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[The true story ofthe man who started as a young revolutionary

to fight against the American people and their flag; who fought
bravely, who surrendered and gave his parole in Bataan, who
took to his heart the great democratic principles of America,
who inculcated them in his own people, and who forty years
later threw himself and his brave countrymen back into
the hell of Bataan and Corregidor when the American flag
was attacked by a treacherous enemy, This story is told in
President Quezon's own words.]

By Manuel Luis Quezon

Late President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

General Douglas MacArthur

whose courage in the presence of the greatest

dangers, and whose devotion to me and to
the cause for which we were fighting, was
my inspiration during those dreadful days on
Corregidor, and on our long journey since then.
(Note: The following Introduction was prepared by General Douglas
MacArthur in 1941 and sent to President Quezon in Washington.
President Quezon died August 1, 1944).

AM honored to comply with the request of the author
of this book to write the introductory note. My only
regret is that, I must do so at a time when the pressure
of military campaign is such that I cannot give it the
leisure it deserves. For President Quezon’s book, about to
be published at this time, is an invaluable contribution to
the war effort of his country as well as to that of the United
States. It carries with it the message of a liberty-loving
people hurled against those who would trample under foot
man’s most precious heritage, freedom.
Manuel L. Quezon is the President of the Commonwealth
of the Philippines. He has been twice exalted to that eminent
position by the peaceful suffrage of the Filipino people. When
he speaks, however, he does not do so merely as the official
representative of his country. He speaks as the acknowledged
leader of a race that has raised him to dominance for the last
two decades. When he writes, therefore, of the stirring days
of American occupation of the Philippines, of the fruitful


results of America’s unique colonial policy, and stresses the
gratitude of his people for what America has done in the
Philippines, he is in effect firing the deadliest of weapons
against the enemy – he is telling the story of a nation that was
given by the United States a new birth of freedom achieved
in a manner unparalleled in the history of colonization.
From the shadows of Corregidor in a proclamation to the
Filipino people he said: “The determination of the Filipino
people to continue fighting side by side with the United
States until victory is won has in no way been weakened
by the temporary reverses suffered by our arms. We are
convinced that our sacrifices will be crowned with victory
in the end and in that conviction we shall continue to resist
the enemy with all our might.” From the beginning he
has pledged complete loyalty to America. As far as he is
concerned, there shall be no half-way measures, no cowardly
compromise with the national destiny.
He has been called by more than one American writer
one of the greatest of living statesmen. With uncanny
premonition, he created on the first day of his administration
as President, the Philippine national defense program. The
army that was the result of this foresight proved in battle the
wisdom that created it, and has passed into immortality. His
decision to continue the struggle is of a piece with that first
premonition. It springs from the same well of tested wisdom,
and the issue will be the same. His career spans the most
glorious half century of Philippine history. His biography
is the history not only of that epoch but of the Philippines


as a modern nation. He has fought innumerable battles and
won them all. And well may he now say, after the character
in Browning’s poem:

“I was ever a fighter, so ⎯ one fight more,

The best and the last!”

To-day he is fighting, at the head of his people and side

by side with America, the greatest battle of all – a battle that
shall determine, perhaps for centuries to come, the fate of his
people. God cannot fail to bless him in so sacred a cause.

June 18, 1942
Melbourne, Australia


N THE last months of the year 1899, the division under
the command of General Arthur MacArthur, the father
of General Douglas MacArthur, made an attack against
the bulk of the Filipino Army and practically destroyed
it. This compelled the President of the short-lived Philippine
Republic, General Emilio Aguinaldo, to seek refuge in the
mountains of northern Luzon and drove my chief, General
Tomas Mascardo, up into the hills of western Pampanga.
From there General Mascardo transferred his headquarters
to the forests of Bataan, on the China Sea coast between
Bagac and Morong. A council of war, held by the Filipino
generals under the presidency of Aguinaldo, himself, had
decided that, at the proper time, guerilla warfare would be
resorted to by the Filipino forces. When it became evident
that organized resistance to the American Army was no
longer possible, it fell to my lot to command the guerillas
that operated on the tip of the Bataan Peninsula. This spot,
forty years later, was destined to be the last stronghold of
the combined American-Filipino forces against Japanese
invasion under the gallant and superb leadership of General
Douglas MacArthur.
In the spring of 1901, General Mascardo ordered me to


surrender to Lieutenant Miller, the officer in command of the
American garrison in Mariveles, among other reasons for the
purpose of ascertaining if it was true that General Aguinaldo
has already been captured by General Frederick Funston in
On January 18, 1936, two months after my inauguration as
the first President of the Philippine Commonwealth, I visited
the fortress of Corregidor, which lies just off the tip of Bataan,
upon the invitation of the then Commanding General of
the Philippine Department, Major General Kilbourne, who
accompanied me on the trip.
While the presidential yacht, S.S. Arayat, which took us
to Corregidor, was struggling against strong winds and big
waves to dock at the pier, I heard the firing of the salute due
my rank. The scene before my eyes suddenly took me back
to by-gone years. The contrast between the memories of the
past and the realities of that day filled my heart with an over-
powering emotion. Thirty-five years before, I had walked
down the slopes of Mariveles Mountain, a defeated soldier,
emaciated from hunger and lingering illness, to place myself
at the mercy of the American Army. Thirty-five years later,
there stood at the pier of Corregidor, facing that majestic
mountain, the American General in command of the fortress,
with a full American regiment at attention, waiting to render
me honors second only to those paid the President of the
United States. What a contrast! What an indescribable
history of generous conduct on the part of the victor
towards the vanquished! In the short span of a generation,


America, the conqueror, through a policy unprecedented in
colonialism, had permitted that I, one of the conquered, be
raised from the lowest rung of the ladder to the highest seat
of authority in the gift of my people!
What had happened to me vividly illustrates the great
human experiment which the United States had successfully
carried out in dealing with the Filipino people.
Is it any wonder that, when the American flag was attacked
by Japan, the people of the Philippines stood by the United
States to the bitter end?
The following pages – showing my life as a rebel against,
and as a supporter of, the United States – are more than
mere accounts of my personal experiences. They, in effect,
portray the struggle of the Filipino people in their quest
for freedom, first against and then in support of the great
republic of North America.
My aims in writing this book are: first, to keep alive in
the memory of the American people the service rendered
by the Philippine Army in the heroic defense of Bataan and
Corregidor; second, to throw into bold relief the fruit of
America’s policy in the Philippines, namely, the voluntary
sacrifice made by the Filipino people of their lives and their
fortunes, fighting side by side with the United States against
a common foe; and third, to offer, inferentially, a pattern
which may be followed if the redemption of the teeming
millions of subjugated peoples is ever to be attempted.



N THE past twenty-eight years, it has been my
privilege to publish a number of books – some of serious
import and permanent value, and others intended only
to divert and amuse the reader. Both such types have
their place and function.
Well as I have known many authors, this is the first
occasion on which I have felt impelled to have a personal
part, however insignificant, in the actual presentation to the
reading public, of a book bearing my Company’s imprint.
But the circumstances are unusual.
The author of this book is to me more than an author;
for thirty-seven years, he had been my close personal friend.
I first knew him when I was a member of the Philippine
Commission and Secretary of Public Instruction in 1907. He
had been elected a member of the First Philippine Assembly,
and I always had to speak to him in Spanish for he knew
hardly any English at that time. Many have been closer
to him in the recent years of his high public responsibility,
but no one, I venture to hope, has followed his signally
successful and enlightened public career, and his splendidly
sincere and human private life, without realizing that he is
one of those few who, from every race, in every epoch, and
under whatever seeming handicaps, raise a flaming torch of


progressive leadership by which their fellowmen may steer.
For nine years, I had besought my friend, Manuel Quezon,
to write a book of his experiences. While he never refused,
there was always some claim with a priority on his time and
It took the Japanese attack on his country and its consequent
bringing him in exile to this, his second fatherland, to drive
him to sacrifice his well-earned rest, and give of his harassed
mind and body, in producing this, to me, fascinating story of
a genius unconsciously earning its just reward.
In the sub-title, it is stated that this story is in President
Quezon’s own words. That is literally true. Every page of
it, except three short chapters indicated later, which were
given by him in recorded conversations, was dictated by him
in English to his own Filipino secretary, Señor Serapio D.
Canceran, and written out in English.
Then it reached my desk, day after day, and I changed a
word here, a tense there – all too trifling to be mentioned.
Then it went into type.
President Quezon necessarily wrote almost entirely from
memory, since his diaries and personal documents either
were left in Malacañan Palace, the Philippine “White House,”
before he joined General MacArthur on Corregidor, or fell
into the hands of the Japanese who captured the launch,
Princess of Negros, off the town of San Carlos in the Island of
Negros on March 16, 1942.
To those privileged to hear Manuel Quezon speak to his
countrymen in his native Tagalog, as I have, even without


understanding him, and to those who have heard his
impassioned addresses in perfect Castilian – as I often have
– it is a rare treat to see the man reveal himself, with the
candor of a child, in a difficult foreign language of which be
knew not a word until long after becoming of age.
I am rash enough to say that the brave Filipino people
could have had no finer paladin.

New York City,
August 18, 1944


AUTHOR’S PREFACE ...........................................................................iv
PUBLISHER’S NOTE, BY W. MORGAN SHUSTER ..........................vii

I. BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD........................................................1

II. YOUTHFUL ROMANCE AND LAW STUDIES ........................21
III. I JOIN THE REVOLUTION ........................................................39
IV. IN MANILA AGAIN .....................................................................75
V. LAW PRACTICE AND PUBLIC OFFICE ....................................93
VI. IN WASHINGTON ......................................................................105
VII. PHILIPPINE LEGISLATION ........................................................115
VIII. MY ELECTION AS PRESIDENT .................................................149
IX. EXECUTIVE PROBLEMS .............................................................155
X. ANOTHER VISIT TO THE UNITED STATES ..........................163
XI. THE JAPANESE ATTACK ............................................................171
XII. CORREGIDOR AND BATAAN....................................................195
XIII. COMMUNICATIONS WITH WASHINGTON ........................237
XV. TO AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES ..........................279


President Manuel Luis Quezon frontispiece
The village of Baler, President Quezon’s birthplace facing page

The beach at Baler

The house in Baler where President Quezon was born

Mrs. Quezon before her marriage

A corner of the old Spanish Walled City in Manila

Parian Gate in the old Spanish walls, opposite which

was the dungeon where President Quezon
was confined

Ayuntamiento Building, Manila, which contained the

offices of the early American Governors and
members of the Philippine Commission

New Post Office Building, Manila

Legislative Building, Manila

The Escolta, principal business street of Manila

President Quezon standing at attention to receive the

nineteen-gun salute after taking the oath of
office as first President of the Philippine
Commonwealth, on November 15, 1935

General view of inaugural ceremonies of President Quezon

in Manila, in front of the Legislative Building

Malacañan Palace and grounds from Malacañan Park

across the Pasig River

Executive Building adjoining Malacañan Palace


Malacañan Palace garden along the Pasig River

Mrs. Quezon’s library in Malacañan Palace

The family dining-room

President Quezon after reviewing the Philippine

Military Academy Cadets in Baguio in 1936

President Quezon congratulates General MacArthur

on his appointment as Commanding General,
United States Armed Forces in the Far East,
July 26, 1941

Pier Seven on the modern water-front at Manila

Scene at the mouth of the Pasig River, Manila

Residents of Cavite evacuating the town after Japanese

bombing raid of December 10, 1941

Reception hall of Malacañan Palace

Head of main stairway

President and Mrs. Quezon and their children on the

porch of Malacañan

Arch erected by the tenants to Mrs. Quezon on her

birthday, February 19, 1940

School teachers and pupils on the President’s farm at

Mount Arayat

Mount Arayat Hospital, inaugurated February 16, 1941

Mrs. Quezon with the manager of the farm, the doctor,

and aides-de-camp of the President

Port Area between Pier Seven and Manila Port

Terminal Building, bombed by the Japanese on
December 24, 1941


Coast Artillery Unit of the Philippine Army leaving
Manila for Corregidor

Mrs. Quezon, Mrs. MacArthur, President Quezon,

young MacArthur, Miss Maria Aurora Quezon,
in the bomb defense tunnel on Corregidor

Wounded Filipino soldiers awaiting medical attention

at an advanced dressing station in Bataan Peninsula

Unit of Philippine Scouts moving into Pozzorubio on

December 20, 1941

In Washington, President Quezon greets Lieutenant

John D. Bulkeley, U.S.N., who piloted the Navy
torpedo boat which conveyed the President and
his family and party to the point of departure
in the southern Philippines for Australia

President Roosevelt greets President Quezon of the

Philippine Commonwealth, and his family, at the
Union Station in Washington on May 13, 1942;
Mrs. Quezon, Manuel Quezon, Jr., President
Quezon, President Roosevelt, Captain John Mc-
Crea, Miss Maria Aurora Quezon, Miss Zeneida

President Roosevelt signs the United Nations Agreement,

as the Philippine Commonwealth and Mexico
become new members during Flag Day ceremonies
at the White House, in the presence of representatives
of the twenty-six original United Nations

President Roosevelt has a word with President Quezon

of the Philippine Commonwealth, after the sign-
ing of the United Nations Agreement


First Philippine War Cabinet Meeting held in Wash-
ington at the Commonwealth’s office building,
1617 Massachusetts Avenue: Vice-President
Sergio Osmeña; Lieutenant Colonel Andres
Soriano, Secretary of Finance; Resident
Commissioner Joaquin Elizalde; President
Quezon; Major General Basilio Valdes, Secretary
of National Defense; Jayme Hernandez, Auditor

President Quezon addressing the House of Representa-

tives on June 2, 1942

The Pacific War Council meets on the occasion of

Mr. Churchill’s visit to the United States in
June, 1942

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

General Douglas MacArthur

Mrs. Quezon

Facsimile of a portion of President Quezon’s tribute to

General Manuel Roxas


HE people of the United States will never
forget what the people of the Philippine
Islands are doing these days, and will do
in the days to come. As president, I wish
to express my feeling of sincere admiration for the fight they
are now making. I give the people of the Philippines my
solemn pledge that their freedom will be redeemed and their
independence established and protected. The entire resources in
men and materials of the United States stand behind that pledge.”


message to the Filipino people on December 28, 1941


ROM the lips of my mother, I learned that I was
born in Baler, on August 19, 1878, at seven o’clock
in the morning. Since no Filipino resident of Baler
at that time had a watch — for they were all too
poor to own even the cheapest kind — I asked her how she
knew that it was seven o’clock in the morning. “They were
ringing the church bells for the first time,” she answered. I
understood. The 19th of August was the “town fiesta” of
Baler —the feast-day of the patron saint— and it was both a
civic and a religious holiday. Under the old Spanish regime,
on such occasions, there was a high mass at eight o’clock
in the morning and before the mass started they rang the
church bells three times —the first at seven, the second at
seven-thirty, and the third at eight, just at the moment when
the priest started from the sacristy to the altar.
My mother, who was a very devout Catholic, added: “My
boy, nothing happens in this world by accident. Everything
answers a divine purpose. I believe that the fact that you
were born on the day of our patron saint is indicative of
God’s will that you follow the vocation of priesthood.”
On the other hand, my father, who had been a sergeant
in one of the regiments of the Spanish Army, insisted that I


should be a soldier. As a boy he dressed me in the uniform
of a “Cabo de la Guardia Civil” or Corporal of the Civil
Now let me say something about the town fiesta in the
Philippines or the feast of the patron saint.
Up to December, 1941, it was the greatest day of the year
for every town in the Islands. The streets were adorned with
beautifully woven arches of split bamboo, decked with palm
leaves. The brass band which is the pride of every town in
the Philippines played without rest throughout the day and
on into the night. Fireworks lighted up the evening sky. It
originated this way. As is well known, the conquest of the
Philippines by Spain was undertaken both for the glory and
aggrandizement of the Spanish monarch and the conversion
of the inhabitants to the Catholic faith. With Legazpi, the
conqueror, went the Augustinian friar, Father Urdaneta, the
missionary. As the conquest proceeded and a town was taken
by the Spaniards, the friars consecrated it to a patron saint.
The patron of Baler is Saint Luis, Bishop of Toulouse. Hence
my middle name, Luis, given to me by my mother.
The custom in the Philippines was that the day before the
celebration of the fiesta everybody came to town, even the
poorest and those who lived in the farthest barrio. Since
there were no hotels, those who came to celebrate found
shelter in the house of a relative, of a friend, or of the family
who owned the land they were cultivating. Every house was
full of people who were tucked away as best they could be.
The well-to-do kept their houses open to guests all day long,


and every table groaned beneath the weight of food. No
visitor might leave his host’s house until, whether hungry or
not, he had eaten and drunk at the hospitable board.
The most important part of the fiesta, however, was
the high mass celebrated in honor of the patron saint and
attended by all who came from far and wide. All wore their
best clothes, and many poor people spent their savings and
even ran into debt to show themselves and their children to
For the expenses of the public entertainment during the
fiesta, which usually lasted three days, contributions were
collected. Of course, there was a cockfight —the national
“sporting gamble”— during the fiesta. The cockfights always
started after the mass and continued until late afternoon.
Then the public entertainments began, sometimes with the
Carrera de anillo or tilting at “rings” made of gay ribbons. Each
ring was given by a fair maiden of the village, and each young
gallant tried to carry off his lady love’s ring, so that he might
wear her colors for the day.
At night, they had a moro-moro and, at times, Spanish
comedies, depending upon the financial capacity of the
townspeople to use only local talent or to import actors from
Manila. The moro-moro is a play in the native tongue where
the protagonists are on one side, a Christian prince with his
court and army and on the other, a Mohammedan potentate
also with his court and his army. The plot was taken from
Spanish literature in vogue before Cervantes wrote his Don
Quixote —which effectively killed the earlier sort of novel. All


the characters were dressed in costumes of the ancient times,
with plenty of gold tinsel and plumage. In the spirited fight
with swords and spears which ensued upon their meeting,
the Christian prince was, of course, the victor; sometimes
single-handed he killed the infidel hoarders.
This particular year of Our Lord 1878, my father
celebrated the double event of the birth of his first son and
the town fiesta of Baler, not wisely, but too well. So often,
indeed, did he look upon the fiery drink with Americans in
the Philippines called Bino that before evening came he had
lost all further interest in the proceedings. This unfortunate
slip from the straight and narrow path made my mother very
unhappy, for in those days, to be under the influence of liquor
was considered in my country almost a disgrace. Hence, my
disagreeable reaction to the sight of people who are drunk,
although I enjoy a cocktail or two before meals and a bottle
of good wine or beer with my food.
When I first saw the light of day, Baler was but a tiny and
almost inaccessible village. It lies at the mouth of the Aguang
River on Baler Bay, a few miles north of Cape Encanto, which
sticks out into the vast Pacific Ocean. A ship’s small-boat
could not cross the river bar except at high tide. Forty-five
miles to the north there lay the little town of Casiguran,
accessible only by sea. To the south of us the nearest town
was Infanta, a village which likewise could be reached
only by sea and was seldom accessible during the typhoon
season. Directly back of the coastline lay a range of trackless
mountains rising from three to six thousand feet in height


and sparsely inhabited by wandering bands of Ilongot head-
hunters, the fiercest of the pagan tribes. Inland from Baler,
up the river and on the long journey toward Manila, there
was in those days only the most primitive and hazardous of
trails to the nearest human habitation through some thirty
miles of jungle and up and down steep declivities; this path
frequently forded the crystal river in which the best fresh-
water fish in the world were found. Finally, by this forest
track one reached the frontier village of Pantabangan. The
journey was, in those days, made either afoot or on the back
of a spirited little stallion.
Baler was then an enchanting paradise on earth; the hardy
inhabitants lived on their tiny rice fields; an abundance of
fish was to be found in the sea and the rivers; and deer were
hunted with bow and arrow in the mountains.
Baler became famous in the last days of Spanish rule
because of the heroic siege of the town in which a small
Spanish garrison held out until long after held out until
long after peace had been declared between America and
Spain. My father was a Tagalog, born in the suburb of Paco
in Manila. In his youth he was drafted into the infantry
unit that Spain maintained in the Philippines, composed
entirely of Filipino soldiers, officered with few exceptions
by Spaniards. He retired at the end of his regular term as
sergeant. His love of adventure took him to faraway Baler.
There he met my mother, a Spanish mestiza, the belle of
the town, who was the school- teacher for the girls. (Co-
education was then prohibited.) Since my father was


soon appointed the school-teacher for boys, they formed
a friendship which carried them to the altar and held
them together for life. Each of them as teacher received
a salary of twelve pesos ($6.00) a month, a sum which in
Baler was quite an income for those days. They also had a
rice paddy of some two acres which gave them enough for
the yearly sustenance of the household, and what they did
not consume they exchanged for fish, venison, or pork,
which with our own poultry, fed us well.
In a community as poor and as primitive as Baler, we
were considered the number one family. We were the only
family who could speak Spanish and could converse in their
own tongue with the three Spanish officials stationed in
the town —the military governor of the district who was
a captain in the Army, the parish priest, a Franciscan friar;
and the Corporal of the Civil Guard whose whole force
consisted of at most six men. The reason for keeping this
detachment in my town —not every town had it— was
to protect it against the Ilongotes who were then head-
hunters, and occasionally from ambush attacked travelers
between Baler and Pantabangan, cut off their heads, and
took them home as trophies. The worth of an Ilongot
amongst his tribesmen was measured by the number of
skulls he collected, including those of other Ilongotes
from different localities, for they cut off heads without
discrimination. Whenever the Ilongotes attacked Christian
Filipinos, the Guardia Civil, accompanied by townsfolk
armed with spears and arrows, would go to the mountains


and inflict a severe punishment upon these savages.
There was also great deal of brigandage during the
Spaniards regime, and the duty of the Guardia Civil was
to go after these bandits. However, while the towns of
Pantabangan and Bongabong to the west of Baler and Infanta
to the south, were pillaged now and then by bandits, these
never dared to attack Baler because it was known that it had
been the custom in our community from time immemorial,
when the Moros were pillaging the coastal towns, for every
man to rush to the public plaza with his bolo and spear
or bow and arrow, and with these primitive weapons to
resist the pirates. They also helped one another when we
there was fire or some other public disaster like a flood or
typhoon. The sense of community interest was so high that
every Sunday the men gathered after mass in the municipal
building to discuss matters of common importance, and the
decisions arrived at by a majority vote of all those present
were obligatory for all, including the mayor and the other
municipal officials. The mayor of the town presided over
these meetings and the other public officials attended them.
My mother taught me to read and write Spanish, the four
fundamental rules of arithmetic, and my catechism.
When I was about five years old, I got angry with a boy
my age and size and slapped him in the face. My father saw
me and beckoned me to approach him. “Don’t slap anybody
in the face,” he said. “When you must hit some one do it
with your fist. A slap in the face is more than a punishment,
it is an insult.”


The following year, I did something my father did not
approve of. Instead of calling me to account immediately,
he let it go until the following day; so I did not know he had
caught me. “Did you do anything yesterday morning that
I have told you not to do?” he asked. I answered, “No, sir.”
He slapped me in the face. “Do you remember what I told
you about slapping a man in the face?” “Yes, sir,” I said. “A
liar deserves no respect and may well be insulted,” was his
stern admonition. “Always tell the truth regardless of the
consequences,” he added.
From that time on, I have never concealed my feelings or
my thoughts from either friend or foe. I have heard or read
that in politics one cannot be too frank without being sooner
or later politically ruined. My personal experience does not
sustain this theory. I have never been defeated in any of the
innumerable political battles I have gone through. People, I
think, are more indulgent with the weaknesses and mistakes
of public men if they avow them candidly. It may sound
presumptuous, but it is a fact, nevertheless, that few men in
public life have held the confidence of their constituents as
continuously and as long as I have. Since 1905 I have been
holding elective public office without interruption and always
in the ascendant, although my opponents have accused me
of every crime of commission and omission.
When I was seven, my parents sent me to live with the
Spanish Franciscan friar, the parish priest of Baler, who had
agreed to teach me religion, geography, history, and Latin.
Father Teodoro Fernandez was a saintly but severe man. I


still remember how he pulled my ears when I did not study
my lessons or got into some mischief.
After I had been living under the roof of Father Fernandez
for over one year, Father Angulo, the parish priest of Palanan,
where Aguinaldo in 1901 was captured by Captain Funston,
came to spend a few weeks with his brother Franciscan in
Baler. One morning after saying his mass Father Angulo
invited me to go with him to the beach and take a bath. It
was the month of January when the northeast monsoon blows
hard on the east coast of Luzon. The waves rolling straight
from the vast Pacific were big, as they always are during the
monsoon season; sometimes they are almost mountainous;
and the undertow is very strong. Two young men, both good
swimmers, came to bathe with us. One was my first cousin,
and the other also a relative. A tremendous wave knocked
down the priest and me and the undertow carried us out to
sea. Our companions came first to my rescue as I was the
more helpless, and with great difficulty they succeeded in
saving me. They went back for the priest afterwards, but
they could not find him. Help came from the town but to
no avail. At five in the afternoon the corpse was carried to
the beach by the current. It was my first near-meeting with
death, a meeting which in after life has been repeated more
than once.
Two years later, when Father Fernandez was transferred
to the main house of the Franciscans in Manila, my parents
asked him to take me with him to be his mess boy in order
that I might pursue my studies in San Juan de Letran College.


I stayed in the Franciscan convent for one year until Father
Fernandez was again sent to the provinces. Then my father
took me to the house in Manila of a cousin of his, married to
an officer of the Spanish Army, where my room and board
cost twelve pesos a month. I was not happy in this house.
In the first place, it was more than half an hour’s walk to my
school in Intramuros —the historic Walled City— and I had
to go to and fro four times every day. In the second place, my
uncle treated me, as well as his own children, rather roughly.
So I requested my father, when I started my second year in
school, to take me away. My dear parents, after discussing
the matter between themselves, called me and said, “We
have decided to enter you as boarder in San Juan de Letran.
The cost of your stay there including your matriculation
fee and incidental expenses will amount to more than both
of us making every year from our salaries, but we have
saved some money and our savings plus what we can sell
from the products of our farm will be enough to put you
through college until you take your A.B. degree. After
that, if you desire to take a course in law or medicine or
prepare for the priesthood [the only professions besides
pharmacy then being taught in the Philippines] you must
find some way of supporting yourself and paying for your
I became a boarder in the College of San Juan de Letran. It
was not long before I was having fist fights and taking active
part in every conspiracy to break the rules of the house. Since
the rod was then still considered the only means of keeping


order and discipline, I was receiving almost daily doses of
this medicine. However, my teachers were relatively lenient
with me because I always admitted my guilt.
It took me five years to graduate as a Bachelor of Arts,
Summa Cum Laude. On such occasions, the Governor-
General used to attend and preside over the exercises, and
I had the great privilege of being called to shake hands with
him. I was dazzled by the unexpected honor.
Although the trip from Manila to Baler was a hard one, I
always longed to visit my home during vacation time. The
journey took a week and was made partly in a carromata, a
sort of buggy, the rest of the way either on horseback or
afoot. The trip, besides being tiresome, was dangerous, for
along the trail through the mountains the traveler was likely
to be ambushed by the Ilongot head-hunters unless there was
a large party composed of men armed with spears, arrows,
and bolos, or perhaps some one carrying a shotgun. In that
case, regardless of the number constituting the party, the
Ilongotes never dared attack, for they had a wholesome fear
of this “diabolical” device, as they called it. Since my father
was the only man in Baler who owned a shotgun, he always
went to Manila to take me home when vacation came. My
visits to my home town were a source of great happiness to
me. I enjoyed immensely the company of the illiterate boys
of my age, just as much as I did before I went to Manila. We
played our native games like sipa and palabasan. Baseball was
unknown to us then.
Two years before my graduation, my father did not let me


come home because he could not go to Manila to fetch me.
He was too busy trying to earn more money, for his savings
were running low and my expenses were increasing. I spent
my vacation with classmates of mine who took me to their
homes. After my graduation, father sent the father of my
future wife, Uncle Pedro, for me, and upon arriving home I
found my mother hopelessly ill with tuberculosis. The sight
of her broke my heart.
Later in the day, my father called me aside and told me that
they had spent everything they had for my education and
had even incurred debts. He repeated his earlier warning:
“If you want to go to the university, you will have to find
means of supporting yourself.”
The following day, my father took me to be introduced
to the parish priest. I did not know the man. We found
him seated in one of those comfortable chairs that the friars
invented, with his right leg up resting over one of the long
arms of the chair. When we entered the spacious parlor hall
the priest did not change his position. Although I had seen
the same thing many times before when I was a youngster,
on this occasion I felt inside me a sense of revulsion. It was
then customary for the Filipinos to kiss the hand of a priest
as a mark of respect. My father kissed the hand which the
friar held out to him. When my turn came, I merely took the
hand and shook it.
The friar did not hesitate to show his displeasure by
completely ignoring me. We stayed not more than five
minutes. My father made no comment about the incident.


Later I learned the priest said that my studies in Manila had
spoiled me and that if he were my father he would keep me
in Baler and after giving me a good whipping would make me
work on the farm.
After visiting the parish priest, my father accompanied me
to pay my respects to the Comandante Político Militar —the
military governor of the district— and then to the corporal
in command of the Civil Guard. I confess that the reception
these Spanish officials gave us, like that of the priest, was
no different from the manner in which the representatives
of Spanish sovereignty in Baler used to receive my father
when I was a boy. But this time, I saw things in a different
light. I realized that we Filipinos were treated as inferiors
and my racial pride was deeply hurt. In college there were
some Spanish students who were not only indolent but plain
stupid, and many Filipinos were superior to them in character
and in intellect. In my innermost self, I resolved to change
that humiliating state of affairs.
In the ensuing weeks, I spent a great deal of time taking
care of my mother, until one day, late in the afternoon, she
asked me to fetch the priest because she was dying. I rushed
to the parish house, conveyed to the priest the wishes of my
mother, and ran back to her side. The priest followed me,
administered her the last sacraments, and a moment later, she
died in my arms. Meantime, I had sent for my father who,
with my two brothers, was on the farm. When they arrived,
all was over. My father broke down completely and after
the burial he became seriously ill. For several months he was


almost out of his mind. This prevented me from returning to
Manila to start my law course.
While in Baler, I learned more and more about the abuses
that the three Spanish officials including the priest, then
also a sort of public official, were guilty of in their dealings
with the people. The Corporal of the Guardia Civil was the
worst of the lot. He was nothing but a beast, a monster of
lasciviousness and cruelty. He would go after young girls
and compel their relatives through threats, to deliver the
innocent creatures to him. Whenever he failed, as he always
did except once, he would make good his threat by arresting
the person who refused to help him and having him flogged
almost to death. I realized then how despicable some of
the Spaniards in the Philippines were, and I began to fully
understand the why of the “Katipunan.”
To my surprise, this Corporal of the Civil Guard, Pio
Enriquez by name, went out of his way to win my friendship.
He would pay me a visit and invite me to his quarters which
were also the barracks of the small detachment. One night
he insisted that I stay for dinner and while we took our coffee
he told me, in the most confidential manner, that he had
fallen in love with one of my cousins. Then he insinuated
that I should use my good offices to convince my cousin to
yield to his advances. Knowing the man, I understood what
he meant. My first impulse was to pull out the dagger which
I carried on my right hip hidden under my coat and kill him.
This deadly weapon I had started carrying with me when
I learned what a brute this man was. However, realizing


that to kill him then was tantamount to committing suicide,
I repressed my anger and merely said: “You understand, Sr.
Enriquez, that I cannot do what you are asking me to do.” He
immediately showed himself in his true color. He called one
of his soldiers and said: “Trae el látigo!” (Bring the lash!) The
soldier obeyed and came back with the horrid instrument
in his hand. I lowered my arm under the table, gripped the
hilt of my dagger, gritted my teeth, and strained every sinew
— determined to plunge my poniard through his heart at his
slightest move.
He hesitated a while, ordered the soldier to leave and,
addressing me, said: “Did you see that lash? Unless you do
what I want you to do I shall lash you till you are dead and
then bury you in this yard and nobody will ever know what
has happened to you.”
The party was, of course, now at an end. As I reached the
last rung of the ladder of his house, I vowed to myself that I
would get him at the first opportunity.
All night long I tossed in my bed. I saw no escape from
the trap I was in. I either had to commit murder or allow
myself to be murdered. There was only one choice, and
that same night I planned the commission of the crime. I
would wait till the first dark evening came. There were no
lights in the streets. I would invite him for a walk and upon
reaching a deserted place with no houses around, I would
attack him without warning. The thought that my dagger
would leave his blood on my hands made me shiver with
horror. So I decided to hit him in the head with a club and


leave him dead on the road. For days, I could neither eat nor
sleep. I was terrified at the prospect of being a murderer. I
prayed to God for light. I dared not go to my father and
seek his advice for I was afraid that he, himself, would kill the
man. I avoided meeting Sr. Enriquez, hoping that he might
change his mind. But one evening he came to our house and
asked for me. In vain I tried to hide although my father got
me out of the room. He invited me to go for a walk, but I
excused myself on the ground that I had not had my dinner.
He insisted, and I promised to meet him later in the town
plaza. He left. I took no dinner; instead I went back to my
room and sought the intervention of my mother whose soul
I knew was in Heaven, that the Lord might save me from the
imminent danger that was awaiting me. I knelt on my knees
and prayed with all my soul.
Then I kissed my father good-night, not knowing whether
I would ever see him again, and went out with the club which
I had prepared for the occasion. I met Sr. Enriquez at the
appointed place and he asked me to go to his house. As
usual he was carrying a hardwood cane. I suggested that
we stroll for a while and he agreed. It was a very dark night
and there were no people in the street. I wanted to attack
him when he was not on his guard, but the treacherous act
was so repulsive to me that it paralyzed my arm. Finally he
asked what I had done to comply with his wishes. I stopped.
The blood rushed up to my head and I forgot everything.
“Canalla!” (Dirty dog!) I shouted, and hit him with the club.
He fell, six feet long, on the ground. I thought he was dead


and ran away from him in the direction of the hills.
I walked the whole night without knowing where I was
going, for I was unfamiliar with the thick forest around my
town. Every shadow I saw I thought was a civil guard hunting
me, and I would stop and wait until satisfied of my mistake.
I was torn by the fear of being caught and shot, on the one
hand, and by the voice of my conscience crying in my ears
the word “murderer,” on the other. With all the vicissitudes
that I have gone through during my long and eventful life,
that was the worst night I ever had. I was in complete despair
and did not even dare to call on God for help for I thought I
had been doomed to eternal damnation. Morning found me
far, but not too far from the town. I was on the little farm of
one of my relatives.
When the woman who owned the farm arrived in the
afternoon, on seeing me she asked: “Where have you been?
Your father has been looking for you all morning, telling the
people that you did not go back home last night.”
Ignoring her remarks, I inquired: “Did anything unusual
happen last night?”
She answered, “Yes, the Cabo de la Guardia Civil was
heard crying for help in the thick of the night while running
in the street; and when the cuadrilleros [policemen] rushed
to his aid, he told them that he had seen an evil spirit
which disappeared instantly.” (The belief in apparitions
was still common among the Filipinos.) I breathed a deep
sigh of relief. Neither hell nor a firing squad was waiting
for me. I had not committed murder and my victim was


ashamed to admit that a young man half his size had given
him a beating.
Now I was more afraid of my father than of the Cabo de
la Guardia Civil. I decided to face the music and confess the
whole business. I went home and told my father everything
from beginning to end. Instead of reproaching me as I
thought he would, he merely counseled me to come to him
whenever I was in trouble. Then, with wrath in his eyes, he
added: “That cabo will never see you again except in my
presence, and if he ever attempts to do you any harm, I will
shoot him.”
Three days later, the Military Governor sent for my father
and me. He was solemn and severe. He told my father that
I was a member of the Katipunan, that he had conclusive
evidence in his possession proving this fact.
Then addressing me, he asked: “Where were you at ten
o’clock, two nights ago?”
I paused a moment to remember if this was the night when
I assaulted Cabo Enriquez. No, I was certain I was home, for
the assault had taken place the night before.
“I was at home, sir,” I answered.
“And these eyes that have seen you and these ears that
have heard you haranguing the people and inducing them to
join the Katipunan—are my eyes and ears telling a lie?”
“Señor,” I retorted, respectfully but firmly, “those eyes
could have seen me and ears could have heard me only in
my own house.”
“Enough!” he shouted. “You will be confined in the school-


house [it was vacation time] until I send you to Manila to be
tried by a Military Court and shot.”
“At your order, sir,” I replied. We were dismissed and my
father who was still the school teacher, took me to the school
house and became my warden.
For fifteen days I was locked in the school house and no
one but my father was allowed to see me or bring my food.
He was forbidden to talk to me, and he complied strictly
with the order. We only looked at one another whenever he
came with my meals, neither of us showing what our hearts
felt, both certain that I was a victim of grave injustice.
At the end of the second week of my imprisonment, my
father, with evident sign of joy in his face, came to tell me
that I was free; that he had convinced the Military Governor
of my innocence; and that the governor had consented to
my going to Manila to pursue my studies on the assurance
given by my father, upon his word of honor, that I would
not join the Katipunan or be a revolutionary. My father
had discovered that the Cabo de la Guardia Civil and, in a
way, the priest, were responsible for my detention. Later the
whole town learned the truth that I had clubbed the Cabo
de la Guardia Civil, and since the Spaniards were looked
upon by the natives not only with respect but almost with
awe, my daring was considered as a heroic act, and the good
submissive people of Baler hailed me as their hero. My only
brother still living has kept the club with which I attacked
Cabo Enriquez.
The following day my father and I left for Manila. He still


had no money with which to support me and was deeply in
debt. During his illness he had received no salary as teacher
and our farm had been practically abandoned. I told him not
to worry, that I would work my way through the university.
Upon our arrival in Manila, I went straight to the University
of Santo Tomas (Saint Thomas) and presented myself to the
Director of the Interns, Father Tamayo, who had been my
professor in the College of San Juan de Letran, and told him
my story. Father Tamayo immediately said: “I will give you
free tuition and free room and board. Your work will be
to help those students who need coaching in mathematics.
You will also do such other work as may be given to you.” I
I told my father that I was assured of my room and board
and that for my clothing and other necessary expenses as a
student, I would do some other work in my spare time. My
father was the happiest man on earth. “My son,” he said, “I
shall be going back home in two hours. I won’t bother you
with any advice. Just be good and be just to your fellowmen.
No matter how high your station in life may be, never forget
that you came from poor parents and that you belong to the
poor. Don’t forsake them, whatever happens.”
“God bless you,” he said when we parted. I never saw him


EST the reader may think that my days in Baler had
been constantly spent in a gloomy atmosphere of
pain for the death of my mother, indignation over
the abuses of the Spanish officials, or the anguish
resulting from the almost tragic incident with the Cabo de
la Guardia Civil and my confinement in the school-house, I
desire to tell a little episode of my youth which took place in
the midst of these more serious events.
The town of Baler was always famous for having an
abundance of beautiful girls. At the time of which I now
write, although only seventeen years old, I was no longer
indifferent to the attraction of beautiful eyes and well-shaped
figures. There was one girl in particular whose eyes were
irresistible to me, and I quickly fell in love with her. Courting
in the Philippines during the Spanish days was indeed a most
trying enterprise. Girls were always chaperoned whenever
they attended a dance, nor were they allowed out of the
house alone. Letters through the mail, addressed to a girl,
were sure to fall into her parents’ hands and never reached
the addressee. When a girl was visited in her home, she


was not permitted to sit near her suitor, and some one was
always present so that the conversation could never refer to
anything so personal as the object of the call. In my own town
the young man would be asked to sit on a bench—and the
prevailing rules of etiquette required that one must not walk
straight to the bench, but had to do it step by step; stopping
after each step, until the invitation to sit was repeated three
times. Then at last the tortured victim would have the right
to sit down. The girl would sit at the farthest point away, the
mother or the chaperone sitting with solemn face between
This procedure was too elaborate, too formal, and too
burdensome for my impatient temperament. So I never
subjected myself to the ancient ritual. There was another
permissible manner of courting a girl more agreeable to my
inclinations, and that was by serenading. This consisted of
standing in front of the girl’s house after the family had retired
for the evening and, from the street playing melancholy
tunes and singing love ditties. Some austere mothers would
let the serenaders remain long in the street before inviting
them to come up, doubtless in the hope that the intruders
would get tired and leave. Usually, however, after the third
musical selection, the lamps were lighted and the cavaliers
invited to come up. Then would follow an impromptu dance
which would last, depending upon the boldness of the suitor,
until two or three o’clock in the morning. The music on
such occasion consisted usually of only a flute or a violin and
a guitar. I chose the serenade as a means of promoting my


pretentions, and with two old friends who played the guitar
and the flute, I courted the girl of my dreams. She was an
orphan, living with her aunt, the most stern and implacable
old lady of the town. As soon as the latter noticed that I
was paying attention to her niece, her attitude toward me
changed radically. She assumed that I would never marry her
girl, and therefore condemned me a priori as a villain. I went
about my business unperturbed. She would keep me waiting
in front of her house with my musicians as long as courtesy
under the code would permit, and then in a rather hard voice
and not concealing displeasure, would ask us to come up, “if
we wanted.” Of course, we did every time and then I would
dance with the girl and although one had to hold his partner
at least one foot away, I still managed to whisper a word or
two indicative of my deep personal feeling. After noticing
that the girl was not indifferent to my advances, I used to
carry with me whenever I serenaded her, a sheet of paper
containing the most romantic letter I have ever produced.
She never answered my letters, much less ever said that she
reciprocated my love, for that was bad form in those days.
Finally, on one occasion, I succeeded in finding her alone
and kissed her on the cheek.
There was no protest, but it was the end, for fate took me
away shortly after this incident.
The law course in the University of Santo Tomas at that
time took seven years—one of preparatory, and six of law
proper—and no one was permitted to matriculate who did
not have the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Santo Tomas being


the only university in the Philippines then—it is older by
twenty-five years than Harvard—all the A.B. graduates from
the different colleges who wanted to take a university course
met in its classrooms. There I made the acquaintance of Sergio
Osmeña who came from the college of the religious order of
Saint Paul established in Cebu, Vicente Singson Encarnacion,
and many others who graduated from the Ateneo of Manila.
This preparatory course in law was also attended by Vicente
Madrigal, Juan Sumulung, Emilio Jacinto, Flaviano Yenko,
and many more who graduated with me as Bachelors of
Art from San Juan de Letran. Sergio Osmeña and Vicente
Madrigal, besides being my classmates, were also boarders
in Santo Tomas, and we formed a friendship that has lasted
throughout these many years of our lives.
Emilio Jacinto became the secretary of the Katipunan and
was the brains in the camp of Andres Bonifacio, the untutored
leader during the early days of the revolution against Spain.
Jacinto sealed with his life his love of freedom for his people.
Flaviano Yenko became a general in Aguinaldo’s army in
Cavite, and died gloriously in the defense of Sapote bridge a
few months after the revolution of 1896 broke out.
Sumulung and Singson Encarnacion became the leaders of
the party which in popular parlance was called “Americanista.”
Sumulung became very influential during the first years of the
American regime and was appointed by the President of the
United States a member of the Philippine Commission, the
body which after the establishment of the Civil Government
exercised exclusively both the executive and legislative


powers of the Philippine Government, and was composed
of a majority of Americans and a Filipino minority who took
part only in the legislative functions.
Madrigal never entered politics; but although he was so
poor as a student that he was able to follow an academic
career only by the charity of the Dominican Order, he was
so brilliant, so hard-working and so keen a businessman that
before he reached the age of fifty, he became one of the
few multimillionaires in the Philippines. And may I add in
passing that every cent he made, he made honestly and by
the sweat of his brow.
Osmeña and I joined our political forces in the leadership
of the Nacionalista Party —the party which from the start
advocated immediate independence for the Philippines. For
many years Osmeña was the leader of the Party— from 1907
to 1922; at that time I succeeded him as the head of the
In my preparatory course, there were two notable professors
—Father Farpon, the professor of physics and chemistry,
who was a real scientist (which for a friar was exceptional,
for generally their interest lay in the study of scholastic
philosophy, theology, and classics); and Father Valentin
Marin, the professor of Spanish literature. Father Marin
was not only a Spanish scholar, a playwright, and a poet,
but also one of the most liberal-minded priests I have ever
known in my life. I think only the Dominican Order, of all
the religious orders, would have tolerated such an outspoken
man. He went beyond the bounds of prudence at times in


criticizing the Spanish Government and his own brothers of
the Order. He was so popular among the students that I had
a slight suspicion the Emilio Jacinto and Flaviano Yenko had
hinted to him their connection with the Katipunan.
Years had not improved my conduct. I was the same gay
and unruly student, more inclined to make than to avoid
trouble. However, the need of earning a little money for my
expenses, other than my tuition and room and board which
were free, forced me to devote a great deal of time not only
to coaching those students whom the Director of Santo
Tomas, Father Tamayo, put under my charge, but also other
students who came to me for help.
After finishing my preparatory course, I matriculated in the
first year of law. An old Dominican priest who was teaching
canonic law in Santo Tomas and who had become very much
interested in me, advised me to take at the same time a course
in dogmatic theology. “In case,” as he said, “you may discover
later that you have a vocation for priesthood.” Remembering
what my dear mother told me as a probable reason for my
birthday falling on the feast of the patron saint of Baler, I
readily followed the advice of the old priest. The professor
of dogmatic theology that year was Father Vaquero who had
been teaching in the College of San Juan de Letran during all
the years that I was a boarder in that college. He of course
knew me very well, and seeing me enter the classroom, he
bluntly and in the presence of other students, asked me this
question: “What are you doing here?” Humbly and in a
low voice, assuming that that was the proper attitude of a


would-be priest, I answered: “I think I am going to study for
the priesthood.” He burst into laughter and said: “Who has
deceived you into believing that you should ever be a priest?
Don’t waste your time. Get out of here and proceed with
your law course.” Thus the career for which my mother so
devoutly prayed was nipped in the bud.
Discontent in the Philippines against the Spanish rule
had then become rampant. The Katipunan was rapidly
being extended everywhere. Although I knew from my
own personal experience in my home town how well-
founded was the discontent, I would not join the secret
society because of the pledged word of my father to the
Military Governor of Baler.
When I was spending my Christmas vacation in the town
of Aliaga, province of Nueva Ecija, Jose Rizal, the national
hero of the Filipino people, was executed, after a cooked-
up military trial, in Bagumbayan, afterwards the beautiful
Luneta drive and park. The death of Rizal, which the Spanish
Government thought would end the subversive agitation
and the incipient rebellion in the Philippines, accomplished
just the opposite. More than any other Filipino before
him or during his time, Jose Rizal had succeeded through
his writings in arousing the dormant if not extinct national
consciousness among his countrymen. He opened their
eyes to the intolerable abuses that were being committed by
their oppressors. His martyrdom, in a public plaza, before
the startled and weeping eyes of his people, with deafening
cries of “Viva España” from the Spaniards who witnessed the


execution, was the spark that set off the Revolution. Shortly
afterwards there was a general uprising.
The insurrection was started by Andres Bonifacio with his
grito de Balintawak —the Cry of Balintawak—and Aguinaldo
immediately seconded the movement with the uprising in
Cavite. Here the insurrectos, armed only with a few shotguns
and bolos, won easy victories and captured the Spanish
garrison in the province. The success of the insurrection
in Cavite astonished the Spaniards and the Filipinos alike,
including Aguinaldo and his followers themselves. In my
home town in Baler, at the instigation of one Luis Novicio
Luna (an Ilocano born in Baler and up to that time the only
one who was a member of the Katipunan), a group of about
fifty men armed with bolos and clubs attacked by surprise
the barracks of the Guardia Civil and another detachment of
infantry under the command of a sergeant; the revolutionaries
took a number of Spanish prisoners and their rifles along with
them. Among these prisoners was my old “friend,” Cabo
Enriquez who, despite his cruelty and despicable treatment of
the people of Baler, was nevertheless spared from death. The
larger part of the infantry garrison which was quartered in
the ground floor of the Military Governor’s house under the
command of a lieutenant, escaped this attack for the guards
were alert. My brother Teodorico, who did not know of my
father’s promise, led the attack against the Guardia Civil and
captured Cabo Enriquez. That same night, the inhabitants
of the town of Baler, including my father, took to the near-
by hills with the exception of those who were caught by the


remaining Spanish soldiers. Among them was the family of
my future wife, whose father was sent to jail in Manila and
was kept there as long as the first uprising started. The rest
of the people of the town remained in the hills until the Pact
of Biaknabato, by virtue of which the first uprising against
Spain was ended. I kept aloof studiously from anything that
in any way might involve me in the revolution. I meant to
honor my father’s word. I continued my studies and never
went back again to Baler for my summer vacations.
The rules of the house in Santo Tomas University permitted
the boarders who were full-fledged university students to go
out by themselves twice a week from five to seven o’clock,
at which time the doors were closed and supper was served.
In my second year of law, I discovered that the cook went
home every night after supper through a side door which
was opened for his exit. This discovery suggested to me
the idea that whenever I pleased I could stay out until nine
o’clock and use the cook’s door to reenter the building. It did
not take long for Father Tamayo, the director of the house,
to discover my scheme, and one night as I entered the door
I found him waiting for me. Without further parley, he sent
me away for good. Fortunately, the punishment did not
include my expulsion from the classes. Thereafter I boarded
in a students’ boarding-house in Intramuros, the Walled City,
where the declaration of war between Spain and the United
States found me residing.
When war was declared, the Spanish authorities and
newspapers started a campaign of vilification against the


