real consensus in the design community about what the main principles of design
actually are. That said, the following twelve principles are those mentioned most often in articles
and books on the subject.

One of the most common complaints designers have about client feedback often revolves around
clients who say a design needs to “pop” more. While that sounds like a completely arbitrary
term, what the client generally means is that the design needs more contrast.
Contrast refers to how different elements are in a design, particularly adjacent elements. These
differences make various elements stand out. Contrast is also a very important aspect of
creating accessible designs. Insufficient contrast can make text content in particular very difficult
to read, especially for people with visual impairments.


Every element of a design—typography, colors, images, shapes, patterns, etc.—carries a visual

weight. Some elements are heavy and draw the eye, while other elements are lighter. The way
these elements are laid out on a page should create a feeling of balance.
There are two basic types of balance: symmetrical and asymmetrical. Symmetrical designs
layout elements of equal weight on either side of an imaginary center line. Asymmetrical balance
uses elements of differing weights, often laid out in relation to a line that is not centered within
the overall design.


Emphasis deals with the parts of a design that are meant to stand out. In most cases, this means
the most important information the design is meant to convey.Emphasis can also be used to
reduce the impact of certain information. This is most apparent in instances where “fine print” is
used for ancillary information in a design. Tiny typography tucked away at the bottom of a page
carries much less weight than almost anything else in a design, and is therefore deemphasized.


Proportion is one of the easier design principles to understand. Simply put, it’s the size of
elements in relation to one another. Proportion signals what’s important in a design and what
isn’t. Larger elements are more important, smaller elements less.

Patterns are nothing more than a repetition of multiple design elements working together.
Wallpaper patterns are the most ubiquitous example of patterns that virtually everyone is familiar
with. In design, however, patterns can also refer to set standards for how certain elements are
designed. For example, top navigation is a design pattern that the majority of internet users have
interacted with.

You are required to explain four Design principles according to the given websites.


Security guarantee

We build wordpress websites that have solid security measures build in to make them less prone
to hacking and spam attacks. To date, none of the sites we have developed have been hacked or
ddos attacked!

Loading speed guarantee

In our fast-paced world, your website needs to load fast too, under 3 seconds, if not visitors will
leave, bounce rates increase and your conversions nosedive! We guarantee load speeds of under
2-3 seconds.

Seo optimized guarantee

Your site will be built with all the latest seo measures in place to make sure when Google crawls
your site, your rankings will increase. We guarantee a seo optimized site.

Mobile optimized guarantee

With over 60% of internet traffic going over mobile devices, your site should work seamless on
all platforms. We guarantee a mobile optimized site.
User friendly guarantee

We build clean designed sites and follow the latest ux and ui design principles, making sure your
website users have a pleasant experience on your site and you will enjoy low bounce rates.

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