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International LightWorkerS

Zadkiel Attunement
LightWorker™ Series

Artwork by Eileen "El" Brooks

Channeling and manual
by Eileen "El" Brooks & Jens "Tehuti" Søeborg
Zadkiel (Archangel) Attunement (LW™ Series)
We have had El* as our LightWorker™ system house artist for some time, before we knew that
she had also made "writeups" for most of her beautiful paintings. Those writeups could easily be
transformed to manuals, and the contact could equally easy be transformed to attunements. So
now El* has made her attunements available for us along with these manuals. El* has a very
different writing style, filled with a lot of light. I am sure that you will enjoy her attunements as
well as her artwork.

All colour and design work is given to El* in the form of claircognisance. She is then told step by
step - what to do and which colours to use. El* has a picture in her minds eye. Often she will
revisit some work, which she has already completed and see coded information not previously
consciously noted by her. This is the way El* works - she does not necessarily grasp All at once -
it is an ever evolving process for us all. The LightWorker™ manuals normally contain some nice
pictures, but these series bring to you an extra dimension to the attunements, because they are
enhanced through this inspired artwork.

This one is a bit special though, as it is a combination of Jens' work of knowledge (part one) and
Eileen's work of intuition (part two). They are all provided free of cost and placed as a part of
the …

LightWorker™ Artwork Series (Art & Attunements by Eileen "El" Brooks)

Angel of Love and Healing Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Archea Amethyst Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Archea Charity Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Archea Faith Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Azuriel (Angel of Blue Light) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Balance Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Barbedo (Angel of Abundance & Goodness) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LW™ Series)
Bedaliel (Angel of Energy & Vitality) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Eloa (Angel of Jesus' Tear) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Great Spirit Mother Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Isodora (Angel of the Violet Ray) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Lady Nada (Ascended Master) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Muriel (Angel of Emotions) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Pendulum (Swings for Female Energy) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Rose Deva Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Sophia (Wisdom Mother) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Tempaii (Buddha Consciousness) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Three Sisters (of the Celestial) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Zadkiel (Archangel) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks & Jens "Tehuti" Söeborg) (LW™ Series)
Zechiel (Angel of Harmony & Joy) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
Zenos (Starman) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)
And more to come …

Archangel Zadkiel
It seems that I have to learn mostly from the Angles, Archangels and Ascended Masters from the
7th Ray - the Violet Flame. Kuan Yin, Saint Germain and Archangel Zadkiel has tried to teach me
during many years, so among the Archangels, Zadkiel is the closest one for me. That is the
reason why I write this manual together with El*.

This is not the place to explain all Seven Rays, but let me just shortly write a bit about the
qualities of the 7th (Violet) Ray of Order and Ritual.
Seventh Ray - Order & Ritual – Violet
This is the Ray who links spirit and matter and it works through law, organisation and ritual.
Those under its impulse delight in order and perfection of form. Since it is concerned with the
concretising of energy, finance comes within its province, as well as all ceremonial activity.

A need to materialise on earth all that exists above,

by making realities out of other men's dreams,
motivates these subjects. Therefore, they act as
they think, feel and will. They are extremely aware
of the separateness of each thing, and function
naturally as a complete, self-sufficient unity. This
makes them very independent and earthy with the
capacity to do without other people entirely. This
independence, unlike the first ray subject's
freedom from restrictions, indicates complete
attachment to material surroundings. Through
their unity of being and detachment from others
they can become self-centred and find it difficult
not to use other people for their own purposes.
They are materially minded and sow seeds solely
that they can gather the fruit - always expecting a
return from their investment and favours. These
subjects have to be the dominant in their
relationships with others and may develop a
tendency to treat everybody as either possessions
or servants.

Main Aspects: Ceremony, group work, magic, order, organisation, transformation.

Virtues: Courage, courtesy, extreme care in details, perseverance, self-reliance, strength.

Vices: Bigotry, formalism, narrowness, pride, self-opinion over-indulged, superficial judge-
To be acquired: Gentleness, humility, love, realisation of unity, tolerance, wide-mindedness.