Americans. They called them infidels, for in those days a
non-Catholic was an infidel in the eyes of the Spanish friars
in the Philippines. We were told, even from the pulpits, that
the Americans, unlike the Spaniards who Christianized the
Indians in Mexico, killed the Indians living in the United
States and took their lands. They assured us that victory
for the invincible Spanish arms was a foregone conclusion.
It was widely advertised that the entrance to Manila Bay on
either side of Corregidor was so well mined that no fleet
would dare enter unless it sought its own destruction.
While this anti-American publicity was going on in the
Philippines, the American Consul-General in Singapore, Mr.
Pratt, was negotiating with Aguinaldo for the help of the
Filipinos in the war against Spain. It will be remembered
that after the Pact of Biaknabato in 1896, Aguinaldo agreed
to be exiled in Hongkong, and the beginning of hostilities
in the Spanish-American War found him there. To this day
Aguinaldo maintains that the Consul-General Pratt and
Admiral Dewey had both promised him that if the Filipinos
took the side of the Americans in that war, upon the defeat of
Spain and the signing of the peace treaty, the independence
of the Philippines would be recognized by the United
States. Aguinaldo says that in his conferences with these
American officials, it was pointed out to him that the war was
declared by the United States against Spain for the purpose
of liberating Cuba and that, therefore, he easily believed
that the country that fought for the liberation of Cuba
would not deny the Filipinos their freedom. Commodore


Dewey—later Admiral—denied most emphatically that he
had ever made such commitment to Aguinaldo, although it
is officially recorded that he did inform the Government of
the United States, after the termination of the war, that the
Filipinos were more capable of governing themselves than
the Cubans.
Early on the morning of the first of May, 1898, I heard
the boom of heavy cannon from Manila Bay. I jumped
up and told my fellow student-boarders who were in the
same room with me that the American Fleet was attacking
the Spanish Fleet lying over at the naval arsenal of Cavite,
a few miles to the west. Nobody, including myself,
believed what I said, but just the same we all went down
and ran for the beach which was only about a thousand
yards from the house. Americans who came to Manila a
few years after the event I am narrating could not possibly
understand what I mean when I say that the distance
between Magallanes Street where I was staying and the
beach was only about a thousand yards. The explanation
is that during the American regime, this water area was
filled in, from the Malecon Drive which bordered the
beach, for several miles. This is now called the Port Area,
at the end of which were built the piers of Manila.
From the beach I witnessed the Battle of Manila Bay
which, as far as I can remember, did not last long. By
eight o’clock, Dewey’s fleet steamed away, and the
Spaniards who were on the beach shouted, “Viva España!”
doubtless believing that Dewey was on the run. Their


cheers, however, were of short duration, for very soon we
saw Admiral Montojo’s ships all afire.
After having destroyed the Spanish Fleet and captured the
naval arsenal of Cavite, Dewey sent one of his ships to get
Aguinaldo and his associates in Hongkong and bring them
to the Philippines in accordance with their concerted plan.
Dewey did not have with him any land forces, and until he
could get them from the United States, he had to depend
upon Aguinaldo and his insurgents.
On the other hand, the Spanish Government in Manila,
from the time it became apparent that a war between the
United States and Spain was imminent, called for Filipino
volunteers to join the Spanish forces. Several battalions were
organized. One contingent was composed of Macabebes
from Pampanga under the command of the leading citizen
of the town of Macabebe, Mr. Blanco, who was given the
rank of major and later was promoted to a full colonelcy;
another was under the command of Mr. Felipe Buencamino,
a prominent lawyer of Manila, who was likewise given the
rank of major. There were other battalions recruited form
different provinces, and last but not least, there was the Manila
Battalion and the Guerilla de San Miguel, all commanded by
a majority of ranking Spanish civilian officials.
As soon as Aguinaldo landed in Cavite, he issued a
manifesto addressed to the Filipino people telling them that
the Divine Providence had at last heard their prayers and
that their freedom and independence were at hand; that
America, the mother of republics, had through Admiral


Dewey assured him that if the Filipino people sided with the
United States in the war against Spain, they would be granted
independence upon the termination of the war. The arrival
of Aguinaldo in Cavite was the signal for a new uprising all
over the Philippines, and the Spanish Governor-General
then offered the Filipinos in the name of the government in
Madrid, complete autonomy under the Spanish crown if they
would remain loyal to Spain. Some of the leading Filipinos
were inclined to accept this offer, but they soon found out
that the masses of the people were flocking to the banner
of Aguinaldo and that even entire battalions of volunteers
in the provinces had forsaken the cause of Spain and had
gone over to Aguinaldo. So no one dared to come out and
advocate the acceptance of the offer. Before the American
landing forces arrived in the Philippines, Aguinaldo, with
the rifles that Dewey gave him from the Cavite arsenal,
started a siege of Manila but was forbidden by the American
high command to attack the city. After the required number
of American troops had landed, an ultimatum was sent
by General Anderson and Admiral Dewey to the Spanish
Governor-General for the surrender of Manila. The answer
was negative, but after a sham battle wherein only a few
shots were fired, the white flag was raised and the Spanish
conquest of the Philippines came to an inglorious end. I was
then in the city and saw the American flag taking the place
of the flag of Spain.
I confess to a feeling of deep sadness when I saw the old
flag come down forever. After all, I inherited from my mother


some Spanish blood, I spoke from childhood the language
of Castile, and although the last Spanish friar, parish priest
of my town, was far from what his vocation required him
to be, one of his predecessors had been my teacher. Again
I felt very grateful to the Dominican friars who had given
me free tuition and free room and board for three years and
who, despite my derelictions as a student, always treated me
kindly. I felt, as I still do, grateful to them.
When Manila was occupied by the American forces,
Aguinaldo nor his army was permitted by General Elwell
S. Otis to enter the Walled City or any of its suburbs. In
passing, I may add that the ultimatum, the sham battle, and
the occupation of Manila took place on the 13th of August,
1898, after the armistice had already been signed by duly
authorized representatives of Spain and the United States.
The denial of the fruits of victory to those who took a very
important part in their achievement marked the beginning
of suspicion, jealousies, and misunderstandings between
the two former allies which culminated in the outbreak of
hostilities on the 4th of February, 1899.
After the occupation of Manila by the United States
Army, law classes having been closed since the beginning
of the war and I have nothing to do, I decided to visit
Baler. I had not been in communication with my father
or any one from Baler since the siege of Manila and was
naturally very anxious about the fate of my family. When
I arrived in Baler, I learned that my father, with my young
brother who had gone to the provinces before the siege of


Manila, had been murdered by bandits on their way home.
It appears that my father had succeeded in collecting his
back salary and had gone to Nueva Ecija not only to fetch
my brother but to buy some merchandise with the idea of
entering into the retail business. The bandits not only took
everything they had, but murdered them besides. Years
afterwards when I had become a prosecuting attorney, I
succeeded in capturing every one of these bandits myself
in the company of my other brother, and I then prosecuted
them for murder and robbery, and succeeded in securing
life imprisonment for them.
I stayed in my home town, living with the family of my
future wife, whose mother was a sister of my mother. At that
time my little cousin was only about ten years old and I used
to play with her.
The old town was deserted by its inhabitants, all the
houses having been burned. Only the church and the
adjoining parish were standing and had been converted into
a fortress by the Spanish garrison which was beleaguered
for many months and had refused to surrender. No more
glorious page in Spanish military history, I think, has been
written than that which this small garrison wrote in the siege
of Baler. Hunger and sickness had reduced the garrison
from a hundred and fifty men to about fifty and only one
of the officers commanding the company remained alive —
Lieutenant Martin. Emissaries from Manila were sent by the
Spanish General ordering them to give up the fight on the
ground that the Philippines were no longer Spanish territory,


since the treaty of peace had already been signed between
Spain and the United States. The commander of the garrison
did not listen to the emissary, but instead threatened to shoot
him unless he went away. Finally Aguinaldo agreed to let
these Spaniards come out from the church-fortress and go to
Manila without surrendering and to carry with them all their
I was in Baler when the hostilities began between America
and the Filipino forces. It was already known all over the
world that in the treaty of peace America had insisted on
the transfer by Spain of her sovereignty over the Philippines
to the United States. President McKinley had issued
his proclamation formally declaring that the people and
territory of the Philippines be placed under the sovereignty
of the United States, and General Otis was commanded to
take steps that would bring about acceptance on the part of
the Filipinos of the new situation. Although the language of
the proclamation was couched in the most diplomatic terms,
Aguinaldo and his advisers were in no way misled. They
realized its full import and meaning, and as answer thereto,
Aguinaldo convened at Malolos the First Filipino Congress,
which was inaugurated with all the ceremonies and the
solemnity demanded by the occasion. The Philippine
Republic was formally proclaimed. The joy and exultation of
hundreds of thousands of Filipinos that gathered in Malolos
from all parts of the Islands knew no bounds. Aguinaldo,
however, deliberately avoided a serious clash with the Army
of Occupation.


Meanwhile, President McKinley created the First
Philippine Commission headed by Jacob Gould Schurman,
the President of Cornell University, with instructions to
go to the Philippines and explain to the Filipinos America’s
purpose in taking the Philippines from Spain: namely, not
to subjugate the people of the Islands, but to educate and
train them in the art of self-government. In his message
to Congress that year, President McKinley with uncanny
premonition stated: “I believe and confidently expect that
the day will come when the Filipino people will bless the
day when the Divine Providence placed their country under
the protecting hand of the United States.” Unfortunately,
when the Commission arrived in Manila, the peaceful, if
strained, relations between the American and Filipino forces
had terminated and war was actually in progress.
The news of the hostilities which began on February 4,
1899, reached Baler almost overnight. I decided at once that
my duty lay in fighting for the freedom of my country. Neither
my father, while he was alive, nor I had any commitment
with the United States Army. On the contrary, it was that
army, as I thought, which had broken faith with my people.


N PANTABANGAN, I presented myself to Colonel
Villacorta, a good and valiant soldier but almost an
illiterate man. He had fought from the beginning of the
first insurrection and never laid down arms even after the
Pact of Biaknabato. He was only too glad to take me. He
had known me in Baler, for he had been in command of the
forces that had besieged the Spanish garrison there.
Villacorta made me a second lieutenant and a sort of
aide-de-camp. When we arrived in Cabanatuan, General
Llanera, having heard of a hideous crime committed by a
band of ladrones (highwaymen) in the town of Aliaga, ordered
Villacorta to send some of his men to go and capture the
band. Villacorta gave me the mission, and in Aliaga I was
informed that this band had attacked the house of one of
the richest people in the town, taken everything they had
and murdered everybody in the family, not excluding the
children. After two days’ hunting, I caught the whole gang.
They were court-martialed and executed in short order. I was
promoted to first lieutenant in recognition of this service.
For several months I was stationed in Cabanatuan. When
later Aguinaldo, pressed by the American advance, transferred
the seat of his government form Malolos to Cabanatuan,
I was detailed to form a part of his staff. The General in


command of all the forces operating in Luzon was Antonio
Luna, a highly educated man who had spent many years as
a student in Spain and in France. No braver soldier was ever
born in any clime or any land. Whenever a key position was at
stake, he always took personal command of the Filipino forces
and was the last to retreat. At Calumpit, one of the most bloody
battles fought during the war of resistance against the United
States, he was wounded, but did not enter a hospital.
Soon after Aguinaldo had gone to Cabanatuan, the Filipino
Congress held a session there. It was generally believed
that at this session the Congress had decided to appoint a
committee that would go to Manila and negotiate peace terms
with the Philippine Commission sent by President McKinley
on the basis of Philippine autonomy under an American
protectorate. But General Luna, having heard of the action
taken by the Congress, came rushing to Cabanatuan and
arrested the members of the Congress whom he found there,
including those who had been appointed members of the
committee. That was the end of the Malolos Congress as
well as any attempt to negotiate peace with the American
Government. It was also rumored that General Luna, after
insulting some of the members of Aguinaldo’s cabinet who
had approved of the action of the Congress, demanded from
Aguinaldo their dismissal. Whether the rumor was true or
not, the fact remains that after Luna’s trip to Cabanatuan, to
which place the Congress had returned, the members of the
cabinet presented their resignations and they were accepted.
On the other hand, Aguinaldo prevailed upon Luna to release


the members of the Congress whom he had arrested.
General Benito Natividad, who was seriously wounded
in the battle of Calumpit, was brought to Cabanatuan in a
hammock carried by his men. General Natividad was one of
the right-hand men of General Luna, and by orders previously
given by this general he was to be taken to Luna’s headquarters
in Bayambang. Colonel Sitiar of Aguinaldo’s staff instructed
me to escort General Natividad to Bayambang. After safely
placing my patient in the hands of his friend and chief, I
departed the following day for Cabanatuan. Upon reporting
that my mission had been performed, I found that I had been
promoted to the rank of captain.
Not long afterward Aguinaldo once again transferred
the seat of his government from Cabanatuan to Angeles.
We made the trip on horseback from Cabanatuan to San
Isidro, where we found a force composed of at least three
thousand men under the command of General Gregorio del
Pilar. General Aguinaldo, after reviewing his guard of honor,
ordered all the officers who were then in San Isidro to come
up to his residence, and there, without any explanation for
this unexpected as well as unusual procedure, he made us
swear that we would fight by his side against all comers.
Very early the next morning, we proceeded in the direction
of Bayambang where we arrived late at night. On this trip for
the first time I saw General Aguinaldo dressed in his military
uniform with his insignia as full general. I asked him if he
was celebrating some happy event, and he just smiled and
said nothing.


Before midnight it was rumored in Bayambang that Luna
had been murdered in Cabanatuan by the personal guards of
Aguinaldo who were left in that town to protect his mother
and wife. While this terrible news was being whispered all
around, we received orders to board the train which was
to take Aguinaldo with the forces of General Gregorio del
Pilar to Angeles. Angeles was the headquarters of General
Concepcion, another of General Luna’s trusted men, who was
in command of the forces which were facing the Americans
in San Fernando. General Concepcion was evidently
unaware of our arrival, for he showed his surprise when he
was faced by the Commander-in-Chief of the Filipino forces.
The following day an official announcement was made of
the killing of General Luna and that of his senior aide-de-
camp, Colonel Paco Roman. His two junior aides were put
in prison.
The brigade defending the line facing San Fernando was
the crack brigade of the old Philippine Army. It had been
organized by General Luna himself and was composed
of veteran soldiers of the defunct Spanish Army and
commanded by officers who had also served and fought
many battles under the Spanish flag. Quietly but hurriedly,
General Aguinaldo recalled these officers, sent them to other
brigades, and replaced them with his old trusted officers of
the Revolution.
We did not remain long in Angeles. From there we
went farther north to the town of Tarlac where Aguinaldo,
in personal command of the Philippine Army since Luna’s


death, remained for several months. While in this town,
I lived in the house of Colonel Alejandro Albert of the
Medical Service, whose kind wife was one of the most
widely read Filipinas of her day. She treated me like a son,
and I can never forget her generous hospitality. It was in
her home, too, in Manila, that I found haven whenever I
needed lodging in after years. When I became influential in
the government of the Philippines, although Colonel Albert
belonged to the opposition party, my first recommendation
to Governor-General Harrison was the appointment of Dr.
Albert as Under-Secretary of Public Instruction, a position
he held until he was no longer physically able to perform the
duties of the office.
While in Tarlac, I received orders from General Aguinaldo
to go to Baguio and replace the officer in command of the
garrison there until another officer could be sent to take
my post. It was my first visit to the place which has been,
since Governor-General Taft’s day, the summer capital of the
Philippines. It was a long trip from Tarlac on horseback to
the high altitude of the Baguio mountains.
Baguio was nothing but a forest of pine trees with Igorrot
huts. There were, however, three houses made of timber;
one occupied by a German, Dr. Sheer, married to an Igorrota
by whom he had a pretty daughter and a fine boy; another
occupied by a Dutchman; and the third by a full-blooded
Igorrote—Carino—who was appointed by Aguinaldo
as governor of the province. These two distinguished
representatives of occidental civilization, instead of imposing


their own civilization to the Igorrots, evidently preferred to
adopt that of their hosts, for I saw them in G-strings exactly
like those of the Igorrots.
The Christian settlement at that time was Trinidad, about
three miles from the city hall of Baguio and a couple of
thousand feet lower than Baguio proper. The Spanish Military
Governor of the Mountain Province resided at Trinidad, and
there the garrison remained until they were captured by the
Filipino forces during the Second Rebellion. Americans who
have fine homes in Baguio and have enjoyed its delightful
climate, perhaps one of the best in the world, and its beautiful
scenery, will be surprised to hear that at the time not gold
but coffee made the province of Benguet—which includes
Trinidad and Baguio—famous. When I returned to Tarlac,
I carried with me two sacks of coffee which I presented to
my hostess, Mrs. Albert, and one small tube of particles of
gold taken from the river, which I presented to General
Aguinaldo’s mother.
As a member of Aguinaldo’s staff in Tarlac, I only did office
work and it became tiresome to me. I felt ashamed of the
fact that although there was actual war going on I had been
promoted from first lieutenant to captain without having
heard, even at a distance, the whistle of a bullet. So one day
I asked permission to see General Aguinaldo and told him
what I felt. I requested him to send me to the front, so he sent
me to General Mascardo with a letter of introduction in his
own handwriting. General Mascardo had his headquarters
then in the town of Porac, Pampanga. I arrived at his place


at dusk and remained with him for the evening.
The following day he sent me to the front as member of the
staff of Colonel Leysan, who was in command of the Filipino
forces on the line between San Fernando and Porac.
Our advance post was in Bacolor. Colonel Leysan was
quartered in a nipa house about one mile back of the lines
and with him were staying Major Galura, the Chief of Staff,
and another officer whose name I do not now remember.
That night we played tres siete, a game of cards somewhat like
bridge. At five o’clock in the morning the roar of small pieces
of artillery made us jump out of bed. We hurriedly put on
our uniforms and rushed to the line. As we were getting
nearer the trenches, I heard for the first time in my life the
whistle of a bullet. I ducked. Then the number of the flying
bullets became too numerous to duck and I felt inside myself
an irresistible impulse to run away. Before this, I had a very
high opinion of my own valor. Indeed one of the reasons
why I asked General Aguinaldo to send me to the front
was because I felt pretty certain that I could be one of the
national military heroes of Philippine history. But when the
test came, I discovered that the fear of death was instinctively
quite strong with me. My whole body was shaking and my
knees became so weak that I felt they could only carry me if I
turned around and ran in the opposite direction; not another
step could they take in the direction from which the bullets
were coming. What made my fear so overwhelming was the
fact that I had not been to confession for a long, long time
and I thought that the loss of life in this world meant hell


fire. I was too panicky to be able to concentrate and make an
act of contrition. Indeed, I could not even finish the Lord’s
Prayer which I started to say as soon as the first bullet had
whistled over my head. I was about to run away as fast as I
could when I heard a voice behind me saying, “Joven, cuidado
que los soldados le estan observando.” (Young man, you’d better be
careful because the soldiers are watching you.) A sense of
shame and humiliation, stronger even than the fear of death,
brought me instantly back to myself. From that time on, I
stood erect and noticed no longer the noise of bullets. My
attention was now directed to the movements of the enemy
and to encouraging my own soldiers. By ten o’clock in the
morning, Colonel Leysan ordered me to go and tell Major
Liraz whose battalion was on the other side of the road
between Bacolor and Porac, to move his forces and cover
our right flank, for the Americans had started to envelop
us in that sector. I found Major Liraz standing, seemingly
unconcerned, in the middle of the road at the head of his
battalion. I had not finished transmitting the order when
a burst of shrapnel cut short Major Liraz’s life. I lifted his
head to see whether he was still alive, but he was truly dead.
Four soldiers carried him away and the following day he was
buried with the military honors due a real hero. He left a
widow and seven children.
Colonel Leysan put me in command of Major Liraz’s
battalion until the battle was over at six o’clock that evening.
The Americans had taken Bacolor. We had withdrawn to
Porac, and General Mascardo’s headquarters had been


transferred to the village of Dolores in the hills. The advance
continued the following day and Porac fell into the hands of
the Americans sooner than Bacolor did because our soldiers
had not had anything to eat during the battle the day before,
nor had they had enough rest during the night. It was a hot
day when the Americans entered Porac. Although our forces
had not only withdrawn but had practically run, I decided
to hide in the bushes and trees that were thick back of the
river, to find out what the Americans did when they entered
a town. I had about ten soldiers with me, armed with rifles.
At about eleven o’clock in the morning, I saw a number of
Americans, some on horseback and others afoot, going down
the river. I wondered if they were coming to hunt for me,
but my doubts were soon dispelled for although they were
armed, they dropped their rifles, left their horses, and began
to undress. Evidently they had come for a swim. In nature’s
bathing suits, they plunged into the water. Before I could
stop it, one of my soldiers fired a shot and the swimmers
ran for their guns, although not for their clothes. They
immediately returned that fire in our direction and we left.
At one of the formal dinners that, as President of the
Commonwealth, I gave to new Commanding Generals of
the Philippine Department, having learned that my guest of
honor on this particular occasion had been under General
J. Franklin Bell, I asked him if by any chance he was in the
attack of Porac and he said yes. Then I told him my little
experience with the swimmers and he admitted that he
was one of them. In the toast that I offered to the health


and success of my guest of honor—there were no ladies
present—I made reference to the difference between the
uniform which he wore when I first saw him in the river and
the one he was wearing that evening.
After Porac, General Mascardo appointed Leysan his Chief
of Staff and ordered him to his headquarters in Dolores.
Leysan took me with him as his assistant. It appears that
General Aguinaldo had appointed General Mascardo as
Commanding General of all the Filipino forces operating in
Central Luzon, which at that time was the only real field
of action. General Mascardo, who was a hero in the First
Revolution against Spain when he had been wounded four
times in four different pitched battles, was an expert in
guerilla warfare, but knew nothing about military strategy
and tactics, as did his predecessor, General Luna. As Colonel
Leysan had served with ability and distinction as officer of
the Spanish Army, Mascardo rightly considered him well
prepared to be our Chief of Staff.
The first few weeks of our stay in Dolores were marked
by lull and quiet in the lines. This was not unusual for since
the campaign started the Americans would give us respite
from time to time. During these quiet days our needs for
relaxation took the form of certain emotional outbursts. We
had dances and courted the fair girls of Pampanga, either in
the unoccupied towns or out in the villages where some of
them went to hide. A brother of General Mascardo who had
lost his left arm in a hand-to-hand fight in the First Revolution,
was making love to a girl in Guagua. Although the town


was no longer defended by Filipino troops, the Americans
on their part had not occupied it, so Major Mascardo was
able to visit his girl. He always went with about fifteen
men, all of them including the major on horseback— I will
not call them cavalrymen because they were really not.
We never had a force of cavalry except what General Luna
organized, composed of fifty men as his personal guards who
accompanied him everywhere.
One day Major Mascardo invited me and Lieutenant Betus
to go with him for they had planned to have a little dance
in his girl’s house. We arrived there about two o’clock in
the afternoon so as to have time to take a bath and change
our clothes for the dance which was to begin at five o’clock.
By four, we were notified that a troop of American cavalry
was in the outskirts of the town. Instead of escaping as we
should have done (and we had ample time to do it), Major
Mascardo decided that he would show his girl the brave man
that he was. So he invited us to come to the street with our
rifles ready to fire as soon as the American cavalry came.
In the first exchange of shots, Mascardo fell dead with a
bullet through his head. The rest of us ran for our lives. We
were not pursued by the enemy, and by nightfall I sent a
courier to find out if the Americans had left and what had
happened to the major’s corpse. The courier came back with
the information that the cavalry had returned to Bacolor,
had taken his watch and everything else of value that Major
Mascardo had with him, carried the dead officer to the
Presidencia or town hall, laid him on the municipal council


table, and left a letter for General Mascardo in the hands of
the mayor of the town. I went back and found the body of
Major Mascardo no longer in the Presidencia but lying in the
parlor of the girl’s house placed on a bed with four lighted
candles around him. The whole town was there mourning
for the death of a patriot.
The letter addressed to General Mascardo was handed to
me. It was written in English on a sheet of paper with no
envelope. I did not attempt to read it for neither I nor any
one else in the house understood its language. Taking the
letter, the watch, and the money removed by the Americans
from Mascardo’s pockets, which were handed to me by the
mayor, we went back to headquarters with the corpse carried
in a hammock. General Mascardo raised hell with us and
gave definite orders that thereafter no one should go to the
unoccupied towns except with his permission.
At the headquarters, there was an officer, Major Kunanan,
who was educated in Europe and knew English well. The
letter as translated by him to us read more or less as follows:
“To Major General Mascardo, Commanding General of
Central Luzon: I regret to have killed your valiant brother.
As evidence of my admiration for him and my high regard
for you, I had his body carried to the town hall, placed it
on a table, and entrusted everything he had with him,
including his revolver and his rifle, to the mayor of the town
for delivery to you. I beg to express my sympathy in your
The letter made a profound impression on all those who


knew of its contents. What a different picture it gave us of
the kind of men the Americans were from that depicted by
the Spaniards in the early days after the declaration of war
by the United States against Spain.
Sometime later we were surprised by the arrival of two
Japanese officers—Captain Hara and Lieutenant Nakamori.
They came with a letter from General Aguinaldo informing
General Mascardo that they were military observers sent by
the Japanese government. Both spoke English, but Captain
Hara was the only one who ever joined in our conversation.
Nakamori went to the front and Hara remained at headquarters
with us.
At last General Mascardo instructed Colonel Leysan to
formulate a plan for an attack against Angeles—the town
farthest north along the railway line occupied by the
Americans. My general thought that there was something
wrong with the American Army when they remained for so
long a time without attempting to make further advance.
Capatain Hara was consulted. The plan contemplated an
attack against Angeles from three sides—north, east, and west.
On the south, there would be a force prepared to intercept
reinforcement that might come from San Fernando, the next
town to the south. We started to advance at four o’clock in
the morning. It was a fiasco. One company commanded
by a very excited captain began firing before their bullets
could reach the positions occupied by the Americans. At
this time our ammunition consisted of cartridges reloaded in
the most primitive way, and our weapons were old Spanish


Mausers and Remingtons which we had taken from the
Spaniards. Their effective range was not more than three or
four hundred yards. The Maxims, which the Americans had,
started on their deadly work and we had to withdraw before
we could even get within range for our guns.
General Bell, then a major or lieutenant colonel of
the volunteers of the American Army, soon returned the
compliment to us. We found one morning while we were
having breakfast at headquarters that he was at the head
of his cavalry and attacking our small garrison there. By
following a trail, he had succeeded in going through our
lines unobserved. Fortunately, we were all dressed and our
horses were ready, for General Mascardo was about to go out
for an inspection trip. So we jumped on our horses and let
loose our bridles. By a mere matter of five minutes the whole
staff of General Mascardo, including himself, escaped from
falling into the hands of Major Bell.
This unexpected and unwelcome visit of the enemy forced
Mascardo to transfer his headquarters to a safer place at the
farthest end of a small valley. To reach it, one had to go
between two hills which exposed the would-be intruder to
cross-fire. I was left in command of two companies guarding
the entrance to the valley. Not having learned my lesson
properly from the previous surprise attack of Major Bell, and
confident that before the Americans could reach our place
some resistance would be offered by our forces in the front
line, I preferred to stay in a rather nice farmhouse, somewhat
distant from the hills where the forces under my command


were located. The Japanese Captain Hara stayed with me.
We had hardly been one week in this new position when one
morning we were notified of the approach of Major Bell by
bullets going through the house. Captain Hara actually flew,
for in one second he had jumped on one of the two horses
we had at our disposal tied near the house and was galloping
without saddle at full speed. I jumped on the other horse to
take command of the companies that were posted to defend
the approach to General Mascardo’s headquarters. I had just
taken my position at a point on the hill to the left side of
the entrance to the valley when I saw the American cavalry
approaching cautiously. I got my field-glass and recognized
the man whom I thought was commanding the troops. From
the descriptions given us, I felt certain he was the same man
who had killed Major Mascardo—the man who almost took
us prisoners in Dolores. I decided to kill him with my own
hands, so I took a Mauser from one of the soldiers near me
and watched him approach. I waited until my chosen victim
was near enough even for our almost useless cartridges. I put
my finger on the trigger and just as I pulled it he dismounted
and the bullet struck his saddle. The horse ran away to the
hills and later in the day we got it and its saddle with the
bullet embedded in it. I aimed again and again until I fired
ten shots, always missing my target. I gave it up and returned
the rifle to the soldier.
By this time, Major Bell had mounted another horse and
after a while withdrew with his force. Evidently, they were
merely reconnoitering.


I went to General Mascardo’s headquarters; it was deserted.
I looked for him and his staff and found them on the other
side of the hills, on the bank of a river. By noon Captain
Hara appeared still mounted on his unsaddled horse.
“Where have you been?” I asked him in Spanish. The
Japanese, theretofore always solemn in words as well as in
action, his face as blank and unmoved as that of a marble
statue, was now glowing with joy and happiness and literally
shouted: “Nacimiento! Nacimiento!”
Captain Hara spoke to us in English through our
interpreter, Major Kunanan, but this time he managed to
express his feeling in one Spanish word, nacimiento, which
means birth. He doubtless meant to convey the thought that
he had gotten a new lease on life. Thus, my first experience
with a Japanese army officer did not conform with the utter
disregard for life which they showed many years later in the
conquest of the Philippines.
After the occupation of Angeles, all the forces in Central
Luzon were dispersed and took to the hills, since it had
become impossible to maintain our lines. Aguinaldo had
fled from Tarlac and was sharply pursued by the American
forces. He was almost captured before he could reach the
Caraballo Mountains. Only the determined resistance put
up by General Gregorio del Pilar at Tila Pass—where this
young general lost his life to save that of his chief—gave
Aguinaldo a chance to get to Palanan on the east coast of
Isabela, the remotest and most isolated town in Luzon. Here
Aguinaldo remained for many months in hiding, his own


generals not knowing where he was, although he continued
to communicate with them. General Mascardo himself,
pressed day and night by Major Bell, had withdrawn his own
brigade to the mountains separating Bataan from Pampanga.
But Bell made it so difficult for us to get food supplies
from the Filipinos in the plains of Pampanga that General
Mascardo decided to send me to Bataan which, according
to our information, had not as yet been occupied by the
Americans. I was to look for the best place to which he
could go with his remaining forces.*
With twenty soldiers, I proceeded immediately to comply
with this order. I took as guides two Negritos, the nomad
aborigines of the Philippines—tiny little fellows, black with
kinky hair. The trip was one of the hardest I ever made in my
life. We walked barefooted up and down the mountains and
swam rivers infested with crocodiles. Our food consisted of
a little rice and salt, and when we slept at night we lay on the
ground covered only by the sky above. On the third day, we
came down to the plains of the province of Bataan, and from


Dinalupihan I made the rest of the trip on horseback.
On reaching Orani, I was met by Major Vister who, only
two months before, had captured a small launch carrying a few
American soldiers and made prisoners of them. The launch
had gone to Orani and had run aground in shallow water—
an accident which sealed the fate of its passengers. Later,
the prisoners were released by order of General Mascardo.
In Balanga, the capital of the province, I discovered that the
Military Governor, Lieutenant Colonel Bautista, together
with his forces had abandoned his post and with the scanty
funds of the government, had run back to his old home town
in Cavite. Two former bandits during the Spanish regime
who had styled themselves generals when the first revolution
broke out but who never received recognition for General
Aguinaldo for their “patriotic services,” had gathered their
old gang and on their own authority replaced the deserting
revolutionary chief. Although I did not intend to recognize
their assumed military rank and power, I nevertheless sought
their advice as to the place best suited for General Mascardo’s
headquarters. They received me with undisguised displeasure
for which I later found the explanation. This, however, did
not stop them from giving me the information I wanted as
they told me that the forest between Bagac and Morong on
the China Sea coast would be the best hiding place for my
chief, General Mascrado.
I went to Bagac and satisfied myself that the old bandits
were right. So I sent the information to General Mascardo
who, within fifteen days, followed me with all his forces—


about three hundred men armed with rifles and five rounds
of ammunition apiece. Before Mascardo’s arrival, and while
I was in Pilar, I had received information that a house in a
barrio of Balanga had been pillaged by a band of men armed
with rifles. I went to the place with my twenty-five soldiers
and in the house which had been robbed, I met the two
self-styled generals with about forty men, some armed with
rifles and others with bolos. From the look on their faces,
it appeared clear to me that they were ready for trouble if I
attempted to investigate them. So pretending that because
they had taken charge of the case, I felt that I had nothing
more to do with it, I left the house with a courteous bow.
As soon as I was out of their sight, I concealed myself with
my men in the bushes from which I could see them going
back to the town. Half an hour afterward, they were gone.
I returned to the house and asked its owner for particulars
about the robbery. While making this investigation, a man
came looking for his hat which he had left the night before.
I asked him why he had been there and he plainly told me
that he had been a guide for the bandits. I inquired whether
he knew the chief of the gang or any of its members, and
without hesitation he answered affirmatively and gave me
the name of the chief of the band. With him I went back to
Pilar which, to avoid a clash with the old bandits who were
in Balanga, I chose for my quarters while waiting for General
That same night I succeeded in getting hold of the man
who was responsible for the robbery. I told him to make his


confession or I would order his execution the following day.
I sent for the parish priest who gladly performed his religious
duty. At midnight, one of the old chieftains came to see
me and interceded in behalf of my prisoner. He pleaded
forgiveness upon the ground that the prisoner as well as
himself and his companions had rendered patriotic service
during the First Revolution. After exacting from them the
promise that the crime would not be repeated, I dismissed
the case and freed the prisoner. From that time on I never
had trouble with these “patriots” and my authority was never
challenged by them.
When General Mascardo came, it was no longer safe to
travel through the towns bordering Manila Bay, so he made
the trip all the way to Bagac through the woods. On his arrival
at this last named town, he was given a rousing welcome.
Then we went to the place I had selected, where he remained
until he surrendered months later to the American forces in
Zambales. It should be stated here that the Filipino troops
in this last named province were also under the command of
General Mascardo. They consisted of about two hundred
men, commanded by a colonel whose name I have forgotten,
and Lieutenant Colonel Gabriel Alba, a former companion
of mine in the College of San Juan de Letran. Our troops in
Zambales were already carrying on guerilla warfare and they
had succeeded in capturing a few rifles from the Americans.
Once he was located in his new and last encampment in
the forest between Bagac and Morong, Mascardo divided his
forces in Bataan into three commands: one under Colonel


Vister operated from Abucay to Dinalupihan, including the
territory between Bataan and Pampanga; the second under
me operated from Balanga to Mariveles; and the third from
Bagac to Morong was commanded by Colonel Leysan who
continued to be the Chief of Staff and stayed in Mascardo’s
headquarters. It fell to my lot to be placed in command of
the guerilla band that would operate between Balanga and
Mariveles—the tip of the peninsula which, forty-two years
later was destined to be the last stronghold of General
MacArthur’s army. The two Japanese officers, Hara and
Nakamori, as soon thereafter as they had the chance, went
to Manila and thence to Japan.
Following Mascardo’s transfer to Bataan, the American
forces took possession without opposition on our part of
the towns of the province. In Balanga where the military
commander of the province was, the larger part of the forces
was stationed, and there was one company each in the
towns of Dinalupihan, Orani, and Orion. The other towns,
including Mariveles, had only small garrisons. Upon the
occupation of the province of Bataan, following the same
practice that they had adopted in all the occupied provinces,
the Army of Occupation appointed the local officials of the
town and started to open up schools with some of the non-
commissioned officers as teachers. Every man appointed to
these municipal posts, whether he happened to be the same
Filipino official appointed by Aguinaldo’s government or a
new one, when the former was suspected of being disloyal,
accepted their new appointment only with the consent of


General Mascardo and upon the understanding that the
appointee would continue to serve the revolution either by
helping us to secure food supplies or by giving us informations
as to the movements of the American troops whenever they
planned to attack our encampments, or in any other way that
might be necessary.
Not long after the American occupation of Bataan,
Mascardo decided to attack the small garrison in Hermosa.
He gathered almost all the forces he then had in the province
and we made the attack at night. Before we could do much
harm to the garrison, help came from the near-by towns and
we retreated, losing one major killed and several soldiers
wounded. Knauber, a Scandinavian, whom I met later after
the establishment of the Civil Government as officer of
the Constabulary, gave a good account of himself on that
occasion. With such disastrous results, we gave up the idea
of ever attacking again the American garrisons and decided
that the safest and most effective tactic was to ambush
them whenever they went out to the hills in search of our
The 24th of December, 1899, arrived. To be eating
only boiled rice up in the hills did not appear to me a very
appropriate way of celebrating the birth of Our Lord Jesus
Christ. Hence, I sent word to the American-appointed
mayor of the town of Orion that I would come down with
my one hundred soldiers and spend Christmas Eve and
Christmas Day in his town. The mayor was agreeable and
assured me that if his instructions were literally followed, he


would smuggle into town every man with his rifle, distribute
us in different houses, and the Americans would not be any
wiser. More still, he promised me lechon (roast young pig) and
abundant fresh sea-food for our hungry band. We entered
Orion from different places after nightfall without being
noticed. The man in command of the American force was
Captain Goldman whom later I met when he was Governor
of Bataan after the establishment of the Civil Government.
I was taken to the house of the mayor, one of the finest
in the locality, made of hard wood with fine furniture and
two comfortable bedrooms. Captain Goldman lived in the
parish house, as usual the largest and best. The next day
after the mass, as was the custom of the municipal officials
during the Spanish regime, the Presidente or mayor with
his subordinates, called on Captain Goldman to wish him
Merry Christmas. No doubt with more sincere feelings they
called on me, too. My soldiers filled up with good food,
and some of them even went to the cockpit on Christmas
Day. That night there was gambling in the house of one of
the prominent citizens of the town—a well-known game of
chance called monte. American soldiers who had already
learned the game attended and bet their dollars. My whole
fortune consisted of five pesos ($2.50 in American money)
and I decided to back my luck against my enemies. The old
adage “lucky in love, unlucky in cards,” evidently also means
“unlucky in war, lucky in cards,” for with my five pesos, I
won one hundred dollars which, under the circumstances,
looked to me to be quite a fortune. So I decided to spend


this money in Manila. It was Christmas and even then I
already had a very pronounced inclination for the frailties of
the so-called civilized, modern man. Indeed, my prolonged
nomad life as an insurrecto was beginning to weigh heavily
upon my nerves. So, with my liking for quick decisions, I
instructed Lieutenant Baluyot, my second in command of
the guerillas, to take the men back to the hills and keep on
with the job in my absence. I gave him a letter for General
Mascardo begging pardon for my temporary relinquishment
of the command.
Disguised as a fisherman, I sailed for Navotas in a fishing
boat from one of the coastal towns of Bataan. Cabesang Doro,
from Pilar—his full name was Isidoro Paguio—accompanied
me in this sea trip. This generous man treated me like a son
and later on saved my life.
We stayed in Malabon in the house of Cabesang Doro’s
friend long enough for me to secure clothes that would give
the appearance of a university student. I entered Manila
without the slightest difficulty and spent my holidays in
the house of Colonel Albert, the same man who, for several
months, had me as boarder in Tarlac. The house was located
in what was then named calle Ronquillo (Ronquillo street),
just in front of the quarters of the military police in the suburb
of Santa Cruz. I thought the safest place was where no one
would suspect that an insurrecto would dare be. By this time,
the American soldiers had learned a few Spanish words, such
as “buenos dias” (good morning), “mucho bueno” (very good); the
correct Spanish expression, however, is “muy bueno.” Buenos


dias and mucho bueno were frequently exchanged between my
adversaries and myself.
In this house, I learned that Aguinaldo’s family had
presented themselves to the Americans and had been set
free, although they were closely watched. They were guests
of Señor Leyva, one of the rich widowers of Manila, whose
son, a real athlete, had been the aide of Aguinaldo and had
been murdered by robbers in Pangasinan.
From my gambling winnings, I bought one chicken and
a basket of fruit, and with the double purpose of leveling
suspicion and paying my respects to my Commander-in-
Chief’s family, I called on them. Not much was said between
us. We were afraid that even the walls had ears.
New Year’s Eve was celebrated in Manila by the men not on
duty in the Army of Occupation, in the old American style.
Lastly, on the morning of New Year’s Day, which is also my
Saint’s Day, I went to the University of Santo Tomas to hear
mass. My old professors were glad to see me. They invited
me to breakfast assuming that I had returned to the ways of
peace. They were amazed, and I guess scared, when they
discovered that I was still an insurrecto. They tried to dissuade
me from going back to the hills. “Further resistance is of no
use,” they asserted, “and then the Americans are fair. They
treat the Filipinos well, they have allowed the reopening of the
schools, and President McKinley has promised to grant us self-
government in due time.” The Spanish friars who previously had
reviled the Americans had evidently become their friends. I was
unmoved. “Dewey,” I said, “fooled Aguinaldo once. McKinley


would fool us again.”
Shortly afterwards, I reported to General Mascardo’s
headquarters. At that time only General Mascardo and the
men staying with him had even a limited ration. The rest
of us ate if and when there was food to be had. Almost
everybody, including General Mascardo himself, became
affected with malaria and a few of our soldiers died from
this illness. I myself woke up one morning with very high
fever and sent for my very dear friend who had remained in
the town of Pilar. He appeared with a man whom he called
a doctor. This fellow had been a sort of a nurse in San Juan
de Dios Hospital during the Spanish regime, had settled in
Pilar, and became the town physician. He brought with him
some pills which he gave me to take, all at once. It was
not long before I felt that I was dying. They sent for the
parish priest who administered to me the last sacraments,
and gave me also a five-dollar gold coin. It was the first
American gold coin I had ever seen. I have an idea that the
famous “doctor” had given me an overdose of aspirin, but I
survived, and when I was strong enough to be moved away,
Cabesang Doro brought some men and a hammock to carry
me through the town of Pilar to the beach where a fishing
boat was ready to take me to Navotas. The people of Pilar, as
I learned later on, watched the movements of the Americans
to make certain that they did not catch me while I was being
transported through the town.
I spent a month in the house of Cabesang Doro’s friend in
Navotas. This old man had amassed so much money from


the fishing business that he had been able to send a son to be
educated in Europe. While convalescing at his house, I read
books which left in my mind some doubt as to the certainty
of the existence of hell as taught me by my friar teachers—
doubts which in after years contributed to my leaving for a
long time the Catholic faith and joining the Masonic Order.
I returned to the old church after my children had grown up.
My orderly, a young man from Bohol, had accompanied me
on this trip and most generously devoted himself to helping
me regain my health. This boy is the only man to whom I
had owed so much but whose services I was unable to repay
at a later date. By the time I was in a position to do something
for him, he had joined his Maker.
Once I had fully recovered, I decided to return and rejoin
my comrades in arms. This time, instead of using my usual
means of transportation, I preferred to go on one of the
Yangco launches then making daily trips between Manila
and Bataan. Through a messenger, I notified the Presidente
of Pilar—a man whom the American garrison considered a
loyal Americanista—of the day and time of my arrival on the
Yangco launch. This I had to do so that I would not have to
go in the regular rowboat that met the passengers on the bay to
bring them ashore. As I boarded my little banca (canoe) the man
paddling it delivered a letter to me from the mayor in which I
was told not to come to the outskirts of Pilar at the mouth of
the river during the daytime, but to remain instead in the bushes
near the beach. He knew that a scouting platoon was going to
the village some time that day.


