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Candidate should be follow the requirements

● Use Typescript (optional)
● Use navigation for React Navigation
● Use Axios or ajax from RxJS for API call.
● Use redux-saga or redux-observable for asynchronous
middleware side effect
● Use React-redux and Redux for state container
● Use AsyncStorage to store user preference data.
● Use react-native-keychain or react-native-config to store
confidential data eg : (BaseUrl , some token or etc.​.
● All components should be reusable.
● Use HOC component for API callback state. (Show Loading, Show
Error, Show Data)
● Use animations for smooth UX.
● All api call should be background asynchronous(saga or redux
● Component should use react hook.
API documentations

For API key =>

1. Popular Api =>
2. Latest Api =>
3. Search Api =>

1. Authentication

● Email validation.(email rule)

● Password validation.(length 6 or 6 above)
● Click SignUp button and check validation, all are valid go another
screen. Shouldn’t go back authentication stack mean that stack
should be finish.
● If validation fails change input text color and underline color.
● Add Skip button in design and go application page as guest mode.
○ Note: save user information will store in redux when sign in
2. Application Stack
Design should be follow the diagram : can use your idea to better UI & UX

● Use bottom navigation for app stack

● Use moviedb api for provide data.
● All api call should be background async(saga or redux observable)
and manipulate with redux store.
● Use HOC for api state management for home screen.
● Animation should be left to right screen components.(android platform
should be smooth).
● Search icon will contain in other bottom navigation tab.
3. Search

● Search modal screen will appear when user click search button from
any navigation tab. That screen should appear like that modal
● Use API to search and use your design idea for each movie row.
Should be grid.
● Should wait user typing for delay 1.5 seconds to call search API.
● Grid row animation left to right.
4. Profile

● If user is login show user information from redux store. If not show
Login button to go sign up page.
● When user click to logout button should remove all data from redux
store and asyncstorage. And then go back sign up page.

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