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David Icke Phantom Self Pdf.

Showing 1-30 Start your review of Phantom Self (And How to Find the Real One) Apr 04, 2016 Austin rated it it was amazing This book almost gave me schizophrenia. I cannot tell if this is one of the most important books I've ever read or the twisted ramblings of an ill man with powerfully
detailed delusions. It was the most terrifying book I've ever read and I almost had to stop reading because it caused me such anxiety. I took some acid once at a Grateful Dead concert where I saw buildings in downtown Dallas turn into demons and scream at me for hours on end. Then Jerry and the boys opened up with Feel
Like a This book almost gave me schizophrenia. I cannot tell if this is one of the most important books I've ever read or the twisted ramblings of an ill man with powerfully detailed delusions. It was the most terrifying book I've ever read and I almost had to stop reading because it caused me such anxiety. I took some acid once
at a Grateful Dead concert where I saw buildings in downtown Dallas turn into demons and scream at me for hours on end. Then Jerry and the boys opened up with Feel Like a Stranger and I'd never felt more alone or more like a stranger in my life. This book was so much worse than that. I really hope David is mentally ill and
what he believes is not true because the implications on our reality and what is becoming of this chem trail laden, Monsanto poisoned, war ravaged, smart phone addicted, transhuman, nanotech, Orwellian prison planet is almost too much for this barely stable guy to bare. We are infinite awareness having a human experience
is the mantra he leaves you with to overcome this nightmare. If that does not work I'm going to stop reading and start watching TV again. ...more Apr 29, 2016 Tim Pyke rated it it was amazing Everybody should read this book. British readers may dismiss David Icke as a crazy nutter but it's very hard to refute the points he
makes. It is well written in an easy to read style and should be read with an open mind. Oct 07, 2016 Aidan Reid rated it it was amazing The first two-thirds of this book I had read before in Perception Deception, Icke's magnum opus from 2014. Saying that though, some of it does bear repeating and updating in light of current
events. The last two chapters about Transhumanism and Moving Beyond The Matrix were very uplifting. I would highly recommend this book if it is your first intro to his work. A book that will turn your world upside down. May 08, 2016 f rated it it was amazing David Icke appears to have an answer for every aspect of
modern day living and presents it with such confidence that it's not hard to see why he has garnered such a wide following over the past decade or so - for all that he is dismissed as a crank or a conspiracy theory nut many of his previous predictions or analyses have come to pass which tends to give some credence to what he
says. Jan 31, 2018 Christopher Selmek rated it it was ok At this point, everybody knows David Icke is a nutter. If you didn’t, flip to any page in his book and he’s certain to remind you how often he gets called a nutter.What’s more interesting are the ways this nutter is the archetype to which all other nutters aspire. I’m not just
referring to the fact that he doesn’t use paragraphs like a normal person, or the frequent sarcastic insults. Sooner or later you realize that the fools he is mocking for drinking florinated water, and watching TV, and At this point, everybody knows David Icke is a nutter. If you didn’t, flip to any page in his book and he’s certain
to remind you how often he gets called a nutter.What’s more interesting are the ways this nutter is the archetype to which all other nutters aspire. I’m not just referring to the fact that he doesn’t use paragraphs like a normal person, or the frequent sarcastic insults. Sooner or later you realize that the fools he is mocking for
drinking florinated water, and watching TV, and listening to the news, and using the internet… are us! But what’s really concerning is that much of what he says about Satanic pedophile millionaires slowly eroding our freedoms sounds entirely plausible.Mr. Icke may be a nutter, but he’s not dumb; he’s trying to describe a
genuine spiritual experience and I sense frustration that he doesn’t have the communication skills to be heard. His pages are peppered with photos that have mocking phrases written on them. He refers to recent movies more often than one might expect of someone who wants to be taken seriously – that the controllers of The
Matrix are trying to create a Hunger Games society – and begins a lot of sentences with “I saw a quote on the Internet that said…” But Icke’s basic ideas are very much in line with ancient Gnosticism, and his solution is similarly Gnostic. While he sneers at any talk of God or religion, Icke’s message seems to be that there is
something called Infinite Awareness that can help humans reorient our distorted perceptions. The last two chapters are all about love, and the book might have been a lot better if the author had spent more time talking about the solution rather than the problem. ...more Mar 02, 2017 Angela Guidolin rated it it was amazing
David Icke is one of my favourite writers and investigative journalists. I've been reading his books since 1996 and they have helped me not only make sense of what's happening in the world but also in many cases anticipate the moves of the world leaders, months or years in advance at times (as Icke's calls it: Creation of a