When night came and the platoon did not come, I went to
the outskirts feeling certain that the danger had passed as it
was not customary for the American forces to venture outside
the town at night in small numbers. I intended to proceed
to the hills after dinner that night, but before I had finished
my meal the people of the village came rushing through the
street to their houses, and I was notified that American forces
were approaching. I went down and hid under the house
which was fenced with bamboo. After a while, I realized
that every building was being searched and, indeed, two
soldiers came to the house under which I was hiding. They
found my little valise containing my picture and that of a
young lady I was courting while I was in the province of
Pampanga. This discovery apparently convinced the platoon
that I was in the village and they did everything to force the
villagers to confess where I was. Whether it was because no
one really knew my whereabouts at this moment or that the
people simply wanted to protect me, the fact remains that,
evidently exasperated by their failure, the American troops
burned the houses in the village. These all being made of
nipa and bamboo, the fire spread everywhere, including to
my hideout, in five minutes. In the face of what I thought
was certain death, I had to decide whether I preferred to be
burned or shot, and as far as I was concerned there was only
one choice—the less painful of the two. I looked out to the
only street of the village. It was full of soldiers. I signaled to
my orderly who was hiding with me to get ready to run. We
jumped out, running toward the river which was less than


twenty-five yards from our hiding place. Several shots were
fired in our direction. I reached the river and dove all the
way to the other side. When I reached the opposite bank I
flew rather than ran, for in my athletic days in the College
of San Juan de Letran, I was one of the faster runners. They
did not pursue and after midnight I cautiously approached
the village to find out what had happened. Not a house was
left standing. The Americans had left for dead my orderly who
had been shot through the body three times. As best we could,
we attended his wounds and that same night had him taken to
Navotas on a fishing boat, there to be treated. He was saved
although he remained lame for the rest of his life.
I went back to the hills, this time with murder in my heart.
I was determined to take revenge. Practically every man in
the little village followed me, armed only with their bolos.
They were just as resolved as I to get even with our foe. For
several days we waited until at last the news came that a force
from Balanga was getting ready to cross the mountain and go
to Bagac. Walking all night long, I led fifty men armed with
old Spanish Mausers and only two rounds of ammunition.
These were the Sanda Tahanes* from the burned barrio of
the town Pilar.


I took my men and ambushed them on either side of
the trail at the back of the mountain that divided the two
coastlines of the province of Bataan. By noon of a very hot
day, a force of about thirty Americans headed by an officer
on horseback came up, men and animal with their tongues
hanging out from heat and fatigue.
At the first discharge of our rifles the horse ran away with
his rider and instinctively the tired soldiers followed their
leader. We killed two whose corpses I had buried. It was
my last engagement with the American troops, for from that
time on my malaria came back and I was never well enough
to indulge in any guerilla warfare. I picked out a hut in
the mountains of Bataan, which the American troops never
reached at that time, but which became familiar to them
during the recent Bataan campaign.
The American forces had occupied the whole province of
Bataan, but the Filipinos including those living in the towns
were still loyal to the Revolution. They told us the movements
of the American troops and occasionally, whenever they
could, sent us some food.
About the end of February, we received reports to the
effect that General Aguinaldo had been captured in Palanan.
We did not believe it. We thought that it was part of a plan
to dishearten and induce us to quit, for, by that time, there
had already been organized in Manila a political party which
was cooperating with the United States to bring about the
restoration of peace at an early date. However, the news
about the capture of Aguinaldo became so persistent that,


at the end of March, General Mascardo summoned me to
his headquarters and gave me orders to surrender to the
American forces. I was to try to find out if the capture of
Aguinaldo was a fact. The General said: “You have served
your country well as a soldier. But you are sick and have been
suffering from malaria so long that you simply cannot stand
this hard life much longer. It is better for you to surrender.
The Americans will let you free as they have done in the case
of most of those who have already surrendered. Go back to
your university, continue with your studies and finish your
career. Our country needs men with education. You will
be of service to our people in other fields. Besides, I have
a special mission for you. I want you to find out definitely
if General Aguinaldo has been captured. If he has, try to
get in touch with him and tell him of the situation of our
forces here in Bataan and over there in Zambales. Ask him
to instruct me whether I should surrender or continue on
fighting till my last man.”
With a heavy heart, I took leave of my General and started
for Mariveles without saying good-by either to my comrades
at headquarters or to the men under my command. General
Mascardo did not want anybody to learn of the mission he
had given me.
One early morning in the month of April, 1901, clad in a
worn-out uniform of a major of General Aguinaldo’s army,
emaciated from hunger and lingering illness, I walked down
the slopes of Mariveles Mountain, accompanied by two
soldiers, to surrender to the American post stationed in the


little town of Mariveles. The mayor of the town, a Filipino,
had previously negotiated my surrender with Lieutenant
Miller, the commandant of the post. I was met at the
outskirts of the town by Lieutenant Miller, the first American
with whom I had ever come into personal contact. After an
exchange of greetings, Lieutenant Miller told me through an
interpreter that I could consider myself free and should keep
my revolver and my dagger, but that he would take the rifles
carried by my soldiers and would give them in exchange
thirty pesos each. I handed Lieutenant Miller my dagger as
a present. (This same dagger he sent back to me soon after
I was elected President of the Commonwealth, thirty-five
years later.) Lieutenant Miller invited me to come and stay
in his headquarters until the next day when a launch would
take me to Manila. During the day I turned over in my mind
whether I should tell Lieutenant Miller of the special mission
which General Mascardo had confided to me, and having
come to the conclusion that by so doing I would sooner find
out whether General Aguinaldo had been captured or not, I
decided to do so. Lieutenant Miller said: “Of course, it is true
that General Aguinaldo has been captured; he was captured
by General Funston in Palanan. He is now a prisoner of
war, but he is living in Malacañan Palace where the Military
Governor, General Arthur MacArthur, lives, and where he is
treated with the utmost courtesy and consideration. I will
inform Manila of your mission at once; perhaps they will let
you see Aguinaldo with your own eyes.”
That night before I fell asleep I heard shooting in the


streets of Mariveles. Later, I learned that the detachment
operating between Orion and Marivales had attempted to
attack the garrison, but withdrew after an exchange of a few
shots. I assumed that my old comrades, believing that I had
deserted them, intended to punish me. On the other hand,
Lieutenant Miller now suspected that my surrender was a
stratagem. My calmness when he entered my bedroom with
a revolver in his hand convinced him of my innocence and
without further ado he left the room.
On the afternoon of the following day, a small launch
carried me from Mariveles to Manila and I was conducted
directly to the Malacañan Palace— the holy place from
which Spanish Governors-General had ruled the Philippines,
and which I had never seen before. I was ushered into the
office of General Arthur MacArthur, the father of the hero of
the Battle of the Philippines. Fred Fisher who, in after years,
became a member of the Supreme Court of the Philippines,
acted as interpreter. He told General MacArthur in English
what I had said in Spanish; namely, that I was instructed
by General Mascardo to find out if General Aguinaldo had
been captured. The American General, who stood erect and
towered over my head, raised his hand without saying a word
and pointing to the room across the hall, made a motion for
me to go in there. Trembling with emotion, I slowly walked
through the hall toward the room, hoping against hope that I
would find no one inside. At the door two American soldiers
in uniform, with gloves and bayonets, stood on guard. As
I entered the room, I saw General Aguinaldo—the man


whom I had considered as the personification of my own
beloved country, the man whom I had seen at the height of
his glory surrounded by generals and soldiers, statesmen and
politicians, the rich and the poor, respected and honored by
all. I now saw that same man alone in a room, a prisoner of
war! It is impossible for me to describe what I felt, but as I
write these lines, forty-two years later, my heart throbs as
fast as it did then. I felt that the whole world had crumbled;
that all my hopes and all my dreams for my country were
gone forever! It took me some time before I could collect
myself, but finally I was able to say in Tagalog, almost in a
whisper, to my General: “Good evening, Mr. President.”
“Good evening,” he answered rather coldly.
I continued: “I have been sent by General Mascardo to
find out whether it is true that you have been captured and
if so to receive your instructions as to whether he should
continue fighting or surrender.”
General Aguinaldo did not answer. It was clear from
the expression of his face (and very seldom did General
Aguinaldo betray his thoughts) that he suspected me of
being a spy. So I turned my head and showed him a scar on
my neck caused by a treatment used by Filipino herb doctors
in the villages to cure a fever. As soon as he saw the scar
his face brightened somewhat, and he said: “I am glad to see
you. How many more men has General Mascardo?”
I answered: “About three hundred in Bataan, one hundred
and fifty or two hundred in Zambales, with two or three
rounds of ammunition.”


“How are you getting along with your food?” he asked.
“Sometimes we eat nothing for twenty-four hours; most of
the time we have rice twice a day, and very seldom we get
fish or meat,” was my reply.
The General then proceeded: “As you see, I am now a
prisoner. I have taken the oath of allegiance to the United
States and I have no right directly or indirectly to advise you
to go on fighting. On the other hand, if I were to send word
to General Mascardo to surrender, he might think that I am
acting under duress and he would have the right to disobey
me. General Mascardo has to assume the responsibility and
decide for himself, whether he wants to surrender or not. If
you see him, give him my best regards and tell him what you
have seen, that is, that I am in Malacañan, very well treated
by the Americans, but a prisoner just the same.”
With tears in my eyes, I prayed, “God keep you, Mr.
President,” and left. I went to the house of Dr. Alejandro
Albert, a former colonel of the Philippine Army, and spent the
night there. I did not sleep. I thought of General Aguinaldo,
my country and the future—a very dark future as it seemed
to me then!


FTER completing my mission, I stayed in the
house of Dr. Albert with the idea of remaining
there until I could find work and resume my study
of law. Before I could find a job, however, my
siesta was interrupted one afternoon by a most unwelcome
visitor. This suspicious looking fellow told me that I was
wanted by the Provost Marshal. On reaching the Provost’s
office, I was told to follow an American sergeant who knew
what to do with me. The sergeant was a gentleman. He
conducted me to a big house which during the Spanish
regime had been occupied by the Civil Governor of the
province of Manila. It was now the stopping place for
the leaders, civilian and military alike, and for intransigent
chiefs of the revolution. Mabini, the greatest character of his
time and many times the Prime Minister of Aguinaldo, had
hallowed its halls. Two Filipino generals were then unwilling
guests in the house. I was left in a nice room where I lived
for two months, eating good food but not knowing why I
was confined there.
One day the two generals were taken out, General Diokno
to his own house and General Aquino to Bilibid Prison. The
latter had been court-martialed and sentenced to death for
the alleged murder of an American prisoner. However his


sentence was commuted by the President of the United
States to life imprisonment, and he was later set free when
the general armistice was proclaimed.
I, on the other hand, was taken to another prison — a room
by the Postigo Gate inside the stone wall which surrounds
the Old City of Manila. During the Spanish regime, this
room had housed the keeper of that gate. I found in this
dungeon more than thirty men, and we slept there almost on
top of each other. It was a damp place with only two small
windows. Our food consisted of rice and canned salmon.
Here I remained for four months without having to answer
any charge. At long last, one stormy night the officer in
charge of my cell came to notify me that I was free. He had
been doing this humanitarian service from time to time as the
jailed insurrectos were successively set free. He used to read
from a sheet of paper the names of the fortunate ones. On
this particular evening, as soon as I heard my name I jumped
from my seat and almost cracked my head against the ceiling.
On noticing my excitement, the officer, doubtless with good
intentions, told me that since it was raining that night, I
could postpone my departure until the next day. I thanked
him for his kindness and promptly left, not for the house
of Colonel Albert but for the old hiding place in Navotas.
There I waited until I could verify whether I had been let
loose by mistake or not. It was my firm determination to go
back to the hills if they tried to arrest me again. To this day,
I have never known why I was so badly treated. Of course,
this made me more anti-American than ever before. After


becoming convinced that I was really free, I returned to the
house of Dr. Albert.
I was, in effect, penniless when I surrendered to Lieutenant
Miller in Bataan. All I had with me then was the five-dollar
gold coin given to me by the parish priest of Pilar which I had
saved and had spent before I was imprisoned. The Alberts
gave me room and board while I was looking for work. Before
I could start working I had a nervous breakdown. Upon the
request of the Dominican friars, the then acting Archbishop
of Manila, Bishop Alcocer of Cebu, gave instructions that I
be given a room in the Catholic hospital of San Juan de Dios.
Here I was treated for many months by the best physicians
in the hospital — Doctors Miciano, Valdes and Singian.
When I was convalescent, Dr. Singian whom I had met in
San Juan de Letran, although four years my senior, took
me to his home and kept me with him until he married the
daughter of the Filipino Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
— Justice Cayetano Arellano — a leading member of the bar
in the later years of the Spanish Government, whom Mr. Taft
praised as the equal of the best lawyers in the world.
By the time that Dr. Singian was married, I had completely
recovered from my malaria and my nervous breakdown, and
was again the strong, healthy young man that I was when, for
the first time, I joined the revolutionary forces. I began work
for twenty-five pesos a month as clerk in the Monte de Piedad
—a sort of pawnshop established as a charitable institution.
During the Spanish regime it had been administered by a
board appointed by the Governor-General and, upon the


transfer of sovereignty to America, was taken over by the
Archbishop of Manila and administered by a board appointed
by him. Years afterwards, the same Archbishop converted
the Monte de Piedad into a trust and banking institution.
Once I had this job, I lived in the house of Mr. Antonio
and stayed until I took my bar examination in April, 1903.
By the time I resumed my study of law I did not have to
attend classes at the university. The American Government
had by then enacted a law reorganizing the whole educational
system of the Philippines which provided, among other
things, that any one who had taken a three-year course in
law was entitled to practise the profession after passing the
bar examination. Since I had already fulfilled this condition
I proceeded to prepare for the examination, and in April,
1903, I was admitted to the bar. The day that I learned of the
result of my examination, I bid good-by to Mr. Sotelo, the
cashier and chief of the department where I worked. The
old man advised me to stay in my post. He reminded me
of the fact that many lawyers were starving in the streets.
“Here,” he said, “you have your future assured. In a few years
more, your present salary of twenty-five pesos [$12.50] will
be doubled and who knows, it may be that before you have
grown too old you will be receiving as much as I am getting
now.” (He was perfectly satisfied with his salary of two-
hundred pesos [$100] a month.) After thanking him for his
fatherly counsel, I left.
Two days later, I was sent for by Francisco Ortigas, at that
time the head of one of the best and most successful law


firms in Manila. Francisco Ortigas had been an intern in the
College of San Juan de Letran where the Dominican friars
for five years had given him, as they had done with many
others, free room and board, free tuition, and even clothes
and shoes. He had known me as a youngster in San Juan
de Letran and also a freshman, sophomore and junior in the
University of Santo Tomas. He invited me to work in his
office at one hundred fifty pesos a month to start with, with
the right to have my own clients in cases where the client
came to seek my professional service. I accepted the offer
and I still remember the thrill of my heart when I won the
first case that Ortigas entrusted to me—the defense of five
ignorant men accused of aiding the few revolutionaries still
fighting in the hills. The first month that I worked in the
law firm of Ortigas I made only the one hundred fifty pesos
that he paid me as salary. The second month, I made P50.00
besides from a case brought to me by my first client. The
third month, I made from my own clients twice as much as I
was receiving as salary from the law firm, so I decided to open
my own law office. There were then plenty of civil as well as
criminal cases while lawyers were still few in number.
I may say here that I had not as yet been reconciled to
the American regime. I was proud of the fact that I knew
nothing of English and was determined not to learn it. How
contemptible seemed to me those Filipinos who belonged to
the Federal Party — a political organization which advocated
permanent annexation of the Philippines to the United States
on the basis of eventual statehood. I blamed this party for


the cessation of Filipino resistance to the American regime
for it was the party’s campaign praising America and its
libertarian policy that induced the people to refuse to us, the
revolutionaries, further aid and support.
In October, 1903, I had to go to the province of Tayabas
to attend a case in court that affected me personally. Upon
the death of my father, his life long rival — one Fabian
Hernandez — had taken possession of our little farm in Baler
pretending that my father had sold it to him. Hernandez
had falsified my father’s signature. It was not so much the
value of my small two-acre farm that forced me to abandon
temporarily my profitable practice in Manila. It was the fact
that that tiny piece of land had supported my family and
myself for many years and that as a young man I had sweated
in clearing those fields. Then I felt that somehow, by this
act of usurpation of my father’s property, Fabian Fernandez
had become in some way implicated in the murder of my
father and young brother. So I went to Lucena, the capital of
Tayabas province. Although by this time Baler had become
a part of this province, I knew no one there, for during the
Spanish regime, Baler, San Jose, and Casiguran constituted a
district under a sort of military government. There had been
no intercourse whatsoever between Baler and Lucena.
Before I embarked for Tayabas, I got a letter of introduction
from another lawyer — a friend of mine — to the governor
of Tayabas who was a Filipino, for since 1902, the American
Government had permitted the people to elect their
provincial and municipal officials. On my first day in Lucena


I delivered to Governor Paras the letter of introduction. In
line with the proverbial Filipino hospitality, Governor Paras
invited me to stay in his house until I was ready to go to the
town of Tayabas where the court was holding sessions.
With the governor I talked about the situation of our
country. He was an honest and real patriot. He told me
that he did not seek the job, but accepted it because it was
his sincere opinion that the only way of promoting the
freedom as well as the welfare of the Filipino people was by
cooperating with the American Government. He pointed
out to me that the founders of the Federal Party (branded by
most of the Filipinos as the Americanista Pary) were already
taking part in the highest council of the civil government, and
that the steps taken so far by the United States all confirmed
the policy enunciated by President McKinley that America
had come to the Philippines not to subjugate but to train the
Filipino people in the art of self-government so that in due
time they might become a self-governing nation.
Although I dissented from the opinion of Governor Paras,
his words made some impression on me. I wondered, in my
own mind, if the freedom which we lost by fighting America
could not be won by cooperating with her. The idea flashed
through my head that I might renew the same fight by
peaceful means, by taking active part in the political field.
“Why not start with the governorship of Tayabas?” I asked
Governor Paras introduced me to Colonel Bandholtz who
immediately befriended me. He invited me to his house,


presented me to Mrs. Bandholtz and asked me to come to
lunch before I went to Tayabas. Colonel Bandholtz was a
very unusual man. Although an American, he had been
the first elected governor of Tayabas. He had learned the
Spanish language well and knew a few words of Tagalog, the
native tongue in that province. He made me feel at home in
his company and asked me to come to him whenever I was
in need of his services. In this way my first meeting with
Colonel Bandholtz almost made me forget the ill-treatment
which I had received while a prisoner in the Postigo Gate.
I easily won my case in the court of Judge Linebarger,
who knew as little of the Spanish Civil Law as I did of the
American Common Law. Judge Linebarger boasted of having
studied law in Spain and indeed, like Colonel Bandholtz, he
also spoke Spanish well. He dictated his decisions following
the Spanish form, but his legal attainments did not go any
further. This judge was industrious and perfectly honest.
He presided over the courts of Tayabas, Mindoro, and
Marinduque. Soon after my own case had been disposed
of, I received other cases—the most famous one being my
defense of the mayor of the town who had been persecuted
by the most influential family in Tayabas who had bossed the
town since Spanish days. It was generally expected that my
client would lose, for the Filipinos still believed that justice
favored the rich. Furthermore, the prosecuting attorney was
a member of this family and although he took no part in
the prosecution it had been taken for granted that he would
have great influence with Judge Linebarger. To the surprise


of most people, although with manifest public approval,
my client was acquitted, a fact which not only inspired
confidence in the American courts but at once gave me some
legal reputation throughout the whole province.
Thereafter clients came in numbers to my law office in
Tayabas—the rich as well as the poor. I adopted two rules,
one for the rich client, whom I charged heavy fees, and
one for the poor clients, whom I served gratis with as much
interest and zeal as I did when working for money. I decided
to establish myself permanently in Tayabas; in the first place,
I was making much more money than I expected to make in
Manila, and in the second place, I had more opportunities to
defend my old comrades in arms who would yield neither to
force nor to prosecution. It is worthy of note that after the
establishment of the American Civil Government (replacing
the American Military Dictatorship) which was vested with
both executive and legislative powers during the first years
after its establishment, a law was enacted imposing up to
twenty years’ imprisonment of any revolutionary who had
not surrendered or been captured before that time, or of any
one who in any manner or form helped those who still kept
the guerilla warfare. The law defined both the guerillas and
their helpers as bandoleros (bandits). In the latter part of 1903,
and even during the first half of 1904, every provincial jail in
the Philippines was filled with so-called bandits. Innocent
Filipinos living in faraway villages who were put in jail on
mere suspicion or on woefully deficient evidence, were
innumerable. I volunteered to defend all those who had


no lawyers to represent them in court, and I hope I may be
forgiven if I proudly state that I won the liberty of every man
whom I defended. As usual, I divided my time in reasonable
proportions between making money—and plenty of it—and
serving the poor without charge.
The neighboring towns of Tayabas—Lucena, Sariaya, and
Lucban—which from time immemorial had been the richest
and gayest places in the province, were in turn the scenes of
my social diversions. Judge Linebarger became fond of me and
placed much reliance upon my knowledge of Spanish substantive
law and procedure. Colonel Bandholtz, whose house was in the
near-by town of Lucena, continued to ask me to visit him and
our friendship developed from day to day.
By the end of 1903 Judge Linebarger called me to his
office after the court session one day and inquired whether I
would like to be the prosecuting attorney of the province of
Mindoro, a position then vacant. He said that the salary of
the office was about three thousand pesos ($1,500) a year. I
told him I would give him my answer, one way or another, in
twenty-four hours.
I pondered over this matter. Neither from the point of
view of experience and knowledge that I would gain as a
lawyer, nor from the viewpoint of pecuniary return could
the offer be seriously considered. A prosecuting attorney
only dealt with criminal cases and the annual salary of the
prosecuting attorney of Mindoro was much less than what
one of a number of my cases had netted me. My conversation
with Governor Paras came to my mind with striking force,


for the kindness of Colonel Bandholtz as well as his fairness
in dealing with Filipinos, together with the honesty, if not
the learning, of Judge Linebarger, had already inclined me to
try in practice the advice of my provincial governor. I said
myself: “This position which is being unexpectedly offered
to me may be the starting point set by fate for a greater
service that I may render to my people in their work of self-
redemption.” Anyway, as a sort of mental reservation, I told
myself that I could always resign the post and return to my
law practice if I should be disappointed.
I saw Judge Linebarger at the appointed time and gave
him an affirmative answer. Dr. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera
was then visiting Tayabas on an official inspection trip. He
with two other Filipinos were members of the Philippine
Commission, a body originally constituted entirely of
Americans appointed by President McKinley and invested
with all governmental powers to administer the affairs of the
Philippines, though subject to the supervision and control
of the Secretary of War. Dr. Tavera, a distinguished Filipino
scholar in the last decade of the Spanish regime, had been
the founder of the Federal Party which advocated full and
unreserved cooperation with the United States. In his hands
Judge Linebarger left the matter of my appointment as
prosecuting attorney of Mindoro. Upon Dr. Tavera’s return
to Manila, Civil Governor Taft signed my commission and I
went to the dreaded island of Mindoro.
This province was said to be infested by malaria, although
in the towns the disease was not so prevalent as in the hills.


My office was located in Calapan, capital of the province,
and there I met the governor, Captain Offley of the American
Army. At that time the province of Mindoro had not been
listed as one of those entitled to choose their own governor.
My duty, of course, was to prosecute criminal offenders.
After going over the papers left by my predecessor, I came
to the conclusion that two-thirds of the men in prison, on
the serious charge of banditry had been put there without
sufficient evidence. At that time recourse to the writ of
habeas corpus could not always be had in the provinces
where judges with jurisdiction to grant the writ were only
available during the regular or extraordinary sessions of the
court. So I had to wait until the arrival of Judge Linebarger
and then move for the dismissal of all cases unsupported by
proper evidence.
After serving six months as prosecuting attorney here I
was promoted to Tayabas. On my return I still found my
old friends, among them Governor Paras and Colonel
Colonel Bandholtz then insisted that I should learn English
and offered to be my teacher. He set the day for my first
lesson after presenting me with an English grammar. We did
not get very far. The lessons could not be given regularly
either he was on an inspection trip of the Constabulary forces
under his command, or because I was too busy with my cases,
but a beginning had been made. I no longer boasted, but
rather was sorry that I spoke no word of English.
The case which definitely established my popularity in


Tayabas and which, in my opinion, later contributed to my
election as provincial governor, I shall call the “Mason Case,”
because that was not the name. Mason was an attorney,
and accompanied by his secretary who acted also as his
interpreter, he came to my office one day with twenty-five
different deeds of sale of agricultural properties which he
wanted me to register in his name. (The prosecuting attorney
was then at the same time the register of deeds.) I took the
papers from him and said that I would attend to it as soon as
possible, and he left.
I placed the papers in one of my drawers and was so busy
that I forgot all about them. A week later Mason’s secretary
came to see me in behalf of his principal to inquire whether
I had registered the deeds and I told him no, explaining my
reasons, promising, however, to do it immediately. One
hour later, Mr. Mason himself, accompanied by the same
secretary, came to my office with his hat on without even
greeting me, shouted: “What did you do with the papers
I gave you?” I repeated the answer I had given an hour
before to his secretary. He then threatened that he would
complain to my superiors in Manila unless I register the deeds
immediately. My temper, which I had been trying to control
since he entered my office, gave way and getting hold of
my inkstand, I ordered him out of the office, saying that
otherwise I would break his head. He left, but not without
repeating his threat.
No man is really brave who does not feel completely
blameless, and since I knew that I had not been to busy to


have registered the deeds, as soon as Mr. Mason left I took
the papers from the drawer and proceeded to examine them.
I found that the documents covered sales of lands planted
with coconut trees including the working animals, and that
all in all, the twenty-five deeds of sale represented several
thousand acres with about 50,000 coconut trees and two
or three hundred working animals. The total value of the
properties exceeded sixty-thousand pesos ($30,000). The
owners of these properties were all in the provincial jail
of Tayabas. They had signed the deeds while in jail, with
Mr. Mason’s secretary and one of the jail guards acting as
witnesses. The Justice of the Peace of the town in those times
performed the duties of notary public. The consideration for
the transfer of the properties to Mr. Mason was his services
as a lawyer to be rendered in defense of these men, all of
whom were charged with banditry (violation of the act
which I have before reffered).
I was most suspicious of the whole transaction, so I went
immediately to the provincial jail of Tayabas. I asked the
first prisoner if he knew Mr. Mason and he said yes, as he was
his lawyer. I asked him if he had given Mason his farm and
working animals in consideration of Mason’s services as his
lawyer, and he answered most emphatically, “No.” Then the
man told me this story: “Mr. Mason came to me and offered
to defend me. I said I had no cash but that I owned some
land planted with coconut trees and a few working animals.
He then promised to take my case if I would pay him three
hundred pesos ($150.00), the amount to be delivered to him


after I was out of jail, but he demanded as guarantee my land
with coconut trees, plus my working animals. I agreed.”
“Is this your signature?” I asked, pointing to his name
written in the deed for sale. He answered affirmatively.
“How do you know the paper you have signed contained
what you have just told me?”
“That was the information given me by Mr. Mason.”
All the prisoners told me the same story. I sent for the
Justice of the Peace who confirmed the declarations of the
men. I asked the Justice of the Peace, who knew Spanish, the
language in which the deeds were written, if he had read the
documents, and he answered in the negative, adding that after
hearing what Mr. Mason told the prisoners in his presence,
he felt that it was unnecessary to read the documents for that
would be a proof of lack of confidence in Mr. Mason who,
being a lawyer, must be an honorable man.
I got everybody to sign the necessary affidavits in
accordance with their testimony and went back to my office
to prepare immediately the presentation of twenty-five cases
for estafa (swindling) against Mr. Mason. After giving his
bail, Mr. Mason left for Manila. He immediately accused me
to the Attorney General of the Philippines, of concocting
those cases to cover my negligence in failing to register
the deeds. An American newspaper in Manila was quick to
attack me, but Colonel Bandholtz who was still the Chief
of the Constabulary in Tayabas, and whose duty, among
other things, was to go after violators of the law, gave me his
support after making his own investigation of the case. The


office of the Attorney General sent to Tayabas to help me try
these cases, a Mr. Basset, a bright young lawyer who had just
arrived from the United States. Mr. Basset later became one
of the most successful lawyers and respected businessman in
all China and is now in America. It should be stated before
going any farther that in the Philippines there was not then,
nor is there now, any trial by jury, so that Mr. Mason was tried
only by an American judge. When the day of his trial arrived,
four of the best lawyers of Manila came to defend him. They
were Judge Kinkaid, Mr. Fred Fisher, Judge Bishop, and Mr.
Green, who practised law mostly in Tayabas. Mr. Basset and
I entered into an agreement with the defense that we would
try one case first, and if the defendant was acquitted either
by the court of first instance or, on appeal, by the Supreme
Court, we would ask for the dismissal of all the other cases.
Mason’s case caused commotion in the province of
Tayabas, if not in the Philippines. It was the first time since
the beginning of American occupation that an American —
and an American lawyer at that — had been prosecuted in
the courts of the Islands, and what amazed the Filipinos most
was the fact that the prosecutor was a Filipino. Those were
still the so-called “Days of the Empire,” when the majority of
the Americans in the Philippines were decidedly anti-Filipino
and looked upon us with contempt. Men like Bandholtz and
few others were rare exceptions. Governor Taft himself was
not only disliked but actually hated by the majority of his
compatriots because he delivered a speech entitled “The
Philippines for the Filipinos.” It was in those days that the


expression originated: “He [the Filipino] may be a brother of
William F. Taft, but ain’t no brother of mine.”
Needless to say, Mason was convicted. He appealed the
case to the Supreme Court. While the case was on appeal,
he went to Hongkong and on learning that the decision of
the lower court had been confirmed, he forfeited his bail and
never returned to the Philippines. A few years later, I saw
him in a hotel in Shanghai.


HE Mason case of course increased my popularity
among my countrymen, but although Colonel
Bandholtz and my immediate superior in the
office of the Attorney General, Judge James
Ross, became even stronger friends of mine thereafter, some
unknown enemies started persecuting me. Behind my back I
was investigated for several charges and when finally I learned
what was going on, contrary to the advice of friend my Judge
Ross, I insisted upon resigning as prosecuting attorney. I
resumed immediately the practice of my profession in the
province of Tayabas.
I must pause here to relate an event which later developed
into one of the important steps in my life. To it I owe having
been the happiest of husbands and the proudest of fathers.
Once I was installed in Tayabas as prosecuting attorney,
I wrote a letter to my Aunt Zeneida, who was already a
widow, inviting her to come and stay with me, with her two
unmarried daughters, Amparo and Aurora. This aunt and
my mother had loved each other dearly and had been the
closest of friends even after their marriages. The youngest


daughter of my aunt, Aurora, had been raised by my mother
from childhood in my home, and the little girl had been my
father’s pet. (Earlier in this book I mentioned that during
my visit to Baler after the American occupation of Manila,
I stayed in the house of my Aunt Zenaida.) The family
accepted my invitation and came to live with me. My cousin
Aurora looked very pretty. I sent her to Manila to study in
the Normal School. The government had a boarding house
for girls under the care of Miss Colman, and there Aurora
stayed except during vacation time when she came and
joined her mother and sister in my house.
On resuming my practice, I made more money than before
albeit I continued to give free service to the poor. Within
six months, I had clients from the remotest towns of the
When the election of 1905 for provincial governor
was approaching, I was already a convert to the policy of
cooperation with the Government of United States. Every
pronouncement made by the highest spokesman of the
American people was to effect that the America was in
the Philippines as the liberator, not as the oppressor of the
Filipino people.
General Bandholtz by this time had been transferred to
Manila and I had met his successor, Colonel J. G. Harbord,
now the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Radio
Corporation of America. Colonel Harbord was a different
type of man from General Bandholtz. I make no comparison of
the two men who became very dear friends of mine, especially


since one has died, while the other, thanks be to God, is still
alive. But I must say that no American in those early days
had as much influence in forming my high conception of
public duty or gave me a better idea of American manhood
than the then Colonel Harbord. General Harbord is, in my
opinion, one of the greatest men I have ever met. After a
conference with him I decided to run for governor and easily
defeated my two other rivals for the office.
My first visit to my home town after my election as
governor of Tayabas I made with Colonel Harbord, he wrote
of that visit as follows:
As Constabulary District Commander I had a Coast Guard
cutter under my orders, and asked the young Governor to let
me take him back to his native Baler for his first visit since he
had left it as a young insurrecto eight years before. He came
on board the cutter at Atimonan on a June evening 1906
and the next morning found us opposite Baler. Once the
fishermen along shore sighted us, the news quickly spread
to the village. When we landed through the surf, the narrow
sandy beach was filled by a great crowd of Filipinos of both
sexes. The whole population of Baler was there on the rumor
that the Governor had come back to his native village.
The procession formed in a long column headed by the
young Governor. His parents were no longer living but
dozens of relatives and older people who had known them
and him in his youth crowded into the column. The village
band played gay and patriotic airs all the way from the beach
to the town. The officials, the teachers of the schools, the


local businessmen, and most important, the Spanish parish
priest who had known the Governor in his boyhood, and
still remained in the town, marched at the head of the
procession. Few Spanish priests still lived and headed their
old parishes after the Insurrection had ended. Old women,
who had known the boy from babyhood crowded to march
in turn with arms around the young Governor, with many
cries of “Manuelito,” and there was much joyous laughter
and some weeping over the home town boy now grown into
a great man.
At the village we found the plaza crowded with more people
who were anxious to do honor to the distinguished visitor.
The whole day was given over to rejoicing. Speeches were
made in Tagalog, Spanish, and English. Native games were
played all afternoon. Fencing contests showed the method
of instructing young boys in the handling of native weapons.
Dances were danced never before seen by Americans and
the whole day was a gala day. That evening there was a
great banquet* with more speeches, much music and more
dancing. The full moon of tropic night lighted us down to
the beach when the feasting and dancing were over, and we
went down to accompanied by the whole village.
In twelve years in the Philippines I saw many moving
spectacles of joy and sorrow but that day at Baler remains in


my memory as the most dramatic and touching day passed
in those twelve crowded years. I never have seen my friend
Governor Quezon again without a different feeling toward
him than I have toward any other Filipino, and I have known
the best and brightest of his contemporaries. Nearly forty
years have passed and I am proud to say that our friendship is
still the same. What I saw that day is the explanation to me
of the wonderful hold he has over the hearts of his people,
which has enabled him to lead them as a unit against the
invader who followed Pearl Harbor.
As governor of Tayabas my main concern was to prove that
the Filipinos were capable of governing themselves. I gave
complete freedom to the town mayors and municipal councils to
manage the affairs of their respective localities and insisted that
I be given by the authorities in Manila a free hand in governing
my province. The Executive Secretary of the Governor-
General then was Frank W. Carpenter. It was he who did the
actual supervision of the provincial and municipal governments
and he did not interfere with my work. He was a very capable
executive and a hard-working man.
By an Act of the United States Congress, it had been
provided that two years after the taking of the census, if peace
and public order prevailed in the Philippines, an election for
members of a lower house of the legislature would be called by
the Governor-General. Thus for the first time in their history
the Filipino people would be allowed through their elected
representatives to take part in the legislative department
of their government. As pointed out heretofore, America


had governed the Philippines, during the occupation and
pacification of the Islands, through a military government,
and after the organized resistance of the Filipinos had been
overcome, a civil government was inaugurated, the powers
of which, both executive and judicial, were concentrated
in the hands of Philippine Commission headed by Mr. Taft
who also was the Chief Executive. This body, in the early
days of the Civil Government, was composed executively of
Americans, but very soon three Filipinos — Legarda, Tavera,
and Luzurriaga — were added as members of the Commission
although possessing legislative powers only, and forming but
a minority even in the legislative functions of that body.
The Judicial Department was constituted by Courts
of Justices of the Peace, Courts of First Instance, and the
Supreme Court. The Governor-General appointed the
Justices of the Peace and Judges of the Court of First Instance,
all removable at his discretion. The President of the United
States appointed the members of the Supreme Court, likewise
to hold office during the President’s pleasure. The majority
of the members of this court were Americans, although from
the beginning the Chief Justice has always been a Filipino.
When the election to the National Assembly was called
in 1907, I announced my willingness to occupy a seat in
the new elective body if my district wanted to elect me. By
this mere announcement, I was elected to the Assembly by
practically unanimous vote of my district.
In the first election of the Philippine Assembly, as was
the case with every succeeding election, the Nationalist


Party to which I belong — and which carried the banner
of immediate, absolute, and complete independence — won
by an overwhelming majority. The Governor-General was
then the Honorable James L. Smith of California, while Mr.
Taft had been promoted to the position of Secretary of War.
Representing President Theodore Roosevelt, Secretary Taft
went to Manila and inaugurated the National Assembly.
In his address at the inaugural ceremonies, Secretary
Taft reiterated the American policy of granting the Filipino
people an ever-increasing measure of self-government as they
proved themselves to be capable of assuming and exercising
greater responsibilities.
The law that created the National Assembly also provided
for the election by the Philippine Commission, acting as the
upper house, and by the Philippine assembly, acting as the
lower house of the legislature, of two Resident Commissioners
who would represent the Philippines before the Government
of the United States, with a seat but no vote in Congress.
Messrs. Legarda and Ocampo were elected the first two
At the first session of the Philippine Assembly, Sergio
Osmeña, upon my motion, was chosen by unanimous vote
Speaker of the House. This, despite the fact that sixteen
members from the opposition had been elected as members
of the body. I became the floor leader and was appointed by
the Speaker Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations,
which also had jurisdiction over revenue bills.
My first clash with the American Government while


serving in the National Assembly was about a bill pending
in the United States Congress to provide for the trade
relations between the United States and the Philippines.
The bill contemplated the establishment of free trade
relations between the said two countries. Certain private
interests in the United States were opposed to the bill for
selfish reasons and Secretary of War Taft, under whose
department the Philippines then were, instructed the
Philippine Commission to indorse the proposed bill and
to secure the concurrence of the Philippine Assembly to
its action. I fought the measure upon the ground that free
trade relations between our countries would result in making
the Philippines absolutely dependent upon the markets of
the United States. This, I contended, would create a most
serious situation in Philippine economic life, especially when
the time came for the granting of our independence. The
Assembly, by overwhelming vote, supported me, only the
opponents of immediate independence taking the other side.
My contention was proved sound when finally the question
of Philippine independence was taken up by the Congress of
the United States.
After the first session of the National Assembly, Secretary
of War Taft reported to President Theodore Roosevelt that
the Filipinos had lived up to the expectations of their friends
and proved a disappointment to their enemies.
In the closing days of the second session of the Philippine
Assembly, the State Department in Washington transmitted
to the Governor-General of the Philippines an invitation


from the government of the Czar of Russia to an International
Congress of Navigation which was to be held in Saint
Petersburg. Governor-General Smith informed Speaker
Osmeña of this invitation. I told the Speaker that I should
like to go although I was as competent to take part in that
Congress as a shoe-peddler would be. My purpose in mind
was to have my first glimpse of the outside world which, as
I thought, would prepare me for the next post to which I
was then aspiring — that of Resident Commissioner to the
United States. My wishes were fulfilled, but needless to say,
I was attacked right and left by the press and properly so,
although I might say that the trip eventually proved to be
not a bad investment for Filipino taxpayers.
I took with me two secretaries — one to act as my
interpreter, an American who knew Spanish well, and a
Filipino newspaper man who, years afterwards, occupied
positions in the executive and legislative departments of the
Philippine Government. We took a Japanese steamer, for
our itinerary contemplated going from Manila to Japan and
thence to Russia by way of the Siberian railroad. Our ship
called at the ports of Nagasaki and Shimunaseki; then we
crossed the mainland of Japan by train and took a boat on
the opposite coast, to Vladivostok.
Of my first impression of Japan, I wrote to a friend in the
Philippines the following: “The Japanese people are less
capable of self-government than we are.”
In Russia I met, among other persons, Alexander Kerensky,
who later played for a short time an important part during the


days of the Russian Revolution. I was too late to participate
in the Navigation Congress, but I had occasion to observe the
extreme poverty and ignorance of the masses of the Russian
people while their grand dukes were swimming in luxury.
From Russia I went to Berlin, thence to Paris, London,
and finally to the United States. I arrived in New York in
summer and President Theodore Roosevelt invited me to
lunch with him at Oyster Bay. In my first meeting with
President Theodore Roosevelt, what made the most striking
impression on me was the simplicity and democratic manners
of an American President. I had read of European monarchs
and their courts and never suspected that America had truly
discarded their ways and ceremonial practices! I had seen, if
only from a distance, Spanish Governors-General riding in
a carriage drawn by six white horses, preceded and followed
by cavalry escorts!
President Theodore Roosevelt greeted me warmly and
took me to his table without ceremony. The other two
guests were Secretary Cortelyou of the Treasury, and my
interpreter, Mr. Escamilla. After the luncheon, President
Roosevelt had a short conference with me. He said he was
pleased with the conduct of the Philippine Assembly and
assured me that the policy of the United States was to grant
the Philippines their independence in due time. Being only
a very provincial Filipino, knowing nothing about protocol,
nor of the injunction against quoting heads of state, I repeated
to newspapermen what President Roosevelt had told me. I
was promptly listed by presidential decree as a member of


the “Ananias Club”!
On my return to Manila I was given a hearty welcome
by the Nacionalista Party. Not unnaturally, my partisans
preferred to give credit to what I said rather than to the
subsequent denial by the President of the United States.
At the second and last session of the first Philippine
Assembly, I was elected Resident Commissioner to the United
States to succeed Pablo Ocampo. I arrived in Washington
on the afternoon of December 24, 1909, about the same hour
that, years later, I arrived on Corregidor with my family, and
in the company of High Commissioner Sayre, on December
24, 1941. Only there was a slight difference between the
circumstances under which the two trips were made.