Symbol: Swastika og 7 pointed star. Svastica is an old Indian symbol which is also used in
Buddhism. Due to a certain Adolph's misuse of the symbol, the 7 pointed star is often used

Chohans (Ray bosses): Count of Saint Germain & Lady Portia - Kuan in is also helping out
Archangels: Archangel Zadkiel & Archeia Amethyst (Holy Amethyst)
Elohim: Arcturus & Victoria
Crystals: Amethyst
Flover: Lavender

Astrological - Foundations expressing new age astrology

The Seventh Ray is the most tangibly expressive on the outer planes. It is the quality of
relationship between spirit and matter and is thus magical. It is rhythm which builds, integrates,
circulates and manifests. It is the bringer and producer of newness in form. The relational power
of this Ray motivates law and order, rule and ritual, organisation and group consciousness. It is
practical understanding and vital energy externalised, which embodies both centre and the
periphery consciousness.

Signs: Aries, Cancer, Capricorn

Planet: Uranus
Archangel Zadkiel
Zadkiel’s name means “Righteousness of God.” He
and Holy Amethyst assist humanity in mastering the
seat-of-the-soul Chakra. This Archangel brings to
you the flame of freedom, joy, forgiveness, alchemy,
justice, transmutation and liberation of the soul. We
can enhance these qualities of the violet ray in our
lives by invoking the violet flame through the
science of the spoken Word.

Archangel Zadkiel (as well as Archeia Amethyst) is

an Archangel of Freedom on the transmuting Violet
Ray. He represents transmutation and purification
through invocation - the act of calling upon the
presence of God for intercession. The archangels of
the violet ray intensify the powers of mercy,
compassion, forgiveness and freedom. The Violet
Ray governs the miracle of transformation. The
archangels of this ray share a retreat called the
Temple of Purification, located over Cuba. Together
they imbue all earthly beings with the desire and
power to free themselves and all mankind from self-
created and self-inflicted negativity and limitation.
The Violet Ray, sometimes called the freedom ray, is
magnified on Saturdays.

Zadkiel is the Archangel of benevolence, mercy and memory. Some writers say it was Zadkiel
who held back Abraham's arm when the patriarch was about to sacrifice his son Isaac.

Zadkiel and Amethyst's ray, which manifests as the violet flame, has an important role in
alchemy, the physical and mental chemistry of the Middle Ages. Through fire, alchemists of the
16th century learned it was possible to transform base metals into gold. This lesson can be
applied on many levels. The science of transmutation and change, in theological terms, is the
process of transforming lower human consciousness to a higher spiritual vibration. When we
talk about transforming ourselves spiritually, we must think of the power of the violet flame.

The violet flame is like the spiritual wine of forgiveness, for it represents the quality of mercy in
the world. Through the power of forgiveness, fear and anger are transformed back into love as if
nothing discordant ever happened.

Forgiveness is not always easy. When angry, we blame, we resent and we hate. These painful
feelings do not just go away. But the archangels of the violet ray will intercede if we express the
desire to forgive. If we do not know how to forgive ourselves or those we call enemy, God knows
and God will show us the way. You need only to try. Ask for the gift of forgiveness by calling
upon Archangel Zadkiel (and Archeia Amethyst). Understanding and forgiveness are universal
solvents. They will take the heart of your trouble, which is fear, and transform it into peace,
truth and love.

Fear is the opposite of love - it is present in every form of discord. It wears the faces of guilt,
hate, resentment, anger, anxiety and blame. They are all forms of fear and all can be replaced by
love. The violet flame accomplishes the perfect work of truth that sets men and women free from
disharmony. When negative emotions are held within the body, the outcome is often a lack of
ease, or "dis-ease." This can manifest in the body or in the mind. Illness is one result of
negativity taken "to heart" in the body.
God's alchemy is within and around us. The divine energy of God is the transformer and the
universal unguent, allowing us to move our thought and actions into a place where only love is
left. The violet flame is freedom's flame of transmutation. It contains the Holy Spirit's power to
transmute the cause and core of density, sin and negative karma. Of course, this is not all
happening on the conscious plane. Faith is necessary to feel God's forces working inside our
atoms and cells, along with the divine spark in our heart.
Inner peace and harmony show outwardly as a result of changing and reshaping our negative
thoughts and actions. We then easily move through negative situations by mastering the power
of our own consciousness. By visualizing the violet flame, the action of forgiveness and the Holy
Spirit, we can use this divine transforming chemistry to change our world.