problem-Reaction to it-Solution proposed, or what meant to be implemented before the problem arose).In this book, through compelling evidence, Icke demonstrates that we do David Icke is one of my favourite writers and investigative journalists. I've been reading his books since 1996 and they have helped me not only
make sense of what's happening in the world but also in many cases anticipate the moves of the world leaders, months or years in advance at times (as Icke's calls it: Creation of a problem-Reaction to it-Solution proposed, or what meant to be implemented before the problem arose).In this book, through compelling evidence,
Icke demonstrates that we do live in a reality similar to The Matrix portrayed by the Wachowskis in their trilogy of their same name, and explains how and why we humans are being disconnected from who we really are, Infinite Awareness having an experience. He also offers sound advice on how to break free from our
Phantom ("Believed to be real even though illusory") Self and enjoy the freedom of being our True Self. A must read. ...more Mar 20, 2019 Ciro rated it liked it Not his best. Way too esoteric and spiritual. Lots of repetition and fluff. Human Race Get Off Your Knees is a 5/5 while this one barely deserves a 3. Feb 15, 2018
Alex Wilkey rated it it was amazing Alex Wilkey B7February 10, 2018David IckeThe Phantom Self-And How To Find The Real One The Phantom self takes the story deeper to reveille the scale and magnitude of what is unfolding as people go on with their daily lives, who or what is dictating the nature of these daily lives,
and who and what is driving global society down a dark road of twenty four seven control, surveillance, and tyranny… and why. The elimination of concern about what other people think of you is the ultimate beginning Alex Wilkey B7February 10, 2018David IckeThe Phantom Self-And How To Find The Real One The
Phantom self takes the story deeper to reveille the scale and magnitude of what is unfolding as people go on with their daily lives, who or what is dictating the nature of these daily lives, and who and what is driving global society down a dark road of twenty four seven control, surveillance, and tyranny… and why. The
elimination of concern about what other people think of you is the ultimate beginning into finding the phantom self. We are multidimensional beings, multidimensional consciousness, and the amount that the conscious mind is aware of compared to the subconscious mind is absolutely laughable. Life tends to give you your
greatest gifts brilliantly disguised as your worst nightmare. What looks to us as a nightmare in a really bad situation to the deeper levels of yourself is the experience that takes on a completely different context. Its essential experience for something that is “coming down the river” symbolically, but you don't know what is
down the river, although the subconscious does as well as the more expanded level of your awareness. Information that is far out from the perspective of what we call normal as our perception of the world is what gives the key to break free from the chains that enslave so many people into the fear of what other people think.
Self censorship is caring what to leave out so other people don't think negatively. What people should really care about is whether or not we are closing in on the truth as the only criteria. Not having this censorship, mental gymnastics, to go through can only be thanked from a nightmare experience and the gift given to you
from that experience. In the book The Phantom Self there is a lot of new cutting edge information included in it that is very scientific, and in a sense strips the “bull” away from what we are actually informed about showing how science is so ignorant yet this information is sitting there for everyone to see. There is a lot of
positivity included, but there must be a path through negativity to understand and to know where one must go with it, positivity. Letting go of fear is ever so simple yet confusing but is the answer to the beginning in knowing what is going on in the background. “If you do not know what is going on in the shadows, behind the
scenes, then how are you going to do anything about what you don't know is going on. What this mantallity doesn't see is that understanding what is happening, and not least the techniques of mass manipulation to get us to react in the that is desirable, is absolutely the fundamental bottom line foundation, starting point, of
doing something about it” (Icke 126). Once we’ve got a grasp on the mass mind manipulation, and emotional manipulation techniques, then we can look at why only a few can control and direct the lives of the society, the many,and the rest. Then why they can do it without needing to physically force everyone to do it. This all
leads us to how it is done, and that is by the manipulation of perception. Icke goes through the sequence that everyone must endure from being born to going on into the adult world and highlights the means through which people believe in what they do. He calls it the postage stamp consensus. It is an area of what is
perceived because everyone has been through this process through influence by their parents who have been through this process and pass it onto their children. Then into school at a ludicrously early age and from then on to authority figure, and figures, who tell you what is right, wrong, possible and impossible, when you can
speak, show up and leave, all of which imply a programing prison for children. Then they go on to higher education and pay, becoming in great debt for the higher level programing. This is only to go out into the world, and as we do we go into the institutions of politics, business, banking, science, medicine, and all these
