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Narrated in the book of Syumusul Anwar page 49 in the chapter "using the Du'a Wasy Syamsi
Wa duhaha", that Reverts the book (book Author Syumusul Anwar) Sheikh Ibn Hajj Al-
Tilmisani At-Morocco tells how his difficult getting this benediction, here's his story translated
directly from his book without in pieces (original) or in the Add

Said Mohammed Ibn Hajj Al-Tilmisani At-Morocco "know, o my brother that read kitabku
(Syumusul Anwar) verily, prayer is full of blessings and prayers is an efficacious I looked it up
for 10 years and I'm constantly looking for prayer is a prayer the most I love with a passion for
the Summit so that I continue to find that finally this du'a kudapatkan from a Sheikh who came
from Iraq in the city of Baghdad (according to scholars such as Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Zailani)
Sheikh is an awful lot of work Khowariqul ' Adah (Custom unconventional man) I met with
Sheikh this after I had a very long Riyadhoh, after I met him then I discuss in the matter of the
science it then the Sheikh said to me "in Science is a variety of the ajaiban – ajaiban and the
anehan", I tell him "for the sake of Allah looked kanlah to me something of a miracle of
science", then the Sheikh tsb said to me "If you can keep it a secret, and let us go undoubtedly
you'll see wonders of science"
When we go on a journey in which very briefly all of a sudden we've got a city in which there is
one island which is white I've never seen the island as beautiful as it was before, in the island
there are daughters of the King of jin, then I fear for myself when I saw that, then the Sheikh said
to me, "didn't you want to search for and watch from the ajaiban-to ajaiban science?" , Then the
Sheikh spoke with a speech that not I understand at all (Read Azimah usually by Syriac/Ibroni),
then arrived – arrive around us becomes normal again as readily kala (back to nature) with wet
bodies filled with Water
Then I tell the Sheikh in what ways you "get it" then the Sheikh had replied "I will teach it to you
when you are able to keep it a secret Science, Surely you see the jumper on a Prayer Letter WAS
SAMSI WA DUHAHA", then I asked him to teach the Prayer came to me and said to me,
"Sheikh And of course I will teach it to you after you have settled some time with me" Then I
settled down and served him for 5 years, after which the Sheikh took the oath and promise that I
didn't saw this Prayer teaches/except to people who are devoted to Allah, and Sheikh
tersebutmengajarkannya known to me and I mean – it's in prayer so I beriyadhoh up and take a
look at the secret – the secret stored in this prayer, then I keep this prayer from someone else (not
taught on the other).

When I looked at my hair which had been supplied by white hair and calling me a Hatif than haq
(voice without form), I know that Death will be mendatangiku in the near future, then I Ask the
Alloh with beristikhoroh to give his help me Allah to compose this book (Syumusul Anwar Fi
Kunuzil Asror) and I begged permission to make Du'a to Allah this can be included in this book,
then the Almighty Allah give taufiqnya to me, then I put a Prayer Letter Was samsi and duhaha
in this book, Prayer has 19 uses:


If the Prayer is written on a new Vessel with his writings Za'faron tinya is then removed with
water (water content in the Vessel) and you see on the vessel while reading the Prayer once
accompanied by burning frankincense Lubban Jawi (kind of Lubban very much at all in Java
island and cheap) then you will see on the water one of the jin qobilah visible to the naked eye in
the middle of the water, Then just ask them about the theft (who stole), hidden treasure, the
treasure of the Qorun, or the things Unseen, then surely they will answer your questions then
going down a Will that named ISMAIL AL-KATIB and some Will of the Ruhany.

Please read this Prayer every obligatory ba'da 7 x for 14 days and at the time you read this prayer
must always burn incense and sandalwood Incense Lubban Jawi to the accompanied Kholwat
(far away from suara2 and rage of men) and fast with fast food does not take a beryawa right on
the 14th at midnight will present your kehadapan seora
Please read this Prayer every obligatory ba'da 7 x for 14 days and at the time you read this prayer
must always burn incense and sandalwood Incense Lubban Jawi to the accompanied Kholwat
(far away from suara2 and rage of men) and fast with fast food does not take a beryawa right on
the 14th at midnight will be present will make you a kehadapan of the Angel Ruhanny that will
always give you the message of every message that you ask him about the news good or ugly.