The special crystal, the amethyst, is thought to be the symbolic condensation of the violet ray. It
is the birthstone for the astrological sign of Aquarius, the sign representing freedom and the
coming of the "new clear age of consciousness" on this planet.

The seventh ray governed by Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia

Amethyst is an aspect of the Holy Spirit, also referred to as "the
comforter." It comes from the centre of the white flame of God's
potent love. It combines the blue flame of faith with the pink
flame of love, to create the spiritual salve of forgiveness. They
embody the spirit of the violet ray, the seventh ray, and the age of

Using the violet flame can erase past memories, bring forgiveness
and increase the spirit of joy within us. And each time we call on
Zadkiel and Amethyst, who embody the violet flame, we bring
change to the earth and ourselves, come closer to merging with
our Christ Self and help prepare the world for the incoming golden age. According to Archangel
Zadkiel, the success of the age of Aquarius is absolutely dependent upon our invoking the violet
flame and a single call to the violet flame can be worth a million prayers.

Invocation to Zadkiel & Amethyst

You can call on Zadkiel and Amethyst to help purify you from past karma and to bring new
vitality to your life. While giving the following affirmations, visualize the violet flame wiping
away obstacles to your soul’s liberation:

In the name of Archangel Zadkiel and

Holy Amethyst,

I AM the violet flame in action in me


I AM the blessing and buoyancy of the

violet flame!

I AM freedom from limitation!

Archangel Zadkiel.....
Your presence crowns itself within the top of my head...the opening of the gateway...and
beyond.... With your help...and Lady Amethyst... I am surrounded by the healing presence of the
violet light ray.....transforming I make haste to become all I am....
Sweet Angels....such abundance is yours for the giving...How can I express my gratitude to
you....It is in the Giving that there is such Receiving....The powers of the Universe are there for
us all...
Zadkiel...Zadkiel...Zadkiel.....Archangel of free-
dom... help me to see that I am free in and of
myself.... Help me to choose freedom for my
body, mind, emotions and spirit.... may I choose
wisely, the ability to be a free thinker within the
trilogy of my own mind.... and accept I am
multidimensional in and of myself....
It is in the forgiving that we choose this
freedom.... we free ourselves from lower energy
entanglements.... forgiving our “trespasses”,
enabling us to move on towards our higher
aspects of self... and others..... Archangel
Zadkiel... Angel of Forgiveness.... help me to
forgive myself and others.... Introduce the Love
of the Divine into me...that I may replace
thoughts of unforgiveness and fear with this
love.... Help me know true compassion....
Zadkiel is a Healing Angel... he works alongside Archangel Michael... transmuting negativity
with faith and compassion.... He works with the Violet Flame along with Holy Amethyst his
Archea and Saint Germain..... His attunement to this purifying and transformational ray of the
Violet Flame.... permeates at a deep subatomic and cellular level.... bringing healing balm and
calm to all areas concerned.... The Chakra especially purified by this Ray is the Eighth Chakra...
that of the forth dimensional chakras.... the Seat of the Soul..... (the Seat of the Soul’s Residence
within the physical body). This Chakra governs the genetic code, heredity, and the seed and the
egg... It is through the Soul Chakra that you transfer the Christic Light, the seed of the Alpha, the
egg of the Omega, to bring forth the Divine Progeny..... The Chakra when vibrating in harmony
and accord with the Holy Christ Self and the other chakras... emits the violet light of the Seventh
Archangel Zadkiel’s message is one of Compassion.... Start with compassion for the self.... and
then show compassion to those around you.... eventually.... along with love... this will spread out
to all others.... all Kingsoms.....