things that actually are the bastions from which people get their perceptions of reality. Everyone that goes out into those professions from this core programming we call education takes that core perception of normal out into those professions. Then all of these confirm to each other that what they see is normal is indeed
normal. Stepping off of the postage stamp consensus brings us back to the ridicule we all should face if we step out of line from all of this. Which is crazy… The understanding of David Icke goes beyond all of this, he likes to take everything a step further and dig deeper than what people are comfortable with thinking and
discussing. The book The Phantom Self is truly an exposure to all of those avid things that are provable nonsense. It is a frightening awakening that only the trained mind to serious awakening of this world could bear. It is definitely not for the light hearted and simple minded who indulge in these activities on unawareness. If
you simply do not care for what is really going on or can even see the signs put out, then you shall stay asleep until your curiosity questions it. But once one begins to, they must be weary because there is a deeper meaning to life, and I certainly don't mean that in a good way only because of the lies we live and energy we put
off due to this control. Life is really about love, everlasting love is the only answer because we are all that is, was, and ever will be. Granting our perception as our own, having a mind of our own is the only true way of unlocking the mind deeper than what we are told possible, but what we are told possible is really the cell we
sit in all our lives. ...more This book really needs 2 ratings :*) One for new readers : 4 stars. The book is a great intro to all the topics that matter to David.*) One for returning readers : 3 stars. Not because it isn't well written, but because it is a summary / update of his earlier books. I also missed the 'introspection' that usually
perfectly balances out the real-world problems discussed in the rest of the book. Jan 07, 2017 Zy Marquiez rated it liked it "When you’re the only sane person, you look like the only insane person.”– Criss Jami“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, he also believes to be true.”– DemosthenesDavid Icke
is surely a controversial speaker.Icke’s work has come to be known as fascinating as it is wide-ranging, and for good reason. The man will leave no stone unturned. He’s not afraid of heading into places other people can’t even fathom, and many have come to appreciate this.In Phantom Self, David "When you’re the only sane
person, you look like the only insane person.”– Criss Jami“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, he also believes to be true.”– DemosthenesDavid Icke is surely a controversial speaker.Icke’s work has come to be known as fascinating as it is wide-ranging, and for good reason. The man will leave no
stone unturned. He’s not afraid of heading into places other people can’t even fathom, and many have come to appreciate this.In Phantom Self, David Icke does a resounding job of not only showing various methods the system employs to carve out the consciousness from individuals, but he also shows the numerous facets the
system has that play a role in making this process possible.Throughout the book, Icke makes it a point from differentiating that we have two selves, the more superficial version of us that goes through life unaware of the deeper structure of life and reality, and the deeper level of conscious awareness that holds our unending
potential, which is rarely tapped by individual.Phantom Self showcases some of the previous information that Icke has shown, with good reason. Much of this information is just as vital now, if not more so, as it was in the past. And things have only gotten worse globally.Readers of his previous work will be familiar with
some of it. Still, the information that Icke provides and how he distills it is vital to understanding how individuals and society will shed its shackles from the control grid as long as they take the appropriate action.Issues such as education, media manipulation, propaganda, technology, genetically modified foods, bloodlines,
depopulation/eugenics, Agenda 21/Agenda 2030, weather modification, et al are addressed quite extensively throughout. The push for a transhumanistic future is also saliently detailed by the author.As an avid researcher, my one qualm with the book is that Icke doesn’t source all of his statements. He does provide quite a few
sources, but a lot of the information that he writes as ‘matter of fact’ would be much stronger if he at least buttressed those statements with how he came to those conclusions. There’s nothing wrong with giving your opinions about a matter, and they surely might be facts mind you, however, in order for some people to
visualize the extent of control and corruption they will need to see a roadmap. A roadmap is made up of those signposts, and those signposts in research are sources.Be that as it may, that last fact doesn’t detract from the book. Phanton Self provides more than ample information for it to be worth one’s money.How icke chose
to conclude the book resonates quite well, and certainly makes a lot of sense.Its through individual self awareness and realization of our deeper conscious state that we as individuals will be able to see that we are the solution to the system.Aggression will not be the solution to overturning the system. In fact, the opposite is
the case. The system is ready for aggression in more ways than most realize. Once we realize the depth of the power of our true selves – the power of the love for another – we will be able to detach ourselves from the meaningless and head on a new path.The system will be changed only by people removing their support from