3. changing the PIECES of PAPER into MONEY SILVER DIRHAM

Your fast for 21 days with berkholwat and fast food that doesn't animate and read this 11x du'a
each obligatory prayer ba'da, right in the middle of the night is the last day you'll see 7 King jin
of magnifying Kings (instead of the usual King of jin) who say greetings to you balaslah greeting
them, then the will would give full-laden and kayfiyah (Ordinance) to you about anything you
want from changing the paper into money silver Dirham (Antiquity).
4. changing the PIECES of PAPER, leather, leaves BECOME GOLDEN DINAR MONEY

Guntinglah pieces of paper or leaves, bark (not in the limit amount) write on tiap2 pieces Asma '
was TOISY (sin) on the face first and TOIS (Sin) in the face instead, Then lumurilah potongan2
who have written asthma ' with Misk Za'faron Oil, then write Khotim Khabir on new-container
(Tray or large plate Can) then insert potongan2 paper or leather, leaves with the money/original
dinar in the current Government (for example that you want to make money like the example) on
a container that is lavishly written Wifiq Khotim kabir and then cover with a white cloth, and
then asapilah with incense and sandalwood incense Jawi Lubban while at the read of the Prayer
on the containers Was samsi and duhaha 100 x until you see a white-colored birds down into the
container, if you look at these birds to move a motion in the container and then disappears it's the
omen is se people Will, then open the lid you will find potongan2 papers have turned into money
that equals the original example.
the usefulness of this without riyadhoh kholwat and fasting but using the power of Wifiq Khotim
Khabir And Du'a Was Samsi waduhaha
5. changing the Stones into GEMS & YAQUT
Write Wifiq Khotim Kabir on paper and asapilah with Menyan Lubban Agarwood, Incense and
Then collect rocks that you want to change it into a jewel eperti Jamrud, yaqut wrote on the
paper have been red in Wifiq Khotim tulisi kabir then read Do'anya 100 x and sebutkanlah in
their hearts want to change into what the rocks gems then what became of your urination will be
terqobulkan by Alloh wasilah Prayer blessing Was Samsi Wa duhaha
Write Wifiq Khotim Kabir on paper and asapilah with Menyan Lubban Agarwood, Incense and
Then collect rocks that you want to change it into a jewel eperti Jamrud, yaqut wrote on the
paper have been red in Wifiq Khotim tulisi kabir then read Do'anya 100 x and sebutkanlah in
their hearts want to change into what the rocks gems then what became of your urination will be
terqobulkan by Alloh wasilah Prayer blessing Was Samsi Wa duhaha

7. changing the ROCKS into GOLD SILVER & MATERIALS

Take the Rocks that you want to use a gold or silver/Tambang material be it large or small stone
read of Du'a Was Samsi and duhaha on the stone 100 x when it has finished reading the 100 x
then the stones will turn into rocks containing gold/silver.
Write Khotim Kabir on the skin and make the skin a deer made the skullcap Skullcap and
asapilah with Bukhur and sandalwood Incense Lubban menyan and wear the skullcap when you
wear the skullcap of the Sun right on top of you before time then read his prayer Dzuhur 100 x
standing up, look at your reflection in the shadow you've not seen then andapu is not seen by
anyone walking by you lah and no one will hear you and see you There is a tsb on the Skullcap
over your head.

9. OPEN KUNCI2, bond, CHAINS etc.

Write down on paper then Khabir Khotim gird the writing on the top of right arm read do'anya 1
x on Kunci2, Padlock, chain, Handcuffs etc. and seize the key with your right hand tiap2 then
these keys will open by itself.
Write Khotim Khabir on a piece of white silk Fabrics asapilah with incense Lubban Java store on
a cloth 100 seeds/Seeds (can be various types of his seed) that will be planting that has tiap2 read
on seeds in prayer was samsi and duhaha then make a fabric that contains seeds of tsb with yarns
silk colors green and then read of kem
Write Khotim Khabir on a piece of white silk Fabrics asapilah with incense Lubban Java store on
a cloth 100 seeds/Seeds (can be various types of his seed) that will be planting that has tiap2 read
on seeds in prayer was samsi and duhaha then make a fabric that contains seeds of tsb with yarns
silk colors green and then read back do'anya 7 x then sow seeds on your t/l; the garden crops
fields you next but it must be midnight wal; aupun you harvest per the field day will not be
exhausted his strength 41 days with notes panennya to be middle of the night.
Same as no. 10

12. FOLD the Earth (SAEFI wind)

If you want to fold the Earth then read the Du'a Was Samsi And Duhaha 100 x in reading in the
musalla or in the desert at night while burning incense of Java and Lubban Menyan sandalwood
and agarwood once completed 100 x then it will present before you a Will from the Jinn who
gave greetings to you do not reply to your greeting, then when you look at his hands a stick
sambarlah stick out of his hand tsb (Steal) don't be afraid because the prayer was samsi
waduhaha the fortress/the very protection in to fear by the jin and Khoddam and off you go to
your place and he will not follow you, if you want to go from the Earth to the East to the West
the Earth within an instant take a stick and bacakanlah on stick tsb tsb Du'a was samsi and
duhaha once and then walk with a stick they will then you will get to your destination in just a
blink away.

