Commonwealth Public Notice 2019 PDF

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F .No. 22-11201 8-85.

Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
External Scholarship Division


Subject: 2019 Corrmonwealth Scholarship in the UK - final selection - regarding.

The Commonwealth Scholarship Comnrission, UK has made the final selection for'2019
Cotnntottwealth Scholarship in the United Kingdorn' and a list of selected and reserved carrdidates is
etlclosed. On receipt of 'Confirmation of Award' letter fr"orn Conrrnonwealth Scholarship Comrnission,
UK, the selected candidates are required to inforrn the Ministry of Hurnan Resource Developrnent,
Deparlrnerrt of Higher Edr-rcation, E,S.4, west Block-1,2"d Floor, wing-6, R.K.puram, New Delhi -
110066 or through ernail at cs3.edu0) . The selected candidates who receive the 'Confirrnatiol of
Award' are required to cotnplete the forrnalities as mentioned at page 4 to 6 before proceeding to the UK
for their str-rdies.

(V isalaksh i Jayararran)
Under Secretary to the Govenlreltt of India
Dated: 05.07.2019
Tele: 0l I 26172896
Ministrv of Human Resource Development undel.'2019
StatBs of the Candidates nominated bv the
Commonwealth Scholarship in the UK'


INCS-2019- l9l Mr. Ishoo Ratna Srivastav SLrstainable Energy Futures

INCS-2o r9-21 5 Mr. Akashdeep Dey Sustainable Energy Systems
rNCS-20 r9- r 93 Mr. Tarun Bhasin Building and Urban Design in
rNCS-20 r9- r90 Ms. Asifa Kamboi Petroleum Geoscience
tNCS-20 r9- 198 Ms. Mallarnrna Boodihal Education and International
rNCS-20r 9-203 Mr. Rohit Pradeep Lahoti Urban Developmertt Planning
rNCS-20 r9-238 Mr. Rahul Agarwal Carbon Finance
INCS-20 r9- I 87 Mr. Pritam Singh Modern Sor.rth Asian Studies
rNCS-20 r9-209 Mr. Debayan Chatteriee Urban Development Planning
rNCS-2019-204 Mr. Tushar Mondal Architectural Design
rNCS-20 r9-233 Ms. KomalGupta Medical Science
rNCS-2019-224 Ms. Archana Kaliyaraj Selva Physical and Theoretical Chem istry
INCS-20 9-225 Mr. Mohd Yaseen Malik Pharmacology
INCS-20 9-226 Mr. Manish Cupta Chernistry
INCS-20 9-221 Mr. Atchutananda Surarnpudi Engineering Science
INCS-20 9-205 Ms. Smriti Dhingra Urbarr Development Planrring
rNCS-20r 9-212 Mr. Arashdeep Singh Environment and Sustainable
rNCS-2019-211 Ms. Mallika Talwar Nature, Society and Environmental
INCS-20 t9-207 Mr. Manoi Kutrar Yadav Public Policy

Selected, Candidate Withdrawn

NCS-20 9-200 Ms. Sahana Subramanyam

NCS-20 9-228 Mr. Gaurav Kurnar Dubey
NCS-20 9-218 Ms. Tanima Tanima
NCS-20 9-196 Ms. Shreeya Kedia

Reserve Candidate

INCS-20 9-191 Ms. Arunima Singlr

NCS-20 9-194 Ms. Arushi Bedi
NCS.2O g-214 Ms. Nandirri Sharma
NCS-20 9-213 Mr. Excellent Hansda
NCS-20 9-r89 Mr. Molrarnrnad Yasir Feroz Khan

Priority Reserve

INCS-2019- I 88 | Ms. Tarnantra Jair.r Applied Mathernatics

No. F. 22-1120t8-8S.4
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
(ES.4 Section)
West Block-1, Wing-6,
2"d Floor, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi- 110066
Dated the 5'r'July 2019
The selected candidate,

Subject: 2019 Comrnonwealth Scholarship in the United Kingdom - fonnalities to be completed by the
fi nally selected candidates

With reference to the application for tlre award of 2019 Cornmonwealth Scholarship in the UK,
the Governrnent of India is pleased to irrform you that you have been provisiorrally selected for the
aforesaid award by the Cornmonwealtlr Scholarship Cornrnission, UK.