T WAS an extremely cold night in Washington and I
feared that I might catch pneumonia, against which I had
been warned before leaving Manila by my friend, Mr.
W. Cameron Forbes, then Secretary of Commerce and
Communications. Secretary Forbes is known as the road-
builder of the Philippines. So I spent my first Christmas Eve
in Washington duly shut up in my rooms at the Champlain
Apartment House. The following day, however, although
the streets were covered with snow, I ventured to go out,
protected with fur-lined gloves and fur overcoat. After
walking for a little while I rushed back to my apartment
fearing that I would lose my ears.
On New Year’s Day, 1910, the senior Resident
Commissioner, Mr. Legarda, took me to wish Happy New
Year to President Taft, Vice-President James S. Sherman and
Speaker Joseph G. Cannon.
Mr. Taft, while at the head of the Philippine Government,
was called “the friend of the Filipinos”. In later years the
feeling of my countrymen towards him changed somewhat
because of his insistence that it would take no less than two
generations before the Filipinos could be capable of self-
government; but, although I never had the opportunity


of being close to President Taft, either while he was
Civil Governor of the Philippines, Secretary of War, or
President of the United States, and regardless of whether
his conception of our capacity for self-government was right
or wrong, in the perspective of history I am bound to affirm
that President Taft had deservedly won that title. It is hard to
believe now how much opposition and abuse the first Civil
Governor (afterwards, the title was changed to Governor-
General) received from the early American residents in the
Philippines. Many of them doubtless remembered how
the Southerners were dealt with after the Civil War and,
therefore, felt that no better treatment should be given to
the “brown brothers”. Still others were told by English and
Dutch subjects how foolish it was — and how dangerous — to
attempt the experiment of “shooting” democracy into the
fabric of “Oriental” minds. These critics overlooked the fact
that more than three hundred years before the Spaniards did
shoot — and successfully — the Christian religion into the
souls of the Filipinos, and that Christianity had prepared
us for democracy since Christ’s teachings were indeed the
essence of democratic ideals and principles.
Anyway, the fact remains that Mr. Taft, in a moment of
unsuppressed anger, called his newspaper critics “the lions of
the Press”, and pointed out the way of escape to those who
did not approve of the American policy— “the Philippines
for the Filipinos.” The exit through Corregidor, he asserted,
was wide enough for every dissenter to get out.
After the Christmas holidays, Commissioner Legarda


introduced me to the House of Representatives and I was
sworn in.
My service in the House of Representatives was one of
the most pleasant and fruitful periods of my life. No one
can possibly imagine how much of human value there
is to be found under the two wings of the Capitol. This
imposing building is at once the best university and the
nicest playhouse in the world. To the outsider, the Senators
and Representatives may be mere politicians with only one
purpose in mind — to satisfy the whims or promote the
interests of their constituents. To one who has heard them
in debate or delivering eloquent addresses; to one who has
conversed with them in their cloak rooms, their offices, or
while taking meals; to one who has been with them in formal
affairs or on small private parties; to one who has even taken
part in a few more lively gatherings where some of them
have been present; to such a person, especially if he be a
foreigner more inclined at first to discover faults than to
find virtues; to that person, I say, it is a great privilege to
have spent amongst these legislators six of his youthful and
inquisitive years. When I left Congress for the Philippines
to be the first President of the first Philippine Senate, I had
already learned many lessons in leading and handling men,
whether as a mass or as individuals, in any walk of life.
In the following condensed narrative of my work in Congress,
I shall only mention the names of those who, by reason of their
assignment to the Committees which dealt with Philippine
affairs, took an active part in Philippine legislation.


The War Department, from the first day of American
occupation of the Philippine territory until after the
enactment of the Independence Law, had charge of the
Government of the Philippines. It was during the Taft
administration that I had the honor of meeting the present
Secretary of War, the Honorable Henry L. Stimson. He was
then holding the same portfolio. From the start he gave me
the impression that I had met a great man. The time that
has elapsed and further official and personal association with
him, has enhanced my admiration and affection for “my old
man” as my wife affectionately calls Colonel Stimson.
It was also while I was a member of Congress that I had
the good fortune to meet Secretary of State Cordell Hull.
He was as handsome a man as could be seen in Washington.
Although a new member of the House, he soon won the
respect of his colleagues by his devotion to duty, his plain
honesty, and his unusual ability.
I will be forgiven if I bring in the name of a man who had little
to do with policy-making decisions or important administrative
actions affecting the Philippines. But I mention him because I
take pride in the fact that I discovered even then his extraordinary
mental faculties and his inborn moral courage, although he was
then only a young man recently graduated from Harvard. I am
referring to Justice Felix Frankfurter whom I met in 1911 as an
assistant to the Law Officer of the Bureau of Insular Affairs in
the War Department.
The most serious obstacle to the performance of my duties
in Washington was my very limited knowledge of the English


language. I could not even carry on a simple conversation for
any length of time. So I decided to hire a teacher who, after
the style of General Bandholtz, started to give me lessons
in grammar. After diligently taking my first fifteen lessons I
came to the conclusion that through this method it would
take me a long time before I could deliver my first speech on
the floor of the House of Representatives. Thereupon, I gave
up the teacher and started to teach myself. With the aid of
a Spanish-English dictionary I read newspapers, magazines,
books, and more important still, I launched into the social
world without the company of any one who could act as my
interpreter when I needed assistance. My early experiences
in this respect were very amusing and sometimes rather
embarrassing. When I failed to find the word to express an
idea and could not make myself understood with the help of
gestures, it was my wont to supplement the sentence with
the corresponding Spanish word.
In May, 1910, exactly five months after my arrival in
Washington, I delivered my maiden speech on the floor
of the House. My colleagues listened to me not only with
courtesy but with generosity, for there was hearty applause
at the conclusion of the speech. I spoke in recognition of
the benefits which we had received from the Government
of the United States. “But despite it all,” I said, “we still
want independence….Ask the bird, Sir, who is enclosed
in a golden cage if he would prefer his cage and the care
of his owner to the freedom of the skies and the allure of
the forest.


My next address to Congress took place when a
congressional investigation was being urged by Congressman
Martin of Colorado to determine how the Government of
the Philippines was carrying out the policy laid down by
Congress, that limited to 1024 acres the maximum area
of government land that could be sold to corporations
or individuals. This law had been enacted soon after the
United States had taken the Philippines to prevent the
exploitation of the Filipino people by capitalists, whether
foreigners or natives. American capital interested in the
sugar industry had acquired two very large tracts of land
which the Philippine Government had bought from the friars
with funds raised from bonds issued under the security of
the Philippine Government. The avowed purpose in buying
these extensive properties from the Spanish religious orders
was to resell them in small lots to Filipino farmers, and thus
to do away with absentee landlordism which had been the
most serious cause of the Philippine rebellion against Spain.
The reasons given for the sale of these lands to American
capital by the American officials in charge of the execution
of the congressional policy were twofold: First, that the Act
of Congress referred only to lands of the public domain but
not to lands acquired by the Government in some other way.
And second, that the sale of these lands was made in order
to establish the sugar industry in the Philippines on a truly
grand scale under modern methods, as had been done in
Cuba. It was further alleged that such a method would bring
great prosperity to the Philippines.


I spoke in support of the proposed investigation,
contending that the establishment of the sugar industry under
those conditions would mean the debasement of the Filipinos
into mere peons. “Moreover,” I argued, “large investments of
American capital in the Philippines will inevitably result in the
permanent retention of the Philippines by the United States.”
At the climax of my speech I roared: “If the preordained fate
of my country is either to be a subject people but rich, or free
but poor, I am unqualifiedly for the latter.”
The investigation was ordered by the House of
Representatives, and although the sales already made were
not annulled, no further sales were made in defiance of the
Congressional Act.
In the autumn of 1911 I went on a speech-making tour
through the New England states under the auspices of the
Anti-Imperialist League whose headquarters was in Boston.
The chairman of the League was that distinguished lawyer
and noble man, Mr. Moorfield Storey. As honorary vice-
presidents of the League, there were listed some of the best
known Americans of those days — the then undisputed
leader of the Democratic Party, William Jennings Bryan, ex-
President Cleveland, Representative Champ Clark., Senator
LaFollette, and many others, including the Chief of the Army
during the Spanish-American War, General N. A. Miles.
The League had been organized to oppose the acquisition
of the Philippines by the United States as being contrary to the
principles propounded in the Declaration of Independence.
The league feared that the American Republic would blunder


away from its glorious history and follow the bloody and
greedy policy of the imperialist powers.
My speech-making trip through New England was
naturally advertised ahead in the newspapers of those states.
When I stepped off the train in the first city in which I was
to give an address, I was thrilled with emotion as I saw the
railroad station full of people to give me, as I thought, a
rousing welcome. I was glad that on the train I had changed
my ordinary suit for a cut-away and had put on my top hat.
To my surprise, the people in the station remained in their
places with their eyes fixed on the train even after I had left
the platform. Then I realized that the crowd had not come
to meet me, but, perhaps, some notable personage who had
traveled from Washington in the same train with me.
At last the train pulled me out of the station and the look
of disappointment was evident in every face. True enough,
those people were there to see the visiting Filipino, but they
had expected an entirely different figure — that of the chief
of one of the tribes exhibited at the St. Louis Fair, adorned
with plumes on his head, trinkets on his neck, arms and legs,
and perhaps a silk G-string. Americans learned right there
and then that a Filipino could high-hat them.
Another trip I want to mention was one I made to
the city of Cleveland at the invitation of the late Justice
Clarke. Newton D. Barker was then mayor of the city,
and he presided over the meeting. This visit gave me the
opportunity to form a friendship which later on helped
the Philippine cause when Mr. Baker became Secretary of


War under President Woodrow Wilson.
By the end of President Taft’s administration, the fight
between him and ex-President Roosevelt left no doubt in
the minds of impartial observers as to the outcome of the
election. President Wilson, in fact, was elected. Since
in one of his previous writings President Wilson had said
something not frankly in favor of our independence, I wrote
him a letter as soon as he was elected, with a memorandum
containing a report on conditions in the Philippines. I placed
particular emphasis on the progress made by the Filipino
people and the evidences they had given of their capacity
for self-government. In his speech in Staunton, Virginia, the
President-elect unmistakably took his stand for Philippine


N THE second half of President Taft’s administration,
the Democratic Party secured control of the House
of Representatives and Mr. William Atkinson Jones of
Virginia was made chairman of the House Committee on
Insular Affairs. In view of the policy which the Democratic
Party had adopted upon the acquisition of the Philippines
by the United States — namely, in favor of the granting of
Philippine Independence — I had made it my business to
become acquainted with Mr. Jones from the first days of my
service in Washington. He was then the senior minority
member of the Committee on Insular Affairs and, according
to the prevailing practice in the House of Representatives,
would be the chairman of the committee if and when the
Democrats secured a majority in the House. The more I
knew Mr. Jones, the more I felt attached to him. He treated
me with extreme kindness which, due to the difference in
our ages, developed into a sort of fatherly love. He believed
strongly that continued possession of the Philippines by
the United States would inject the virus of imperialism into
the American body politic, as did almost all the Democrats
both in the Senate and House; so, also, did the progressive
Republicans, whose influence in Congress was then
beginning to be felt. As a matter of fact, few Republicans


of any kind supported the Republican administration policy
except upon the theory that the Philippine venture was of
a temporary character as publicly announced by Presidents
McKinley, Roosevelt and Taft. All these Presidents asserted
in more or less the same words that the Filipino people would
be given the right to decide whether they would prefer
Philippine autonomy under the American flag or complete
independence; such question to be submitted to them for
decision when they should have learned enough to make a
wise one. Senator Beveridge of Indiana was perhaps one of
the very few who bluntly advocated American imperialism as
the road to glory, power, and wealth.
When the Democrats captured the House in 1911 after
long successive years of defeat, I induced Mr. Jones to
introduce in the House a bill which had formerly been
presented by Mr. John Sharp Williams of Mississippi when
he had been the senior minority member of the Committee
on Insular Affairs. This bill was approved in the last session
of the Sixty-Second Congress, but silently buried in the
Senate, which was Republican.
After President Wilson’s inauguration, when both Houses
of Congress had become Democratic, I renewed my efforts
to induce Mr. Jones, who remained as the chairman of the
Committee on Insular Affairs, to reintroduce his bill which
had been unceremoniously killed in the preceding session
by the Senate. But this time Mr. Jones would not move
without first securing the approval of President Wilson. I
began to see the difference in political procedures when


one party was in full control of both the executive and
legislative branches of the government, and when it only
had a majority in one of the two Houses. Not that the
Democratic platform on which President Wilson was elected
was no longer committed to Philippine independence.
Indeed it was and, as a matter of fact, I had something to
do with the writing of the plank of the platform regarding
Philippine independence, since I personally appeared in
Baltimore before the Platform Committee presided over by
Mr. Bryan. But the vocal opinion in the United States at
that time was decidedly against Philippine independence.
The three former Presidents —McKinley, Roosevelt, and
Taft— had created the belief that the Filipinos would not be
ready for a long time to be entrusted with the government
of their own country, and with the exception of some of the
newspapers in the southern states, the immense majority of
publications here, whether dailies or magazines, ridiculed the
idea of allowing the Filipinos to govern themselves. President
Wilson himself was reluctant to recommend Congressional
legislation, despite his speech at Staunton and the efforts of
Mr. Bryan, then Secretary of State. It was President Wilson’s
plan to send a man in his confidence to the Philippines with
instructions to replace, as rapidly as possible, the Americans
in the service there with Filipinos and thus to determine, by
trial and error, the Filipinos’ capacity to administer the affairs
of their country.
This plan of President Wilson placed me in a somewhat
embarrassing position. The Governor-General of the


Philippines at the time was the Honorable W. Cameron
Forbes from Boston, who had given me clear evidences of
friendship while I was Provincial Governor and member
of the Philippine Assembly. Governor Forbes happened to
be in the United States at the time that President Wilson
was elected, and although he was a Republican, he returned
to his post before the President-elect had assumed office.
President Wilson one day summoned me to the White
House and asked my opinion as to whether a new Governor-
General should be appointed or whether Governor-General
Forbes should be left in his post. To a Filipino, with Oriental
ancestry, a little Spanish blood ad mostly Spanish education
—which was practically all that I then had— the question
was very trying indeed. Friendship to me has a real meaning
and personal favors are never forgotten. On the other hand,
I had come to Washington to perform a sacred duty.
I measured my words and gave President Wilson the
following answer: “Mr. President, if it is your intention to
disregard the Democratic platform and merely carry on the
policies of the Republican Administration, then you can find
no better man for the job than Governor-General Forbes.
If, on the contrary, you intend to take immediate steps,
as in my opinion you should take, to make good the now
historic commitment of your party to grant independence
to the Philippines as soon as possible, then Governor Forbes
can neither be the spokesman for nor the executor of your
policies in the Philippines.”
The President made a move to indicate that the conference


was over. President Wilson did not have that forceful
handshake of President Roosevelt or that spontaneous and
contagious laugh of President Taft. Whether Mr. Wilson had
ever laughed when conversing with other people, I do not
know, but this time I saw on his face the suggestion of a
smile. We never talked except on official matters. But I shall
always remember with gratitude that, despite my youth, he
always gave to my opinions the most serious consideration.
Let me say, too, that I am a great admirer of President
Wilson. I sincerely believe that had he been able to prevent
the conclusion of an unjust treaty of peace at Versailles and
had he secured the approval by the Senate of the United
States of the League of Nations, there would not have arisen
this Second World War.
President Wilson appointed as Governor-General of the
Philippines the Honorable Francis Burton Harrison, then
the ranking member of the Ways and Means Committee
of the House of Representatives. In this appointment I had
something to say. President Wilson gave Governor Harrison
a message addressed to the Filipino people in which the
President outlined his Philippine policy looking definitely
toward independence. As the first step in the execution of this
policy, the Filipinos were given a majority in the appointed
Upper Chamber, thus turning over to them practical control
of the legislative department of their government. Governor-
General Harrison took to heart the trust placed in his hands
by his chief, and from the time of his arrival in Manila, he
proceeded to rapidly “Filipinize” the government.


Needless to say, the so-called American “old timers”
raised shouts to heaven and systematically opposed every
move of the new administration. Harrison was not spared.
Attacks of all kinds were made against him. It took a man
with the strong will and determination of Governor-General
Harrison to carry out the policy which it was his duty to
do and of which he personally approved. The antagonism
of his own countrymen in the Philippines found support in
the newspapers in the United States. Of course, the Filipinos
stood by Governor Harrison.
I believe that when cooler heads are called upon to pass
impartial judgment on the history of Harrison’s administration,
some American historian will give him credit for the important
contribution he made to the policy which won for the United
States the loyalty of the Filipino people.
My work in Congress to secure legislation that would
either grant the Philippines independence, or at least formally
commit the United States to the policy of granting to the
Philippines self-government, continued unabated. Three
men in the House of Representatives were my formidable
allies — Speaker Champ Clark, Mr. Jones, the chairman
of the Committee on Insular Affairs, and Mr. Garrett, the
senior member of that committee. There were also many
others ready to help at any time. In the Senate, there were
Vice-President Marshall, the President pro tem, Senator
James P. Clarke of Arkansas, Senator LaFolette of Wisconsin,
Senator John Sharp Williams of Mississippi, Senator Ashurst
of Arizona, and, most active of all, Senator John Shafroth of


Colorado, who took care of our Philippine Bill in the Senate
Committee of which he was a member. Senator Hitchcock
of Nebraska, the chairman of the committee, although
not actively interested in Philippine independence, was
nevertheless sympathetic to the cause.
At long last Mr. Jones presented a bill, but not the same
one that he had introduced in the previous Congress, which
had become known among the Filipinos as Jones Bill No.
1. The Democratic leadership (I think,with the previous
approval of President Wilson) only agreed to a bill which in
the preamble would state that it was the purpose of the United
States to grant Philippine independence as soon as a stable
government could be established in the Islands. The body
of the bill, or rather its legislative provisions, would create
at once an elective Philippine Senate which, with the right
to confirm all appointments made by the Governor-General,
implied, as a matter of course, the exclusion of Americans
from holding offices as Secretaries of Departments. There
was one exception to this, however: the Secretary of Public
Instruction would continue to be the Vice-Governor and an
appointee of the President of the United States.
This bill, conservative as it was, passed only the House of
Representatives in the first wholly Democratic Congress under
the first Wilson administration. Long hearings in the Senate
prevented its passage before the end of that Congress.
When the next Congress convened, Senator Hitchcock
got busy and reported to the Senate early in the session the
same bill which the House had passed in the preceeding one.


During the discussion of this bill, however, Senator Clarke of
Arkansas introduced an amendment which gave an entirely
different aspect to the bill. The amendment provided that
independence would be granted to the Philippines not earlier
than one year nor later than two years after the enactment
of thelaw. On the personal intervention of President Wilson,
Senator Clarke agreed to rewrite his amendment so as to
provide that within not less than two years nor more than
four after the enactment of the law, the Philippine Republic
would be proclaimed and recognized by the Government
of the United States. It was also contemplated that the
Philippine Islands should be recognized as neutral territory,
but the neutralization of the Philippines was not made a
condition sine qua non for the establishment of the Philippine
Republic. Senator Clarke’s amendment passed the Senate
by the deciding vote of Vice-President Marshall, many
Democratic Senators joining with the Republicans in voting
against it.
When the bill as thus amended was reported to the House
of Representatives by Mr. Jones, a large group of Democratic
members, headed by Congressman Fitzgerald of New York,
voted with the solid Republican membership against the
Clarke Amendment, which was thereby defeated. After this
amendment had been stricken out of the bill, this measure
was passed without a record vote either in the Senate or
in the House. With the signature of President Wilson, it
became a law and was popularly known in the Philippines as
the Jones Act.


I felt then that my public career had ended. There was
no longer any doubt in my mind as to the future fate of
the Philippines. The Congress of the United States had at
last supplemented and strengthened the previous executive
pronouncements — which in the language employed by
Presidents McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, and Taft, were
rather ambiguous — by an unequivocal declaration that “it
was, as it has always been, the intention of the people of the
United States to grant the Philippines their independence as
soon as a stable government could be established therein.”
So I resigned my post as Resident Commissioner after
duly notifying the leader of my party, Speaker Osmeña of
the Philippine National Assembly, of my proposed action. I
further advised Speaker Osmeña to become a candidate for
the Philippine Senate, as the presidency of this body, which
would have more powers than the Lower House, would
be the proper place from which to exercise the continued
leadership of our party. Contrary to my advice, Speaker
Osmeña decided to keep the speakership of the House
and in that position also to remain as head of the party. In
his cablegram, Osmeña notified me that, willy-nilly, my
candidacy to the Senate would be presented by the party
with view to having me elected as the President of this newly
created body.
On the eve of my departure from Washington, my friends
in the House of Representatives, at a farewell banquet held
at the New Willard Hotel, presented me with a gold watch
with this inscription: “To Manuel L. Quezon, in recognition


of his patriotic services in the House of Representatives,
from his friends and admirers.”
I am proud to remember the tremendous greeting which
was given me on my arrival in Manila. Not even on the day of
my inauguration as the first President of the Commonwealth
were the people in the streets so wild in their demonstration.
A typhoon was blowing in the bay, my ship was detained
and in a pouring rain the old and the young alike, including
children, stood for hours, waiting to cheer me when I landed.
It was nightfall before I could reach the Quezon Gate —a
gate which, by order of the City Board of Manila, was opened
in the wall facing the College of San Juan de Letran, my alma
mater. The Filipino poet laureate, Fernando Maria Guerrero,
wrote a sonnet which was inscribed on a silver hatchet
symbolic of the hammers which destroyed the wall to open
the gate. After the public meeting, held despite the raging
storm, I was escorted to Malacañan Palace where, for a few
days, I was the guest of Governor-General Harrison. Other
public meetings and several banquets were held in my honor
and, without making a campaign, I was elected Senator by
unanimous vote from my district. Upon the inauguration of
the new legislature composed of two elective houses, again
by unanimous vote I was elected the first President of the
Senate. President Wilson sent an appropriate message which
was read at the ceremonies of the inauguration by Governor-
General Harrison.
By this time even the most intransigent Filipinos, with the
exception of General Ricarte, who had exiled himself from


the country, had become sincere friends and loyal supporters
of the United States.
Not long thereafter, the United States entered the First
World War by the side of the Allied nations. The war
message to Congress of President Wilson giving the reasons
and stating the aims of the United States in declaring war
against the Central Powers found a responsive chord in
the hearts of the Filipino people. The whole country was
aroused, and from the cities and countryside messages were
sent to me to be transmitted to the President of the United
States expressing the desire of the Filipino people to fight
with America on the battlefields of Europe for the attainment
of those aims.
“Self-determination” expressed in one word the cause for
which the Filipinos had given their lives and their all in two
successive and unequal wars, —first against Spain and later
against the United States. Self-determination expressed,
too, the national ideals and aspirations of every subjugated
race. It was then for our own cause and for our own national
aspirations that America was unsheathing the sword and for
the first time in her history taking active part in the bloody
quarrels of old imperialist Europe. America’s policy in the
Philippines — its solemn pledge to grant the Filipino people
their independence contained in the preamble of the Jones
Act— had borne its fruit; in the hour of national peril,
contrary to what they had done when they were the subjects
of the Spanish monarchy, the Filipinos asked to be allowed
to shed their blood mingled with American blood.


I decided to go to Washington in person and convey to
the President of the United States the universal sentiment
of my people. President Wilson received my message with
unconcealed enthusiasm and in his characteristic well-chosen
words, expressed his deep appreciation. This act of loyalty
on the part of the Filipino people would conclusively prove to
the statesmen of Europe the wisdom of his announced policy.
The War Department was given instructions to help in every
way in the organization of a Filipino Army, and meanwhile
all the American forces were withdrawn from the Islands to
be used elsewhere as demanded by the requirements of the
war. Thus, for the first time since American occupation, the
American flag was in the keeping of none but Filipinos troops
— the Scouts and the Constabulary. It was reported that an
America Negro in the service of an American General said
to his master: “Boss, we are the only Americans now in the
On my return to Manila, the Philippine Legislature enacted
a law authorizing the creation of the National Guard, the
body which was to be trained by American officers and then
mustered into the Federal Army. The Philippine Legislature
also authorized Governor Harrison to offer to the United
States one destroyer and one submarine.
Despite the sympathetic support of the War Department,
for reasons unknown to us the military authorities in the
Philippines were very slow in providing the civil government
with the necessary help for the training and equipment of the
National Guard. The result was that the division which we


organized was mustered into the service of the Federal Army
only a short time before the Armistice was signed. Thus
we did not have the privilege of taking part, under General
Pershing, in the First World War.
However, even then some Filipino blood had been shed
on the soil of France. The first Filipino who lost his life
in that war was immortalized in our history by giving his
name, Claudio, to the training camp of the National Guard
— Camp Claudio.
Because of the defeat that we recently suffered in the
defense of the Philippines against Japanese invasion, due
mainly to lack of air power, it is of special interest to note now
that even after the National Guard had been demobilized,
Governor-General Harrison, in full agreement with the
Legislature, tried hard to keep up and give more impetus
to Filipino aviation; but after Governor Harrison left, our
common efforts in this respect went to naught. It was only
after I had become President of the Commonwealth that the
Filipino aviation service was again revived — too late, as it
proved to be.
After the signing of the Armistice, and while President
Wilson was hopelessly matching his talent against the
European foxes, I again came to Washington at the head of
a delegation, this time to plead for immediate independence
for the Philippines.
On this trip came with me, not as a member of the
delegation but as my life partner, the woman who, for twelve
long years, had been engaged to me. The opposition to our


marriage of her beloved mother and my dear aunt had been
removed by the will of God. Aunt Zeneida had joined our
ancestors the year before. Contrary to Filipino custom which
celebrates marriages at great expense and with pompous
ceremonies, my bride and I were married in Hong Kong
in our street clothes and with the attendance of only the
members of my staff. Twenty-four years of married life with
the same wife have proved that matrimonial happiness does
not depend upon the noise of the wedding. Nor for that
matter upon closing one’s eyes to the sight of other beauties
and running away from their company during the period of
one’s engagement.
In Washington my delegation was received by Secretary
of War Baker, representing the absent President Wilson. No
more eloquent impromptu address have I ever listened to
than that delivered by Secretary Baker on that memorable
occasion. He gave us the assurance, in behalf of President
Wilson, that at the first opportunity the President of the
United States would recommend to Congress the enactment
of a law that would grant the Philippines immediate and
complete independence. After his return to Washington,
and before the expiration of his term, President Wilson
submitted to Congress a message recommending the granting
of Philippine independence — a perpetual testimony to his
abiding faith in self-determination. A hostile Congress
turned a deaf ear to, and promptly shelved, the message of
that great apostle of human freedom. This recommendation
of the President, together with his League of Nations, went


into the archives of Washington to form a part, I hope, of
historical American documents.
During the succeeding administrations of Presidents
Harding and Coolidge, no progressive step was taken
toward either greater self-government or independence for
the Philippines. Nor that the Filipino people, through their
Legislature, had ceased to demand independence. On the
contrary, year after year, the Legislature approved resolutions
asserting that a stable government had been established
in the Islands and that it was time, in accordance with the
declared policy of Congress, that independence be granted
to the Philippines. I had been to Washington several times
during those years in an effort to secure Congressional action
in accordance with the Philippine Legislature’s petitions, but
to no avail. Of course, I had occasion to meet both President
Harding and President Coolidge and, later on, President
Hoover. I had known President Harding as chairman of
the Senate Committee on the Philippines. To me he was a
most lovable man; so human in his acts. One day, as I was
sitting in his office conversing with him, Attorney-General
Daugherty entered the room and President Harding said: “I
want the boss of Ohio to shake hands with the boss of the
President Coolidge left no impression on me one way
or another. He would let me talk and then he would say
something in such a low voice that I never understood what
he said. So when I left the White House I knew no more of
the presidential mind than before I entered.


I met Mr. Hoover while he was Secretary of Commerce
and after it was publicly known that he would be a candidate
for the presidency. My purpose, of course, was to make
the acquaintance of the man before he was too busy as
President of the United States, since it looked certain that
the Republican candidate would be elected. I had read of his
splendid relief work in Belgium and being naturally sensible
of the sufferings of the people I had looked at Mr. Hoover
as a man overflowing with kindness and love for his fellow-
men. I was, therefore, disappointed when at our first meeting
I was face to face with what seemed to me a marble statue.
After talking to him, I received the impression that his mind
dealt with facts and figures and that his heart took no part in
his business.
To succeed Governor-General Harrison, President Harding
appointed as Governor-General of the Philippines the
strongest Republican candidate in the primaries — General
Leonard Wood. General Wood was of the opinion that
Governor-General Harrison had “Filipinized” the service too
rapidly and there were evidences that he would have turned
the clock back, if it had been in his power to do so. He also
disapproved of the part taken by the Philippine Government
in acquiring or founding public utilities during Governor
Harrison’s administration. Here, too, he would have undone
what had been done, if he could. I opposed him at every turn
although our personal relations never ceased to be pleasant.
For a time and at the beginning of his administration,
General Wood had with him a very able assistant General


Frank R. McCoy. Perhaps the complete rupture between
General Wood and his own Filipino Cabinet, as well as with
the Philippine Legislature, might have been avoided had not
General McCoy left for the United States.
It was partly due to my conviction that the Nationalist
Party was bound to withdraw its support from the Wood
administration, and partly to other causes which it is not
necessary to mention here, that I forced a break with the
leader of the party, Speaker Osmeña, and after carrying the
fight to the electorate I became the head of the party.
I might also add that long ere this I had been trying to
return to the practice of my profession for which I had
always longed, but it was Speaker Osmeña himself who had
most decidedly opposed that step.
On the death of Governor-General Wood in 1927, I made
a trip to Washington to see President Coolidge and to secure,
if at all possible, the appointment of a successor to Governor-
General Wood who would not perpetuate the break between
the Philippine Legislature and the Governor-General.
I came to the United States with Mr. Osmeña who was
then the President pro tempore and majority floor leader of
the Senate. I had made up my mind that the best man for the
position of Governor-General was Colonel Stimson whom,
as I have mentioned before, I met when he was Secretary
of War. Colonel Stimson had been the guest of Governor-
General Wood in Manila about the time my fight with the
Governor was at its height. During the visit of Secretary
Stimson, I had a conference with him and told him how our


official relations with Governor Wood could be improved.
Without wholly committing himself, Colonel Stimson left
with me the impression that some of my suggestions might
be heeded. However, after leaving Manila he wrote an
article which was published in the United States in support
of the administration of General Wood and in criticism of
the Filipinos who were fighting the Governor. I answered
the article in very measured language, and I got a letter
from Colonel Stimson in appreciation of the courteous and
considerate manner in which I had replied to his criticisms.
Moreover, I had not changed the high opinion that I had
formed of Colonel Stimson as a truly great man when he
was Secretary of War, and I had not forgotten how he used
to tell me, when I called at his office, that he considered
the promotion of the welfare of the Filipino people one of
the grave national responsibilities of the United States. He
never pretended to be in favor of Philippine independence
because he was anxious about the fate of the Filipino people
once they were without the protection of the United States.
He believed with Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Taft
that through the natural process of evolution—intellectual,
political, and material—the Filipino people would arrive at
the dignified state of nationhood and self-government in
the manner, for example, in which the people of the self-
governing commonwealths of Great Britain have become in
later years masters of their own destinies, without, however,
breaking completely with the mother country.
I might digress right here and now to give my personal


views upon this question. Many Americans have accused me
of being insincere in my advocacy of complete independence
for the Philippines because on some occasions I have
expressed myself as not unwilling to consider continued
political relationship between the United States and the
Philippines, including of course, free trade relations.
It will be recalled that when the question of free trade
relations between the United States and the Philippines
was first submitted to the Philippine Assembly, I fought
strongly against the proposition. But my opposition having
been disregarded by the Congress of the United States and
free trade relations having been established, the natural
consequences of this trade relationship had become evident
in the course of years: the Philippines became prosperous,
but at the same time largely dependent upon the profitable
market of the United States. Our standard of living was raised
above that of other peoples of the Far East. If I could have
both prosperity and freedom without completely breaking
our political ties with America, I would have been a fool had
I been opposed to them.
The word “independence” never meant much to me except
as a young revolutionary fighting in the hills of Pampanga
and Bataan. I had learned something since those hard days. I
had learned that there were countries nominally independent
but which in effect were under foreign rule; and still others
which had in theory as well as in fact national independence,
but whose people knew no freedom except the freedom to
starve, the freedom to be silent, the freedom to be jailed,


or the freedom to be shot. None of those situations was I
willing to see become the fate of my people. I had devoted
my whole life to securing for them not the name or the form,
but the substance and the essence of liberty. And the reason
why I chose to follow and adopt the policy of the Nationalist
Party for immediate, absolute, and complete independence
was because I had always thought—and so think to this
day—that it was easier to get freedom and liberty for the
Filipino people through the road to independence which the
average American understands than through the policy of
Presidents Roosevelt and Taft, agreed to by Colonel Stimson,
which, although known and practised by the English in their
relations with their white subjects, was entirely alien to the
American mind.
And now back to my story. Upon reaching Washington,
I called on President Coolidge in the company of Señor
Osmeña and told the President how important it was,
from the point of view of both the United States and the
Philippines, to resume the policy of cooperation which
had characterized the relationship between the United
States and the Philippines and which had been temporarily
suspended during the administration of Governor-General
Wood. I mentioned the name of Colonel Henry L.
Stimson as the right man for Governor-General. President
Coolidge murmured a few words which I did not get and
the visit was ended.
I asked for an appointment to see Chief Justice Taft who
graciously received Senator Osmeña and me in his library


at his home. He was genuinely glad to see us. He spoke of
his early days in the Philippines and inquired about certain
persons, calling their names. It was evident that he had been
happy during his service in the Islands. Then I told him
of my errand. He said that he was no longer interested in
politics and did not, as a rule, talk to the President about
appointments; but in this particular case, he would be willing
to see the President and recommend the appointment of his
former Secretary of War, Colonel Stimson, if I could convince
the Colonel that he should accept office.
I wrote a letter to Colonel Stimson who was then in
New York requesting him to set a time for a visit with him.
He answered by inviting Senator Osmeña and me to an
informal family dinner with only Mrs. Stimson and himself
at his hotel in New York. We accepted and after dinner I
put before Colonel Stimson the purpose of my trip. He
would not consider it for a moment. I insisted, and after
reminding him of his own words that the government of the
Philippines was a grave responsibility resting on the United
States, and after giving him assurances of my loyal support
and cooperation, bade him good-night. He had given no
answer to my presentation of the case, but I felt that I had
made a dent both in his mind and in his heart; and so I went
back to Mr. Justice Taft and told him that I thought Colonel
Stimson would not refuse the post if it were offered to him
by the President of the United States.
Fifteen days later, I read in the newspaper that the
Honorable Henry L. Stimson had been appointed Governor-


General of the Philippines. Unfortunately, I had to go to a
sanatorium in Monrovia, California, sick with tuberculosis,
and Governor-General Stimson went to the Philippines
without my being there to lend him my personal and
official support. But Senator Osmeña had returned to the
Philippines and temporarily acted as President of the Senate
and leader of the party, and he conveyed to our colleagues
my wishes that the new Governor-General be given their
sincere cooperation and assistance.
When I went back to Manila, after recovering from my
illness, I found both the Governor-General and Mrs. Stimson
extremely happy with their surroundings. Governor Stimson
revived the Council of State, composed of the leaders of the
Legislature and members of the Cabinet of the Governor-
General, which Governor-General Wood had abolished.
He initiated a policy which he expected would finally end
in a political status whereby the Filipino people would
be essentially free and feel satisfied to remain under the
American flag. Hardly did he begin to try out this policy
when the sugar interests in the United States started
an agitation to secure legislation from Congress which
would put a limit to the free exportation of sugar from
the Philippines into the United States. I went to see
the Governor in his office and told him that this was the
beginning of the end of what he was trying to do. I said
most emphatically to him that if the United States retained
the Philippines under the American flag and taxed our
products entering the United States while keeping open the


Philippine market for the free entrance of American goods, I
would start a revolution against the United States.
The Governor smiled and said: “I would not blame you.”
Then taking a very solemn attitude, he exclaimed: “That
will never be tolerated by the American people and I will
fight it to the end.” He did so and the Timberlake Bill
went by the board.
Upon the election of President Hoover, Governor-General
Stimson was appointed Secretary of State and thus ended
his short-lived administration of the Islands. I regretted his
departure and I have a slight suspicion that he carried with
him imperishable memories of his stay in the Philippines.
Of course we had our disagreements, but we discussed our
differences of opinion with perfect sincerity and frankness,
and after the discussions were over there was never a bad
taste in our mouths. It had been my wont after the departure
of Governor-General Stimson to tell every one of his
American successors, whether Governor-General or United
States High Commissioner (after the establishment of the
Commonwealth), that no representative of the United States
in the Philippines had won my respect and even my personal
affection more than did Governor-General Stimson. This, I
added, was due to the fact that he never left me in doubt as to
what he had in mind whenever he expressed his ideas on any
subject. There was never any mental reservation whenever
he talked to me, and he therefore made me feel that he gave
me his entire confidence exactly as he would have done it
if I had been an American sitting at his council table as the


senior member of his official family. He and Mrs. Stimson
treated Mrs. Quezon and me as close friends, and my wife
used to refer to the Governor in our intimate family chats, as
“mi viejo” (This Spanish expression literally translated means
“my old man”, but is also used to designate affectionately
one’s father.) My purpose in referring to Governor-General
Stimson in the way I did when talking to his successors
was not only to state the fact, but also in the hope that his
successors would adopt the same policy in dealing with me
and with other Filipino officials.
After Governor-General Stimson, the next Governor-
General was Dwight F. Davis. He remained but a short time
in the Philippines and during most of that time I was forced
to be away from the Islands because of ill health. All I can say
of Governor Davis is that he was the gentleman personified
and was well liked by Filipinos.
I was in Washington when the appointment of the successor
of Governor Davis was being considered by President
Hoover. The Secretary of War, Mr. Patrick Hurley, arranged
a meeting between General Douglas MacArthur, then United
States Chief of Staff, and Colonel Theodore Roosevelt,
Jr., at my house in Washington. Soon thereafter the latter
was appointed Governor-General of the Philippines. No
American Governor-General had used the word “Mabuhay”
— an expression of effusive greeting — did Governor-
General Roosevelt. He, too, made friends with the Filipinos,
but his term of office was cut short by a telegram which he
received soon after the election of President Franklin D.


Roosevelt accepting his resignation as Governor-General of
the Philippines.
During the latter part of the administration of President
Hoover, the movement in the United States to close the
American market to Philippine products took another turn. A
bill granting independence to the Philippines was introduced
in Congress. It included a provision for terminating the
free trade relations between the United States and the
Philippines. The Philippine Legislature sent a mission to the
United States with Messrs. Osmeña and Roxas at its head to
appear before Congress in support of independence, but also
with the idea of making the bill’s provisions agreeable to the
Filipino people.
The bill as it passed both Houses in its final form was
vetoed by President Hoover; but Congress overrode the
President’s veto, and the bill became known as the Hare-
Hawes-Cutting Act. In order to take effect the Act had to
be accepted by the Philippine Legislature.
Before the law could be submitted to the Legislature,
President Franklin D. Roosevelt had been elected and
assumed the presidency. One of his first acts affecting the
Philippines was the appointment of the present Justice
Frank Murphy of the Supreme Court of the United States as
Governor-General of the Philippines.
When Governor Murphy entered Malacañan Palace, a
bitter political fight was going on over the acceptance of
the Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act. Messrs. Osmeña and Roxas
were for the acceptance of the law while I was leading the


opposition on several grounds. My main objection, however,
was to the provision of the law that called for the retention
of military and naval establishments by the United States
after the Philippine Republic should have been proclaimed.
I did not object to the provision regarding the retention of
naval stations so long as this was made dependent upon the
consent of the Philippine Republic; but I did strenuously and
definitely oppose the retention of military establishments
otherwise, for it destroyed the very essence of independent
existence for the Philippines.
Governor Murphy won the respect of the Filipino people
by keeping aloof from this fight and maintaining the strictest
neutrality. He went about his business as Governor-General
as though there was no political storm raging around him. His
main concern while he remained as Governor-General was
social service, and he tried to save as much from the public
funds as he thought could be done without stopping the wheels
of government. Considering the short time that Governor
Murphy stayed as Governor-General of the Philippines, it
will be correct to say that during his administration he held
more social parties of an informal character, where Filipinos
were made to feel at home in Malacañan Palace, than any
of his predecessors. When my political fight with Osmeña
and Roxas over the Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act was over, Mrs.
Quezon and I were frequent guests of Governor Murphy and
his sister.
When the Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act was submitted to the
Philippine Legislature, it was rejected by an overwhelming


majority. Whereupon, the Philippine Legislature sent me
to the United States to explain to the President and the
Congress our reasons for rejecting the law and to work for
a new one more acceptable, or at least less objectionable,
to us.
In Washington, President Roosevelt received me with his
well-known cordiality. He was kind enough to refer to the fact
that he had met me when he was Assistant Secretary of the
Navy in the Wilson administration. This thoughtful gesture
on the part of the President gave me every encouragement to
lay before him frankly and in detail the purpose of my errand.
After paying close attention to my statement, he suggested
that I present a memorandum in writing to him. I did so, but
with a heavy heart. I thought that the President had imposed
upon me the burden of writing the memorandum to be read
by some one else and then would give me a perfunctory
answer. After waiting for over fifteen days, I received word
from the White House that the President would see me at
a certain hour. I was ushered into his office where I found
him as before, with his winning smile and gracious manner.
To my agreeable surprise, my memorandum was on his desk
and he proceeded to discuss every angle of the question
submitted in the memorandum with such comprehension
and understanding of the problems that it really astonished
me. He was a new President and yet none of his predecessors
knew more about the Far East and the Philippine situation
than he did — at least as far as his predecessors had ever
discussed those questions with me.


President Roosevelt readily agreed that the maintenance of
military reservations in the Philippines after the proclamation
of the Philippine Republic would, in itself, make the granting
of independence a farce. “After all,” President Roosevelt
added, “the American military force in the Islands is too
small to protect the Philippines against foreign invasion,
and after we have been in the Islands all these many years,
it will be impossible to induce Congress to appropriate the
necessary funds for the military defense of the Islands and the
maintenance of an army of sufficient size to keep any enemy at
bay.” He also agreed that as far as naval stations were concerned,
the Philippine Republic should have something to say. As to the
trade relations between the United States and the Philippines
during the ten-year period that the American flag would still
remain in the Islands (to which I had also objected), the President
promised to have further investigation made of the matter and
recommend to Congress the correction of such inequalities and
injustices as might be found in the law. In accordance with my
understanding with the President, a new Independence Bill was
introduced in Congress by Senator Tydings in the Senate and
Congressman McDuffie in the House of Representatives. After
I became certain that the new bill would become a law, I sought
a conference with General Douglas MacArthur, still Chief of
Staff of the United States Army.
General MacArthur had been in the Philippines as a young
officer and in later years had commanded successively a
division and the Philippine Department. I had known General
MacArthur for many years and a close friendship had already


grown between us. He called me by my first name. I was fully
informed of his comprehensive knowledge of the Philippines
and knew of his close association with the Filipinos and his
absolute faith in their capacity for self-government. He
had told me also that the Filipino soldier was the match of
any other soldier in the world. His worldwide reputation
as a brave and brilliant general had been duly recognized
by his own Government in placing him at the head of the
United States Army at an early age and for a longer time
than any other previous Chief of Staff. I needed the advice
of a competent man on whose judgment I could depend as
to the feasibility of adequately preparing the Philippines for
national defense against the day when they should become
independent. No man knew the answer to this question as
well as General MacArthur, if he only would give it to me.
At the appointed time, I saw General MacArthur in his
office in the War Department. I said: “General, I have come
to see you on a matter which concerns the very life of my
country. If you can give a frank and complete answer to the
question I shall propound, please give it. On the other hand
I want no answer from you if you would have to give it with
mental reservations, because it affects military matters.”
“What is the question?” he said.
“Do you think that the Philippines can be defended after
they shall have become independent ten years hence?”
He answered: “I don’t think so. I know that the Islands can
be protected, provided, of course, that you have the money
which will be required.”