13. FLYING in the AIR

If you want to fly in the air then Lumurilah your body with rose water and misk za'faron all over
your body then read D'o ' anya 100 x, then fly with can be witnessed by humans are present.
If you want to walk on water then write Khotim your shirt should be on Khabir clothes were
made of cotton fabric color putihkemudian asapilah with Lubban and sandalwood and read
do'anya 1 x then walk lah on water kemanpun you like and you will not fall


If you want to bring something from the food drink then read the Du'a & Was samsi and duhaha
10 x burn with Bukhur Lubban Jawi and sandalwood when you read the du'a sebutkanlah in liver
meal or drinks that you like with your permission alloh packed the drinks & will present before
you (the author has proved the effectiveness of the 15th, Before attending food and drink be
preceded wind gusts y went into a berkholwat writer).


If you want to withdraw money from property which is not in the zakati or mubahnya property of
the Earth the prayers on bits Specify the eaglewood original (author of membutuhkanya the size
of 40 x 40 kira2) then asapilah with 1. Lubban Jawi bukhur 2. Red sandalwood incense 3.
Asfatul Jin 4. Bukhur sulaiman, then read his prayer 100 x while in the mentioned in your heart
how much money you want and what currencies, then after you have finished 100 x the money
will present in front of you. (This practice without Riyadhoh, fasting in need is a lonely process
reply 2 days because Do'anya very long 4 page paper polio)


If there is someone yangsangat mendzolimi you and you want to destroy it Then wake up at
midnight and sholatlah 100 rak'ahs with each 2 rokaat salam, if insufficient time continue on a
night to night to 2 to 5, On tiap2 Rak'ahs Do'anya 1 x after you read Surat Al-fatihah once
completed 100 rak'ahs sebutkanlah in the hearts of who those who want you to destroy after it
you will see that person had died (in this yg Uses the 15th istikhoroh is required in advance
before you do, istikhorohnya named Istikhoroh Kasyifah with Yasin Insha Allah will be
published later).

If you want to destroy the homes of people who are very Dzolim to you write Khotim Shogir on
a stone from the Wadi (Valley) then bacakanlah du'a wassamsi wa duhaha on the rocks 7 x, then
your left the stone to house the people who dzolim then within 1 day by permission Alloh House
will be destroyed in a manner which vary.
(In reply to don't do it Try 17 and 18, Mudah2an we included in the Hadith the prophet "called a
Muhsin (damper), is the person who does the goodness in people who had hurt him".
If you want to attract will make du'a to escort will make in this is the how:

1. Wash the body, clothing, places of nazis and shit

2. Place must be far away from suara2 and rage man
3. Provide 3 kinds of Bukhur (Frankincense) Lubban, sandalwood, Qistol
4. at that place you fasted 40 days diving
5. B
5. Fast with only eating fruits
6. read the Du'a each Obligatory 30ru ba'da 7 x
7. Each read the Prayer should always be scented with wangi2an that has been mentioned
8. Always keep the Ablution
7. empty the contents of the Time by reading the Font

When you reach the 20 sitting across from you will se a huge lion's tail do not answer when she
talked to you just keep reading till then the lion do'anya disappear from your sight, on day 28
will be present with the obvious one of the army's forces Jin Hawwam that surrounds your place
berkholwat then do not be afraid of those who then they went with the blink of an eye

On day 40 will appear clearly a huge army consisting of troops carrying arrows on horseback
dressed all in Green saying salam to you, then balaslah their greetings, and then ask you to them
about angels in wakilkan Alloh Almighty in prayer Was samsi and duhaha named Sayyid
BarkhazilinThen they will share it to you. Know by you that verily, Sayyid Barkhazilin is Will
that ruled the sciences in Natural carved in the Kursy, stated there The Nuroniyyah Sciences in
carving/written on Bisat (Tapestry) Prophet Sulaiman a. S excess of Nuroniyyah sciences are
able to open the hijab2 occult, Appeared to ajaiban2 and to anehan2 for people who have it.