WORKING WITH THE 5th Dimensional Frequencies of the VIOLET FLAME and the 7th RAY
OF GOD’S FREEDOM.... is one of the most powerful tools we have in this dimension for
transforming negative aspects into higher (highest) form..... this is especially great as we go on
within our ascension process.... both at an individual and collective and planetary level........ we
can call upon this flame.... Archangel Zadkiel... Lady Amethyst and Saint Germaine..... and all
the Angelics associated with the Violet Flame... the seventh Ray and the Crown and Soul
Chakras.... at any time.... bearing in mind... the more we use the Flame and this method of
communication..... the better we serve the “Highest Good Of All”.... the more we use it’s
wonderful transformational properties.... the easier it becomes for us to not only call upon
them... but to enable others the same sanction..... and so it is......
THE VIOLET FLAME reflects the perfect balance of the Masculine and Feminine Energies....
these energies work in cooperarion together.... enhancing each other and transcending any
social or genetic traits to overcome one another..... In the transcendence of these energy
traits..... Archangel Zadkiel speaks of the perfection of the Androgenous states of being that are
experienced within other planes of existence..... and how the Angelic Realm presents itself to us
as ascending humans..... in either male or female polarities..... in this way we are able to relate
and understand not only the Angelic Messengers... but aspects of ourselves.......

Wearing the crystal Lapis Lazuli is beneficial for enhancing

energetic communication with Archangel Zadkiel... Also
placing stones nearby in the environment.... Healing waters
may be made for consumption and cleansing... using the
stone and rain/spring water.... place in sunlight for at least 2
hours.... May be enhanced with flowers.... Lavender being
associated with the crown charka and Zadkiel... or for general
attraction of Angelic frequencies...rose, neroli or jasmine
flowers... individually or mixed.....

Shades of purple assist in frequencies to attract Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst.... the colour may
be worn or placed in the environment (the amethyst crystal.... clothing... flowering plants....
furnishings). I myself love the shades of purple at sunrise and sunset... these are the times when
Angelic Frequencies are at their closest to earth...... (us).

Archangel Zadkiel may often be seen in the periphery of your vision... as beautiful specks of
violet and purple light.... Zadkiel helps us to see the Divine Light within ourselves and others.....
by looking within... to the Godself state... rather than judging from the ego’s perspective......

On a personal level you may call upon Archangel Zadkiel for help with
healing matters of the heart... and unforgiveness of others.... he will
help shift locked emotions and trauma from the cellular frequency and
help you deal with this in a manner that is acceptable to your own
healing and that of the highest good of all.... When situations such as
these seem overwhelming, call upon Archangel Zadkiel and the Violet
Flame Team.... and know that at a very deep level of being... all is

Archangel Zadkiel will often contact us through clairaudience..... noticing loving guidance from
this wonderful Angelic can be very beneficial to living at your highest level.... notice repetitive
loving thoughts..... these thoughts are to the point.... and can be asked for their source.....

Archangel Zadkiel’s aura is that of deep indigo blue..... lapis

lazuli is a good stone to enhance the vibrational hearing
connection and also may be placed on the ears chakras or worn
as earrings to enhance the effect of the hearing of the Divine....

As a teacher Archangel Zadkiel is impressing us to remember

that learning and teaching are part of the same cycle....
teacher/pupil.... pupil/teacher.... Keep an open mind.... be open
to the new..... explore.... be open to sharing..... Our minds are
one with the Divine Mind..... trust you are being guided to use
your own particular abilities to enhance the lives of others......
this is especially recognised by the great love and excitement you
may feel.....
Essential oil of Lavender (a drop) placed on this crown chakra.... pays
respect to this Angel and his Archea.... using words of thanks as this is
done..... ie... Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst.... (x 3). I give great
thanks to you for all the abundance and compassion in my life... I am open
to your Angelic frequencies and ask that I be of service to you... within the
realms of my lightwork.... I give great thanks for the Violet Flame of
Compassion and Transformation you are bringing to the earth plane..... I
give thanks for the healing and transformation it is giving me.... The intent
and the Love you feel will surpass any use of words.... it is an individual
expression of gratitude to this Divine Source.....

By seeing yourself enveloped in this beautiful cleansing and transformational flame of Divine
Light.... you are opening this portal of forgiveness of all... compassion for all... and
transformation of lower aspects of energy to their highest frequencies imaginable..... You are
opening yourself to abundance on all levels... health, happiness, wealth, wisdom, working for the

Namaste.... El*

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