I asked again: “How much would be needed?”
And he answered: “With what you now spend for the
maintenance of the Philippine Constabulary, which I
understand is about six million pesos a year [$3,000,000],
it will be necessary to spend ten million pesos more
[$5,000,000] for the next ten years. “Moreover,” he
added, “the defense of the Philippines cannot rest upon
the creation of a big regular army, for that would be too
expensive for you. You would have to create a citizen
army on the basis of universal compulsory service. If you
have a small regular force as a nucleus to be expanded by
employing the citizen army in time of peril, no nation will
care to attack you, for the cost of the conquest will be
more than the expected profits.”
I said, “General, one more question: Would you be willing
to come to the Philippines and be the man to put into
execution the ideas you have just expressed?”
“Manuel,” he said, “I have done all that I can as a soldier
in service of my country. Unless there is another war, I do
not see any prospect of further constructive work that I can
do for the Government and people of the United States.
The Philippines is my second country and there is nothing
I would like more than to undertake the task that you are
proposing. America has great responsibility for the future
safety of the Filipino people. We cannot just turn around and
leave you alone. All these many years we have helped you in
education, sanitation, road building, and even in the practice
of self-government. But we have done nothing in the way


of preparing you to defend yourselves against a foreign foe.
We have trained a few officers and a few thousand soldiers
in the Philippine Scouts and you have created your own
Constabulary, but this force is more of a national police than
an army. This is the time — if it is not too late — to help you
organize your own defense. If you can secure the consent
of the Secretary of War and the President of the United
States to my assignment as Military Adviser of the Philippine
Commonwealth, I shall consider the assignment as a fitting
end to my military career.”
I replied: “General, I shall proceed at once to secure the
consent of the Secretary of War and the President of the
United States, with the understanding of course that this plan
will be carried out if I am elected President of the Philippine
The office of the Chief of Staff is connected with the office
of the Secretary of War by a side door. General MacArthur
peeped into the office of Secretary Dern and upon finding
the Secretary alone, he motioned me to go in. I told the
Secretary what I had in mind and he told me to see the
President about it. President Roosevelt approved of the plan,
using his influence to have an amendment made to a then
existing law which permitted the Government of the United
States to send military commissions to the South American
republics upon their request. The amendment included the
Philippines within the scope of the law.
Presently, the new Independence Act was approved
by Congress and after its approval I went back to the


Philippines to secure its acceptance by the Philippine
Legislature. This was done by the unanimous vote of
both Houses; whereupon the Independence Act became
a solemn pact entered into between the Government and
people of the United States on the one hand and the
Government and people of the Philippines on the other,
whereby it was agreed that on the 4th of July, 1946, the
Philippines should become an independent republic. In
the meantime, there was to be established the Government
of the Commonwealth, with a contribution of its own,
framed and adopted by a constitutional convention elected
by the voters of the Philippines. The Constitution, once
approved by the President of the United States, was to be
submitted to a plebiscite of the people for their approval
or rejection.
In accordance with the Independence Act, popularly
known in the Philippines as the Tydings-McDuffie Law, a
constitutional convention was elected which sat in the city
of Manila and did, in my opinion, most creditable work.
Although in its main features, the Philippine Constitution was
practically a copy of the Constitution of the United States, it
contained new provisions to meet the social problems of our
day which did not exist when the fathers of the American
Republic drew up their own constitution. It also contained
the clause in the famous Kellogg Pact that the Philippines
renounced war.
Upon the approval of the Philippine Constitution by the
constitutional convention, Governor-General Murphy, with


a strong favorable recommendation, sent it to Washington
for submission to the President of the United States as
directed by the Independence Act. President Roosevelt gave
his assent to the Constitution and thereafter it was submitted
to a plebiscite of the Filipino people who, by practically
unanimous vote, made the Constitution the fundamental law
of the land.


FTER THE general elections for the Legislature
which preceded the election of the members
of the constitutional convention, the breach in
the rank and file of the Nationalist Party caused
by the political feud between Osmeña and Roxas and their
followers on one side, and my followers and me on the
other, was entirely healed. In the general elections, my side
won an overwhelming majority, and after our victory we
invited our former comrades to join hands with us again so
as jointly to give the best there was in the Filipino nation
for the writing of their Constitution, and thereafter for the
discharge of the grave responsibilities that the Government
of the Commonwealth was to impose upon us. Thus when
the elections for the officials of the Commonwealth were
held, the Nationalist Party again reunited had as its standard
bearers myself for President and Sergio Osmeña for Vice-
President. Out in the field to oppose me were my former
chief, General Emilio Aguinaldo, and also Bishop Gregorio
Aglipay of the Philippine Independent Church. After a
campaign during which I made only a couple of speeches over
the radio, the Quezon-Osmena ticket came out victorious
with overwhelming majorities.
As soon as the results of the elections were officially known,


I cabled General MacArthur, who was still the Chief of Staff
of the United States Army, to come to the Philippines as soon
as possible in accordance with our understanding. General
MacArthur came accompanied by a staff selected by him,
arriving at Manila some time before the inauguration of the
Commonwealth. He at once reported to me and submitted
his whole plan for the national defense of the Philippines.
He had already prepared a draft of the message that I was
to submit to the new one-chamber Philippine Legislature as
provided in the Constitution—the National Assembly—as
well as the draft of a bill which would translate into legislative
provisions his plan for our national defense. I asked him to
leave his papers in my possession so that I might carefully
study them. This I proceeded to do immediately, and after
making certain amendments to the suggested message as
well as to the proposed bill, I returned the papers to General
MacArthur so that they might be written out in final form.
I invited the members-elect of the National Assembly to
come to Manila some time before the day of the inauguration
of the new government. I held several conferences with
them during which I explained General MacArthur’s plan,
and after prolonged discussions, we finally agreed to approve
the National Defense Act as the No. 1 Law of the Philippine
President Roosevelt sent his Secretary of War, the
Honorable George H. Dern, to represent him at the
inauguration of the Government of the Commonwealth. A
distinguished delegation of both the Senate and the House


of Representatives, each headed by their respective presiding
officers, Vice-President Garner and Speaker Byrns—also
came to the Philippines to add solemnity to the greatest
historic event in the life of the Filipino people from time
On a beautiful morning, November 15, 1934, I left my
house in Pasay by the shores of the Bay of Manila and rode
with military escorts through streets decorated with American
and Filipino flags, under artistic and symbolic arches, to the
legislative building where the inaugural ceremonies were
to take place. Hundreds of thousands of people had come
to Manila from far and wide to witness the elevation to the
highest office in the land of the first Filipino who would
occupy the seat of power, for centuries past occupied by
Spaniards and by Americans. On a grandstand built for the
occasion were the highest officials of the Government of
the United States, save only the President himself, and all
the high dignitaries of the Government of the Philippines
including the Chief Justice and members of the Supreme
Court, the Secretaries of Departments, and the newly elected
members of the National Assembly. There were also present
my Military Adviser, General MacArthur, the Commanding
General of the Philippine Department with his staff, and the
Commander of the Cavite Naval Station accompanied by
other ranking officials of the United States Navy. The last to
enter the grandstand were Secretary Dern as representative
of the President of the United States, Governor-General
Murphy, and I. Secretary Dern read a message from


President Roosevelt to the Filipino people and the president
proclamation declaring officially the establishment of the
Government of the Commonwealth. Governor-General
Murphy read his farewell address as Governor-General, after
which I took the oath of office before Chief Justice Ramon
Avanceña of the Supreme Court of the Philippines and then
delivered my inaugural address.
From the grandstand, I went through streets crowded
with people acclaiming their first President, on to the Palace
of Malacañan, the great mansion on the bank of the Pasig
River which had been the seat of power of foreign rulers for
many decades past. As I stepped out of the presidential car
and walked over the marble floor of the entrance hall, and
up the wide stairway, I remembered the legend of the mother
of Rizal, the great Filipino martyr and hero, who went up
those stairs on her knees to seek executive clemency from
the cruel Spanish Governor-General Polavieja, that would
save her son’s life. This story had something to do with my
reluctance to believe that capital punishment should ever be
carried out. As a matter of fact, during my presidency, no
man ever went to the electric chair. At the last moment I
always stayed the hand of the executioner.
From the top of the stairs, turning to the right, one saw the
very large reception hall, at the end of which on either side
of the hall and fronting each other, there were two rooms
which reminded me of my first visit to the palace in 1901.
In the room on the right side of the hall, there stood at that
time General Arthur MacArthur, then Military Governor of


the Philippines, and on the left, there was the room where
Aguinaldo was kept as prisoner of war. The first thought
which came to me was that I had been right in placing my
faith in America, for by cooperating with her my people had
won their local autonomy and were on the road to complete
These thoughts were suddenly interrupted by my aide-de-
camp who informed me that in the executive office there were
waiting for me the general who was Chief of the Constabulary,
and the provincial governors of Tayabas and Laguna, whom I
had summoned to my first official conference.
The night of the inauguration there was a reception and
ball in Malacañan Palace in honor of the American officials
, Secretary Dern, Vice-President Garner, the Speaker of the
House of Representatives, and the Senators and Congressmen
who constituted the Congressional Delegation. That same
night, from every home in the Philippines, whether of
the poor or of the rich, a prayer went to heaven for the
continued greatness of America and the future safety of the


XECUTIVE LIFE was a great change for me
after more than twenty-five years of continuous
service as a legislator. For the first six months of
my presidency I kept intact the Cabinet which I
inherited from Governor-General Murphy; I knew them all
intimately and had for years been working with them on the
Council of State.
I was determined to give the Philippines the finest
government they had ever had. I had one great advantage
over my American predecessors as Chief Executive: I really
understood my own people. In addressing audiences in the
provinces I kept telling them: “Now, I am not an American
Governor-General–I’m a Filipino, so tell me the truth.” I
knew all about the racketeers in the service and determined
to get rid of them. From the very beginning the plain people
responded heartily to my appeals, for was I not their leader?
I myself was one of them. I had started life as a poor village


boy and had never accumulated any fortune.
On the other hand, I was somewhat oppressed at first by
the new duties as an executive. For the past thirty years I
had been mostly in legislative life, and I hated to be tied
down to executive office hours and other restrictions. I had
made a great many speeches in the Senate and now I was
going in for action—not talk. From the point of view of the
Executive chair I began to see more clearly the difficulties of
putting into effect some of the measures I had championed so
ardently in the Senate. Nevertheless, I was determined with
all my heart and strength in the three years’ time I should
have a model government in the Philippines.
The first matter of great importance before us was, of
course, the creation of the Philippine Army. How deeply I
regretted that the Philippine National Guard which we had
organized in 1917-1918 to help the United States during
the war had been abolished. In that, we had already had
the nucleus for an army, including the rudiments of an Air
Corps. But now we had to start again from scratch. This was
the subject of my first message to the National Assembly,
and the bill was signed and became a law on December 21,
1935. Later, the first general officers appointed were Paulino
Santos as Chief of Staff and Generals Reyes, Basilio Valdes,
and Vicente Lim. Recruiting for the new army was soon is
full swing.
In the provinces around Manila public order was, at
that time, in a somewhat unsatisfactory condition. General
Aguinaldo, who had been an unsuccessful candidate against


me for the presidency, was now a source of some uneasiness
to the American Army officers in their garrison. But I thought
I knew Aguinaldo better than they did. In the course of a few
months his followers had entirely quieted down.
Banditry in the mountains at the other end of Laguna
de Bay was still active and the Sakdalistas in the near-by
provinces were still restless. I seized both of these problems
quickly and with great vigor and soon settled them to the
general satisfaction and without further bloodshed. This
was possible because I was a Filipino and understood the
psychology of those people and how best to handle them.
The truth was that when I took over the Executive power there
was still an economic depression in the provinces—as, for that
matter, there had been in the United States. Wages in near-by
regions had fallen a sixty centavos a day and in the Ilocos regions
to the north to even forty centavos. Of course, the people were
restless. Eventually, I secured from the Assembly a minimum
wage law fixing the rate at not less than one peso a day in the
country districts and one peso twenty-five in the municipalities.
The disquiet in the provinces had been chiefly on the part of the
farm laborers, and it must be remembered that the Philippines
are still mainly an agrarian country. The grievances of the farm
laborers were due not only to the miserable pittance they were
receiving as a money wage, but also to the large landholdings
created in much earlier times which were so managed that those
who had cleared the land and worked their small fields could
get no title to their lands. Many of the largest haciendas were still
owned by church corporations as in the stories of Rizal. The


remedy proposed and partly carried out by Mr. Taft, known as
the Friar Land Purchases, had not worked out as intended. The
lands thus purchased by the Philippine Government and meant
to be sold to the tenants seldom got into the ownership of those
who had worked them and lived on them. Besides, this was a
method which proved extremely expensive to the Government.
I preferred and advocated the system which had been applied
to settle the land troubles in Ireland by Mr. Gladstone, known
as the “three F’s”: fixed rental, fixity of tenure, and freedom to
convey, with land commissioners to administer the law. The
Philippine Government was still struggling with this question
so fraught with danger for the future.
In another reform I made great progress. This was in
wiping out the tribal particularism which had existed in
the Philippines for so many centuries. In frequent visits to
the provinces, especially those far distant from Manila, I
addressed large audiences and rallied them to the knowledge
that we were all, first and foremost, Filipinos, and that at
least they had their own government.
In the southern provinces, the most important question
of all was the future of Mindanao, our second largest island,
which for ages past and until recently had been under the
control of the Moros. They had never been subdued by the
Spanish and were never disarmed by them. Even up to the
time of my childhood, they used to raid the northern islands
for slaves and plunder. But the cry, “Hay Moros en la costa”
(“There are Moros on the coast”), has not been heard in the
rest of the Philippine Islands for now at least a half century.


The American Army officers used alternately to fight the
Moros and then to “baby” them. The Moros are very artful
and seldom agreed to any proposition made to them on the
part of the Government except with feigned reluctance, and
only in a manner calculated to put the Executive under an
obligation. I felt that this method on their part was mostly
bluff, and I now addressed them on various occasions with
straight-from-the-shoulder declarations. This new method
of handling them seemed to work excellently. The Moros
are good farmers and fishermen, but theirs has been a dark
and bloody chapter of history, and we were glad to see them
at length gradually setting into modern ways.
Aside, however, from the matter of public order, there
existed an international aspect of the Mindanao question, of
profound importance to the Filipino nation. Unless we fully
opened up, protected and settled, and thus made use of this
great, rich, only partly developed island, some other nation
might some day try to move in and make it their own. For
the past twenty years, continued and successful efforts to
colonize Mindanao from the north have been undertaken.
The modern Filipino is not afraid of his kinsmen, the Moros.
Settlers from the north in great numbers have poured into
the rich valley of the Cotabato. I asked General Paulino
Santos to take charge of the new colony at Coronadal near
Davao, which he did with conspicuous success. Secretary
Rafael Alunan in the Cabinet was given supervision over
all colonization affairs. Many members of the Assembly
accompanied me on the S.S. Negros down to Davao to see


the new enterprise and became very enthusiastic over the
prospects. I felt very strongly that every man who could own
his own land would be contented and never became a prey to
the teachings of Communism. But these colonizations were
very expensive for the Government and, at best, only partly
met the issue. I was convinced that transportation and access
were the key to full solution of this problem, so during my
administration I pushed the opening of modern roads across
Mindanao, and Filipinos from the north took advantage of
these opportunities. The Government supplied 60 per cent of
the necessary capital for the subsidizing of new and modern
steamers plying to the Visayas and Mindanao from Manila.
I advocated the building of a railway, to be run by electric
power from the magnificent Cristina Falls in Lanao, across
the island, with feeder highways at selected points.
Another settlement for which one hundred thousand
hectares of land was set aside was opened in the province of
Isabela. The Ilocanos, who had requested the opening of this
new settlement began to settle here in great numbers, taking
advantage of these immensely rich lands in Isabela.
During the first year of my administration I was continuously
busy with the reorganization of the bureaus of government,
cutting down and consolidating the overlapping offices
which encrusted them and which had gradually grown up
and deranged the administration by their eager competition
with one another.
Of great importance, in my opinion, was the selection
of judges to fill vacancies and to sit upon the new Court of


Appeals. I was determined to make no unfit appointments
and even to drop those judges who had proved themselves
unworthy in the past. Favoritism was to play no part in my
selections for the bench—nor did it. My test for a Justice
of the Supreme Court was not only integrity but also his
modernity of view: Was he a man capable of interpreting the
spirit of the new Constitution as well as the letter of the law?
Was he a jurist and not merely legalistic? I quizzed each one
of the remaining Supreme Court Justices in turn to ascertain
whether they placed other human rights on an equality with
the right of property. Those who sought by themselves, or
with political pull, an appointment to the Supreme Court
or to the new Court of Appeals were, in my view, utterly
undesirable for such a post.
As for incompetency or graft in the service, I was quite
ruthless. During the first quarter of the year 1936, my
administration collected two million pesos more from the
existing tax laws than had my immediate predecessors.
I advocated an inheritance tax law and an increase in the
income tax in the higher brackets. My motto in all these
matters was progressive conservatism.
In educational matters I promoted the growth and welfare of
the University of the Philippines, and blocked an attempt of the
Church to impose religious instruction in the public schools.
On one, perhaps minor, point, I encountered considerable
criticism. This was in the many improvements and additions
I made in the Executive Mansion, known as the Malacañan
Palace. I have always had a strong creative urge in the


matter of public buildings, but in this case I knew that the
Filipinos would regard the improvement and adornment
of the Executive Mansion as a matter of national prestige.
Moreover, these public works were not done for my own
comfort and personal enhancement and that of my family,
for we spent actually far less time in Malacañan than had my
predecessors as Chief Executive, since I was so constantly on
the move in the provinces. I really had in mind an effort to
block the original “Burnham Plan” for moving the Executive
Mansion, which in itself would have been very costly, and,
in my opinion, nothing could really replace this old palace
with its historic associations. It may also be added that in the
new city named after me, some ten kilometers to the north
of Manila, I had constructed by the Government hundreds
of houses for the working people. These dwellings with all
the comforts of sanitation and with playgrounds near-by for
children were occupied at a nominal rental by the former
dwellers in the insanitary barrio of Tondo.
After six months of planning and consultation my new
administration was formed and the Philippine Commonwealth
was fully launched upon its career.


OR THE purpose of securing action that would
remedy the “injustices and inequalities” in the
trade relations between the United States and the
Philippines as provided in the Independence Act and
also promised by President Roosevelt, I came to Washington
in 1937.
It was likewise my purpose to present to the American
people in its true light, the nature and objective of my policy
of national defense which had been the subject of the most
unfair and malicious attack from certain quarters in the
United States. At the same time, I wanted to obtain more
enthusiastic support from the War Department. For these
reasons, I brought with me my Military Adviser, General
Douglas MacArthur.
On my way to America, I passed through China
and Japan and was entertained, while in those countries, by
government officials as well as by private persons and civic
organizations. The Mayor of Greater Shanghai, General
Cheng, gave a reception in my honor and in the name of
his Government delivered to me a decoration given only to
heads of states, which I accepted with the understanding that


the constitutional requirements under the laws of the United
States and of the Philippines would later be complied with.
I had met General Cheng many years before, when he
was an aide-de-camp to Dr. Sun Yat-sen, on the occasion of
my visit to the Father of New China in his home in Canton.
It was a visit I could never forget. That wonderful patriot
had explained to me at length his vast plans of political and
material development for his beloved fatherland. Old Dr.—,
ex-Minister from China to Washington, was present at the
luncheon which was presided over by charming Madame
Sun Yat-sen. The old diplomat assured me he would live
a hundred and twenty-five years, when he objected to my
offer to help him up the innumerable stairs that we had to
climb to reach the living rooms of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.
After the reception of the Mayor, General Cheng, Mrs.
Quezon and I were guests at dinner given by Dr. and
Madame Kung. Dr. Kung is a descendant in direct line from
Confucius and was, even then, one of the most influential
officials in the Chinese Government. Madame King, sister to
Mesdames Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek would, in my
opinion, grace any throne whether European or Oriental.
In Japan, Ambassador Grew honored me with an afternoon
tea and a reception. While the party was going on, I was
handed an envelope from the Foreign Office containing a
copy of the speech which the Japanese Minister for Foreign
Affairs was to deliver at the banquet he was giving in my
honor that night, to which Ambassador Grew and General
MacArthur had been invited. There was also note in the


envelope wherein I was requested to send a copy of my
response to the toast. Since I had intended to say nothing
more than a few pleasant words on this occasion, I did not
have any written speech. I was, therefore, compelled to
abandon the most pleasant occupation of dancing, in which
I was engaged, and dictate a formal address.
I noticed that in his toast the Foreign Minister had
completely ignored the United States while he stressed the
need of closer cooperation between Japan and the Philippines.
I made it a point, therefore, to avow our eternal gratitude to
the United States for the unselfish policy pursued in all her
relations with the Philippines. I started further that it was our
desire to maintain the friendliest kind of relationship with
Japan, as indeed it was; that this was also our aim in dealing
with all foreign countries; but that in the case of America, we
were bound to give her special considerations as we would
owe to her our having become a member of the sisterhood
of independent nations. Among those present at the banquet
was the Prime Minister himself, Prince Konoye.
In the course of the evening, the Foreign Minister expressed
his desire to have a visit from me at his office the following
day, to which, of course, I readily agreed. At our conference,
he expressed the appreciation of his Government for the far
treatment I was giving to the Japanese residing in or doing
business in the Islands. I assured him that it was fixed policy
of the Filipino people to deal justly with every other people
in the world; that we were bent on making friends and not


“Is it definitely settled,” he asked, “that the Philippines
will be granted independence by the United States?”
“Of course,” I replied. “On the 4th of July, 1946, the
Philippine Republic will be proclaimed by the Government
of the United States as a separate and independent state.”
“But many Americans believe,” he retorted, “that Japan will
take the Philippines once you are free, and these Americans,
plus many others who are imperialists at heart, object, even
now, to the independence of the Philippines.”
I agreed with that view, adding that among the Filipinos
there were also a few who feared independence because
they thought that ultimately it would only mean a change of
sovereignty—to that of Japan instead of the United States.
His Excellency gave me the typical smile of a Japanese
diplomat and said: “Mr. President, you may tell your
people—you may even assure President Roosevelt when you
see him—that Japan will gladly be a signatory to a treaty
that will recognize the Philippines as a neutral territory once
it shall have become independent….Japan,” he continued,
“has no aggressive intentions towards the Philippines. All we
want is your trade—to buy your products and to sell you our
I expressed to him the hope that Japan and the Philippines
would always be on good terms. As to trade relations, I saw
no objection to his ideas.
“But you must realize, Mr. Minister,” I said, again repeating
what I started the night before, “that the Philippines owe
much to the United States and we are bound to give her


special considerations if she should want them, so long as
her wishes do not conflict with our national interests.”
“I understand, of course, your position,” he remarked.
I stood up to leave.
“By the way, I take it that you are informed of the
impending change in the Government. To-morrow I shall
cease to be the Foreign Minister, but Japan’s foreign policy
remains unaltered despite changes in the personnel of the
Government.” These were his last words.
We shook hands and he accompanied me to the door.
On the following day, His Imperial Majesty had me as
guest at luncheon in the Imperial Palace. The other guests
were Ambassador Grew, the Emperor’s brother, and the
Minister of the Household. After luncheon, His Majesty
conversed with me through an interpreter. Whether by
design or by accident, Ambassador Grew was so placed that
his bad ear was toward us, while his better ear had to listen
to the continuous talk of the Emperor’s brother.
The seating arrangement of the guest aroused my suspicion
and, I bet it did Ambassador Grew’s, too. But the Ambassador
was helpless. If there was going to be a conspiracy against
the United States between the Emperor of Japan and the
President of the Philippines, the American Ambassador,
whose duty was to protect American interests, would have
been an innocent witness of the proceedings.
The conspiracy, however, did not take place. It was not
even attempted, at least so it seemed to me. Emperor Hirohito
thanked me for my good treatment of his subjects; told me


that he had heard of the beauty of my country; asked me how
many times I had visited Japan, and whether I had enjoyed
my visits. I gave the appropriate answer to each question,
and as we walked backwards bowing three times, we finally
stepped out from the presence of the Son of Heaven.
Upon my arrival in America, I learned that my visit to
Japan had been widely and diversely commented upon
in the newspaper. I was misrepresented as having entered
into negotiations with the Japanese Government, with the
suggestion between the lines that the negotiations were
more or less of a treacherous character.
It was incorrectly stated that on the occasion of my visit
to Japan, there had been a great demonstration of armed
force at a ceremony in my honor and that as a result of
my conviction that Japan was unbeatable from the West, I
returned to my country convinced that my people would
have to make some special terms with the Japanese in order
to avoid being attacked or dominated. The fact is that there
never was any such demonstration of armed might in my
honor or while I was there, and while I was in general aware
of the Japanese military strength, I never thought that she
was unbeatable from the West.
While I was in Japan, I stated in public addresses that it
was our desire to be on good and friendly terms with Japan
and with all the countries of the world, but that our special
aim would be to maintain very close association with the
United States even after the termination of any political ties
between the two countries.


General MacArthur was present on one of these occasions
and congratulated me on my address. When war broke out
in Europe in 1939, I assured President Roosevelt that if the
United States should become involved in the conflict the
Filipino people would fight by her side to the bitter end.


N MONDAY, the 8th of December (in the
Far East), between five and six o’clock in the
morning, my valet woke me up in my home in
Baguio and said that Secretary to the President
Vargas (Jorge B. Vargas) was calling from Manila over the
long-distance telephone and insisted that he had to talk to
me on a most grave and urgent matter. I felt in my bones
that war between the United States and Japan had broken
out. Nothing of less importance would have made Secretary
Vargas feel justified in disturbing my sleep, for he knew I was
in Baguio to recover from illness.
I took the telephone by the side of my bed and said:
“George, what is on?”
“Mr. President,” came the answer, ”Pearl Harbor has been
bombed by the Japanese and war has been declared.”
“George, you are crazy,” I retorted. “War may have been
declared but the Japanese would never dare attack Hawaii!
You are joking; Pearl Harbor is the best defended naval
station in the world. Where did you get that nonsense?”
“Both the United and Associated Press have telephoned
me, and General MacArthur has confirmed the report,” he


“Do you know what has happened?” I asked.
“Nothing definite, but it seems that the surprise attack has
had disastrous effect.”
“Tell General MacArthur that I am coming down to Manila
to-day and tell Colonel Nieto [my senior aide-de-camp] to
rush up to Baguio immediately. Keep me constantly informed
of everything.”
“Yes, sir,” answered Secretary Vargas and I hung up.
Baguio was the summer capital of the Philippines. Located
there is what is called “The Mansion House,” a modern
building built and rebuilt by American Governors-General.
It is on the top of a hill and the views from the Mansion
are wonderful. A park with pine trees, flower gardens, ample
lawns, a few fountains, an artificial lake, a tennis court
and bridle paths form the beautiful grounds, in the center
of which stands the summer Executive Mansion. I seldom
stayed in this official residence. Mrs. Quezon in 1930 had
built a house in Baguio, and year by year she gradually made
of it a comfortable and attractive home. It is located on one
of the nicest sites overlooking the city and the Burnham Park.
The greatest attraction to Mrs. Quezon about our house was
the modest imitation of the Grotto of Lourdes built inside the
grounds. It took me a full month to convince Mrs. Quezon that
she should leave our home in Pasay, outside Manila, for the
historic Palace of Malacañan in Manila; but I never succeeded
in making her go and live at the Mansion House in Baguio.
So when Vargas telephoned me I was with my younger
daughter, Zeneida, spending a few days at our private house.


After the telephone conversation, I couldn’t go back to
sleep. For several months, I had been almost certain that war
with Japan was inevitable in view of the positive stand taken
by the United States vis-à-vis the so-called “China Incident”
and the announced Greater East Asia policy of Japan. Indeed,
I feared that war was an early probability when, upon the
departure of Ambassador Nomura, Foreign Minister Matsuoka
made a speech before the Japan-American Policy Association
which could only be interpreted to mean that if America did
not recede from her stand on the pending question, Japan
would resort to war between the two governments. Matsuoka
spoke no longer of merely the Greater East Asia policy; he
spoke also of the co-prosperity sphere which, ambiguous as it
may read to the uninformed, was plain enough to those who
watched with open eyes Japan’s expansionist moves. It was
a positive assertion on the part of Japan that she would not
tolerate Dutch restrictions of the amount of oil she might
want to purchase from the East Indies—nor, for that matter,
would Japan recognize anybody’s right to deprive her of a
pound of tin or rubber of tin which she might desire. As it
seemed to me, the co-prosperity sphere—after the Japanese
incursions into, and seizure of, much Chinese territory—and
the reference to the Southern Pacific, meant this much: that
the Tanaka plan for the military expansion of Japan by land
was being carried out and was about to be supplemented
with the navy plan covering the conquest of the innumerable
islands, large and small, in the Southwestern Pacific.
Whether Japan would have gone to war with the United


States on all and every one of the above-mentioned issues,
it is not important to discuss now. All I want to say is that
in the appointment of Ambassador Nomura, I saw the last
peaceful gesture of Japan in her diplomatic negotiation with
the United States. In fact Matsuoka’s speech said as much
when it was stripped of its verbiage.
There was, however, a questioning my mind that I could
not satisfactorily answer. How could Japan fight America,
potentially the strongest nation on earth? Japan, already
poor in material resources, had been weakened by her war
on China, according to the generally accepted view. Of one
thing, though, I was certain. If Japan decided to go to war she
would attack the United States without previous declaration
of war. Such had been her policy when fighting any first-class
power. Hence my insistence on preparing the Philippines for
every eventuality as soon as I saw signs of what might come.
But while I expected the surprise attack, it never occurred to
me that Pearl Harbor would be the chosen target.
Therefore, the news from Vargas simply dumbfounded
me. I saw at once that Japan was fully prepared for war to a
degree that not even the experts had suspected. The gravest
situation was confronting the Philippines.
Even so, it was not until I learned of the report of Secretary
Knox, after his visit to Pearl Harbor, that I began to fear that
no help could come to us in the Philippines from the United
States. Secretary Knox’s report, as given out, contained only
very general information, but it was sufficient to make me
reach this conclusion.


Before seven o’clock, my valet came again to my bedroom.
A woman reporter from the Philippine Herald wanted a
statement from me. I took a pen and a piece of paper and
wrote these words:
“The zero hour has arrived. I expect every Filipino—man
and woman—to do his duty. We have pledged our honor to
stand to the last by the United States and we shall not fail
her, happen what may.”
Then I called over the long-distance telephone to my wife
who, as usual, was at our rice farm in Arayat, busy making
of it a sort model farm and, at the same time, a profitable
investment. With my wife were my two other children-
Maria (Baby), my elder daughter, and Manuel, Jr. (Nonong),
my only boy.
I gave my wife the bad news and advised her not to worry
about it for everything would come out well in the end. I
told her also that I was driving down that night to take her
and the children to Manila with me.
After this conversation, I went down to have my breakfast.
Major Speth, a retired American officer whom I had appointed
Vice Mayor of the City of Baguio, and Mr. Sylvester, the
American engineer who succeeded Mr. A. D. Williams in
the Civilian Relief Administration, were in the living room
waiting for me. I had sent for Mr. Sylvester the day before
to come up from Manila to study the safety of the air-raid
shelters that were being built in Baguio. At the breakfast table
was my daughter Zeneida. I greeted her with the news that
Pearl Harbor had been attacked by the Japanese. “Daddy,


how dare those Japs…!” she exclaimed.
The drone of airplanes was heard overhead. I asked Mr.
Sylvester to go out to the porch and see whether those
planes were ours, or of the enemy. He came back with the
heartening news that they were American bombers. “Let us
see them,” my daughter suggested, and we followed her to
the porch.
Ten thousand feet high in the air were flying seventeen
planes in V formation. Before we could express our joy, we
heard the explosion of bombs.
“Sylvester, how could you have mistaken those for
American bombers?” I shouted. My chauffeur entered the
porch carrying in his hand two bomb parts that dropped in
front of my house when the bombers passed over it. Fifteen
minutes later, Major Speth’s chauffeur, stained with blood,
reported to us that he had taken some people from Camp
John Hay to the hospital. War had reached the Philippines!
I had Secretary Vargas called immediately to the telephone
and I told him to inform General MacArthur that Camp John
Hay had been bombed.
“Summon a meeting of the Council of State* for tomorrow
at 9:00 A.M.,” I ordered.


After talking to Vargas, the Mayor of the City of Baguio,
Mr. Valderosa, a Filipino, came to receive instruction if I had
any to give.
“Just tell the people to be calm and follow the instructions
previously given in case of air raids,” I said.
Hardly was I through conversing with the Mayor when
more bomb explosions shook my house. These time bombs
had fallen outside Camp John Hay, not half a mile from my
place. The house of a Filipino was wrecked and the owner’s
head blown off.
Major Speth then approached me and suggested that we
go out of the house to a less exposed place. We went to the
other side of the road where there was a pine forest and sat
down under its cover. Once again, we saw at a distance the
Japanese bombers flying over Baguio as unmolested as if they
were flying over Japan. At last I decided to take my car and
go through the town to see how the people were behaving.
Filipino Christians and Igorrots alike, they did not seem to
be unduly alarmed although they had never before been in
a real bombing. They walked in the streets and attended to
their business as soon as the sirens blew the all-clear signal.
While I was on my way to the main street of the city,
Colonel Segundo of the Philippine Army, Commandant of
the Military Academy in Baguio, reported to me the damage
done at Camp John Hay. ”How are your cadets?” I asked him.
“They are all right, sir,” he answered. Since there were no
air-raid shelters either at Camp John Hay or at the Academy,
Colonel Segundo had ordered the cadets to disperse under


the pine trees with their rifles and ammunition belts whenever
the air-raid signal was given.
After the ride through the city, we went to the house of
Major Speth which could not be seen well from the air and
spent the rest of the day there. Once in this house, I sent for
the Major of the Constabulary who had been charged with
the duty of rounding up the Japanese nationals as soon as
war broke out. He reported having performed his duty.
By noon, I was again called to the phone by Secretary
“The Japanese,” he said, “have bombarded Clark Field and
the whole place is now afire,”
“What are the American planes doing?” I inquired. Vargas
did not know nor did I direct him to find out the answer. Up
to this day, I never addressed that question again to anybody,
for reasons that I shall state in the proper place.
My aide-de-camp, Colonel Nieto, arrived in Baguio late
in the afternoon and gave as the reason for his delay that the
road between San Fernando and Angeles was clogged with
traffic due to the bombardment of Clark Field. He said that
the whole camp was ablaze.
As the sun was coming down behind the high mountains
of the Benguet road, my automobile ran down the zigzag
way to Manila. How could I foresee that it would take a long
time before I could go back to Baguio again?
The eagerness of the Filipinos to fight, as well as the utter
ignorance of our recruits and policemen at the beginning of
the war as to how futile it is to try to kill, with riffles and


shotguns, the Japanese flyers, is revealed by the following
instances: In my house in Mariquina there were some
soldiers of the presidential guard. Whenever they saw
airplanes passing, flying low over my place, they would fire
at the planes with their guns which, of course, made them
targets for the Japanese machine guns from the air. At last it
became necessary for my aide, Colonel Nieto, to stay among
the soldiers to prevent them from committing this kind of
near-suicide. The same thing was done by Filipino soldiers
stationed at Camp Murphy, located about one kilometer from
my house. The worst case, however, was that of a policeman
in Quezon City who, on seeing a plane passing only a few
hundred feet over his head, drew his revolver and fired a shot
at the plane. He was instantly killed by the aviator.
On my way to my farm in Arayat, which is about two
hours by car from Manila, General Francisco, the Chief
of the Constabulary, accompanied by the Constabulary
Commander of Central Luzon, Major Rafael Jalandoni, met
me on the road as I had previously directed them to do. I
asked them to follow me to my house on the farm where I
intended to discuss with them the general situation.
As I reached the balcony of the house where my wife was
anxiously awaiting my arrival, I saw in the west a big fire and
asked Major Jalandoni: “What is that?”
“The effect of the bombing of Clark Field,” he answered.
“Some hangars and some of the fuel stores have been hit, but
most of the planes escaped; since those that were destroyed
were only dummies, according to my information.” Such also


was the information obtained by General Francisco.
I greeted my wife who told me that the children were
already fast asleep. Then in a corner of the balcony I listened
to the report of General Francisco. He had ordered that all
the Japanese nationals in the Islands be taken to concentration
camps, but be treated well. Our own people, he said, were loyal,
although he was keeping watch on the Sakdalistas (members
of an organization headed by Benigno Ramos, a well-known
pro-Japanese) lest they might turn fifth columnists. I reminded
General Francisco that in agreement with the American military
authorities, the Philippine Constabulary, under my direction,
would continue to be responsible for the maintenance of public
order and would assist the Civilian Emergency Administration
in carrying out the measures which had been promulgated
for the protection of the non-combatant population. General
Francisco assured me that as far the Constabulary assignments
were concerned, I could be certain that the men under his
command would prove equal to their duty. After instructing
General Francisco to take necessary precautions so that at any
time day and night I might be able to get in touch with him, I
gave him leave to return to Manila.
To Major Jalandoni, I said: “Jalandoni, you know that much
as I regretted dispensing with your services as my aide, I decided
to have you appointed to your present post because most of the
disturbing elements of Luzon are to be found in Pampanga and
Nueva Ecija. I rely upon you to see to it that peaceful citizens are
protected against robbers.” The little fellow, only about five feet,
four inches high but decorated for extraordinary valor in action,


stood up at attention and said with evident determination: “I
shall not disappoint you, sir”
I left the balcony to call Secretary Vargas on the telephone.
“Any more news, George?” I asked.
“Nothing more, Mr. President,” he answered.
“Well, I am spending the night here at my farm and will
continue the trip to-morrow morning. I want to have meeting
of the Council of State at eleven o’clock. Make sure that
Secretary Sison is present so that I may be fully informed of
the measures that are being taken by the Civilian Emergency
Administration. I also want former Secretary Manuel Roxas*
to attend the meeting.” My telephone conversation with
Secretary Vargas ended my official conferences on that long
and distressing day.
I went to bed after chatting with the family. With my wife
there were at the farm her two sisters, my niece Mary, and,
at this moment, all our children. Around four o’ clock in the


morning, I was awakened by the noise of airplanes passing
not very far away. I did not make a move for I assumed that
those were our own planes reconnoitering. After an early
breakfast, we moved on to Manila, the family forming quite
caravan. I went directly to my house in Mariquina to which I had
moved from Malacañan Palace in December, 1940, when I had
fallen ill. It is a country home situated on the cliffs overlooking
the Mariquina river, with mango, papaya, banana and orange
trees, and a poultry yard. It was one of the fine results of Mrs.
Quezon’s industry. Adjoining this plot, I had another lot of
about fourteen acres which I turned over to the refugees from
Germany, for their use free of charge, except for the payment of
the land tax, for a period of ten years. I had informed the State
Department that I would receive several thousands of these
refugees in the Philippines and I started to demonstrate my
faith in the policy I had adopted by making my own personal
contribution to their care.
The first thing I learned on my arrival at my house in
Mariquina was about the bombing early that morning of
Nichols Field. The flames and smoke could be seen from
the tower of the house. So I concluded that the airplanes
that had awakened me at 4 A.M. were Japanese planes flying
towards Nichols Field outside Manila.
Before noon of December 12, 1941, I received a telephone
call from General MacArthur to inform me that he was sending
his aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Colonel Huff, to see me on a
very important and urgent matter. I told the General I would
see his aide immediately. I was in my house situated on the


cliffs overlooking the Mariquina River. When Colonel Huff
arrived, he told me that General MacArthur wanted me to
be ready on four hours’ notice to go with him to Corregidor.
I was shocked. I never imagined that I would ever have to
take refuge on Corregidor. I had known for years that the
fortress of Corregidor had been built as the last stronghold
of the American forces in the Philippines and as a safe refuge
for American Governors-General in case of grave danger.
But it had never crossed my mind, even after the war had
started, and Japanese control of the air had been definitely
demonstrated, that there would ever come a time when I had
to go to Corregidor. I was no American Governor-General, but
the Filipino President of the Commonwealth. It is true that
while Major General Grunert was still in command of the
Philippine Department, United States High Commissioner
Sayre, in one of the conferences that I held with him and
General Grunert, brought up the question of the evacuation
from Manila, in case of necessity, of both the High
Commissioner and the President of the Commonwealth.
It was Mr. Sayre’s opinion that we should be in the same
locality. But I made it clear to both Commissioner Sayre and
General Grunert that I felt it my duty to remain in the midst
of my people, at whatever risk, because my presence would
help to keep up their morale. General Grunert understood
my feeling and thought it was right. Moreover, nothing was
said in that conference to indicate that a Japanese invasion of
the Philippines was a possibility as long as the American flag
was still in the Islands.


After the appointment of General MacArthur as the
Commanding General of the United States Army Forces in
the Far East on July 26, 1941, Commissioner Sayre again and
again brought up with me the question of our evacuation. He
proposed that he and I should hold a conference with General
MacArthur about this matter; but I always refused to take the
initiative for this conference, and the High Commissioner
failed to bring it about.
I was, therefore, wholly unprepared for the startling message
from General MacArthur. I asked Colonel Huff to inform General
MacArthur that I would see him that night at the Manila Hotel;
that I would arrive at the rear entrance, so that we might meet
without being seen by any one. After eight o’clock that night,
I went through the unlighted streets of Manila to the darkened
“Winter Garden” of the Manila Hotel—an air-conditioned hall
where, before the war, people used to dance during hot tropical
nights. Colonel Huff was there waiting for me, and, upon my
arrival, immediately went for his chief.
General MacArthur gave no signs of being worried. He
was perfectly calm and composed. I asked him the meaning
of his message, and he explained that he was only preparing
me for the worst in case the Japanese should land in great
force at different places, in which case, it would unwise to
keep our small army scattered all over Luzon. It was General
MacArthur’s plan—as I understood him—if such a situation
should develop, to concentrate his army in the Bataan
Peninsula and on Corregidor where he was determined to
fight until the end.


“But, General,” I demurred, “why would I have to go to
Corregidor in that case? The military defense of the Philippines
is primarily America’s responsibility and not mine. I have already
placed every Filipino soldier under your command. My own first
duty is to take care of the civilian population and to maintain
public order while you are fighting the enemy.”
I further said: “Were I to go Corregidor, my people would
think I had abandoned them to seek safety under your
protection. This I shall never do. I shall stay among my
people and suffer the same fate that may befall them.”
General MacArthur was not in the least ruffled by my
answer. He simply said: “Mr. President, I expected that
answer from such a gallant man as I know you to be.”
He tried to convince me that it was not a question of
running away from my countrymen. He reminded me of
our agreement to declare Manila an open city, to avoid its
destruction by enemy bombs and also to save the civilian
population from the cruel effects of modern warfare. He
pointed out to me that so far the Japanese had only been
bombing military objectives and that if they should continue
to follow that practice, as under international law they were
bound to do, when we left Manila there would be nothing
there to require my presence.
Then I asked: “Do you mean, General, that to-morrow you
will declare Manila an open city and that some time during
the day we shall have to go to Corregidor?”
He gave me a most emphatic no answer. He did not even
seem to be certain that we would have to leave the city at all. He


informed me that the force under the command of the Filipino
General Capinpin had succeeded in preventing the landing of
the Japanese in Lingayen Gulf, about one hundred miles to the
north of Manila. Evidently he was only preparing me in advance
to leave the city on four hours’ notice. Noting, I suppose, that
I still hesitated, he reminded me of the fact that the safety of
my person was not a mere personal matter, but of great import
to the Government of the Philippines of which I was the head.
He asserted that it was his duty to prevent my falling into the
enemy’s hands. He was also of the opinion that as long as I was
free, the occupation of Manila, or even of the Philippines, by
the Japanese Army would not have the same significance under
international law as if the Government had been captured or
had surrendered.
My parting words that night were: “General, I shall convene
to-morrow the Council of State and hear their views; then I
will let you know my decision.”
In the course of the conversation, I had asked General
MacArthur whom I could take with me in case I should
decide to go to Corregidor with him. He told me frankly that
conditions in the fortress did not permit the evacuation of
many civilians to that spot. Therefore, I could only take such
officials as I considered absolutely necessary, and also my
doctors in view of the bad condition of my health. However,
he advised me strongly to bring my family along.
Two other persons only were present while the conference
was taking place—my inseparable aide-de-camp, Colonel
Nieto, a strong chap who had many times taken me in his


arms like a child whenever I was too sick to go up a staircase,
but not sick enough to obey my doctor’s order to stay in bed;
the other man was Lieutenant Colonel Huff, aide-de-camp
to General MacArthur. Neither of them heard what was said
between the General and me.
When I got home, I called my wife aside and repeated
to her everything that General MacArthur had told me. I
wanted her advice. She felt that it would be very painful to
leave and be away from our people. “But this is war,” she
said, “total war—and the Military Commander should know
better what should be done to win it.
“The winning of the war,” Mrs. Quezon added, “is the only
question before us. Nothing else matters.”
I agreed. She had put her finger on the right spot.
“How about you and the children—will you come with me?”
I inquired. Instead of answering my question she asked me
another: “What do you want us to do?”
“I want you to remain here. The Japanese will respect you
and treat you with every consideration. I have always dealt
with their nationals in the Philippines with courtesy and
justice. And you have done the same.”
Mrs. Quezon answered: “I shall do as you wish, but my
preference is to be with you. Remember the sacred words,
‘For better or for worse, in sickness or in health till death
doth us part.’…
“However,” she counseled, “let us think the matter over to-
night and to-morrow we should hear what our children have
to say. They are grown up enough to be heard.”