Behold, o my brother who read this book (Syumusul Anwar) is actually a variety of secrets and
all what you want from Khowariqul Adah (Indigenous human habits such as outside walking on
water etc) collected on the ring Will Barkhazilin then pintalah him sayyid rings that will make
Sayyid Barkhazilin will give it to you and, of course, he gives some loaded for you, if you can
afford to carry out more, take the ring-Laden.

When you move-motion of the rings on the fingers of your hand and you mention in your heart
what you want from khowariqul adah then you will be able to execute it, and be careful you don't
get the ring is visible to others, then ring the tsb will be lost and will not be back at you this
prayer Was a waduhaha at the samsi intent:

Bismillahir rahmanir rahiimi ya allahu yarahmanu yarahiimu as-aluka bi uluhiyyatika

waruhamaniyyatika wabi ‘amiimirahmatika ya manhuwa lilkauniilahun
( Wasysyamsi Waduhaha ) As-aluka ya rabbi biwawi wahdaniyyatika an tafiidhaalayya min
syumusima ’arifiinayatika anwaaran
( Walqomari idza talaahaa ),
Ya man khalaqal badar almuniira wasoyyar ala’maala waqodara fiihi ‘ala makhluqatihil aqdaari
( Wallayli idza yagsyaaha )
Allahumma atla’ lii qomara anwarii jalalika wajamalika ‘ala sawadi aujaarifa yadii-a sana-al

( Was sama-I wa ma banaha )

Fabissama-ilmurtafi’ati bighairi ‘amadin wabissama-il ‘aliyati ‘alalatwaadi walbina-ilmurtafi’i
wassirri wannuuri.
( Wal ardi wamaa tahahaa )
Allahumma bihaqqi man sa’a ‘alaqzraari ardika ayna madzhabu almuwakkalu bi yaumil ahadi
aqbil bihaq qiruqiyaa ila , Aynamurrata almuwakkalu biyaumil itsnainaqbil bihaqqi jibriila,
Aynal Ahmaru almuwakkalu biyaumi tsulatsa-i aqbil bihaqqi samsamaaiila, Ayna Burqona
almuwakkalu bi yaumil arbi-a aqbil bihaqqi miikaaiila, Ayna Syamhuraasyin
Almuwakkalu biyaumil Khamiisi aqbil bihaqqii sarfiyaiila, Ayna Abyadal muwakkalubi yaumil
jum’ati aqbil bihaqqi anyaa iila, Ayna maymuuna almuwakkalu bi yaumissabti aqbil bihaqqi
( Wanafsin wamaa sawwahaa )

As-aluka bi anfaasi malaaikatika waanfaasi anbiyaaika

( Faalhamaha fujuraha wataqwaahaa )
Allahummaalhimnassawaaba fil ‘af’ali wal aqwaali alhimnii bi ilmika maayazdaadu bihi qalbii
kasyfan waquwwatan
( Qod'aflaha man zakkaahaa )
Allahummaj ‘alnii minal muflihiinlladziina hum ahla was salaahi walfalaahi wannajaahi waslih
lii al ‘awaalima wasakhirhum lii wazakki nafsii bimagfiratika
( WaQodkhoba man dassaha )
Allahumma inna dzunuunal qasidiina halakii wamudharratiika tsuratfa ahlikhum wasyatit
( Kadzabattsamudu bitaghwahaa )
pa ahlul kadzibi marduduuna bi tughyaanihim wamahrumuuna ‘an maqamihim ladayka
( Idzinmba’atsa asyqaahaa )
Fab’asillahumma ilaruuhaniyyati hadzihidda’watiy akhdimuunii fi kulli ma uriidu wa la taj’alnii
min ahli saqawati waddalali walma’siyati.
( Faqoola lahum rasulullahi naaqotallahi wasuqyaaha ),
fabirasuulika shalihun alaihis salamu wanaqatihi wafasiiluha an talqi ya alayya siradiqati
( Fakadzabuuhu faaqaruuha )
famankadzaba bi aqsamin waayati kitabika faa’qirhu bil arwahil ‘uluwiyyati wassufliyyati aqran
(Fadamdama ‘alaihim rabbuhum bi dzanbihim fasawwaha )
wabillahi as –aluka an tanzila ‘ala man ‘asahadzihidda’watil latiifiihaa asmaauka
( Walayakhaafu )
Man‘ata ’aaqsaamaka wada’wataka min ala’waani wal‘afariiti
( Uqbaahaa ).
And here's Azimah/Wifiq
And here is the Wifiq/Khotim Azimah kabir (large) and Khotim Shagir (small):
Khotim Shagir:
Khotim shogir
Khotim Kabir:
Khotim2 See original source:

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