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Republic of the Philippines

Region III – Central Luzon

Department of Education
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Concepcion, Tarlac

The Impact of Online Selling to Grade-12

Students of Benigno S. Aquino National

High School

Jenra L. Carreon


Castillo Concepcion Tarlac

I. Introduction


Online Selling is setting up an online shop to sell your products it can be useful and profitable

way of doing business. Online Selling will work if you have well defined products or services

that can be sold without woman involvement in the sales process. Fixed prices for all types of

potential customers , product or services that you can be delivered within a predictable time.

Online Business conducted through the use of computers, telephones, for machine.

Statement of the Problem

When we shopping online they spend time to make shop decisions and return less stuff who are

these desirable shoppers. The involvement of woman in the sales process unlike traditional

methods of selling. The seller must need to consider when the products or orders cannot

automatically come straight into their orders.


Nowadays, an increase in the technological revolution has happened in the world; However the

internet is the important significant revelation that has ever known so far and use by a lot of

people. Shopping via the internet has become one of the most successful uses that can connect

the various and companies and consumer alike. That is because of wealth of time and effort,

rather than travel the specific needs of a country. It has been able to the users of the internet to

choose whatever goods or things they want.

Scope and Delimitation

The men and women differently in Brick and mortar stores. The internet has long been in

offering similar speed and efficiency to both genders. But recent research by analyst and

retailers has turned up significant gender differences when comes to online shopping the most

striking is men need for speed.

Significance of the Study

Internet is an integral part of our lives. With it we communicate: gather news, network with

friends and colleagues, and share information and resources. Today we see many business it can

be large and small. This study have advantages over traditional methods, including reducing

order processing cost, being able to receive payment more quickly.

II. Review of Related Literature

Online shopping behaviour-identifying pre-purchase intentions of consumers is the key to

understand why the ultimately to do or do not shop from the web market one stream of research

under online consumer behaviour consist s of studies that handle the variables influencing these

intentions. A compilation of some of determinants researchers have examined are; transaction

security, vendor quality, price consideration, information and service quality, system quality,

privacy and security risks, trust, shopping enjoyment, valence of online shopping experience, and

perceived product quality ( Liao and Cheung , 2001; Seed et al., 2003; Miyazaki and Fernandez,

2001 Chen and Dubinsky, 2003).

Consumer Satisfaction and loyalty in the online market- investing in consumer satisfaction

from the online experience and creating brand or site loyalty are critically important for

companies that want to have a long run presence on the web. There are two approaches taken to
induce loyalty into consumers in an online context. One approach is to focus on concrete factors.

For example, creating a convenient and well designed online store and offering secure

transaction are the keystones of satisfying e-consumer ( Szymanski and Hise, 2005}.

How do online advertisements affects consumer purchasing intention- base on author

Ashraf Bany Mohammad Alkubise21 2004. Collage of computer science and software

Engineering University. The size and range of online advertisement is increasing dramatically.

Business is spending more on online advertisement than before. Understanding the factors that

influence online advertisement effectiveness is crucial while much research has addressed this

issue. Few studies have considered the case of developing countries.

Studies of online website- According to Frishman a basic level expert author the online selling

field may seem infinite in scope, too with millions of potential customers world wide. But

success in selling collectibles on the web is gained in much the same way as it is in the physical

world, by knowing buyer’s needs and meeting them.

Influence of Online Marketing on consumers – the typical internet user of the twentieth

century is young professional and affluent with higher levels of income and higher education.

They value time more than money which automatically makes the working population and dual-

income or single parent households with time constraints better candidates to be targeted by non-

store retailers (Burke, 2007). Actually, both demographics and personality variables such as

opinion leadership or risk advertisement are very important factors that are considered in a

studies trying to determine the antecedents of internet purchases (Kwak et a., 2012).

Conceptual framework

Trust Student’s in
V. Vvb. B. Bb. Attitude
Price decisions


III. Methodology

Data and survey instrument. My data was collected using a questionnaire survey which was

carried out in October 09, 2018. Respondents are the student who take online seller and the

manager in different online selling there selected using convenience sampling, and their own

knowledge based on their experience in online selling.

Research Design

The use of this research is quantitative research which is used to collect data by asking

individual person to express their thoughts or opinions from different sources. It also helps in

collecting enough interpretations of the findings.

Sample Population

The study was conducted in Concepcion, Province of Tarlac with the respondents of 20

randomly selected. The respondents were screened based on what factor they consider to buy

online. The respondents of this research would be answer it individual that can assess their

thoughts or opinions about online selling.

Instrument and Collection of Data

The study of this research was based on a primary survey using a questionnaire that was

based on what factor they consider to buy online. The questions will be 20 in total and they will

be covered it by 20 randomly selected people. The questions covered three collected data, first is

the consumers profile such as name, age, sex, and address, the second collected data is the

respondents answers about the factor they considered, and the third collected data is the

respondents preferred brands.

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