On the following day and before the meeting of the
Council of State which I called for eleven o’clock, the family
council took place. Every member of the family was willing to
do as I wished; but, like their mother, who had said nothing
to them of our conversation the night before, they preferred
to go with me wherever I went.
Despite this unanimous sentiment on the part of my family,
I was still determined not to subject them to the horrible
life that I knew would await us on Corregidor once we were
beleaguered there.
At eleven o’clock that morning, I held my first meeting
with the Council of State after the Japanese attack on the
Philippines. Almost everyday I held those meetings until my
departure for Corregidor.
It is simply unbelievable how the average Filipino reacts in
the presence of peril. All the members of the Council came
on time to attend the session, not one showing the slightest
sign of either fear or worry. I felt ashamed of myself, for I
knew I was both afraid and worried.
Those present at the meeting were: Vice-President Sergio
Osmeña, Speaker Jose Yulo, Chief Justice Jose Abad Santos,
Majority Floor Leader Quintin Paredes, Secretary of Finance
Serafin Marabut, Secretary of Justice Jose P. Laurel, Secretary
of Agriculture and Natural Resources Rafael Alunan, Secretary
of Commerce and Communications Sotero Baluyot,
Secretary of Public Instruction Jorge Bocobo, Secretary of
Labor Leon Guinto, Secretary of Health Jose Fabella, and
Secretary to the President Jorge B. Vargas, who was also


Acting Secretary of National Defense. The former Secretary
of Justice, Teofilo Sison, who was then at the head of the
most important war organization of the Commonwealth, the
Civilian Emergency Administration, was of course present,
as well as the Chief of Staff of the Philippine Army, General
Basilio Valdes, and the Chief of the Philippine Constabulary,
General Guillermo Francisco. Senator Roxas also came in the
uniform of a Major of the Philippine Army, inducted into the
service of the United States. This Filipino official, one of our
most able, upon the creation of the Philippine Army in the
first year of my administration, with other members of the
National Assembly entered the Military School for Officers
in Baguio and he with the others had been commissioned
as reserved officers of the Philippine Army. On learning of
the declaration of war between the United States and Japan,
Senator Roxas asked to be called into active service and was
appointed by General MacArthur his liaison officer with the
Government of the Commonwealth.
At the meeting of the Council of State, I addressed myself
first to General Valdes to find out if the whole Philippine
Army had already been inducted into the service of the
United States, what their total strength was, where they
were distributed, etc. I also wanted to know from him the
strength of the United States Army then stationed in the
Philippines. General Valdes reported that on September I,
I94I, ten divisions of the Philippine Army were inducted
into the United States Army; that of these, seven divisions
were in Luzon, two divisions in Visayas, and one division in


Mindanao, a total of eighty thousand men; that the United
States Army consisted of ten thousand Americans and ten
thousand Philippine Scouts. Then I asked General Francisco to
report the actual number of the Constabulary Force, the steps
he had taken in accordance with previous instructions, and
such other information as he might have. General Francisco
informed us that he had about six thousand men distributed in
the provinces of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao; that he had
given orders to round up all the Japanese and to take them to
internment camps. He also mentioned the splendid service
that was being rendered by the volunteer guards which had
been organized by the Civilian Emergency Administration
in every city, town, and barrio in the Philippines, and placed
under the supervision and control of the Constabulary. These
men, according to General Francisco, were working day and
night without compensation, guarding the roads and bridges
against possible sabotage, and were also helping in the
evacuation of the civilian population from dangerous zones
that had been so designated by the Military Command.
After hearing the reports of the two Filipino general
officers about their respective assignments, I requested former
Secretary Sison to inform the Council of the activities of
the Civilian Emergency Administration. He confirmed what
General Francisco said about the magnificent work that the
volunteer guards were doing, pointing out the fact that they
were receiving no compensation. He also reported that in the
air raids of the day before against Clark Field in Pampanga
and that morning against Nichols Field in Pasay, no heavy


casualties had been suffered by the civilian population for
the Japanese had bombed only military objectives, and those
with surprising accuracy. I asked Secretary Sison the situation
as to food supply, and he said that Dr. Victor Buencamino,
the Food Administrator, had ample supplies in store, and
that he had no fear the people might be starved even if the
Japanese blockaded the Islands for several months.
At this point, the Secretary of Agriculture, Mr. Alunan,
intervened and reminded us of what we already knew about
the results of the policy which a few months before we had
adopted, namely to make the people plant short-time crops.
Secretary Alunan was optimistic as far as this aspect of the
war situation was concerned. Secretary Guinto of Labor
expressed gratification over the wholehearted cooperation
that the labor elements were extending to the war efforts
of the Government. Then I turned to Speaker Yulo, the
chief member of the Council of State after the Vice-
President, and asked him if the National Assembly would
convene according to law to certify the results of the general
elections which had just been held.* The Speaker answered
that the majority of the members of the Assembly were
already in Manila. I informed Speaker Yulo that I would call
the National Assembly into special session to consider war


measures. I adjourned the meeting of the Council of State
to convene again the following day at the same hour unless
sooner called by the President. Air raid or no air raid, the
Council met every day until my departure for Corregidor.
I issued the call for the special session and I am proud and
thankful to say that the members of the National Assembly
attended to their duties despite the daily visits of Japanese
planes over Manila. When it became evident that we were
completely helpless against air attack and that it was most
unlikely the Philippine Legislature would hold its next regular
session which was to open on January 1, 1942, the National
Assembly passed into history approving a resolution which
reaffirmed the abiding faith of the Filipino people in, and their
loyalty to, the United States. The Assembly also enacted a
law granting the President of the Philippines all the powers
that under the Philippine Constitution may be delegated to
him in time of war. This act would become invalid unless re-
enacted after a certain period had elapsed.
During luncheon, Maria, my elder daughter, asked my
permission to organize her girl friends for the purpose of
soliciting public contributions to buy Christmas gifts for the
“boys at the front.” In the Philippines, public contributions
may not be solicited except with the permission of the
Government, to avoid racketeering. I applauded the idea and
gave my consent.
Maria and her friends, Helen Benitez, Lulu Reyes, my other
daughter, Zeneida, my nieces Mary and Charing, and a large
number of girls from the Philippine Women’s University, the


Centro Escolar University and Catholic colleges, worked
every day, first to solicit contributions and later to make up
packages in the Social Hall of Malacañan. How I admired
those young girls wrapping up their packages even while the
air raids were going on. God bless them! The Philippines
Herald and the Tribune helped the girls with their publicity
campaign. The last thing that my daughter Maria did before
leaving Manila was to give instructions for sending these gifts
to the boys at the front. Indeed, due to this fact, we departed
from Malacañan and not from our house on the Mariquina
on our hazardous voyage to the south, which finally ended
in Washington D.C.
In the first week of the war, although I continued to have
fever every night and was being either carried in somebody’s
arms or pushed about in a wheel-chair, I visited the Philippine
General Hospital when I heard that many men, women, and
children had been wounded in a very severe air raid on Camp
Nichols. With me came my aide-de-camp, Colonel Nieto,
my daughter Maria and my son Manuel, Zeneida having
remained home with her mother. As we passed through the
streets of Manila and its suburbs, with the presidential flag
flying on my car, the people shouted, ““Mabuhay —long live
America, the Philippines, and President Quezon!”
In front of the headquarters of the Philippine Army there
was a long line of young men waiting for their turn to enlist.
It seems that the very defenselessness of Manila made these
young men the more eager to fight the invaders. I stopped
my car, made a sign to silence their cheering, and said, “My


boys, I am proud of you,” and went on. Later I learned that
even after Manila’s fall and after our forces in Luzon had
retreated to Bataan, the Filipinos in the other Islands were
seeking to enlist in the Philippine Army. If we had only had
the necessary number of rifles, there would have been no
lack of Filipinos to use them.
At the Philippine General Hospital, Dr. Antonio G. Sison,
the Dean of the College of Medicine of the State University
as well as the director of the hospital, met me in his physician’s
gown, stained with blood. He looked very serious and said: “Mr.
President, there are already here many wounded and many more
arriving.” No more competent physician or executive have I
ever known in my life than Dr. Sison. Besides all this, he has
both the physical and moral courage that make heroes of
men. He was also my family physician. Placing me in a wheel-
chair, he led me through the corridors to see the suffering
victims. Doctors and nurses were all at work. Fortunately,
since the inauguration of the Commonwealth Government, I
had given special attention to hospital facilities. All over the
Islands new hospitals had been built and the Philippine General
Hospital in Manila had been practically doubled in capacity,
equipment, and personnel. So this institution was ready to meet
the unexpected demands upon it.
After leaving the hospital, I continued my drive and visited
other sections of the city until nightfall. Seeing the effect
that my presence had upon the people, I did the same thing
on different days after the air raids, until I was compelled by
circumstances beyond my control to leave Manila.


T NINE o’clock in the morning of December 24,
1941, Colonel Huff, aide-de-camp to General
MacArthur, came to inform to me that, in
accordance with a previous understanding, I was
to leave for Corregidor at two o’clock in the afternoon. The
last meeting of the Cabinet was held at ten o’clock the same
morning, and we decided finally which of the government
officials were to accompany me to Corregidor. To them all
I revealed the agreement with General MacArthur that in
order to avoid the destruction of the city and save the civilian
population from the horrors of indiscriminate bombardment
from Japanese planes and siege-guns, Manila was to be
declared an open city.
My last instructions to my colleagues who were left
behind were that they should do everything in their power
to minimize the sufferings of the civilian population. “Keep
your faith in America, no matter what happens. She will
never let you down.”
Every one of them wanted to accompany me, even though
obliged to leave their families behind in Manila, but for lack
of space and other obvious reasons, I could take only Vice-
President Osmeña, Chief Justice Jose Abad Santos, Major
General Basilio J. Valdes, Colonel Manuel Nieto, my aide-


de-camp, and Serapio D. Canceran, my private secretary. I
advised them to be ready at the Presidential Landing at two
o’clock in the afternoon. It was a heart-breaking separation
from men who, through thick and thin, for so many years
had been my friends and my loyal supporters. But I consoled
by the fact that I was leaving behind a people on whom I
could depend to do their duty by their country, regardless of
the consequences to their lives and fortunes.
In my heart of hearts, I was almost certain then that
it would be a long time before we could meet again. I
embraced everybody good-by and we parted. Immediately
thereafter my family and my senior aid-de-camp, Colonel
Nieto, accompanied me to the Palace of Malacañan. We
found in the Social Hall here about fifty young girls with
Mrs. Sofia de Veyra, the secretary to Mrs. Quezon, wrapping
up the Christmas gifts for the soldiers, gifts which had been
collected by public subscription upon the initiative of my
eldest daughter Maria, with the help of her sister Zeneida,
their cousins Mary Angara and Rosario Carrasco, and their
friends Helen Benitez, Lulu Reyes and the Fabella girls. My
two daughters immediately joined the girls and worked with
them. By noon—at the usual time—Japanese bombers were
flying over the city and began bombarding the Port Area in
the immediate vicinity of the Presidential Landing, where, at
two o’clock, we were supposed to embark. My last hours in
the Palace of Malacañan could not have been more dramatic
and inspiring. In that historic palace, the official residence
of Spanish and American Governors-General, and then of


the President of the Commonwealth, were those young girls
completely unperturbed by the air raid and the bursting
bombs, and attending to their self-assigned tasks. I thanked
God that I was permitted to witness the patriotism, the
courage, and the self-possession of the Filipino women
who, throughout the history of their country, have never
failed to share the sacrifices of the Filipino men. This
breathtaking scene steeled my heart for the grim struggle
ahead. Such a country, with such women, even though
only in their teens, could never accept defeat! No Japanese
planes, no Japanese Army, no Japanese Navy, not the whole
combined forces of the Axis powers could ever permanently
conquer the Filipino people!
By two o’clock in the afternoon, the Japanese bombers were
still pouring bombs in the Port Area and on the bay. Hence,
our departure was delayed. At three o’clock, although the
all-clear signal had not been sounded, General MacArthur’s
aide, Colonel Huff, and Major Manuel Roxas, his liaison
officer, came to Malacañan to inform me that the hour for
departure had arrived. It was heart-rending to part from my
wife’s sister, Emilia, who had been my lifelong pal, and her
daughter Mary, my dear niece. While my wife and children
were embracing and kissing Emilia and Mary, I turned to
Secretary Vargas, my faithful, hard-working, able, honest and
public-spirited secretary, to give him my final instructions.
“God bless you, George, and lead you in the right path. You
have my absolute confidence, and I am sure you will not fail
me. Good-by.” Vargas merely said with suppressed feelings:


“Mr. President, no matter what happens, you can count upon
me, whether here in Malacañan, if the Japanese allow me
to remain, or in my house in Kawilihan.” No other word
was said. That was enough for two men who had worked
together in good and evil days for so many years.
From the Presidential Landing, in two launches, the party
headed for the S.S Mayon, nearly a mile away. Then I realized
the air raid was not over, for there were still a few planes
dropping bombs in the bay. They were trying to sink every
ship in their view. Fortunately no member of my family
noticed the danger to which we were exposed. They would
have been gravely anxious, but for me, rather than for their
own lives.
At last we boarded the S.S. Mayon, but the ship was not
ready to move. The chief engineer and his first assistant had
gone ashore to take some clothes and were not expected
until the evening. The captain was there. For nothing in
the world would he leave his ship, since the Japanese had
become masters of the air over the bay. His name, now
immortal, was Captain Aguirre. When, two months later,
the Mayon was finally discovered by the Japanese bombers
to be transporting supplies by order of General MacArthur,
this heroic man went to the bottom of the sea with his ship.
I ordered the captain to sail, chief engineer or no. The ship-
owner, Mr. Madrigal, my lifelong friend, was there to see me
off. Under his direction, the third engineer was able to start
the engines after one hour and a half of work, during which
time the bombing of the bay did not cease. If the Japanese


pilots had only known that U.S. High Commissioner Sayre,
together with his wife and son, members of his staff and the
President of the Commonwealth, were aboard the Mayon,
they would never have let our ship get away. They would
have been decorated by His Imperial Majesty Hirohito for
having murdered two men whom His Majesty had designed
to receive into his august presence not long before. But
evidently no fifth columnists were either in the vicinity of
the High Commissioner’s residence or in mine.
All the while, and until the last Japanese bomber
disappeared from the sky, everybody on board, including
Commissioner Sayre and I, had our life-belts on. No, there
were two who did not wear them: my aide-de-camp, Colonel
Nieto, and my daughter Maria, who put on her life-belt only
when her mother commanded her to do it; but, at the first
chance, she regularly took it off again, until caught without
it by either her mother or by me. At six-thirty I was hungry,
and asked that dinner be served. Our whole party took their
seats at the tables, but the Commissioner and his family and
party did not seem to have any appetite. I insisted that they
join us, fir it might be our last meal. The argument carried the
point, and we all enjoyed the banquet. There were cocktails,
wine, soup, fish, meat, a variety of fruits, dessert and coffee.
It was perfect, but it proved to be for us all the last example
for many a week, not only of a feast, but even of a simple,
well-balanced and sufficient diet.
At dusk, we arrived at the pier of Corregidor, at the very
spot where, with Major General Kilbourne, I had landed in


1935, to be received with a gun salute and a regimental guard
of honor. This time only the commander of the Fortress,
General Moore, and his aide-de-camp, were there to receive
me. After taking me into his car, General Moore said: “You
came just late enough to escape the bombing of Mariveles
Bay. A French ship anchored in that bay was sunk half an
hour before your arrival.” Good luck seemed to be with us.
We escaped two bombings, one at the start, and another at
the end, of our trip across Manila Bay.
General Moore showed me to my quarters in the tunnel.
I was to stay with the male members of my staff in the same
lateral to which High Commissioner Sayre and his staff
were assigned, and my wife and daughters were to share
another lateral with Mrs. Sayre and the American ladies.
Each lateral had but one shower, one toilet and one wash
basin for its occupants. There were also two small houses
not too far from the tunnel, one for Commissioner Sayre and
the other for me, which we could use when there were no
air raids. General Moore apologized for thus piling us in a
single, long, but narrow corridor, dark and without fresh air.
As proof that this apparent disregard for our comfort and
health was not due either to lack of courtesy or desire on his
part properly to accommodate us, he informed me that the
Supreme Commander of the USAFFE, General MacArthur,
his Chief of Staff, General Sutherland, his aide-de-camp,
Colonel Huff, the Quartermaster General, General Drake,
the Adjutant General, Colonel Seals, the Chief Health
Officer, Colonel Smith, and Major Roxas, the liaison officer,


were also to share with us the same lateral. All told, there
would be twenty-eight of us in that place.
I thanked General Moore and begged him not to worry
about me. In a light vein I reminded him of the fact that
I had been an insurrecto, well trained by actual experience
to stand the hardships of war. “This is a first class hotel,” I
remarked, “compared with those habitations during my days
as a guerrillero against your army.” General Moore appreciated
the joke. He thought, perhaps, that I would miss the splendor
and comfort of Malacañan Palace. As a matter of fact, I did
not. I was even grateful that in some insignificant way I could
thus share the ordeal that our own soldiers at the front were
going through at that very moment.
Before midnight of the same day, General MacArthur,
with his wife and son, his Chief of Staff, Major General
Sutherland, Colonel Willoughby, chief of the Intelligence
Service, Colonel Seals, Adjutant General, Colonel Huff, his
aide-de-camp, and many other officers arrived at Corregidor
aboard the steamer Don Esteban.
The following morning General MacArthur and I had four
first meeting in Corregidor, a practice which thereafter we
followed every day, and sometimes more than once a day
until my departure from the Fortress.
It was Christmas Eve, which Catholics celebrate with a
midnight mass. At 12 o’clock that night, my family and party
and I heard mass inside the tunnel with an improvised altar.
When the priest read “Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus
bonae voluntatis,” the heavenly song sung by the angels almost


two thousand years before sounded in my ears with an almost
ironical tone. Glory to God on high and on earth peace to men
of good will. Peace! Where were the men of good will when in
all parts of the globe men were butchering one another at that
solemn hour? Did the Divine Child who descended upon the
earth to preach brotherly love die in vain?
After the midnight mass it is customary among Catholics
to wish everybody Merry Christmas. Who could give
expression to that wish when all of us were sunk in the
depths of grief? I kissed my wife and children. “Good-night,
sweetheart; good-night, Dad”; and each went to bed.
It was an awful night, for I coughed all the time. Form
the beginning of the war my malady had gone from the bad
worse. The lack of fresh air and humidity of the tunnel had an
immediate effect upon my bronchials. But although awake,
I refused to think. I closed my mind tightly and allowed
no thought to come in. The decision had been made and I
was determined to face its dire consequences. To ruminate
over the past—peaceful, happy, and steady progress of my
people—or to remember the dear ones whom I had left
behind would be a self-inflicted torture hard to endure. To
look to the future was of no use. Victory, of course. Of this
I was certain. But when? God only knew. In the meantime,
for those who were in Corregidor or Bataan, including my
family, there were only two alternatives—death, which was
perhaps the less dreadful of the two, or long captivity in the
hands of a ruthless enemy. All of that was in my subconscious
mind, but I would not let it come up into my consciousness.


The following day was Christmas. I was dumb and stupid,
but managed to appear unconcerned.
At eleven A.M. General MacArthur came to make a call. He
and his family, with some members of his staff, had arrived
in Corregidor several hours after us, quite late that night.
He was going to occupy General Moore’s house at the top
of the hill and locate his office in another house near-by.
He had left all the necessary orders for the declaration of
Manila as an open city and had sent for the Japanese Consul
General (then in detention) in order that the Consul might
communicate this fact to the General in command of the
invasion army.
Meanwhile, the American and Filipino troops were
retreating to Bataan, fighting a delaying action so as to reach
the Peninsula with their full strength. The orders were being
carried out magnificently and to the letter. The Philippine
army was writing history. The General was certain that he
and I would be proud of our handiwork. That was all for the
present. He would see me every day at the same time and
at any other time that there was some important news. At
noon, there was a Christmas dinner, turkey for everybody,
including the soldiers. Our lateral was in the hospital located
in the tunnel, and we ate our meals in the dining-room for
the doctors and nurses. We were served after them. The sight
of the turkey gave me almost a thrill. Not that I cared for the
meat of this bird, for I do not, but because it momentarily
changed my mood. After all, the prospect did not look so
bad. The U.S.A, I thought, must be well provided to stand


a long siege. I was in high spirits during the dinner, and the
wine I had brought from Manila toasted our triumphal return
to that city in time to celebrate in Malacañan the birthday of
my wife, February 19th.
After dinner we went out of the tunnel for a breath of
fresh air. The view of the deep blue sea and the green
Mariveles mountain on that glorious, sunny December day
was extremely exhilarating. Before I realized it, my mind
was dwelling upon memories of a long and distant past—my
days spent as an insurrecto on the trip of this very Peninsula,
and my surrender in Mariveles. Would the Army, fast
concentrating in Bataan, meet the same fate and surrender
to the enemy as I had done forty years earlier? This thought
brought me back to the realities of the situation which we
were confronting. I went to my lateral to shut, not only my
eyes, but my mind, again. I took a siesta and then played
bridge until suppertime.
Another bad night with much coughing, and the 26th of
December arrived.
After breakfast, Dr. Trepp and General Valdes, the Chief of
Staff of the Philippine Army (and at this time acting Secretary
of National Defense), who were staying in my lateral, and had
heard me coughing on the two previous nights, suggested
that I send some one to Manila to get all the medicines that
I might need. Dr. Trepp is a native Swiss who had acquired
Philippine citizenship. He is a lung specialist whom I took
to Corregidor because of the recurrence in December of the
year before of my tuberculosis. General Valdes, like the late


General Wood, is a professional physician who had served
in a First World War in France as Army doctor, and who later
became an officer of the Constabulary, next Chief of that
organization, and upon formation of the Philippine Army,
succeeded General Paulino Santos as Chief of Staff.
On December 27th I sent my aide, Colonel Nieto, to
Manila to get the required medicines.
My long association with Colonel Nieto first began at the
time of his graduation from my alma mater, the College of San
Juan de Letran. He had been a fine track athlete and perhaps
the best football player of his day in the Philippines.
It is traditional in San Juan de Letran for the Dominican
friars who conducted the college to tell the undergraduates
of the student lives of those who have preceded them and
later distinguished themselves in their careers. After my
election as Resident Commissioner to the United States,
and particularly upon my return to the Philippines in 1916
after the passage of the Jones Act, the professors of San Juan
de Letran had spoken proudly of me. The whole student
body went out to join in the public welcome which on that
occasion was tendered me, and they formed a guard of honor
in front of the college building when the Quezon Gate was
opened in the old city wall facing the college. There I met
young Nieto.
After the completion of his studies, Nieto offered his
services to me. He was not interested in the salary, for his
father, an old Spaniard who owned who owned landed estates
in the tobacco provinces of northern Luzon, had enough


with which to support him. Of course, Nieto received a
salary when I appointed him secretary of the Senate, of
which I had become the President. From the time that he
entered the public service he had always been by my side
when he thought there might be any risk to my life. After
my election as President of the Philippines, he was sent to
the Officer’s Training Camp in Baguio, where he graduated
with distinction and was commissioned as Captain of the
Philippine Army in the Reserve Corps. Later I called him to
active duty as aide-de-camp. Nieto knows no fear. During
the whole time that we were on Corregidor he never ran
for the tunnel when bombs were bursting around us, and his
loyalty has been such that I always felt that he would give
his life to save mine. Some people, jealous of his prowess,
have called him, disparagingly, my bodyguard. As a matter
of fact, I never did have a bodyguard. Even as President of
the Philippines I was accustomed to walk around in public
without a policeman or secret service man, or Nieto, or any
one, by my side. On one occasion, my friend Roy Howard
of the Scripps-Howard newspapers, who saw me alone in
the midst of a large group of all kinds of people, advised
me against it. I may say that it is not lack of fear, of which
I have plenty, as I have discovered to my discomfiture on
many instances, which caused me to be seemingly careless
about my personal safety. Rather, it is my conviction that if a
public man is marked to be eliminated, no amount of police,
bodyguards or anything of the sort can save him, as history has
shown again and again. Furthermore, I know the psychology


of my people. They would have resented, as evidence of lack
of confidence in them, their chosen President’s always being
surrounded by armed men. On the other hand, the Filipino
returns lavishly, with a loyalty that knows no bounds, the
affection and confidence of those whom he has elevated to
high office. Of course, when there was real need for haste,
motorcycle policemen preceded my car to open the traffic.
On formal occasions either a cavalry or motorized artillery
escort accompanied my car.
Reverting to my story: I sent Colonel Nieto to Manila
aboard the presidential launch Baler and he came back the
following day, the 27th. He had been to Malacañan Palace,
had had a long conference with Secretary Vargas, then the
Mayor of Greater Manila, and had seen Mr. Andres Soriano,
who offered the one remaining plane he had for my family and
me to use in order to go to Australia. Mr. Soriano’s air service
was a Philippine corporation which had been operating for
some time before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Under the
franchise granted by the Commonwealth Government, in
case of emergency the Government had the right to take over
and operate the airplanes owned by the company. Upon the
beginning of hostilities Mr. Soriano had offered all his planes
to General MacArthur, who, of course, accepted the offer,
but allowed the company to continue the service until the
Army actually needed them. It was one of these planes that
was offered to me. With many thanks I declined it. Colonel
Nieto also brought a copy of the newspaper containing
General MacArthur’s proclamation declaring Manila an open


city. Here it is:

In order to spare the metropolitan area from possible ravages of attack

either by air or ground, Manila is hereby declared an open city, without
the characteristics of a military objective. In order that no excuse may
be given for a possible mistake, the American High Commissioner, the
Commonwealth Government, and all combatant military installations
will be withdrawn from its environs as rapidly as possible.

The municipal government will continue to function with its police powers
reinforced by constabulary troops, so that the normal protection of life and
property may be preserved. Citizens are requested to maintain obedience to
constituted authorities and continue the normal processes of business.

Later in the day General MacArthur stated that the

declaration of Manila as an open city had been announced;
that he was getting out of the city as fast as possible the few
remaining armed forces there; that a delaying action was being
fought by our men to cover the retreat of the Army to Bataan.
After the conference with General MacArthur, I called my
War Cabinet together to transmit to them the information
just received. At this time the War Cabinet consisted of the
Vice-President as Secretary of Public Instruction, Chief Justice
Jose Abad Santos, Secretary of Finance and Agriculture, and
General Basilio J. Valdes, Secretary of National Defense
and Public Works and Communications. Also present was
Major Manuel Roxas, who, though no longer a member of
the Cabinet, was always invited to attend whenever a really


important matter was to be considered.
On the 27th, General MacArthur reported that the
Treasury Building and the old church of Santo Domingo had
been bombed despite the declaration of Manila as an open
city. It may be imagined with what indignation and pain we
received this cruel news. Of course, no damage was done to
the government gold and silver for, with the exception of
small amounts that were kept in the Treasury in Manila for
use as required, the rest had always been kept in a vault in
Corregidor. The bulk of the paper currency, however, was
kept in the Treasury for the ordinary use of the government
and the people. In order to find out how much damage
had been done to the Treasury, I sent Colonel Nieto again
to Manila with the instructions to Secretary Vargas to send
as much paper currency as possible. This duly reached us on
On this same day General MacArthur reported another
bit of information which distressed me personally even more
than the bad news of the day before. The College of San
Juan de Letran and the buildings of the Philippines Herald had
been razed to the ground by Japanese bombs. The College
of San Juan de Letran, as repeatedly stated in this story, was
my alma matter. The Philippines Herald was a newspaper that
had been published, on my initiative, by Filipino capital, in
the English language, to express the Filipino point of view on
public questions.
A Tokyo broadcast in English, Spanish and Tagalog,
addressed to President Quezon, offered the following


conditions as prerequisite for the acceptance by Japan of the
status of Manila as an open city: (1) that all military camps
and establishments be withdrawn from Manila and the
approaches to the city, and (2) that Filipino armies cooperate
with the Japanese forces and cease all resistance.
Before noon on December 29th, Corregidor had its
first taste of bombardment from the air. With my wife and
children and a group of officers, including doctors and nurses,
I was outside the tunnel when the sound of bursting bombs
and anti-aircraft guns informed us that it was time to seek
cover in the tunnel. Everybody moved in, but my daughter
Maria was not in any hurry. Colonel Nieto had to push her
in for my wife would not enter the tunnel before making
sure that all the children were safe. Soon, through the main
entrance to the hospital the wounded began to arrive at the
hospital. I asked my wife to go into her lateral and take the
girls with her so as to relieve them of the distress of seeing
our casualties. While the bombing was going on, my anxiety
for General MacArthur and his family was indescribable. I
knew that both his house and his office were at top-side, in
the vicinity of the main hospital. The latter evidently had
suffered a direct hit, for some of the wounded brought into
the tunnel had been hit near the hospital. There was no one
who could say what had happened to the General. One
of General Moore’s staff officers did report one fact which
afforded some relief to my anxiety. According to his officer,
there was an air-raid shelter near the house and the office.
On December 30th, the Japanese planes made their second


visit to Corregidor, evidently with as much gusto as on the
day before. But neither in casualties nor in property damage
was their bombing so severe as the preceding one, and yet in
our tunnel the effect of this second bombardment was bad.
On the day before, the Japanese had directed their bombs
only against top-side and while their practically demolished
everything in sight up there, no bombs had fallen on “bottom-
side”. So the tunnel had not been in the least affected. The
bombing of the 29th damaged the lighting system and broke
the water pipes serving the tunnel. We were in darkness.
Casualties that were brought into the hospital had to be
attended with flashlights. For some days we had to drink and
cook in salty water.
The all-clear signal had hardly been sounded and some
lights restored, when a long radiogram was delivered to me
containing a proclamation of the President of the United
States addressed to the people of the Philippines. On reading
the message I was instantly electrified and thrilled. The
dungeon where my sick body was lying lost its depressing
gloom. I asked to be taken out to the open space, for the
world was too small to contain the emotions that almost
burst my heart. Indeed, I was so invigorated that I gave my
wife a jolt when she saw me walking fast through the long
corridor of the tunnel out into the setting sun. The receipt of
the President’s proclamation fortunately took place the day
preceding my inauguration, and so it was a most welcome
and timely addition to the address I had prepared. Indeed, I
was almost tempted to dispense with my entire manuscript


and limit myself to the reading of the President’s message.
President Roosevelt’s proclamation had at last broken wide
open the doors of my conscious mind. After the receipt of
the message, I held a Cabinet meeting and read it to them.
Giving vent to my feelings, I told my colleagues that the
sacrifices our country was making were not in vain. There was
a future so brilliant and full of promise—no, not promise, but
certainty. The Philippines would not only be independent
and free, but its independence and freedom were to be
protected and safeguarded by the “entire resources in men
and materials of the United States.”
The 30th of December, 1941, was the date set by law for the
end of my first and beginning of my second administration. At
about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, the ceremonies of my second
installation as President of the Commonwealth were held. A
platform had been improvised in the leveled clearing outside
the tunnel used as the officer’s mess. Upon this platform the
United States High Commissioner was seated on my right, the
Supreme Commander of the United States Armed Forces in the
Far East, General MacArthur, on my left, Vice-President Sergio
Osmeña to the right of the High Commissioner, and Chief
Justice Jose Abad Santos, of the Supreme Court, to the left of
General MacArthur. In front of the platform in the first row were
my War Cabinet, the Commander of the Fort of Corregidor,
General Moore, the Commander of Artillery, General King, the
Quartermaster General, General Drake, and my family; behind
there were the high ranking officers of the United States and
Philippine Armies, my staff, doctors and nurses, a few American


ladies, and the Filipino laborers of Corregidor led by Civil
Engineer Castro.
The ceremonies were solemn; indeed, to me more solemn
than those of my first inauguration, despite the fact that at
that historic event of November 15, 1935, a brilliant and
distinguished audience had assembled in full force.
On this my second inauguration, there was no adornment
but the American and Filipino flags flying on either side of
my chair, and before me only a limited audience. Yet, once
again I say, it was more solemn than my first inauguration—
nay, it was dramatic.
The Government to be inaugurated faced a life and death
struggle. In 1935, my inaugural address was concerned with
policies and plans for the future, to be carried out under
the reign of peace; emphasis was laid upon the gratitude
of the Filipino people for the boon they had received
from the hands of the United States in the establishment
of the Commonwealth and in the assurance that by 1946
that government would be succeeded by an independent
Philippine Republic. Those expressions of gratitude were
now being put to the crucial test. And we had true and
kept the faith. The Government, our Army, our people all
over the Philippines, even to the farthest corner, were now
giving testimony of the reality of those expressions by their
suffering, their losses, and with their lives.
Chief Justice Abad Santos administered the oath of
office and I felt the burden of my new responsibility to be
incomparably heavier than when confronted only with


economic, social, and to a certain extent, political, problems.
These, although enough to test the capacity of men better
qualified than I was, now seemed to have passed into
insignificance as compared with the one single problem lying
ahead—war and war only, to face with required fortitude,
determination and courage far beyond what I had been given
by my Creator while in the womb of my mother.
After taking the oath, I delivered the following address:
“On November 15, 1935, I took my oath of office as
first President of the Philippines under the most favorable
auspices. The Philippines was at peace and the Filipino people
were happy and contented. At the inaugural ceremonies held
in the city of Manila, there were present high dignitaries of
the Government of the United States, and a vast multitude
of Filipinos deeply grateful to America and thrilled with the
vision of a bright future.
“Today I am assuming for the second time the duties of
the Presidency under entirely different conditions. We
are in the grip of war, and the seat of the government has
been temporarily transferred from the city of Manila to a
place in close proximity to the headquarters of our armed
forces, where I am in constant touch with General Douglas
MacArthur. All around us enemy bombs are dropping and
anti-aircraft guns are roaring. In defenseless cities and towns
air raids are killing women and children and destroying
century-old churches, monasteries, and schools.
“Six years ago, there was every reason to believe that the
Filipino people would be able to prepare themselves for


independence in peace and without hindrance. In my first
inaugural address, I outlined a program intended to lay the
foundations for a government that will, in the language of our
Constitution, promote the general welfare and secure to the
Filipino people and their posterity ‘the blessing of independence
under a regime of justice, liberty, and democracy.’
“Our task of nation-building was in progress when
suddenly, on December 8, 1941, the Philippines became the
victim of wanton aggression. We are resisting this aggression
with everything that we have. Our soldiers, American and
Filipino, under the leadership of General Douglas MacArthur,
one of the greatest soldiers of out times, are fighting on all
fronts with gallantry and heroism that will go down in history.
In the face of frequent air raids which are causing so much
death, suffering, and destruction, our civilian population are
maintaining their morale. Despite the enemy’s temporary
superiority in the air and on land and sea, we have been able
check the rapid advance of the invading armies. America and
the Philippines may well be proud of the heroic struggle that
our forces are putting up against the invader.
“At the present time we have but one task—to fight with
America for America and the Philippines. To this task we shall
devote all our resources in men and materials. Ours is a great
cause. We are fighting for human liberty and justice, for those
principles of individual freedom which we all cherish without
which life would not be worth living. Indeed, we are fighting
for our own independence, these liberties and these freedoms,
to banish fear and want among all peoples, and to establish a


reign of justice for all the world, that we are sacrificing our lives
an all that we possess. The war may be long-drawn and hard-
fought, but with the determination of freedom-loving peoples
everywhere to stamp out the rule of violence and terrorism from
the face of the earth, I am absolutely convinced that final and
complete victory will be ours.
“Soon after the outbreak of the war, I received a message
from the President Roosevelt expressing admiration for the
gallantry of our soldiers and the courageous stand of our
civilian population. Yesterday, the President of the United
States issued the proclamation which, I am sure, will hearten
our fighting men and thrill their soul of every American and
Filipino in this land. This is the proclamation:
“‘News of your gallant struggle against the Japanese
aggressor has elicited the profound admiration of every
American. As President of the United States, I know that
I speak for all our people on this solemn occasion. The
resources of the United States, of the British Empire, of the
Netherland East Indies, and the Chinese Republic have been
dedicated by their people to the utter and complete defeat of
the Japanese War Lords. In this great struggle of the Pacific
the loyal Americans of the Philippine Islands are called upon
to play a crucial role. They have played, and they are playing
tonight, their part with the greatest gallantry. As President
I wish to express to them my feeling of sincere admiration
for the fight they are now making. The people of the United
States will never forget what the people of the Philippine
Islands are doing these days and will do in the days to come.


I give to the people of the Philippines my solemn pledge
that their freedom will be redeemed and their independence
established and protected. The entire resources in men and
materials of the United States stands behind that pledge. It
is not for me or for the people of this country to tell you
where your duty lies. We are engaged in a great and common
cause. I count on every Philippine man, woman and child to
this duty. We will do ours. I give you this message from the
Navy: the Navy Department tonight announces the Japanese
Government is circulating rumors for the obvious purpose of
persuading the United States to disclose the location and
intentions of the American Pacific Fleets. It is obvious that
these rumors are intended for, and directed at, the Philippine
Islands. The Philippines may rest assured that while the
Untied States Navy will not be tricked into disclosing vital
information, the fleet is not idle. The United States Navy is
following an intensive and well-planned campaign against
Japanese forces which will result in positive assistance to the
defense of the Philippine Islands.’
“My heart, and I know the hearts of all American and
Filipinos in this country, are filled with gratitude for the
reassuring words of the President of the Untied States. My
answer, our answer, to him is that every man, woman, and
child in the Philippines will do his duty. No matter what
suffering and sacrifices this war may impose upon us we
shall stand by America with undaunted spirit, for we know
that upon the outcome of this war depend the happiness,
liberty, and security not only of this generation but of the


generations yet unborn.
“Mr. High Commissioner, may I ask you to convey to the
President of the Unites States our profound gratitude for the
noble sentiments expressed in his proclamation. The Filipino
people are particularly grateful for his abiding interest in our
welfare and for his pledge to assure and protect our freedom
and independence.
“General MacArthur, there are no words in any language
that can express to you the deep gratitude of the Filipino
people and my own for your devotion to our cause, the
defense of our country, and the safety of our population.
I trust that the time will come when we may express this
sentiment to you in a more appropriate manner.
“To all American in the Philippines, soldiers and civilians
alike, I want to say that our common ordeal has fused our
hearts in a single purpose and an everlasting affection.
“My fellow-countrymen, this is the most momentous
period of our history. As we face the grim realities of war,
let us rededicate ourselves to the great principles of freedom
and democracy for which our forefathers fought and died.
The present war is being fought for these same principles. It
demands from us courage, determination, and unity of action.
In taking my oath of office, I make the pledge for myself,
my government, and my people, to stand by America and
fight with her until victory is won. I am resolved, whatever
the consequences to myself, faithfully to fulfill this pledge. I
humbly invoke the help of Almighty God that I may have the
wisdom and fortitude to carry out this solemn obligation.”


Then the United States High Commissioner read a
congratulatory message from President Roosevelt which had
been sent some time before the attack on Pearl Harbor.
After this, General MacArthur made a few remarks which
were deeply felt by all present.
After the inauguration there was shaking of hands—
strong, expressive, significant, hand-clasps. But none dared
utter the word “congratulations.” I hope not one of those
present pitied me at that moment. I could not have borne it.
Instead, the shaking of hands and the expression of their faces
evinced confidence which was encouraging and inspiring.
God knows I needed it.
On December 31st General MacArthur reported that his
troops had fallen back to a line reaching within thirty miles
from Manila. On the north our forces had readjusted and
shortened their lines.
On this same day the National Treasurer, Mr. Apolinario
S. de Leon, came with more paper currency and reported
that Pio Pedrosa, one of the most trusted, efficient, and loyal
servants of the Government, had been seriously wounded on
the occasion of the bombing of the Treasury. With Treasurer
de Leon came Mr. Franco, the Chief Electrician of the Bureau
of Public Works, with a recording apparatus to make a record
of the inaugural address which was to be broadcast from
Manila, for Corregidor did not as yet have a broadcasting
By eight o’clock in the evening of January 1st, the aide
of General MacArthur came on behalf of the General to


request that I join him at nine o’clock that same evening
that at the house he was occupying not very far from the
tunnel. At the appointed time I found there the General, his
Chief of Staff, Major General Sutherland, the Chief of the
Intelligence Service, Colonel Willoughby, and the United
States High Commissioner, Mr. Sayre. At once it was
evident that something serious was in the offing. General
MacArthur read aloud to those present a telegram which
he had received from Washington to the effect that if my
evacuation could possibly be accomplished, I should be
taken to Washington and function there as the head of the
Commonwealth Government in exile and as the symbol of
the redemption of the Philippines. The telegram further
stated that if I was willing to be evacuated and in the opinion
of General MacArthur this was feasible, the General should
effect it with the best means available to him or with the
assistance of the Navy. Then General MacArthur read his
proposed answer in which he stated that my evacuation was
too hazardous to be attempted; that my departure would
undoubtedly be followed by the collapse of the will to fight
on the part of the Filipinos; that exclusive of the Air Corps
which had no planes, there were only about 7,000 American
combat troops, the rest being Filipinos. The telegram ended
with a statement that both Mr. Sayre and I, having been
informed of the contents of General MacArthur’s answer,
had expressed our concurrence.
There was a profound silence after the reading of the
telegrams, the one received and the one to be sent. After a


pause, I told General MacArthur that before giving assent to
his proposed answer, I would have to lay the matter before
my War Cabinet, discuss it with them and then make my
own decision. At once there assembled in conference Vice-
President Osmeña, Chief Justice and Acting Secretary of
Finance Jose Abad Santos, Acting Secretary of National
Defense and Public Works and Communications General
Basilio Valdes, and my unofficial adviser, Major Manuel
Roxas. I informed them fully of the contents of the telegram
received form Washington, but said nothing of the answer
proposed by General MacArthur.
The unanimous opinion of the Cabinet was that the
invitation to evacuate to the United States should be
accepted if it could be done without serious risk to my life,
for they thought that the Filipino people would want me to
be saved from falling into the hands of the enemy or from
being killed. Then, and without referring to the statements
made by General MacArthur in his proposed telegram, I
asked them if they did not think that my departure at that
time would dishearten the Philippine Army and weaken
their determination to fight. The Cabinet thought just the
contrary, that is, if the Filipino generals were informed of
the reason for my departure and especially if they could be
assured that my trip to America would mean that timely
arrival of help from the United States, then the effect of
my trip upon the morale of the Philippine Army would be
good. In any event, the Cabinet opined that the important
thing to determine was the feasibility of my evacuation, that


if this could be done in relative safety, the Filipino generals
and their commands would feel strongly in favor of it. My
colleagues were sure that the Army shared the people’s desire
to have the head of their government and their leader where
he would be free from the encircling grip of the enemy. Major
Roxas offered to go to Bataan and explain the whole thing
to the Philippine Army. Then they asked me the opinion
of General MacArthur as to the hazards of the trip. I told
what General MacArthur stated in his proposed answer to
Washington regarding this matter. Whereupon the Cabinet
decided that I should refuse to make the trip for they were
very hopeful that before Bataan and Corregidor were forced
to surrender, sufficient help would come for the American
and Filipino forces to take the offensive and drive the enemy
out of the land. It should be borne in mind that the general
belief among the Filipinos, both civilians and soldiers, was
that Bataan and Corregidor had sufficient supplies of food
and ammunition to resist six month’s siege, and few doubted
that within the time America would be in command of the
seas and, therefore, able to send all the help necessary to beat
back the invading army. For my part, I knew that at that time
my evacuation to America could be made in comparative
safety. Full control by the Japanese of the sea-lanes between
Manila and Australia had not yet been established. I could
have left on a surface ship from Corregidor to Mindanao,
traveling at night. From Mindanao I could have flown
to Australia, making the regulator stops, for the airports
in Celebes, Borneo, and the Dutch East Indies had not as


yet been taken over by the enemy. As an alternative plan
I could then have gone in a submarine to Panay and from
Panay to Mindanao on a surface boat and from Mindanao to
Australia in one continuous flight on a bomber as I did two
months later. But neither to my War Cabinet nor to General
MacArthur did I express this thought. I kept it to myself.
Moreover, I was doubtful if help could come in time even
with my presence in America. To me it was clear that if I
accepted the invitation to evacuate there would only be one
certain result—my safety and that of my family. Bearing in
mind the proposed answer of General MacArthur, I saw that
the Supreme Commander of the USAFFE was convinced of
the need of my presence in Corregidor at that time, and I
felt strongly that it was my duty to defer to his judgment.
There was thus but one course for me to take. In the presence
of the Cabinet I dicated the following letter to General
I have carefully considered the telegram of General
Marshall… I have come to the conclusion that in so far as
the suggested trip to the United States is concerned, I have
no preference. I am willing to do what the Government of
United Sates may think will be more helpful for the successful
prosecution of the war. My immediate concern is to secure
prompt and adequate help from the Untied States, because
our soldiers at the front and the Filipino people in general
have placed their trust in this indispensable help….
It will be seen from the above letter that I did not directly
decline the offer to evacuate. I felt the decision on this


matter in the hands of the Government in Washington, but I
did emphatically state that my only concern was to win the
war and I was ready to do anything that Washington might
consider necessary to achieve this end. I did stress, however,
the need for immediate relief.
My letter to General MacArthur was transmitted verbatim
to the War Department. With this addition, he sent his
telegram exactly as he had read it to me.
On January 2nd, General MacArthur informed me that
the withdrawal of our forces to Bataan would be successfully
completed in a day or two at that he thought that I should
address a proclamation to the Filipino Soldiers. I agreed that
that was a magnificent idea and we discussed the question
of making use of the proclamation of the President of the
Unites States to the people of the Philippines. By this time,
I had noticed that President Roosevelt had used the words
“your independence will be redeemed” (Italics mine), and I asked
General MacArthur if he thought that the word “redeemed”
had been used advisedly to indicate that the President had
already come to the conclusion that the Philippines was
lost as no possible help could reach us on time to save our
situation. The General, while not expressing a positive
opinion, suggested the possibility that the transmission of
the presidential message might have been garbled. I decided
that being in doubt as to the exact intent of the presidential
language, I should not quote the President literally. So I used
the word “preserved” instead of “redeemed”, which, while
not necessarily implying a promise of timely succor, could


not be construed as meaning that all hope for help must be
abandoned. Such a construction might weaken the fighting
spirit of the men in the front.
On the 3rd of January, I issued the following proclamation:

The people of America and your own countrymen have been thrilled by the
gallantry with which you have been defending our country. I am grateful and
proud for the resistance you have offered against such tremendous odds. You
have performed deeds of heroism and valor which will live in the history of
these stirring days. The service that you are rendering to your people and
your country, to say the least, is the equal of that rendered by our fathers
who fought and died in the battles for our liberty.