2. The scholarship award is subject to fulfilling the conditions rlentioned irr the NOTIFICATION
OF AWARD sent by tlre Cor.nrnonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC), UK to the selected candidates.
Once the selected candidates fLrlfill all the conditions of tlre award. a'Confirnration of Award'letter is
sent to thern.
3. The candidates who receive 'Confirmation of Award' are required to submit the following
documents to the Ministry of Humarr Resource Development:-

l) A copy of the lefter sent by the Commonwealth Scholarship Cornmission confirrning the award of
scholarsh ip.

Il) Medical exarnination, as per enclosed pro-forma, by a Civil Surgeon, Staff Surgeorr/District
Medical Officer/Presidency Surgeon/Comrnissioner/ Medical Officer in the Arrny Medical Corps/
Honorary Medical Surgeon ernployed in any Medical Institution of the State Govenrrrent and certified
plrysically fit to study in the UK (any Medical Cerlificate issued rnore tlrarr three months before the date
of departure fronr India will not be accepted).

III) An Undertaking (pro-forrna errclosed) to abide by the tenns and conditions of the award on { l0
Norr-Judicial Stamp Paper duly notarized by the notary public.

tv) Cadre Clearance in case of Governrnent Servant.

v) lf ernployed. a NOC is required fronr the ernployer.

vt) lf resigned, a certificate to this effect frorr-r tlre enrployer.

x? \
4' The Candidate lnust obtain necessary cleararrce letter
fronr the Ministry in token of having
ftrlf-illed all the fo.nalities with the Governrnent
of India, which will be issued after subrnission of
the docuttterrts nlelltiolled in para 3 above and their
acceptance by the .orro.*n, authority in this
Ministry' Thereafter. he/she may approaclr British council
Division, British Deputy High comrnission.
New Delhi o| regional office of the British Deputy
High Cornrnission, Kolkata, chennai and Murnbai for
air ticket and visa.

5' Tlre candidate may apply to tlre Regional Passport

officer directly for his/her passpoft giving a
reference clf this letter.

6' The candidate is also advised to take sorne rrorey

for incidental experrses. He/She rrray co,tact
the authorized bank/agency in this connectiotr.

is requested to report to the Indian High comrnissiorr

I^,,^.. ,.-1'l:j"l'019"" in the UK and provide the
r()ttowiltg tnlonnallon:_

I. Date of arrival,
II. Expected duration of study/training,
III. Course ofstudy/training/research,
lV. Instirution/placeofStudy/Training/Research,
V. Address

8' The candidate should keep the lndian High comrnission

in the UK informed about any change in
the address' He/She is also requested to route his/her correspondence
with this Ministry through the
Indian Higlr cornnrissio,. If the candidate has any difficulty
hershe is advised to seek their help.
9' The carrdidate is required to send their joining repoft through
his/lrer Institution/ the High
conrnrissiotr of India, London, within a week of joining. Please
ensure that tlre progress repofts (blank
forrns to be obtained fronr the High cornnrission of India)
are sent by the Institution tlrrough the High
comrnission regLrlarly every year. on cornpletion of the study,
the candidate is required to report to the
Ministry attd to provide the date of arrival and the latest contact
address within two weeks of such arrival
failing which it rvor-rld be cotrstrued as violation of the conditions.
The candidate is also required to
subrnit a final repoft. as per prescribed format. which will be
sent to hirn/her later on his/her arrival in
lndia. The repoft contains the details of course of study.

l0' The candidate is expected to reside in the UK throughout

the study period and for leaving the
coulttly llecessaly pertnissiott must be obtained. He/She would
not take up any paid ernployrnent unless
plior consent is obtained frorn the corrcerned authority.

(N'B: Candidates who are employetl will be governed by the

terms of their employer with regartts
to leave/salary/promotion/seniority/pension/retirement benefits etc. 'fhis
Ministry will not interfere
in these antl allied administrative matters).

Yours faithfully,
v t?r\*)
(V isalaksh i Jayarhrnan )
Under Secretary to the Governrnent of India
Tele: 0l 1 26112896
Enclosures: As above

Copy to:-

I . The High Comrnission of UK in lndia, Chanakya Puri, New

2. The High Commission of India in UK, India House, Aldwych, London,
WC2B, 4 NA, United
Kingdonr. FAX No. 00-44-2Ot -836433 I

3. British Courrcil Division,

I They are requested that the candidates may
17, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
I be allowed to leave India only after they
New Delhi - l l000 t
I produce clearance letter from this Ministrv

(V isalaksh i Jayaraman)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele: 0l I 261 12896


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