it in every way shape or form. Then, and only then will we be able to birth a new process and reign in the beginnings on the morrow.As Ghandi once said:“You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of this evil. A
good person will resist an evil system with his or her own soul.” ...more Nov 12, 2019 Iona Stewart rated it it was amazing As so often is the case, I didn’t manage to get through this library book, since I wasn’t able to renew it, and it’s a weighty tome.David informs/reminds us that we are programmed by the System and thus
are only Phantom Selves.We sleepwalk through life believing ourselves to be wide awake and look through blindfolded eyes believing we can see.“Phantom Self lives in the subconscious and dictates conscious behaviour, responses and perceptions which the conscious mind falsely believes it is As so often is the case, I didn’t
manage to get through this library book, since I wasn’t able to renew it, and it’s a weighty tome.David informs/reminds us that we are programmed by the System and thus are only Phantom Selves.We sleepwalk through life believing ourselves to be wide awake and look through blindfolded eyes believing we can
see.“Phantom Self lives in the subconscious and dictates conscious behaviour, responses and perceptions which the conscious mind falsely believes it is instigating.”Phantom Selves get their views and opinions from other Phantom Selves programmed by the System.Education is acquiring knowledge, but this knowledge is
not necessarily true. It is only what you believe is true and what others have told you is true.David Icke’s books are refreshing reading because he writes just like he talks. Here he shows us how the lives we live constitute madness. He quotes Ellen Goodman as saying: “‘Normal’ is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for
work and driving through traffic in a car you’ll still paying for in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.”He calls human society “cuckoo-crazy”.Mainstream religion condemns anyone suggesting that we are ‘God’. “We are told to
believe that we are inferior, subordinate sinners that must worship ‘God’ when, in fact, we are a point of attention within ‘God’ as ‘God ‘experiences itself; but this ‘God’ is not the ‘God of religion – it is Infinite Awareness.”This is a typical Icke book – exciting, erudite and well-written (though he mixes British and American
spelling); it includes material about the Archon-Reptilian elite. We’re told that the Queen’s grandmother, Mary of Teck, is descended from the family of Vlad the Impaler – “one of history’s most infamous human sacrificers and blood drinkers.Actually, I’m in part glad I wasn’t able to finish the book, since Icke’s books,
though imparting valuable information, are invariably depressing, and I recall not being able to complete the last one of his I attempted to read for that very reason.On glancing through the book I see a wealth of interesting, though abhorrent, information, for example personal stories about the paedophile and Satanist Ted
Heath ( a witness describes how he was also a shapeshifting ‘reptiloid’). ...more Apr 28, 2019 Jonathan Hockey rated it it was amazing This book was a long read, but an enjoyable and important one.I think many of us have that sense something is awry in our modern society. I certainly have felt it from a very young age. But
few express some of the key aspects of this better than David Icke. He exposes common tactics of this system. From inversion: giving us the opposite of the truth as truth to mess with our minds. To a matrix like system being created to entrap us all on a fake level of consciousness, separated from each other This book was a
long read, but an enjoyable and important one.I think many of us have that sense something is awry in our modern society. I certainly have felt it from a very young age. But few express some of the key aspects of this better than David Icke. He exposes common tactics of this system. From inversion: giving us the opposite of
the truth as truth to mess with our minds. To a matrix like system being created to entrap us all on a fake level of consciousness, separated from each other as living, spiritual beings, and separated from our spiritual source as infinite awareness. This system, Icke argues in many ways, is not some accident, but is the controlling
manipulative creation of a group of evil beings. Now, I would say here we are maybe just dealing with an elite group of evil humans, and not get into the extra stuff with reptilians and all of this. But the result is little different, whether you see this as real, or merely as a colorful narrative to help give support to the ideas. In the
end, either way, we are left isolated from true spiritual awareness, entrapped in programming created for us by others, in the trappings of modern society and how they are weakening us and dumbing us down in so many ways. These are clear, experimental facts, and there is no way the human genome could have degenerated
this fast without some forces at work making it happen. He talks of agenda 21/2030 and the transphantonism agenda, all aimed at weakening us further and further into a state of abject slavery. And he offers as our only solution is to live more from infinite self and awareness, not from phantom self and awareness. To do this
we have to listen to our heart in how we act in our lives, and not to our sense of fear. It seems a standard new age kind of conclusion to what had been such a dramatic description of various evil archons, reptiles and demons trying to control us. But his point is simply that we empower these things based on our fears. We