The President of the United States, speaking for the Government and
people of America, in a recent proclamation addressed to the people of
the Philippines, solemnly pledged that the freedom of our country will
be preserved and our independence protected. He asserted that behind
that pledge stood all the resources of America in men and materials. You
are, therefore, fighting with America because America is fighting for our
freedom. Our salvation will depend upon the victory of American and
Filipino arms.

America will not abandon us. Her help will not be delayed. The
enemy’s temporary superiority in the air, on land and on sea cannot
last much longer. We must resist further advance of the enemy until
assistance arrives and I trust it will be soon. The outcome of the battle
of the Philippines will depend in very large measure on your firm and
unyielding resistance.


I am aware of your sufferings, your privations, your sacrifices, and the
dangers to which you are exposed. All these weigh heavily upon my
mind, but I am consoled by the fact that I am sharing with you your trials
and tribulations. Indeed, right now bombs are falling near me just as they
must fall around you. But we cannot allow them either to daunt our spirit
or weaken our determination to continue fighting to the bitter end. We
must stand by our plighted word, by the loyalty that we have pledged to
America, and by our devotion to freedom, democracy, and our liberty.
We are fighting that the Filipino people may be the masters of their own
destiny and that every Filipino not only of this generation but of the
generations to come may be able to live in peace and tranquility in the
full enjoyment of liberty and freedom. Your duty—our duty—is to fight
and resist until the invader is driven from our land. You must not give
up a foot of ground when the battle joins. You must hold in place—and
hold and hold.

On January 6th, at the usual time of our conference, General

MacArthur told me that the withdrawal of our forces in
Bataan had been successfully completed without any serious
loss either of life or material. Later in my conversation with
Americans and Filipinos in command of our retreating forces,
I formed the opinion that in this retreat General MacArthur
out-maneuvered and outwitted the Japanese generalship.
In that retreat, too, the men in command in the front lines
proved their mettle and their ability to carry out the orders
of the Supreme Commander. In this conference, General
MacArthur also informed me that he was going to Bataan with
the idea of staying there as long as it might be necessary. With


great diffidence and as much diplomacy as I was capable of, I
voiced the general feeling among Americans and Filipinos in
Corregidor that General MacArthur should not take chances
and risk his life, for if he were lost the consequences to the
morale of the fighting mean would be incalculable. For the
first time, I repeated to General MacArthur the story told me
by his orderly how he, the General, had almost lost his life in
the first Japanese bombardment of Corregidor’s top-side. In
a rather light vain General MacArthur answered: “ The Japs
have not as yet fabricated the bomb with my name in it,” and
then more seriously, he said, “Of course, I understand what
you mean and I also know that I have no right to gamble
with my life, but it is absolutely necessary that at the right
time the Supreme Commander should take these chances
because of the effect all down the line, for when they see the
man at the top risking his life, the man at the bottom says, ‘I
guess if the old man can take it, I can take it, too.’”
I asked General MacArthur to take with him Major Roxas
so that Roxas might talk to the Filipino generals,
“Not this time,” the General answered, “for I do not know
as yet exactly the situation at the front, and since Roxas is
not a trained and veteran soldier, the trip might be too much
for him. When the situation is stabilized, it might be the
occasion for sending Roxas.”
The following day, General MacArthur, with his staff
visited the front, and when we met again he told me that
there was no reason for immediate worry; that he felt
confident that he could hold Bataan and Corregidor for


several months without outside help; that the morale of our
forces was high; that those Filipino reservists who had only
had five and a half month’s training, had become veteran in
less than one month actual fighting against a determined
and superior force. Although this report could not be more
encouraging, it plainly implied that we could not stem
the flood of Japanese assault indefinitely. More and more I
realized what would be the inevitable result unless help from
America was forthcoming. I could no longer take the same
fatalistic mental attitude that I was able to assume in the first
days of my stay in Corregidor. I began to worry about the
soldiers at the front. In the Philippine Army there were the
best of the youth of my country, the sons of the rich and
influential Filipino families, partaking equally with the sons
of the lowliest, in the hardships and the casualties of the war.
As days passed by, with the bombs dropping on Corregidor
or not, this thought weighed more heavily upon my mind—
and my conscience. After all, although the Tydings-McDuffie
Act or Independence Law, provided that during the transition
period of the Government of the Commonwealth, the
President of the United States could muster into the service
of the Federal Government all the organized forces of the
Commonwealth, the Philippine Army had been of my own
creation. Neither President Roosevelt nor any department
of his government had made the slightest suggestion to me
that I create an army to fight with America for America and
the Philippines while the American flag was flying over the
Islands. Had I not created the Philippine Army, only the


Philippine Scouts, a part of the United States Army and the
Philippine Constabulary under my command, with a limited
number of officers and men, would have been subject to call
by the President of the United States when war broke out.
Therefore it was evidently my responsibility to God and my
people that thousands of my countrymen would die and the
survivor perhaps be taken as prisoners of war, if, because of
some insurmountable obstacle, the aid from America could
not arrive on time. Not only this but it was also upon my
initiative that the whole Filipino people had rallied to the
standard of America and offered everything they had in
manpower and resources in defense of the American flag.
Of course, I knew that this was our duty – a duty imposed
by our gratitude to America and our sworn loyalty to her.
And I also knew that the Filipino people felt this double
obligation as strongly as I did. But, withal, I was staggered
by the immensity of the sacrifice. To find out how the men
at the front felt, I determined to send January 10th, the Chief
of Staff of the Philippine Army and Acting Secretary of
National Defense, General Valdes, accompanied by my aide,
Colonel Nieto, to visit our forces in Bataan and report to me
the situation. They came back on the night of the 11th and
spoke in enthusiastic terms of the prevailing spirit among our
forces. They had seen all the command posts of the Filipino
generals, the headquarters of the Philippine Army and also
conferred with some subordinate officers. They failed to
see General Wainwright at his headquarters because he
was inspecting the front lines. From high and low among


the Filipinos in Bataan, General Valdes received assurance
of their determination to fight on and of their confidence in
beating the Japanese if they could only have protection from
the air.
When General MacArthur came to see me on the morning
of the 12th, I communicated to him the report given to me by
General Valdes and Colonel Nieto, emphasizing the evident
expectation of our people at the front that help especially in
airplanes would come from America.
Purely on my own responsibility I telegraph President
Roosevelt on January 13th, expressing my belief and desire
that the whole force of America should be directed first
against Japan in the Far East. I sensed that even among the
American officers who were in Corregidor this was the
general opinion and wish, although no one would express
his opinion.
On January 15th, the Japanese bombed Corregidor’s
middle-side for more than one hour starting 1:30 P.M.
After the visit made by General Valdes to the front, my eldest
daughter, Maria began asking my permission to go the front and
visit “our boys.” She wanted to know whether the Christmas
gifts which she and her friends had sent them from Manila had
safely reached their destination; and furthermore, she wanted
to visit them in my name since due to my ill health and physical
weakness I was unable to make the trip. She had already found
something to do in the tunnel. She and her sister had offered
their services to the chief nurse and were making the beds for
the patients and also folding gauze for the operating room.


But she was not satisfied with this. She insisted that she should
visit the front. I would not answer “no” for I did not wish to
weaken her will to serve the cause, nor would I say “yes” for I
knew that her mother, already worried about my health, would
spend the most painful hours of supreme anxiety while she was
at the front. So I told her that the matter had to be submitted
to General MacArthur whose permission was necessary for her
to go to Bataan. When General MacArthur came to see me, I
told him the whole story and he, of course, said that under no
circumstances would he allow my daughter to go to Bataan. We
agreed, however, that I should not disappoint her by telling her
plainly what the General said; so I informed Maria that General
MacArthur felt that she had to wait until the situation became
more normal at the front and there then might come a time
when he would allow her to go. Day after day, my daughter
would ask me if General MacArthur had decided definitely one
way or another about her trip. I procrastinated.
Meantime, General Francisco and General De Jesus had
been in Corregidor to see me at my request. They told me
that the amount of rice given to the Filipino troops was
insufficient and that if they had to be fed with only that
amount of rations they would not be able to endure the
fatigue of day and night engagements. They called my
attention to the fact that every officer and man not seriously
sick or wounded was continuously in the line without even
temporary relief, for we had no reserves. They also told me
of the increasingly grim determination on the part of our
men to fight as they learned of the abuses and atrocities


committed by the Japanese soldiers, especially the raping
of Filipino women. “If we only had airplanes, we would lick
these Japs in short order, Mr. President,” they said. I told
General De Jesus, our Chief of the Intelligence Division, to
find the Governor and Assemblyman from Bataan and send
them to me so that I might instruct them to cooperate with
the military authorities in organizing the fishermen of the
province to provide fish for the soldiers. The large number
of civilians from Pampanga and Bataan who came inside the
lines greatly increased the difficulties of the food supply.
At this conference General Francisco delivered to me the
following telegram from the Constabulary Commander in
Negros Oriental:

Civilian military situation Negros Oriental excellent. About fifty thousand

civilians of military age ready for induction into the Army. Civil activities
being carried on as usual. Morale of people very high. Entire population
very happy to receive the news that the President is well and safe.

After my conference with the above cited Filipino generals,

I called in the Cabinet to discuss with them the food situation
in Bataan and see if we could do something about it to help
the Army. Vice-President Osmeña told me that was plenty
of food in Cebu, and Major Roxas, on his part, said that there
was plenty of food in Capiz and Iloilo, but the question was
how to bring these supplies to Bataan. I suggested that there
was one Coast Guard vessel in Mariveles, the Banahaw, which
we might send to Capiz, which was nearer to Corregidor


than Cebu. I sent right away for the captain of the Banahaw,
but he reported that the ship was not ready to sail and that it
would take at least two days to prepare for sea. Then Major
Roxas informed me that the S.S. Legaspi, a merchant marine
ship which was engaged in inter-island traffic before the war,
was available, and he suggested that I send for the captain
and ask him to go to Capiz and get supplies. I discussed the
matter with General MacArthur. To him I repeated what
General Francisco and General De Jesus had said to me
about the rice situation and asked him whether he had any
objection to my discussing this matter with the captain of
the S.S. Legaspi. General MacArthur was so happy to think
that we might be able to bring food from the Visayan Island
that he authorized me to tell the captain of the Legaspi that
if he made the trip, he would compensate him and all the
sailors generously, and moreover, would decorate them on
their return.
I sent for the captain and another Filipino officer who
was in charge of a small boat, also in Mariveles, but which
was in no shape to make a voyage. They came to see me
for the first time on January 20th. The name of the captain
was Lino Conejero. I told them that it was in their hands
to save our soldiers in Bataan, and although I knew the trip
from Corregidor to Capiz and back was most hazardous, I
did not hesitate to appeal to their patriotism in the confident
expectation that they would not hesitate to render this service.
Captain Conejero, in the most casual manner, answered me
without hesitation:


“Mr. President, all you have to do is to give the order
and I will leave as soon as I can.” Then I told him of what
General MacArthur had promised to do for them. And on
my part, I also offered to reward them from the funds of the
Government of Commonwealth with a full month’s salary to
each officer and sailor of the ship. Then I took them myself
in the headquarters of General MacArthur to inform the
General of the result of my conference with them. General
MacArthur, with undisguised emotion, shook hands with the
captain and the first officer, and in his usual appealing style
said a few words which almost brought tears to the eyes of
these men of the sea. On the morning of the 21st, I again saw
the Captain Conejero and gave him my final instructions to
the Governor of Capiz. We proceeded at once to telegraph
the governors of Iloilo and Capiz to turn to and help the
Army to get all possible rice and other food supplies which
could be assembled by the time the S.S. Legaspi arrived in
Capiz. General MacArthur, on his part, telegraph General
Chynoweth giving him full instructions as to what should
be done. I felt very much encouraged the whole day, and my
spirits were so high that in the afternoon I was strong enough
to visit the coast artillery batteries of Corregidor. I invited my
daughter to accompany me and we saw some of the batteries
manned by Philippine Scouts and Philippine Army soldiers.
We made the trip in one of the Army cars accompanied by
an American officer designated by General Moore, and by a
Filipino captain who was in artillery. With me were General
Valdes, my daughter, and General Nieto. The dust on the


road was so thick that not even by closing the windows of
the car could we be free on it. Some of the bombs had done
so much damage to the road that attempts at repair had not
improved it much. The sight of these soldiers practically
unprotected from air attack broke my heart, and I could
only say a few words to them: “Boys, I am proud of you. Our
people will forever be grateful for your gallant defense. God
bless and keep you.” On my return on the tunnel, I coughed
more than ever before, and on the following day I had a
severe attack of asthma with spasmodic coughing which left
me breathless and almost suffocated. By midnight, they had
to give me a dose of morphine. I also had a very high fever.
On January 23rd, I had another severe attack which required
another injection of morphine. In the afternoon they took
me out of the hospital in an ambulance to a cottage near the
one where General MacArthur slept at night with his wife
and son. The following day I was taken back to the tunnel
where I had another attack in the afternoon, following
which I was again carried to the house. In order that in the
daytime I might have to lie in bed near the tunnel, a tent was
constructed for me at the rear end of the hospital outside the
tunnel, so that from the January 26th until I left Corregidor
this tent became my living and sleeping quarters.


N January 28th a radio broadcast from Tokyo
gleefully announced that a new government
had been established in the Philippines, and
that it had pledged its adherence to Japan’s
Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere Policy. The broadcast
also gave the names of the Filipinos who were supposed to
constitute this new government. The effect of this broadcast
among Americans on Corregidor, including the United States
High Commissioner, members of his staff, and some of the
officers of the United States Army, was very bad. Filipino
officers who came to see me from Bataan later in the day
were eager to find out what I thought of the announcement
made by Tokyo. Having known for many years the men
who were alleged to constitute this new government and
having tested during that time on many occasions their
loyalty to the United States as well as their personal loyalty
to me, I felt certain that whether the creation of this new
government was a fact or not, if the men who constituted it
were those mentioned in the radio broadcast, they could be
depended upon under any and all circumstances to commit
no act of disloyalty, either to America, to the Philippines,
or to me, the head of their government. So I told the young
Filipino officers from Bataan that there was nothing to fear


from those whom we had left in Manila, and I asked them
to return at once and communicate this information to their
commanders. General MacArthur, in our conference that
day, was also reassured by me, although I did not find him
as skeptical as High Commissioner Sayre who had come to
ask me if I would not give out a statement repudiating the
action of those Filipinos and reminding them that the day of
reckoning was not far away. I told High Commissioner Sayre
that I would not take any such statement, first, because I was
sure of my men; second, because it seemed to me ridiculous
that in my powerless situation, I should adopt a threatening
role. Moreover, knowing the psychology of my people, I felt
that if those men had been hesitating in the face of a situation
that would try men’s souls, any evidence of my faith in their
loyalty would in itself serve to fortify their determination not
to betray me; whereas, any indication that I considered them
lost to the cause and practically traitors, would perhaps force
them to go over to the Japanese. I therefore emphatically
refused to adopt the suggestion of High Commissioner Sayre,
and I told him that considered the matter closed. However,
fearing the effect in the outside world of Tokyo’s broadcast,
I proceeded at once to write a letter to General MacArthur,
asking him that some parts of it be given the widest possible
publicity. This is what I wanted publicized:

I have been mortified by the radio broadcast from Tokyo asserting that a new
government has been established in the Philippines, which government has
pledged its conformity with Japan’s New East Asia Policy.


I know what the real sentiments of my people are and I am certain that
their stand is not changed despite the military reverses of our forces.
I am likewise convinced of the loyalty of the men who have accepted
positions in the so-called new government.

I want you, therefore, to give publicity to the following statement: “The

determination of the Filipino people to continue fighting side by side with
the United States until victory is won has in no way been weakened by
the temporary reverses suffered by our arms. We are convinced that our
sacrifices will be crowned with victory in the end and in that conviction
we shall continue to resist the enemy with all our might.”

Japanese military forces are occupying sections of the Philippines

comprising only one third of our territory. In the remaining areas
constitutional government is still in operation under my authority.

I have no direct information concerning the veracity of the news broadcast

from Tokyo that a Commission composed of some well-known Filipinos
has been recently organized in Manila to take charge of certain functions
of civil government. The organization of such a commission, if true, can
have no political significance not only because it is charged merely with
purely administrative functions but also because the acquiescence by
its members to serve on the Commission was evidently for the purpose
of safeguarding the welfare of the civilian population and can, in no
way, reflect the sentiments of the Filipinos towards the enemy. Such
sentiments are still those I have repeatedly expressed in the past: loyalty
to America and resolute resistance against the invasion of our territory
and liberties.


The foregoing statement was publicized in the Philippines
both by printed leaflets and radio broadcasts, and it had
an immediate reassuring effect so far as the Filipinos were
concerned, both in the occupied and the unoccupied
In my letter to General MacArthur I also made certain
statements which were intended not so much for General
MacArthur as for the President of the United States.
I said in part:

At the same time I am going to open my mind and my heart to you

without attempting to hide anything.

We are before the bar of history and God only knows if this is the last
time that my voice will be heard before going to my grave.

My loyalty and the loyalty of the Filipino people to America has been
proven beyond question. Now we are fighting by her side under your
command despite overwhelming odds. But, it seems to me questionable
whether any government has the right to demand loyalty from its citizens
beyond its willingness or ability to render actual protection.

This war is not of our making…

Despite all this, we never hesitated for a moment in our stand.

We decided to fight by your side and we have done the best we could
and we are still doing as much as could be expected from us under the


circumstances. But how long are we going to be left alone? Has it already
been decided in Washington that the Philippine front is of no importance
as far as the final result of the war is concerned and that, therefore, no
help can be expected here in the immediate future, or at least before
the power of resistance is exhausted? If so, I want to know, because I
have my own responsibility to my countrymen whom, as President of
the Commonwealth, I have led into a complete war effort. I am greatly
concerned as well regarding the soldiers I have called to the colors and
who are now manning the firing line. I want to decide in my own mind
whether there is justification for allowing all these men to be killed when
for the final outcome of the war the shedding of their blood may be
wholly unnecessary. It seems that Washington does not fully realize our
situation nor the feelings which the apparent neglect of our safety and
welfare has engendered in the heart of the people here…

In reference to the men who have accepted position in the commission

established by the Japanese, every one of them wanted to come to
Corregidor, but you told me that there was no room for them here. They
are not “quislings.” The “quislings” are the men who betray their country
to the enemy. These men did what they have been asked to do, while
they were free, under the protection of their government. Today they
are virtually prisoners of the enemy. I am sure they are only doing what
they think is their duty. They are not traitors. They are the victims of the
adverse fortunes of war and I am sure they have no choice. Besides, it is
most probable that they accepted their positions in order to safeguard
the welfare of the civilian populations in the occupied areas. I think,
under the circumstances, America should look upon their situation
sympathetically and understandingly.


I am confident that you will understand my anxiety about the long-
awaited reinforcements and trust you will again urge Washington insure
their early arrival.

Without delay, President Roosevelt answered my letter to

General MacArthur in a radiogram addressed directly to me
as follows.

I have perused your message to General MacArthur and I appreciate

completely your position. I am fully sensible of the profundity and
honesty of your feelings with reference to your unavoidable obligations
to your fellow-countrymen and I solemnly state that I would never ask
of you and them any sacrifice that I believe without hope in order to
further our attainment of the goal towards which we are all pressing. I
desire, nevertheless, to emphasize as strongly as possible that the superb
defense of our soldiers in Bataan is a definite contribution in bringing
about an eventual and complete overwhelming of the enemy in the Far
East. The deficiency which now exist in our offensive weapons are the
natural results of the policies of peaceful nations such as the Philippines
and the United States who without warning are attacked by despotic
nations which have spent years in preparing for such action. Early
reverse, hardships and pain are the price that democracy must pay under
such conditions. However, I have dedicated to the accomplishment of
final victory every man, every dollar and every material sinew of this
nation; and this determination to attain victory necessarily includes as
an objective the restoring of tranquility and peace to the Philippines
and its return to such government as its people may themselves choose.


Although I cannot at this time state the day that help will arrive in the
Philippines, I can assure you that every vessel available is bearing to
the southwest Pacific the strength that will eventually crush the enemy
and liberate your native land. Vessels in that vicinity have been filled
with cargo of necessary supplies and have been dispatched to Manila.
Our arms, together with those of our allies, have dealt heavy blows to
enemy transport and naval vessels and are most certainly retarding his
movement to the south. By the trans-African route and lately by the
Pacific route our heavy bombers are each day joining General Wavell’s
command. A continuous stream of fighter and pursuit planes is traversing
the Pacific; already ten squadrons of the foregoing types are ready for
combat in the South Pacific area. Extensive arrival of troops are being
guarded by adequate protective elements of our Navy. The heroes of
Bataan are effectively assisting by gaining invaluable time, and time is the
vital factor in reinforcing our military strength in this theater of war.

Words are inadequate to convey to you my esteem and appreciation

for the totally magnificent showing of faithfulness, heroism and spirit
of sacrifice that the Philippine people, under your superb guidance,
have shown. They are maintaining the most glorious standard of all
free people.

Those parts of your message to General MacArthur which you request

be brought to the attention of the world at large are being broadcast
from Washington. Your speech and your actions will encourage not only
your fellow-countrymen but all those throughout the world who are
partners in the battle for democratic ideals and liberty in the right of


The message of President Roosevelt was not only admirable
in its form and substance but was evidently all that could be
expected under the circumstances described by him. The
human sympathy and understanding of this great man in the
face of an almost intrusive radiogram from me, especially if
contrasted with the attitude of other heads of government
in dealing with people under their sway, could not be
overestimated. Yet I must confess that my grave concern for
the welfare and security of my people and the incalculable
loss of life on the part of our soldiers was not put at rest. If I
could only be sure that the Dutch East Indies and Singapore
would not hold out long enough to keep the sea-lanes open
during the period which I felt certain the American and
Filipinos in Bataan and on Corregidor would hold, then I felt
that bombers, fighters and pursuit planes, and the troops to
which the President’s radiogram referred, would reach the
Philippines in time for the Army of MacArthur to take the
offensive and drive out the Japanese. But would Singapore
and Java fight as long and as well as we were fighting? The
destruction of the Prince of Wales and the Repulse right at the
beginning of the war was a sinister revelation of the basic
weakness of the defense of Singapore—lack of adequate
air power. The easy gains which the Japanese were making
through the supposedly impassable jungles of the Malay
Peninsula (as was daily broadcast to us) raised increased
doubts of the impregnability of Singapore, contrary to what
we in the Far East had assumed to be the completeness
of English fortifications. And it was clear to me that, if


Singapore fell, the Dutch East Indies would be an easy prey
to Japanese land, se and air forces, despite the fact that the
whole American Asiatic Fleet had joined the Dutch East
Indies fleet.
With Singapore and the Dutch East Indies in the hands
of the enemy, Bataan and Corregidor were doomed. That
was the dreadful and horrible thought which haunted me
day and night after receiving the foregoing message of
the President of the United State. I did not conceal my
serious misgivings from General MacArthur. But he would
always retort: “I will bring you in triumph on the points of
my bayonets to Manila.”
In the meantime my health was not improving. [I was
ill and confined with tuberculosis when I went to the
tunnels of Corregidor.] I was being carried in a wheel-chair
in and out of the tunnel during the frequent air raids and
bombardments. Rumors about the doubtful attitude of the
Filipinos in the occupied territory, especially in Manila, were
being circulated and these increased beyond expression my
anxiety. One day when information regarding the situation
in the Malay Peninsula and Singapore convinced me that the
surrender of this English fortress was only a question of weeks
at most, I told General MacArthur that I was not certain that
my stay in Corregidor was of any practical value to either
the defense of Bataan and Corregidor or to the maintenance
of the morale of the civilian population. This, together with
my rapidly declining health, caused me to feel that perhaps I
would render better service to America and the Philippines if


I went to Manila and allowed myself to be made a prisoner of
war by the Japanese. [I wanted them to know I was not afraid
and not even if it cost me life itself].
On February 6th, General Aguinaldo, in a radio broadcast
addressed to General MacArthur, urged him to surrender in
view of the futility of continuing to fight against superior
enemy forces. Although I would not condemn in my own
mind this attitude of Aguinaldo, despite the fact that he was
my enemy, as an act of treason and for this reason refused to
enter into a public controversy with him as was suggested
to me by Commissioner Sayre, his actions at this reminded
of his conduct under similar circumstances when he was the
President of the Philippine Republic and Commander-in-
Chief of its forces. It will be remembered that when General
Aguinaldo was convinced of the superiority of the American
forces, many years before, he had been willing to enter into
negotiations with the American authorities in Manila on a
basis other than independence. Recalling this incident, I
also remembered that great Filipino character, Apolinario
Mabini, and what he done even after he had been captured
and was a prisoner of war in the hands of the American army.
Mabini, a paralytic, refused to take the oath of allegiance
even after he had been deported to Guam, and only took
the oath when the whole people of the Philippines had
accepted the sovereignty of the United States and expressed
their willingness to cooperate in carrying out the policy of
ultimate freedom propounded by the Untied States.
I told General MacArthur my fear of the effect on our


people, especially the less educated classes, of the promise of
independence made by Premier Tojo in his speech before the
Japanese Diet, wherein he said that Japan was ready to give the
Filipinos “independence with honor.” This promise which was
used by Aguinaldo as further reason for urging the surrender
of our forces might well have had the effect of weakening
the Filipino leaders if they found the people in general to
be won over to Tojo and Aguinaldo; so I informed General
MacArthur that I was seriously considering placing myself
in the hands of the Japanese and defying them, in the belief
that such action on my part would solidify the opposition of
the Filipinos to any Japanese influence. General MacArthur
told me that, in his opinion, that would be a mistake, that he
thought the Japanese were too smart to make me a martyr,
knowing as they did in so doing they would forever win the
enmity and hatred of the Filipino people. He believed that
the Japanese would allow me to go to Malacañan and would
advertise this fact, but would allow no Filipino to get near
me; and that without my knowledge or consent they would
give statements, as coming from me, telling the Filipinos that
they should cooperate with Japan and advising the Filipino
soldiers at the front to surrender and abandon the American
forces. Moreover, General MacArthur said that he feared
that my action might be misinterpreted abroad. To this last
consideration I retorted at once that I was not interested in
the judgment of outsiders so long as I was satisfied that I was
acting in accordance with my duty as in conscience I saw
it. The struggle on the part of the American and Filipino


armies was heroic, but in a sense it was a futile one. It might
even be questioned that the entire American army at that
date if present could have defended the Islands against vast
numbers of men, machines, material of the Japanese forces.
However, his remarks as to what the Japanese might do did
impress me. Knowing something of the Japanese, the views
of General MacArthur seemed perfectly reasonable, so I told
the General I would think more about the matter.
After further consideration, I came to the conclusion that
it might be an unwise thing for me to attempt to imitate
Mabini. The Americans in those years long ago had dealt
with the Filipino revolutionaries entirely above board. When
they captured Mabini they did not conceal from the Filipino
people the courageous stand of this patriot. Nor did they
pretend that they were treating him as other than a prisoner
of war. So Mabini died as the noble and great man that he
was in the eyes of his countrymen and of the world. Whereas,
in my case my sacrifice would not only have been in vain but
might have carried with it my eternal dishonor, for it might
not have been possible for any one but me and my Japanese
jailer to have known or to furnish proofs of what I had done
or been trying to do.
There remained, however, what, in my opinion, was
a larger question —the possibly useless sacrifice of the
Philippine Army, and why shall I not say of the American
Army as well, for my heart had gone out to those heroic
men and women, officers, soldiers and nurses who, after all,
were fighting in defense of my country at the same time


that they were fighting to maintain the honor of their flag.
At last, I thought I found the key to the problem. I would
ask the President of the United States to authorize me to
issue a public manifesto asking the Government of the
United States to grant immediate, complete and absolute
independence to the Philippines; that the neutralization of
the Philippines be agreed at once by the United States and
the Imperial Japanese government; that within a reasonable
period of time, both armies, American and Japanese, be
withdrawn; that neither nation should occupy bases in the
Philippines; that the Philippine Army be demobilized, the
only organized force remaining in the Islands to be the
Philippine Constabulary for the maintenance of law and
order; that Japanese and American noncombatants who so
whished be evacuated with their own army under reciprocal
and fitting stipulations. It was a great anxiety of mine to
achieve independence for my people under the Americans.
I wanted it done before the Japanese who played no part in
this development could claim credit for it.
When I submitted this question to my Cabinet, Lieutenant
Colonel Roxas expressed serious doubts as to the effect such
a proposal would have on President Roosevelt, and Vice-
President Osmeña was inclined to agree with Roxas. They
frankly expressed to me their fear the President might think
that we were weakening in our stand, or might misunderstand
our motive. I told them that I was gravely concerned as to
the reaction of the people, as well as of the Filipino leaders,
to the offer of independence made by Premier Tojo, and


I expressed the conviction that if Japan were to actually
establish an independent government in the Philippines,
the masses of the people who knew very little of the history
of Japan in Manchukuo would fall into the trap and our
leaders would be powerless in the face of such a situation.
On the other hand, if the Japanese government should
refuse to accept my proposal, the Filipino people and our
forces would discover at once the perfidy of Tojo’s promise
of independence, and our spirit of resistance to Japan would
naturally be strengthened.
Again I explained to them my misgivings as to the ability of
our forces to prolong their resistance with so little food and
so much dysentery and malaria—a resistance which might
be further weakened by their knowledge that the civilian
population had accepted “independence” at the hands of
Japan. After hearing my views, the Cabinet unanimously
approved the sending of the message to the President of the
United States. On the next day, President Roosevelt sent me
the following answer:

I have just received your message sent through General MacArthur. From
my message to you of January 30, you must realize that I am not lacking
in understanding of or sympathy with the situation of yourself and the
Commonwealth Government today. The immediate crisis certainly
seems desperate but such crises and their treatment must be judged by a
more accurate measure than the anxieties and sufferings of the present,
however acute. For over forty years American Government has been
carrying out to the people of the Philippines a pledge to help them


successfully, however long it might take, in their aspirations to become a
self-governing and independent people, with the individual freedom and
economic strength which that lofty aim makes requisite. You yourself
have participated in and are familiar with the many carefully planned
steps by which that pledge of self-government has been carried out and
also the steps by which the economic independence of your Islands is
to be made effective. May I remind you now that in the loftiness of its
aim and the fidelity with which it has been executed, this program of the
United States towards another people has been unique in the history of
the family of nations. In the Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934, to which you
refer, the Congress of the United States finally fixed the year 1946 as the
date in which the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands established
by that Act should finally reach the goal of its hopes for political and
economic independence.

By a malign conspiracy of a few depraved but powerful governments,

this hope is now being frustrated and delayed. An organized attack upon
individual freedom and governmental independence throughout the
entire world, beginning in Europe, has now spread and been carried to the
Southwestern Pacific by Japan. The basic principles which have guided
the Unites States in its conduct towards the Philippines have been violated
in the rape of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg,
Denmark, Norway, Albania, Greece, Yugoslavia, Manchukuo, China,
Thailand, and finally the Philippines. Could the people of any of these
nations honestly look forward to a true restoration of their independent
sovereignty under the dominance of Germany, Italy or Japan?

You refer in your telegram to the announcement by the Japanese


Prime Minister of Japan’s willingness to grant to the Philippines her
independence. I only have to refer you to the present condition of
Korea, Manchukuo, North China, Indo-China, and all other countries
which have fallen under the brutal sway of the Japanese Government, to
point out the hollow duplicity of such and announcement. The present
suffering of the Filipino people, cruel as they may be, are infinitely less
than the sufferings and permanent enslavement which will inevitably
follow acceptance of Japanese promises. In any event is it longer possible
for any reasonable person to rely upon Japanese offer or promise?

The Unites States today is engaged with all its resources and in company
with the governments of 26 other nations in an effort to defeat the
aggression of Japan and its Axis partners. This effort will never be
abandoned until the complete and through overthrow of the entire
Axis system and governments which maintain it. We are engaged now
in laying the foundations in the Southwest Pacific of a development in
air, naval and military power which shall become sufficient to meet and
overthrow the widely extended and arrogant attempts of the Japanese.
Military and naval operations call for recognition of realities. What we
are doing there constitutes the best and surest help that we can render to
the Philippines at this time.

By the terms of our pledge to the Philippines implicit is our forty years
of conduct towards your people and expressly recognized in the terms
of the Tydings-McDuffie Act, we have undertaken to protect you to the
uttermost of our power until the time of your ultimate independence had
arrived. Our soldiers in the Philippines are now engaged in fulfilling that
purpose. The honor of the United States is pledged to its fulfillment. We


propose that it be carried our regardless of its cost. Those Americans
who are fighting now will continue to fight until the bitter end. Filipino
soldiers have been rendering voluntary and gallant service in defense of
their own homeland.

So long as the flag of the United States flies on Filipino soil as pledge
of our duty to your people, it will be defended by your own men to the
death. Whatever happens to the present American garrison we shall not
relax our efforts until the forces which we are now marshaling outside
the Philippine Islands return to the Philippines and drive the last remnant
of the invaders from your soil.

The effect of the foregoing telegram on me was

overwhelming. I thought I could read between the lines
more than what the President had actually said. I suspected
that he had gone so far as to tell General MacArthur that if
the Filipinos desired to quit, which they did not, no obstacle
should be placed on our way; that the President of the
Philippines with his whole Government and his (Philippine)
army could surrender if they wanted to, as long as they did not
compromise any of the rights of sovereignty of the United
States over the Philippines; but that the American forces
should fight for their flag and in defense of the Philippines to
the last man. The Filipinos wanted to fight to the bitter end
because of their gratitude to the United States and because
they resented the ruthless invasion of their homeland.
I first knew President Roosevelt when he was Under-
Secretary of the Navy. I had close and almost personal relations


with him after he had become President of the United States.
From the first time that I had met him, his irresistibly winning
smile had attracted me to him. I gave him from the beginning
my personal affection. From my official dealings with him, I
had come to the conclusion that he was a great statesman—
with broad human sympathies and a worldwide knowledge
of affairs; a leader of men, with physical and moral courage
rarely seen in a human being. I had become convinced of his
extreme regard for the welfare of the Filipino people and his
abiding faith in liberty and freedom for the human race. But
I did not know, nor did I suspect that this man was so great
as to be able to renounce the power, which was given him
by the Philippine Independence Act, to compel the Filipino
forces and people to stand by America in the defense not
of America but of the Philippines during the period before
complete independence. When I realized that he was big
enough to assume and place the burden of the defense of my
country upon the sacrifice and heroism of his own people
alone, I swore to myself and to the God of my ancestors that
as long as I lived I would stand by America regardless of the
consequences to my people and to myself. We could not in
decency be less generous or less determined than President
Roosevelt. Without further discussion with anybody, I called
my Cabinet and read them my answer to President Roosevelt,
as follows: “I wish to thank you for your prompt answer to
the proposal which I submitted to you with the unanimous
approval of my Cabinet. We fully appreciate the reasons
upon which your decision is based and we abide by it.”


That was the end of my worries. The course of the ship
was definitely charted and at the helm I was ready to break
through every rough sea, every torment and every hurricane.
Nothing in the world would steer me away from my course.
I pondered over the general situation and came to the
conclusion that if the fight was to be carried on, Corregidor
was not my place. I had to leave that beleaguered fortress
at whatever risk and be with my people in the unoccupied
territory so as to arouse to the point of supreme heroism the
patriotism and loyalty to America of every man, woman,
and child. It was also necessary to marshal the resources
of the country to provide supplies and cash for the Army
in the Visayas and Mindanao and to send food to Bataan
and Corregidor by every possible means at our disposal.
After discussing the plan with my War Cabinet, I submitted
the program or plan to General MacArthur who instantly
approved it. Then I sent it. Colonel Roxas went to the front
to prepare the Filipino generals for the news of my departure
when the time came for making it known to them. On his
return to Corregidor, Colonel Roxas reassured me that the
Philippine Army would understand and fully approve of
my departure. Then I asked General MacArthur to inform
Washington of my plans. I also authorized him to destroy the
silver currency we had in Corregidor if such action became
necessary because of impending seizure by the Japanese. My
order to this effect must have convinced President Roosevelt
that I meant what I said when I informed him that I abode
by his decision, for on February 15 received the following


telegram from him:

A radiogram just received from General MacArthur informed me that you

have ordered that the silver currency, property of the Commonwealth
Government, be destroyed, if such action becomes necessary because of
impending seizure by the Japanese. It is extremely gratifying to have this
added evidence of the absolute fidelity of your government and yourself
to the United States and of your willingness to sacrifice in behalf of the
ideals for which we are all striving. I am sorry that the necessity for secrecy
prohibits my making public your splendid action for such indication of
absolute singlemindedness of purpose of the United Powers inspires all
our peoples to an accelerated exertion toward ultimate triumph.

The next day General MacArthur informed Washington

that it was my wish, concurred in by my War Cabinet, that
the seat of the Philippine Government should be transferred
to the free territory of the Islands, at first in the Visayas.
We had expressed the feeling that we members of the
Government would be of greater service to the cause if we
could have direct contact our countrymen, which was not
possible from Corregidor.
The message further outlined our plan to maintain the unity
and heighten the morale of the Filipino people in the free
portion of the Islands, in order to oppose more successfully
the enemy.
General MacArthur occurred heartily with our plans and
requested the authority to use submarines to get us out of
Corregidor, which was approved by Washington.


N DECEMBER 30th, shortly after our arrival
in the fortress, I had been asked by President
Roosevelt to come directly to Washington,
but I declined the invitation, for I was anxious
to remain in the theatre of war, where I felt my presence
would be of service at that time.
Finally, after nearly two months of siege and bombardment
and upon the advice of General MacArthur and of my doctors, we
decided to leave Corregidor for the, as yet, unoccupied zones of
the Philippines. We felt that we might thus be able to encourage
continued resistance in the free portions of our islands, and, above
all, get some much needed food for our armies.


The supplies hastily gathered in the narrow confines of
Bataan and Corregidor had become greatly depleted and the
food ration was already reduced to half.
It was understood as we left, that, on account of differences
in plans and of immediate destinations, High Commissioner
Sayre was to await the return of our submarine for the
departure of himself and his party.
The departure took place, of course, after eleven o’ clock
at night when the moon had set. As the enemy was firing
upon us from Cavite, no chances could be taken.
The moment was tense and dramatic; each clasp of the
hands seemed to convey a question as to what fate had in
store for us and for them.
General MacArthur and all the High Command of the
fortress were at the dock to bid us good-bye, and with them
came General Manuel Roxas, then a colonel, and the only
representative of my Government to be left on Corregidor.
On him I conferred full powers as Executive Secretary of the
President in the following order:


February 18, 1942

Dear Secretary Roxas,

I have today designated you to act as Secretary to the President. In this

capacity you are authorized, when in your judgment the circumstances


so require, to act in my name on all matters not involving any change
of policy. You are familiar with the policies of my administration, and I
expect you to be guided by those policies in all matters of government
requiring action or intervention on your part.
With the respect to the assets of the Government now deposited in
the Treasury Vaults, as you know, I have authorized General MacArthur
to destroy the silver currency when in his judgment the military situation
requires such action. As to the paper currency, you are authorized to
withdraw from the vaults such amounts as may be necessary for official
purposes, but always upon proper requisitions or vouchers. When in the
opinion of General MacArthur it becomes necessary or convenient to
take such action, you are also authorized to destroy the said currency.
For this purpose you should designate or cause to be designated a group
of officials to act as Destruction Committee. This committee should
certify the destruction, and counterpart certificates should be prepared
in your files and sent to the proper officials in Washington for purposes
of record and future references.
You are authorized to appoint a paymaster and such other officials as
may be necessary to assist you in the performance of your duties.

