Article by Gaurav Sharma

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FAST FOOD CHAINS: Easy, Quick and Economic. Healthy?

The last time a person pulled over at one of the fast food chains, it’s possible it was because of one of
the various positive characteristics of a fast food outlet. Often called as quick service restaurants, they
fulfil the basic need of a human in a fancy and convenient manner. A quick meal on the move or
throwing a party to your loved ones, a Subway or McDonald’s might just be the answer to your

Changes in Eating and Consumption Patterns

The success of these chains is because of the changing eating habits. There has been a massive increase
in the consumption of fast food but with time people have become more aware. Major lifestyle changes
have occurred post the introduction of easy food. Gone are the days of rationing as people are now
flooded with choices. Takeaways and ready meals have changed the way meals are prepared and eaten.
Spending hours to prepare a turkey has gradually been substituted by heading to the supermarket and
buying everything readymade.

It is also true that with food available wherever and whenever, our waistlines just cannot keep up with
the number of calories consumed.

People Being Aware

From the initial days of fast food chains- when people were out and out buying fast food on the grounds
of convenience, economic and quick service, the fast food industry a major increase in demand for
healthy food. Most people have shifted from processed and readymade food to fresh and healthy
alternatives. This was largely in the wake of increasing lifestyle diseases caused by excessive
consumption of junk.

The Fast Food Chain Revolution

In recent years, the quick service outlets have realized the need to make a change in what they offer to
people. It is also the time to rethink the use of artificial preservatives and other ingredients that the
customers find objectionable. Awareness among people has prompted various fast food chains to
transform their 'junk food' image. Universally, fast food is considered as cheap and greasy. Recasting it
as ‘fresh’ and ‘real’ is considered to be a tricky task. Many chains are looking to redefine them by
purging recipes of chemicals people might find unappetizing.

Competition Ahead
The fast food chains face competition from the recent introduction of ‘fast-casual chains’ which are
touted as being higher in quality.

Chipotle, whose sales surged 20%, encourages use of organic ingredients and meat from animals that
were raised without antibiotics. Panera, a chain store of bakery café, also vowed to remove artificial
colors from its food.

Conclusion: Staying true to its name

With the entrance of global chains in domestic markets, it is evident that the demand for fast food is
rapidly increasing across countries. The youth which generally prefers eating and hanging out surely
accepts any kind of fast food alternative that enters the market. But it become necessary for the fast
food chains to stay true to its name and serve quick and convenient food but more importantly healthy.

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