create our own demons I would say, based on our fears. And they are not mere hallucinations, but beings effecting our whole society and world. Hopefully we can awaken from this nightmare we created for ourselves. Though it won't happen thanks to some technological miracle saving us the effort, it will only happen under
our own effort, with our own intentions, and with our own acts of courage in our lives in line with our hearts. ...more The problem with David Icke's books becomes apparent if you read more than one of them. Phantom Self was the first book I had read by Icke and for a long time I was very convinced and very impressed.It is
clear that the man believes what he says, or he has done an impeccable job of deluding himself into believing what he says in his “sold-out” talks (which are overzealously ‘censored’ by ‘Zionist hate groups’ [citation needed]) and writes in his books. I refute claims that Icke is an ‘ The problem with David Icke's books
becomes apparent if you read more than one of them. Phantom Self was the first book I had read by Icke and for a long time I was very convinced and very impressed.It is clear that the man believes what he says, or he has done an impeccable job of deluding himself into believing what he says in his “sold-out” talks (which are
overzealously ‘censored’ by ‘Zionist hate groups’ [citation needed]) and writes in his books. I refute claims that Icke is an ‘anti-Semite’ but I definitely think that he manipulates his brushings with Zionist groups to work in his favour, as a publicity stunt. It goes without saying that he puts a lot of effort into these books, there
is a fair amount of research as a lot of what he talks about on a scientific level is warranted. It can be proven by science, even mainstream science.A lot of the content in this book, however, is beggar's belief. These books are craftily written and there's this sleight-of-hand move that I noticed that Icke does a lot, where he will
talk about proven, verifiable science but he will present it in such a way that implies something to confirm one of his own, wild, wacky beliefs that are nearly impossible to verify, let alone believe, as it's coming from anecdotes and blurry history and cultural references. (That includes the reptilians and the archon race who
enslave us in the ‘Matrix’ - a term first coined by William Gibson in his debut novel Neuromancer, by the way) He likes to mix verifiable truth in with downright conspiracy theory to give you this perception that ‘this is how things are’ – and it’s very effective. You can end up believing a lot of this stuff. Until you realise he is
a genuine, down-to-Earth madman, or a cruel and calculating conman. Many people like to cite Icke and claim that he has ‘got it right’ so many times, having made many predictions in the past that have come true. A stopped clock is correct twice a day. So he lives up to his claims that he is the son of God? But he talks about
the Matrix a lot… so maybe he’s changed his mind, perhaps he’s Neo now. I’m not making a cheap joke here, but rather pointing out that he still believes he is a messiah. The way he writes everything, the way he speaks… It’s painfully clear. The overall tone of the book is like this. It’s no different to evangelist, preachy
talking.Anyone with a history book, highly functioning intuition and realistic understanding of humanity and human nature can make the predictions that Icke has made in the past. That isn’t even the point though. What’s the difference between Icke and Nostradamus when Icke still gets it wrong (although he tries very hard to
cover this up, like when he made a complete fool of himself and accused a man of being part of the ‘paedophilic Satanic elite’ and had to pay a lot of money in damages because it was obviously BULLSHIT). I think Icke profits greatly from the fact that people have a lot in common with him and his thoughts: “I’ve thought
that before you know, he must be onto something!”. Most people are against political correctness gone mad, corruption, governmental deceit, 9 to 5 bullshit, materialism and so on… but he uses it to gather people up and then try to sell them his New Age, nihilistic ‘life is but a dream’ stuff.My biggest gripes about this book
lie in presentation of the book, as well as the content. It is obvious that Icke publishes in the print-on-demand business model. There is obviously nothing wrong with this, but the quality of the book is insulting considering how much you pay for it. I had the book about half a year and it had started falling apart. The paper is
that awful bleached white that almost looks blue. The ink is cheap. The attention to the overall publication is pretty diabolical, it’s especially hard to read Phantom Self because the text is unjustified and it bleeds right into the margin. You have to gormlessly play tug of war with the book with both hands just to be able to read
it properly.The content is heavily recycled from preceding books, and after reading his 2017 book very arrogantly and self-righteously titled “Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told”, I have began to realise that he has yet cannibalised the content of Phantom Self and recycled it further, expanded upon it,
made a few edits and postscript updates and packaged it as a new book. When, really, it isn’t a new book at all. When you’ve read one David Icke book, you pretty much know how the others will go. I feel like Icke keeps releasing books as potboilers. As soon as his budget is running a little low, after all the tours, media