Sincerely yours,

Hon. Manuel Roxas



With me there went, of course, my family, Vice-President
Osmeña, Chief Justice Jose Abad Santos, Major General
Basilio Valdes, Father Ortiz, S.J., our Chaplain, and my
senior aide, Colonel Manuel Nieto. The rest of my own
party, including Lieutenant Colonel Velasquez, who had
been serving as Chief of Staff of a division on Bataan, now
my junior aide, Lieutenant Colonel Andres Soriano, now
Secretary of Finance of my government, who had been
serving at the front as intelligence officer on the staff of
General Alfred Jones, my private secretary Serapio Canceran
and my doctors had left the night before us on the fine inter-
island steamer the Don Esteban. They could only travel by
night, of course, stopping en route at three carefully selected
hideouts during the daytime.
On our departure from Corregidor I discarded the wheel-
chair that had been necessary during the crisis of my illness
while there.
As we boarded the submarine Swordfish I shook hands with
Commander Chester C. Smith of Boise, Idaho; he looked
so young and innocent! Yet, on his way up to meet us he
had met a Japanese transport and had promptly launched a
torpedo and sunk it.
After threading the complicated mine-field which guarded
the entrance to the bay, we rose to the surface and traveled
the rest of the night through quite a rough sea.
Poor Mrs. Quezon was sea-sick as were my two daughters
who lay together in a tiny bunk, the feet of each to the other’s
head. As for my son Manuel, aged fifteen, he took all of his


adventures like a little man. For him, the really important
feature of the submarine was the wonderful food. He ate two
dinners, one after the other, thus wiping out the memories of
two months of short rations on Corregidor. He still talks of
that food.
The next day, at the break of dawn, we submerged through
all the long hours of daylight above. This was an experience
I found very hard to endure. Most men, I suppose, who
have once been prisoners, as I had been for six months
after the Philippine insurrection, suffer in after life from
claustrophobia! At all events, something seemed to have
gone wrong with the air-conditioning of that submarine,
and it was for me almost intolerably hot and stuffy. The
following day, Sunday, February 22nd at 2:40 A.M., we
arrived at San Jose de Buenavista, in Antique province,
which was our point of rendezvous with the S.S. Don Esteban
that arrived an hour later.
The Visayan Islands had not yet been occupied at any point
by the enemy. To the southward they had seized the ports of
Davao and Zamboanga on the great island of Mindanao and
had occupied the Sulu Archipelago. The narrow seas about
us were constantly patrolled by war vessels of the enemy.
In the Visayas, there were no considerable quotas of our
Army, and those in the service consisted for the most part of
raw recruits or draftees. When their turn eventually came,
they put up a gallant resistance.
Bombing was already going on in Iloilo, but this, as
yet, had achieved no very material damage. One incident


brought us almost comic relief from the deadly serious
nature of the situation.
As soon as this grim war fell upon our peaceful and
prosperous land, I had proclaimed daylight-saving for reasons
recognized by all the peoples engaged in this conflict. But in
the Visayas, at least, this measure had brought to us benefits
quite unexpected. The Japanese, as is well known, operate
on an exact schedule adopted long before hostilities begin.
Everything with them is like a railroad time-table. Their
rule, it seems, is invariably to bomb airfields at lunch-
time—twelve o’clock noon. But after my proclamation of
daylight-saving time, twelve o’clock Japanese time was one
o’clock Philippine time, and at that hour people had not
always returned to their work from luncheon. In Iloilo the
members of the Lopez family, who owned an important
airfield near that city, thanked me profusely for the lives I
had saved by my proclamation. When the Japanese bombed
their airfield near Iloilo, there was nobody there– they were
all still at lunch.
General Quimbo and Colonel Powell were sent in a
launch by General Chynoweth, chief of the armed forces in
Panay, to receive us. I decided to continue the trip to Iloilo
by car accompanied only by my military assistants. Vice-
President Osmeña and Secretary of Justice Santos boarded
the Don Esteban which took them to Iloilo, at which capital
they arrived at 10 P.M. of the same day.
We reached Iloilo at 7:30 in the morning and put up
temporarily on the property of the Lopez family in a little


nipa house on the beach. My object was, if possible, to keep
my movements secret—an effort which was unsuccessful
because word got around among the people, and it was
necessary for the police to be called to prevent the house
being over-run.
The people begged me to explain what they were not able
to understand—the reason for the bombardments and the
war. They did not comprehend that in an armed conflict
between the United States and Japan, our land necessarily
became part of the field of battle. In each look I found
intense anxiety to know when these horrors would come
to an end. I answered as best I could and exhorted them to
continue their struggle for the cause of democracy in the
certainty that sooner or later the United States would come
to our relief.
At midday I proceeded to Ajui, site of the sugar factory
of the Elizaldes, a place appropriate for my headquarters in
Visayan Islands. The people in charge of the factory prepared
for us a meal which seemed to us most lavish. This constant
reference to the prosaic subject of eating might appear out
of place to one who has been enjoying a good table. This
is not the case, however, with those who, like us, had lived
for more than two months on half rations, the half ration
consisting of tinned goods without such indispensable items
as coffee, milk, butter, etc.
At three in the afternoon, I received the military and
civil authorities of the three provinces of Panay. There were
present, with general Chynoweth, the governors, provincial


treasurers, auditors and attorneys and the manager of the
branch of the Philippine National Bank. Panay was, through
its proximity, supplies and facilities for shipment, the point
from which one could most easily provide food supplies
for the troops on Bataan and Corregidor. After giving
instructions concerning the vital necessity of sowing rice and
corn, I increased the price to be paid by the Government for
these supplies and pointed out the patriotic duty of everyone
to aid in their shipment to Corregidor and Bataan. Here I
must say that those provinces reacted with the liberality and
hospitality legendary among the Filipino people and I desire
to make particular mention of Governor Hernandez of Capiz
Province, who was in charge of the affair. From the well-to-
do people down to the poorest, everyone brought what he
could of fish and dried meat, rice, corn, fruit and eggs, which
latter were particularly needed in the hospitals of Bataan and
Corregidor. Thanks to this assistance which lasted until the
only two vessels at our disposal were sunk by the Japanese,
it was possible for our forces to continue fighting a month or
so longer without starving.
That same night, I decided to go to Negros and after
dinner in Iloilo I went aboard the Don Esteban.
The fixed lights of the strait which separates Iloilo from
Negros were extinguished and the captain did not dare to
make the crossing. Since it was not prudent, on the other
hand, to voyage by day, because the enemy air force was
constantly raiding the few vessels which could take provisions
to Corregidor, I disembarked in Guimaras, a little island at the


mouth of Iloilo River, where I passed the day, while Colonel
Nieto returned to Iloilo to arrange with the Quartermaster
Department the assignment of the S.S. Princess of Negros for
my use during an inspection of the Visayan Islands.
This permitted me to send immediately the Don Esteban to
Corregidor with food supplies. She made a successful trip,
but on her return she was bombed and sunk by the enemy.
For the heroic crew of this vessel and of the S.S. Legaspi, which
were unprovided with any means of defense, navigating in
waters patrolled by enemy submarines and destroyers and
under skies filled with airplanes, all words of praise sound
feeble. Only men endowed with extreme patriotism and
courage could have carried out these tasks.
In the Princess of Negros I proceeded to Bacolod, capital of
the Province of Western Negros. This is the principal sugar
growing territory of the Philippines, and here are found
the largest sugar factories. Here, also, the extreme tension
between factory owners, planters and workmen, brought
about by the war, naturally had become greater than in any
other part of the country. These difficulties were so severe
that the only course open to me was to direct the suspension
of grinding and to authorize certain loans by the Government
bank to enable wage payments to be made.
Except for this, the Island of Negros had not yet been
seriously affected by the war although news had been received
of the bombardments, pillage, sacking and other calamities
in Manila. Knowing so little of the war, they displayed the
peculiarity of human beings who feel that they are remote


from all danger and, with the utmost good faith, think of
life in terms of enjoyment, entertainment, music and good
times generally. To those of my party, however, who had
seen so closely the horrors of war, this attitude seemed a
shocking desecration.
Two days later I decided to go to Eastern Negros, where
we arrived on the 27th of February, and from here to save
time I decided to send in advance Vice President Osmeña
and Secretary of Justice Santos to Cebu, and I directed the
Insular Treasurer, Andres Soriano, to go to Mindanao.
In this period and while I was traversing that province
rapidly, not remaining more than two days in any town,
since I assumed that the Japanese would learn of my
stopping places, I will tell of only one, among many, of the
frustrations which the Japanese encountered. We took with
us to the Visayan Islands the remainder of the paper money
of the Filipino Treasury which had not been destroyed on
Corregidor, foreseeing that it might be necessary to use it
in the payment of the troops in the southern islands. For
this story, the actual amount of the funds in question is not
important; it is enough to say that there was a good fistful of
millions, exposed always to the dangers of our journey.
On the 16th of March at midnight a flash announced
to me the presence the presence of Japanese destroyers in
the Tanon Strait between the islands of Negros and Cebu,
exactly where our Princess of Negros was at anchor with these
funds on board destined for the city of Cebu. At once, I sent
my aide, Colonel Nieto, to the steamer to take charge of the


funds—a thing which he succeeded in doing before dawn.
Twelve hours later, the Princess of Negros was captured by a
Japanese destroyer. My hair still stands on end when I think
how nearly that money fell into Japanese hands.
The Governor of Iloilo, Tomas Confesor, who later on,
in the jungles at the head of guerrillas of Panay, was to
distinguish himself as one of the extraordinary figures of the
resistance against the invaders, had just arrived at Negros
from Manila, whence he had escaped on board a small boat.
He brought me the first direct impressions of events there,
since the capture of that capital by the Japanese.
With General Homma, Supreme Chief of the Japanese
Occupational Forces, there entered into Manila Hideico
Kihara, who for many years had been Japanese Vice-
Consul in Manila and until November, 1941, had been
Consul General in Davao. Kihara was a good mixer and
had built up a number of friendly relationships among the
Filipinos for which reason he was being utilized as advisor
to the Japanese Army.
Homma, advised by Kihara, convoked the entire official
staff of the Filipino Government who had remained in Manila,
at the head of whom were Jorge Vargas, my executive secretary,
and Jose Yulo, the speaker of the Philippine assembly.
Homma produced a plan of organizing a commission that
should have in its charge the administration of civil affairs
and should serve as a liaison between the military forces of
occupation and the people.
But notwithstanding the advice which I left for them


before my departure to the effect that if they should be given
an opportunity to cooperate in the administration of civil
government, they should accept it in order that the interests
of the people and public order and respect for property
should be safeguarded, their answer was no!
They were then told, as Governor Confesor related to us,
that in view of their attitude, the Japanese found themselves
obliged to place this duty in the hands of Filipinos who were
more sensible and cooperative, that is to say, pro-Japanese or
more pliable Filipinos.
The officials then asked for twenty-four hours to make
a decision, during which time it was their intention to
send a courier to Corregidor to find out my opinion, but
communication was already broken.
There remained, therefore, no alternative but to accept
or permit the placing of the interests of the Filipino people
in the hands of individuals who might be mercenary,
irresponsible, and unscrupulous, which would have spread
alarm and demoralization throughout the country. Finally,
their sense of responsibility came to the fore and they
accepted the Japanese proposal, but not without laying down
the condition that they should not be asked to renounce
their loyalty already given to the United States.
In their zeal, these Filipino officials went even further.
Although, logically speaking, the head of the new
commission should have been Yulo, because he was speaker
of the Assembly, elected by popular vote, they decided that
it should be Vargas, who held only an appointive position, in


order that none of their acts might be interpreted as bearing
popular sanction or the endorsement of the public.
In an earlier chapter on the battle on Bataan, some account
has already been given of atrocities practiced by the Japanese.
In the provinces around Manila there had been wanton
and unnecessary bombings of several towns, working great
destruction upon innocent people in places where there
were absolutely no military objectives. But by far the most
shocking story of atrocity perpetrated by brutal Japanese
soldiery, evidently grown completely out of hand, was the
number of cases of rape upon Filipinas in the provinces. Many
of the girls died from this brutal treatment and nothing could
have been more certain to leave a permanent scar of deep
hatred among Filipinos against the conquerors than these
awful crimes.
Adopting the technique of the Germans in France, the
Japanese had made earnest efforts in Manila more than
anywhere else to capture the hearts of the Filipinos, hoping,
no doubt, to reconcile them to Japanese rule and to wean
them away from their loyalty to the United States. In this
they made a dismal failure. On the surface our people were
calm in the presence of the enemy who had invaded their
country and occupied their cities. But to those who knew
them well, as I do, it was hardly a matter of surprise to learn
how deep was their hatred of the invader and how strong
remained their devotion to the United States.
While the Japanese High Command and military
officialdom lavished smiles and respectful gestures on the


Filipinos in social affairs, with the enlisted men it was quite
the other way. The ruthless and fanatical Japanese soldier
indulged in his cruel sport of slapping the first Filipino
youth or old person who dared to pass in front of him
with an air of difference or smoking a cigarette, which for
them constituted lèse-majesté. No woman who struck her
fancy was safe from outrage.
A complete revision of Philippine schoolbooks had been
begun by the Japanese within six weeks of their triumphant
entry into our capital. General Masaharu Homma, the
Commander in Luzon, proposed the gradual elimination of
English from our schools to be replaced by a wider use of
Tagalog. We, ourselves, had already adopted Tagalog as our
national language, in order still further to consolidate our
people, and to reduce the use of other Malay dialects found in
the different provinces. Nevertheless, English will probably
always rank with Spanish in the Philippines as a requisite for
all higher education. But General Homma’s proposal had a
far different and more revolutionary purpose. He wished, as
he declared, to “eliminate the blind dependence upon Anglo-
American culture and civilization,” and to promote among
Filipinos the “consciousness that they are Orientals.”
A recent Japanese broadcast by Domei stated that
the Filipinos had lost the Oriental virtues owing to their
association with Spain and the United States, and added, as
proof of their assertion that they “thought only of clothes
and how they looked.”
I am not aware that Vanity Fair is an exclusive monopoly


of the Western world, but all of us must acknowledge that
there are many virtues in Oriental philosophy and discipline.
We Filipinos should be in a position to profit by the rich
cultures of both the West and East. But the Japanese will
never be able to accomplish by such appeals the absorption
of the Filipino race into their body politic. The differences
between us are too profound and too long established.
The Filipino is, psychologically speaking, a Westerner. His
concept of honor is, by heredity, Spanish: gallant, although
generally humble and not presumptuous, he reacts violently
against the least act of contempt.
Of all the excesses committed by the Japanese, those
which insulted the dignity and honor of the Filipinos are
without doubt the ones which will leave the deepest and
most irreconcilable wounds and make forever impossible any
cultural union of any kind between the two races. General
MacArthur has always held that the Philippines is a Latin-
American nation and should be so treated. There were four
hundred years of Spanish colonial empire in the Philippines
which, even though imperialistic and inquisitorial in its
operations, was in certain of its phases respectful of religious
instruction, of culture, and of civilization.
The Philippines is the only Christian country in the Far
East, a fact which alone inevitably identifies us with Western
Before the Japanese themselves had decided whether
their own religion should be Shintoism or Buddhism, the
Roman Catholic religion already existed in the Philippines,


and there had been already founded the University of Santo
Tomas, that spot which the Japanese have now converted
into a concentration camp for Americans.
Fifty years of association with American ideals, as inspired
and practised by the United States in the Philippines
with altruism and generosity, have finally rounded out our
apprenticeship and fixed our Western characteristics.
We were told that the Pope had consented to receive
a Japanese Ambassador at the Vatican. As there are some
fourteen million Roman Catholics in the Philippines, now
under Japanese domination, we welcomed this decision of
the Holy Father. He could thus do his best to care for his
flock in the Philippines. We learned that the Archbishop
of Manila, Monsignor O’Daugherty, had been requested
by the Japanese authorities to direct all his parish priests to
cooperate with the Army of Occupation. He had refused on
the ground that he had no opportunity to consult with his
parish priests, and as they were all Filipinos and he was an
American of Irish birth, he did not know how they would
take it from him. Then the occupying authorities brought
two Japanese Catholic priests down to Manila, and through
them the cooperation of the Church was sought.
We learned further that all the Protestant missionary clergy
had been well treated, and that there had been no looting
of church property, nor destruction of church buildings,
Catholic or Protestant, except for the unfortunate demolition
of the old buildings of Santo Tomas University in Manila on
the day when the shipping in the Pasig River was bombed.


The new buildings of Santo Tomas, some distance outside
Manila, were now being used as a concentration camp for
American, English and Dutch civilians of military age. The
women and children and old men who were citizens of those
nations were, at the beginning, left in their own houses,
and were allowed to be provisioned by their own Filipino
servants, though some of them were sadly inconvenienced
by want of money.
A good example of Japanese propaganda was the fabricated
story of my death at the hands of Americans, as was published
in all the newspapers in Manila.
It had become a question of honor for the Japanese to end
as soon as possible the campaign in the Philippines which
was already taking too much time and constituted a cause of
shame for their army, which had announced that our islands
would be conquered within twenty-five days.
Singapore, Java, Sumatra, and Borneo, had already been
conquered by the enemy and a part of the air and naval forces
which had been concentrated in those regions could now
be directed to hasten the conquest of Bataan, Corregidor
and the Visayan Islands. So Tojo decided to send to the
Philippines, general Yamashita, conqueror of Singapore, to
replace General Homma who was at one time reported to
have indulged in the traditional hara-kiri.
The change was soon noticed not only in the increased
pressure of the land and air forces on Bataan an Corregidor, but
also in the naval activities which now commenced to draw a
more rigid circle around the Visayan Islands and Mindanao.


Cebu, which is the second capital in importance of the
Philippines, was bombarded almost every day by enemy
naval forces, an unmistakable indication that they intended
to make that city their immediate objective.
I felt that it was not prudent for the Vice-President to
continue in Cebu and asked him to return. Things began to
get difficult in that region and the long-cherished hopes of
everyone for reinforcements from the United States began to
wane. The symptoms were unmistakable; we were definitely
in retreat.
My fears were soon justified. On March 17th, Colonel
Soriano returned from Mindanao, whither I had sent him on a
secret mission. He brought a letter from General MacArthur
addressed to me, whose content speaks for itself:


March 16, 1942

Mr Dear Mr. President:

As I radioed you yesterday, an entirely new situation and prospect has

developed. The United States is moving its forces into the southern
Pacific area in what is destined to be a great offensive against Japan.
The troops are being concentrated in Australia which will be used as the
base for the offensive drive to the Philippines. President Roosevelt has
designated me to command this offensive and has directed me to proceed


to Australia for that purpose. He believes this is the best way to insure the
success of the movement. I was naturally loath to leave Corregidor but
the Washington authorities insisted, implying that if I did not personally
assume the command the effort could not be made. As a matter of fact,
I had no choice in the matter, being peremptorily ordered by President
Roosevelt himself. I understand the forces are rapidly being accumulated
and hope that the drive can be undertaken before the Bataan-Corregidor
situation reaches a climax. I left there several days ago and by the time
you receive this note, will have flown to Australia. I want you and your
family to join me there. We have been completely identified together for
many years, and you have been at my headquarters since the beginning of
the war. It is the natural and proper thing for you to do to rejoin me at my
headquarters in Australia in the great drive for victory in the Philippines.
The Filipinos and the world at large would acclaim this in every way,
and it would enthuse and inspire them. This is an entirely different
proposition from the one we previously discussed which involved your
leaving the country merely for the sake of security. The plan would be
to have you fly from Del Monte in three of our big B-17 bombers. The
trip would take only nine hours and be done at night, and it does not
represent a serious hazard. You could do it with no jeopardy whatsoever
to your health. Flying at night would be at no higher altitude than eight
or nine thousand feet, and the flight surgeons assure me that you would
have no physical difficulty. General Sharp, who is in command here, will
aid and assist you in every way. You will find him entirely sympathetic
and cooperative. Inform him when you are ready as it will take me a little
time to set the plan up.
I am retaining full command here in the Philippines and have left part
of my staff at Corregidor, pending my return there. Roxas remains there.


All communications for me go there just as before. I am sending this note
by Soriano, who has read its contents.
We all join in expressions of love and devotion.


His Excellency,
The President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

My own reaction is contained in the following telegraphic


Buenos Aires,Neg. Occidental

March 17, 1942

General MacArthur:
Your letter received and I accept your plan stop I need the three fast
boats in Zamboanguita tomorrow night stop If they are not available
send M/V Dumaguete which was at Iligan yesterday and the two fast boats
referred to in your radiogram just received.

This decision naturally made a radical change in the state

of affairs. I desired that the few remaining members of my
Government accompany me. The Secretary of Justice, Jose
Abad Santos, decided, however, to remain behind. A little


later he was made prisoner by the Japanese in Cebu. They
offered him his liberty on condition that he would agree to
make a campaign of pro- Japanese propaganda throughout
those provinces. He refused and they shot him. Jose Abad
Santos was one of the great figures belonging to the nation.
The Filipinos will never pardon the Japanese for that crime.
With my military staff, doctors and personnel, I again
sought to fulfil the duty which in that crisis I considered
sacred; namely, to leave to each one the decision whether
to remain or to accompany me. They all agreed to come
with me.


ARCH 18TH was without doubt the most
critical day of all our journeys, since leaving
Corregidor. On this date, our lives, even
though we did not suspect it, were in greater
danger, and the bravery of some of our countrymen came
more into evidence than at any other time. Our departure
had been fixed for ten o’clock that night and the place of
rendezvous with the P-T boats had been determined—the
Zamboanguita Beach at the extreme southern end of the
Island of Negros.


General Wainwright, left by general MacArthur in command
of the land and naval forces in the Philippines (since the air
forces had become only a vague recollection) was given the
charge of arranging immediately, within the resources at
his command, for my evacuation from the Visayan Islands,
and on him was laid the duty of guaranteeing my arrival at
destination safe and sound. This was a rather large order,
taking into account the activities of the enemy who seemed
to have been well-informed of our movements and had taken
steps to obstruct them.
Finally, flashes began to arrive concerning destroyers on
raids south of Cebu, east and south of Negros, and north of
Mindanao. Believing that there might be exaggeration and
false alarms in these reports, I detailed my aide and Colonel
Soriano not only to observe with their own eyes what was
going on but to familiarize themselves with the terrain where,
later on that night, we would have to go on board the P-T
boats in the most complete blackout. As far as Zamboanguita
Beach, they traversed the coast in a car, and Soriano took off
in a small rickety airplane piloted by Major Fernando–an
act which nearly cost them their lives. In this anxiety to
make a complete survey of entire course which we would
cover, he and his pilot nearly reached Mindanao and were
obliged to return, since night was coming on. They had to
make a forced landing on the beach near Dumaguete with
no gas, no beacons and no landing lights. A man proves
himself in times of danger, and Soriano, whom I never
before had seen in that situation, gave convincing proofs


of his character. For this and other services, I conferred on
him a degree of Military Merit.
There now was no doubt that the enemy destroyers were
not simply around by chance but were following a deliberate
plan of patrolling that part of the coast. In the meantime,
our observers took for new destroyers all the vessels which
were passing by, although in reality it was only the original
ones returning. There was a time when they reported the
presence of seven. Naturally, this news alarmed General
Wainwright, who ordered immediately the postponement
of our departure until the following day. Later on, we knew
that three of the seven destroyers reported by our nervous
observers, were the P-T boats which came to take me away.
Despite General Wainwright’s order, I felt it necessary to
push on. It was 10:30 at night. Something told me that since
we were obliged to undertake this journey, the sooner we did
it, the better. Nothing gives such courage as necessity.
We arrived at Zamboanguita about midnight after
experiencing the difficulties natural to a journey in caravan
in the most complete darkness. The road ran along the coast
and any light could cause our destruction. The exodus was
painful and was made more so by the people who, alarmed
by the news, clogged up the road with vehicles and baggage,
prepared to flee into the mountains from the Japanese
invasion, which they felt was imminent.
At Zamboanguita, the P-T boats were not at the place
agreed on. What should we do? Should we take this as
providential sign that the journey should be suspended,


as General Wainwright had ordered? When I recall those
moments in which everything was confusion and darkness,
within and around me, aware of all the dangers which
surrounded me, suffering on my own account and on account
on what I felt those dear to me– wife, children, relatives and
friends– were suffering in silence, I almost believe that I was
brave without knowing it.
For a moment, my sense of responsibility found comforting
relief through the intervention of an act of God. The P-T
boats were not there. It was midnight. The thing definitely
indicated was to retrace one’s steps and I so ordered.
I gave up thinking, since thinking was only suffering, and
even continued suffering can bore one. I gave myself up to
the designs of Providence with the fatalistic renunciation of
one who leaves everything to the will of God.
Silence reigned again, this time not even broken by the
usual chatter of my daughters. We had completed almost half
of the return journey. Suddenly, the sound of a horn, distant
at first but growing in volume. A few minutes later, the lights
of an approaching car illuminated the road. I ordered the
chauffeur to stop. Two men, one of them with beard and
waterproof hat, made themselves known. The army officer
was Colonel Soriano; the “old sea-dog” was Commander
Bulkeley, in charge of the squadron of P-T boats. His ferocious
aspect, far from repelling me, caused me in me a feeling of
security. They had just arrived at Dumaguete and told me
that there was no time to lose. I argued that my departure
had been postponed by order of General Wainwright until


the following day.
A brief conversation took place between Bulkeley and
“Mr. President, we must not delay. One of the P-T boats
of my squadron has already been lost. Tomorrow may be too
In reply, I asked him: “Do you guarantee to put me on
Mindanao tomorrow?”
“On my word of honor,” answered Bulkeley, stoutly.
Up to this time, all the decisions which involved risk of
life for my wife or children had been taken after consultation
with them, both when we left Manila for Corregidor and
when we departed from there in the submarine. This time,
however, I assumed sole responsibility.
We resumed the journey. When we arrived at the wharf in
Dumaguete, it was three in the morning. We proceeded on
board—a job by no means simple, considering the number of
persons who composed my staff and the quantity of baggage
to be loaded on the two small P-T boats. It was necessary,
moreover, to leave room for the crew of the P-T boat which
had been wrecked in a fish trap that afternoon. At the end
I had to leave behind my Secretary, Serapio Canceran, who
followed in a sailing canoe.
We had no time to lose since it was necessary to reach
Mindanao before daybreak. Suddenly a violent wave
released the propeller of one of the torpedoes on deck.
This immediately commenced to spin very rapidly and
produced a terrible whistling sound like the escape of


compressed air. At the same time, a great flame shot up
many yards into the air.
This seemed to us to be our end. The alarm and confusion
of the passengers on deck whose instinct of self-preservation
made them hurl themselves toward the opposite side of the
boat from the fire, can hardly be described.
We then heard the voices of Bulkeley and Soriano seeking
to restore calm and order. I sought to explain to myself
what was going on and in my ignorance I could only think
that of fire, however innocent its cause, was not the proper
surrounding for an instrument as deadly as a torpedo. Shortly
thereafter, order was restored. Later on, I was informed t
hat thanks to the presence of mind of Bulkeley and of the
two torpedo men, Houlihan and Light, the situation was
promptly saved. These men rapidly unlashed the torpedoes
and launched them into the sea.
This had been no minor accident. According to Bulkeley,
if the flame had succeeded even in heating up the charge of
explosives in the torpedoes nothing would have remained
of the boat or ourselves. It is perhaps unnecessary to say
that following this incident I conferred upon Bulkeley,
Houlihan, and Light the Distinguished Conduct Star of the
At 6:30 in the morning, we tied up to the dock at Oroquieta
on the northern coast of Mindanao.
We went ashore and I sought to pass unrecognized
through the crowd on the wharf but it was not possible. We
went directly to the church, where we gave thanks to God


in our gratitude. In the meantime, our transportation for Del
Monte was being ready made. Here, as may be guessed, I
took good care to arrange the journey by land. I stopped
in Dansalan, where we conferred with the military and civil
government authorities.
To the Moros who, in all the Philippine territory, inhabit
only the islands of Mindanao and Jolo, and whose independent
and belligerent character I had found it necessary on more
than one occasion to suppress with armed forces, I took the
opportunity to say that the time had now arrived when we
would be happy to see them display their prowess against
the Japanese.
In Del Monte during the three days while we were awaiting
the arrival of the planes, I lodged in a nipa house which an
old friend built on a hill with the idea of remaining there for
whatever time the war might last.
When I had been preparing to leave Corregidor, my first
intention was to take along with me Colonel Manuel Roxas,
but he felt–and rightly– that someone had to remain there
to maintain the morale of the Filipino troops. When I left
Corregidor, I conferred on him the powers of Executive
Secretary of the President.
While I was in Negros, when the infiltration of the Japanese
forces began, and prudence counselled the selection of the
person who would succeed to the presidency of the country
in case something should happen to me and to Vice-President
Osmeña, I selected, under the powers granted me by the
Constitution, Colonel Roxas as our successor and issued the


following Executive Order:

Whereas the danger of the President of the Philippines being either

killed or captured by the enemy is always present; and

Whereas, public interest demands that the succession of the Presidency

be provided for so that at no time may the country find itself without a
lawful head of the Government of the Commonwealth,

That in case I or Vice-President Osmeña should be unable to perform these

duties, the Secretary to the President should become the President.

Having notified President Roosevelt of this arrangement,

I received a reply approving the action.
I had previously arranged for Roxas to visit me in
Mindanao and had there discussed with him the matter of
his joining me in my trip to Australia, basing my opinion on
the argument that the loss of the battle of the Philippines,
which it was necessary to admit dating from the order given
to General MacArthur to leave, put an end to our mission
in the southern islands. I furthermore stated that I needed
this services and assistance. He replied that he would do
whatever I ordered but that his own thought was that it was
his duty to remain in the islands.
He seemed to feel that in his own particular case, as a
soldier, to leave the country would be tantamount to
desertion, and notwithstanding that he recognized as well
as I did that we were lost in a military sense—because to


continue hoping for reinforcements was vain and the days
of Bataan and Corregidor were numbered—he insisted upon
remaining. He knew, of course, that his only choice of fate
would be to become a prisoner of war if he returned to
Corregidor, or if he remained at large, to perish of hunger
and illness in the jungles.
That in Roxas there is a leader is clearly shown in his
political career. He was born in the Province of Capriz,
and after filling practically every public office, provincial
and national, he became Governor of the Province and
subsequently was elected a representative to the Philippine
National Assembly, of which he was chosen Speaker. When,
with Osmeña, by himself, he went to the United States on
various missions, representing the interests of the Philippines,
Roxas distinguished himself by his brilliant talent, his
statesmanship and his remarkable ability in using English.
When General MacArthur organized the Filipino Army,
Roxas was among the first to come forward, and when the
Japanese attack began, he promptly placed himself at the
disposition of General MacArthur.
The Filipino people could not afford to lose Roxas. It my
duty to save him and for this reason I was so insistent upon
his accompanying me. But, on the other hand, I asked my
self whether I was certain of being saved my own self. That
doubt in my mind and his own insistence upon remaining,
influenced my final decision.
When I reached Washington later on, and my illness
continued to drain away my health, and when the


responsibilities and problems of the government in exile
increased, how many times did I regret not having forced
him to come with me. This feeling was heightened by the
news that he had been taken prisoner, because I feared that
the Japanese, being aware of his ability, would offer him the
presidency of the puppet government and, upon his rejecting
it, as I was sure he would, they would shoot him, as they had
Justice Santos.
In a letter to General MacArthur, which I wrote on January
6, 1943, from Washington, I said this:

Not long ago, I sent you a telegram through the War Department
requesting that you try to get Roxas out of Mindanao. I reiterate that
request. To me it is of the utmost importance to save Roxas and bring
him to the United States. Of course, if he is alive I have no doubt that
he is doing a fine work wherever he may be, but I cannot conceive that
he can do anything nearly as important as what he could do in United
States at this time. When the time comes for our return, we would, of
course, take him along.

Please, General, find Roxas. He is needed by the Filipino people in the

years to come.

In another letter which I felt that I must write to General

MacArthur, I gave expressions to my feelings in these words:

The news that Roxas fell into the hands of the Japanese has broken
me almost completely, for I suspect that after his insistent refusal to be


President of the Philippines the Japanese might murder him.

But oh, how proud I am of him! I almost envy him for he had occasion
to do just what I wanted to do myself—to tell the Japanese that we want
nothing from them.

If Roxas has been murdered he is the greatest loss that the Filipino people
have suffered in this war. He can’t be replaced and I don’t know how long
[before] the race will produce another Manuel Roxas.

He saved his people from eternal ignominy. Had he accepted the offer,
Japan might have already established a Manchukuo or a Nanking regime in
Manila, with him as the president and see how well informed those Japanese
are as to who is who in the Philippines! They did not offer the presidency to
Vargas or Laurel or Aquino or Yulo or Paredes—only to Roxas.

Let us hope for the best. Can we not make him a major general or give
him some decoration?

In recording now the work of my Government during

our stay in the Visayan Islands and Mindanao, it must be
understood that my official authority was unaffected by the
war, except in regions actually occupied by the Japanese.
Martial law was not established in the islands by the American
The military forces in Mindanao were under command of
General Sharp who with Chynoweth in Panay and Hillsman
in Negros, had really no substantial means of defense.


But how great is the ingenuity and tenacity of man!
This military post had one bulldozer–that famous machine
which can demolish living rock. They assigned it to the
Del Monte airfield. Now these men under General Sharp
with this bulldozer accomplished the miracle of excavating
the mountains which surrounded the airfield and making a
hangar large enough to hold fourteen P-40 planes.
To prove that they had not forgotten us, the Japanese
planes came over us on various occasions during our stay in
Del Monte.
At 10:30 in the evening of March the 26th, with military
punctuality the three large bombers which General
MacArthur had sent from Australia to pick us up made their
In planning our departure for Australia it was arranged
that Vice-President Osmeña was to travel in one plane and
I in another so that both might not perish in one accident.
Americans, who are so air-minded and so accustomed to travel
by plane, cannot understand, I suppose, the apprehension
with which I boarded an airplane for the first time.
With me and my family, in our plane, came General Valdes,
my aide, and Dr. Trepp. With Vice-President Osmeña went
the rest of the personnel. At 11:20 P.M., we took off from the
Del Monte airfield. My feelings on thus leaving my native
land I will not attempt to express.
We are already far on our journey. I was worried lest the
great altitude should affect my heart because I recalled the
difficulty which I had at only five thousand feet in Baguio,


our summer capital; but, at the same time, I realized that
to travel high was necessary to avoid enemy planes. Thus,
consideration for the heart was sacrificed because it was the
lesser of two evils.
If it came to the point, we could always take oxygen.
The trip lasted nine hours. In normal times, we would
have landed at Port Darwin but at that date this port was
being bombed every day by the Japanese from their bases
in Timor. We landed on Bachelor Field, which is sixty miles
We were now in Australia but this was only a mile-post
on our long journey. We had to keep on by plane. Outside
of travel by water, flying was the only means of traversing
those immense lands in the north of Australia where roads
and railroads are unknown.
We departed for Alice Springs not in a bomber this time
but in a Dutch transport plane of the type which covered
the route from Java to Europe; the passage took five hours.
Alice Springs, a name which seemed to suggest something
of the type of summer resorts in America, turned out to be a
little village of which the predominating feature was the flies
found in such enormous numbers that the people there have
to protect themselves with mosquito nets which hang from
their hats down below their shoulders. We passed two days
here because the plane in which Vice-President Osmeña was
journeying had to make a forced landing through the lack of
fuel, and it took two days to locate it.


Certainly, I did not envy the Vice-President that experience
since one of the worse features in it for him–a man with the
most punctual appetite which I have ever encountered in my
life– was not the flies which prevented him from getting out
from the plane but the absolute absence of food. I have known
few men with as good a disposition as Osmeña in the face
of every kind of vicissitude and obstacle; he could encounter
them with a contagious elegance provided, however, that at
twelve noon the repast was ready.
We covered, finally, the last stage of our plane trip. Six
more hours brought us to Adelaide. There we were received
by Colonel Huff, one of General MacArthur’s aides. That
same day, we took the train for Melbourne, where we arrived
the following morning. General MacArthur, with his entire
staff, were in the station to receive us.
The people of Australia greeted us with great enthusiasm
and were loud in their expression of gratitude for our long
resistance on Bataan. They believed that this had given them
time to prepare their own defense, and so had probably
saved them. The Governor-General was most kind and
appreciative. When I told him that my junior aide, Colonel
Velasquez, had been in the front line at Bataan, he spent fully
five minutes in talking with Velasquez. He thanked us all for
our delaying battle which, he said, had preserved the future
of the Australians.
Upon our arrival at Melbourne, I asked General MacArthur
to send to the Philippines the following proclamation:



NR 50

Publicize the following proclamation of President Quezon:

“To the Filipino People and the Philippine Army: At the request of General
MacArthur, I have left the Philippines and joined him at his headquarters
in Australia. On previous occasions, suggestions have been made to me
that I leave the Philippines, but I have refused to do it, determined to
carry on with the affairs of Government in Philippine territory.

“Upon the appointment of General MacArthur to command the Allied

Forces in this part of the world, he invited me to join him upon the ground
that we could continue to cooperate as we have done in the past better
if we were together than if we were separated and with the difficulties in
the means of communications. Having no other objective in mind than
to free the Philippines, I did not hesitate to accept the suggestion of
General MacArthur despite the hazards that the trip involved. And so I
am here where I expect to be able to be of assistance in the reconquest
of every foot of territory of my beloved country. It is my hope that the
results of the appointment of General MacArthur to the High Command
and my having followed his advice to join with him will soon be felt in
the Philippines.


“I call upon every Filipino to keep his courage and fortitude, and to have
faith in the ultimate victory of our cause.



While at Melbourne, we received news of the tragic fall of

Bataan. Here follows the press statement given by me upon
that sad occasion, on April 11, 1942:

The fall of Bataan closes a chapter in the history of the Filipino people for
freedom as heroic, if not the most heroic, that we have ever fought. Side
by side with their American comrades, first under the personal leadership
of General MacArthur and later of Lieutenant General Wainwright, our
forces fought without air support against a foe that had, at all times, absolute
command of the air and the seas, and an overwhelming superiority in number
of land forces. This fight lasted as long as resistance was humanly possible,
for our forces gave up only after they had become exhausted from lack of
food and continuous battle. I am proud of the part that the Filipino forces
have taken in this epic battle and I am profoundly grateful to the whole army
which has thus vindicated honor and right of the Filipino people to become
an independent nation. Their country and countrymen will consider every
man who took part in this battle as a national hero and will feel undying
gratitude for the service they have rendered.

The loss of Bataan as not ended the war in Philippines. Corregidor, the


Visayan Islands, and Mindanao are still fighting the enemy and I am
certain that all these places will be defended as long as there are means
with which to defend them.

The Filipino people will stand by and with America and our allies to the
bitter end.

April 11, 1942

We spent several days looking for a suitable house and

I had not yet been able to confer with General MacArthur
with relation to the campaign to be undertaken from there
to retake the Philippines—perhaps because I became aware
immediately of the shattering of our hopes. The forces which
General MacArthur had expected to find on arriving in
Australia were not there; in fact, were not even on their way.
Whatever forces could be gathered were desperately needed
to defend Australia, which was at that time on the point of
being invaded by the enemy. Only a few days previously,
two Japanese submarines entered the harbour of Melbourne,
itself, but luckily were discovered in time and sunk before
they could do any damage to the number of transports
gathered there.
It was evident that there was nothing I could do in Australia
but “vegetate,” and I am not made for that. But, on the other
hand, would I be able to do anything in the United States? I
did not know. Probably not. Certainly I could do nothing to


hasten the sending of forces which, if they had not already
reached Australia, had failed to do so because of a situation
which my presence would do nothing to solve.
I consulted on this matter with the members of my Cabinet;
Vice-President Osmeña was of the opinion that our proper
place was in the United States, not only that we might cause
to be recognized what the Filipino people had done for the
United States but that we might contribute to the prompt
dispatch to General MacArthur of the forces necessary for
the prompt retaking of that country.
Osmeña honestly believed that Providence had guided
our steps toward the accomplishment of a mission which did
not end in Australia but in the United States, and he was so
emphatic in his statements that he offered to go alone in
case I should decide not to make the journey. In reality, if
the matter had depended upon him alone, we would have
gone to the United States in the same submarine in which
we took passage from Corregidor. He actually proposed
this to me but of course I was not in favor of this plan. In
this same session of the Cabinet, the advisability of taking
with us to Australia General Roxas and Colonel Romulo was
discussed. The capture of the latter, who had often spoken
on the radio from Corregidor against the Japanese in the
broadcast entitled “The Voice of Freedom,” would have
meant his death; hence; it was considered very necessary to
remove him to Australia.
I felt that the Vice-President was right on the question of
our going to the United States, and followed his judgment.


MacArthur agreed with this and prepared our passage aboard
the President Coolidge.
On going aboard, I left a letter for General MacArthur
which reads as follows:

Melbourne, Australia
April 19, 1942

My Dear General MacArthur:

On the eve of my departure I desire to write down a few thoughts that I

earnestly hope will make some impression on you.

I am certain that, despite your new responsibilities and very high place
in this great conflict, your heart is still with the Philippine Army which
you have created, especially after the misfortune which has befallen it,
not for lack of courage or will and ability to fight, but because of lack
of means with which it could put up a winning battle. Remnants of the
Philippine Army are still in Mindanao waiting for you to come and give
them a chance to fight back victoriously. Until you are ready to return in
force, there will be very little that can be done for them except to send
them supplies. But there is a group there for whom something can and
should be done at once. I am referring to the Philippine Air Corps men
who are now in Mindanao. Won’t you pick a few those men and bring
them here and constitute a squadron with them so that they might do
their bit in the fight in the air that is going on? I am told that these boys
can hold their own against the enemy.


The general feeling of depression and helplessness which the Filipinos
both in the Philippines and abroad feel would in part be relieved with
the knowledge that a unit of the Philippine Air Force, no matter how
small, takes part in the reconquest. This would make us all feel proud and
encouraged. I therefore appeal to you and fervently hope that you will
do what you can to bring a few Filipino pilots from Mindanao, give them
planes and create a unit with them.

I would also appreciate it if you could give the Silver Star to General
Valdes, Colonel Nieto, Lieutenant Colonel Soriano and Lieutenant
Colonel Velasquez. Every one of these men have dared death in Bataan
and in the trips they have made with me. I know they have the courage
which deserves that decoration.

There are may Filipinos who are here in Australia, all of them either
officers and crews of ships that have been taken over by the USAFFE,
or Filipino soldiers. I hope the United States Government will take
care of them and pay their salaries until the war is over. Should there
be cases that the American Army cannot properly care for, I give you
full authority to order Lieutenant Colonel Jose McMicking, whom I am
appointing as disbursing officer, to pay such sums of money as you may
think equitable. I am leaving sufficient amounts in the Commonwealth
Bank of Australia to cover this.

It is hardly necessary for me to reiterate my grateful appreciation for

everything that you, General Sutherland, General Marshall, and the rest
of the men under your command, including General Sharp of Mindanao
and others, have done for me. I confidently expect that we are not parting


company for good, but that we will continue the work which we have
started of making the Philippines and the Filipino people prosperous,
happy, free, and a strong nation.

With love to you, Mrs. MacArthur, and Arthur I am, as ever,

Devotedly yours,

At the farewell, General MacArthur was on board with his staff;

General Sutherland, General Marshall, his deputy Chief of Staff,
General Willoughby, and others. I embraced General MacArthur
with that feeling of presentiment of coming misfortunes which
always seems to me to exist during farewells.
Again I found myself aboard the sumptuous President
Coolidge, in which I had more than once crossed that ocean
which no longer could be correctly called Pacific. What
a change! The floating palace had been converted into a
troopship. Those salons for pleasure, for reading, for dances
and concerts, were changed into a scaffolding of cots which
reached up to the ceiling.
The crossing took eighteen days without untoward events
but with the idea of danger constantly present through the
daily drills with life-preservers on, and the eternal zigzagging
of the steamer to avoid submarines. On the morning of May
8th we reached San Francisco.
At last we were again on American soil, ready to take up
our life long struggle for independence with the aid of the


Government and people of the United States. We were met at
the dock by the Assistant Secretary of the Interior Chapman,
who represented Secretary Ickes, and by Lieutenant General
De Witt, who represented General Marshall.
I found on our arrival in San Francisco that President
Roosevelt had sent us a special railway train to bring us
across the continent. When we reached the United Station
in Washington, there stood the President himself to welcome
us. Back of him I saw a reception committee made up of
members of the Cabinet and of all living Governors-General
and High Commissioners of the past twenty years.
We were conveyed to the White House as guests for
overnight, and the dinner that evening was attended by the
President and the members of his Cabinet. To them, in response
to a gracious toast by the President, I gave the bare outline of
some of our recent experiences, concluding with a quotation
from my address made at Manila on Hero’s Day, before the
students of the University of the Philippines, just six days before
the first Japanese attack upon us. I had told them:

I pray that our people may be spared the horrors of war, but if it comes
to us, I shall welcome it for two reasons: first, that we may show the
people of the United States that we are loyal to them; second, that
you may learn to suffer, and, if needs be, to die. For many years now of
the material prosperity which has come to our wealthy families under
American sovereignty, you have come soft—you think only of dancing
and cabarets. But only those who know how to suffer and to die in order
to be free are worthy of that freedom.


On June 2nd I had the pleasure of addressing the House
of Representatives in the historic hall where I had spent
seven years of my young life as Resident Commissioner from
the Philippines. I felt greatly honored by the invitation to
address the House, as its guest, and recognized many friends
among the members present.
I told them the story of Sergeant Jose Calugas of the
Philippine Scouts, and had read into the record the citation
for the award of the Medal of Honor to this, the only Filipino
who has as yet received that high honor.


By direction of the President under the provisions of the act of Congress

approved July, 1918, a Medal of Honor was awarded by the War
Department in the name of Congress to Jose Calugas, sergeant, Battery
B, Eighty-eighth Field Artillery, Philippine Scouts, United States Army,
for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of
duty in action with the enemy at Culis, Bataan Province, P.I, January
16, 1942. When the battery gun position was shelled and bombed until
one piece was put out of action and casualties caused the removal of
the remaining cannoneers to shelter, Sergeant Calugas, mess sergeant
of another battery, voluntarily, and of his own accord, proceeded one
thousand yards across the shell-swept area to the gun position and joined
the volunteer gun squad, which fired effectively on the enemy, although
heavy bombing and shelling of the position continued.


Two days later, on June 4th, I spoke before the Senate of
the United States. This was an occasion which impressed me
very deeply. I must confess that while in the past I had always
hoped to become one day President of my own country, it
had never entered my head, in my wildest dreams, that I, the
Baler boy, would one day be invited to address the Senate of
the United States.
In giving an account of the Filipino participation in this war,
it would be improper to omit the man most closely associated
with that participation, General Douglas MacArthur. I do
not desire to pen a eulogy for one whose military career,
covering two wars, has already accomplished the task.
All Americans know this, as well as the intense zeal
with which he carried out our plan for the organization of
the Philippine Army. Equally well-known is the military
genius with which he directed the American-Filipino
forces which so heroically defended the freedom of the
Filipino people, the integrity of their land, and the honor
of the American flag.
Those of us who have seen him in the most anxious days
when Japanese bombs were shattering to pieces everything
around him, have learned that this man’s courage was
greater than his caution. He never sought a shelter or
covered his head with a helmet in the midst of the worst
air raids. On the Rock of Corregidor, Douglas MacArthur
was a rock of strength and a source of inspiration for all
who fought by his side.


General MacArthur knows better than anyone the
complexities of warfare in the Pacific because he found
himself surrounded by these problems from the very first
day of the attack. He knows how to defeat the Japanese,
and the values and factors of the strategic-psychological
kind upon which peace must be established in the Pacific
regions. Certain it is that in planning his return to the
Philippines, which he considers his second fatherland, he
is following his own wishes for the accomplishment of a
legitimate revenge, but apart from the sentimental side,
he sincerely believes that the Philippine Islands are the
only strategically sound road to Japan.


Submitted as
Midterms Examination by
Proofreading and
Copy Editing Class of
Manuel L. Quezon III

Sybil Alacar
Erickson Beco
Honey Cabanza
Jennyln Chua
Aubrey Diligencia
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