spotlights and so on, he just releases another book based on much of the content of the previous books. The book(s) roughly follows the structure of a few opening, inspirational poems, a backstory of Icke’s life and how he was a footballer and BBC presenter, how he had a life changing experience in Peru after being told by a
psychic that he was a messenger and he was going to travel the world spreading a message and writing books and so on… Then he talks about how the universe as we know it is an illusion, a hologram, it’s not real… that we’re enslaved by a race called the Archons, and that people in power structures all over the world are all
related and have a monopoly on we slave humans… and that these people are reptiles in disguise… then he goes on to say that we’re all victims of a rigged political system, controlled by these forces to keep us all ignorant and at war with each other so we don’t find out the truth and hold hands and sing in perfect harmony…I
have a few words of advice for Icke: Stop publishing the same book, it’s wearing extremely thin. I have woken up now… to the bullshit you are pedalling. I was in a vulnerable state and I clung onto your work. I was fascinated, willing to believe, I thought you were different, but you are just another business man. One with a
very clever business model.I ripped Phantom Self and Everything You Need To Know up and binned them, because they were taking up precious space on my bookshelf. An absolute waste of time, do not bother. ...more Aug 11, 2018 Richard rated it it was amazing David Icke is certainly on to something here. He seems to
have this ability to step back and look at the world from some truly interesting perspectives. He might have a few bizarre theories on history, life and reality, but they're never boring and often incite some deep thought. Icke is also someone who does his research, and there is much that could be learned through his historical
revisting. It's unfortunate that so many people dismissed this man as a crackpot or simply a joke. Let me assure David Icke is certainly on to something here. He seems to have this ability to step back and look at the world from some truly interesting perspectives. He might have a few bizarre theories on history, life and reality,
but they're never boring and often incite some deep thought. Icke is also someone who does his research, and there is much that could be learned through his historical revisting. It's unfortunate that so many people dismissed this man as a crackpot or simply a joke. Let me assure you, he is neither. Icke paints a picture here that
is quite interesting; at times horrifying, definitely hopeful and never, ever dull. Phantom Self is definitely worth checking out for all those who are looking for an alternative measure and meaning where reality is concerned. ...more Jun 13, 2017 Greg rated it it was ok I've read all of David Icke's books and enjoyed every one. I
didn't like this one. The information seemed to be compiled in a scatterbrained manner without logical transitions between topics. Besides the fact that the organization was poor, the copy editing was even worse. There are very few paragraph breaks in the book. I counted one 8-page section of the book that was a single
uninterrupted paragraph. That fact alone made the book almost unreadable for me. Nov 23, 2019 JJ rated it it was amazing Another amazing book by David Icke who like all his books exposes the sinister families running the world and their New World Order enslavement. In the Phantom Self, David shows who we really are
as a race (infinite awareness), the archon matrix that is trying to enslave us, and how we can break free. Jul 06, 2016 Read It rated it it was amazing I do not agree with everything David Icke mentions in this book until further notice but it is worth investigate the information more properly. In David Icke mind, everything has a
way of a system and in this system is how individuals operate and in David Ickes view all systems are bad in his view and everything is a conspiracy of Illumanti and Demiurge. He mention we are trapped on here on Earth by the Demiurge virus and it feeds off our energy and the virus wants everything to be bad always. I do
not agree with everything David Icke mentions in this book until further notice but it is worth investigate the information more properly. In David Icke mind, everything has a way of a system and in this system is how individuals operate and in David Ickes view all systems are bad in his view and everything is a conspiracy of
Illumanti and Demiurge. He mention we are trapped on here on Earth by the Demiurge virus and it feeds off our energy and the virus wants everything to be bad always. Which could or could not be true still. He mention Our Earth is a bad copy version of the original and our reality is not what it was suppose to be. Either way
the first part of the book is well know on the holographic illusion of our reality, the second part of the book is open to new way of thinking and the third part of the book is all based on conspiracies. Either way, this is my first David Icke book I read in detail and I will more likely be reading his other books in I come across
them in any book sale. Great Book with lots of pictures. I good read for anybody interested in conspiracies way of thinking. ...more anthony rated it it was amazing Jan 27, 2019 Mr Matthew rated it it was amazing Nov 28, 2018 Жозеф Антоний rated it really liked it Oct 18, 2019 Anna Karen rated it it was amazing Mar 23,
2017 Hannah Beckett rated it really liked it Jun 24, 2018 Richard rated it liked it Oct 20, 2018 Julia Williams rated it really liked it Jan 17, 2018
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